HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-04-05, Page 4±4 • ••••••Omoomai .••••••••*•• - 3 4 10 17 24 25 31 . • • _ems • MARCH 12 re 26 • • 6 13 20 27 • • It 7 8 9 te 15 16 11 22 23 • ea 29 eo .•.• NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS ••••••io...••••• Iteasimmble Prices -Stewart Bros. -3 New Styles -Greig Clothing Co. -1 Specials -H. Edge -1 The Whip -1 • Home Furinshings-.T. 1actav1sii-8 Working Shoes -W. G. Willis -4 Take Care of your Telephone -4 Mary Miles M1ntertStrand-8 Euchre 8 • Granite Shower:-Beattle's Fair --8 For Sale -E. L. Box': -.5 12,og.Lost-A. Coleluogh-5 Bees for Sale -John Gernme11-8 Snap• for Quick Sale -H. Edge -8 Auction Sale -S. Godkin- 5 , • Auction Sale--Williain Chapman -5 Seed Potatoes -A. McGregor -5 Apprentice Wanted -W. H. Robinson -8 Auction Sale -Mrs. Jas. Woodley -5 For Sale -Leonard Sho1d1ce-5 Two Teamsters Wanted -E. J. Box -8 Card of Thanks -5 Bowlers Attention -8 For Sale -Dr. Burrows -8 Seed Beans -George W. Elliott -5 For Sale -John Dale, 1r.-5 For Sale -Neil Gillespie -5 For Sale -A. Calder -5 • • (iIhr r Wit,gin Exposttor SEAFORTH, Friday, April 5th, 1918 am_ THE WAR SITUATION The big Gerinan offensive is still in progress although th.e German stride - has been reduced from a ailop to a • hobble. In fact at many points it has , been brought to an. absolute standstill. The respite of the past few days, how- ever, is only temporary, Germany 'has gone too far now. She can, not a- gain settle down to trench warfare SS in the past, because her people are making a most insistent demand for .an. offensive that wt.' produce peace. They have been taught that Hinden- burg's great spring , drive will be so overwhelming a force that the Allies cannot stand before it, and when its objectives have been reached, they will accept a German peace, or at least a peace that will be largely in their favor. Their brow not having. reached its objective, (they will strike again and again until their object is gained or their man power so depleted that they will be completely exhausted, Which will mean the end of the war. That stage, however, has not yet arrived, noe is it yet in sight, unless some un- forteen event arises. At 'nresent, al- though the oerrnan losses have been colossal, she has by no means reached the end of her tether. The compara- tive quiet of the past few days is only a respite te allow her to readjust her armies and bring up her guns, when shewill launch another` blow as equal in force and fury as their first attempt. The Allied losses have been very heavy both in men and material, but their lines have not yet been brok- en and although forced to retteat they did so slowly and regularly while at the same time exacting. a terrible toll from the oncoming enemy. Mel unless their lines are broken, no matter how far they retreat, Germany -will be beaten. The ground that Germany has taken counts ifor nothing.. It is simply a waste, that has been/ fought and bled over for more than two years until it is such a condition that it is almost impossible to drag gene across it.. If Germany overruns three GT four times the ground she has in the past two weeks, she will be no farther a- head unless she can smash the British and French lines or separate them. It is not the ground that counts, but as we pointed out last week if the man power that will be the deciding fac- tor in the struggle. On that; basis and. taking the past tWo week e as a guide, Germany will lose, because she has sacrificed the lives of her soldiers as oily the German military heads know how to do. The, Gernsan com- mand has trusted to sheer brute strength and numbers; to hack her way through, and their soldiers were medied down like hay. If the Ger- mans pursue these tactics in the suc- ceeding drives, the end is rnevitable and her reserve man Power will be exhausted within three months. At the present the allies are not yet out of the water, and the situation is still serious. The odds. are, however, in their favor. It is unlikely that the German drives in the futuee can be any stronger than the one ; that has been ynet and turned and We have good 'cause to believe that the coming offensive will. meet the same fate, The long disteince bombardment of Paris by the Germans continues at intervals, but the damage or xnilitary effect has not been great, and even as- suming that Germany has a new and wonderful weapon, it does net appear probable that it will have any serious effect on the war. — ; HURON .NOTES-. -Mr. Frank Anderson, of, Turnber- ry, has sold his 100 arce farm onethe B. Line ,to Mr. John Morrison, also of Tin -nisei -my. Mr. Morrison. paid $5,800 and wili take possession this spring. George Holland, of the Bay.. field Line, near Clinton, sold part of his bean crop to Jenkins & Son, for which he received a cheque of $2,218. He still has 100 bushels left. -Mr. tohn Joyet, of Luclumw, has nurchased the 200 acre farm on the 14h concession of East Wawanosh, from Mr. W. F Vanstonie. This makes over 700 acres of laud. in Wa- wanosh owned by Mr. Joynt. . -The 100 acre farm, upon wh ich the late Benson and Mrs. Wheeler lived, 2nd concession of Grey township, has been sold to Mr. George Warwick,, of the 2nd line of Morris townships for the sum of 15,500. Ile wets im- mediate poseession. It is a geocl farm. -Another of the old settlers of Turnherry pad away on Monday, in the person of i mas Appelby. De- ceased was in his 89th •year Lnd hail been 'in failieg health for sane time. The funeral. was held from the resi- dence of her son, Thomas, concession 10, Turnbenre, to Wroceier Ileinetery on Tuesday arterrm -A quiet but pretty wedding as solemnized on Wednesday of esti week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J hn • Falmer, when their daugther Ida, jbe. came the bride of Clinton R. Sweet, , of Exeter. The ceremony was formed by Rev. Becker of Crofton, at the hour of one o'clock. The, bride, gowned in white silk trimmed with soutaehe braid and the usual veil and'wreath of orange blossoms, enter- ed the parlor leaning on the 'arm of• • father, to the strains Of the wed- ding march played by Miss Pearl, sis- ter of the bride. After the ceremony and congratulations were over all par- took of a sumptuous wedding dinner. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were pr6sent. Amid showers of bonfetti they left for Ailsa Craig where they/ to'ok the train for Detroit to spend their honeym on. The bride travelled in a suit of avy blue serge with hat to match. On their return they will reside in, Us - borne. The best wishes accompanied them. -After a short illness of five days an old and highly esteemed resident of Morris toweehip in the person of Mrs. John McVettie, Was called to her revvard on Saturday last, aged- 74 ; years, 4 months and ten days. She had an attack of pleurisy in January but was annarently getting along well when the fatal pneumonia laid her low, passing away at the home of her son. Deceased's maiden name was Nancy Fraser and her birthplace was Dundee, Quebec Province. When sixteen years I of age ane came westward With th e family and fifty-six years ago she was mar*d to her late husband, who pre- dece4.ed her by five years. Mr. and Mrs. McVettie lived on the first line untit twenty years ago when they purchased 'south half lot 21, conaession 2. and moved there and -which Is new, owned by their son, Milton. In addi- tion to the latter, two daugthers sur- vive, Mrs. James Matfett, of Turn - berry township and Mrs. Walter Dav- idson, cif Morris. Three brothers of Mrs.- McVettie, Alex., in Meeris, and Johnand Thomas, who reside' in Que- bec. Deceased is an aunt of Reeve Fraser. She had been a strong, hearty, ambitious woman, hospitable and kind- ly and more than ordinarily devoted to her Bible and the Presbyterian church. CROMARTY • Presentation. -A number of friends and. neighbors met at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. William Norris laet week, and presented them with at cheque, prior to their departure. An enjoy- able. -evening was spent, in dancing and games. The following address was read by one of the girls of the neigh- borhood: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Norris -Knowing with deep regret that you are about to remove from this neign- horhood. a few of -your friends and neighbors gather here to -night, to ehow in a slight way our appreciation of you and the many kind acts ten- dered us during the few years you have resided among us. We have al- ways found you kind and obliging, ever ready to help us in any way we might desire. We feel that we can in a very slight way, repay you for the niany courtesies extended to us and as a slight token of our respect to you, we ask you, Mr. and .Mrs. ,Norris, to accept this little gift. We pray that a kind Providence may vouchsafe to you long life and good health is our wish and though' you are moving from us, we hope 'you will not forget your old friends in Hibbert. Signed on be- half of your friends.", Mr. Norris made a` prompt reply, thanking them on behalf of his wife for their kind- ness. WALTON Pretty Wedding. -On Wednesday, -of last week at four p.m.- wedding bells rang merrily at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, of Walton, when their daughter, Miss DeliAgnes was united in marriage t� Mr. Williem A. Murch, of • Preston. The ceremony was- perfonned by, Rev. R. A. Lundy. As Mrs. H. Deem, aunt of the bride, played the wedding march, the 'prin- cipals took their places. The floWer girls were Beth Harris, sister of the. bride and Lillian Small, of Preston, the niece of the 'groom, who did their part prettily. The bride wore a be- coming costume of ivoey Duchess satin with veil and carried/ a beautiful bou- quet of bridal rases; carnations and maiden hair fern. During, the sign- ing of the register, Miss Iva Harris sang a fine solo in good voice. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch; to the pianist, pearl ear rings; gold bracelets to the flower girls; and a gold brooch set With pearl to the soloist'. -The wedding presents were choice,- numerous and useful, including cheqhes, a piano frOm the bride's father, a silver to - 'mato server from the B.. L .T Club, of Walton and. half a &hien knives and forks from Duff's church choir, of which the bride was a' valued mem- ber. After hearty cOngratulations, elleeer was served. in the dining room which was decorated in pink and white in the best style of the hostess's. Mr. and Mrs. Murch left for their hoine in Preston on Friday morning, the bride travellingin a navy blue serge suit and sand colored hat, followed by the best wishes of . a wide circle of rela- tives and friends. Guests were pre- sent from Mitchell, Stratford. Sea - forth, Preston, Wingham and Brussels. • BLAKE. Notes. -Voting for two elders t‘ replace Messrs. Haugh and Sparks, who have left the congregation, took Place last Sunday and the previous` one. The result of the 'ballot will be announced next Sunday. . Presentation. -Mr. and Mrs: How- ard, and Evelyn, of Dashwood, were present at the services on Sunday and at the cloge' of the Sabbath School, Mr. Howard was called to the front and . presented with a 'beautiful en- graved honor ceitificate, accompanied by the following address, each of which was neatly framed; to serve as a reminder of his many wain friends in this community: "Dear Mr. Ho- ward, -Since we as a Sabbath School, have been unable to persuade you to continue to be our superintendent, we feel that we cannot have you sever your connection with the work here, • • Without our shoWing in some way oth- er than yords, that we valued your assistance. We therefore ask you to accept this honor certificate, in token, of our appreciation. In rewarding you this certificate, no attempt /has been made at givingvalue for value re- ceived. Services, such as yews have been, are priceless, and for the 'due reward, we commend you to Him who doeth all things well. While we re- gret your going away We join in ex- tending to you, to Mrs. Howard and to Evelyn, our kindeat regards and best wishes for your future well-being, and we do praythat you all may have in your lives just enough clouds to make a glorious sunset. Signed on behalf of the school, Margaret Tough and Eva Zapfei" Mr. Howard responded, thanking the teachers, officers and scholars for the many words of ap- preciation and encouragement spoken, and acts of kindness shown him during the eleven years he was superrnten- dent. 1,4 tic 14.X.1*().811'08 of Resurtectionihe, sincere sym- pathy of the corneaunity is extended to the bereaved friends. He leaves to mourn his loss, OTIS daughter, Mrs. J. F. HaCkwell of McKillop ;Ind four. sons: Edward of. Rockies, Sask.; Alex. of Gleichen. •Altst.; Albert of McKil- lop, and Stephen of, Seafotth. One daughter, Hester, predeceased him 16 years ago. Notes4-Mr. Charles Dolmage has purchased a Ford car from Mr. Dan Shanahan. -Messrs .- Alex and Ford Aitcheson who have been spending the minter here visiting friends, re- turned to their -home near Rosetown, Sask., last Tuesday. -Mr. James Hart who has been' engaged in the lumber- ing, business in Muskoka, during the past winter, visited friends around ,here last week, -Mr. W. T. .Grieve has rented Mr. D. Calder's farm, and intends using it for grazing purposes. -Messrs. John Campbell' and Charles 0 angehave retned the 100 acre fa on the 9th concession, belonging I to Mr, James Harts -Mrs. Brandy, ;of Stratford, and Mrs. Pearson, of TUCKIRSMITH. Successfill Saleee-The auction sale Woodstock, spent Easter at the home held by M. James Robertson on Sam :utf Mr. and Mrs. A. Calder. -Before urday lastwas a most successful one school' closed for the Easter holi- ; in every Way. One pair of steers days, the pupils gave a very interest - brought $290, another pair $288, and ing entertainm,ent, consisting of read - a grade cow- $190. The total sale re- ings ,recitations and dialogues, which alized som thing over $4,500, and Mr. was geteetlY enjoyed byall those pre - R. T. Luer, was the auotioeeer. Mr. I sent. Much credit is given the teach - Robertson has sold leifarm to Mr. er, Miss -Axnent, for the splendid way Ca een of 4 ay township and ntends in which the pupils -aclquitted em - i hooting to Hensel' shortly where he selves,. t will reside. KI School Report -The following is PPEN the report a the school in Section No. Box Social. -A box social, under the Tuckersmith. The results are based auspices of the Young Ladies' Bible upon the examinations held previous Class of .the Methodist Church; will to the Easter vacation. As the pupils be held in the public hall, Kippen, were examined in all subjects the on he evening of Friday, April 12th, standing i a proof of their work in the 1 elass: Form V -Robert D. Elgie, Form IV Sr. -Ross Chapman. Gracie MacGregor, Willie Kyle, Webster Mc- Naughton. Form III Sr. --Robert Mc- Naughtom Leonce Cadieux, William McLean, Olive Cooper'Mary Mac- Donald, Jehn Sinclair. Form III Jr. --John D ig, Willie Bell, Emerson frit Kyle, Ro a McLean, Fern McLean, Dora Dal ple. Form II Jr. -Mar- garet Elgie, Lyla Chapman, Grace Cooper, Clarence .. MacLean Harry Caldwell, Tena MacNitughetiii, Robbie MacGregor. Form I Seel- Gordon Fowler>, Janet Doig. Sr. Primer - Mona McGregor, Jr. Primer --Edna Detweileri Duncan Cooper, i Lloyd Moffatt, Myrtle Moffatt-W.G. Strong ; Teacher. West End Notes -Sonja of the far- mers her have commenced plowing sod. -Mr„ Charles Hunt had ai'very successful, auction sale last Friday. Everything sold at. high prices. -Mr„ C. Volland moved to the Hunt farm this week,-Mrs.M.Hillman ie spend- ing the holidays at her home near Newbury. - Miss Hettie Turner, of Ellesmere, is spending the holidays at her home here. -Mrs. A. Townsend is visiting her mother, Mrs. ,Peffers, at Auburn. -Masters Harvey and,Wil- lie McClyinont are visiting their. sis- ter, Mrs. V. Terryberry. ..............7. USBORNE „ Thames Road Notes. -Miss Ethel McDonald reterned home from ,Toron- to last Saturday where she has been, undergoing treatinerit in 'a hospital, Her many friendswill be pleased to konw that she is much improyed.- Several of the farmers commenced plowing the latter part of last week. The sap has been running well and has kept the men pretty busy. -Mr. Samuel Cann had a'most successful sale on Tuesday of 'last week. The stock ,and implements all brought fancy prices. --The W. M. S. of Beth- any had a successful anniversary on Easter Sunday. Rev. A. E. Johns occupied the pulpit and delivered a stirring, address. Hsi made a strong appeal for reinforcements for mission- ary work in West China, giving a graphic clescripti6n Of conditions of schools in the district where he has been engaged in teaching. The music was of higer order. Miss Vera, Mux - worthy afid Miss Jean Allison sang solos 'and] Mrs. .George Williams and Miss MuiteorthY sat?, a duet. The offering 411nounted to $39. -The Eas- ter servichen the PreSbyterian church, was very ;good, Rev. Dr. Fletcher delivered an excellent sermon. The choir rendered two _choice anthems. They were assisted by several from the neighboring church. The choir was led by . Miss V. :uxworthy, who sang a vor3r pleasin sole -The en- tertainment, given in the Presbyterian church laSt, Wednesday evennig, was largely attended, the receipts amount- ing to $11i0. The Exeter Orchestra added much to the pleesure of the ev- ening with;their selections. The play, "Won by Waiting" Was pronounced the best given in this neighborhood by local talent. Miss Muxworthy, of Exeter, aseisted.1 The cast was per- sonated a* 'follows: Martin Winn, 1Mr. ,Paesmore ; Ruth Wine, Miss Jean Allison; Alnia Wayne, Miss Annie Turnbell; Len Everett, Alymer er Stewart; Hold ,Vincent, Milton Hod- gert; Josiah Lizz,ard, Mr. H. Brown; Aunt Melissa, MiSss Myra Moran; Linda Jane (Dairy), Tiss Belle Mc- Dougall; 1VIrs. Popli , Miss Vera Mumvorthy. , WINIIIROP 1 Obituary. --,-There pek ssd a ''ay at his home in. Winthrop, n he morning of March 28th. Mr. S :Then Golikin, at the age of 78 years, Born in. the township of11(itleV, county of Leeds, in 1840, Els earl l' life %vas spent in that districte Th; ; 1866 he. married Eliza Ann Morrison of he same town- ship and in the Spring pf 1868, moved to McKillop. . There h took up land on the 10th ConCession where he re- sided until after ;-the death of his wife in 1.904, when, he isetire I to Winthrop, to enjoy a w -ell cleserved rest. Corn - hie to McKillop [in the early days. of bush land, he performed a strenuous part in transforming She land froin the pioneer conditions 'af bush farm- ing- to the modem grain farm, well equipped with anaclunery and all kinds /of stock. Though' a Conserva- tive. he never took an active part in politics, but was always more inter- ested in the church where his mias- mal -nine Christian iife and kindly ways endeared him to many. For fifty years a member of' Providence Methodist Church, where foe most of that time he led the singing, he will be much missed by his pester and fellow mem- bers. In his death at Ester time, he has but fittingly entered into the life at --eight o'clock. A good programme will be given. The proceeds will be donated to the Patriotic Society. Death of Mr.,James Chesney. -It was evith feeling of surprise and sor- row that the citizens of this vicinity heard of the suden calling away of an henored resident of, Tuckersmith, for many years, in the person of Mr. James Chesney, who passed away to his peaceful rest on Sunday, March 24th, in • his 70th year. It was' well known, to many of his friends and neighbors that Mr. Chesney had iint been enjoying good health since the fore Part of the winter, as he had not been Outside of the house since the new Year; but as the tiine went by and with the warm weather approach- ing, he was hopeful and cheerful sVith the exPectation that in a short time, he woeld be goine about as usual and it was not known to Mr. Chesney un- til a Couple of days before his death that ho was seriously ill and the only hope tor his life was to undergo an operation, which was performed on Saturday, but after all that medical skill and careful nursing could do, ha passed away very quietly on. Sunday: Mr. Chesney's death removes a highly esteemed resident of Tuckersmith. He was a son of the late Jas. Chesney and was born in the vicinity of Eginond- ville, coming to the -third concession of this township some thirty years ago. At the same time he took to -him- self a Partner in life,, who ever proved, a worthy helper, in the person of Miss. Christena Forsythe, daughter of the late Alex. Forsyth. :The family, be- sides his partner, eensists of three 'daughters, Mrs: Harry:Chesney of the third concession of Stanley, and the Misses Jennie and Barbara at home, also one brother, Samuel, of Cart- wright, Man., and a sister, Mrs. T. S. Menary, of Melita, Man. Mr. Ches- ney was a Liberal in politics, and for many years a member of St. Andrew's church, Mippen, and for some( years was on the Managing Board.He was upright and conscientious, always striving, to do what he believed to be right ,and was thoroughly trusted and greatly respected by • all *ho knew, him in private life. He was consid- erate and obliging, a kind neighbor and thoughtful husband and an iffduls gent patient. In short he acted his part well in life, 'The funeral,' which took place on Tuesday was largely at tended, the services being conducted by his pastor, Rev. Dr. Aitken. The remains were interred in the Hensel' Union cemetery and were followed to, the last resting place by a large num- ber of sorrowing relatiyes and frends. The pall -bearers were Messrs. Thos. McNaughton, Thomas Forsyth, Robert Elgie land William Bete - Notes. -The members of the session and the Board of Managers of St. Andrews' church along, with their wives eathered at the manse o'n Wed- nesday of last week to spend a pleas,- eet evenieg with Mr. James Robert- son, before his. deapnere. A good farmer, a Valued neighbor and a loyal follower of' Jesus Christ, Mr. Robert - am has alwans been hem in the high - eat es eem i,hroughout this commun- ity. hrourni his readiness ever to give niost liberally to the church of his mciney, and, both as chairman of ;the Board of Managers and as elder, of his time mid talent3, he has conie Lo occupy a °Nee in the life of the congregation ihat will not be quickly inied. Before tlimicatherinis broke up: Mr. Robertson was presented with an add -iced which expressed the loss that, all felt at his departure and teh ap- prediation in which he has been held in the community and in the congre-, gation. As a slight token of that es- teem he was given a travelling bag. -- Miss Helen McGregor, teacher at Wellesley, spent the Easter vacation at her home here -Mr. James C. Me - Lean, who, the past week, suffered a slight stroke. is now much improved arid is able to go about in the home "again. This will be gratifying news to Mr: McLean's man -y friends, and all wish iql. see him soon enjoying his usual , good health. -The fine spring' weather of the past -Week is fast get- ting the land in readiness for seeding and a few have got the plows going. -Messrs. W. W. Cooper and William McGregor have each purchased new gasoline tractors for the work of the farmer -Miss Etta Jarrott spent Easter - holidays with friends in London. -Miss M. Mellis was also a visitor with St. Thomas friends over the holidaes.- Mr. William MUlholland of Seaforth, was calling on old friends in the vill- agend among his old neighbors ra- round Hay toweship this week -The Easte services were largely attended by good congregations in our village churches. The perfect weather which was lice a summer's day was doubt- -less,: ta measure, responsible for the large a, tendance, when the story of the Reurrectjon was told in sermon and so4g by the pastors and choirs. -Mis IGretta 'Nilson and Miss Sarah • APRIL 51 1918 Peal'', who are teaching school in the vicinity of St. Thoinns, are spending the Eaeter holidays at their home here. 4. 1 ..eissesser...ims - HENSALL • Briefs. --Mrs. - Yungblut, of Wat- erloo, formerly of this village, was here recently visiting her 'daughter, Mrs. J. W. Bonthrone-Rev. Mr. Mc- Connnell delivered in an eloquent and forcible manner, two excellent ser- mons in Carmel church on Sunday last, while the service of praise by the choir including, anthems and solos could not well be surpaseed and were greatly enjoyed by congregations that filled the church. -A large number of visitors werein evidence/here during the Easter ' holidays, although no special low fares were givenby the railways. -Mrs. Hwater, of Exerteri, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. Dew, of Iowa, spent a few days with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mur- dock of this village -Miss M. Mc- Gregor has been visiting relatives in Goderich.-A.' banquet was held in the .basement of the Methodist Church on Monday evening last, on which occa- sion, Rev. Jesse H. Arnip, of Toron- to, Foreign Missionary Secretary, gave a most eloquent and masterly address on Missions. The ladies of the church ably sustained their excellent reputa- tion as excellent cooks and liberal pro- vider s and a pleasant and most pro- . fita,ble evening was spent -Mrs. Hugh 1 McDonald and Mr. McDonald were in ' Toronto this week, Mrs. McDonald Iremaining to take treatment for her ankle -Which had been troubling her ( very much fog* sorne tinie.-Mrs. J. McMartin and Children, of Barrie, re- turned this week after vending Eass ter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bontheon, Mrs. McMartin's parents. -Miss Helen Swan, Who has been in Rcichester, Minn., for a number of months, returned home this week.- The Cantata, entitled, "Fairyland" which was presented by some thirty children, under the direction of Miss Gladys Hardie, of this -village, with Mr. J. Dingwall, as pianist, on Friday evening last, wak well attended and much enjoyed, the children all doing, their parts in a manner most credit- able to themselves and their instructor, Miss Hardie. The stage presented a fairy-like appearance, being beautiful- ly festooned with evergreens,- tinsel, ete., and the play was. well termed "Fairyland", and would well bear re- peating at any time. The proceeds were over $73, and after the expenses which were pretty heavy, are fully known, Miss Hardie intends' dividing the proceeds between Miseions and the Red Cross, and we will report the amounts later. - Mrs; Chamberlain of Niagara Falls, is visiting her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Wilson. The Misses Maxwell of Whitby Ladies College'are visiting. their sister; Mrs. J. W. Peck. -Mr. John Bell, of Ex- eter, formerly of the township of Hay, has rented his farm a mile west of our village, to Mr. William Walper, of the Township of Hay. -Messrs. Rennie and Agur are putting in the front of their fine garage on King street and with the fine plate- glass front will make a -fine appearance, and in fact, for size and finish, will com- pare favorably with any city one. - Messrs. William and John Craig have rented ' their neat dwelling on Queen street, to Mr. James Robertson, of the Township. of Tuckersmith, who recently sold his farm. -Our villagers and all lovers of good stink are looking forward With great interest to our Spring Show on Tuesday the 9th of this month, which promises to be the very best ever held here and those at- tending, will be well repaid. -The gloriou'S 12th of July is to be held in our village this summer and arrange- ments arealready under way to make it a huge sucess, as when. ever held here, there has been a record attend- ance, and we think Ithere is not the slightest doubt but that this year with added interest it will far surpass all ' past. recordsand will mean a good thing for anr village. --Mr. F. W. B. DeJean and Mrs. DeJean spent Mon - May last in London. -Miss M. Ellis,' very pleasantly entertained a number of friends on Tuesday evening last, to meet Jessie Sproule of Lucan, who is here on a visit -The farmers in this section are already on their land where- the elevation and nature of soil is ifavorable.-Or onion kings have large forces ht work in preparing the onions for shipment and the firms from Toronto, who have warehouses here are busily engaged in making shipments to their customers in all parts of the country -.-Mrs.. Gemmell, of Stratford, and Miss N. Carmichael., also of ,Stratford, spent Easter with their relatives and friends in our vill- age. -Mr. Charles Gillard and wife, were here from Stratford spending, a day or so with relatives. -Mrs. A. Bolton'. of this village, has received word from her brother, that his son, Cyril Stewart, a University Student, wheilenlisted for -overseas service, and doing good work in the Aviation Corps. had been severely wounded in France. He was flying very low during a re- cent action assisting the Allied trpops when he was thus severely wounded by a shot from the enemy. -In an error in printing the Huron Red Cross report which 'appeared in a recent is- sue, the amount from Kipper' Society was, omi tted, as- there was shipped from Kippen throug1-4 the leensall cen- tre, for the months �f December, Jan- uary and February, 246 articles. - Miss Jessie Sproule of Lucan, and formerly of Hensel', is spending a week or so with friends in Hensel', Mr. James. Taylor has sold his neat dwelling property on the corners of Queen and Nelson streets, to Mr. John D. Reid, recently from the west, but formerly of the third concession of Stanley, who will shortly, occupy it. While we are pleased that Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will continue to reside in our village, having rented Mrs. Drake's dwelling property nearly op- posite the Post Office. -The services held in our three churches on Sab- bath last, were well attended, splendid sermons being delivered and excellent music appropriate to the Easter time. -A union meeting of the three chur- ches will be held on Friday evening of this week in theinterests of the Bible Society, and an offering for the same will be taken whieh we trustwill equal that of former years, as- the Bible Society deserves the most liberal, sup- port that can be given, doing the great work it is, and has been doing in the past, printing the Bible in hundreds of languages and supplying it without cost sv4ere funds are Want- ing to. purchase it, and had it been • : :enable: • ,W•orkin: Are you *tidy for the Spring Work oil the farm? Do you n4ed a pair of good working shoes? If so, we veould like to show you the best working shoes that are made. We have. shoes made on comfortable lasts and built to with- stand -the hardest kind of wear. Exception values, too. Men's -Shaved Kip World' Shoes, bellow tongues, plain vamps, per pair „ „ ..........., .. . ...$3.50 and $4.00 'Men's Tan Grain Leather Shoes made with toe -caps and waterproof soles, per pair . • . .$4.00 s.nd $4.50 Men's Urus Calf Shoes, plain vamps and bellow tongues, per • pair Men's Mennonite Grain Shoes, asolid leather waterpreof shoe, per pair . Men's Pearl Elk Shoes the well known Williams make on the army last, per pair 4 . 1 411111•11111/10MMENIMOMMIONO se Shoe Repairing Given Profitpt Attention and All Work Guaranteed. Vissiassimmomossmwmpfaxemmostr MAMMY" TELEPHONE 11 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL MOTEL .0•040400•044;44•01K44eo.€4040.4><>0.0404X>4.00•0404, more largely, circulated and read with profit, this awful warp -would practically have been impossible, teaching as it does peace on earth and -good will to men, and we trust that all our chur- ches will rally to the support of this splendid society. -Mr. Stevrart Mc- Queen, of the boundary, had the mis- fortune, to have a horse step -,on his foot, crushing a couplerof bones, 'which necessitated the putting of the foot in plaster-pa.ris, which will confine him to his -room for some, weeks, which is indeed very unfortmlate for him at this busy seasoa.-Mrs. Crooker, of Tilsonburg, is spending Easter with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Hardie. -Mr. Lawrence Heffernan is moving to the village from the farm 1.1/4 miles north of our village and will occupy the McEwen Iproperty near the salt well. -Mr. W. J. Clark of the firm of Brown and Clark, Carriage Makers, and who hat not been very well for some time, se,- fered a stroke about a week ago and has been verv seriously affected by it, but his many friends will be pleas- ed to learn at date of 'writing, he is s somewhat improved and will hoe that the improvement may conti4e, as Mr. Clark is one a our pioneer business men 'who have many circellent qualities and has been a most indue- trious and hard workinte man and who was always greatly interested in the work of the church and other good movements. -Miss Ruth Rennie; who IS, engaged as a school teacher at Pontypool, Durham county, is spend- ing Easter holidays with her 'relatives here. MORON, 1111M111111111111111111111$111111111111111 Telephone • goonewel IWimaarnia Do pop practice Take Care of Your Telephone! MANY repairs to telephones are made necessary by careless handling. ,A telep' hone instrument has more than a hundred parts and is built like a watch. Rough usage impairs its efficiency. 41 Help us to conserve the supply of telephone material and skilled labor 'by always hand- ling your telephone Carefully to avoid costly breakages and repairs. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 4eCsle0.00•000•0•000400.4er>4004•0•0•0400•40•04100•0•040041 ave You Ordered Your Suit if not, this will interest you. We have one of the finest assortments of Serges, Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to see—dozens of patterns in greys, browns and mixtures; alsd fine blues with guaranteed dyes. You have a choice of a variety of materials at different prices, and you get the same attention and care at any price. And While here, look ever our fine new stock of Shirts, Sox, Ties; Underwear, etc. We're Sure we can please you. D. Bright & Son. The High:Class Tailors, &Worth Died way *way of her - of 'Wo of Htd1 of Mrs lateP. maiden 4-, Was be 4ge; Shiroai £oThi ageof Mrs. true sell out ha - or dis years • -.aef whose Ji - Jacinto the reni those o was accf4 daught gins. Robins° leaves a daughtei St. Cita Bervii • Wolse • Blue Gibon o was held' Our Li graph re' is takee of th,e L Toronto: ated in a of 400, this year I teen-d�Th spent on especially purchstse the indiv *careful th by those of books. .ture for times We, eluding A Breezes ed from a Mrs. {Dr» returned weeks' vir many wh liere were daughters, Thomas; Stratford; lab. Parke Baker, La Xing, of Kitchen -me mai* i E. Westo eban, o the fennel -Mrs. Jo 'winter vi turned 'N) James D Soo . And eon= s Tiougall *ems sho this week, 'The sVow Mrs.:Cope nur- mesday. M took plac by Rev, 'red Wa was marri all, of Bayl Edgar,, me friends at the Patrio Moen ne -from 5 to -countay p Ping' to tila -stea, cot/ -beans a On T on lot 11, sale of far Brown, Pro On Fricke on lot ersmith, fa -.Chapman, - On Sitar -aria end • bold effects, WoOdley, On TO In, a th( lGOi1:klu, Nif 'effects. S. „Brown, Au Wheat. Oats per Barley, Bran, per Shorts, pe Flour, pe Peas, per Mary Potato:e Buter, pe Eggs Per liege. Pe • Toronto, prime. bug 'picked, Toronto, -ens, 27; m pounds au pounds 28e; .22c;- duckll Poultry --,C 132e; hens, 43% to 5 p4 We; rooster keys, 35c, Toronto 45e to 46‘e Carton, solids 49e 153e; choice dairy prin ateonaargar Cheese —IN to ‘Xlihre; twins, 251?) 16 oz., $31,t.: seconds an Toronto -In Store, lag 2%-e 2 northern, and No. 4 --4:7.5. A. • Mardtoba' 1 feed, SP' Wheat—N store, Mos 02 to 98e, to *1.74. Miour---W meat, war