HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-04-05, Page 5AIL 5) 1918
workinc shoes that me
Iasts said built to with-
lules, too.
s, plain vamps, per
. ...$3.50 and $4.00
e -caps and waterproof
..$4.00 and $4-50
bellow tongues, per
roof shoe, per
ems make on the limy
All Work Guaranteed.
ear the salt well. -Mr. W.
of the firm of BrOWn and
rristge Makers, and who has
rery well for sorfae time, sufa
roke about a week ago and
verv seriously affected by
many friends will be pleas -
lit date of writing, he is
iat iraproved and wili hope
mpiovement •may continue,
lark is one of our pioneer
len who Imve many excellent
end has been a most indus-
hard, workinfe man and who
ea greatly interested in the
;he church and other good
s. -Miss Ruth Rennie; who
el as a school teacher at
, Durham county, is spend
r holidays with her relatives
Do /09
practice it?
:nes are made
more than a
watch. Rough
dy of telephone
always hand -
rill to avoid
fments of Serges,
o.tt could wish to
eys, browns and
guaranteed dyes'.
IT of materials at
e same attention
fle new stock of
4 We're sure
.APBIL5, 1918:
Died in The West -There pasted
away on March 21st, 1918, at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Jolm Ferguson;
of Wolseley, Soak, a former resident
of ilullett, and Culross, in the pertim,
of lifis. jcute Schoales relict of the
late F. H. Schoaleis Mrs. Selma&
;maiden name wale Jane Robinson. She
was born and raised in Markham vill-
age, where she 'Met and. married Mr.
Schoales and soon afte , ards moved
re j7
to Hullett. She had hed the ripe
age of 85 years, 2 montlei and 22 days.
Mrs. Schoales Was a nei hborin the
true sense of the ward, ever holding
out a helping hand to others in trouble
or &treas. Before going west eight
years ago, she had lived for a number
of years with her daughter, Mra. J.
xv, King, Of Bluevale, Ont, from
whose home the funeral took place to
McIntosh cemetery, Belmore, where.
the remains were laid to rest beside
those of her late husband. The body
was accompanied east by her youngest
daughter, Mrs, Andrew Gibson, of Re-
gina. Besides a brother, Mr. William
Robinson, of Wolseley, the deecased 1
leaves a family of two sons and four1 LIVE STOCK MARKETS
daughters: Dr. W. L. Schoales, of
St. Clair, Mich.; F. II. Schoales, of
Laid, Algoma; Mrs. E. M. Bainton
of Bervie, Ont.; Mrs. John Ferguson,
of Wolseley, Sask; Mrs. J. W. King,
of Bluevale, Ont, and Mrs. Andrew
Gibson of Ragina, Sask. The funeral
was held on March 26th.
We nave just received a ship -
meta of FRESH
Radish,es Lettuce
Bitter .Oranges
Try Them - Prices Right I
Thos. Phillips
Wholesale and itotall'ffrults
Opposite Commercial Hotel;Seaforth.
• • 4 "o 4 ko • • • • • • • 40 4.1
$10.70, Montreal, prompt shipment. . Peas --
No, 2 $3.60 to $3.10;racIording to freights.
Buckwheat -41.83 tall 85. Milifeeds-Car-
lots delivered, Montreal freights, bagssin-
eleided, .bran per ton $85.40; shorts; $40,40
white middlings, $45 to $46; good
.per bag, $3.40. Manitoba Flour -War
it y, No. 1,
Hay -Track, airroron-
STraw--.--Ciirlots, ti°8 Etirt.,O mired, $14 to $16,
Library. -The following para-
graph referring to our public library
is taken from the February number
of the Library Review, published at
Toronto: "This small library, situ-
ated in a community with a population
of 400, did very creditable _work in
the year 1917. One hundred and thir-
teen dollars and forty-four cents were
spent on boeks. The selections were
especially commendable. The year's
purchase was well-proportioned, and
the individual seeletions show that
=careful thought and method were used
by those responsible for the purchase
of books. The library's total expendi-
ture for the year was $146; 190 vol-
umes were added to the shelves, in-
cluding forty which were donated."
Breezes. -Mrs. Darrow has return-
ed from a pleasant visit in, Brantford,
Mrs. (Dr.) Woods anddaughter, Jean,
returned last week after a' three
weeks' visit at Durham. -Among the
many who spent the Easter holidays.
here were: Mrs. A. Catling and. her
daughters, Union. and Irene, of St.
'Thomas; Miss Dorothy Fowlie, of
Stratford; Misses Margaret and Beu-
lah Parker, Irene Harrison,. Lulu
Baker, Lawrence Fowlie and Frank
Xing, of London.; Lorne Wahusley, of
ICitchener.-Miss P. Johnston, of God..
aerich, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
E. Weston. -Mr. and :Mrs. • W. Bu-
chan, of Durham, are the guests of
the former's sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Woods.
-Mrs. John Tough, who has spent the
winter with her sister at Galt, re-
turned to the village this week. -Mr.
Tames Donaldson has reutnred to the
Soo. -The voung ladies of this village'
and community gave Miss Mamie Mc-
Dougall of this village, a miscellan-
eous shower' on Tuesday evening of
this week, previous toher marriage.
'The Shower was held at the home of
Mrs. Copeland, who entertained the
ladies during the evening .-On Wed-
nesday, March 27th, a quiet wedding
took piece at the manse, Goderich,
by Rev, Mr. McDerrnid, when Mr.
Fred 1 -Watson, of the Sauble line,
was married to Miss Mamie McDoug-
all, of Bayfield. -Mrs. Gibson and son:,
Edgar. and ,AVirse Rouatt, are visiting
friends at, Hamilton. -Don't forget
the Patriotic tea, on Tuesday after -
lawn. next, April 9th, at the town hall,
-.from 5 to 9 o'clock. Would like the
country people, when through shop-
ping to go to the hall and have lunch
-tea, coffee, sandwiches, cake; extras
-beans and Pie. -
On Tuesday, April- irth, at one p.m.,
'on lot 11. Concession 8, Hallett, extensive
sale of farm stock 'and implements, Jos.
Brown, Proprietor: T. Brown, Auctioneer.
On Freely, April lath, at one ar'elock p.
in., on, tot 24, concession 2, L. Rs' Se. Tnek-
ersmith. farm stock and'implements, Wm.
ehapman, proiuietor; T. Broin Auctioneer.
Ou Saturdar, 'Aare eth, ofi corner. of Vic-
-aria and Gedr ge Streets, Seaforthhouse
h -
jt effects, t two orcIock p.m. Mrs, Jas.
Woodley, Pro )rietresS; T. Brown, Auct,
Ou Tuesila April Otie at two o'cloek
emu., at the e'eeldence of the late Stephen.
G'odkia, Winthrop, •farns and household:
affeets. S. Godlan, Administrator; Thomaa
Brown, Auctioneer.
Seaforth, A.pri. 4, 1918
Wheat, per ushel ...... ....2.10
Oats per bu el .. .. ..........95c
Barley, per bushel .. 1.35 to $1.45
Bran, per tons.. ....... ... .... 36.00
Shorts; per ton • $41.00
Flour, per -cwt. .. 7... . . ... • • •
Peas, per bushel .. ..$3.60
Margarine . . .37c
Potatoes, per bag • • • • • • ...... • .$1,75
Buter, per lb 43c to 45c
:Eggs per doezeri 37 to 38c
Hogs, per cwt. .... 6..19.75
Toronto, April 2nd. Beturs-Ca.nadian
prime, bushel $7.50 tor $8. Foreign, hand -
piked, per, bushel, $6.75 to $7.
Torte, to, April 2nd.-Liveweight-C111 c It -
ewe, 2T; milk fed chickens 30c; diens, :31/2
Pounds ance, under 25er hens 3% to. 5
nds 28c; bens. over Ti lbs,, 30c; roosters,
e; ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 30e. Dressed
Poultry -I -Chickens, 30e; milk fed chickens.
$2c; heas, 31 pounds and under, 28e; hens
3% to 5 pounds 30e: hens over 5 pounds,
30c; roosters 25e per lb.; ducklings 27e; tur-
tieM 35e.
Teronto, April and. - Eggs, new laid,
4re te 16e; selected, new laid, 47e to 48c;
cartoue, 50e, to 52c. Butter - Creamery
solele 49e to 50e; da. fresb. prints 52c to
trle: ehoiee dairy prints 40 to 42e; ordinary
dairy Nixes 38e to 40e; bakers' 35c to 36c;
olvemargarine, best grade, 82e to 33e. a lb.
Chef' -New large, 23c to 233e; twins 2814
to 2:sec; spring made, large 25c to 26e;
twins, teee. to 281/4c. Comb Roney -Choice
16 tkz.. $3.1tkit per dozen; 12 oz., $3 per doz.;
weeetuls and dark comb, $2.50 to $2.71
Termite, April 2nd. - Manitoba Wheat
-In Store. Fort William, nominal, includ-
ing 2½c tax); No. i. northern, $2.23 ; No,
2 northern, $.20½; No.
No. 8, northern, 2.17%
and No. 4 wheat s2.101/4. A.raerican *Clorn
-U. Ss A. War Board prohibit importation.
Manitoba Ottts-No. 2 C. W. 91%c; No. 8
C. W., 87%c; extra No. I lied, MU; No -
1 feed, 84%c in ',tore Fort Williams Ontario
Wheat -New crop, No. 2, $e.A basis in
store, Montreal. Ontario OILS -No. 2 whfte
9$ to 98e, nominal; No. 8,,, 91 to 92:c. Rye
-No. 2, $2,60. Barley -Malting, new, $1.72
to $1.74, aceording to freights. Ontario
noels -Winter, in new bags. ProraPt shin -
Merit, war quality, $1.0.70, Toronto deliverer:
Buffalo, April 2nd.--4'attle, 3,250; good
grades, steady; common, 25e lower; best
shipping steers, $18 to $13.75; fair.tb good,
$12.75 to $12.50; Canadian steer, „heavy;
*12 to $13-1 Canadian steers, fat, heavy,
1150 to .1250 lbs.. 311- to $12: Canadian
steers and heifers, $10.50 to- $11.00; native
yearling, $12.50 to 313; best handy steers
$11 to $12:fair to'good kinds. $10.50 to
$11,50es hmay- steers and heifers, mixed.
$10.50 to $11; light butcher 'steers. $10 to
$10.50:- western hei/ers $11', to -$12; State
betters, $8.50 to $9.50; Canadian heavy
cows, $8.50 to $9.50; best fat cows $10.50.
to allara; butchering cows, :$8.50 to $9.50;
(-utters $6.50 to $1; canners 45 to $6; grim-
ing eows, $8.50 to $7.50; fancy bulls, 10.50
to $11; butchering bells, $81.50 to 9.50;
common buns, $7 to $7.50; best feeders, $9
to $10; medium feeders, $8.50 to $0; light
common, 7.75 to $8.50; etoekers, $8 to $9;
best -milkers and springers, $100 to $150;
medium, $75 to $100: common, $50 to $60.
Hogg, 13,tteo; market 15e lower. Heavy and
pigs, 17.75 to $18; yorkers, $18,25 to $18.50;
Sheep and lambs; oe00; market 25e higher.
Pap, wool lambs $20.25: clipped, $17 .to
$17.25; yeerlinge, $17 to $17.5e; wethers,
$13 -to $15.50; ewes, $1.4. Calves, 1,200; mar-
ket 75e lower. Tops,. $19.75; fair to good,
$1.6 to $18; fed calves, $7 to $9.50.
Swett Stock yards, Toronto, April 2nd.
Hogs have again broken all previous price
records. Vesterda-y they sold at the 'Union
Stock Yardat $21.25, fed and watered.
Tide is the highest price ever paid on the'
continent, :and, aeeording to some of the
counniselott, men, they are likely to sell • at
even higher prices before the week it out.
• The ecareity of hogs in the wintry is quite
apparent eaten, only 1,39e were offered at
• lite Union -Stoelc Yards and none at the
-Clete yards. It is contended that the. Itn-
pedal antltorities. are biding higher prices
for bog produete now than at any time dur-
ing tile war eind on this account the priee
of hogs is likely to advenee rather thau
decline In value.
Catle prices were from 15 to • 25e per
cwthigher than the eloshig peleee of
last week. The market, NVII.8 very brisk.
Nearly the entire ,offering of 2.165 cattle
changed bands before noon. Yesterday's
sales created new prices for all meats ex-
cepting medione to eommon calves and
choice lambs. Rice anti Whaleyesold some
heavy steers at $12.90 per ewt., while the
*general run of choice butchers' sold at
from $12.25 to $12.7$ per mt. Choice
butcher steers and heifers sold at from
11.50 to 312.25, while good butchers brought
from $11 to $11.50. Me•dium butchers' were
cashed at from $10.25 to $10.60. and com-
mon butcliers from $8.75 to $9,75 per cwt.
Choice butcher cows sold at from $9.75- to
$11. mediuni cows from $9 to $9.75, common
cows from $8 to $8.75, and canners from
$6.25 to, $0.75. - There was a fair supply of
bulls on the market, the choicest of which
soldat from 310.25 to $10,75. Good bulls
brought from $9.25 ,to $9.75. Medium bulls
sold at from $8.50 to $9 per cwt. A few'
stockers and feeders sold at from $9.25 to
$10.50 per cert. and' some irkers and
springers were offered at from' SOO'S $125;
according to quality.
There. s -ere Only 41 sheer/ and 1$1,nbs in
the yards, and the prlees vanged well WW1.
the cleft of Iast weee. The, lambs sold at
from S i9.50 to $20.7e, and the best sleep
from $13.50 to $14.75. while the common
quality sold at from $11.50 to $12.75.
Dunn and Levaek sold: Butcherse-2,
11;•;5 pounds, $11.75; 21, 070 lbs... $11.40: 10,
805 / (etude. $10.35: 29, 800 lbs.. $11.60; :3,
7e0 lbs.'$12; IX 965 lbs., $11.50. Cowtt-
3, 1110 lbs., $9.75e 1, 930 lbs., $6:50. Bulls
-2, 1000 lbs., $9.25.
nice te Whaley sold 12 cars: Butchers'
1130, 312,00; 15, 930, 312.35; 18, 080,
512: 39. 950- 311.75; 2. 850. 311.25; 14e 800,
$11; 12, 980, $11.75; 1, 780, $8; 12, 9$9,
$13.75: le, 820, $10.55: 1, 840, $10.50. Cows
1480, 311; 1, 1020, 310; 3, 850, 36.50;
1150, $0.50; 1, 760, $6.50; 1, a40. $8.75; 8,
1190, 310,50; 1, 1070, $0.50; 3, 090. 310; 2,
1020. 39.35; 3, 11.50, $10.10; 3, 650,- 36-35;
0. 1060. $9.50. Buti$-1, 1570, $10-70. Milk-
ers and springers -1 et $106; 1 at $84,50.
II. P. Kennedy- sold 16 loads: Butchers'
-23, 950, 311.30: 5, 870, 310.85; 19, 900,
$11.40; 1, 070, $11.41; 1, 810, .$12; 1, 830,
$10; 1,, 1.100; $7.50; 1, 820, $7.50; 22, 040,
$11.30;2. 800, $10; 6, 620, $9.25; 3, 900,
$10; 21, 1020,- $11.75; 1, OK $11.75; 7,
1040, 311.75; 17, 850, 310.90; 20, 860, 311.76:
19, 700, $9.50; 12, 980, $1.1., 1, 070, $6.00.
Cows -n, 1140, $9; 8, 1120, $10.25; 3, 104
39,70; 1. 1100, $9.40;,3, 1100, 39.75; 3, 104
$8.25: 1, IMO, $7.50; 1. 1180, $9.75: 2, 1100,
$10; 2. 040, $9.50; 2, 1070, $1.0s 2, 900, 6.35f
2, 1100, $7,25; 1, 860, $8.25. Milkers -One nt
$75. -
C•srbett, Hell, and Coughlin sold; Cholee
heavy s tc7t.rs, $12.50 to $12.75; medium to
good heavy steers, $11.75 to $12.25; chelee
buteher steers anti heifers, $11.70 to $11.85s
good butchere eAteers and heifers,' $11.49
to ell .60; medium butcher steers and heif-
I r $ 0.75 to $1.1.25; common butchers'
eteere and heifers, $9,75 to $10.25; light
Itelfere arid steers, Eastern, $7.50 to $8.25;
cholee heavy bulls, $10.50 to $11: butcher
has 39.50 to sis; bologna bulls, $8 to $8.-
75; ellen% lititeher cows, $10.25 to $10.50;
geed huteIler co ws, $0,75 to $1.0; medium
butcher cOWS $8.25 to $8.75; common but --
cher -cowe, $7 to *7.75; canners', $6 to
$0.25; sheep, ewes, light. $13 to $15; heavy
sheep and bucks, $11 to $12.50; choine
lambs, $19 to $20; choice calves, -$16 to $1.7:
medium calves, $14 to $15; hogs, fed and
watered, *21.25; hogs, off ears, $21.50.
McDonald and Halligan sold: Choke
heavy steers, $12.50 to $13.00; good heavY,
steers. $11.85 to $12.25; choice butchers'
$11.40 to $11.75; good butchers', $10.75
to $11,15; medium. butchers'. $10.00 to
$10.50; common butchers', $0.00 to *0.1$1:-
clioice eows. $7 to $7.75: canners ant_
cutters, $6 e3 to $0.75; eiroice bulls, $11)
to $10.75; good bulls, $9,25 to $9
mentor., to medium, $8 to $9; best mil •
ere and epringers, $105 to $135; medium,
$80 to 300. Hogs, $21, fed n ad wit terea
iambs 820 to $20.75; calves, $10 to $16;
sheep, slO to $16.
The following were the quotatione: -
Chace heavy steers, 12 25 to 12,90 do. trend,
$31.25 to $11.75; baby beevess, $12.50 to
$13.50; butehers steers and heifers choice,
e1.1.50 te $.12.25; do. veil, $1.1. to $11.50; do.
medium -00,25 to $10.00; do. common, 8.75
to $0.75; butchers' cos, choice, $9.75 to
$10.501 doe good, $9 to $9.50; do. medium
$8 to $8.75; do. common, $6.75 to $7.50;
do. canners, $0 to 36.25; butchers,. bulls,
choice $10.25 to $10.75; do. good, $9.25 to
$9.75; do. medium $8.50 to $9; do. common
$7.75 to $8.25; feeders,, best $9.50 to 10.50;
best stockers, $9.50 to $9.75; grass cows
$7 to $7.75e. milkers and springers, choice,
$100 to $135; do. common to medium, $65
to $90; calves, choice, $16.50 to $17; do.
medium $1.4 to $15; do. common $8 to $10;
heavy, fat, $10 to $12; lambs, choice, $19.50
t6 $20.85; sheep; choice bandy, 1113 to 1450;
do. heavy and fat bucke, $11.50 to $12.75;
hogs, fed and watered, $21 .to $21.2e85;s
cars. $21,50; 00, f.o.b., $20 to W.25. L 31
to $2 on light to thin hogs; less $3 to $3.50
on sows; less $4 on stags; less 50c to $1
on heavies.
I hereby give noticrthat I will not be
responsiele for any debts 'contracted by
Eggs for hatching from oer Toni Burrows
English White Leghorns. Females and
Sires imported direct from England. Sire's
dam, having record of 278 eggs in a year.
Eggs, $1,150 per setting of 15; $5.00 per
setting of e0; $8 per setting of 100. Apply
to A. CALDER, Opposite Public School,
Seaforth. 2625s4
H. 'C. BOX
01 Government Daiwa*
end Limns%
Ylowess ifarnashed Short
Night Calle • Day Calla
Phone 175 Phone 50
CRON,IN-In McKillop, on March 7th, to
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Cronin, a • son.
O'ROURKE-1n Maintop, on March 15th,
to Mr. and • Mes, Joseph O'Rourke, a
DOLMAGE-In Hullett, on March 15th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dolmage, a daugh-
HART -In Tuekerenaitho on March 21st, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Hart, a son.
lltONTGOMERY-FREEMAN-4-At ,the Pres-
byterine manse, Seaforth, On March 18,
by Bee. P. R. Larkin, Miss nettle Free-
man to Mr. Maleolta Montgomery.
GRIBBEN-In Dublin, on April 3, Michael
Grifthon. aged 84 years. ' •
Seaforth, on April 1st, David
Dai Aged 75 years, el Months and; e
CAMPBELLe-In riloadon, on March 2211d.
Charles Campbell, of.McKillop. in his 27th
year. : 1 •
In loving InStion.' of Florenee D. Taylor,
this life in Hensall on April 6th, 3.017, in
beloved wife of Johl w
Pepper, ho departed
her 3511i year. i 11
The flowers we pieced upon her erave, .
May Wither and decay,
-But the love for her that sleeps beneath,
Shall never fade, away. • -
We loved her, yes, We loved bee
But Jesus loved Iter more, ,
And He has sweetly called her home,
To yonder shining !shore. .
"0:0111 Loving Itelatiyes
---....---. I
In loeing memory of Lillian Mabel
McCowan, of Brudefield, wife of Mr.
Fred Dunlop, who died on April 2nd,
1917. ,
Funeral . Director and
.Licensed Embalmer
Undertaking paribrs in Oddfel
lows building opposite
cstewart Bros. Resi-'
• deuce Goderich st., opp
Flowers furtished en
short iotiee.
Phone Night or Day 1119;
Ernbalmr tnd
Funeral 1!irecfor
Undeetaking Parlors above
Yrf ,Williams gOcery score,
Main Street, Seaforth
b lowers fureaued 4n snort no.. e
°harps moFlerate.
Phone night orlday - 192
A. quantitY of g000 ijitted beans suitable -
for seed. Apply to JO N DALD, Jr., R..
R. No. 4, Clinton, Ont. 2625x2
Two hundred bliehels kf choice pea beaus
for -Hale. .Apply to GEO' GE W. ELLIOTT,
Varna P.O.,-phone 4 !on 87,•
262e -e4
For Sale a quantity of Green Mountain
and Goad Coln Potatoei3 grown from seed
from Experimental Vertu. Apply to A. Mc-
GRIS0011, Seaforth, phone 14 en 137, R.
R. No.. 3. 21;25-2
A quantity of wild g osp wheat,. timothy
and clover seed sultab e for .seeding pur-
poses. Apply to LEONARD SCHOLDICE,
laginondville. P. 0., 01 phone 14 on .130,
Seaforth Central, 2625-2
Mrs. James Chewy and faintly of Tuck-
ersmith, • wish to ex.press their sincere
thanks to the fieighbore and inany friends
for the kindness ehowe them during theft
recent bereavement, 202$-1
, -
For sale seven roo ed frame house on
North Main 'Street, on door south of Mr.
Robert Winters' resid nee. Must be sold
at once. Apply at The Expositor Office,
Seaforth. 2624-tf
For Sale cottage With two bearoomse
and two lots on Norte Main Street, -two
blocks from Main street. Splendid cellar,
hard and soft water in _Itttchen. All in
good shape. Easy Teems.Apply to E. L.
BOX, Seaforth _ 2625Sles
Seven months old hound, mostly white,
with round black spot on back tied spot On
rump, Answers to the nae of "Pete."
Any information leading to his recovery
Sea for tie 2625-3
For Sale two frame houses situated on
corner of Mill and Railroad strees, Sea -
forth. One 5 roomed end one 4 roomed, and
both with summer kitcheni. A bargain. for
eash. Possession given Mhy lst, For fur-
ther particulars aPPO' at The Expositor
Offi ce. 2624x4 •
Notice is hereby given t,hat the part-
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned aS marble workers in
the town, of Seaferth, has, this day,
been dissolved, by Mutual -consent. All
outstanding, accouiets are to be paid
to W. C. Chapman and all accounts
owing wiU be paid by
Seaforth, April lst, 1918.
William E. Chaiiman
2625-3 James Haye
We sten have a rimit.ed quantity of those'
Davis Warrior potatoes. Orders have come
in from distant points for these potatoes as
they stand at the heal of the List as a bite
potato, and are strietIy Ontario, stocksoWn
last ,vear. Secure some now and be pre -
Pared, for steed time. They are excellent
for cooking also. A. HVGILL, Settforth,.
Phone 6 on 108. -2624-tf
Bight roomed frame house in town of
Seafortle good teller, hard and Soft water
In house. Four and one-half aeres of lana
Witix stable and hen house. Fruit trees
and all kinds of small fruits. A good
chance•for a retired .farmer. Apply to W.
W. COWAN, on the premises, end of male
k'et street Seaforth 2624x2
For sal, frame 11011se and one and 04 -
fifth acres of land, situated on Elizabeth
street, Seaforth. The house contains seven
roceins, hard and soft water, good cellar,
also good stable, a number of apple. peach
and pipm trees, and other small fruits.
This is a very desirable property. for a
retired farmer or person who wants a good
gerden. Apply to J. G. GRIEVE, V. 8,
Seaforth. 2624x4
That very desirable hame property in
.Egmondville on East Centre (Main) Street,
'consisting of an acre of land on which is
Situated a very comfortable 1% stores,
frame dwelling of nine rooms with halls
and closets 'and goad cellar; elect* nest-
ed. There are also onthe premises a good
well, stable, apple, prum and pear trees
ana small fruits. Thia is a splendid pro-
perty and will sold. as soon as possible
OS the _owner is moving to Goderich. Ap-
ply on the premises or to G. W. ROL-
MAN, County Clerk, Goderich,
The undersigned has received Instrue-
lions to ater for sale that vety ,desirable
property Situate in the Village of Staffa,
and being composed of park lot number
four (4) forming part_ a farax, lot number
sixteen, in the 8th concession. of Hibbert.
The house contains six rooms, has hard
and soft water. Good cellar under the main
part of house, with concrete flooring. All
111 'mccellent repair. Two acres of land in
connection with hpuse. _The property must
be sord, as the owner, Mr. Drake, bas no
further need of same, and sno reasonable
offer will be refueed. For further particulars
apply to JOHN,RANKIN, Real Estate and
Financial Broker, Seaforth, Ont. 2623-4
The administratrix to the eetate of Isa-
bella Reid, deceased, offers for sale lot
11, in Thomas Adams' Sitryey, of pan of
the Town of Seaforth, in the County of
Huron. This is a corner *Lot On Goderich
Street and is well situated ln • the hest
'residential district of Seaforth and bas er-
ected on 'it a very comfortable dwelling
house with a new furnace installed two
years ago, 'a new roof end, bard and soft
water. .Apply to Mrs, Emma J. Hicks, on
the premises or to the Undersigned: Dated
the 26th day of March., 1918. R. 8. HAYS.
Solicitor for Adkainistratrix, Seaforth, Ont.
Notice is hereby given: pursuant to the
Statute in sthat behalf,. that ail persona
having endure against the estate of Isabella
Reid, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, wide*, deceased, who
died at the mild Town og Seaforth, on or
about the 23rd day of ranuary, 1918, are
required on or before thel7th day of April,
1918, to send by poSt prepaid, er deliver
to rhe,undersigned, full particulars of their
claims, duly verified by affidavit and the
nature of the„security,e if any, held by
them. :Further take tweet, that after the
said last mentioned dateire assets of the
said deceased will be dis buted among the
parties entitled thereto,' Ting regard only
to the claims of whichanotice :Mall -then'
have been given. *Datedeat Seaforth. this
26th day of Marche 1918. R. S. HAYS,
Solicitor for Adininistratex, Seaforth, Ont.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf that all ceeditors of
William Kehoe, who dled on the 13th of
February, 1918; at Seafdrth, -Ontario, are
required on or before the 8th day of April,
1918, to send by Post or deliver to the
undersigned sdlicitors for Catherine Kehoe
and George A. Sills, . Executors of t e
will of the said deceased, full particulaifs
of their claims; and that after the 8th 4 r
of April. 1918, the Executors will procee
to distribute the assets of said decease
among the person e entitled thereto, an
that the said executors will not be liabl
for the said assets to any person of whoa
claim tbey shall not then have receive
notice. Dated the 19th day • of Marc
COOKE, Solicitors for Executors. 26284
Of Farm and Household Effeets.-Thos.
Brown has been instructed to sell by Publie.t
auction at the residence of. the late Stephen
(10(ikin. Winthrop,. on Tuesday, April. Oth,
1118, at 2 oaslock p.m.. the following: The
Farm -The -farm consiets of 50 acres, beings
the 0118t hal' of lot 15, on the lith conces-
sion. Chattels -01w driving horse, 15 hen:el
'Meteughlin buggy nearly neW, Portland;
cutter, large hurrah., robe, blanket, rug, I
harness. 'cupboard, sideboard, two (mom,
sion tables, dining -ronin chairs, kitchen !
ebnirs, rocking chairs, lan3ps, wali pictures,
Iwo bedroom suites, springs and mattresses,
twit Pouches, attar enropts, 1 ng s and •mats.
nappy Thought mtge. heating stove, coel
oil heater, kitehen uteneils, - tin boiler,
wash tub and wringer, a number of sealers, ;
about 5 beshels of potatoes, 2 cords of dry -
httrdwood, cross-eut saw in good shape.
Terms on Chattels -All sums of $10 and
under, cash; over that amount6 months'
credit on approved joint notes: • A disemmt
of 4 cents on tbe dollar off for cash. Terms
on Real Estate -Tea per cent. of purchase
money to be paid ou day of sale. Balance
can be arranged with the purchaser or will
be made known on day of sale. S. GOD:
KIN. Administrator; THOMAS BROWN,
1. •
of Farm Stoek and Itnplements.-Mr. T.
has been instructed to sell, by public
auctipu on lot 24, concessiou 2, le R. S.,
Tackerstnith, on Friday, April 121h, at one
Welock, the following; Horses -Agricult-
ural gehling rising e years old, agricultural
geldhag rising 4 years old, agricultural
gelding rising 2 years old. agricultural filly
rising 1. year old. Cattle -Durham Pow
rising 6 years old due May lst, cow rising
7 years old freshened in January, cow
rising 5 years old freshened In December,
row rising 3 years old with calf at foot, 1
`fat steer, t WO. steers rising 2 years old, 4
heifers rising 2 years old, 4 steers rising 1
year old, 2 calves 4 months old. Pigs -
Brood 140W due time of sale 7 store hogs
about 100 lbs. each, 25 Barred Rock hens,
1 cockerel, 2 ducks, 1 drake, pair of pence
fowl. lenplements-Massey-Harris binder,
7 It. cut nearly new; spring tooth culti-
vator good as new; No. '7 Verity plow, No.
13 Verity plow, Perrin 2 furrow riding plow
set diamond , harrows (4 sections), set of
good bobsleighs, % wagon, 2 ineh tires.
gene as new; low truck wagon, buggy, cut-
ter. hey and stock rack combined, nearly
now; gravel box. Clinton fanning mill set
ClurneY weigh seales, 2500 lbs.; Melotte
cream separator, root polper, wheelbarrow,
22 foot ladder. 25 gallon steel an barrel,
lined -water trough, set good team harness,
set for third horse, set single harness, some
horse collars and blankets, 20 rods of eight
strand wire, a few good cedar posts, one
neekyolte, set of donbletrees, forks, shovels,
genie bags. Household Effects -Two bed-
etea(le, spring and mattress, dresser, hang-
ing lamp, Aladdin hanging lamp, parlor
lamp, 2 hand lamps, kitchen table, churn,
pails, crocks, gems, rubber tired baby ear -
liege, baby sleigh. Also 45 bushels of
mixed grain suitable for seed, and about 8
tons of mixed. hay. Terms -All toms of
$10 and under, cash; over that amount 8
months' credit on furnishing approved joint
notes. A discount of 4 cents on the troller
off fur cash on credit amounts. Fat steers
hay and grain to be cash. All articles to
be satisfactorily settled for by cash or note
bore being removed from the premises.
No reserve as the proprietor has sold his•
farm. WILLIAM CHAPMAN, Proprietor*
TF1OS, BROWN, auctioneer,' 2625-1
- FARMS. :
1. • '
Write for booklet and prices of ins --
proved and unimproved farms in the`
famous Gilbert Plains District. J.H.
EVANS & CO, Gilbert :Plains, Mani-
toba.% ..=-1 2617120
For sale a six roomed frame house
on Railway street, Seafo th, good cel-
lar, fine garilen and a nix eber of fruit
trees. Apply on the jer. ises, 0 ad-
dres Seaforth P. O. k ro. Wham
Reid. 2622x4
For Sale about 1000 b els ef Ban-
ner Oats; suitable for eed. Apply
on lot 6, oneession 6, ckersmith,
or phone 2 on 35, Seafo h.
2622x4 Re ert Doig.
For sale, oats and ba
This is 'clean grain, free
and of an early ripening
be sold at market price
J. E. Medd, lot 15, Conce-
let, R. R. No. 1., Clinton.
ley mixed.
from fimut
for cash.
ion '7; Hul-
Small fram.e house on W
street, Seaforth, hard and
good stable. For further
apply to J. D. Ilinchley,
phone 10 on 124.
soft water, I
eaforth, or
Nine room frame house
cellar. his property has
tached, part being good pa
and part -garden and is s
the corner of Crombie a
streets, Seafortle For furt
ulars, comenimicate with
Rankin, Seaforth
with good
ix lots at-
tire land,
tuated on
d Chalk
er partic-
Mr John
South Half Lot 14, and St uth Half
Lot 15, idoecession. 1, H. R. ' Tuck-
ersmith, 96 acres more or 1 s, all in
grass for several years'svi hin two
miles from Seaforth; no buil ings, no
waste land; a spring creek ac oss cor-
er. Apply to Proudfoot, Kill ran and
Cooke, Seaforth or Goderich. .2621-4
Two young pure Scotch bred
bulls, eight months old, graid sired
by Gaiteford Marquis, the c mpion
bull of Canada. Also some fi e bulls
sired by Aristocrat =10.9121 whose
grandsire is Gainford Marqujs. An..
ply on Lot 30, Concession 8, Morris,
2% miles north of Brussels, an the
Graevl Road. Phone 10 cm 58. Thos.
Pierce. 24#1.-tf /
For sale, seven roomed house,fraine,
wired for electrielights, on John sta
Seaforth, - adjoining the residence of
the late Mrs. M. C. Chesneele The
property contains one lot, with some
small, fruit trees, Hard and so wat-
er. This ig a very desirable pl e and
will be sold for $740 cash. F fur-
ther particulars address R: R. No. 2,
Seaforth, or phone 6en 138 61inton
. A. HGILL. 22.tf
. -
For sal,e, Lot 29, Conession1 1,
R. S., Tuckersmith. There are n tile
'premises a frame house, and frame
barn, in good condition, also large im-
plement shed. The farm is known as
.the "wise" farm, and is situa d half
way between Seafortlyand Clin n. It
is well fenced and in a splendid state
of cultivation. Will be sold oik easy
terms. For further particulars apply
on the premises or phone 20 144,
For sale an eight roomed j frame
house on the corner of Goderich-st,
east and William street, Seaforth,
Hard and. soft water inside, and new
furnace installed, last winter. 1 Good
stable, 2 lots of land. Also 00 acre
farm oil Mill Road, 1',mies *est of
Egmondville, on which there is a two
storey brick house, bank barn 40 by
60, with cement foundation, cement
floors in stabe and all in good' shape.
Possession given at (ince. For further
particulars address Seaforth p. 0.,
or phone 16, Seaforth. Adam -Hays,
House and half acre of lanai in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated- on 'Centre Street, close to
tbe Presbyterian church and is lmown
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This Is a corner pro-
prty with no breaks on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property for a
retired farmer and the taxes are light.
For partieularie apply on the premises
or to Jelin Raniche.Seaforth. 2584-tf
Lot 6,, Conce sion 5, H.R.S., Tuck -
ersmitiee Ther are on the premises
la good frame • ouse and good bank
bane The farm is situated one -
'quarter mile from school, and 8%
tailes from Seaforth. There are 100
acres all cleared, but ten acres of
busCland. There are two good wells
and half under the grass, the rest is
cultivated. This is all first class land
and Will grow anything. For terms
and particulars apply on the premises
0 address Mrs. William Chesney, Box
34, Eganondville, P. 0:, or t� Jenks A.
Chesney. ' ' 262241
For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L.R.
S. Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres.
There are on _ the premises a geed
frame house, two barns and frame
Bitable 75 feet long„ cement floor in
Cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The
land is in a good state of cultivation,
Well drained and fenced Large apple
erebard; also all kinds of small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood bush, fall
plowing done, This farm is situated
134, miiet east of the village. of Bruce -
field and 5 miles from town of Sea -
forth on Mill Road. School across
corner items. farm. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premises or
address Niched. Whitmore, Brncefiebl
It. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea-
ter* Central, 261641
LLD., 1),C.L.,, Pruden
CAPITAL PAID UP. $15.000300
SIR JOHN AIRD.Generatinage.
H. V. F. JoNes„ Atet Goa Mame,
ResErtve FUND. Si3.500.4*
Security, convenience and courtesy are assured to at
who deposit their savings with this Bank. -
If it is not convenient for you to visit the Bank persons
ally, you may open your account entirely by mail. ze
In the village of Egmondville, con-
taining two acres of choice land, on
which there is a large commodious
house, stone foundation, excellent co -
lar with cement floor, separate coal
cellar, soft water cistern holding fifty
barrels, and the best of hard water
at the door: there is a� o a largo stable
with pig pen, hen house,' and carriage
house, .,plenty of room; cement walks
to street and stable; also a number of
apple trees and other small fruits.
This property is situated two blocks
westt. of the Presbyterian &lurch and.
is within 10 minutes' wallc.of post of-
fice, school and "church -one of the
best locations in the village, being high
and dry, with an excellent view of
town and country; an ideal place for a
retired farmer, and will be sold reas-
onably 'Apply on the premises or ad-
ress A EX. GORDON, Box 51, Sea -
forth, Ont. 26224
We have our Creamery now in full
operation, and we want your patron. I
age. We itre prepared to 'pay yoe
the highest prices for your cream, pay
you every two weeks, -es!gh, sample
and test each can of cream pevidulle
and give you. statement -.of the gams
We also supply cans fres of charge
and Five you an honest business deal.
Call in and see us or drop is a card far
Seaforth Ontario
-Contracts Solicited -
Workmanship Guaranteed ee
Rogers Bros.
Couiracters - • Fullerton P. Qs
Spring Term from April 2nd
Stratfolyt, Ont. ,
Commercial life offers the great *Weeks
tunities. Recent lady graduates Of thaw.
school are earning ea high as $10001 11.10
allittlin. The last application we received
froni an office man with some experieoce
Ioffered initial' salary of $1800 per amnia.
Students . may enter our lasses at anet
time. Graduatee placed in positions. Cosse.
mereiktl, Shortband and Telegraphy Ow
Pertinent& Get our free tatalogue.
W. Z. 'ELLIOTT D. A. lifeLlarEILAirg-
President Principal
Horses. aid Cattle.
The annual Spring Show, under -the aupsices
of the Smith Huron A.grienitnral Society
of Stallions, Harness and Halter Horses,
Bulls and Cows, will be heldin
Tuerday, Apr. 9th 1918
Stallion foaled 1915 or'later $4 $2
Stallion foaled 1915 or later ..$6 $4
Stallion foaled 1915 or later ..$5 38 32
Heavy araft team $4 e2
Heavy draft brood mare in foal 6 4 2
3 year old heavy draft gelding
or filly foaled in 1915 ...... 3 2
2 year old heavy draft gelding
or filly foaled in 1916 3 2
Agricultural team 6 4
Agricultural mare in foal, prize
donated by Commercial Hotel 5 3
3 year old ,agricultural gelding -
Or filly foaled in 1916 .. ...as 3 2
2 year old agricultural gelding
or 011y foaled in 1015,:8 2
General purpoeeteam 4 2
Carriage team 4 2
Single earriage horse 4 2
Roadster teem . 4 2
Single roadster ...... ........ 4 • 2
No horse to be shown in more than. one
class, except for sweepstake prize, without
consent of director. •
Aged bull., ,.$6 $4.
)31111, calved after Sept. 1, 1916-- 6 4
Cow or halter over 2 years old ...„ 3 2
Heifer under ;two years old . ... 3 2
Aged indi S1107gonws
30 $4.
Bull, cal-eed after Sept. 1, 1916- 6 4
Cow or heifer over 2 years old 3
Heifer under two years old , 3 2
)3uteher steer or heifer (grade), list prize
donated by A. W. E. Hemphill, pall
of Imperial Stock Food; -2nd $2.00
A eweepstake badge will be given in each
of the cattle classes and also for the best
pure bred female.
The Double Track
bet -wen
ed Dining, Car Services
ars on -night trains sag
fS O11 principal day Woe
TrurulinhinfTirketabAlnenft,r'oonir C:Evnly. linAgustGrilbilfreagle
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Ontario. .
W. Somerville..
W. R. Plant ..... Depot Agent.
Can fi*nish Victory Bonds at 98% ant
ing Municipal Bonds;
City of London, Gold Bonds, to 'yield e 14
nter:esrt, cent.
of :expense to purchasers.
Also htive for immediate sale the tallow --
City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, -to yieid 40
2 city pperP 0f:cc tee 1:111 ttt n g , Geld Bonds, to yield st
City a Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield
per cent. -
City of Regina, Gold -Bonds, to yield a Sell
Sh4oul% acnveallilathlaingsernleraeYof ftolirisill:nnegtalalt$11110.
ity to secure these gilt edged aecufttise.
APPI7 to
R. eaS.rHAorth?YSon, t.
1.-D. Urquhart, for best heavy draft
108111-90 Ib, sack rolled oats, value $6,
2. -Cook Bros,, for best agricultural team,
-100 lbs., Snowdrift Flour, value $5.75.
3.--G. Cas ti & Son, tor- best general pur-
pose team -bag holder, value'$(5. -
4. -Thomas Sharpe, for beet Percheron
mare any age-neekyoke, value $3.
5. -Sterling Bank, for best heavy draft or
agricultural mare or gelding, any age,-
• 0. ---Huron Weatber insurance Co., for
best eollectiOn of tbree beavy horses Own --
lei by ope manStallions excluded,, $1000
policy paid up for three' years.
7.-T. C. Joynt, for best carriage temp --
spring hat, value $3,75.
T. W. Partmer, for best carriage horse
al, ufe35best
0......Groadster team
-pail of International Stock Food, value
10.-Bonthron & Drysdale, for best single
roadster -oak rocker, value 35.
11.-Molsons Bank, for best ,Ilght horse
any age or Lease, to be shown on halter,-
35, 2W$.-3,32.*A. McLaren, for best gentleman's
outfit, horse, rig and equipment considered
-horse dippers, value $5.
13. --Dr. Peek, for best ShOrthorla heifer
calf un dereo.25.
oneyear 014-100 pounds of calf
14.-E. Rennie, for best two year old
Shorthorn. heifer -pair rubbers, value $24
15 -hfllton Ortwein, for beet Aberdeen's
Angus bull any age -overalls and smock%
value $3.50.
16,-W. C. Davis, for best Shorthorn bttlif
any age -shirt, value, 31.501
All exbibitors must first become member g of
this Society by paying one dollar to the
Secretary. Entries can be nkade with the
Secretary at the Commercial Rotel, until
o'clock on the day of the show. AU
tests to be made to Secretary, in
accompanied by a fee of $2, which wral
refunded if protest is suattdned. Ample
accommodation will be provided for a
Secretary Presitleat
Flax Land
Will furnish seed free and doeas. • aditul:Plax Mills Limitisil"
will rent sod land, spring or UM
efarier wihl plough, disc,
The Company is also open to supply
eeedibd riurchase the flax on a tame
nage basis.
For further particulars apply to
- •
M i -..McCormick
PHONE 202 ' 'swam
262041 .
"tito $41es.
Service for all -makes of coas
Weld= and machine work done.
All work guaranteed.
Full line of auto tires, spark plum
oils and Velum, and auto wow -
series slams on hand at
Stewart McIntosh