HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-03-01, Page 5IIJIllMI teu 1, Isis Shoes e well sttpplied at this for his requirements. iccording to our order icei. The leathers are Lan or Black -plain .els; pliable but water- , - dues: e vamps, solid leather -amps, all solid leather ms make; made with $5.00 OIL the army hist, the erk, made with toe -cap workingman imensYS the =certain sort. .paired promptly and [ANDS TEE TEST. MERCIAL 110TEL e .25, but ehte general tali' sk among- the -lambs was' 75, which, quality considers, slightly stronger trade. ., t steady but the best veals. ed 25c. tations were unchanged at and watered. unnisett bought 80 butcher to 1150 lbs., $10.85 US' • tel. bought 250 cattle: Butes and heifers, $10.75 to $12; 5 to $10.25; buns, s8 to !owntree (for Harris Abat- St 300 cattle: Butchers, ;12; cows, $6.25 to• $10.50; to $10.50. nan and Sons sold: Butch - 2t1 lbs., $11.35. Cows -1, 7.50; 10. 1022 lbs., $7.56; $6.35. Bulls -I, 1570 Ibm, 62Q lbs., $9; calves, V be Hall and Coughlin quoted: vie steers,. $11.75 to $12; good steers 11.45 to 11..65; hers $11.35 to $11.50; goat 10.90 to $11.10; mecliema. 10.25 to $10 .50; common - 1.25 to 9.5o; choice heavy to $10.50; butcher bulls, .75; bologna. bulls $7.50 to Ice cows, 49.86 to- $10.25; , p.25 to, $9.50; raediura. ; to $8.75; common comne 7.75; canners, $6 to 6.25; a lieOrt, $12.50 to 14 00; ) and bucks, $11 to $12s50; bs, $18 to $18.50; cheice be $17; medium calves, $14 s, fed and watered, $19.25; ed off cars, $19.50. [ and Halligan sold 20 cars: Choice heavy steers $12 good heavy steers$10.50 choice butchers' $11.40 to. d butchers $10.25 to $11.- t butchers $10 to $10.50; tchers, $9 to $9.75; choice10.75; good cows, $9.25 iedium cows, $8.25 to $9; ws $7.25 to V; canners $6 to $6.75; choice bulls, Fit; good bulls, $9.25 to ei to xnecliune bulls, $8 tee milkers and springers,. 25; mediuin milkers and 70 to $85; lambs, $18 tor o $10 to $14; calves '$10 to 1.9. 25 fed and watered. i wng were the qubtations: e heavy steers $11.75 to good, heavy, $11.40 ta ers cattle choice $11.35 to - $10.90 to $1110;i do. aned- 1 to $10.50; do. common, [50; butchers bulls choices 50; dogood bulls $9.00 edium bulls $7.85 to 8.50; .$6.50 to $7 .00; butchers' $10 to $10.50; da good, do-. mediura, $8.00 to rs $7.50 to $8.50; feeders miners and cutters, $0.00 • kers, good to choice $90 h; common and mecliwne ieh; Wringers, $90 to $140 wes 13.50 to 14.50; sheep,. $7.25; yeariings, $11.75 arabs, $18.00 to $18.75; to choice $15 to $16.75; d watered, $19.25; do. ow ; do. f.o.b., $18.25. ',6401.0.04,0400.4K4 ed merits of Serges, 'Yu could wish to rs, browns and uaranteed dyes. r of materials at .same attention Kr stock of We're sure Son. rth 019090.9~.010, MARCIII. 1918 4.1•100•0..". BEAFOIRM KAMM seaforth,ribraur 28tht 1418 2.39 " 1111 • $37.00 Wheatper bisshel Peas, per bushel Barley, per 'bushel Man, per eoss Vats per bushel ....... • • .... • • • • Shorts, per ton ..$42.00 'lour, per cwt. •.•••35.75 ;sEggs, per dozen..... ..46c to 48e rointoes per bag, to $1.80 Abgs, Per cwt. -18.00 Butter, per lb 40 to 42c Margarine . .37c 6 • BEAN 1ARKT Toronto, Feb 26 -Beans -Can- adian, prime, bushels, $7.50 to $8. Foreign, hand-picked, bushel, 46.75 to $7... POULTRY MARKET , Toronto, February 26.-Liveweight spring, 25c; hens, under 4 Iba, 20 to 22e; hens, over 4 pounds 25c to 28c; roosters 20e; ducklings, 25c; turkeys 30c; geese, 15e. Dressed --Chickens 28c to 30c; hens, under 4 lbs. 25e; over 4 lbs., 28c; roosters 20c; ducklings 27c; turkeys 35c; geese 22c to 24c. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, February 26th .-Butter- -•eamery 'solids per lb. 48e to 49e; prints, per pound 51 to 52c; do. fresh 1,a,ade 52c to 53c; choice dairy prints 40 to 41c; ordinary dairy prints, 32c to 34c; bakers', 28c to 30e per pound. Eggs -No. 1 storage 50 to 51c; select- ed stock 53 to 54c; newlaid 60 to 65c. Cheese -New large 23 -to 23%c; twins, 23e to 2316.c; early cheese 25 to 16c; twins 25% to 264c. • Honey -Choice 16 oz. $3.50 per doz.; 12 oz. $3 per doz.; seconds and dark lioney- $2.50 to $2.75. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, February 26th -Manitoba Wheat -In store, Fort William, nomi- mat, (including 2% tax) No. 1 north- ern $2.23%; No. 2, northern, $2.20%; No. 3 northern $2.17%; No. 4 wile* 42.10% . Manitoba Oats -No. 2, C. Nr., 95%c; No. 3 C.W.,-* 93%c; extra No. 1 feed 90%c; No. 1 feed 97%s; in store, Fort William. Ontario Oats No. 2 white, 97 to 98c; nominal; :No. 3, 96c to 97c. Barley -Malting :new $1.66 to $1.68, according to freights. Peas -No. 2, $3,70 to 0.80 according to freights. Ameri- man Corn -No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, '.$2, track, Toronto; buckwheat $1173 to $1.75; according to freights out - .side. Rye -No. 2 $2.08 to $2.10; ac- • (cording to freights outside. Ontario_ Ylour-Winter, Toronto, prompt ship -1 merit in new bags war quality, 10.70, 'Toronto delivery, $10.70. Montreal, Manitoba four -War quality $11.10; in new bags, Toronto. Mill- efeed-Carlots, delivered, • Montreal :freights; shorts $40; bran $35; mid- dlings' $45 to $46 ; good feed flour, per bag, $3.40. AERIAL POSTS ARRANGED. 3111ritish. Postmaster Announces Was - 1111158 Centerapiated at End of War. The British Postmaster-C.0mga1, aypeaking at a meeting of the Row- land Hill Benevolent Fund, at the Mansion House, recently, said that 35 yrs ago 53,000 people were employ- -sod in the Post Office, but now the sattmber was close on 250,000. "I hope," he went ere "that the Penny Post will continueorever, but I also hope that my name will not 'become celebrated as the Postmaster- iGeneral who had to take the retro- grade step of abolishing the Penny 'Post. What with the greater expense In every direction, the decreased staff, and the immensely increased amount •ier postal matter to carry, it is most difficult to have the General Post Of- -tee business managed in a satisfac- tory manner. "This question of the abolition of the Penny Post has beeu under ser- ious consideration more than once :since I assumed the position of Post- master -General; but so far we have 'keen able to devise some means of ,getting round the various difficulties. and tarrying on with the Penny Post, and I hope that forever it will be earried on without any alteration. "To my mind it is very doubtful whether any increaie in the postal •eba.rge would be followed by a sub- stantial increase in revenue. I do not ravish my name to be connected with such a retrograde step if it is possible to avoid it, but rather with making advances, in extending the .activities of the Post Office in other •directions. I sim quite sure there are many directions --such as aerial posts -in -which textension is possible -without in any way interfering with priyate enterprise. It is intended, as soon as the military position will ad- mit, to institute -international aerial posts between Lehdon and the various principal capttala of Europe." - • • - - • _ • --• It Works! Try It 4 Tells how to loosen a sore, 4 tender corn so It lifts out without pain. iliN••••011040•111•11.4.4.•.•••.• Good news spreads rapidly and drug- gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin- cinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freozone, which will cost very little, but is said to be sufficient to rid ene's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply Just a few drops on the •tauder, aching corn and instantly the soreness is ielieved, and soon the cora iS so snriveled that it lifts out with- _ out pain. It is a sticky substance' which dries when applied and ro,ever intlaraes or even irritate, the 'adjoin- ing tisdue. (This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lockjaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting COM. • NOTICE A meeting of the Food Production Committee will meet in the Council Chamber on Monday, March 4th, at 8 lime for organizing the 1918 Cam- paign for Mope Production. 2620-1 William Hartry, Chairman '11111111111 Fresh Greens. We have just teceived a ship- ment of FRESH - Cabbage Radishes, Lettuce Bitter Oranges Try Them - Prices Right Thos. Phillips Whelesale and Retail Fruits Opposite Commercial Rotel, Seaforth. • SALE REGISTER On Thursday, March 14th, at /2.30 o'clock, on lot 10, concession 3, H. R.S. Tuckersmith, adjoining thevillage of Egmondville, farm stock and lin- piellle/ItS. James and Harry Stewart, Proprietors; T. Brawn, auctioneer. , On Thursday, March 7th, lot 4, Bay- field Road south, Stanley, near Kippen, at 1 o'clock, implements and household furniture. Mrs, Alain, Proprietress; T. Brown,- auetioneer. On Friday. March 15th, at 1 o'clock on lot 16, concession 13, McKillop, farm stock and implements; John' Price„ propritaor; T. Brown Auct. On Wednesday, March 13th, at one o'elock, on lot 20, concession 14, Mc- Killop, farm stock and implernetns. William Knetcltel, Proprietor; Thos. Brown. auctioneer. On Tuesday, March 19th, at 1 o'clock p.m., on. lot 25, concession 6, Farm Stock and bnplements. Jasmo Keit,. Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 20th, at one o'clock p.m., on lot 12, concession 7, Stanley, Farm stock and implements: Joseph A. Hagan, Prop.; R. T. Luker, Auctioneer. On Monday. March 4th, at the Com- mercial Hotel. Seaforth. executors' sale of farm property. . Thos. Brown, auctioneer.. , On Tuesday, March 12th, at 1 pan., shatp, on lot 22, concession 7, Me- Killop, farm stock and implements. Adam Dickson, proprietor; T Brown, auctioneer. On Thursday, March 7th1 at 1 p.m, sharp, on lot 24, concession 8, Hib- bert, farm stock and implements. John Fell, Proprietor; James Jones, Auc- tioneer. 2618-3 S. T. Holmes Funeral Director and.. Embalmer Undertaking parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite atewart Bros. Resi- dence Godettch st..; cpp , Dr. Scott's. • 1 short notice. photrineowers furnished on • Night or Day 119, 1 BIRTHS. McKellar -In See.forth, on February 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. M. IVIcKeller, a SOIL Lee -ming -In McKillop, on February 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leeming ,a son. MARRIAGES Bell-VanEgmond - At St. Paul's Church, Toronto, on February 2011i, by Archdeacon Cody, 'Ruth Clare VanEgerion.d, only, daughter of W. • D. VariEgmond, of, Seaforth,' to William Earle Bell, '13f Seaforth. Walter -Naylor -At the residence l of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ann Nay- lor, Belgrave, on February 11th, by Rev. A. H. Brown, B.A., BJ., John Wesley Walter, of East Wawa - nosh, to Miss Charlotte Naylor, of Relgrave. DEATHS Jordan -In Dublin, on • January 23rd, John J. Jordan, in his 63rd year. ••••••••••*4••••••••••••• WT. BOX & CO. • • • 4; EMBALMERS AND - - + .1. P. UNER AL. DIRECTORS H. C. BOX Tfolder of Goversenint Diploma Liroerese. 'CHARGES MODERA.TE Flower' lurnashod' an start sone°. Night Calls Day Cans Phone 175 Phone 50 • • •• • • • •‘• • • • • • •• 044 • • •••• 1 tioligo 11, IH 1 1 1 111 !II 11111'11111111iele W.S. Gormley v:mbalmer Nnd Funeral Direcfo Undertaking Parlors above M. Williams' grocery store, Main Street, Seaforth Howers fur -cued on short notice 'Merges moderate. Phone night or clay - 192 .01j111!-11111.'• : FOR SIALE Good Clydesdale , Stallion; also a driving mare five l years old. James Forster, West VVawanosh. 2619-2 HORSES FOR SALE For sale, 2 heavy draught colts' two years old coming 3; one colt coining 2 years old, and one sucking colt. Apply on lot 29, Concession 13, Mc- Killop, or phone 14 on 166, Saaforth, William Scott. 2618x3 1 SEED $ARLEY FOR SALE For a:41 a quantityof two rowed barley 'table 'for seede' Apply on , lot 26 concession 5, Tickersmith, or Phone 9 on 131. J. D. GIOnuaell, 2618-3 ' CHOICE 'SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-. For sale a quantity of O. A.G. No. 72, oats, first prize in Field Crop competition, also some 0.A.C., No. 21 BarleY,. all grown from registered seed. I This is a good clean, plump seed of leading varieties. You should buy some for that field you wish to enter in the field crop competition, Samples_ and prices on request. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. 261.9-tf someweereeeeedelsesle THE HURON EXPOSITOR BULL FOR SALE. For Sale the 14 moajdis old Short- horn bull. This young bull is a very superior animal, bred from the fol- lowing Imported Stock. Scottish Fiero (Imp), Prince of Barra (Imp.), Red Prince (Imp.), Rowel Dawn (Imp.), Dublin (Imp.), Baron Sol- way -(Imp.), Cobden (Imp.), Lady Jane (Imp.). For particulars apply to John Chambers, Cromarty or phone 19 on 147, Seaforth. 26054/ PROPERTY FOR SALE 1For sale eight acres of land on the third concession of McKillop. On the property there is a good .dwelling house with hot air furnace, good barn, poultry house and buggy house. Some good apple trees and some small fruit Rural mail and phone connection. Possession given at any time. For further particualrs address John Mc- Millan, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 8 on 123. 2617x4 STOCK FOR SALE. Two young pure Scotch bred bulls, eight months old, grand sired by Gainford Marquis, the champion bull of Canada. Also some fine bulls sired by Aristocrat ---101912me whose grandsire is Gainford Marquis. An - ply on Lot 30, Concession 3, Morris, 2% miles north of Brussels, on the Graevl Road. Phone 10 on 58. Thos. Pierce. 2611-tf FARM FOR SALE. For sale, Lot 29, Concession 1, H. R. S., Tuskersmith. There are on the premises a frame house, and frame barn, in geod condition, also large im- plement shed. The farm is known as the "Wise" farm, and is situated half way between Seaforth and Clinton. It is well fenced and in a splendid state of cultivation. Will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply on the premises or phone 20 on 144, Clinton. GEORGE BEAUREGARD. 2618x7 FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land ie in a good state of cultiva. tion. This is a nice property for a ietired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premikes or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-d , FARM FOR SALE , For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There arel on the premises a good frame hou e, two, barns and frame stable 75 jfeet long, cement floor in cattle staI ji e; hog pen, two wells, The land is in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced- Large apple orchard; also all kinds of small fruits; six acres f good hardwood bush, fall plowing d ne. This farm is situated 1.14 miles east of the village of Bruce - field and (miles from town of Sea - forth on Mill Road. -School across corner fr m farm. , For further par- ticulars pply on the premiess or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. N. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea - forth Ce tral. . - 2616-4 ARM FOR SALE. . Lot 33 Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKil- lop, 6 ac es of bush, the rest in a high state of ultivation; 6 miles from Sea - forth, 2f miles from Constance, 114 - miles fr m school. There are on the premise a good seven room house, 1 large ba k barn 64Z6, all Page wire fences a d well und rdrained. There are 40 acres plowed,' 5 acres bush, and the balance seeded down. There are 2 big sprigs, one piped to barnyard and in the other is a dam with a hy- draulic yam pumping 'the water to the houSe and to the barn. As ,the spring i's in the orcharcl and neato the house and line fence, -there is no Waste land. There is a graded and gravelled late frena the road to the buildings. Apply to Mrs. Sameel Dorrance, Sea - forth, or phone 76, Seaforth. 2601-11 AUCTIO SALE Cleaa*ng Sale of Farm Stock, Im- plements, Hay, Grain and Household F concession 10, To On Wednesday, Mar one o'clock, sharp, Horses -Brood mare 4 years old, filly TiS filley two years old, gelding 3 years ol Cattle -3 cows due 2 cows with calf at later, 6' fat steers years old, 10 year Hogs -3 brood so Potatoes, Onions iture, on lot 6. ship of Hibbert, h 13th, 1918, at the following: with .foal, mare three years old, lv one year old, • all agricultural. at time of sale, foot, 2 cows due and heifers two s and calves. , 12 store hogs, 110 to 150 lbs.; a number of hens, pullets and ducks. A full line of near- ly new farm implem nts and harnees. All furniture that .irr in a well furnish - early new. Syrup line tank, gaso- ouring cat 1916 nixed grain, 800 or seed, quantity of hay, potatoes and onions. Positively no reserve as the p oprietor has sold his farm, and is goin wet. Terms - All sums of $10 a,n.d under cash; over that amount 12 mon hs' credit will be given on fundshin approved joint notes. A discount f 5 per cent. per annum Off for cash n credit amounts. William R. Norms, prietor; Theis. Cameron, Auctioneer; Robert. Norris, Clerk. 2620-2 ed dwelling houde, making utensils, ga line engine, Ford model, 150 bushels bushels of oats fit e 1 - 'AUCTION SAM 1 Of Farm Stock, Implements, Etc, --r-Mr. E. Bossenberry,•anetiOneery- hea been instructed to sell by public aue • tion on lot 9, L. IL E., Stanley, on Wedneaday, March 13th, at one o'clock p.m., sharp* the following: Horses - Heavy inare coming 9 years om in foal to Tethius; heavy mare coming 4 years old; heavy colt coming 2 years old; driving colt coming 2 year old. Cattle -Cow 5 years old, due in April; cow 4 years old newly calved; eow 8 years old due in April; 3 calves coming one year old; young calf. Implements - Massey -Harris binder, Massey -Harris aower, Massey -Harris cultivator, Nox- on disc, Brantford drill, Deering hay rake, 2 furrow gang- plow, single plow Nd 13, Verity, set harrows, bobsleigh, low down farm Niagon, buggy, set of double harness, set plough harness, set plough chains, 2 Clinton fanning mills, gravel box, root pulper, grain' cradle, hay knife, sickle emery, 2 ladders, sugar. kettle, steel. track and erollers for door, quantity of lumber:, cedar posts and stakes, coal heater, coal scuttle, dash churn, chairs, forks, shovels, crowbar and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of 'hay. Terms of sale -All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Four per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Hay cash. Nothing is to be removed off ,the place until settled for. Walter Madge, Proprietor; E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. 2620-2 AUCTION SALE Of Cows, Yollig Cattle and Pigs.- The undeosigne has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction on lot 28, Concession, 3 miles north of Clinton, on hursday, March 7, at 130 pern„ the follovving: Cows -Red thoroughbred Durham cow 8 years old, milking; roan thoroughbred Durham cow rising 6 'years old due to calve May 6, Durham cow rising 7 due at time of sale; Durham. cow rising 7, due to calve April 20th; Thirham cow ris- ing 5 due about time of sale, Durham -cow rising 5 due to calve in Apra, Durham cow rising 4 due to calve in April, big Durham heifer rising 4, due in March; Hereford cow rising four, (milking and supposed to be in calf. two Holstein heifers in calf, Young Cattle -Two Durham, heifers rising two years:. 3 Durham steers ris- ing 2 years, Hereford, steer: 1 year, past, 6 steers edsing 1 year, 3 Hol- stein heifers rising 1 year, 8 Durham heifers rising 1 year, roan calf, two 'months old, young calf, a few weeks old. • Pigs -sow due to farrow March 15th, sow due to farrow in April. Terms -3 months' credit on appreved joint notes or 8 per cent. per annum off for cash, or 9 months' credit will be given by adding 5 Per cent. straight. Everything mist be satisfactorily set= tied for before leavine the premises. Albert Tavenshend, Ptoprietor; Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. 2620-1 • AUCI'ION• SALE Of Faein Stock ancr Implements and Household Furniture. -Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on lot 20, CenceSsion 14, Me- Killop„ on Wednesday, March 13th, the following: Horses -Pair matched heavy draft gelelipmeeeSsing 4 years, general purpose:mare 7 years old, a good third horse, sired by Glenrae; driving mare 7 years old.. Oattle-e-- 2 good mulch eows with calves at foot, cow due to calve about May 1st, 4 cows calved last fall, young farrow COW, weir bred 2 yearold heifer 7 good year old steers and heifers, 3 good fall calves, brood sow to litter in April, 9 store hogs about 125 pounds weight, 75 young, hens, 2 Leghorn cockerels. Implements -Massey Harris binder 6 ft. eat, McCormick mower 6 ft: cut; ten foot McCormick rake, new Peter Hamilton, cultivator, 'Massey Harris 11 hoe drill, Oliver single furrow rid- ing plow (new), Fleury walking plow, Cockshutt 3 fm•tow gang plow, pair Diamond harrows (4 sections), Corbin disc harrow, Kemp manure spreader, steel land roller, scuffle; root pulper, 2 good farm wagonf, new wagon box and spring seat, gravel box, new flat hay -rack, stock -rack, hog crate, stone boat„ -pair bobsleighs, flat sleigh rack, top buggy, Portland .itutter, 2 robes, new Clinton fanning mill with sieves complete, set scales (2500 lbs. capac- ity), 2% dozen grain bags, 2 sets of heavy harnese, set of single harness, grindstone, 3 chop boxes, 2 sugar ket- tles, lidelc,tte cream( separator, good. as new; Daisy churn, 3 milk pails, 2 milk cans, water barrel, water trough, grass seed sower, 3 sets whiffletreesi 3 -horse evener (new), lawn mower, 50 sap pails and spiles, large sap pan, 2 steel crowbars, poet- hole bar and spoon, good hand sleigh, spades, forks, shovels, chains, eta. Furniture -One bedroom suite, 2 bedstead ta child's bed, set springs, kitchen table, kitchen theirs, hanging lamp, sofa, and many other articles. Sale without reserve as the proprietor as sold his farm. Sale at 1 o'dlock. Terms -All 51.1111S of $10 and under, cash; over that a- mount 8 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar off for cash. on credit amotints. William Knechtel, Proprietor; Thos., Brown, Auctioneer. 2620-2 IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. , Write for booklet and prices of im- proved and unimproved farms in the famous Gilbert Plains District. J. R. EVANS & CO, Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 2617x20 STOCK FOR SALE. Present offering: Three choice young Shorthorn cows due to calve in March and April; five bulls* eight months old and c'der; three heifers under one year old; two heifers due to calve in February and April. Prices reasonable. Call and see me on Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, or address Staffa P.O. JAMES HILL. TENDERS i Town of Seaforth * Applications wjl e received by the Municipal Council' of the Town of Sea - forth 'for the position of Street Care- taker, 'etc. Applications to be receiv- ed at the Town , Clerk's Ofrice, up to '7 o'clock p.m., March lith, 1918. By Order. John A. Wilson, Town Clerk. 2620-2 rre EXECUTOR'S SALE OF -FARM PROPERTY The undersigned, Peter Cleary, exe- cutor of Margaret Keeler, deceased, wit "offer for sale at the Colnmerciel Hotel, Seaforth, on March 4tha 1918, at tWo o'clock, the following property: Let 25, concession. 1 H.R.S., Hilbert, ontaining 98 acres more or leas. There are on the, premises a brick house, a frame barn 40 by 65 feet, 2 wells, one at the house and one at the barn; sheen orchard, It is convenient to church, school, store and post officeL There is also a flag station on the premises. The sale will be subject to an existing lease and subject to a reserved bid. Terms .-Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale and balance in thirty days. For further particulars apply to Peter Cleary'. R; R. No. .4, Seaforth; or to Thomas Brown, Auctioneer; or to Proudfoot, Killoran wg; Cooke, So- licitors for Vendor. AUCTION SALE 0.f Farm Stock and Implements. - Jam -e8 Jones, Auctioneer, has been. in- structed by the undersigned to sell ymublic auction on Lot 24, Concession, 8, Hibbert, two miles west of the s il- lage of eStaffa, on Thursday, March 7, 1918, the following: Horses -Span of agricultural geldings rising 5 years old, agricultural mare rising four, in foal to Lord Malcolm, aged mare in foal to Lord Malcolm, draft gelding rising 3, agricultural filly rising 3, good driving mare eight years old, aged driver. Cattle -Cow due May 15, cow due May 30, 4 cows calved -in Deceniber, cow due in August, heif- er supposed to be in calf, 4 two year old fat steers, 2 one year old steers, 4 one year old heifers, 5 e.hoice calves, 2 heifer calves. Pigs and Hen. -Two pure bred York sows due in April, 3 York sows five months old, d hog3 five months old. Implements --Mas- sey Harris binder, neerly new, Deer- ing mower, Maxwell' tedder, horse -- rake, Deering cultivator, Bissel roller, Noxon seeder, disc ;harrow, twa-row Massey Harris corn , cultivator, Cock- shutt two furrow riding plow nearly new; Fleury walking plow; Sficcess manure spreader, eight horse power gasoline engine, Gould's make, nearly new; ten inch Jolliette grinder'Clin- ton fanning mill, set scales," (2000 lbs. capacity); cutting box, wagon with double box, truck, hay and stock rack combined, sleigh, cutter, top buggy, set 240 pound scales, set of heavy team harness nearly new, set of team harness, set single harness, feed boil- er, scuffle; 90 bushels Banner Seed oats, 150 bushels 0 .A.C. No. 72 seed oats, 50 bushels 0 .A .C. 21, seed bar- ley, -quantity of 'clever hay, quantity of straw, quantity of potatoes suitable for seed, baking cabinet, writing, desk, and a lot of other articles too num- erous to mention. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, 'cash; over that, amount nine montlei credit will be given on furnish- ing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar off for cash on credit amounts. Fat cattle, grain .and potatoes to be cash. All articles Imust be satisfactorily settled for be- fore being removed front the premises. No outside stock allowed on the prem.- ises for sale. Everything will posi- tively be sold as the proprietor is giv- ing -up, farming . John Fell, Proprie- tor; James Jones, Auctioneer. 2619-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. - Mr. Thomas Brown has received in- structions from the undersigned to sell by pubic auction on lot 10, concession 3, II. R. S., Tuckersmithe adjoining the village of Egmondville, on Thurs.,- day, March 14th, 1018. - Sale to com- mence at 12.30 o'clock sharpthe fol- lowing valuable ' property: Horses - Heavy draft mare 9 years old, general purpose horse 8 years old, heavy draft grey gelding rising 4 years, sound and right; draught filly rising 2 years, sired by Glenrae, grey roadster three years old sired by Red.McKinney, aged driver. Cattle -Cow six years old in calf, cow 5 years old ii calf; cow 9 years old in calf, two coves, 3 years old in calf, three two year old heifers in calf, registered Shorthorn bull, year and a half old; two heifers coming 2 years old, three steers coming 2 years old, four heifers 1 year old, 3 calves, • Yorkshire sow due to litter last week in May; also fifty hens and pullets. Implinents--Massey-Harris binder 7 foot cut with truck and sheaf carrier; two Deering mowers ;Massey Harris 10 foot steel rake, Massey Harris 10 foot side delivery rake, and tedder combined, just used one season; Mas- sey Harris two rowed corn and been cultivator, No. 8, just used one season; Massey Harris bean puller attach- ment;; Massey -Harris 13 disc` drill, Bissell seven, plate disc, steel land roller, Noxon cultivator, Kemp manure spreader, 2 one-horse scuffiers, three walking plows, two -furrow Kangaroo plow, set iron harrows, one ten inch Joliette grinder, Fleury crusher, one Clinton fanning ;mill, set weigh scales, 2000 lbs. capacity; larg,e oak tank, large pine tank, Massey Harris cream separator, 450 lbs. capaeity; 2 cutters, set slings, one 4 horse power Interna- tional gasoline engine mounted on trucks, circular sawing machine with two new 28 inch blades also one cir- cular rip saw, 22 inches diameter, One' large grindstone, 1 four inch and 1 six inch four ply canvas:- belts, 40 feet long, Chatham wagon, truck wag- on, top buggy, almost new, one open buggy, set Bain sleighs with centre shoeing,; 16 foot haykack, gravel box, 2 sugar ketties, set ropes and -pulleys, Daisy churn, 20 foot ladder, 2 cross- cut saws, heavy set team harness al- most new; two sets team harness,- two sets single harness, one 40 gallon coal oil tank, quantity of two inch rock elm plank, pair gravel box sides, quantity inch lumber and 3x4 inch scantling, quantity of hay, 500 bushel oats, suit- able for seed, 4 bushels choice home grown red clever seed, number of grain bags, about 800 three inch tile, set heavy ice tongs; quantity of 1% inch galvanized piping, also sucker rod, forks, shovels, rakes and amhost of other articles too numerous to men- tion. The above implements are nee.rly all in first class shape and have been well taken care of. No reserve as the proprietors have sold their farm. Terms of Sale -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount ten months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar off for cash, on - credit amounts. Grain and seed to be cash. /ernes & Harry Stewart, Pro- prietors; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2620-2 HOG PRODUCTION it is a matter of /file greatest importaimi that Canada should increase her pro.duor tion of BACON TOGS and other live stock as there is at present a world-wide Short.. age of meat. Good markets for some time, to come are assured. THE.CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE will gladly make loans to assist farmers in good standing to acquire live stock. SEAFORTH BRANCH J G MULLEN BUS AND BAGGAGE TRANSTvi FOR SALE. • • For sale the Bus and Baggage Trans- fer line and equipment now run by Turnbull and McIntosh, Seaforth. This also includes the mail contract for carrying mails from the Seaforth Post' Office to the station. Will be sold reasonably „ as the proprietors are short of help. For further par- ticulars apply to Turnbull and, Mc- Intosh, Seaforth. 2619-2 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of joseeih Klein,of the Town of Seaforth, in the Province of Ontario, Hotelkeeper, Insolvent. Not- ice is, hereby given that the said Joseph Klein has made an Assignment under R. S .0., 1914, Chapter 134, to me, the undersigned, a all his estate, credits and effects for the general benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditOrs of the said Insolvent will be held at 3. M. Best's Law Office, in Seaforth, Ontario, on WednesdaY, the 27th day of February, 1918, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of the appointment of Snspectors and the giving of direc- tions for the disposal of the eetate. All creditors of the said, debtor are required to file their claims with my Solicitor, verified by affidavit on or before the date of Said meeting. And Notice is further given that after the said 27th day of February, 1918, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the said debtor among the parties entitled theireto, having regard only to the clai.ns of which netice shall then have been given, and the Assignee will not be liable for the as- sets or any part thereof iso distributed to any person Or persons of whose claim he shall not then have notice - Dated at Seaforth, this 19th day of February, 1916. Lorne G. Weir, As- signee; J. M. Best, Solicitor for Assignee. 26i9 - GRANO TRUNK Rs4Vti-rw h4 Reductions AND Alterations 4 IN Train Service EFFECTIV Sunday, March 3r4 '9'8 Forfurther particulars apply to Ticket Agent. W. Somerville.. Town, Aguet W. R. Plant ...... ....Depot Agent Wante d FIaxLaiid. TO RENT •, ea ---e The Canadian Flax Mills Limited, will rent sod land, spring or fall ploughed. Will furnish seed free and do the seeding. The farmer will plough, disc, har- row and roll. The Company is also open to supply seed and purchase the flax on a tan- nage basis. For further particulars apply to M. McCormick MANAGER PHONE 202 SEAFORTH 2620-tf Blacksmith'. You have probably learned that it is almost impossible during these strenuous times to obtain good smithing coal. In spite of this fact we have been successful in securing a large car of our high grade Kleanweld PREPARED MITRING which we expect will arrive shortly. Secure your supply from this carload, as we are not sure of getting another. For fruther information, call us up at our axpense. We are also dealers in all kinds of Logs and Lumber, McNair Brand Shingles, Canada Cement and Buffalo Brand Fertilizer. Jno. B.Mustard Brucefield - • MANAGES NOTICE' kmegt-ing of the Farmers' Club wilt be held in the Separate School Seaforth, on Wednesday Eveniate March 6th, at eight o'clock. Iriterestei ig addresses will be liven by Mr. N. R. Dorrance on "Hog Feeding" and by Mr. Thomas McMillan on "Seel Cul- tivation. Non-members as well on members are cordially invited to at- tend. Be sure to come. Gs D. C. Harn, MeTCiliep, President John II. Scott, Hullett, Secretary.. 2620x1 • Farm Implements 1111••••••••••••••••'• • I have for sale at a right price, a long list of eecbnd hand implements The following are a few of them: Massey -Harris 7 foot cut, 'binders Deering 7 foot binder, McCormick 7 foot cut binder, five and six foot mow.. ers; Cockshutt cultivator Just used for 20 acres, Deering and Massey Harris cultivators; a long list of drals --disc,shoe and hoe, all sizes; I 11 -hos, Massey -Harris, good as neW; one set of 2500 lb. Chatham scales, good ate new. Gasoline Engines -One 10 h.p. Bel in Al condition; 6 h.p. Gray motor re- built:* 6 h.p. Toronto; 4 h.p. Barrie; h: p. Chapman with pump jack attached, just new; 1% 124). London,. Also two splendid driving horses,. and .onee'good work horse. When you buy a new macbine sve are willing to give yOu good valuefor yeur old machine. If you buy MasseYeHarris machines the udnersigned will ,see that Iron get expert help with your machinery When, you ate in, trouble. it C. Henderson. MASiEY-HARRIS AGENT " SEAPORTS, ONTARIO • 2619x3 .11,EN.'04 ALL - Seed Show The South Huron Agricultural Society will hold their annual Seed Show in , TOWN HALL, HENSALL FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, 1918 PRIZE LIST The following prizes will be awarded on the best samples of seed exhibited in accordance with the rules governing the Seed Fairs: 2 hush_ Spring Wheat, any variety 41.50 01.00 750 2 bush. White -Oats, any variety 1.50 1.00 75e ley, six -rowed 1.50 1.00 75e 2 bush. Bet / bush. Barley, two -rowed 1.50 11..(h9 775t 2 bush. Flax Seed 1 bush. Field Beans 11.5050 13.M°00 77r. 'hush. Mete Peas 1 bush. Timothy Seed 1.50 1.00 75e 1 bush. Red Clover Seed 1.50 1.00 75e . 1 hush,. Alfalfa Seed 1.50 1.00 750 1 bush, Alsike Seed 1.50 1.50 750 1 hush. Potatoee, any early variety 1.50 1.00 750 1 bush yotatoes for etneral crop 3.50 3.00 75* Peek ot °mons, Dutch Sets 1.00 .50 Most creditable sho Ning oi grain 1..-Allulseesedasn•denitetegrelliiiii tflo°111;:ornpeti-‘ Diploma and seeds tion must have been grown by the ex- hibitor within one year previous ts the exhibition. All exhibits of seeds. shall be held to be represent,ative of the total quantity of such seed Offer- ed for sale by the exhibitor. Tisk Secretary of the Society make take and preserve saniples from each ere hihibbiittofr.or reference in case of disPub,1 of arising from the sale seed by ex- 2.-Cerapetifors -must become mem- bers of the Society by paying to this Treasurer thereof, either previous eir at the- time of making entries, the sum of $1 each, which will also eretitle sueh member to free entryin tb.e stook show, 3. -No premiums shall be Awarded on exhibits that contain weed seed, which in the opinion of the judge ar• of a noxious nature. 4. -No exhibitor shall receive more than one prize in any class. samples of seed must be correctly labelkd with the name of the variety, the amount of seed for sale and the selling price. Grain not less than 25 bushels for sale, except Bpring wheat, 10 bushels; .Alsike, bTun- thy and Clover, not less than 3 bush- els; Alfalfa 3 bushels; Early Potatoes' not less than. 5 bushels; Late Potatoes not less than 25 bushels; Onions not less than one 'bushel. 6. -In case of dispute, a statutory declaration that the above rules has* been complied with, may be reqUired fromeach or any exhibitor of seed. 7. -All exhibits for cm/Met:Men fee prizes must be delivered at the Town Hall, Hen.sall, not later than. 10 of - clock a.m., and shall not be removed -until the close a the Fair at 4 p.m. Admission Free The annual spring Show of Stallionsi, Bulls, Cattle and Harness Horses, will be held at Hensel' on Tuesday, Apil. 9th, 1918. Part -Wars later. Robert McLaren K. M. McLean. President secretary T);