HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-02-22, Page 3S le Itit It ' a9 • 3 Setebilehed ANA»A ` Transacted. :S OF CREDIT Y ORDERS DEPARTMENT hest Current Rate, 3IS DISTRICT: rys Kirkton wan Zurich Zurich 4 5 tNDSCDR scientific instrument-- rematics-•-the Maxwell has BALANCED the laxwellprice means this -hat they do now, the r is impossible to build, t, 3 ny motor car in which: nomy, comfort, beauty e all present, as they are nese being co-ordinated could get by . paying pr car would be either 4ury of furnishings. lwell is built and E of real value. save 'builders is based. n many years of pro- sie fic3ly—absoiutely LOQt.F, SEAFORTH e. ..{,.el.„ , .7, dee (ea, see:. sues: Epee 4 se Yemen will do_ well to Iitavo Cdrale =tee with • dominos Bonk for aoflection. Omuta the Farmers' Sate Notes SEAFORTH . BRANCH R. M. JONES, Manager. mrentomessenconeminnexxxximinamenemmulaussonseetnemname visit* dri i it "La a ingI *Marts dos x' tether; ::Loewe ' �� : We dry shingles Use -44 se 14 ,gaiva� uied: iron, not less than .26 ''b+ s 11t• . . ty,Ie, tits;$''''itliO414-iriii.;!4'-d'Oatedtegf(*OilibrAtit11";°104; ■ copper -or galvanied `iiron - for ridgo at ;on. Use galvanized • or heavily coated tin flashing. around caimfneys. If tin is used, it should• be palated; two coats 1 —one as soon as roof is completed and the, second coat within two' weeks. Galvanized Metal should ' be' painted two coats, but should be given thirty. days for oxidation before 'painting. II No patent dryer or turpentine should !s be used. Finish hips by laying a I course of even, widthand narrow 111111* shingles on both sides of hip over regular courses. - American Lumber- man. f e prepay the Carriage Eh, i l quit$i thr DISTRICT -NATTERS C ELJI3RST (Too Late for' Last 'Week.).... . Notes.--,ir. I>iel " l inte has ov ed over ' tai ` 'tai"e`o'liirk �rlix *hich he has rented..—The Tobacco - iub -shAw130d their- moot conn - ;ten,t . of boxes to the` bay ' at front.- to house` anal was *ado on . be - :the Red Crow, tthich was i est respo d to. IUSBERT wool Report.—The • f ollowizg is srhport of the school in section No. ,ibbert,, for the month of January: IV -Edna Brintnell 170, Pearl ,coffry 140;. .Sr. Imo -Lloyd Vennef I With their dreams of e 210, Florence Venner 190, Jr. ITIS Mary McDougall 230; Gladys Wrein much greater by far 200: Nelson Howe 130. Second—W. Than the U. S ., Great Birt trintnell 620; Mary McKaig 500;, W. China and France, =Channel 240; Lloyd Hoggart 230. While they robbed litl .Sr I—Eddie Chappel 180, L. Glam and Poland first than vine 80. Jr. I—Girwood McKaig 370, The good German people' 'Mae Brintnell 120,. Vera Treffry 110. They and wealth,, )'rimer—Gordon Wright 160., Ford hey destroyed in the Spriggs, 160; Wilbert Glamville 10.( - for destroyed alle:rn: sten 'Ihose who obtained 100 for attendance They. lost their fast tnerch =—Mary McDougall.. — E. Norris, - and their fine Vaterla Teacher, day: 'First Sunday, "Go,`,,.; second, "Man". third, "Stn"; this 1 be illus- trated by lantern Slides;''h ;, - Sun- day, " t p Redetion"; fifth, + vision" sL cth e "The Fialy Spirit." 'I he aqua- strel ,sho>; and,, i!ar, wh'ein Was to have' boon given on; Tues r evening Uhler the .auspicea" of t e Patriot Society;w ,�.on' ', co t o . the weath - �er a�roe nett 'tint it next •Tnesda r • THE llG£LiER'- The ,of fa Are ny poor rub estate; And their old warrior to as the hills, e With remorse, and star country fills. With their brute Prussian started this war, mice a rt�d g, for any tics, as old. 'ation, their With • their pig-headed ETHEL hate in command. Hog Choler -.—About three week() They lost all their col -ago A L. McDonald purchased from commerce as well, :.8 Toronto firm a car of Western hogs. They. Most their people When they landed they appeared te. till their goad soil' Vii- good condition for feeding. After They lost years of their t a• few days they began._ to sleeken elegant thrift. up .on eating. Dr. Wardlaw" was They lost the respect o,' the world, called and after examination felt sure . in their brute -headed shift. it was a case -of hog cholera and wired Old Fool Tirpitz as we 1, with his -.fora Government expert. Dr. Rich- ards of `Toronto ,and Dr Andrews, Reaps a murder's toll of Windsor, have been here since Fri - €lay. After slaughtering a. dozen or cent dubs: more they nranounced it cholera. Last But this reacts on Gerin Saturday they billed the balance of Europe as well; Mr. Macdonald's hogs, about fifty, With their drunken su and haye them burled. Mr.-Rtacdon- annals to swell. aid sold a number in small quantities Old Hindy in his time, o people in to and farmers around .� success, in• bunches from 1 to 8 did., owJan . But a :nughty pe.vr. jo 'was tnifort i a to lave the fi • best: - largest, -rue er r h are all killed. ` To lea.: aa -v a .h ,.=tipae • Others Lau same killed and others are Prussian" plan, - t 4ex treatment for a time waiting for further dedeelopment. All parties who caught are tinder quarantine for an :indefinite time. As this is the first case tf this, kind in this partwe hop #everybody will. do_ all they can to tamp it out so that it will be both the inno- ,attics, they nlargeiv ent, ;Ain, Russia, le Belgium ce. vast cora- r madness, th; ndise ships d, arriors of nies, their y millions, me, and an. $ u ACT1V S OF WOMEN. White P N.Y„ has a woman fuel admin Feminine coon.. the United State: re not wanted by T taty. apzen are nal slowed to serve on c fool boards in . r sia. 80,000, women,,, , yAuatria,. rs . of trade. Union IcOPrt few* typis ` ' 'ranee, oeive as high a $200 month. :t saner Qleeen Sqplust. of, Greeete . is now With the g4rrriai nr ' in Italy. ' The LeatherWorkers anion ori Germany admits winen to its mem- bership, Over 25 per cent. of the factory. .workers in India are women and child - Of the 103,033 stockholders in the Pennsylvania railroad, 49,492 are Idv°'Dnireinnking among women in Great Britain has decreased 73 per c mt. in the last three years. has been preaching since she vas six years of age. About one third of the women physicians in the United Statei have registered for war work. ' Queen Marie of Roumania has been elected a member of the French Acad- Maryland has over 3000 women's or- ganizations affiliated '-evith. the wom- en's national council ofAefence. At the Kansas state agricultural college there are 150 women studying to become electrical engineers. Mrs. C. W. Smith is successfally operating a large garage owned bY her husband, who has been -called away to war. Both the telephone oprators Li the exchange of the Baltimore Young Men's Christian Association are blind. Mme. Sada Xakke, the mast disting- uished actress in Japan, has retired n from the stage to take up war work ny, and all 1 The earnings of women indUstrial in her count -v.. I workers in England have increased be - cess, war's Itween $750,000 and $1,000,000,000 since the war began. Miss ,Elizabeth Asquith; daughter of the forfner preinier has raised several'thotisand'dollatsefssi war relief Over. pp women Oi-g"simployed in the Point,t 'J. They are compelled to wear overalls and caps the same as In the absence of her husband and brother, who have been called away to war, Mrs. Delia I Borden is publishing a weekly newspaper at Burchard, Neb. For the first time in its history the alumni association of the New York university law school was recently ad- dressed by a woman at its annual din - Women may soon be. admitted. to the I various brancbas of skilled work con- nected with the building of airplanes at the new plant ,a the League• Island navy yard . The more than 4500 nurses :who are now either in France or located in army hospitals in the United States are under the direct command of Miss Dora E.. Thomson. College girls and shop girls will work side by side on the farms in New England this year Under a plan outlined by the woman's national firm and garden association, American women motor car drivers have made their appearance in the zone of the army in France. Some of 'them are driving large motor trucks with suppliee for the troops at the s met some it is at the Of boring with bull ts, his own fellow man. Von Herding, the chart.. ellor, chillies in his peace say, While deli -I -ding hie Huns. in the vegy ' worst way, t the beginning' ;And the end. We un- But who pays the Hun war debt, kif per head from the Government. If Not the. Hohens, nor indy, nor Tie- derstand there wilt be a rebate of $10 the Hunland windf, 11, Stand totiose at the lowest calculation pitz at all, 1 that is correct, Mr McDonagt will about $1,000 The doctors are trice, Their learning is good ibut tbeir plan sociable fellows, and we believe will ' -is all wrong, .i /make everybody without favor, or per- With their miserable spies and their -tiality comply with the law in (-very soldiers so strong, .. -xeepert. . The U. IS. can lick them, Ern telling, And set' the brute beaded Hohens, all in the back ro . Abdal Hamid ie dead, ut the Kaiser The two wickedest t mps, ever sat on A throne, While fhe Crown Prince comes for-, ,ward., with his sword i ti his hand, To out do old Trump Nero, on Eur, Egmondville, Ont. The first .essential is good shinglea. , BA.YRIEldD spaced on not over 2 foot centres, epils- For raters use 2x s or 2 by 6's, Breezes.—Owing to the illness of ed solid. and bract*,as ad requires. Rev. Darling, who is confined to his ' For roof boards or Sheathing use bed with congestion of the lungs, good material, SIS ste 3 1 x 4 inches there was no service in the Methodiet or random width to n t more than 8 • church on Sundatt evemug last. —A ;inches, spaced not m re than two special meeting of the council was inches apart, and naile solid with 8d. held on Itletul:ay evening of this -week, -nails. - , to appoint the balance 'of the officers Preparation of shinglest—If they for the village, the followieg persona' are' to . be stained, us dry shingle's, consitute the the officers for 1918: H. idipping each Thai in th stain MA less • W. Emile. clerk; James IL Reid, ' than 8 inches from Oh Shingles Treasurer: qVilliam. A. Salkwill, As- that are not to be sta tied should be sessor; Richard Elliott, Constable, wet thoroughly befetre eying. Truant Officer and. ea p to ; If; additional fire -re ista-nt quelity Dr. Woods, Medical Health Officer; ! is wanted, dip in good ualit-y of rain - A. -Macfarlane and F. A. Edwards, i eral paint, or sixth other approved fire - Auditors .---111,1r . Wilson Eagleson. of 1 resistant treatment as may be avail- Lucknow, brother of Mr. William I able. 1 Eagleson, of Bayfield, has _purchased Shingle nails-eegolid copper, solid the Donaldson property on Louise zinc, or hotdippect zin coated mails street and will take up his residence preferred.' Where the e are not a - here in the spring. Mrt and Mrs. vailable use oldefashio ed cut nails. Donald%on intend leaving shortly to Size of nail—For 5 o 2 inches or take up residence in Wingliam, where thinner shingles, 3de for thicker a son, Kr. Charles Donaldson, resides. shingles, 4d. This esteemed couple have,been resi- Laying the shingles Start at eaves dents of Bayfield for many years and and lay first course tw ply, giving p they will be greatly rnissed in the inches ,projection over crownemould village.lt is hoped that Mr. and Mrs. and one inch projecti n at gables. Eagleson wilk fill the vacancy caused Throw out all defective shingles. by the removal Of Mr. and Mrs. On one third or mor pitch lay 16 Donaldson, ..—ReV. W. Ashe-Everest inch shinglss 41/4 inches to the *oath - will preachc..on the following subjects er. On one-third or slore pitch lay in Trinity etturch, Bayfteld and in St. 16 inch ahingles, 41/4 inches to the John's church, Varnan, on the six weather or leso than o e third pitch, Sundays of Lent, beginning on Sun- lay 16 inch shingles 4 inches to the weether,on one third or more pitch lay 18 inch shinglea 51/4 inches to the weather; on less than ne third pitch lay •18 inch shingles 41A inches to the weather. ' Use a straight -edge to make sure courses are laid streig t. Break all joints at le, st 11/1` inches, seeing that' no break omes directly , over another or any th ee consecutive courses, thereby coVeri g all, nails. .• Nail shingles 6 inc es frOm butt .(for 41/4 inch lap) and 1/4 inch from • GUARD :THE BABY ' AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby agaiest colds uotiiing can equal Baby's Own Tato lete. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stom- ach and bowels working reguarly. It is a recognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be _good and that he will thrive and be hapny -and goad -natured. The Tablets are -sold by medicine dealers or by mail _balm', Medicine Co., Brickville, Ont. GR.A ft AIR. Dr. Tremain'S Natural Hair Restor-- ative, used as directed is guaranteed to restore gray hair to its natural color or mcmey refuncied. Positively not a dye and non -injurious. Price $1.00 postpaid. Write TreMain Sup- ply Co., Toronto, Ont. On Sale in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, Druggist. Experienced telephone operators se- lected by the government to go to France veil' receive a salary of front i$643 to $125 a month and rations the same as is received by army nurses. Mrs. Sarah W. Klup, recently re- elected president; of the Shamokin & Trevorton (Trolley company, is the only woman in *nsylvania to be the active head of a large electric system. Mrs. Lewis G. Vogel of Detroit, amateur champion trapshooter of 'the world, has applied to the United States government for a commission as a gun inspector in an American training camp. Units of woman operators to be sent abroad will, Wear distinctive uni- forths and be catisidered from a mili- tary viewpoint as in a similar position to the members of the British Women's Auxiliary Carps. ; One/Saltimore factory has 678 wom- en employed on work formerly done by men. They run drill presses, act as inspectors, operate automatic ma- chines and are gradually working into expert service on drilling machines and lathe work. et mmer S&P*. We never were so well prepared to care for your recluire- ments. Thousands of yards of most beautiful Wash Goods, Dress Goods, Silks,mbroideries and Lace Goods await you Fashion's .Prettiesf I atteins antieed aS Goods. —Mre James Howard, of Goderich, had a bout -on Monday night of last week with the Grand Trunk Railway in which the big corporation came off second best . Mr. Hovs A was com- a( ing home with his wife a d baby from up the semaphore and lantern at the Holmesville flag station for the ev- ening, train, which, however, did not stop, but went right through to Gode- rich,.leaving the would-be passengers stranded in the freezing weather. Mr. Howard then got into communication by telephone with the G. T . R. agent in Gaderich, informed him of what had occurred, and asserted his rights in such vigorous fashion that the train went back to Holmeeville and brought him and. his little family to Goderich. It will probably be some time before the signals at Holmesville are again disregarded. springs showing of wash have ever seen. tee ns and Colorings are the iOst fascinating we have ever 'This is no ordinary display —it includes the very newest Wash Materials, r, many of which' are appearing for the first time this season. We want every woman to see the new ideas that have done so much to popularize Wash Materials. Men's Odd Pants if your suit needs an odd pair of pants to help it finish/ out the sea,son, we have just what you Want. They are made of Tweed, Worsted, Serges, well finished, proper. ly trimmed aiffl carefully cut 'Ur Pictorial fatierns For Your Spring Sewing. Absolute Guarantee for a Perfect Fit, and the Last Word in CORRECT STYLE • Big Reductions in Furs for- Men' and- Women. There never mill be a time for years to come when turs will be reduced as low as we will have them during the next two weeks, Men's Fur Coats,Women's Furs and Fur Lined C'oats will be cleared at prices never equal. led before. We 'will sAve you from 34. to on every tur you buy.. Crime and see these bargains before you buy. Every fur we sell carries our personal guarantee. • Gorgeous Mewing of New Dres4 GoOds and Silks No where will you find such practical demonstrations ot delightful possibilities, color effects and weaves in the New Dress Goods and Silks, You will stand in admira- tion as you review our display. unfolding as it does the story of the very latest ideas for the coming spring and summers We haVe searched diligent- ly and carefully to accumulate - the greatest dress goods dis- play ever shown in Seaforth. Flow well we have succeed- ed you shall be the judge. Come early while the stocks are complete. Reliable Overa This store is headquarters for Peabody's, Snag Proof and Big 'IV Overalls and Smod There are no better garments than these made anywhere, they give you the limit Ohm - est wear and fit comfortably and retain their shape. PRICE The Neitir--Li for Spring, ar* ere. There is an exceptionally -attractive array of very pleasing 'Patterns and Delightful Color Schemes in both light and dark shAdes, The New FlOral and 13lock Patterns are particularly enticing, while the im- itations of hardwood floorink are perfect, AND WE CARRY AL L WIDTHS IN STOCK. Come in and see for yourself. The New Spring Suitings Men's Good for Men's Made=to-Measure Under wear Good in every sense of the word, good in quality, in make; in fit, in wearing ability and in reputation, because we sell only t n e very best and tested ma.kes, and the price, co?sidering quality, is always ttlie low- est. Price 65c to.2.75 Men's Winter Caps 'Warm, comfortable,strong, becoming and etonomical, what more could yop desire in ,a cap when ydat know the price is the lowest pos- sible 50c to $1.50 Suits are Here. "IATE were fortunate in pur- TV chasing our New Suit- ings for Spring many months ago. It gives us the ad- vantage of showing the new suitirigs earlier. But more important than this, we boght before the advance in prices and succeeded in getting bur stocks selected from cloths of auaranteed colors. , This is important to you, because we have hundreds of -Stylish Cloths here from which we can make you a perfect fitting suit, and guar- antee the suit to positively keep its color, and we will do this at VERY REASON- ABLE PCICES. Price $22.00 to S35.00 Men's Work Mitts From the heaviest lined - horse hide to the unlined Ctoring mitt, we have a cornplete range in every size and weight of all the reliable materials. I Prices Men s Odd Work Vests We have one hundred Men's Working Vests, all made of rerenants of Tweeds,' Serges and, Wors- teds, well lined, good pock. ets,, strongly sewn and all sizes from 33 to 46. Prices Outtert,uilfro?of IIEgg8 Wanted Stewart Bros, 'SEAFORTH Eggs Watitett vetwineummili