The Huron Expositor, 1918-03-08, Page 3ILC s,sao,400 NADA Iansacted CREDIT ITMENT urrent Rate. (STRICT; l irkton Zurich Che r le E u 1 ert. On die - the cric'n of the fund, tmbest tried to refund it, Ls optcv eo by Bolo. :ale.: last Bolo was arrest- judie:ai investigation of relations ons w ith the enemy. profoundly ofoundlt s,tirred the :)stat, inspiring in some ,riots the feeling ting that at L dal that Net igtool so heav- rrance was about to be - ;as From W►" oocl. ants on wood as part sub -- coal in gas -making haver en carriedcut in France, used was sea -pine in the nets cut from the middle, nk. The charge of the ,about half the weight of 1, and carbonization •oecu- ialf the usual time. When u.e retort With wood to* with coal, no appreciable n the calorific power of the. noted. Of the two bye- - small coke and tar -- the - punted' to five to ten per" :ar front the combined dis-- wood and coal is much i common tar; and is more Separate from water in the! Owing to the acid char tain of the products of the of wood—e.g., acetic )Ie may be caused in the plant unless the propor- 1 is sufficient to yield am - Ale quantity necessary to the acids. The yield of he wood was found to be ty equal to that from coal.. Operationfor the Deaf. have recently identified( iea,fness in soldiers ae of accompanied by mute-. F are curing it by an oper— a patient is given enough :cite hiai, then two small ade behind his hears. A. then banged on a sheet or if the operation Is Duc- e patient jumps off they le7s hearing eoinPlete1T Before silo operatioi. Ia- Sa,tiert is eneeuragod to a will ho eurod-lPcni th1 t e V. Douglas, an assistant istical department of the 'atonal service department ade a member _of the most der of the British Empire. t is the new Grace Darling itain. She is a fisher wont- nitle rowed her boat into. )f a sinking ship and . res- rr who was clinging to a dirt' . . _ ll■Msaa tlsteutRRa. asou1naisamms a � ; ►s rizo* c l ga>�tr di b yi g '. . isat' th some Stewarts Self. • Established UM Sarnia. ANS WM= $11.01108.00 o Savifls Department. -- . { Ban money bij the au q ,ie`you systael y u a few dollars at & time `you wills o a a� for emergencies. - r a Deposits of One Dollar and upwards reoeleed• Interest paid or added to amounts twloe a year. a is SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager. 3•,1•1 a E•[Mal91t)K![a(aiata;lataL g ■>gal ■ 3 a 111th l[x1Y[dln[a>gltaY* X 1fi,1K1K]! q>rl at ■rRria �qe won Exploit& of + oderich. held Division/ our in the town hall on Tuesday of t is. week. Only, one case came up, that off Rouset vs. Weston, which was again.postpon- ed for further evidence. --Mr 1: A T • Cooper of Clinton, occupied tlfe pulpit of • the Methodist' .elm& on Sunday Pre6vter T of Huron.—The Presby- evening last in the intereet of the tery of Huron herd a regular meeting 'Canada 'Tempera`tice. Act. 2 William at Bewail on Tuesday, February '28. Elliott, seta of M -K Robert Eiltott, who 'The following were present: Messrs, was drafted from this -011ag orfor Lon- ov- cConnell,. Telford, Aitken, McIntosh, erseas, left on Monday Ross, Sharp, Johnston and the clerk, don.—Mr. -'H. Darrah spent,1,Monday 'Ministers. and Messrs. ' Haugh, Cun- at Loud4)a.•---The' funeral of •ithe late Minghain, Gladtnan, Morgan and Bell, Mr. R b art Orr of Stanley, tr4ok place elders. Mr. McDerrmid was appoint to Bayfield cern.•etery on Wdnesday td moderator for, the ensuing six afternoon. months. The annual reports were presented, that on Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies, by Dr. Aitken; that an statistics and finance by Mr. Hamilton; that on systematic beneficent, by Mr. Johnston. The Conference Coni'mittee suggested that the subject for conference at the May eting- should be "The Spiritual In- terpretation of History," and Mr. 'Telford is to lead in the discussion. A resolution appreciative of' the Sab- :bath School work done by the late Mr. 'George Baird of Stanley, "The Mas- ter," was unanimously endorsed by the :Presbytery. The standing committees for the year 1918 are as follows, the ministers named having their elders associated with them in each case: .Home Missions and Social Service— Messrs. ,Macfarlane, McIntosh end 'McConnell; Foreign Missions --Messrs . _Abets', McDermid and Larkin; Sun- day School and Young People Societies —Dr. Aitken, Carswell and Ross; Systematic Beneficence--ess-ts. Hogg Gladman, Higgins, McLean and Strang; Superintendents of Students- Mr. Telford and Dr. Fletcher; Emer- geney—Messrs . Carriere, Hamilton and .Macfarlane; A. and 1. M. and V. 0, Funds --Dr. Fletcher, Messrs. Johnston and Carriere; Finance Ross ao d. -- :StatisticsMessrs. Hamilton, and Carswell; Conference—Messrs. "McDermid, Aitken and Telford: Audi- - tors—Messrs . Gladman and McIntosh. The following are the commissioners to the General Assembly next June: 'Dr. Fletcher, Messrs. Johnston and Macfarlane and elders from Goclerich, resigned his charge of Cavell church,. Exeter. Messrs. Gladman, Strang .and` Rowcliffe appeared for the ses- sion and congregation, speaking very appreciatively of the services render- ed by Mr. Sharp and regretfully ac- •quiescing in the resignation. - The resignation was accepted to take effect after July 28th next. A committee was appointed to consider . ±e-arrange- rnent of field that aright release one • or more men for 'the summer to en- gage in the Home Mission service. The next -meeting is to be held at Hensel" on Tuesday, May 14th, at ten o'clock, a.m. DISTRICT MATTERS CLEAN' YOUR SILVER ASILY. • it for Less _ Mail of .phone Your Orders I e prepay the arr age matal tenth an zinc, and alu- • mina . ixteqilketr.t0,0 terfided by the c r oltatiatt, ate etulmel or .14* :' s lo'besPi4ferred by ►e . � keeps ` whin is -careful `t f hex t ute ., . .H'owver, an °k °Id al t' pot or . kettle which - woulderwiq, bet away rimy be wed in 'place of the enamel- ` ed vegseti Now for the explanation of the causes which underlie this process, which seem almost magical to those who do riot understand it. Unlike most . other metals, silver is not tar= nished by oxygen in the air, but it readily unites with sulphur whenever it comes into contact 'With things con- taining sulphur. when immersed in the solution of salt and soda, aluminum and zinc are said to be more "active" than silver, and an electric current is set up which breaks up this chemical com- bination of silver and sulphur which we popularly call "tarnish."' The particles of silver which were in the tarnish. are again plated out in a pure form on the silver, articles, while the sulphur is set free to perform a new combination. ; As a result, no silver whatever ,is lost when this method of cleaning is used, and the tiny particles of silver, resettling onthe original articles, give them, their soft, satiny finish in- stead of their forlmer bright polish. In the case of even the mildest abrasive polish the tanish is remov- ed by being mechanically cut away through the rubbing. This, of course, removes not only the silver in: the ff "tarnish" itself, but it also removes some of the pure silver from the sur- face of the article which is being pol- Have ` you learned to clew silver ished. Careful experiments have in the new -fashioned way ori are you shown that even with .the most care - still wasting your time and a energy, ful use of whiting or, an equally mild and, incidentall y, your silver plate poljsh the loss in weight of silver is through a vigorous use of lily ,r polish 'twenty-five thirnes as great as when and elbow grease °� the electrolytic method is used. Regarding the use -of baking or washing soda, there is little choice between the two. , The washing soda is cheaper and somewhat quicken in its action; therefore, if convenient, it is the better ingredient. The 'salt is not absolutely essential in ! the cleaning solution but the cleansing action is quickened through its use. WAR PROPHECY IN 1898• American Tells Remarkable Story of German -Ambition. "At the close of the Spanish -Amer - Jean war, I was returning on the San- tee ---I think it was—from Santiago, Cuba, to Montauk Point. On board there was a military attache from' Germany, Count von Goetzen, a per- sonal friend of the ,Kaiser. There was also an attache from some South American country, possibly Argen- tina. - "Apropos of a discussion between Count von, Goetzen and myself on the friction between Admiral Dewey and the • German admiral at Manilla, Von Goetzen said to me: 'I will tell,yeu something which you better make dote of. I am not afraid to tell you this because, if you do speak of it, no one would believe you and everybody will laugh at you. " 'About fifteen, years from now my country will start her great war. She will be in Paris in about two months after the commencement of hostili- tiela. Her move `on Paris will be but a� step to her real .object—the crush - ,g of England. Everything will move like clockwork. We will be prepared and others will not be prepared. I speak of this because of the connec- tion which it willhave with your own country. " 'Some months after we finish our work in Europe we will take New York and probably Washington and hold them for some time. We will put your country .,3n its place with reference to Germany. We do noc purpose to take any of your territory, but we do intend to take a billion or more dollars from New York and other places. The Monroe doctrine will be taken charge of by Nes,, as we will then have putyouu in your place, and we will take charge of . South America, as far as we want to. I have no hostility toward your country. I like it, but we have to go our own way. Don't forget this, and about fifteen years from now remember it v�ill interest you." -- Statement of Major N. A. Bailey to Dr. W. T. Horn- aday, given in a letter.from Dr. Horn - .day in New York Tribune, August 1, 1$15. If you wish to try the efiic1ency of the electrolytic method it is /not ne- cessary to invest in any special equipment. This method - of ' leaning silver is as simple as washing dish- es and any child who can barn to wash dishes can use it. i Although some of the pateited de- vices, on account of their 4onveni- ences,are to be recommended to those who Dave large quantities of alver to clean, the principle on whit-&• they work is so simple that the average woman will prefer her oaa - little home-made way of doing the, task. Moreover, instead ` of being .estrue- tive to silverware, the eltrolytic process of cleaning is the least harin- ful that science - thus far hs been able to discover. Even fine y -pow- dered whiting, that good old; stand- by of conservative housekeep4rs, is destructive in comparison. 1, An enamel or agate ware dish should be partly filled with1. clean- ing solution, made by addi' 'g one teaspoonful ofeither wash,ng or baking soda and one teaspoonful of n commosalt to each quatt of• water. This is placed on the stove until it comes to -a boil. Then a sheet of aluminum or •af clean zinc is deopped into the dish and the tarnished sil- ver is put into . the water in pontact withhis metal. It is not neessary to have every piece of silveik touch' the metal itself, but all silver to be cleaned should be in contact either with the metal or with others silver which touches the rel:alp It is best to have the silver ntirely covered with the cleaning olution and to allow the solution to emain at the boiling temperature. Ina very few seconds the tarnish on th silver will disappear as- if by magi As soon as the tarnish has been ntirely removed the: silver should -bei taken out of the cleafiing, solution, rinsed in clear water, and wiped with a soft cloth. The articles thus cleantad will have a soft, satiny; finish which many fastidious persons prefer fo the bright burnished appearance given by most silver polishes. After the silver has ben clean- ed a number of times by the electro- lytic method it will grow so d' 11 that it may be desirable to rub it with -a paste of whiting and water to estore the original polish. Housekeepers who prefer the brightly burnished ap- pearance sometimes employ the elec- trolytic method to remove the .tarnish from their silver, and then use e good abrasive polish as often. ea s� ayhbe desirable to keep up d appearance. i' A combination of the two riethods is sometimes used. In this case one or two teaspoonfuls of finely-1owder- ed whiting is added to each quart of the cleaning solution, and afteriremov- al the silver is allowed to dry without being rinsed. The filen of i;'hiting which adheres to it may then lee rub- bed off -with a soft cloth. Housekeep- ers who fancy the exceedingly! bright AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are an excels lent medicine for litle ones. They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels, break up colds and simple -fevers, cure constipation and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. E. Quinn, Parame, Que., writes: "Baby was troubled with constipa- tion and nothing helped him till I began using Baby's Own Tablets. They are an excellent medicine - for little ones." The Tablets are - sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 .cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a WROXETER Notes.—Allan 'Henze left for the west on. Thursday last: Miss Pearl wake, df' Shelburne, spent: Sunday at her home. --Miss Della Rutherford, of Toronto, spent a, few days at her home here. --Sergeant Lawrence, sis of London, spent the'' week end at 16 -me here. ---Mrs •: E. Cardiff and 1 polish, however, will find that it is be children, of Morris township, returned ( secured by using the two methgds seF- to their home on. Sunday., rs, R• I arately. I J. Bans is spending a week with her Anyone who has tried Ivarious mother, Mrs. Hastings,' near Wing- ways of cleaning silver will find that $am.—John Getnrill has dispoesd of the electrolytic method is a. tremen- leis dray business to the former pro- =loos labor saver. Since wa ling or praetor, Peter Milligan.—Rev. Sid - clod baking soda and table salt a to be nay Davidson ,of Belgrave, Pry found in every kitchen and 1 since a nit Educational work of the :Methodist small piece of zinc or alumin lin may of last be purchased for a few cents, the cost church on Sunday evening week. -,-Miss Hazel Van Velsor •was of this method is .practicary he same tendered a surprise party by a number as those involving the use of ordin- of her young friends in honor of her , arS salver polishes. birthday on Saturday evening • Rev.. The commercial devices f r clean- sing silver in the new way, I however Mr. Robarts, of Mitchel, formerly and wad o cares ce from Wroxeter, has been vc rymuch they differ in apP the home-made apparatus, -ari practi- unable to take his. work last Sunday. Tev_ i catty the same thing. Old friends wish him a speedy f ery One very efficient type of cleanser consists of- a zinc pan, On the bottom BAYFIELD of which is fastened an , aluaninUm Breezes.—Mr- Tho'i`nas Parsons who Mrs. grating, The pan is fillfetid with the tar - the has been visiting his m cleaning solution Parsons, the past two months, left 011 nished silver is placed on 'th grating, 'Monday of this week for his home at and the tarnish on the sil'v r conse- Clinton, was in the'village on Monday. quently disappears. A sim ler com- The following fruits, �`eeetablles, have. been in ciilti<<tion •nn�'+' —The Jubilee Concert under the aus-- niercial form of t'he clean consists etc., to the topof'1l :r n -i d , � p ' ^ , of a zinc disk, which than'.0.000 years: t rued, a -i a- cle y whichof ;the was postponed, ed, wtic So-7� i 0 i"- ciety, postponed, will take are welded some aluir>in�im wire apricot, dathla e_ bean, of this ids. This disk has the • dvantage cumber, • ,.;•.,, place on Thursday evening olive, onion, peach, i c•lr, � .. The young people of _the vil- that it can be used in any stile; or, " , K week.—The if verywheat, lege held a dance in. the town hLewis,cleaned,largeitlinay be used f silyser• an re to � sorghum, turnip, Friday evening last. --Judge be Wash boiler. ___ , -- - • 'The simple little strip of aluminune or zinc which can be bought ,at any GRAY HAIK. tin shop, however, is quite as effec- Carpets have aaa wo'veinnDtll- e um is better Than zinc last forty years Progress i list Rul�ir- r, Tremaia's Natural Hair Rector tive, and vainly much less ripen- garia for been nearly marked years. 1 D erected is itarattteed sive. s- otve, used as' d hair � 1,� natural• because it corrodes or gets •I"wcirn of ran carpetsnin design, texture, iizlish co restore grayy Positive out" less easily. After a strip , ex rho se of color or money refunded. Friers zine has been used a few times it be- and style have Burp not a dye and non-injurious.main- Sop",. Nimes corroded and inefficient. In Turkish, Roumanian, Serbian or Gre, ply - Co.,p-Toronto, Write . piece a new of zinc may cion manufacture. �s o�orvnto, Ont. �n �Ssle � glitt be �ubstituted or he old piece may j -�ea9foxt$ b9 C. ,F�be�, �r� o Matter what the Weather is Outside =It's Spring Time at Stewart's Store: 1 1 Free '('rade In Germany. Germany adds another startling example of the benefits of free trade. The Napoleonic wars left a multitude of petty kingdoms, duchies, and prin- cipalities, completely independent, but not individually self-sustaining Between thele raged a frantic tariff - !war, supplemented by tradeagree- inents having in view eommer�ial ad- vantages which at the same time were offset by their mutual jealousies and ,restrictive policies. These • obstruc- tions existed even between the tpinor political subdivisions of the sefarate kingdoms. Prussia led in the direc- tion, of reform. Unrestricted trade intercourse within her own dominions was established, and Prussian pros- perity followed. The example was a strong argument in favor of extend -I ing the principles to associations of the,Germanic states. Out of the orig- inal Prussian Zollverin of 1818, arose the commercial union which extended until, by 1842, is included the whole of Germany with,the exception of the Hanseatic towns, Iviecklenberg, Han- over, and Austria. This led logically to the Diet of Frankfort in 1848, which proposed >a basis of political consolidation.—Atlantic. I�ol.tailar_] atab1eS. Bulgaria 1 Carpets. All the Beautiful ul e'w Spring Things Are P uringI . Spring Time in Women's Suit and Coat De. partm�ent. Those women who are desirous of knowing what is really new and correct in Suits and Coats for the Spring will get a fund of authentic inforernation from a visit to Our Ready -to -Wear Department. All the Newest Ideas, the most ap- proved Styles and the Latest De - 'signs are represented in this de- lightful array. If we appear to be over enthusiastic over these new garments, you will even excuse us %%hen you see this attractive assemblage for yourselt, 1 i Prices - ..•$15 to $40 Suits• • • • 0 • • 0 • • 0••00.00• Coats ... •••$7.50 to $35 Dress Goods and Silks In spite of the great scar- city of Dress Goods and Silks we are prepared to show• you the largest assort- ment it has ever been our pleasure to display. A 1 1 bright materials of the very best weaves and colorings at prices that you' will glad- ly pay. Men's" Suits Made to Measure $22 to $35 Why not buy the New Spring Suit now. The new suitings are here for those who wish the faddy clothes and plenty of good old reliable Serges, Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds, bought be- fore the advance in prices, which you can buy at practically old prices. L eave us your measure now. PRICE $22 to $35 • Strong, Comfortable Overalls - Spring Time in the Print and. Gingham De- partment. . Ali that the new season ason ushers in, in new pat` terns, n e w colorings and new weaves can be learned here by a quiet look through the hundreds of the new ice s ot Prints and ° we h a just received and plac- ed in stock. . There is a charm in these attractive new goods—they are so different from other years that they appeal to you at first sight. - Aiid beautiful as the new effects are there is also back of them the guarantee that always goes with Crumbs' �yPrints and Anderson's y-Ginghams• The Prices will plea you too. - Spring Time in the Rug and - Linoleum Department - If you want VARIETY It you want QUALITY If you want GUOD VALUE Come your - here for Rugs and Linoleums. We were fortunate in getting an early delivery of our New Spring Steck. There are dozens of new pat- terns in Linoleums and Rugs in every want- ed size. If you want rugs or linoleums don't wait —Come Early—Get First Choice. Men's heavy Denim Overalls— made with good pockets, cut to fit, solidly sewn buttons . put on to stay. Black, Blue or Stripe. ALL SIZES I. , $1.00 to $ 2.00 o The Latest New Spring Shirts D ON'T buy a shirt - until you have �'�seen the new i ones we are show- ing. The patterns are by long odds the triost aitractive we have ever shown —made in stripes, dots and fancy de- siPgricens; with soft or stiff cuffs. Sizes 12 to I8+ ,50c . to S2 - Witter Underwear For Men and Boys. - k -I ndreds of wise men are buy- ing underwear now for next season. It will pay you to do the same. You can buy Underwear here at very easy prices. Come early. NOM Butters Wool and Eggs Wanted 1 Hosiery X DON'T WAIT Buy your Hosiery NOW. Indications point strongly not only to higher- prices but to poorer qualxtieir as well. We are excellently' prepared to meet your re- quirements at very reason- able .prices --BUT DON'T WAIT— Buy Now • Boys' Suits That Wear Well $3'to $9 The New Spring Suits have begun to arrive. They will- please the boy ,and parent as well. Made in #a great mate=y new styles of good substantial, cloth at prices that are less than you will expect to pay. PRICE $3.00 to $0.00 Comrabte Collars The subject of comfort is being studied extensively by the collar makers. The newest produc- tion is the latest for Comfort, Fry one -- it fits the neck, . the shirt and is concaved to fit the shoulder blades, ALL SIZES - PRICE 20c Men's Work Mets Made of mule, sheep or pig skin ; knitted cuffs, well Excellent for choring strongly sewn: i g or early spring work on the farm. Stewart Bros. SEAFOIITII •e•+++ 65cto75c Butter, Wool owl Eggs- -