HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-03-15, Page 5CH 5018
lines are fiill and the
and see the New
gainst yours and
L the new 1fehogany calf
1 $7.00. Our Gunmetal
WO and $6.50 as well as
L- • *
esents itself, turn your
L •
rten's for 65 cents. All
d neatly..
avv bulls,. $10 to $10.50; but -
to $9.50; bologna bulls
choice butchers cow,
i9e85; good cows $9 to $3.25;
owe. $8.25 to 8.50; common
75 to $7.75; canners, $6 to
Keep, ewes, light, $13.50 to
,vy sheep ..and --bucks $12 to
ice lambs, 18 to $19e choice
15 to 16.50; =edit= 'calves
e $14.50; hogs, fed and wat-
,.75 to 19.90.
Laid and Halligan sold: choice
mers $12 to $12.50; ehoice
' $11.40 to $11.75; good do.
11.35; medium do., 10.25 to
ionttaon do. $9 to $10; choice
to 10.50; good do, 9.50 to
tedium. do., $8.50 to $9; coin -
$7 -.Le' $8; canners and cutters,
$6.75; choice bulls $10.50• te
eood do., $9.50 to $10; corn-
mediura do.. $8 to $9; best
and,. springers, $100 to $135;
de. $80 to $100; lambs, $1T
elves, $12 to 16.50; sheep $ift
D-; hogs, 19.75 to 19.85; fed
Rowing utere the quotations:
taice heavy steers $11.75 to
o. good heavy, $11.35 to
2-,00d $10.60 to $11; do. reed -
.00 to $10.25; do. ea€0311014
$9.25; hateher8 bulls choice
10.50; dogood bulls $9.00
inediuni bulls $7.85 te 8.50;
ills.$6.50 to $7.00; butcher?
tine $10 to $10.50; de good,
e9; do. medium, $8.00 to
mkere $7.50 to $8.50; feeders
n canners and cutters, $6.00
milkers, good to choice $90
each; common and medium.
0 each; springers, s90 to $140
-„ht ewes e13.50 to $15; sheep
t to $7.25; yearlings, $11.75
1; lambs, $18.00 to
;ood to choice $16 to $17;
and watered $19.75 to 19.90;
Lrs care $20 to $20.15; do.
..75 to $18 -90 -
meat landalong the Canadian
Ty. Yours is waitin. arcl a sham
rop production to: ch tributcd
;ralues o 1,X, heat, Oats Barley and
a, Saskatchewan and Alberta. is
g. Rich. w-.41 located fan:es, close
tin be purchased on easy terms,
ins schools. good roads. t c!eplsoncs
now -get away this spriag.
nt entents
rnment assistance plan.
opportuni'ty, is there, and -th-
hire to -clay I or the new "Guide.'
on Government atatisucs. An,
Dept., Ma:Areal, Que., Toronto,
rtments of Serges,
you could wish to
reys, Nrowns and
guaranteed dyes.
ty of materials at
le same attention
tew stock of Win -
etc. We're sure
SI Sort
' WORMS. ,
Succeesful Sale. -There wins & hag*
atteadarice at the auction Mae at the
-home a the late Albert HOWlett Mit
* Thursday' afternoon of last week. The
price* hanged high. Mrs. HOrlett will
make her home in the meantirae with
"her parents in Hullett toenail). She
tarries with her the best wiehes of
a large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs.
L. Hollinger and familyaof Brno:elm
have moved to the farm, whielt Mr.
Hollinger purchased. The sale totalled
over seven thousand dollars. The ex-
ecutors, Messrs. William Taylor and
11. Sanderson. looked after their duties
in good shape and in a business -like
Di4d In The West. -There died at
Gerald. Sask., on February 8th, Eliza
Ann Newell, aged 87 years, 1 month
and 25 days. Her husband, Mr. Geo.
purely died some 24 years eke. Mrs.
Newell has, lived in the west for over
32 years, having moved there from
Chiselhurst, Huron County. She leaves
to mourn her toss three sons, John,
and George of Gerald, Sask., and Jas.
of British Columbia
Notes. -Mr. H. Jacobi had a very
successful wood bee on Tuesday last.
-On Wednesday and Thursday af-
ternoons, Mr. W. Cole had wood bees
and on Friday evening he invited the
workers to spend a social evening'
at his home. Dancing and other a-
musements were indulged in and a
-very enjoyable. -aline was spent -Mr.
G. W. Wren has dispose dt of his fine
imported, merit to a gentleman in De-
troit, for which he received a geed
Farm Rented. - Mr. W. Mi Doig,
L.L.B., has rented a part of his fine
farm in this township to. Mr. Robert
Stewart, of the same township. Mr.
Doig retains the buildings, orchards
.and twenty acres of land for his own
-use. He expects to leave in a short
time to attend to his law practice at
Sault ,Ste. Marie.
School Report. -The following is
the report of the school in section No.
• Tuckersmith, for the tncirith 'of
February: Sr. IV -Willie Landsbort.
nugh 75. Jr, IV -Edwin Johns 62.
Sr. III -Jim Landsborough 55. Jr.
.111 -Bert White 57. Jr. II -Elsie
L andsborough 80, Elmer Townsend 77,
Allan Johns 70, Maimaret Armstrong
Elliott Layton 53.-M. F. Hill -
lean, Teacher.
Sudden Death. -Mr. J. Nelson Reid,
of Detroit, died suddenly at the home
of his brother-in-law, Mr. William
Broadfoot, near Brueefield, last Sun-
day evening. He came over -t,o see his
mother, Mrs. Samuel Reid, and other
relatives in Tuekersmith, arriving in
Seaforth on the midnight train m)11
•'Saturday. He spent Sunday with his
_friends in his usual good health, and
.at 6 o'clock, without the slightest
-warning, dropped dead. Heart failure
is given ae the cause of death. He was
.45 years of age, and of robust nature.
His wife and one young son survive.
Seaforth, March 14, 1918
Wheat, per bushel • 2 10
'Oats per bushel 95c
Barley, per bushel .. . . 1.35 to $1.45
Peas, per bushel .. .. 7.---:\, .$3.60
:Bran, per ton 36.00
.Shorts, per ton $41.00
Flour, per cwt. $5.75
Eggs, per dozen ....38e to 39c
-.Butter, per lb. 40 to 42c
Margarine 37c
Potatoes per bag,
flogs, per cwt.....
1 70 to $1.80
Toronto, March 12th. -.Dressed
Poultry-Milided chickens 25c to 37c;
fowl, 30 to 33c; turkeys, 40 to 45c.
Live Poultry -Turkeys, 30e; chick-
ens, lb., 26c to 28c; hens, 30c to 33c.
Toronto, March 12th -Beans-Can-
tadian handpicked, per bushel, $8.25
to $8.50; imp. hand-picked, Burma or
Indian, $6.50 to $6.75; Japan, $$ to
$8.25; limas, per lb. 19e to 20c.
Toronto, March 12th. -Eggs -New
laid, 48c; new laid in cartons 50 to
.52c. Butter -Fresh dairy, choice 41
to 42c; creamery- prints, 51e to 52e;
solids, 49c to 50c. Margarine -132c to
33e. Cheese -New, large, 23 to 23%c;
twins, 2314c to 23%c; early cheese,
25% to 26c; large twin 26 to 261/4e.
• Toronto, March 12th. - Follow-
ing are the prices wholesalerare pay-
ing for seeds at country- points: Al-
-Ake, No. 1, fancy, bushel $12.50 to
$13; do. No. 1 ordinary $11.75 to
$12.75; do. No. 2, $10:50 to 11.50; do.
No. 3, $10 to $11; do. for export No.
1, $12 t.,0 $12.25; do, No. 2, $11 to
*11.25; do. No. 3, $9.60 to $10.25;
red clover Neel per bush. $19 to $20;
do., No. 2 $16 to $17; do. No. 3, $14
to $15; Timothy, No. 1 per emrt.$10.50
til) $11.; do. No. 2 per cwt. $8.25 to
8.75; do. No, 3, per cwt $6.50 to
$7.25; flax, per bushel, neminale $3..20
to $3.30.
Ttronto, March 12th. - Manitoba
• Wheat -In store, Fort William, nomi-
•nal, (ineluding 21/2 tax) No. 1 north-
ern $2.23% No. 2, northern, $2.20%;
No. 3 northern $2.17%; No. 4 wheat
2.10½, Manitoba Oats -No. 2, C.
(W., 98c;No. 3 C. W. 95Yre; extra
- No. 1, feed. 941/4e; No. 1 feed, 91%c;
hi store. Fort William. Ontario Oats
No. 2 white„ 97 to 98e; no7imall
No. 3, 96c to 97e. Barley-BI-
nt-w, i$1 .83 to $1.85, according to
freights. Peas -No. 2, $3.70 • to
a.8() according to freights. Ameri-
can Corn -No. 3 yellow, kiln dried,
$2.10; track Toronto. Buckwheat, $1.83
to $1.85; according to freights out-
side. Rye - No. 2,, $2.50, ac-
cording to freights outside. Ontario
Flour -Winter, Toronto, prompt ship-
ment in new bags war quality, 10.70,
Toronto delivery, $10.70. Monereal,
Manitoba Flour -War quality fi11.10
in new bags, Toronto. 'Mill-
feed-Carlots, delivered, Montreal
freights; shorts $40; bran $35; mid-
dlings $45 to $46 ; good feed flour, pet
bag, $3.40. Hay -Track, Toronto,
No. 1, $17 to $18; mixed, $14 to $16.
Straw - 1 carlots, $8.50 to WOO -
Potatoes Per hag, $2.
Fresh •Greens.
•We have :just received a
ment of FRESH
• Radishes Lettuce
Bitter Oranges
Try Them Prices Right
Thos. Phillips
Wholesale and Retail Fruits
Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
For solo a quantity 'of Timothy*
Seed, aloe 'some Buckwheat, Apply
to Jahn Aleasadar„ 2. Pie, 2,
Klimek or phone 3 on 113, Seaforth
Central. 26214
For sale an eight roomed house on
John street, with hard and soft water,
sink in kitchen, electric lights, good
cellar and large verandah. For fur-
ther particulars apply to John Rankin.
1 For Sale about 1000 buhels of Ban-
ner Oats, suitable for steed. Apply
, on lot 6, concession 6, Tuckersmith,
or phone 2cm 35, Seaforth.
2622x4 Robert Doig.
S. T. Holmes
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
• Undertaking pariors in Oddfel
lows building -opposite
tewart Bros. Resi-
dence Goderich at., °pp
Dr. Scott's
Flowerfurnished on
short notice.
Phone Night or Day 119,
Stanbury-In Exeter, on March 6th,
to MT. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury,
a daughter.
Bonthron-In Hensall, on March 4th,
to Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron, a
Carnie-In Stanley, on February 27th,
to Mr. and Mrs. William Carie, a
Smith -Coward -At the Thames !Read
manse, by Rev. Dr. Fletchere •on
February 28th, Mr. William Stnith,
of Fort 13enton, Montana, forinerly
of Hensall, to Miss Margaret LiLllian
• Coward, .only daughter of Mri and
Mrs. Daniel Coward, of Usbonie.
Corcoran -In Seaforth, on March 13,
Rev. Father P. Corcoran, aged 69
McRae -In Clinton, on February 27th,
Mary A. McRae, formerly of Blyth,
in her 78th year.
Scott -In Brussels, on March 3rd,
Margaret Service, beloved wife l of
F. S. Scott, aged 69 years. I
Cameron -In Tuckersmith, on March
13th, Mary Jane Coleman, wife of
Mr. James Cameron, aged 55 years
and 6 months.
In affectionate remembrance of our
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin,
who entered into rest March 28th,
1881, and- March 14th, 1917, respec-
tively. •
• Until the day break and the shad-
ows flee away. • Family.
W. T. BOX & 00.
4 -
11. C. 'BOX
Holder of Goverr.:nent DiptOnia
and Lioense.
1;• Flowerer .furnished on Whort •
Ratios. •
▪ Night WM, Day Calle •
- Phone 175 Phone 50 41
On Wednesday,March 20th, at one
o'clock p.m., on lot 12, concession 7,
Stanley, Farm stock and implements:
Joseph A.Hagan, Prop.; R. T. Luker,
Aucti °neer. ,
On Friday, March 15th, at one o'e
clock mime on North Half lot 22, con-
cession 13, McKillop. John Priem,
Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Audi. •
On Tuesday, March 19th, at 1 o'clock
p.m., on lot 25, concession. 6, Farim
Stock and Implements.) Jantes Kett,
Proprietor; T. Brown,A / uctioneer.
On Friday. March 154h, at 1 o'clock
on lot 10, concession 13, McKillop,
farm, stock and implements; John
Price, propritaor; T. BrotrAuct.
. On Saturday, March 30th, at Lay -
ton's Show TO0111, Mahr Street, See -
forth/ inmementS and household fur-
niture, Chas. Layton, Prciprietor; T.
Brown, auctioneer. -
On 'Friday, March 15th, at 1.30 p.,
m. 'sharp, on lot 22, B.R.S., Stanley,
one mile east af Varna, farm stock
Mack McNaughton and .Roderick Mc-
Kenzie, Proprietors; T. Gundry, Auct.
On Wednesday, March 20th, at one
p.m., -on lot 2, concession 6, 1-1•It•St
Tuckersmith, farm stock and imple
rhents. Montgomery Davis, proprie-
tor; James Jones, auctioneer. .
• On Monday, March 18th, on lot 3,
coricession 1, McKillop, at 1 p.m.
farm, farm Stock and implementsl:
John Murray and Jam:e6 Evans, exel-
eutors; T. Brown, auctioneer. • 1
On Thursday, March 28th, at one
o'clock pan.„ en lot 3, Concession 1,
Stanley, farni stock and implements.
R. B. McLean, Proprietor; T. Bro
W.S. Gormley
• 41.1,11
Funeral Direr:4-or
Undertaking Parlors above
M.Williams' grocery store,
Main Street. Seaforth
I Viewers fur.....•Lied on short notiL e
ObargPs moderate.
Phone night or day - 192
For sale a quantity of Davis War-
rior Potatoes. Price $2.00 per bag,
if purchased before April 1st., These
are a first class seed potato and are
splendid\ keepers. • AddressR R. No.
2, Seaforth; or phone 6 on 138, Clinton
Central. A. Hugillt, • 2622e2
Small frame house on West William
street, Seaforth, hard and soft water,
good stable For further particulars
apply to J. D. Hinettley, Seaforth, • or
phone 10 on 124. 2622-tf
For sale a six roomed frame house
on Railway street, Seaforth, good cel-_
lar, fine garden and a number of fruit
trees. Apply oni. the premises, or ad-
dres Seaforth P4 0. Mrs. William
Reid. ' <2622x4
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hays mid fam-
ily wish to express their keen appre-
ciation of- the many acts of kind
thoughtfulness and expressions of
sympathy in their recent sad bereave-
For sale, a seven roomed cottage,
cement cellar throughout. Plenty of
hard and soft water, and stabling for
a horse and cow. Situated just out-
side the town limits of Seaforth. For
further particulars apply to George
Lowery, Seaforth, or p,hone 7 on 162.
Nine room frame house with good
cellar. This property has six lots at-
tached, part being good pasture and,
and part garden and is situated on
the corner of Crombie and Chalk
streets, Seaforth For further partic-
ulars, communicate with Mr John
Rankin,. Seaforth 2622x4
• FOR SALE ' < •
A quantity of six rowed barley suit-
able for seed. A Canadian bred
stallion off imported stock rising 3
years old, also one rising two years
old and an imported mare with foal
to Commodore. Apply on lot 24, con-
cession 12, Hibbert, or phone 9 on
139, Seaforth. G. W. Wren. 2621x3
Present offering: Three choite
y-oung Shorthorn cows due to calve in
karch and April; five bulls eight
months old and c'dor; three heifers
under one year old; two heifers due
to calve in February and April. Prices
reasonable. Call and see me on Lot
27, Concession 8, Hibbert, or address
For sale, seven roomed house,frame,
wired for electric lights, on John st.,
Seaforth, adjoining the residence of
the late. Mrs. M. C. Chesney. The
property contains one lot, with some
small fruit trees. Hard and soft wat-
.er. This is a very desirable place and
will be sold for $740 cash. For fur-
ther particulars address R. R. No. 2,
Seaforth, or phone ,6 on 138 Clinton
Central. A. HUGILL. 2622-4f
For sale an eight roomed frame
house on the corner of Goderich at,,
east, and William street, Seaforth,
Hard and soft water inside, and new
furnace installed last winter. Good
stable, 2 lots of land. Also 60 acre
farm on Mill Road, 114 mies West of
Egmondville, en which there is a two
storey brick house, bank barn 40 by
60, with cement foundation, cement
floors in stabe and all in good shape.
Posseesien given t once. For further
particulars address Seaforth P. 0.,
or phone 16, Seaforth. Adam Hays,
to the village of Efemondeille, con-
taining ,taio &crept' of 'Clutike hied, en
which there is a large 'comMedioue
honesty* Stoner foundation, excellent cel-
lar with cement Boor, separate coal
cellar, soft water cistern holding fifty
barrels, and the best of hard water
at the door; there is aso a large stable
with pig pen, hen house, and carriage
house, plenty of room; cement walks
to street and stable; also a ntunber of
apple • trees and other small fruits.
This property is situated two blocks
west of the- Presbyterian church and
is within 10 minutes' walk of post of-
fice, school' and church -.one of the
best locations in the village, being high
and dry, with an excellent view' of
town and country; an ideal placelor a
retired farmer,and will be sold reas-
onably Apply on the premises or ad-
dress ALEX. GORDON, Box 51,- Sea -
forth, Ont. 2622x4
Of Farm Stock and Implements -
The undersigned auctioneer will sell
-by public auction on lot 30, concession
4, Usborne, en Tuesday, March 26th
1918, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow-
ing property, viz: Horses -Pair dark
bay geldings, rising 6 years old, and '
weighing 300.0 pounds; filly rising, 3
years, carriage mare rising 10 years
old, good in all harnese Cattle -On
1 Durham cow d,ue in„April; 2 Durhai
cows due in May; 2 young farro,
cows; 4 steers rising two years,
heifers two years old, 5 tiearli
steers, 2 yearling heifers. figs -1
pure bred Yorkhire sqw due to litte
at time of sale; one Berkshire so
With a litter of eight.-- Grain -200 bus
of oats fit for seed. Implements-
IMasseyHarris binder, 7 foot cut, wit
eheaf darrier and truck new; Cock
shutt mower .5% foot cut nearly new
Cockshutt steel rake, new; Cockshut
spring tooth cultivator, nearly new
land roller, three gections, nearl
• new; set of harrows; Cockshutt dis
drill, nearly new; scuffier; wagon; se
of sleighs, new; gravel box, hay rack
cutter, 2 sets of double harness, tw
dozen grain bags, Magnet cream sem<
arator, new; scythe; logging chain, 4
sets whiffletrees, crow bar, scoop shov
el, forks, hoes, shovels, and numero
other articles. Terms -Grain and $1
and under cash; over that amount 1
months' credit on furnishing approve
joint notes. 5 per cent. per annum o
for cash in lieu of notes. No reserv
as the proprietor has sold his far
Samuel W. Cann, Proprietor; W .
E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 2622 -
Lot 6, Concession 5, H.R.S ., Tuck-
ersmith. There are on the premises
a good frame house and good bapk
.barni. The farm is situated one-
quarter mile from school, and 3%
miles from Seaforth. There are 100
acres, all cleared, but ten acres of
bush land. There are two good' wells
and half wider the grass, the rest is
cultivated. This is all first class land
and will grow anything. For terms
and particulars apply on the premises
or address Mrs. William Chesney, Box
34, Emnondville, P. 0., or to Jame i A.
Chesney. 2622-41
For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R.
S., Tuckermnith, containing 100 acres.
There are on the premises a good
frame house, two barns and frame
stable 75 feet long, cement floor in
cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The
laid is in a good state of cultivation,
well drained and fenced. Large apple
orchard; also all kinds ef small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood bush., fall
plowing done. This farm is situated
11/4 milemeast of the village of Bruce -
field and 5 miles from town of Sea -
forth on Mill Road. School across
corner from farm. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premiess or
address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield
R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea -
forth Central. 2616-tf
Mr. ,Thomas Brown has been inst'kucte
to sell by public auction on lot 2
concession 13, McKillop, on Frida
March 15th, at one o'clock p.m.
following property: Horses-Breavr
draft gelding rising 5•years old, hea
draft gelding rising 4 years old, cht
ing mare 7 years, old, good double e
single, 1 driving horse 7 years ol I,
work or drive. Cattle -Cow due Ap il
19th, cow due April 28th, cow eu
posed to be in calf, farrow cow, th e
steers rising 2 yearn 2 heifers risi g
1 year. Pigs and Hens. -Brood w
due to litter May 8th, 2 chunks; M
Barred Rock and Leghorn. hens a
pullets. Implements McCormi
bnder with truckiiiiitt sheaf earn
complete; McCormick Mower, hle
mick cultivator with 2 sets of teet
Massey Harris 13 hoe drill, MasS
Harris 10 foot steel hay -rake near
new; land roller, new Oliver ridi
plow, single furrow; No. 21 Fle
walking plow; set diamond harro
% Chatham lumbee wagon, light wa
on, top buggy, open buggy, cut
set sleighs with bolsters and bun ,
flat rack for sleighs, fiat hay rack a d
sides for stock rack, set double ha
ess, third horse harness, -set sin
harness, 4 sweat pads, Clinton f
ning mill,hand cutting box,new root
per, hay -fork, 125 feet rope, sli
and pullets, wheelbarrow, 3ho
evener, 2 sets doubletreee, neckyo e,
lined water trough, 12 ft. long; sto e -
boat, bay knife, bag holder„ doen
grain bags, 2 chains, gravel box, w ter
barrel, • three hundred bughels of o Ls,
a quantity a mixed grain, iso
turnip scuffle; Melotte cream se or-
ator,' Maxwellwashing machine, it ax -
well churn, cookstove! Most of the
implements are practically new. Te s
-All sums of $10 and under e sh,
over that amount 9 months credi on
approved joint notes. A discoun of
4 cents on the dollar off for cas , on
credit amounts. John Pryce, Pr OH-
etor ;1Thomas Brown, Auctioneer
Amnon- SALE
Mr.. Thorns". Brown has bees in-
struoted to sell by public auction on
Tot 25, -concession 6, Maallop on
Tuesday, .1farch 190, at one o'clock
trlue7, • the folleselill
g: Horses-We
mare 8 years old supposed to be
in foal, draft gelding rising 5 y
good driving horse 8 yea* old, will
either work or drive; well bred filly
10 months old, driving horse 8 years
old. Cattle -One Polled Angus cow
4 years old frethened in November,
one heifer rising -2, both from Mc-
Phail'i herd, Goderich township; cow
freshened in January, cow freshened
end of February, cow due end of
April, cow due end of May, 2 .heifers
rising 3 with calf, 2 steers rising 2
years old, 2 heifers rising 2 years old,
5 yearlings, 3 calves. Pigs -One sow
due to litter before sale. About 50
hens. 'Implements -Massey Harris
binder, Deering mower, Massey Harris
cultivator, Massey Harris steel rake
nearly new; hay loader, manure
spreader, roller, Oliver one furrow
riding plow, nearly new; 2 walking
plows, seed drill,. -disc, 2 furrow gang
plow, set diamond harrows (4 sec-
tions), seuffler, 25 ft. tower windmill,
all complete, 8 horse power gasoline
engine on trucks, good as new; cir-
cular sew, band saw, rip saw and
table, agricultural fqrsace, grindstone,
quantity of good rubber belting, grain
'crusher with bagger, root pulper, dog
wheel, 2 wheel barrows, Clinton farm-
ningmill with bagger and sieves, set
2000 lb. scales, bag truck, jack, grass
seed sower, 2 sete of bobsleighs, one
nearly new; 3 wagons, one nearly new;
, two .wagon boxes, one nearly new; 2
spring seats, 2 gravel boxes, hay rack,
stock rack, hog crate, 2 cutters, one
nearly new; 3 to buggies lately ov-
mrhauled, hay fork, car, ropes, and
ipulleys, long ladder, extension ladder,
'2 crosscut saws, set team harness, set
plow harness, set single harness, 28
feet % inch piping, 2 end posts and
some other posts, grain bags, Empire
cream separator, 45.0 lbs. capacity,
steel churn, butter worker, sap pan,
oak barrel, milk can, extension table,
5 kitchen chairs, 2 bedsteads and
springe, lamps, dresser, set of house
scales 2Q0 lbs. capacity, 2 sets whiffle -
trees, chains, forks, axes, bars, and
other articles too munerous to men-
tion. Also about 12 tons of hay, 400
bushels 0 • A. C., No. 72 oats, suitable
for seed, 80 bushels barley, quantity
of grass seed. No reserve, as the
proprietor has sold_ his farm:. Terms
-All sums of $10 and under, cash;
over that amount 9 months credit _on
furnishing approved joint notes. A
discount of 4 cents on the dollar off for
cash on credit amounts. Hay and
grain to be cash. All articles to be
settled for /by cash or note before
being removed from. the premises.
James Kerr, Proprietor; T. Brown,
Auctioneer. - 2621-2
For sale, Lot 29, Concession 1, H.
R. S:, Tuckersmith. There are on the
premises a frame house, and frame
barn, in good condition, also large im-
plement shed. The farm- is known as
the "Wise" farm, and is situated half
way between Seaforth and Clinton. It
is well fenced and in a splendid state
of cultivation. Will be sold on easy
terms. For further particulars apply,
on the premises or phone 20 on 144,
House and half' acre of land in the
village of Egrnondville., The property
is situated on Ceetre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cerrient cistern. All kinds of frait
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This is a corner pro-
pertied with no breaks on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion,. This is a nice property for a
zetired farmer and the taxes arelight.
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tt
Of Farm Stock and Implemen
James Jones ha S been instruct d to
sell by public auction on lot 2, ton -
cession 6, II. R. S., Tuckersmittf, on
Wednesday, March 20th, 1918, a I one
o'clock pen., the following: H rs'es
-Agricultural horse rising 5 ears
old, agricultural horse rising 4 ears
old, brood mare 8 years old in foa , one
driver 6 years old ,driver 10 yea old.
Cattle -Cow 9 years old due in mil,
cow 5 yearseold due in May, H steint
cow 4 years old with calf at foo cow
4 years old with calf -'at foot, 2 ifers
freshened in January, cow 4 y old
due in April, 2 steers rising 2 fyears
old, 10 heifers rising 2 years ol good
beef ring heifers; 5 calves, 2 elves
2 months old. Pigs --2 brood sws to
litter in April, brood sow to 1 in
May, 11 store hogs 5 months o d, and
100 white Leghorri hens and ullets.
Implements -Massey- arris bider 7
ft. cue, new.; Massey Harris thower 6
ft. cut new; hay rake Deeringif13 disc
drill, Bisset land rol er, cultheitor, 4
section iron harrows, Lohn De man-
ure spreader, Massey-Harri 1 2 row
corn cultivator, new; doubt ' riding
plough, walking plough, se r, wag-
on and box, gravel )box, se sleighs)
cutter, 2 buggies, Chatha fanping
mill with bagger attachmen , set of
scales (2000 lbs. capacity) pulper,
one grindstone, one Gilson % horse-
power gasoline engine, new Maxwell
crusher, new, one hay and eock rack,
cutting box, wheelbarrow, stoneboat,
grass seed sower, cedar pots, 2 lad-
ders, pig crate, lawn mowe , 2 sets of
double harness, 2 sets sin1e harness,
3 dozen grain bags, 4 bush, ls of home
grown clover seed, a q. rtity of hay.
and mixed grain, some pot toes, forks,
hoes, shovels and a lot other arti-
stes too numerous to m ntion; also !
some household effects. Terms -All
mains of $16and under, .h; over that
amount 10 months' credit will be given
onfurnisbiigappr�Vedi. t notes. A
discount of 4 e.ents on <e dollar' -al-
lowed off or cash on tunounts.
Montgomy Davis, mrietor; jas.
Jones, Au4tioeer. 261.2x2
It is a matter of the greatest important.
that Canada should Incises.* her produeo
tion of BACON HOGS and other live stuck
as there is at present a world-wide shor4
age of meat. Good markets for some tiMos
to come are assured.
will gladly make loans, to assist farmers in
good standing to acquire live stock. 3$4
One pure bred Shorthorn bull, red,
20 months old and, a quantity of tur-
nips. Apply on let 8, concesstin 12,
Tuckersmith, or phone 8 on .138, Sea -
forth', George Hill. 2621-tf
For Sale, 28 bushels of first class.
seed beans. Apply on lot 29, conces-
sion, 1 Tuckersmith, or phone 20 on.
144, Clinton. George Beauregard.
• 2021x3
South Half Lot 14, and South Half
Lot -15, Concession 1, H. R. S., Tuck-
ersmith, 96 acres more or lees, all in
grass for several years'within two
miles from Seaforth; no buildings, no
waste land; a spring creek across cor-
er. Apply to Proudfoot, Killoran and
Coelce, Seaforth or Goderich.. -.2621-4
For Sale the 14 2110108 old Short-
horn bat This young -bull is
superior animal, bred from ,the
lowing Imported Stock: Seo -
Hero (Inv), Prince of Barre
Red Prince (Imp.), Rowel Mayan
(Imp.), Dublin (hap.), Baron Sol.
way (Imp.), Cobden (initi.),
Jane (Trap.). For particulars anitlY
to John - Chambers, Cromarty or -
phone 19 on 147, Seaforth. 2605-ttL•tt
'Flax Lan
140 RENT
CHOICE SEED GRAIN FOR SALE. The Canadian Flax Mills Limited,.
For sale a quantity of 0.A.C, Nowill rent sod land, spring or fall
72, oats, first prize in Field Crop ploughed.
competition also some 0.A.C., No.
21 Barley, all grown from registered
seed. This ie a good clean, plump
seed of. leading varieties. You should
buy some for that field you..wish-to
enter in the field crop competition.
Samples and prices on request.
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont.
Im lements
I have for sale at a right price a
Will furnish seed free and do the
The farmer will plough, disc, her -
row and roll.
IThe Cormany is also open to supply
seedand purchase • the flax on a tem
e -
IFor further iertlars apply to
M. McCormick
long list of second hand ireplemen'te 71°NE
The following- are a ;few a them:
Massey -Harris 7 foot' cut, bincter,
Deering 7' foot binder, McCormick 7
foot cut binder, five and six foot -mow-
ers; Cockshutt cultivator Just used
for 20 acres, Deering and Massey -
Harris cultivators; a long tist of drills
-disenhoe and hoe, all gems; • 1 11 -hoe
Massey -Harris, good as new; one
of 2500 lb. Chatham scales, good as
-Gasoline Engines-oOne 10 h.p. Bell
in Al condition; 6 len. Gray motor re-
built; 6 h.p. Toronto; 4 h.p. Barrie;
1% h. p. Chapman With punip jack
attached, just new; 1% h.p. London.
Also two splendid - driving horses,
and one good work horse.
When you buy a, new machine we
are willing to give you good value for
your old machine.
If yombuy Massey -Harris machines
the tidnersigned will see that you get
expert help with your machinery when
• you are in trouble.
R. C. Henderson
The Double Track
and •
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping cars on night trains anet
Parlor Cars on principal dor trainsk
Full information from any Grand -
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
W. Somerville.. ......Town Aguet
W. R. Plant - ....Depot Agent
Income Tax ‘Forms
Are no* available
Returns must be filed -on or before 31st March
THA Dominion Income War /tax Act requires you to fill in one or more of .
the five special Forms provided before 31et March, 1918. In derto,
assist the public to understand just what is requited of them, information
on each Form' is given below. .Read carefully, then set three copies of the
form that fits your case and fill them in. Answer all questiotts fully ,n4
accurately. For making false statements, a penalty of Vii,O110 or six inoriew
Imprisonment, or both, Is provided. . .
Individuals. -A9 persons unmarried, and all widows or iridowere without dependent children*
-whose income is $1500 a year or n-iore must fill in Form Tl. • All other persons whose lemma is
$3000 or more, use the same Form. Where any income ie derived from dividends, list amounts
received from Canadian and Foreign securities separarely. Fill ia paces 1, 2 and 3 only. Do not
%nark on page 4. Partnerships, as such need not file returns, but the aidividuids farming the part-
nerships must. •
Corporations and Joint Stock Companies no matter how created or organized, shall possi_the
normal tax on income exceeding $3000. Ilse Form T2 --giving particulars of income. Abu
attach a financial statement. Under Deductions, show in detail amounts paid to Patriotes Pia
aad Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds. - ' ,
Trustees, £xecutors, Administrators of Estates and Assignees use Faro T3. Puif fwd.*"
of the distribution, of inanne from all estates handled must be shown as wee as details et assowilit
stutributed. A separate Farm must be filled in for each estate. ,--
Employers must 'use Form .T4 to give names and amounts of salaries, beauseaocomeasisaloas sod
other remuneration paid to all employees during 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the
aggregate to $1000 or our.
CorPoratiOlt Lists ef Shareholders.. -On Forin T5 corporations shall give a statement or as
bonuses, and dibvidends •paid to Shareholders residing in Canada during 1917 stating to whom pal*
and the amounts. ;7
Figures in every case are to cover 1917 income -Al Forms must be filed by 31st Mara. Far
neglect, a fine of $100 for each day et default may be imposed.
In the case of Forms Ti and T2, keep one copy of the Sled in FOCM and Me the other two wills,.
the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In the case a( T3, 1'4 an4 t$, keep one copy and Ws
the other two, with the Commissioner or Taxation, Dept. of Plniance,
Forms may be obtained from the District inspectors of Taxation and trans ete Posl.
snastors at ail leading centres. i