HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-03-01, Page 6•
John Burroughs Talks
and PINIKES„. About 1.4", of,tho Ito&
ON FACE AND RoDYe And GermaoThilosophy
011N111:11tROUGHS writes 4n The
New York Tribuue: "The appeal
to nature for the Justificetion of
our conduct whatever it be, is
• ••
, -
Ft Of IT' /R
Boils and simples are pyeideuedea
ei bad bit • 9 thet is eiro ting in the
system coming to the surface.
The only way to rid yourself of them
painful and unsightly blood diaeasee
ie to have your blood purified by Burdock
Illood Bitters. It removes *every par-
ticle of foul material from the blood, and
the skin becomes clear and smooth, and
• free from all eruptions.
Mr. Roy A. Bovay, Trenton, Ont.,
writes:—"Two years a4ok 1 waa very
much troubled with bods and pimples
on my face and body. A friend advised
me to 'cake Burdock Blood Bitters. I
got three bottles, and before I had
finished thethird one, my boils and
pimple., mid all disappeared, and my
face and body were as clear and ae
smooth ae, any baby's could be.”
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the
• market for over 40 years. You are not
experimenting when you buy it.
Manufactured only by The T. Milt
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Cure Sick kleadache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath—Candy Cathir lc.
Nd flabw bad your liver, stomach
or bawls; how much your head aches,
how rais' eralsIe you are from constipa-
tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug-
gish bowels—you always get relief with
Caseatets. They immediately cleanse
and regulate the stomach, remove the
sour, fermenting food and foul gases;
take the excess bile from the liver and
carry off the constipated waste matter
an poison from the intestines and
bowels. A, 10 -cent box from your drug-
gist will keep your liver sand. bowels
clean; istoinach sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
Ja:mes Watson
Generkl Insurance Agent -
Real Eta t and Loan Agent
Dealer in ,..iewing Machines,
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated in the
• Town of Seaforth. Terms
reasonable and possession
given promptly
Apply at my office for particulars.
risky business. Nature is heaven on
one side and hell one the other. In '
all creatures below- man the rule of
• sleight prevails. The only sin is weak- ;
, nese and the only ;virtue strength.
There is no question of right s or it
wrong, of justice or mercy. The only
questions are those of adaptatipn and
power to survive. Tice trees lin the
. forest, the plants in the field, the K
fowl of the air, the sea forms and
1 the land forms are all under the same. ,
r the eneniy bou1dsee :the 1laslt.1
he guua.1$
.of the firin,„:1,:. - the of-,
'.but cannot
of bit hots.
offlcer whgQes fel tomtit See
the *ta At/404W
corrections,. he. raittealithansel
::43tao77ur 14i4eici kennels to. fkrwiu'
'"Itilltd-llefit.4141inittetkrt ifet a
Everything was diIra and itsmITY 411
IssPen!wttkaeatEenhittedbrathaveestrehttoblaliodraiewlis w°01:ee'
stooped out in the side of it ltist
large enough, to shelter -et min crouch-
ing. Each hole contained a sleep-
ing Soldier 'who looked as dead as,
the occupant of a catacomb. Some
of the holes had been blown in;
all yousaw of the late occupant was
a protruding arm or leg,. At hest
there Waste horrid similarity between
the dead and the living. It seemed
that the wails, of the trenches had
been built out of corpses, for one
rimognized :the uniforms of French-
men and HUM. They were built out
of them, though whether by design
or accident it Was impossible to
tell. We came to a group of men,
doing some repairing; that part of
the trench had evidently been strafed
last night. They didn't know where
they were, or how far it was to the
front line. We wandered on still
laying our wire. The colonel of.
our brigade joinned us, and -we waded
on together,
"The enemy shelling was growing
Imre intense, as wall always the way
on the Somme when We were bringing
out our wounded. A good :many- of
our trenches were directly enfiladed;
shells burst just behind the parapet,
when they ditin't burst on it It was
at about this point in my breatingain
that I received a brew' on the head—
and thanked God for the man who to.- I
vented the steel helmet. • I
ourselves as small as could„be. In
All of a sudden we halted maltIng
the rapidy thinning mist ahead of us
men Were moving, They were stmt..'
cher-bearers. The odd thing was that •
they were carrying tehir wounded!
away from, ,instead of toward „us.
s • .
°Papes Diapepsin'" makes sick, our
gassy stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your storaach or lies like a lump of
lead, or you belch gab and eructate
sur, undigested food, or have a feeling
• of dizeinse, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
bad tat e in mouth and stomach-hed-
ache, you can get relief in five minutes'
by nutralizing: acidity. Put an end to
such stomach distress now by getting a
Urge fifty-ccase of Pape's 1:?iapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless it is to suffer
from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stom-
ach, disorder caused by food fermentation
due to excessive acid in stomach.
ri Mil NS DIE
Every year from Coneumption,
Millions could have been saved if
only common sense prevention had
been used in the first stage. If YO'CT
ARE a Sufferer from ;Asthma, Broa-
chits, Catarrh, neurisy, Weak
Lungs„ Cough and Colds—all Dis-
.eases leading up to Consumption—
Tuberculosis, YOU ARE interested
le Dr. Strandgard's T. B. Medicine.
--Write for Testimonials and Booklet
263-26r Vonge Sreet. Toronto.
• •
to lend on Farms, First, Seeend.
• Mrtgages. Clan or write me at
onee and get your loan arranged
• by return „mail. No advance
77 Victoria, St., Toronto.
• ..s.e ,efaa.,szasatee -nns
Alive your Har! Get a small bottle
of Danderine right now—Also
stops itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
Lair is mute evidence of a neglected
!sclp; of dandruff—that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robe the hair
of its lustre ite strength and its very
life; if Eventuilly producing a feverish-
ness and Itching of the scalp, which if
not remedied muses the hair roots to
shrink, loosen and die—then the hair
fells out fast A little Danderine to-
ght—now—any time—will surely sieve
your hair.
Get a small bottle of Knolton's
Danderjne from any drug store. You
rarely �have beautiful hair and iota
of it if you will just try of, little De
4erine. Save your hair! Ty ; its•
law of adaptation. to the environment.
The • less adaptable, the poorly *equip
ped for competitive struggle, defec-
tive unfortuntes, 'the handicapped,
fall out. The law of variability, what-
eyer be its cause, never ceases- to *et.
Pose that vary in the wrong direce
tiles suffer and fail; those that vary
in the right direction prosper, and
the more they vary in this direction
the more they prosper."
The Germans, • observing Mead
things in the non -human world, have
accepted them as natural laws of
•JOHN mammal's.
existtice, ignoring the truth that it
Is precisely man's moral conseiots-
ness that •differentiates him from the
lower orders and makes him the fi
test to survive. It is by this that ae
has attained to what he is—frorn this
civilization. has come and on this it
depends. -"Variation in man," says
John Burroughs, "brings in xiew
problems and new factors. It is no
longer a question of the survival of
brute force, but one of force armed
with the Moral consciousness. The
queetions of fraternity, equality, lib-
erty, play prominent parts. nel sia-
ness is tempered by altruim; inst net
Is guided_by reason, power is wedded
to conscience, and the strong in the
long run prevail in pr?portionj to
their adherence to Justieeand tr h."
• The Germans have reverted to the
brute force law of the jungle and they
hdpe to prevail as they see 1 wer
animals and, lower forms of lif pre-
vail one over the other by sheer ores,
uninfluenced by the Moral cons ious-
nes.e which, the German teacher say„
retrains and weakens man-- r for
long has done so—in his co filets
with other men. They decid d to
throw aside sach restraints a d go
forth and prevail in war unha pered
by considerations ot jutice, flreY,
pity„ morality. They would m actice
the remorseless sureness of thestrong
animal of the forest in making prey
of whatever it can overcome.,
But man is more than one of the
lower animals, and in the life: of the
race moral. consciousness is in itself
a force of much power, and those Who
dncard it (or try to) remain but half
armed, seed are bound to be defeated,
discredited and rejected, simply be-
eause man is more than animal and
there is a surge within him that car-
ries him over and beyond all that be-
longs to the jungle level of exstence.
The Russian ::oldiers.
The Russian peasant are not radi-°
celly altered when they put on it uni-
frm. They learned, after long gen-
erations, to accept the duty or mill-
tary. service; they learned to"die for
the Czar," and to fight hard, suffer
heroically, and die like men, in,obedi-
enee to that loyalty. It was the one
thing that lifted them above the mud
of their fields and made them As good
soldiers in their slow way as. any in
the world.
But, when you broke the main-
spring of their loyalty and obedience,
when you took from them their fine
Impulse of devotion, when instead
of loyalty you offered them selfseele-
• ine and sel-interest—and this is in
efinet vrbat the revolution has done—
t:en self-interest and self-preerva-
Lon began to work. When, in the
o'd days, you told the peasant sol-
dier to die for the Czar, he went for-
ward and died like a man. But now,
when the spark of loyalty' has been
snuffed out, when every impulse of
1,1filmoss in him has been appealed
to, you tell him to- go forward and.
."for the people," he has logic
enough in hire to say: "Very well,' but
I am the 'people! 1 wil1 begin te by
saelog my °Nan skin!" What he really
wants Is, to go home to his village.
Democracy means • no more to him
Cean trigonometry. He does not Want
Lo govern himself: be wants to go
Children Ory
Jr What. and Childre.
Ts Mt Yip Hats Always bight
Bann Os
Spatter, a
Iare compounded of
medicines, which have
their efficacy in ealing
dered Kidneys anhl so reli
▪ Rheumatism, Pei s in the
• Urinary Trouble, iSw
10 • ;feints and Ankles,
IN and Headaches.
Men and women are needed on
the farms of Canada to -day, It
is our patriotic privilege to help •
feed our Allies. But it is I Ore -
less to try to do the heavy Work
involved if the pelneys require
• Gielettsareaddats a e
is box or .6 boxes for 0o,
I "e $alte f you
IfTk. Natianal Draw ilksad
N Chemical o. of Casisid a,
X Lhaited a Torthato
• tf, 1, Atwart:
212M iL, Balla% ILL
• 115
home to his fields
tree. He thinks of
simply the opport
:o his land; merna
tunity to get mor
nresent belongs to his net
it is said., on g od evi
are the. one "stiategic
he R13.66141.113 on th front
a this way: The Germ
ropoed papers s,
4e'diag up Cie len
or you will
-v '.':it quick, t
cselue -or o
the ees
nity t
s also
Is backhome; go,
get no e!" And
inking of nothieg
thing Ise in the
the pin.e
°otioLt as
go home
he armor-
-which at
ence, that
etreat" of
as started
av iato rs
They are
Inflammatory r euma sm acute
rheumaiAsm and -r euma ic lever are
different names f er • pr tically _the
same thing. It co ea with hartily
any warning. Th pain s eiscruciat-
Mg and there is tendt of the
disease to attack e h art when it
may have fatal r ulta.
Any one who ha suff red from an
attack of inflaran . tory rheumatism
knows that the u ual t eatment is
highly unsatisfact ryxternal ap-
plications of hot el thee nd liniments
and internal doss 'if sali ylates to re-
lieve the pain are net en, gh, for they
do not drive the poion/ m the blood,
and the sufferer is liabl to renewed
attacks whenever • xpos d, to cold or
dampness. •
To cure rheuma sm SD that it will
stay cnred the rhe 4 ti poison in the.
.blood must be d ven Out, and the
blopd Made rich a d re. . When the
blood is pure th,er ca • be no rheu-
matism. Dr. Willie, s' P nk Pills build
up the blood, mak it rich, red and
pure and in this ay-- ure the moot
• obstinate cases of rhe matism. Mr.
George Harbottle, . R. No. 1, Fever -
sham, Ont., is one hos cure ;through
the use of Dr. Willi: Pink Pills is
most striking. His modier gives the
particulars of the ttack and cure as
follows:—Some ye rs go while me-
son was !working a a 9•1a.cksmith in. a
Michigan lumber c rap e was attack-
ed with rheumatic ev . He was at
once tal* to a has gita at Marsenett,
and was there um; er medical treat-
ment for four mon hs with but litt
or fee relief. He en decided to go
to Mount Cleneme s, here he took
the baths for three we ks but did not
find ;any benefit frim thein. By this
time he felt that is ase was hope-
less and decided to et home. When
he reached home h c uld only move
around by the use 9f 4 crutch and a
cane. One knee w so stiff that he
could not bend it, anid most of his
joints were swolle. • out of shape.
He could neithrfir• ts nor undress
himself and had t• b helped like a
child. I urged him to • Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and finely g consented to
do so. He had onleeen taking the
pills a few weeks he 1 he could limp
about, without the • tch, and his ap-
petite greatly imp o This gave
him new courage a d as he continued
the use of the pills e' .howed constant
improvement, and : s able to walk
• about outside. He e ntinued to use
the pills for some ur months, by
which time every s 'nptom of the
trouble4hadi disa.ppe red, and he went
to his work in Mich gen, a cured Man.
He case was well oarn to the neigh-
bors arOund there nd his cure was
looked upon as ma elous, for every-
• one thought that a the best he was
doomed to be a rh teetatie cripple.
It is because the have made such
• wonder -fill cures as Mr. Harbottle's
that Dr. Williams' •• ink Pills have a
World wide reputatien, and are the
only medicine used hi thousands and
thousands of homes.. You can get
these pillsithrough a y medicine deal-
er or by mail at 50 ants a box or six
boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Willianis'
Medicine Co., Brockv Ile, Ontario.
Lieutenant Coning
the following perso
"No Man's land" in
"My major told' m
ready at three-thirt
to accompany him u
ter the guns. In reg
take a telephonist a
you. They lay in
battery to any poin
as the best from w
the enemy's count
may be tWo miles or
of your battery. Y
always hidden and 0
imr Dawson: tells
I experience irt
e current Good
hat I was to be
next, morning
front to regis-
tering guns you
d lineman with
line from the
you may select
eh to observe
[. This point
re in advance
xt battery is
It of sigh, for
eg9re tea with it e
Our war -time plan of giving a bigger Comfort bar without
premiums has made a biehit". The new Comfort Soap bar is
rejoicing the hearts of womenkind all over the country.
The factories who made premiums are nearly all making war supplies and
the premiums we could still buy would not be good enougla for you. Bat
we are giving you full value in the bigger Comfort bar,
Use Comfort Soap—the liggier, economical, high-quality bat.
• 4
II *I1 II, a 9I II 11 IV 111,A1., -f1,4 1, a = f-
at d. .t ...0o-. t„...-,
, .--
' ,,,,,:. ..a. ..--" ...- .,. .- • - 'X' • ..
•• =1'4 .. .". ."t. .7..-S$4.10 .4. x..%, .P
Then it flashed on no that they were to a part of our journey where the
Huns. We had wandered into "No . tension was relaxed and we could be
Man's Land." Almost at that moment less cautiou, I saw a signalling officer
we must have been spotted, for shells lying asleep under A blackened tree.
commenced falling at the end of the I called my melees attention to him,
trench by which we had entered. saying: 'Look at that silly ass, air.
Spreading out, so as not to attract He'll get something that he doesn't
want if he liethere much longer.'
"My major, turned his head, saying
briefly, 'poor chap,- he's. got it'
attention. we commenced to crawl tee
ward the other end. Instantly, that al-
so was close,d to us, and a curtain
of shells started dropping behind us. "Then I saw that his shoulder blade
We were trapped. With perfect col- had burst through his tunic, and was
protrudingife'd been coming out
walking freely and feeling that the
danger was ovr, just as we were,
when the unlucky shell had caught
ness—a coolness which, .whatever I
looked, I did not share — we went
down on our hands and knees, wrig-
gling our Avay through' the corpses
and shell -holes in the direction of hiin. 'His name must have been writ -
where our front-line ought to be. Af- ten on it' our mensay when ttat
ter what swilled an age'we got ihaattenso
back. Later we registered the guns,
andone of our officers, Who had been
laying in wire, was tilled in the pro-
• "On the way out -when we had come
pro -
• Japanese women in New York City
have supplied the American Red Cross
with nearly 2000 compresses, pads and
other standard requireraents.
An odd Fact,
At the Missouri..,..7'...;4'perimen t Ste,
tion it recently hi been shown thas
little or no ° rooteactiou takes pate.
with fall -planted trees until the sur-
faee of the ground has begun to
freeze, and tho trees planted eara
in the fall rehy lose considereene
delay before thee begin root actiee
Honored the (zar.
At Harvard, in the good old days,
an #responsible student society call-
ing itself the "Med. Fee" (Medical
Faculty) bestowed the degrees of
M.O. on the Czar of Russia. They
sent a parchment, scrumptiously en-
grossed, to. let • him know of their
action. In the eourse of time alert
came/to the real faculty Of the Medi
cal 'School, by a happy error, an hand
some case of surgical instrumnt:
with the compliments of the rti10
of all the Russias.'
akda beauty lotion for a few earls t#
remove tan, freckles, sallownesr-
Your grocer has the lemons and any
store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put
in the orchard white and, shake wells
T4s makes se quarter pint of the very
st lemon skha. whitener and eomplexims
b4autiiler known. Massager this fra-
grant, creamy lotion daily into the fact,
neck, aims and, hands ancljust see ha*
• freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and.
roughness ilisappear and how smooth,.
soft and clear the skin. becomes. Ya.
It is harmless, and the beautiful resell:
will surprise you.
WEIGHT OF cogreera;
90 Las. WHEN pACKEtk
product to conserve ganada's resources and,' at
• the same time, give the public the best possible flour
that can be milled according to the Govermnent standard.
This War Flour is excellent in quality and flavour—but
it is slightly darker in color than "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD"
to which you have been accustomed.
• It is just as hard for us to give up milling "ROYAL
HOUSEHOLD" as it will be for you to forego your favorite
brand; but our "STANDARD" Flour Will nevertheless make
delicious bread, rolls, biscuits, cake,pies and pastry. If you have
any difficulty—just drop us a line; we have a staff •�f expert
chemists and bakers, whose experience is at yur service.
Just as soon as the Food Controller will allow us to mill "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD*
again, we will tellyou of this happy fact. -•
In the meantime, the new regulations—being in the best interests of Canada and
t4e British Empire—demand the whole hearted support of the Millers and the Public.
Certain stores and dealers have stocks of "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" still Ori hand.
In order to avoid any confusion or misUnderstandng, all "STANDARD" FLOUR wilt
be plainly branded as such.
When all your "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" is gone, make sure of getting the next
best grade by ordering
• • e
Grocers everywhere have it;—don't forget to stipulate; "OGILVIE'S°. It will be
your surest guarantee of the highest grade obtainable.
The Ogilitie. Flour Mills Co., LimitHed
Montreal Fort William — Winnipeg — Medicine Hato
Daily Capacity, 490000 Barrels
The LargestMitlers in tlyt British Empire.