HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-02-15, Page 5111•1111 MIMS .111111N111 1111111111111 11•111111 IMMO MINN =- =NM MINIM 1111=1111 NUMMI MIIMM MIN= EINEM UtrY 15 1918 co*************** ,0 ; to arreee, enabling you to for Spring wear. to lok over these the new Cs what' in Spring Feet -ads t le on the English walking ✓ pair e on the English last with in the city gores at $9.00, $7.50 ule on the new Sport last Cs heels, per pair $7.50 et ede on the Sport last with >4. pair rh cut tops, Louis heels, the in our repair department r demand. AU work turned 6141441ERCIAL HOTEL•• ..O,o-0400-04-044::409040* have probably learned that it aost impossible during these ous times to obtain good ng toad. In spite of this fact re been. successful in securing e car of our high grade Kleanweld PRRPARED gISIITHrolG e expect will arrive shortly., • your supply from this carload, are not sure of getting another_ tither frnformation, call us up at rpense. re also dealers in a kinds of and Lumber, McNair Brand es,. Canada Cement and BuffaIG Fertilizer. O. B. Mustard • Brucefield 1.1* Track Rote Between ontreal, Tor?nto, roit and C1i4cago Unexcelled Dining Car Service. ping cars on night trains and (sr cars on principal day trains information from any Grand sk Ticket Agent, or 0, E. uing. District Passengee oronto, Ont. lMERVILLE Tows Apo* AN Depot Aro. ertiiizer the year to use fertilizer. Grain aver more needed and the price very high for all kinds of grain. 'least two seasons yet. By us- atilizer you can increase the rreatly. The grain stands up, it fills better, it ripens earlier. ost insures a good catch of tha rass seeds. A good many use beans; they claim they are ters arIi.er and ripen more evenly. ve no hesitation in recommend - or ridots and vegetables. Home- ertilizer is acknowledged to be the best on the market. Those ave used it can tell you best esulto they have obtained front ias..Cowan SEAFORTH rne*Csao0SsOseCole01001100* sortinents of Serges, ds you could wish to greys, browns and th guaranteed dyes0 riety of materials at t the same attention e'new stock .of Win - etc. W6're sure 60 Sort Seaforth 4000.04,0400004046C4 _ EEAParit :1164001L.' SeeefOrtIO February 14, 1918 Wheat, Per Aushel Pens, Per Umbel Barley, per. 'butibel 41425-: 13rano-sper ton . ..............$37.00 Oats, per basket ..83e Shorts,* per -ten . • • • • • .$42•00 Flour, per cwt. $5-75 Eggs per dozen ... • .....46c to 48c Potatoes, per bag ; -1.60 to $1.75, Butter per lb. . . ......38c to 40c. Margarine .. .• .37c Hogs, per cwt. . . ..... .-...$17.50 ot...•••••.s.0.1•.•••• . SALE REGISTER On Tuesday, February 26, at 1 pan. sharp, on lot 25, concession 14, Mc- Killop, farm stock and / implements, etc. W. J. and George/Dickson, pro- , prietors; T. Brown, auctioneer. On Thursday, March 7th, at 1 pam, 'sharp, on lot 24, concession 8, Hib- bert, ferns stock and im.plernents. John Fell, Proprietor; James -Jones, Auc- tioneer. 2618-3 On Wednesday, February 20th, at 1 -o'clock sharp, on lot 17,.concession 10, .McKillop, farm stock and implements. S.. F. Godkin;Proprietor; T. Brown Auctioneer. # On Thursday e February 21st- at 1 ,ceclock sharp,. on lot 13, concessken. 2, H.R. . Tuckersmith, % ;mile west of -Egnionciville, farm stock and l im- plements. John McNay ProPrietor. 'T. Brown, auctioieeere , On, Friday, February 22iid, at one o'cioek .1111.., OU. -10t 25, concession 14, MeKillop farm stock and implements. William Robb, Proprietor; F. S. Scott 'Auctioneer. 2618,4 Thursday, February 28. at' one o'clock p.m., on.lot 8, concession 12, Tuckersmith, farm stock and imple- ments. George Hill, proprietor t C. -W. Robinson, Auctioneer. ; S. T. H�Imes Funeral Director and = Licensed Embalmer ;Undertaking parlors in Oddfel lows bonding opposite otewart Bros. Resi- dence Godertch et., cpp Dr. Scotee Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119, 7 BIRTHS Watson---zin Tuckeremith, on Feb. th, to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wat.Sor ,a daughter. 'Pepper -In Stanley, on FebruFy110, to Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, a son 4 Xehoe-In Seaforth, on Wednesday, February' 13th e W, R. Kehoe, aged 57 years. 4•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • 4 tit mil -BO% 00. 4 EMBALMERS AND - FodNERAL DIRECTORS H. C. ROk es. Botder of Governenen t Dip1o.324 and License. 4 4 . "CHARGES MODERATE 4 4 • Flowers ,furneshed on thort Notice. Night Calls Day Calls ▪ Phone 175 Phone 50 -.41144•404144•••••••••••••••• A :1 Old 0,1111111 11111111111MMEM1202211 ;Se , W.S. Gormley .d.mbalmer And Funeral Dire0r Undertaking Parlors above M.Williams'.grocery store, , 'Main Street. Seaforth Blowers furonoed on short notice "Merges moderate. Phone night or day - 192 11111121eXIMMEINEME11211111111111 DOG LOST. Loot on Monday evening a black -collie dog with four brown, paws, short tail; will answer to the name of "Paddy." Finder will please notify Sam Carnochan, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 8 on 150. Seaforth. 2618-1 . SEED BARLEY FOR 'SALE For sale a quantity of two rowed barley suitable for seed. Apply on lot 26 concession 5, Tuckersmith, or phone 9 on 131-, J. D. Genemell. 2618-3 . CUSTOM SAWING (bustom. Sawing solicited at our Blyth endll at $5.00 per thosuand feet. We purpose starting up our mill not later than the 15th inst. First class sawing gu.ranteeds Bring your logs before we start or own stock. The eddes-Tyson Lumber- Co., FARM FOR -SALE 'For Salee lot 27, concession 8, Mc- Killop, fifty acres. Good house, bank barn and good well; convenient to church, school and store -all within half mile, The farm is in a good state of cultivation. For further par- ticular% apply on the premises or if by letter to Seaforth, R. R. No. 1, John Ilaist. 2615x4 ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the An- nual General'. Meetings of The Robert Engine and Thresh* Co., Limited., will be held at the Company's Office, at Seaforth, on Wednesday, the 20th day of February, 1918, at two o'clock, in the afternoon. By order of the Board. John Finlayson, Secretary. • - „de TENDERS FOR WOOD , 'Tenders will be received :AO Februray,.2i0th, nflat'ille. supply of tia: -cords Of two loot wood, bee4 'and Maple for 'Egmondville, School, Apr 1)13r to lahn Vanterok-.Eginoudyillis, ‘4 4261 • 4 ifORSES POR 'SALE For sale, 2 heavy draught colts ‘ttvo years old coming 3; one colt coining 2 years old, aid one sucking colt. Apply on lot 29, concession 13, Me- Killop, or Winne 14 on 166„ Seaforth. 'William Scott. a 2618x3 IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVE ' Write amotts., VA :b0.!Atlet and-prites of lin- proved larms In the tains District. J. H. PlainsOdani- . 17x20 • STOCK FOR SALE. Present offering; Three choice young Sitorthorn cows due to calve in March and April; five bulls eight months old and &der; three heifers under one year old; two heifers due to calve in February and April. Prices reasonable. Call and see me on Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, ,or address Staffa P.0, JAMES HILL.... i, FARMERS' CLUB A ri4etin.g of the Farmers' Club will be held in the ton hall, Seaforth, on Wednesday 'evening, February. 20th, at eight O'clock. As matters Of im- portande tothefarmers are coming up for ',consideration, a good attend- ance desirable. Non-members as Well a meenbers are cordially invited to atte id. Be sure to con. G. D. C. Hawn, Killop, Presiden,; J. H. Scott, Bullet Secretary'. 2618-1 NI ICE TO THE PUBLIC Owin to the fact that the Seaforth Fuel Citro11er will not supply any fernier at the present time with coal, we urg� that as little coal as possible be used and any having wood wili U/$0 it, and that all furnish as much wood as pos ible for next season, as the fuel sit ation is yery serious. _Signed J. M. Goirenlock, Reeve of McKiliop 11. Crich, Reeve of Tuckersmith 2616-3 PROPERTY FOR SALE For s le eight acres of land on the. third co cession of McKillop. On the propertr there is a good dwelling house w'th hot air furnace, good barn, poultry iouse and buggy house. Some good apple trees and some small -fruit Rural n ail and phone cOnnection. Pessessi n given at anytime. For further aarticualrs address John Mc- Millan, 1 R. No. 1 ',Seafortie or phone' 8 on 123 2617x4 FARM PORI SALE. 1 For sele, Lot 29, Concession 1, H. R. S., uckersmith. Tht ere are on the premise a frame house, and frame barn, in ood condition, also large im- plement Shed. The farm is known as the "Wi e" farm, and is situated half way be , een Seaforth and Clinton. It is well -fenced and in a splendid state of cultivation. Will be sold on easy terms.11 r further particulars apply on the p emises or phone 20 on 144, Clinton. GEORGE BEAUREGARD. 1.2618X7 ‘. . . ARM FOR SALE For sale, lot 25, concession 5., Me-, Killop, o4 the Gravel Road, two mile, and a h If north of Seaforth. One hundred Acres all cleared with the ex- ceptian oi two acres; ;well fenced and, it a good state of ealtivetion.- About thirty acres it grass. Good frame; house, two good barns with stone ; stabling thiderneath. Rural mail deliv- ery and rural telephone. Also a good' blearing ophard. Easy terms of pay - Ment. An br on the premises or ad- dress John McMillan, Seaforth 2617x4 ARM FOR SALE For sal Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. S Tucke smith, containing 100 acres. There a a, on the premises a good frame ho e, two barns 'and frame stable 75 feet long, cement floor in cattle stab e; hog pen, two 'wells, The, land is in good state of cultivation,! Well drain d and fenced. Large apple; orchard; a so all kinds of small fruits: - six acres o good hardwood bush, fall plowing do e. This farm is situated 114. miles e st of the village of Bruce -I field and 5 miles from town of Sea - forth on ill Road. School across corner from farm. For further par-, tieulars aptly on the premiess o address Ali heel Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. No. 1, or Photo 5 on 142, Sea forth Centr 1.- 2616-4 FIRM FOR SALE Lot 15, Concession 12-, Stanley, 10 'acres of e. celtent land, situated 1/ mile from shoo1,, 4% miles from th town sf Ba field, 7% miles fro Brucefield. The farm is well fenc with woven No. 9 wire fences. Ther are on the .premises a large roome a splendid bank ba 2 feat, cement floor an lastered. Both building g rods. in excellent re rd water, well with fore ient- for bath house an cement cisterie 5 acres o brick 'house 56 feet by walls, well 11 have lightni pair; good h pump, conve barn a good orchard, a ,,pring creek, rural ma and telephone connections. Price $6,000, on terms to suit purchaser. Fo, information apply to the owner, Jame S. Delgaty, R. R. No. 4, Gilbert Plain Manitoba. 2615x4 FAM FOR SALE For sale lots 9 and 10, concession , H.R . 5., Tuckersmith, containing 15 acres. This farm is situated one mil rth on the Kippen Roa e farm, and in a higl vation. It is within chool. church and pos stores and blacksmit arm is a large 2-stor, south of Seaf artd- is a choi state of cult half mile of office, also tw shop. On the brick house ith slate roof and al modern conveniences, heated by fur nace, also Woodshed. Outbuilding consist of twl large barns in- firs class shape, 'th cement floors and stabling for f rty head of cattle and fifty hogs.. A so large driving house, These buildings are almost new and in good shape. The land is all well underdrained *th. tile and is a good clay loam. There are ten acres o choice har1woo1 bush, also one acre o orchard. !For further particulars ap- ply on the pr ises or to James or Henry Stewart Seaforth?. 0. 2618x4 - EXECUTOR'S SALE OF' FARM PROPERTY The' imdersigned, Peter Cleary, wee- utor of Margaret Keeler, deceased, .1 loftier for sale at the Commercial Seaforth, on March 4th, 1918; t two o'clock, the following property: ot 25, eoncession 1 H.R.S. . . Hibbert ontanung 98 aereS more or less. There re on the .pretnises a briek house, frame barn 40 by .65 feet, 2 wells,- ne at the house ,and one at the barn; rnall, orchard, It is convenient to hurch, school, store and Post office. here is also, a flag station on the remises. The sale will be subject 6 an existing lease and subject to a eservecl bid. Terms .-Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid at hue of eale and balance in thirty ays. For further particulars apply o Peter Cleary', R. R. No. 4, Seaforth; or to Thomas Brown, Auctioneer; or to Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke, So- licitors fot Vendor. AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock and Implements.- ThOmas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on lot 17, con- cession 1.0, MeKillop, on Wednesday, February ;20th, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following: Horses -One agricultural mare 5 years old in foal, one general purpose mare rising 4 years old, good driver and tvorker; draft gelding ris- ing 3 years old, well brofen; draft gelding rising 2 years old, driving horse 3 years old, very quiet driver and good worker; filly, colt rising one year old, Sired by Glen' Rae; horse colt rising 1 year old, sired by Glen Rae. Cattle ----Registered cow 3 years old, with calf 'at foot; registered cow four years old due to .calve in April, reg- istered heifer 16 months old, 5 grade cows due with calf, 7 goes1 grass steers rising 3 years old, 3 heifers 3 years oidrha steers and 3 heifers rising 2 11 years old, 6 calves, also one brood sow to litter in April, 8 chunks about 3 months old and a number of hens. Implements -Massey Harris. 6 ft. bin- der, 12 he Massey Harris seed drill, with extra spring teeth, Frost axd Wood cultivator; Massey Harris hay loader,side delivery rake, McCormick mower, 10 foot steel rake, roller, 4 section. harrows, 2 furrow Cockshutt richig plow; 2 walking plows, 1 % wagon nearly new, one hayrack, low wagon with 2 inch tires, one 3 -inch tire truck, eet ofI sleighs, top buggy, cutter, scuffier, diSc harrow, wagon, box, stock reek, gravel box, set brass neounted team harness, set back band harness set rubber mounted single arness, Clinton fanning mill with agger attached, Gurney 3000 pound scales with stock platform, 5 h. p. gas engine, circular saw, emerystone, grindstorie, sap pan, car, rope and pul- leys, hay fork, slings, chains, forks, whiffletrees neckyokes, ladder, some rock elm pianke and scantlings, white ash tongnes, lined water trough, sugar kettle, Sharpies dream separator, toot pulper, churn, washing machine, about 20 tons of hay, part mixed hay; also some household 'furniture. The whole will positively be sold without reserve as Shel proprietor has sold 'his farm. -Terms-All sumof $10 and under, cash; overthat aniount 8 months' credit on. furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 Der cerit. off for cash. Stephen F. Godkin, Propri- etor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. • 9 • AUCLION SALE Of Faille Stock. and Implements.- --Mn. Thomas Brown has been in- structed by Mr. John McNay, to sell by public apction on Lot 13, Conces- sion 28, II.R;S„ 1/2 mile west of Ege mondville, on Thursday, February 21, 1918, at 1 o'clock., sharp, the follow- ing: Horses --Agricultural mare 10 years old, agricultural gelding rising 4 years„ agricultural filly rising 3 years, pony irising 2 years. Cattle- Thorobred Holstein cow 5 years old with calf at foot, thorobred Holstein cow 7 years old to calve in June; grade Holtsein 7 years old to calve in October; grade Holstein 6 years old with calf at foot,2 grade Holstein cows 5 years old ; with calves at foot; cow 4 years old to calve in October, grade Holstein 9 years old with calf at foot; 3 heifers 3 Tears old to calve in Oc- tober; Jersey cow 4 years old to calve in June ; Jersey cow 7 years Old to calve in Marche heifer 2 years' old to calve in SePtember; heifer one year old,' thorobred heifer 1 year old, one grade heifer 6 months old, Holstein heifer 3 months Old, 2 farrow cows. These cows I are of a heavy milking strain, individual grade co -Ws produc- ing 13,000 to 14,000 pounds in one season, Also about 70 hens. Imple- ments -Sharples mechanical milker, 1100 lb. cream separator, milk cooler, and aerator; Massey Harris binder 6 foot cut; Deering mower 6 foot cut; hay -rake, tecider, 2 row corn cultivator, beet and bean cultivator, spring tooth cultivator, Idisc harrow, set 4 section iron harrows, 13 disc drill, 2-rowcorn planter, single furrow riding plo,W, 2 furrow riding plow, walking plow, Massey -Harris manure spreader, one scuffier, root pulpen 12 inch Bell cut- ting box, revolving feed table, fan- ning mill, 9 inch grain grinder, farm wagon and box, hayrack, ice box, set bobsleighs, delivery sleigh, delivery wagon, mower with pea harvester at- tachment, set 2000 lb. capacity weigh scales, mikado buggy, pony buggy, and cutter, McLaughlin top buggy,set heavy tearo harness, set plow harnees, collars and bridles, 2 sugar kettles, 150 feet hayfork rope; slings; log- ging chains, post ;hole auger, lawn mower, e.na numerous other articles. Also about 4 tons of millet. House- hold Effeets.-Bedroom suite, wad - nut lounge, chairs, coal heater, coal heater with oven, kitchen cupboard, sideboard, bedstead, 300 bus. O.A.C. '72 oats, fit for seed, oats cash. - Terms -AU Sums of $10, and under cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar of for cash on credit amounts. Positively no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. John McNay, Proprietor; T. Brown, Aucticmeer. 2617-2 HURON: EXPOSITOR „DISPERSION AUCTION SALE • Of Pure. 'Bred. 4.1tegistered Shorthorn ,attk, Sheep, ftWine, ,MorMit & Farm .Taiiilatnentssee-The undersignifd, owing to inability to, eecure`..suitelele farm help, has decided to 'give up fanning and will offer for .sale by -public tier* at his farnron Lot 14, Concession IL .,. Tuckersmith; 1% miles east of X.ippen, and half utile south, on Friday, March lot 1918, at 1 p.m e the following.described personal property to wit:Horses-One registered Clydes- dale mare 6 years old, Lady Oswald (36032), gelding 3 years old, sired. by Colonel Graham; gelding 2 years old, sired by - Lord Armstrong. Cattle-.--: Males: One superior roan bull (School- master 111590), 14 months old; bull calf 11 months old (115825); bull calf, (Judge Holden, 115826) 5 months old. Females -Roan cow, Lady Waterloo 2nd (98000), this is an extra fine cow • and is the dam of Schoolmaster; red cow, Lady Duchess (104111) 6 years old, one red cow 'five years old, Laura Duchess 4th (124982); one red cow five years old, Pie Crust 2nd 1104401), this cow has a bull calf at her foot; red cow calved March 16, a-914, Janet McLaren. (108332s) this cow has a heifer calf at her foot; one roan heifer Lydia J. (113147); calved, March 4th, 1915; dark red heifer Ros- ette (128064) calved August 18ts 1915; red heifer, Mary Grey calved July, 1915. All of the above females have been bred and are suppesed to be in calf to Shorthorn bulls possessing the merits characteristic of this noted breed, and all of the cows are •good milkers and have alle been milked by baud. Alst; one roan heifer Highland Many (121981) • calved August 26th, 1916; „red heifer Flora Macdonald (122706) _calved October 16th, 1916; heifer calf, Mary Queen of Scots calv- ed May, 1917; heifer calf, Annie Laur- ie (132799) calved November 21st, 1917._All of the abeve *cattle are re- corded in • the Dominion Shorthorn Herd Book. Sheep -One 2 year old Leicester ram (17377). And also a number of pure bred Leicester and. Shropshire ewes; and also a number of cross bred ewes. Swine -One pure bred registered boar (45049). • Also one pure bred registered sow, Kippen elle (45178. Implements -Massey - Harris binder nearly new, new. Massey Harris side delivery rake, new corn scuffier and bean harvester, plough, set iron harrows wagon, set of sleighs, mower, drill, rolters gravel box, set of double harness, disc, rack and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms --.A11 sums of 410 and under, cash; over that, amount 6 anonths' credit on furnishing approved bank- able joint notes. A discount at the rate. of six per cent. per annum off for ash on. credit amounts. W. M. Doig, L. L. B., Proprietor, Kippen, R. R. 2, C, W. Robinson, Auctioneer. 2618-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. - Mr. C. W. Rohinsoo has been instruct- ed by Mr. George Hill to sell by public auction on lot 8, On:Cession 12, Tuck- ersmith, S., on Thursday, Feb- ruary 28th, 1918, at 1 o'clock- sharp, the following: Horses -General pur-. pose horse rising 5 years, god farm mare 12 years old, good driving horse rising 5 years, general purpose fi.11y rising 3 years by Colonel Graham, general purpoee 41.jytrisirig.two years by Colonel Graham. . Cattle -Two cows to freshen in April, heifer to freshen about time of sale, 3 newly calved cows, fat heifer, 2 yearling heifers, 6 steers conling 2 years, one thorobred Shorthorn bull calf 4 months old, 8 calves, all ages; 1 sow pig 8 months old, and 35 young White Leg- horn hens. Implements -Massey -Har- ris binder, Massey Harris mower, Mas- sey Harris 11 hoe drill, steel drum roller, Messey Harris corn cultivator with bean puller attachment, new Farmer's Friend single riding plow, No. 7 Verity plow, No. 21 Fleury_ plow, disk harrow, waterproof binder cover, si•ngle scuffler, pea puller at- tachment, Sharpe rake, 4 section har- rows, 2 section harrows; Massey Har- ris harrow's cart, steel wheel farm trucks, lumber wagon, with • gravel box and extension box, hay and stock rack, combined; set bobsleighs with log bunks, manure boat, 2 light spring wagons,' top buggy nearly new, Open buggy, cutter nearly new, used cutter, sickle einery stone, grindstone, root pulper, Clinton fanning mill, platform scales, (capacity 2500 lbs) with stock weighing attachment; platform scales, capacity 1000 bs.; No. 50 Bell cutting box, new self feeder; Maxwell cutting box, 12 inch throat; Cyclone • grass seeder, bag truck; pig box, hayfork, car, ropes, pulley and slings, 3 sets of double block pulleys with ropes, two sugar kettles, 200 sap buckets and epileateap gathering tank, roll of eight wire fence, 16 inch stays, 40 rods long; wire reel, friction -wire stretcher, fence weaving machine, lawn mower, carpenter'ssbench, Bile hood with 30 feet down pipes, corn marker, 2 corn planters, 2 corn hoes, 24 foot extension*. lader, National cream separator,Daisy churn, logging chains post hole auger, eedar posts and braces, crowbars, spades shovels, forks and a lot of other - articles too numerous to mention; feed boxes and barrels, 2 dozen grain bags,' about 300 bushels cleaned grain suit- able for seed, oats and barley mixed; also 80 bushels of cleaned seed oats, -quantity of timothy hay and some tur- nips, set heavy team harness, set of light team harness, 2 sets single har- ness, collars; bridles, wind collars, 2 set harnes and tugs, Household Ef- fects -Refrigerator, '2 marble slabs, meat block and number of hooks, sausage grinder, lard press and saus- age filler cornbinnah, meat scales, large glass cupboard, large- extension table, 6 kitchen chair, rocking chair, 2 bed- steads, hanging lamp, 2 parlor lamps, small lamps, quantity of glassware, crocks s fruits gems, heater stove sum- mer kitchen. stove pruning hooks and numerous other articles. Terms -All sums of ;$1.0 and under cash; over that, amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, min and roots, cash. All articles Must be satisfactorily settled for be- fore being removed. Positively - no reserve as the proprietor has sold the farm. George Hill, Proprietor; C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer.. 2618-2 WANTED, By Tilbury West Muiaicipal Tele- phone System, an experienced line- man. Married man preferred. Write for particulars to A. W. Pearson, local manager, Comber, Ont. 2615-4 • AUCTION SALE' Of Farm Stock,- Implements urni tare, Etc. -F. S. Scott, alijtioneer has been instructed by the undersigned executors of the estate Of the late Al bert Howlett. to sell by public auction at North jialf -let. 15, concession 8 Kerbs on Friday, February 22nd ,at 12 o'clock, the following valuable pro petty: Horses -Span of mares five years old, 3 geldings rising 4 years, filly rising` 3 years, fillny rising two years, aged mare Supposed to be in foal, driving mare 10 years old. Reg- istered Shorthorn cattle -Bull 18 mos. old, 1 bull calf 6_ months old, cow 10 years old due to calve in April, cow 7 years -old due to calve in May, cow 5 years old due to calve in March, cow 5 years old •supposed to be in calf, one heifer 2 years old due to calve in March, heifer 16' months old, heifer 4 months old. Grade Cattle -cow 6 years old 'Supposeel to be in calf, cow due to calf in April, heifer 2 years old due to calve in -March, 2 heifers two year i' old, 3 yearling steers, 2 year- ling heifers, calf 3 months old, also one sow due to litter in March, nine Shropshiredown ewes, 1 ram, 75 yofing hens, two geese and one gander. Im- plementse-IVIassey Harris binder- 7 ft. cut nearly new; Frost & Wood mower, 6 feet hut, pea harvester attached; McCormick cultivator nearly new; Deering sulky rake 12 foot, new; new Cockshutt manure spreader, new Max- well hay -loader, new Cockshutt seed drill, disc, land roller, set of harrows 3 single plows, /twin. plow, scuffier, turnip drill, root pulper, wagon box, shelvings, spring seat, complete; wag- on With box, sleigh with bunk and wood rack, sleigh with box, straw cut- ter, hayrack, stalk racks, gravel box, pig box, Chatham fanning mill, set scales 1200 lbs. -capacity; stone boat, hay' fork, car, ropes' pulley • and slings, 200 feet new rope, flat hayrack for sleigh, Ford, car ran 1800 miles, top buggy, open buggy, cart, cotter, 2 wheel bartows, sugar kettle, 12 -ft. ladder, 30 ft. extension ladder, cider barrel, 2 barrels, grindstone, sickle grinder,2 cross cut saws, logging chain, pipe wrench, hedge clippers, wire streteher, lawn mower, lawn rake, quantity of lumber 60 cedar posts, set breeching harness, back- hand harness, plow harness, single - harness, goat robe, 3 horse blankets, set fly nets, 2 dozen grain bags, dozen sacks, 20 cords dry woe(' (split), 60 bushels of potatoes, 20 tons of hay, 100 bushels of seed barley, 200 bus. mixed grain, 600 bushels seed oats, 400 bushels feed oats, chains ,forks, shov- els, ditching spades, crowbar, and, other articles too numerous to men- tion. Household Effects -Coal oil and 25- gallon barrel. Daisy churn, cook stove lounge, 2 tables, cupboard, sideboard, chairs, 3 stands, one rocking chair, 2 beds 2 sets springs, 2 mattresses, dresser, 3 washtands, parlor suite pictures, bedroom suite, oilet set, half damn chairs, rocking hair, arm chair, loung,ei, high chair, mall bed cradle, clock, heater and a number of other articles and house- hold effects. Terrns-A11 sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 10 nonths' credit will be given on furn- shing approved joint notes A dis- ount of 5 per cent. off .for cash on redit amounts Hay grain, wood and otatoes to Ise cash. William Taylor nd Henry Sanderson, executors of he estate of the late Albert Howlett; 'I'. Miller, Clerk; F S. &oat, Auction- er. 2617-2 1 a • AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements and Iousehold Furniture,-Thornas Brown has -been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 25, concession 14, Mc- Killop, one mile south of Walton, on Tuesdan, February 26, 1918, at one o'clock p.m., sharp, the following : - Heavy draft mare 5 years old, heavy draft gelding 8 years old, Standard bred driving mare 6 years old, driving mare 8 years old. Cattle -Cow due to calve about tine of sale, 2 cows with calve at foot, cow due to calve in May„ heifer due to calve in May, foist steers two years 01a, 2 heifers coming 2 years old, 3 yearling heifers, 3 young calves. Pigs --Brood sow due to litter, April 11th, 9 chunks about 150 lbs., 10 chunks about 90 lbs. Hens -30 white Wyandotte pullets., 30 Barred Rock pullets, 8 Barred Rock cockerels, 1 White Wyandotte - cockerel. Imple- ments-IVIasiey-Harris binder 7 foot cut with truck, Massey -Harris hay loader with fore -truck, Massey -Harris disc, McCormick mower 6 foot cut, Deering cultivator, steel roller, % Bane wagon with box, truek wagon, 2 top buggies, 2 open buggies, Mas- sey -Harris ,side delivery rake with tedder, hay -rack with car, 2 furrowed riding plow, single furrow riding plow walking, plow, 2 -furrow gang plow, - .dump rake, Chatham fanning mill with bagger, platform, scales (30,00 pounds ;capacity), hand cart, bag truck, set 5 sec. diamond harrows, pigrack, Map- le Leaf grinder 10" plates, Watson cutting box, quantity of 6 inch belting, 17 h. p. Hamburg portable 'engine, Stratford Pecker separator, jack, set bobsleighs, platform for sleighs, two Portland cutters, power clipping ma- chine, two sets heavy harness, two tsets 'plow harness, 3 sets single 'harness, 100 feet .inch piping, root pulper, block and tackle wire stretcher, sugar kettle, 3 long ladders, Chatham'. incu- bator, slush acraper, , turnip sower, Saskatchewan robe, number of horse collarsdawn mower,2 scuffierkMelotte cream separator (500 lbs. capacity); Wheel barrow, two buggy poles, barrel press, McCormick sickle grindenwash- ing niachine, blacksmith vise, grind- stOne. Household Effects -Two kitch- en stoves, kitchen cupboard, kitchen table, Daisy churn, kitchen chairs„ one couch, 3 hanging lamps, 3 bedsteads and a .quantity of carpet. • Grain, and Seed. -About 900 bus. O. A.C. No 72 oats, about 100 bus. barley, about 4 bus. timothy seed, quantity of hay, also six dozen grain bags. Terms - All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 10 monthsheredit on ap- proved joint notes. IV discount of 4 cents on. the dollar off for cash on credit amounts, W. J. & George Dick- son, Proprietors; Thos. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2617-3 HOUSE FOR SALE • For sale a comfortable frame house in. good, repair. Hard and soft wat- er, large garden. Good cellar. WM be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to Thomas Sickle, Seaforth. 2616-4 HOG PRODUCT" It is a matter of the greatest imp9rtanes that Canada should increase her weft.* tion 'of BACON HOGS and other live stock as there is at present a world-wide shortm age of meat Good markets for some -time to come are assured. 11111111Manimpaim.......st THE CANAPIAN BANK OF COMMERCE vvill gladly nuke loans to assist farmers in good standing to acquire live stock. SEAFORTH BRANCH MANAGER G MULLEN 361 ire e Fena We have secured a carload of Woven Wire fencing, Coil Spring and Barbed Wite at last Fall's Prices; which we are prepared to book up to March xst t the prices given be- low, terms strictly cash when wire is taken away, and all to be taken beforeApril ist. These are prices that cannot be duplicated and only hold good to the above time. "Ideal " Woven Fencing, all No. § Wire, stays 22 inches apart 6 wire, per 7 wire, per 49c. 8 wire, per 54c -High Carbon Coil Spring, No. 9, per too pounds It5•75 Barbed Wire, per l'oo- pounds..., .... 8 -Strand *woven wire, stays i6 in. apart, per rod 59a Buy your wire at home and leave your money here Geo. A. Sills Hardware Merchant Seaforth • STOCK FOR SALK Two young pure Scotch, bred bulls eight months old, grand sired by dainford Marquis, the champion bull of Canada.- Also some fine bulls sired by 'Aristocrat =401912= whose grandsire is Gainford • Marquis. Aleie ply on Lot 30, Concession 3, Morris, 2% miles ,north of Brussels, on the Graevl Road. Phone 10 on 58. Thos. Pierce. • 2611-tf BULL FOR SALK • e For Sale the 14 inoiefits old Short- horn bull. This youngrloll is a 'very superior animal, bred from the fol- • lowing Imported Stock: Scottish Hero (Imp), Prince of Barra (Imp.), Red Prince (Imp.), Rowal Dawn - (Imp.), Dublin (Imp.), Baron Sol- way (Imp.), Cobden (Imp.), Lady Jane (Imp.), For particulars apply to John Chambers, Cromarty Air phone 13 on 147, Seaforth.. 2406- 111111111110111101111111M1JEMMIIIIMINIMMIUMIND N APPEAL TO FARMERS =MIN =MO AMIENS 'MONO MINIM Wherein Patriotic Action will net Gold Dollars in addition to a satisfied feeling that "1 Havem Done My Bit." , To Our Beet Growers:; ‘‘ Having agreed to pay a minimum price"of $9 per ton, flat rate basis, and $8.75 per ton sugar percent. basis, for Sugar Beets the coming season, we wish to make a few explanations: Under normal conditions this price would he impossible, and it is only with the, expnta- tion that sugar prices must of necessity remain high that we have decided to pay on the above bis. In order to meet our Growers so generoUsly, it is quite necessary also .for*us to -secure' a maximum acre- age for the full capacity ot our three 'Refineries., The above appeal, however, is Secondary compared with that of Food Production. It is imperative that Canada produce, at haute, alt her food stuffs. Every pound if sugar dr any other food product nn - ported into Canada means just so much money leaving this ecuntry t ..., and placing the balance of trade against us. Last year Canada sent . out of the country for the purchase of sugars alone, approxisnately . fifty million dollars, leaving this country so much the poorer It is : the duty of every _patriotic farmer in the vicinity of the factory. to e , grow Sugar Beets in order for Canada to be independent of foreign= . countries for thie valuable and neceseary food product. Thus allowing =Lt = Canada not only to be assured of a Supply of sugar at es, time of theMi year when it is very scarce but also making to the prosperity of theMe o- country by, leaving this money at home. .•t 1111•1111. :„....... = ' Had it not been for the sugar manufactured from Beets in the i - t t E. -United States and Canada during the months of November and . December, 1917, and January; 1918, there would have been an abSetliell =sugar famine in North America, and those farmer e -growing. Sugari =Beets last fall can take credit for the saving of the situatiori in filial , , MIMI 1 IMMO IN••■• j= =Ma IIIIIP ... By increasing tfre minimum price to be paid from 46.00 per ton to IN= .1=49.00 per ton, (taking all the risk of lower prices), WE ARE DOING la ... OUR PART. We are sure all the farmers, with whom our rations - in the past have been most pleasant, will do theirs-- and sign contraets i = .....for increased Sugar Beet Acreage. I 1 1 OM El Mos 111111111•11 MINIM 11111MINI - SIGN UP NOW Dominion Sugar Co., Limited. JAMES COWAN, AGENT, SEA.FORTH, ONTARIO 1111•11M 111111,11![":" 1 :11 I 1.1