The Huron Expositor, 1918-04-05, Page 2•
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a h ng achine
g llouke
nu Enos
SEAFORTII, Fridele April 5th, 1918
eavy blankets are soon to be laid:- away
and every woman dreads the necessary wash-
its easy motion, large capacity and long-lasting
tub, the drudgery is reduced to no. -Ing. and house-
cleaning loses -half its dreariness. very *man is
entitled to what comfort life can give and one of
these is a
Galvanized Wash Tubs....
Caustic Soda in five pound tins... •—••• •••
Sani-Flush, for cloSet bowls, per can....
Coat Hooks, _per
Perfection oil stove wicks
Mop Sticks...
WIRE DOOR MATS save the carpet,
are indistructible, easilk cleaned, do not
bold the dirt. Special price............
1.35 to 2.25
a ASILLS, Seaforth
Fire Insurance Co
1. Connolly, Goderich, President
Alas. Evane, Beachwood, Vice -Presider&
HinChleye Seaforth; John Murray,
William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John
Bennewies. Brodhagen; James Event,
Ileechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.
Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor,
No. 4 Walton. Robert Ferris, Harlock;
George McCakney, Ne. 3, Seaforth.
Trilbies Leave Seaforth as follows:
10.55 a. ne — For Clinton, Goderich,
Wiokham and Kincardine.
4.58 p. m. — For Clinton, Winghara
and Kincardine.
11.03 p. m. — For Clinton, Goderich. CARRIAGE FOR SALE.
441 a. in.—For Stratford, Guelph,
Tor's:into, °riffle, North Bay and Two geated Gladstone, natural wod as
points west, Belleville and Peter-
boro and points east.
4.16 p.m. *— For Stratford, Toronto,
Montreal and points east.
Supplies Of seed- corn usually avail-
able in Western Ontario for Canadian
ensilage growers are this year insuf-
ficient to meet local requirements. The
seed crop of the more No ittirn states
is also insufficient to supply home ,
needs, which leaves as the onbt source
of aupply to Canadian coinage grow-
ers the late varieties grown in. or south
Of Kansas missouri, Tennessee and
'These late varieties - in-
clude Red Cob, Mastodon and Mam-
moth Southern -Sweet which although
giving a large tonnage per ace are
somewhat low in dry matter and make
ensilage of rather poor quality. HoW-
even the ensilage growers of Easton
Ontario and the southern part of Que-
k,ec may this year consider themeelves
fortunate in obtaining even, late Varie-
ties of seed corn. In, districts where
only the early' voxieties can be groin).
iuccessfully &Awns may grow oats
and -vetches for ensilage or hay.
Canadian seed corn dealers negot-
iate their purehases direct with the
United States seedsmen and send
their orders through the Toronto of-
fice of our Seed Purchasing Cominis-
mission for confirmation and assist-
ance in securing export permits and
transportation. Degers are allowed
a net profit not exceeding five ' per
per cent. on less ;than carlots in
wholesale quantities. Prices, at'e not
fixed but will depend on the rn,arket
when orders are plaeed.
When the first news came that Paris
was under gunfire, it was feared that
the Germans had advanced their lines
to wisthin what was considered shelling
range, perhapi 22 or 25 milea. Then
it was explained that the shells must
have been dropped from -airplanes.
Now it s,eems evident that Germany'
, has constructed a gun capable of hurl-.
ing a shell more than 70. miles; or
theee times as far as ever it shell was
hurled before': It is one of theaniracles
of the war, but is likely to have as
much influence uPon the result of the
war as that other well known miracle,
liqUid air. Its effect, according to a
French writer, was hoped to b4 psy-
chojogical, to bring about a panic, co-
incident with the inevitable earlier
successes of the great offensive. No
doubt if one of these guns can be made
others can be made, .ancl it is thought
that more than one is bombarding
P,artis. The London Times believes
that the guns may yet be set up along
the. Belgia,n coast and drop shella into
As far as the life of the present
gun or guns is concerned, it islike-
ly to be short. Once spotted by an
Allied aviltor, a bomb or two -will
shatter it just as the gun. was shate
tered that borabarded Dunkirk,
from an emplacement 22 miles
Away. In any event, aeocrding to ex-
perts in the TJnited States, a' gun
COULD NOT STAND STRAIGIHIT. capable of sending a shell .70 miles
weuld be worn out after' aboat fifty
shotsnand would have to be. relin-
ed.. Thie would be a long process
with such a weapon. e - Experts say
that theoretically th4re is no limit
to the range of guns, ,proVitled they
are long enough and heaiy enough
and the explosive powerful enough.
- there is no limit to the
size of battleships, but experience
has shown that there is a -practical
limit, after which mere size cen be
attained only at the expense of
such a gun,. says that if it were pos-
sible to build one; the timetand ma-
terial and labor required would put
in the field 1,000 more useful •
smaller g.uns. In any event the dam-
age that this 'super -guns could do
would not begin to pay for the ex-
pense and difficulty in building it.
Nev.ertheless, heke is the gum
• Hudson Maxim says that with a
nine inch gun from 40 to 50
feet long and with a maximum. eleva-
tion of 45 degrees, a projectile can
be thrown for more than twenty
miles, and that if the calibre of the
gun is doubled, the area at the base
is quadrualedi Thus if the Germans
have built a gun 100 feet tiong and
if its calibre, is, say, 18 or 20 inches,
it is perfectly feasible foe it to hurl
a nine inch shell sixty or seventy
miles. There is nothing new hi
Women sbould not despair .• eien if
ehey are troubled with 'severe paies in
the.side or back, mid not able to attend
to their househokl duties.
The kidneys of course, are to blame
nine times out of ten, but they can be
promptly and perinanently made healthy
by the use of Doan's Kidney Pills.
writes: --"I feel it my duty to recona
mend Doan's Kidney Pills to anyone
having weak kidneys, as they have
a great help to me, A month age my
kidneye were so bad that I had severe
pains in my sides and back, and it was
impossible for me to stand straight. I
then got eo bad I had. to go to bed, and
wa.s ehat way for a week. We tient for
some Doan s Kidney Pills, and I have
taken just about one box, and now, I am
able to be up and do nay own work. I
am certainly grateful for the good they
have done me, '
To ensure getting Doan's Kidney Pine
when yea ask foe theme dee that they are
put up in an oblong grey DOX with our trade
mark of a "Maple Leaf" on the label.
Price 50c. per box at all dealers or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Going South-
Wingham, depart 6.35 3.20
Brucefield 8.08 4.88
London. arrive 10.05 6.15
eae.. Going North a.m. p.m.
Londesboro ... 11.28 6,57
Belgrave . 11.50 7.18
tWinghtine arrive ..... 12.05 7.40
Ctualph 4.80
Toronto 'Leave 5.10
coarisidoas at Guelph Junction with
Melo tisse ter Galt, Woodstock, Lea-
ejdene 1)stnalte seal (Unite sal all hi-
fatseediate points?
-good as new and easy running, com-
fortable family rig. ApPier at Th.
Expositor Office, &afar& 25784
You should never neglect a cold, how-
ever. slight. If you do not treat it in
time it will, in all possibility, develop
into bron?hitis, pneumonia, asthma, or
some other serioue throat or hrag trouble.
On the faint sign of a cokl or cough it is
advisable to cure it at once, and not let
it run on for an indefinite period.
equal Dr. Wood's Norway Pin Syeup,
For this peapose there is :Zing to
a remedy that has been ' ersally
used by thousands for over twenty-five
You (14 not experiment when you buy
Mrs. W. G. Paquet, Smith's Falls,
Ont., writeel—otl was troubled with la -
I caught cold, and negleeted it,
an was sok for several months. I took
three bottles; of Dr.' Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, and before I finished the
not have any other cough roedicine in
the bowie.
It also cured my , who was very
oleic with brenchitia. e had the deo,
tor three tiers,' and he recessamended
'Dr. Wood's. I highar recommend it
to those who nfttcl. a tenek cure."
See that you get Dr, Wooda Norway
Pine Syrup when you askefor it. Do not
yellow wrapper; three pine trees the
trade mark; priee 25c. and 50e.; manu-
factetted only by The T. Milburn Os.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Clean .Without
Here h the modern soip end
the modern way of usisg
LUX—th iy flakes of the purest
essence of soap, making the
creamiest of lathers in which
even your very finest things *are'
safely washed beeause they ere
not rubbed -- lust cleansed by
gently stirring about. Try LUX
old see for youeself.
British toads, b.,
Lever BrothOrs
from touching the sides of the barrel.
In any event no accuracy is to be
dourttod on from a shell travelling
this -distance. It would be due to
drift *nearly a mile from the point at
which is was ainied, but as Paris
is a large city a mile is neither here'
nor there. There is gefleral agree -
merit. that the construction of such
a gun would be a matter of months
of labor. MOxim thinks it mustt
seetions aod shipped to the front,
there ;to be. assembled.. Others
maintain .that the neeeesary lengty
of the barrel yrduld make it impossi-
ble to build it aoywhere except on the
spot- One r ks that it must have
supports like bridge, and that
its construction is a problem that
must have been solved by a com-
mittee of mathe aticians and watch-
makers. In an event it is a freak
gun, and like the big gites whiCh were
Gerneony's first surprise of the war,
the guns that battered down the Bel-
gian fortresses, this last big gun which
is probably Germairy's last surprise,
was made in Austria, This is a typical
triumph of German mechanical genius..
A meeting- of the County
CoMacil was held at Clinton on Tues-
daa, March 26th, .'when resolutions
were passed in accordance with the
movement for greater production of
The Reeves of the various inunici-
patties were instructed to call meet-
ing in their respective villages, towns
and townships to erganize for the
stirnelatilm. a energy ma this direction.
Increased acritage in -wheat and all
cereals is to be -encouraged, and in
some townships already splendid priz-
es are being offered for the best fields
of wheat
In the afternon a public meeting
was held in the town ball, at which
earnest addresses were elelivered by
Warden who Occupied the chair,
Rev. Messrs. Hogg, Agnew, Jones and
Abery, Messrs. Musgrove, Forrester
and Ransford, Mayor Thompson, ex -
Warden D. Cantelon, and Mrs. S. B.
Stothers, the county agricultural re-
presentative. These addresses were
of a very high order and struck a re-
sponsive chord in the heaiers. who
showed their appreciation by frequent
The meeting should do much to-
wards speeding up production.
A resolution., was also adopted by
the Council calling upon, the Govern-
ment to exercise stricter economy in
the transaction of public business end
declaring againat the multiplication of
public offices, es rentreehment was
needed in public affairs as well as in-
creased production by the farmers and
lution was considered very
d was adopted -unanimously
and it is hoped will do good in the
direction sought.
what , called "sub-callere projec- It was decided to ask the Ontario
aon," for it was used m the fed Government to gend five additional
Zalinski dynamite gun. As a rule, tractors into the county. There are
at presentethree Government tractors
in Huron, and owing to the large acres
age ‘available the additional tractors
are considered necessary.
when accuracy is the great end to be
achieved, the projectile is made only
shghtly .smaller than the calibre of
the gun. This is to give a spin
to the missle, and ovetcom:e what a
pacifist person. anight call wabbling.
The Zalinski guin sought to secure.,
this result by ataching two rings
to -the projectile, one near the for-
ward end and one near the rear.
The rear ring caries a driving band
for giving the projectile rotation,
and back of that is a gas checlo
independent in the ease of the driv-
ing band. When the projectile
escapes from te gun these two rings
part company with the projectile and
drop off, permitting it to proceed by
itself. .
The greatest cause of lost motion
in, a bullet or a shell is friction,
arrd oet its course a 'projectile en-
counters two sorts of friction. In the
first place there ds the friction of the
sides ef the rifle or cannon.; in the
second place there is the friction
or resistance offered by the air. As'
regards the latter the greater the
range. of the gun, less this is to
be feared. The shells that have
fallen on Paris, for instance, if fired
from a gun at an angle of forty-five
degrees, which - is th:e 'theoretical
position for the longest range, though
some experts say that in practice 32
degrees is best, would be about 85
miles over the earth when they had
finished half their journey. At this
height the shells above most
of the 'atmospheres of the earth, and
the air resistance would be compara-
tively small compared with that en-
countered lower down. They would
be moving through a partial Vacuum.
The other source of friction, acocrding
to an unnamed expert quoted in the
New York Tinies, may have been el-
Ehgland now tekes women in the
navy as yeomen.
Canada haaethree women ineinhers
Seventy pee cent. of the tobacco
workers in Germany are wp,men.
In Pennsylvania.. women are pro-
thibited from :working after 10 p.m.
Nearly all the mail deliveries. in
Rome, Italy; are being doneby women.
Women ore now eligible, to become
federal deputy . shippinis commis -
ore hotel mane. gers have de-
cided to exnploy *omen as elevator
Miss 'Bessie Hatton has been ap-
pointed country treasurer of Columbia
county, Oregon.
Thiee women have been passed hy
-the Nashville board of examiners as
full-fledged lawyers.
Many a the aeroplane plants in this
country are employing women as
forewonien and .their efficiency is
claimed to be far better than the xn.en.
Seventy-five per cent. of all the em-
ployees in the tinned meat and coo -
serve factories of Germany working
exclusively on army. contracts are wo-
Miss -Jane Gregory, daughter of the
United States attoreey general, bas
accepted an $80, a nutinth position with
the national food administration. '
Miss Mva Spindler, who operates a
huge five -ton truck in New York City,
is probably the only woman in that
city holding such a position.
Hundreds of earls in England have
unmated hy a device, which would, Join e British Women's Forestry
surroupd the gun batrel by a magnetic . Corps ,a 'unit retruited to cut trees and
field which would keep the projectile turn them into lumber and trench and
mine timbers.
Miss Hendricka Vander Flier is now
IV countryefor the purpose ee raja.
ingto,000,000 to build is garden
loge near Antwerp to shelter Belgian
Widews and orphans. •
Miss Helen P. McConnick, assistant
district attorney' in Brooklyn, has
eharge of all cases of dissatisfied Mar-
ried 'couples and it is tier duty to try
to arrange for coming together again.
'wealthy manufecturer of San Fran-
cisco, Cal., has moved' to Washington
where she is iworking from 'ten to
twelve. hours a day in fuel asiteinistra-
tion offices. Slie receives no compensa-
tion for her labor.
The first woman ha the eastern
statterto be interned as an alien enemy
was Mrs. Matilda Hansen, wife of Cap-
tain Hansen of the interned German
liner Weatenwald. She was recently
placed in, the detention camp at Glou-
Miss Martha Van. Rensselaer of the
department of home economies, New
York State college of agriculture,
nell university, has been appoin
head Of the -division of home conser-
vation of tin) Malted States food ad:-
ininiatration, and assumed her duties ,
at Washington on March 1ste
Dr, Mary Lee Ed.wird: Dr. Alice
Gregory and Dr., Aria Van Shelly aro
the advance guard of a large force of
women nhysicians to be sent abroad by
the Natkonal Amerlian Women Suf-
frage AsSociation for service in the IL
S. A, Womends Overseas Hospitals.
As winter passes away it leaves -
many peo le feeling weak, depressed
and easilY tired. The body 'lacks.
that vital force and energy, which
pure brood alene can give.
Williamsie Pink Pills for Pale
People are an all -year-round blood
builder and nerve tonic, but they are
especially useftd in the ,spring. Every
dodo helps to make new rich, red
blood. RetUrnting strength com-
mences with their use and the vigor
and cheerfulness of good health
quickly follows.
There is just one cure for lack of
'Mood and that is more blood. Food
is the, material from which blood is
made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
double the value ,of the food we eat..
They give strength, tone up the
stomach and weak digestion, cleao.
tion.s and boils, and drive out rheoe
ine,tie poisons.
If you are Pale and sallow, if you
teal coat/nu-ally tired out, breathless
after slight exertion. If you have
headaches or, if yoU are
'irritable and nervous, if your joints
ache, if your appetite fails and food
does not nourish, nor sleeP refresh
you, Dr, Williams' Pink rills will
make you well, and strong. To build
up the blood is the special Purpose
ief Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and that
is -why' they are, the best spring,
medicine. It you feel the need of a'
tonic at this season give Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you
will rejoice * new health, new
strength and new energy. Do. not let
the trying weather of simmer and .
you weak and ailing. Build yourself
up now with Dr. Pink
Pille---th.e Pills that strengthen.
Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People and do not be per-
suaded to take something 'else. If
your dealer does not keep These Pills
they will be a.ent by mad,.post paid,
ac 50 cents a box or six \boxes tor
$2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
carrrAI AND RESERVE —$8,800,000
A General .Banking Business Transected.
Interest allowed, at ltiOrest Current Rate.
Brucefiebl St, Marys Kirldon
. Exeter Clinton liensall Zurich
Dear Folks
at Home:
Kew your soldier
or sailor boy
supplied with
Ifs an outstand-
ing feature of
the war. "All the
Allied Armies are
chewing it."
passed sel
Rock. 4
sof 140gal
lived in
:years agi
lield on
Relieves thirst
an.d fatigue.
and sustai
tikm7i et;
-for the
aiek bet
this anl
late the
colic or
are sola
Truck for, the Farme
equipment which *PI effct a time and labor-
saving, and -pherefore a piop:ey-saying, must be care-
fully considered by every good farmer pow -a -days.
The farm wagon, which.for years was the niost useful
of all, is now being.replaced on -the best
farms a sturdy, dependable motor truck. The truck
will haul any farm product,--fruit,..grain, vegetables,
stock, fertilizer, or wood ---around the farm, or to the
town Or city many miles distant, in half the time, and
at a much lower -cost.
The Pord One -Ton truck is a rapid, economical .and
very seiviceable means of transp`ort. One of these on
your farm will saVe you weeks of time in single season
and wilienabie yOu to pass through a crisis of labor short:.
age with less difficulty.
The Ford truck is supplied $ias4is only. This per-
mits i'ou to select an3r of the many body styles especiatly
desikned for the Ford truck and alre.ady on the market.
Thus you can mount the one' Whieh suits your individual
Price $750 f.o.b. Ford, Ont.
the artli
poo, H
tea the I
Mill al'
and R
bad n
ly in
lie ha
Those of the amp body styles thi !sag be asounted ea the ifiewS track ebassit
F. DALY, Dealer,Seaforth. COOk BROS, Dealers, Hensall
t they
Mae a