HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-04-19, Page 3APRIL W1918 es, E —.58,800:000 [N , CANADA siness Transacted. RS OF CREDIT ORDERS DEPARTMENT hest Current Ratt. 'HIS DISTRICT; rs Kkthn ensall Zurich El===acandit Do you - practice it? • L First me numbers, to rely or to consult old yrs means wrong eneral annoyance., little longer to make often it is clear gain, at° Directory first ie l'eneeen ilnillinn11111111 tRANDRARHENDERSO .s.A134;-`44111 VAR.UrSuf'r C ekt-,C ee£PIE. ?4 with a rush conserve.?' It's a duty you owe- A duty just as applicable to a • gs you eat and wear. Build- asein cost, that the importance all who know how steel, wood, building is the kind you apply only eLeaa uine B.B.) a Zinc Pent _ trunits us to this standard. lit& ore. To use less of it, would ne- the reputation that these paints -ad and pure white zinc in such ering capacity—and that stands sc it. lth Varnishing a Floor orlustre" excellent for interior or Barn and Outbuildings '-r1.13Lrri Paint. 1 APRIL 124 1918 ektreoweeee.meemmemarameameeremereetorremmeer . ORAm*****imm: •n. s iT a,1 Established 1871 I SAPITAL AND arsuevE attoomee 1 I MC' ----1.--- , --------'. . I X • XXI;OSITC)R 1 Savings Departmeit nave you nurneyln the Bank? Are you savbet By putting mar a few dollars at time you will lam pagan I a fund for emergencies.: Deposits of one Dollar and upwards receive& g Interest paid or added to accomststwies a yam SEAFORTH BlitANCH:/R. M. JONES, Manager. sontorsmositsonsainsionualisosisticonsminssanisimusaisismunsmos 4,••••••...4,........••••••••..•••••••••••••••• Wurett Exploiter mainowimmillt.1,11Mt DISTRICT MATE e. FORDWICH. A Record in Production.—H. Laird Of Fordwieh, on a 209. acre f made an impanel drive last year in the production of food. His record looks like a fairly tale, but it is quite Within the bounds of duplication by many others if help is secured or the mar's energy is equal to the tank. During the last twelve months he put na the market 32,450 pounds of beef, 16,109 pounds of pork, 11,221 pounds of 'milk, 248 pounds of butter fat, 1010 pounds of maple syrup, 553 dozen eggs. He also sold two draft colts and seven brood sows. <•• HULLETT. School Report—The following is the report of the school in section No. 1, Hullett, for the month of March: IV—Hall Farnham, Willie Living- stone, Cecil Farnham, Joe Hugill, Ross McGregor, Percy Tasker. III—Kath- leen Livingston, Wilfred Glazier, Don Dale, Ernie Dale, Etta Wright, Leslie Tasker. II — George Glazier, Pearl Mero, Frank Fowler, Walter Dale, M. Mann, Gordon. McMichael, Willie Wright. Sr. I—Gladys Freeman, F. Mero, EM-rna Maim and Myrtle Dale (equal), Hazel Freeman, : Fergus' Wright": Allyn Dale, Bob McMichael, Alice Walker. Primer — Agnes Wright and Wilfrid Freeman (equal), Elmer Dale, Olive Walker.—A. R. Farnham, Teacher. • -person of Mrs. Jane -Smith, who prac- tically all, her life had resided on the London Road, just south of Exeter. :She was aged 81 years and four days. Deceased had been in good health until about two or time years ago, *hen she suffered a stroke, but later recov- ered to o, large extent. In recent months, however, she had failed rapid- ly, and for several weeks, had been staying 'With her brother, Mrs. James Sweet, until about ten days ago whpn she was taken to Crediton to rethale with her sister, Mrs Hodgins. 'De- ceased was a native of Canada and lived. all her life -within a short dis- tance of where She was born. She is survived by two brothers and three sisters, James and Thomas Sweet, of Exeter, Mrs. James Hodginsaof Cred- iton, Mrs. John Colwill of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Lyons of London. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the residence of Mr. Thomas Sweet, Andrew street, Exeter to the Exeter cemetery and was 'of a private nature.. GODERICH Death of a Popular County Servant. —The court house flag *as flying at half mast on account of the death of Mr.• William McCreath, for many years the faithful caretaker of the .county buildings, who passed away early on Wednesday morning of this •week after an illness of only a few das. The fact of' his illness was not generally known and the news of his death was a shock to the community in. which he was so familiar a figure. The• funeral took place from. the fam- ily residence, Victoria street, on Sat- urday afternoon to the Maitland cem- etery. -Pte. Harry McCreath, son of the deceased, is on his way home from overseas and is expected to arrive in town this week. The home corning will be saddened by' the unexpected loss that has come upon 'the family,, all of , whom have the 'sympathy of the people of Goderich in their bereave- ment. es -/- One luxury that is actually an econ- omy is Salada Tea. It yields many more cups than ordinary tea and; be- sides has that unique, delicious flavor. DUI4GANNON Death of a Pioneer.—The commun- ity was shocked on Saturday, April 6, on hearing of the sudden death of one of its most respected citizens, in the person of Mr. John McLean, The de- ceased had been in the best of health this spring and was ipparently quite well up to •the moment when life de- parted on . Saturday afternoon while he was engaged in splitting wood. Heart failure was the immediate cause of his death. Mr. McLean was • born in the county of Tyrone,. Ireland, on Deceniberetth, 1837, and was brought to Canada at the age of three years. The family settled in Goderich town- ship, where he lived until the age of 25 years, when he moved to his pres- ent farm on the 4th concession of West Wawanosh. He was married the following year to Elizabeth El- liott, ' daughter of John Elliott, of Goderich to-wnship, who predeceased him six years. He leaves two sons' and two daughters to Mourn the loss of a patient and kind father; W. E., of' Winnipeg; Thomas at home, and the Misses Frances E., of Lucknow- and Lillian, at skime. Two brothers also survive: Robert- of Goderich, and Samuel of California. The deceased was a man of sterling qualities; a good neighbor and a true friend to all. He was a charter member of the Inde- pendent Order of Foresters, honorary president of the Agricultural Society and Driving Park Association. In. re- BLYTH ligion he was a member of the Metho- dist denomination and in politics a Pretty Wedding.—A very pretty lifelong Conservative. The funeral took place from his late residence on Thursday afternopn, interment being' made in Dungannon cemetery. 1 wedding was solemnized on Wednes- day, April 3rd, at high noon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson San- derson, when their eldest daughter, Elizabeth Caroline, was united in marriage to William Elymer Pollard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Samtiel• Pollard. The cereinony was perform- ed by Rev. R. J. McCormick, in the presence of about thirty guetts. The young bride was beautifully gowned in cream satin and ninon with pearl trimmings, entered the drawing room on her father's arm, to the strains of the wedding march, played by Mrs. George Clark, cousin of the groom. A delightful wedding dinner was serv- ed. Misses Reid and Clark acted as waiters. The bride's bouquet of sweet peas and carnations made very pretty table decorations. Among the beautiful presents included parlor chairs, a Morris chair, asclock, silver- ware, ivory set, etc., while the groom's gift to the bride was a handsome pearl pendant. The next morning the young couple left on their honeymoon trin to London and Strathroy. The bride's going away dress was of nig- ger brown and French serge. On their return they will- take up their resi- dence ocelot 1.0, concession 10, Hullett. Stewart's Sell it for Les Mail or Phone Your Orders We prepay the Carriage _ orrnal Prese•ntation of Spring Modes ro Continues with Most Interesting Displays of Smart New Apparel for Men, Women and Children, Revealing in Fascinating Manner the Authentic Styles for Spring rro 11 that' s Atew is F eatured in Charming Arra AND THIS IS WORTH EMPHEIZING 10 That despite the great advances in the cost of wool, you will find our Ready -to -Wear Department for Men, Women and Children quoting prices THAT CANNOT BE EQUALLED 4 SPRING IMPURITIES CLOG THE BLOOD. A TONIC MEDICINE IS A NECES- SITY AT THIS SEASON Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People are an all -year-round tonic, blood -builder and nerve restorer. But i they are especially valuable in the spring when the system is loaded with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the winter months.- There tS no other season of the year when the blood. is so much in need of purifying and enriching, and every dose of these pills helps to make new, red blood, In the spring one feels weak and tired— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give new strength. In the spring the appetite is often poor—Dr. Williams Pink Pills develee the- appetite, tone the stomach and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that -poisons in the blood find -an outlet in disfiguring pimples, 'eruptions and 13oils — Dr. Williams The happy couple are both very highly 1 pink 'Pills speedily clear -the skin be- esteeemdand they enter upon life to-, cause they go to the root- of :the gether with the best wishes of a host trouble in the blood:. In the spring of friends. At -present, they are. re- anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ery- spectively. the President and Secre- tary of the Methodist League, Blyth.- 4so. EXETER Case Settled.—The case of Mr. R. G.. Seldon vs. the Lucan Milling Co.,was Dr. Williams Pink Pills actuary . re- , disposed of in the County Court at new ann enrich the blood, and this Goderich last week after hanging firet new blood reaches every .organ` and for some time, the decision being in: every nerve in.the body, bringing new favor of the defendant. His Honor, health,*nd new strength to the weak Judge L. H. Dickson, presided. The easily tired men, women and children case arose out of a purchase of wheat —Here is a bit of proof: Miss Anna a year ago by Mr. Seldon from Mr. Patterson, R.F.D. No. 1, Thorold, Ont., W. T. Colwill of Centralia, and a re --says: "My trouble was one of. gen- sale of the greater portion of the eral weakness which thinned my blood wheat to the Lucan Milling Company. and gave me at times unbearable had - The company's men drew the wheat aches, loss of ppetite and also loss from Mr. Colwill's granary to the mill in weight. I tried Several' medicines, at Lucan. There then arose a differ- but without succep. Then I heard ence in measurement between the men of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and de- cided to give them a fair trial. The result is that I feel like a new per- son. My appetite improved, I gained in weight, my blood is thoroughly puri- fied, and my face cleared of .sorne un- sightly pimples Which had troubled me. If one good -turn deserves an- other then I have inuch pleaSure in recommending Dr. William' Pink Pills." If you need a medicine this spring. try Dr. Williams Pink- Pills—they will not disappoint you. 'These pills are . sold by all medicine dealers or you can get them by mail at 50e a box or six boxes or $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine CO., Brockville, Ont. ' sipelas and many other troubles pre most persistent because of poor, wieak blood, and it is at this time, when all nature takes on new life, that the blood most seriously needs attention. at the granary and the .men at the mill of practically a wagon -load of grain. Mr. Seldon sued for the a- mount represented. by the lost load of. wheat. . The judge decided that the measurc-ment of the men at the mill was the 6-orrect one according to the evidence. Mr. Seldon haying paid Mr. Colwill for the larger ineasurement claims he will now have to look.. to - Mr. Colwill for the return of a sum of money which he claims to have overpaid him according to the meas- urements. Death of a pioneer.—The death oc- curred on. Sunday last of an aged and respected resident of Stephen in the r:r a ring Coats d Suits for Men un,dreds of the v e r y huicest of the Season's ew Styles ofDependable atertals—Easily Priced BE UTIFUL and.distinctive Wash Materials in a wealth of new de- signs and colorings. Exquisite quality ,and erfection of finish are also char- acter stic of :this charming collection. The constitute a very allurement of attra tiveness. Cloths particularly ad- apte to every purpo4se, from the kid- dies lay suit to milady s,street gown $ an the prices will please yo nen'K Sprill Suits are here galore in the light greys and fa ns, in Norfolk or in Belters for the young men, and the stylish two or three button sacks for the more conser- ive dressers. In every instance they made up to our- standard ot good thes, with that indescribable attri- te known as style of good taste. - va ar dl ice . . MO to $20 Boys' Suits the New Pindiback garments, the emodeled Norfolk Styles and the plain ouble breasted garments in the lary st range of clothes we have ever had 12 3 to $ n our store. .7Fe Smart - Spring Suits Individual Models that are a joy to behold, with their beautiful hand -tailoring, Dis- tin,clive Styles and _Exquisite Materials. yOUR very ideals in Suits will be found in the ex- - 'node's we are showing. The very pict- ures you have had iii your mind's eye can be realized here—for the collection presents the very newest and smartest garmerits that the cleirerest makerwhave fash- ioned for Spring.. Every suit is a perfect master -piece, filled with genteel attractiveness. Gaberdines, Poiret Twills, Cheviots and Serges are re- 4. a 4 presented in all the -wanted colors. gala to $35 Smart Millinery Moderately Priced MOT for many seasons have the hats been so becom- ing, Choosing wase never attended with So little worry. Of course the delightful stock we have here ;s largely responsible for this, but back of it all is our staff of trained Milliners whose expert knowledge is al- waysa.-t your service. And " get this" Prices never were more reasonable Butter, Wool and Eggs Wanted 11•1•11111111e asoirswisimarmor. • ‘egenosememomr• Stewart Iros. SMFORTH jr- Wash Goods At Moderate Prices au the Gay, Glad Spring 2inte Colors, including the new Cloths, in Stripes and Moral Designs THE many distinct teatures that ap- pear in the New Top Coats for young men commend them to your discriminating taste. Slip -On, &hers and Pinchbacks are strongly reprsent ed: They come in Olightful patterns of grey, brown and )heather mixtures, fitted with good style and dressy ap pearance Price.... . . ... LO S 4. 20 TN. Superb Display of Dress cloods and Siiks ANotable feature of the showing is the delightful group of fabrics for Coats, Suits and Skirts for street or spOrt wear. While the dress goods and silks are characterized by a -wond- erful suppleness that fits them so ad- mirably to the New Styles. EVery new pattern and shade is represented and may be had at a moder- ate price. Butter, Fred and Eggs Wank&