HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-04-05, Page 66 &were CAUSES Rif SLlGWSN LI:E4' When the liver becomes aluggi +h ° sand` mastic the bowels become constipated, the tongue becomecoated, the breath bad thea etorlach foul and then ensues ilea aches. heartburn, floating specks before the eyes water brash, biliousness and all kinds of liver troubles. M'ilburn's Laxa-Liver Pills . will stimu- late the sluggish liver, clean the foul- coated tongue, sweeten the sour stomach, and bannish the disagreeable headaches. Mrs. A. Shublery, Halifax, N. S., wvrites:—` t take pleasure in writing you concerning the great veld I have re- ceived by using Milburn's Tia -Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my'liver got bad I v ould have severe headaches, but .after using a couple of vials of your pills, I have not been bothered any more." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at all dealers or mailed. direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. pins! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty Iotlor fi for a -few cents. The juice of two fret,. lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkab a lemon skin beautifier: at about the e t one must pay for 4. small ,jar of the rdinary cold creams. Care should be tit -en to strain the lemon juice through a. fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months_ Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and, tan and is the ideal 'skinsoftener, whitener and beautifier. ;Just try it! Get three ounces of Orchard white at any drug shire and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. 10•••••••••T James W at son a Genet,a l Insurance Agent Real Esta'e.and Loan Agent Dealer in .ewing Machines, Four good houses . for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seafortb:" Teirins reasonable and possession given promptly - Apply at my office for particulars. SCK, GLOSSY HAIR, PRE EGM DANDRUFF Girls! Try- it! Hair gets soft, -fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that gliEa tens, with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubleas . the beauty of your hair, besides (it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice - heavy; healthy 'hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and ifs very life, and if not overcome it produces -a fever- ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then; the hair falls out fast. Surely get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store and just try it. rau Ns OlE Every year. from Consumption, Willow could have been saved. if only common sense prevention had been used in the first stage. If YOU ARE a Sufferer from Asthma, tron- chitis, Catarrh, r:eutrisy, Weak Lungs, Cough and Colds—all Dis- eases leading up to Consumption-- T::bereulosis, YOU ARE interested. in Dr. Strandgard's T. B. Medicine. Write for Testimonials and Booklet. DR. STRAND GARD -'S M D CINR CO., 263 26° Yo14ee Street. Toronto. to lend on. Farms, First, Second Mortgages. Call or write me at once and get your loan arranged by return mail. No advance charges. E. B. REYNOLDS, 77 Victoria St, Toronto. SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Page's Qiapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acrid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity. will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, or eruetatione :of undi- gested food., li& dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for- its - speed in regulating upset stomachs. i It. is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it , is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a. large fifty - cent case of Pape%, Diapsis, from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to'suff` from indi- gestion, dyspepsia or any ` stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due to excessive acids in stomach'. SIR Mai SIORrNGaitiOl' WAS A, ..,...'SAT ABMEASSA ►" OR 1 t HSI the history,' et the present War is written in full, the name of Sir Cecil Spring -Rice wil appear on .the small list of men who played their: roles in the struggle without making a Mistake. Canadians Will afways re- member -that the 'career of this great Britisher came to an end at Ottawa, where he passed away* after his work was done. A scholarly..man, quiet and unostentatious; a man .of broad vision, yet with an inflate capacity for details, Sir Cecil Arthur Spring - Rice rendered our Empire most rvalu- able service as Ambassador at Wash- ington- It would be difficult to over- eastims.te the importance of the part he' played in bringing together into what is practically an alliance the two great English-speaking peoples —one of the most momentous de- velopments An world history._ What Sir Cecilaccpntiiilished was made pos- sible by hist understanding of the American people and his ability to make his Government understand them. • He did not make the mistaken of his rival ambassador, Count von Bernstorff, whose 'activties did so much to discredit his country. Sir Cecil Spring -Rice played safe. He was on home . leave when Ger- many let loose the great war storm he had so long foreseen, and here - turned shortly afterwards to Wah- SIR CECIL SPRING -RICE. Ington, convinced that the struggle would be long and arduous and that the issue would largely depend on the attitude of the United States. He be- lieved in the essential good -will of the President towards the allied cause and the genuine sympathy of all the best elements of the Ameri= tan nation, but he realized that the United States would only come in if Germany brought home to the Ameri- cans by her own deeds the real mean- ing of the struggle into which she had forced us, and meanwhile he knew she would spare no effort to 'embroil us with the Americans. Delicate questions were bound to arise constantly in regard to - the treatment of neutrals, especially neu- tral shipping, which, unless handled with skill and forbearance, might easily lead to serious controversies. It behooved the British Ambassador to walk warily through the maze of pitfalls. That Spring -Rice never once stumbled in those .anxious two and a half years of American neutrality, when a single false step might' have had disastrous consequences, shows how trained and experienced he was - in diplomacy. 'He had his reward when, invited on the floor of the House, he listened to President Wil- son's great pronouncement which Culminated in the American declara- tion of war against Germany—a pro- nouncement we were told which Sir Cecil himself once described as being as dispassionately and mercilessly de- livered as that of the judge who puts on his black cap to pass sentence on a condemned criminal. Prom that - moment Spring-Ri e felt he had achieved his task, and several months ago he spontaneously placed himself in A. J. Balfour's hands should the Government con-' Bider the work of the Embassy, which had passed out of the mere diplo- matic stage, could more effectively be carried by a representative of larger experience with complicated ques- tions of finbtice, shipping and sup- plies. It was; however, only at the beginning of this year that he was invited, not indeed to retire from the Embassy, but to come home and take some long period of leave which he had abundantly earned. Care of Pregnant Mares. The pregnant snare should be well ted,. and given regular exercise or light wo*k. All food and water givien shoule be of first-class quality, She should tj-e given more grant than the nou-pregnant quart, as she ,has her foetus to support. All possible care should be observed to ave.71,f digestive derangements; :terse everything con- sumed ;should be of good quality, eas- ily digested, fed in proportion to the anieunt of wort: performed ani at regular intervals. In addition to hay and oats, she should be given a, few raw roots daily, and a feed of bran with a cupful -of linseed meal, at least twice. weekly. Work that requires excessive tiius- rular or respirator:- effort should be avoided, so also should plun4in;; through deep snow, slippi'l:;, east.. All nervous excitement should be avo.d•. e'l, so also should sights which frighten her, also. offensive odors and operations. i The use of drugs should not br tole=rated,. except upon the advice of a veterinarian. If necessary to give a purgative it is much safer to giv. raw linseed oil than aloes. Toward the end of pregnancy still greater care should be observed, and, while daily exercise up to the very last le advisable, it should - be given more carefully and less of it when she be - conies so:newiiat clumsy.on account of size and weight. While it is better to allow he- • 01111-drent Ory VOR -F CASTORIA THE iltIRON E eOSI OB r a,'4 .04 and after freshening. Many valuable cows and calvea are lest by neglecting to provide box stall -accommodation This` shenl'd °be foun •, its every, dein?' stable, Ir elee :hate; a' a.pet4ia►1, torn .for the purpose,; A 'few -bourns "sun - seine bath" each wee ak awii . make, tar more healthful stook'anCiniprove. the dairying. A Perfect Truth.efltfor ; This DistjesslegCel ialol 4 - W.A81 vca Ol r. "I had an attack a£ -weeping Eczema ; so bad that ` m r clothes would be wet through at times. For four months, Isuffered terribly. I could get no relief until I tried. `Fruit -a -fives and 'Soothe Salva.' The fast treatment gave me relief. Altogether, 1 have used three boxes .of `Soothe Salva' and two of 'Fruit-a-tives', and am entirely well," G. W. HALL. Both these sterling remedies are sold by dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, or sent on. `receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. • "Frit -a -Lives'' is also put up in a trial size which sells for 25c. box stall When in the stable at all times, it is practically necessary af- ter about th, tenth month "of gesta- tion, as the period of , gestation is Irregular and the foal may be born, without any well -marked premone- tary symptoms, any time after ten months. After the foal is born the mare should be given at least two weeks idleness, and if she can be allowed to run idle until weaning tithe, it will be all the better for both herself and fowl.—J.H.R., Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. - Vacant Lot Gardening. The majority of the horticultural societies in this province have accom- elished great things with their vacant lot propaganda. in the cities of To- ronto and Ottawa alone many acres nave been cultivated. Ottawa reports over 100 acres from which 50,000 bushels of valuable garden products have been garnered in first-class con- dition. Those interested in horticul- ture in Toronto through the Vacant Lot Gardening Association have also done a splendid work and in a large way. The report issued by the super- •intendent, Mr. Geo. Baldwin, states: Number of lots under cultivation dur- ing 1917, -7 98-, all well cultivated. Number of soldiers and soldiers' fami-- lies working - lots, 80: Average size of -lots 3,000 square feet, all marked with sign board, Package of seeds' provided 725, of which 607 were paid d for S evera l` churches, hospi ais. homes, girtj, guides,` boy scouts included in lot Holders. One lot looked after• by a returned soldier who lost both his legs, another by a man with only one hand. The condition of both these lots would shame those who are not thus seriously handicapped. All gar- dens are inspected once a Week and reminders sent to those who neglect their slots. The crops produced have a. value of $40,000 at -a mod.erate esti- mate.—J. Lock_ ie Wilson, Ontario Department of Agricuture, Toronto. Preparing for Gardening. - This month begins the active gar- dening work, Hotbeds should be made and, the seed of the early plants like cabbage, Cauliflower, early celery, early beets, and the long season plants like tomatoes, egg plants and peppers should be started. Many of these seeds for small gardeniing work may be started `inside which will re- lieve the necessity of making hotbeds until the - first part of next month. Manure for top dressing the ground may be hauled out the latter part of this month. Hints For the Poultryman. The flock should be given the op- portunity to get out of doors and ex- ercise on fine days. Begin to make preparation for hatching. Clean up the incubators and brooders, get boxes ready for setting hens. Do not set bens in the laying pens where r,thrr birds are running. If you want fee ee i; e more than 150 chickens cone ^•c'.er the use of a good incubator acid brooder. Usually chickens of the eeneral purpose ' breeds hatched c': a ring Lie last week of March make rte beet winter layers. •Where using hens for tiatehing dust them well with cline good i; secs; powder before set- ting, and again about two weeks later. Care of 0./ie Freshening Cow. • This is the month when a large number of cows freshen. Both fresn cows and newly -born -calves should receive special attention. Cows ex- pected to freshen > Mould be placed in a box stall for a `ew days before AT 60 ENJOYING PERFECT HEALTH By the time a man or woman is 60, the kidneys aid—bladder need a little help to keep them in good working order. Rheumatism and backache so often accompany the later years -of life, most people have an idea health and vigor cannot be expected much - after the fiftieth year. • AS smatter of fact there is no basis for these fears, we could show a number r®f letters proving our contention that if GIN' PILLS are taken to keep the urine normal, prevent colds settling on the kidneys or bladder, and ward of Rheu- matic attacks, almost everyone can enjoy perfect'health at this late period. To quote from a letter received from 1 a prominent Consulting Engineer of New York City—"Your remedy I find, at 130 years of age, to give perfect relief from the Xidney and Bladder troubles incident to one of my age." Perhaps you know a man or, woman whose life is made a torment by 'Rh eu- xuatism, Backache, Sciatica, or Swollen Joints: Don't let it continue, for den Pills wilt surely bring that loris -for relief. You don't have to buy Grin Pills to try them, - Write for a free sam.mle. oclress the National Drug& (chemical.: Co.. of; Canada Limited? Toronto; or ii you Lige in the United. States write to qqN����a-D --Co 1ns., 202 Main . $ ., Binffalo, • Peeding the Ewe. on many farms lambs will begin to arrive about this time, If ewes,harve been liberally fed for a month before lambing they will likely have more Intik, Prom 1 to 1 ib. of grain fed ;ler ewe per day for a month before lambing is generally . good practice, especially if ewes are somewhat thin. —Ontario Agricultural. College Notes. A Farm Workshop. The progressive farmer recognises the need of a small building where he can 'overhaul, paint and repair his farm equipment in the most expedi- tious manner. Such a building must be compact and conveniently ar'rang- ed with a floor space that will accom= mods,te any of his larger machines. The floor should be of concrete to stand the wear and tear. In making the floor it will be necessary to place the anchor bolts, to which the sill is fastened, before the concrete has set. The avorik bench, forge and 'heater roust be ao placed that the centre cif the floor is left clear, but the bench and anvil must- be well lighted. The placing of the long window will de- pend upon which side of the shop re- ceiving the best light: Stairs read through a trap-door to the loft, where the lumber, etc., is stored..` This loft' is lighted with a window at each end • nd it also has a small door at the, front, on a level with the moor. Maternal Required to Build Shop, ca) U (5.2 oi vi cers x V H H a.� Ridge - 3 1-.8 24 20 16 14 16 12 16 16 20 16 8 elate and sill .. 4 2x4 62 4 2x4 Rafters .... 22 2x6 foists ,........ 11 2x6 Studding , 42 2x4 Gables 4 2x4 Openings4 2x4 a Ribbon board 2 1x6 Collar tier 2 1x6 Pulley bloctk 1 4x4 b'looring; 6:5," matched. .. Drops din,g ;tooling Sh!phi.p shin- gles, .B. C. xxx., 6,000, . ^riot ,., >inin,, 6" natcbed. •Lils aa:a :.taches, . in .....1.6 lbs. to n 10 lb . • ix 4 23t in 1.1/4 in. • 44 508 176 336 44 44 ' 402 .11. 380 1100 300 1600 60 tbs. 20 as, . r I01jT Tohe: i By Arthur Guy Empey (Continued from Page Seven) ties a piece of painted canvas was supposed to represent the back of the bar, at each shot from Alkalis pistol. a man behind the scenes would hit one of the bottles with.. his . entrenching tool handleand smash it, to give the impression that Alkali was some shot. Alkali Ike started in and .aimed at the right of the line of bottles instead of the left, and the poor •boob behind the scenes started -breaking, the bot- tles on the left, and then the box - holders ;turned loose; but outside of this little fleece the performance was a huge s ccess, and we decided to run itfon a eek. New troops were constantly coming through, and for sixperformanees we had the ' "S . D . O .." sign suspended outside. Of col producin in rest ways of. great g large s pany, yo This ma of chanc jty on tl ever the: Tommie; CHAPTER XIX On His Own. rse Todmy cannot always be plays under fire but while fillets he has numerous other amusing himself. He is a mbler, but never, plays for es. Generally, in each Com - will find a regular Canfield. • banks nearly: all` the games and is an undisputed author - e rules of gambling. When - e is an argument among the about someuncertain point as to whether Houghton is entitled .to Watkins sixpence, the matter is taken to the recognized authority and his decision is final. The two most popular games are "Crown and Anchor" -,.and "House." ,The paraphernalia used in "Crown and Anchor" consists of a piece of canvas two feet by three feet. This is divided into six equal squares. In these squares are painted a club, dia- 1 mond, heart, spade, crown and an an- chor;, one device to a square. There are three dice used, each dice marked . the same as the canvas. The banker sets up his gambling outfit in. the cor- ner of a billet and starts bally-hooing . until a crowd of Tommies gather a- round; the the game starts. The Pommies place bets on the squares, the crown or anchor beings played the moat. The: banker then rolls his three diceandcollects or pays out as the case may be. If you play the crown and one shows up on the lice, you get even money, if two show up you receive two to one, and if three three to one. If the crown does not appear and you have bet on it, you lose, and, so . on. The percentage for the banker is large if every square is ` played, but if the crowd is partial to, • say two I squares, he has to trust to - luck. The banker generally wins. The 'game of - "House" is very popular also: It takes two men to run it. This gable consists of •,num- erous- squares of cardboard containing three rows of numbers, • five numbers to a row.i The numbers run from one to ninety. Each card ,has a different combination. The. French estaminets in the vill age are open from eleven in the monk. ing until' one in the afternoon in ac- cordance with army orders. , After dinner the Tommies congre- gate at hese places to drink French beer at penny a glass - and play "House.' - - As soo as the estaminet is sufe- : iently crowded the !proprietors of the "House . Game" get busy and as they tern it "form zs, acho l." This, -consists; f going ; around and selling , cards at a franc each; If - they- have ten in the school, the baellfera of the game deduct tWo francs for their trou- APRIL 15, 11111 1i 11111 I1111f11111111111111111111111 III1111111°1111111111110r11.111(1� 1. - 11121111 j111111711. 1,1 1 98 .. hich would you rather have during war time—a smaller bar withwrapper-premium or a bigger bar for the money without the jremiuins ? We knew what ' your answer would be so we threw all our tremendous purchasing power into buying soap materials only rno' P u get II Your grocer ''always has Comfort. Once you use it you always use it. That's why i t - has "enormously the largest sale in Canada." Pugsley,Dingman & Co. Limited, Toronto Bei andaverStress ble and the winner gets .eight francs. Then the game starts. - Each buyer places his card before him on the table first breaking up matches into fifteen piece. - - - One of the backers of the .gamehas a small. cloth bag in which are ninety cardboard squares, each with a number printed thereon, lfrom one to .ninety. He rape on the table and cries out, "Eyes crown, my • lucky lads," • All noise ceases and everyone- IS attention. - The dr,oupier placess his hand in the bags and draws- forth a numbered square 'and immediately calls out the number. The man who owns the card with that particular number ,on it, covers the square ww1th amatch. The one one who covers the fifteen numbers on his card first shouts. "House." The other backer izn mediately comes over to hint; and verifies;:the. card, by call: ing out the numbers thereon. to the man with the bag. As each Humber is called he picks it out of the ones picked from the bag and says "Right." Then • -if the count is right, he shoutse "H©use correct, pay the lucky gentleman and sell him a card for the next school." The "lucky gentleman" generally buys, one unless he has a Semitic trace in his veins. Then another collection is made, a school formed, and they carry on with the game. - The caller -out nas niany nicknames forrthe numberssricb as "Kelly's Eye" for one, "Leg's Eleven" for eleven, - `Clickety-click for sixty-six,_ or "Top of the house' meaning ninety. The game is honest .id quite en- joyable, Sometimes you have four- teen numbers on jtour card covered and you are, waiting for the fifteenth to be called. In - an impioring voice you call out, "Come on Watkins, churn, Fm - sweating on 'Kelly's Eye.' " - Watkins generally ' replies, "Well, keep out of a draught, you'll catch cold" - Another game istiont on, played with cards, it is the same as our ",Black Jack," or "Twenty-one." A card game called' "Brag" is also popular. Using a casino deck, the • dealer deals -each player - three- cards. It is similar to our poker, except for the fast that you only use three Lards and cannot draw. The deck is. never shefiled until a man shows three of a kind or a "prile" as it is called. The value of the. hands are,, high card, a - pair, a run, a flush or three of a kind or "prile." ' The lin'iit - is generally ad zsennv, so it is hard to win -a fortune. The next in populary is - a cam game called °Nap." It 4s well named. . Every tune I played it I went to sleep.. Whist and Solo Whist are played by the highbrows of the Company. (To be Continued Next Week) - NOSIWIMMISOINNAWSP "CASC TS" WORK V'' YOU SUR For Sick Headache, Sour Sterna - Sluggish Liver' •and Take Cascarets tonight. Farad T n.gue, Bad Taste, Indigso., time allow -Skin and. Miserable Rut& aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, whichcause your stow aelt to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like ;gam bage in a swill barrel. - That's rhe" Sri. step to untold miseryt--indigestion, foul gam bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible nauseating. A" Caas `:.I :t to -night give your. constipated 'welts a fro cleansing and- straighten you inorninge 'They work while -you slee .a 10 -cent box from your druggist a keep you feeling good for mond. satitarmirsaialmlialgt Military Senice Act Important Annoiincement to All EXEMPTED MEN and to :lee Public Generally - N dealing with the very lanae numbs of claims for exemption brought forward for consideration connection with class 1 -- �r under the Military Service Acit s occurred, as was inevit- able, that as a result of false statements And difficulties p t in the way of investigation, some individuals have secured k option whose proper place is in the Army. It is not the intention of the Government to allow these men to evade nmanently their obligation to bear their part in the military defence of- the Country and of the ideals for which we are -fighting. To do so would defeat the purpose of the Act, and cause grave injustice to men in the second class necessarily called out to fill their places. Exemptions ' Granted on False Grounds - It is, therefore, proposed to.scrutinize carefully' all exemptions granted to date in order to separate those which have been granted on 'false or insufficient grounds from those that are well'founded. With this object in view the various Registrars under the Wlitary Sezvice Act have been instructed to issue a series of questionnaires tc+ exempted hien. These questionnaires must be .filled up correctly and- returned promptly under penalty of forfeiture of exemption for failure to do so. Exempted Men Who Have Changed Address It is therefore important in their own interest that all exempted men who have changed their address since their exemption was granted and who have not already notified the Registrar Of such change should notify hire at once. Under the Regulations it is the 'duty of exempted men to keep the Registrar advised of any change of address, and failure to receive the questionnaire tby reason of neglect of this duty must be treated as equivalent to failure to, return the questionnaire after receipt. ,-- Citizens Urged to Assist In many instances information has been furnished by members of the public which has led to the cancellation of exemptions obtained by false or riait- lea ing statements. Further co-operation of this character is invited, The Government regard it as the Duty of all loyal citizens, not only to the Country, but to the men at the front, to assist in this. way in securing reinforcements on a just and . legai`+basis. Correspondence of this character will be treated as strictly confidential and will receive the fullest investigation. - CHARLES J. DOHERTY, Arinisier of .lust : Correspondence should be directed to W. - R. Wismer, Esq., -Deputy . Registrar under the Military Service Act, London, Ont. $or *NY C the af Natal all 443 fpr as a> Hotel, dere gloms ad at lErAn try. ci lend door forth. silty in the day* a` WWI of Co of On ill of of Rea ioora Ben G. "tg Ann kee Outs. tTrin66 Co� 4 made casts