HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-03-29, Page 8•••.r• e • • • tft 0.4i74t334,-.4-14*,74.*47;*7.7. .momem,st.mmoommumt he Baby You cuddle in your' arms ttaday will be going to school to -mor - rem and the flight of time brings many changes. A photograph of Baby NOW mity mean the *voidance of disaPPeultraeat later. We like babies and know just how to treat their Higlinesees to get good portraits. • PICTURE FRAMING We also do picture framing and have a large and varied assort- ment of mouldings on hand, at a very reasonable price. AMATEURS We sell develop fibns, pritit, and enlarge for amateurs. Bring your Work to us, we will please you. D. F. Buck PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER Special Team Harness jMUd iittron Expootto the eultrleinimr4eacletifideeln tbeWv-aor and; 1,i that the diatributiort be under a cern- inittee composed of the MaYori Reeve Diseraidi MATTERS and Cotincillor SavisUgearried. T, Stephens'and F. S. Savauge--that ) Mr. 3. M. Best be appointed town so Red roes.—The Red Cross Societ - licitor for the balanee of the vett— Cy will meet hereafter in the Carnegie Carried. On motion of F.Harburn taut W. Oughton, By-law 190, a bl-law to Library. The monthly business meet- provide, for the, borrowing olt funds to ing, will be held onThursday afternmi meet current expenditures was read April 4th, at four o'clock—Miss Ada and passed. T. Stephene and 1% Say - le Ward, etnertairter, is coming on the evening of May 8th, under the Tranallgesi—lentTTradhat eBryilaBwy-laN: ble9Lametralhe- auspices of the Red Cross Society. es ed, the license fee to be $50 'instead of Further particulars will be given later. $250, as heretof ammomM11113111* ens and F. SavaugeL-That the account dipt oreeLost. T. Steph- - West Huron Teachers' Institute.— of Mr. Hays for $125 as fuel controller The Executive Conersittee of the West be paid.—Carried. After Passing is Huron Teachers' Institute met at number iof accounts the Council ad - Exeter on February 23rd and at Gode- journed to meet at the call of the rich on March 2. It was decided to Mayor. hold the 1918 Institute meeting in - Victoria School, Goderiche on the ' Sudden Death.—Mr. Thos. R. Thom - Thursday and Friday preceding son, the well:known produce merchant Thanksgiving Day. Dr. Silcox, Prins of eaforth, died suddenly at the Un- cipal of Stratford Normal School„ was ion Station, Toronto, on Tuesday ev-, chosen as the Departmental Represen- ening last. Although a sufferer from ta-lave. A good program is being pre- heart trouble for some time, Mr. pared. Those present were Miss Nellie Thoimson had been able to attend to Medd, President; W. H. Johnston, business right up to the time of his Secretary; Miss LeTouzel, Miss Chris- death. On Tuesday he took the after - term. Johnston, Miss Sharraan, and. In- noon train for a business trip to To- th J Elgin Tom. The Teach- , ronto and while leaving the depot in 'This is, a strong built, serviceable Team Harness. Made of No. 1 Union Oak Leather and is positively satis- itectorYe fiames—Steel bolt draught. Traces—Two inch. Scandinavian web belting, guaranteed to draw 6 tons for two years, with heel chains. Back Bands—Leather, felt padded, with cruppers. Bridlee--Flat check:, leather fronts and rosettes. •Iiiineee-111 inch, 22 feet, with billets and 'maps. Breast straps, martingales and Name • straps. Biltotnitings—}1. C. or Japan. 1Price--$48.00 without collars We also carry a large stock of- - Sweat Pads, Brushes, Robes,Whips, Horse Collare, Harnces ressing', Bugs, Blankets, Mitts and Gloves, • Rosettes, Suit Casee, Trunks, Club Sags. SHOE REPAIRING Mepert workmanship, prompt service, ;mites reasonable. Give us a trial. B rod eriek's Leather Goods Store Wall Paper inspect our. Sample Books in youkown home or make your selection in our store. We will show you the paper, two strips side by side exactly as it will look on your walls. Authoritative new designs and col- orings. Price roc a roll up.. We carry the goods in stock and save you delay and freight charges. We save you over - ordering. If you underorder here, it is a simple matter to get extra rolls. If you order too much you can return un- usechrolls. We trim your pi- per ready for hanging if desir- ed. Come in and •see our stock • T. G. Scott Painter and Paperhanger Take Hold ! t packages S raisins for 25c 3 lbs. best Gloss Starch for 30c Olive Oil per pint tin 80e Weeder Oil, per bottle 25c; 50c, $1.00 Palm Olive Soap, two cakes for 25c Salts, for stock, 5 pounds for ....25c Sulphur for stock, four lbs. for 25c Liniment for stock Royal Purple bottle 50c Cleanaer, large tin, each • 5c Sproat & Sproat PHONE 8 SEAFORTH 4 EASTE FOOTWEAR. -Easter is the season when every- body discards the old winter shoes and blossoms out with something fresh and sew. We have an unlimited assortment of 13boice Spring Footwear for man, wo- olen and child that is bound to win your admiration. AR the New Styles AU the New Leathers. All the New Lasts. We handle nothing but the best, and *oat) who buy their shoes ohere will emit be ashamed of their Easter feet en Easter Sunday. Come in and look over the stock H. R SCOTT Phone 61 THE HOME OF GOOD SHOW spec, r J. • ers' Library Committee met at that city he collapsed, dying almost the same thne and selected a I immediately, Thedeceased was a son number of books for their .new library of the late Jolan Thomson, for: many from the Departmental catalogue and years, a. well known resident of Sea - from lists sent in by teachers. The forth. For a number of years he was method of distributing the books to ; employed bi- the D D. Wilson firm the teachers . is. a difficult problem, Ihere, later moving to Listowel and which vein be definitely solved at the Brussels, wherelhe was engaged in next Institute meeting. The subjects the produce business. Aimee five years selected for the programme will be ago he returned to Seafortia and open - sent soon to the teachers who were ed a produce bueiness on Main street, seleciied to introduce eacb subject. which he has Once conducted with marked success. Besides his widow he . • ' - - - - ' , • rHiJ HURON EXPOSITOR survived by one son, Lieut. Thorn - Millinery Openingse-The show- is son, of the Royal Flying Corps, ever- rooart Brasms of Messie. J. Mactavish, Stew - and a young daughter, also by ., and Miss Johnston, present- ?r, ed a. very attraegve appearance oil his mother, Mrs. John Thomson, FrBrus- iday and Saturday last, when the sels, and two brothers, Alexander, of Guelph, and Robert, of Brussels: The -West stiles in hats and trimmings remains were brought to Seaforth for were shown to the public. The hats burial, the funeral services being con- areall simply trimmed this season, ducted from Ina late residence, Main - but owing no doubt, to wartime economy, street,to-day, Friday interment being are exceedingly smart and pretty. madein the Maitlandbank cemetery. A decidedly. new feature is that of the lacquered hats and ribbon. An- so. other triIf old King Cole were alive to -day he'd trimming that i $ shown is pat-eall for a Keystone Comedy. All Rey- ent leather ribbon. These with the stones released during the past two and a rionlleeedss.exclusivelmy 24b.y1 aviation hat give the militarytiaichtaTirfianyseisere, aatrethIng to women's headgear. Broad brimmed sailors in soft straws, some in two h' while the poke and tones, are s own , the more dressy •hat turned up at the back, give the necessary variety, that all tastes' may be suited. The millin- ery rooms, hewever, were not the only attraction. In the main stores and wear suits, and blouses and no end of pretty silks, voiles, ginghams and mus- lins. Perhaps the most satisfactory feature of all was the large number of sales that were made, again dem- onstrating the fact that the merchants of otrreeown keep up with the -prevail- ing styles in. every department of their establishments. Presentation to EgmondeillePesaor. —Prior to his departure efrom St. Marys to assume his new charge at Bgiriondville, Rev. S. McLean -and family were waited on by a 'large number of their former -congregation and made the recipients of a handsome presentation, the following account of which is given by the St Marys paper: "A pleasant surprise took place on Friday night, when about a hundred and fifty members of the congregation of Knox church gathered at theananse on Church street, south, to say good- bye to their retiring pastor, Rev. S. McLean, and his family, who leave shortly for Mr. McLean's new charge at Egmondville. The early part of the evening was given over to a musi- cal and literaryprogram with Coun- cillor Sheldon occupying the chair. Tos wards the middle of the entertainment the chairman called upon Mr. and Mrs. McLean and their daughter Marion to come forward, when Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lean received a, purse of gold an earn- est of the high -esteem. in which -they have been held by their parishioners since corning to town some years ago. The presentation was made by Mr. John Black, while Mr. H. Dinsmore read a congratulatory address. Miss Marion McLean then received a hand- some gold wrist watch, which was pre- sented by her young friends, Misses kion Evans and Grace Dinsmore. Although taken altogether unawares, Mr. McLean made a touching and elo- qu4nt reply, thanking his many friends for their kind appreciation. A dainty luncheon was then served by the ladies present and after singing "Blest be the tie that binds" and Should Auld Ac- quaintance be Forgot," the appropri- ate and auspicious gathering. broke up. The departure of Mr. and Mrs. McLean and their daughter, Miss Marion, swill be a distinct loss to the Stone Town, regretted not only by his congrega- tion but by the citizens g.enerally. Dur- ing his pastorate Mr. McLean has ex- erted through the town an influence for good that is e incommensurable. Leaving a church hick he has prac- tically made himsel , he goes with the best wishes. for suc ess from a host of friends to his new land more prosper- ous field at Egmondville. The CounciL—The regular monthly meeting of the town council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening of last week with all the mem- bers_ present, When the following busi- ness was transacted: Moved by W. Oughton and seconded by Thos. Steph- ens that a vote of thanks be tendered. to Mr. Hays, the fuel, controller, for his work in. connection with the hand- ling of the fuel situation this winter. —Carried. G. P. Cardno and E. L. Box—That as the for -mer acting fuel controller was not appointed under proper authority, be it declared that he was not fuel controller for the Town of Seaforth. — Lost.—Thomes Stephens and J. Hays—That a grant of $35 be made to the Seaforth Agri- cultural Society for their annual spring faiesto be held on April 5th.— Catried. 3. Hays and T. Stephens— That the market clerk be given an ad- vance of a2 per month in salary.— Carried. J. Hays and T. Stephens— That the tender of Robert Johnson for street caretaker be aceepted.—Carried F. Medium and W. -Oughton--That the clerk be appointed a delegate to attend the Hydro -Electric Railway Association in Toronto.—Carried. E. L. Box and G. P. Cardno, that Mr. Savauge procure samples of embossed condolence letters for forwarding to the windows were gay with ready to Girl Wanted—Good girl for.general housework. Apply to Mrs. J. Mattavish, 2624-tf Seaforth. The Strand will change its programme, three times each week—Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, starting next week. 2624-1 See the first episode of "The Fighting Trail." the most marvellous, melodramat- ic Photoplay Serial ever presented, Mys- tery, intrigue, love. adventure, set in the vast reaches of the wilderness. Also a Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Feature. Cortese Bros., London. Orchestra in attendance Wednesday eve, April 3rd, 7.45 p.m. Price lfic and 15c. STRAND. Cow for Sale—Extra good Jersey cow n d heifer mit a few days old. W. D. VanEgmond Seaforth. 2824x1 -'Apprentiees Wanted for the M. 'Hiner); Department of Mactavish's store. 2024 -ti Man wanted to work on a farm. Apply to The Expositor Offiee, $euforth. 2023x2 For Sale.—Two good houses with stone loundations, soft and hard water at both !daces. Apply at The Expositor Offiee. 2624x2 For Sale—A good wood cookstove, splen- did 'baker—a good stoie for -any farmer with wood. Apply at The Expositor Office. • 2624x2 -Hain's Wiltshire Oil sold at 'J. McNay's Feed Store, Seaforth,., Good for man or beast. 26230 For Sale—Edison Diamond Dise Grapho- Phone, only used about three months. Ap ply at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, •2622-tf McLeod, my valet, is prepared to do your Easter Clothes Cleaning at the old reliable stand, one door west • of Aber - hart's Drug Store. • 2623-2 The Easter Entertainment of the Meth- odist Sunday School will be held as usual in the Methodist Church, at 8 o'clock on Good Friday evening. A verypleasant and profitable evening, will be spenti.' with the children as a large and varied program has been prepared, and the ability, of the children as entertainers is so well estab- ished as to need no further comment. Re- member the place and date—The Metho- dist clairch on Good Friday evening. Ad- mission, ,radults 25e; children, 15c. Wanted—Before April 21st, 1,000 Musk- rat skins for which the highest cash prices will be paid, delivered at ray residence in Egmondville. No shot ones taken. Wil- liam McDougall, Egmondville. 2622-3 -We pay the highest price for Oats.26tAfthis Cereal Co, Ltd., Seaforth. 17 Dig .up your overcoat. Have a look at it. By renewing the velvet collar, press- ing and cleaning may save you the price of a new one. My Wardrobe, Goderich Street, opposite Queen's Hotel. 2695-tf Boarders Wanted.—One or two girls for room or board. Apply to Expositor Office. 2623x; a apers For 1918 AUR New Line of WALL PAPERS contain, pat- terns suitable for any 'room. Whether it is for a Parlor, Hall, Dining Room, Kitchen or Pantry, we have designs tor you to choose from. Come in and see the assortment. lrkentpson s Bookstore. SEAFORTH. Window Shades and Picture Frames. Agent for New Ides Patterns. The While—When "The Whip" comes to Cardno's Opera hall, Sea - forth, on April 19th and 20th, in aid of the Red Cross; the people of this town will have the opportunity of see- ing the greatest motion picture in the world. Staged on a gigantic scale and telling the story that, charmed and thrilled millions of people when it was presented on the speaking stage, "The Whin is the masterpiece of the silent drama. It marks an epoch in motion pictures and no one should miss it. Local Briefs.—Mr. Hugh McIntosh, of Toronto spent the week end at the home of his mother in town.—Mrs. Ketchen of Exeter, is visiting at the home of her brother. Mie Robert Bell. —Miss May Carmichael of Sratford, was the guest of Miss Kate McDer- mid during, the week.—Mr. Ed. Mole spent Sunday at his home in Auburn. Miss Francis Roberts, of New York, is visiting at her home here.— Mr. and Mr. J. M. Wilson, are spending Easter ,with their daughters, Mrs . Sutherland and Miss Jessie Wil- son in Owen. Soiree .—Mrs . Robert Smith left this week for Dakota, where she will spend the summer with rela- tives Ford Aitcheson, who has been spending the -winter at his home in McKillop, and with other friends, left on Tuesday for his home in Roul- ton, Sask.—The premium list of .the Horticultural Society closes on Satur- day evening and those who have not availed themselves of securing their choice of plants and shrubs should do so immediately.—Mrs. John Cochrane, of East Wawanosh, spent Sunday at the home of her niece, Mrs. R. McGee, Main street..—Miss Ruby Bristow is visiting with relatives in Toronto. Hamilton apd Brantford this week.— Miss Carrie Frost, , who has been !vending the past three months at the home of her brother, Mr. R. Frost, re- turned to London on Tuesday.—Spe- cial services will :be held in the Sal- vation Army hall on Friday and Sun, day, when Sergt. Major Fletcher, of Stratford, will conduct the services.— Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rife, _who have el Ready -to, -Wear Opening Ladies' 'Misses and Kiddies Spring-1918-Speciat House Dresses Print Dresses White Duck Shirts Night Gowns White Voile Waists Cambric Underskirts Sport Coats Print Aprons Kiddiesi•Dresses . .$1.00 $1.25 to $2.25 4 $1.98 $1.00 $1.25 *100 $1.75 35c to 75e 35c to $1.00 trenches, being through all the severe fighting at'the Smote and Vimy Ridge, Where he was badly -gassed. • COLUMBAN Red Cross.—The ladies of the $t. Columban Red Cross Society, announce that on Tuesday, April 2nd, persons will drive along the lines of Hibbert and McKillop td collect the rags, rub- bers and paper for the Red Cross shipment. The -people are requested to have there gathered teady so as not to delay the drivers. McKILLOP. You'll see u complete circus, a,big fire, and a horse race that is a: wonder, in the $250,000 picture, "Polly of the Circus." nt • the STRAND, 2624-1 Engagement. — Mr .1 and Mrs./Ed- gerton Rhe announce the engagement Of their daughter, Nellie Pearl, to Mr, Charles Lowrie, son of Mrs. Wm. Lowrie, of Hullett, the marriage to take place in April. USBORNE Thames Road Notes.—Next Sun- day afternoon at 2.80, Rev. A. E. Johns -will conduct The service •at Bethany church. Special music will be rendered. This will be the anni- versary of the Women's Missionary Society and the offering will be for the benefit of the Society.—Special Easter music will be given in the Presbyterian church, next Sunday morning. Rev. Dr. Fletcher, the pa tor, will conduet the service—The many friends on the Huron road will be sorry to learn that Thos. Yellow of the Thames Road, Exeter, is still suffering with heart trouble and is in a very weak condition. F LONDESBORO Notes.—A ' special Easter service will be taken on Sunday morning in Bos' Overalls and Rompers 35e to $1 the Methodist church by the ,Sunday• MAACIT 29 I 9 Middies . Norfolk Suits Corset Covers Misses' Dresses 50c to $1.00 School—Mrs, week • with her daughter, . .25c to 50c $1.19 Moderate profits, coupled with our cash way of doing business makes above values possible. . 4 Quantities Limited ON SALE MARCH 22nd, at 2 p. 'BEAT TIE'S FAIR THE CASH WAY STORE been spending some time with relit,- tivei in this vicipity, left on Wed- nesday morning for their home in Sheldon, North Dakota.—Miss Trow, of Stratford, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig.—Mrs. IL Little and daughter, Miss Katie,I spent Sande- at the hotne of Mr. anld Mrs. George BroWnlee. At the evening service in the Pres- byterian church on Sunder- Mise Lit- tle rendered an exceptionally pleasing solo.—IVIiss C. Doble is visiting with friends in Toronto.—Mrs. Ketehen, of Owen Sound, visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Golding, during the week—Mr. Lawrence Mel- ville was in Blueyale•this week -attend- ing, the funeral. of his' aunt, Mrs. net Chesley is a visitor. at thi. borne •ofM. and Mrs, H. Liv- ens.--Mreej. S. Roberts has returned to her home after spending the win- ter in New York and Oshawa. --Miss R. Jenkins, of Toronto, is the guest. of 'Miss Mabel Pinknev. — Mr. Jas. Bergin, of Windsor, was renewing ac- quainances in tern this week.—Mrs, George McIntosh has purchased. the Brett cottage on West William street at present occupied by Mr. W. Hogg. —Mrs. W. Oughton and two daugh- ters have returned home front Toron- to.—Miss Florence Fowler is visiting with relatives in Port Huron.—Mrs. Russell Hartry and little son, of Lon- don, spent a few days at theparent- alhome of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hartry. —Mrs. Holmes apd two children, of Clinton, are guests at the home of Mrs. James Archibald.—Miss Minnie Hab- ldrk, the local manager of the Bell Telephone, is seriously ill at her home in McKillop.—Mrs. Alice Waite, of Goderich, was visiting with friends in town this weeki-eMr. John Sturdy spent Sunday at his home in Auburn. —Mr. Charles Stewart has purchased 'the handsome residence of Mr. C. Aberhart on Chunk street.—Mr. John McNay has been eon:fined to his home during the past week through illness. —Mr. Robert McGee has leased the residence of Mrs. J. Brown on Vic- toria street.—Miss Mitchell,- of Toron- to, is visiting at the home of her sis- ter, •Mrs. W. E. Southgate.—Ex-- Warden Livingstone, Grey township's popular reeve, was in town on Tues- day, on his way to Clinton to attend the special meeting of the count-"- coun- cil held there, which was called for the purpose of stimulating the great- er productiee movement. Reeve T -hr - burn of Seaforth was also in attend- ance—Mrs. E. C. McClelland and little daughter, of Baden, sepnt Sun- day at the earental home of Major Hays.—Rev. F. TL Leyte- will have for his subject next Sunday evening, "Socialism as a Going Concern."—A euchre will be given in Cardno's hall on Tuesday. April 9th. ess. WALTON Notes.—Pte. Walter G. Scott, son of Mr. William Scott, of near here, who has been in themilitary hospital at Cobourg for the past six months, has received his discharge, and left on Wednesday for Saskatchewan, where he owns a farm. Pte. Scott enlisted - with the 195th Saskatchewan Battal- ion, and spent eight months in the IMISIM110 MINN NIIINIMAIMIS T AN D Now showing the screens most re- markable production— Goldwyn presents Mae Marsh in "POLLY OF THE CIRCUS" The .greatest heart drama of the cir- cus ever written. 8 REELS Adults 15c Children 10e SIX SHOWS: - Thursday evening ...... ....... .8.15 Friday afternoon 3.30 Friday evening 1 815 Saturday afternoon 3 30 Saturday Evening .... 7.80 and 9.30 STRAND a Mrs. Floody of Blyth.—Mrs. T. Mil- lar, who is in a London, Hospital, is not improving as well as her many friends would wish.:—Misses Minnie and Maud Lyon will visit in Toronto over Easter.—Mrs.' F. Richards, is improving slowly.—Miss Olvetta Beigs ham • spent Wednesday with Clinton friends.—Mrs. Bell spent •a few- days this week with friends eiri the 13th concessione-aMr. Ernest- Adams delive ered eight , hogs , at the station. last Thursday, which brought- over four hundred dollars. Mr.. W. Moon said this was the largest 'sun he had ever paid for that number of .hogs. VARNA. Notes.—Mother Earth -has let - her white robe go and soon. we hope to see her decked in green.—Sugar mak- - ing is the order of the day. Our vil- lage is boasting of several boilings. The young sap suckers are ver si busy. —Mr. Keyes has disposed of his pro- perty to Mr. Stelck and Mr. Keyes intends to take up his abode in Wel- land County.—The many friends of Mr, and Mrs. E. Foster, of the Parr Line, are sorry to know that their only child, Jean, who has been ailing for some time, is not improving as speed- ily as her friends desire), but hope is still entertained for her :recovery.— Farmers are 'anxiously looking for- ward to going on the land; the fields are drying, up very rapidly.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron of Hensel], spent Sunday last in our village.—The car lovers are making ready for a spin soon as the roads are levelled a little more. HAYFIELD Breeze.—On Sunday next there will be special' Easter :services at Trinity 'Church at 11 a.m..1 At the close there will be Hole Comnkunion. During the winter evenings ervice has been held, but -commencing Easter Sunday service will be held in the mornings. — Mr. and Mrs. George E. Greenslade returned on Monday after spending, the past three months in Detroit.—Preparatory services will' be conducted at St. Andrews church on April 5th, at 2.30 pan. by Rev. J. E. Hogg, of Clinton.—On Tuesday, -April 9th, the ladies of the Patriotic Society purpose having a tea at tlie Town Hall from 5 to 9 o'clock .—Misses S. and C. Parke, who have spent several 1 years in New York City, returned to Bayfield on Monday,. and they pur- pose remaining here returning to their home which has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. William Evans. DUBLIN Notes.—Mr. L. 3. Looby was in Guelph: last week.—aliss M. Kippers is visiting her parent A in Zurich.— Miss K. Carpenter called on friends in Mitchell on Monday.—Mrs. T:J.Moly- neaux is visiting her father, Mr. Griffin in Godericle—Miss C. Kenna and M. Weber called on Stratford friends on Saturday..—Gunners J. Klinkhammer and L. Jordan of London, were home on their last leave a week ago.—Mr. and Mrs.. Williams. Dill of Seaforth, attended the funeral of the forraer's mother here on Monday.—We regret to report that Mr. Michael Gribbons is very poorly, having taken another paralytic . stroke.—At the monthly ineeting of the W. P. S. on Thurs- day last, eev'en parcels were sewed up and mailed to our boys in France. —Mrs. P. Evans 'and her cousin, Mrs. D. Crawford, went to London last week to see the former's son, Pte. Joseph Evans, before he left for ov- erseas.—On Saturday evening, March 23rd, the death of Mrs. .DaVidsoni mother. of Mr. P. Dill, occurred at the age of 85 years. Deceased had been in poor health, for a number- of years. Her funeral mass took place on Mon- day morning to St. Patrick's church, from were her remains were laid to rest in Sti, Columban cemetery.—The combined patriotic societies—Crom- arty, Stalre, Roy's, St. Columban, Maple Leaf, Logan and Dublin— have decided toi make a collection of waste material en Tuesday and Wednesday next, the second and third of April. A car•will be standing in the G. T. R. yards; Dublin, on those days, and tbe respective collectors may bring their loads in on either Tuesday or Wednesday. All. kinds of old papers, magazines, rags and rubbers will be gratefully', accepted, as we wish to make this shipment a great success financially and so obtain binds to provide all maraier of necessaries for our brave boyS at the front who are at presel engaged in one of the fier- cest glen known in history. I MACTAVISITS1 , Remarkable showing .of STYLISH HATS ARE. HERE AT POPULAR PRICES. They will be sure to please you. Our Expert Milliners w Il delight you. They wit make just the _hat you want at a price lower than you would get elsewhere. The Best place to get Stylish Millinery aster. Togge Announcement To Women, Who Care WOMEN who are decidedly particular about correct and becoming styles, and why want their Easter clothes to exhibit that discriminating taste and excel- lent judgment so much desired, will find at this store :the garmen+s they will like, however critical they may be, and our salespeoplercan be relied upon to give sin. cere and valuable advice regarding the selection of til most becoming style and color, THIS IS ONE OP OUR NEW SUITS SPECIAL V Ladies' and Misses' Suits 512 and upwards Ladies' and Misses' Coats - sao and upwards We have an immense showiq- Dress Goods, Silks and-Trimnu Our ilinery Departme Demonstrates Its Popularity. In our workroom deft fingers are taxed to their 'utmost to M orders 'with promptness. No matter how busy we are, your c be handled as quikly as possible—and to your, satisfactlina 0 0 • 0 Do 811 Pa Cr No No 1 .4: •se 4(45 f, w. Ca P CI 0' Our Hats move out in all directions. We are bigly pleased to aagin feel that when Spring really Mb OUR BATS will be in evidence everywhere hereabouts and be t attractive feature of many a stylishly dressed woman's spring - and an important factot with ns is that we are perfectly sure prkes are considerably leas than what obtain. elsewhere. It ie real genuine pleasure that we welcome you to see all the new WM, ,MMI, P.M J. Mactavisit Seaforth _