HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-01-11, Page 82 ntE HURON EXPOSITOR. -$- ---$-R ---- B B---B---B --B 441 4111 hotos emsawolatiman WialegaWassmasal Now is a good time to sit for that Family Group while the children are all at home. ' Any Photographs taken now will be finisheoi. for New 4 Years. D. F. Buck Photographer, Seaforth 1 le -H.• --I3 R -B -- B t Harness Now is the time to let us have your -order for Harness for your spring --wortsk. Every year we have been put- ting supreme quality in our goods. 4beality of Workflu nship-Quality 'of litateriat and coupled to these our 7sre Deal Policy. of your money thick if not satisfied, we attribute our • No where else can you get the same tonality 'of goods, workmanship and material at the same _price. This is -true because we make ALL our own mess, we employ only skilled help, an& we buy the best quality of raw material the market affords.. We buy enlarge quantities, giving our patrons every advantage of which we receive by our low prices.. . For the foregoing reasons and the tact that we have never failed to de- liver the highest class goods at the least money, we solicit your valued orders.* Babes Blankets Mitts & Gloves SHOE REPAIRING • Famed Workmanship -Prompt Service Broderiek's teather Goods Store 1' tie atm Emig DISTRICT haTrERS . number 7, belonging to Miss Hazel Office Supplte •es Reid. The proceeds from both coats amounted to $25, which goes to the Red Cross Society', --Edna DeLacey, Secretary. Hoekey.-The first game of hockey in the Palace Rink this season took place- on Tuesday evening last, When Clinton and Seafoeth battled for hon- ors in a Junior Q.11. A. fixture. There was.. a good attendance of spectators and the ice was in splendid condition. The game was quite exeitints but the Sea' c.rth aggregation had the edge on the vie kers all thestirne, and the result was never in doubt, the final score be- ing 13. to 5 in favor of the home team. The following is the local linen!): Goal .George Stewart; defense, Douglas Beattie, Jack Edmunds; forwards, Reg. Kerslake, Reg. Reid, G. Hu11y, Fox. .1 T a sD 1_ Joweier ;i ui lip'►t1fi+l9tl. Issuer Marriage Lrf'etlses_ 8EA FORT II - ()NI' DON'T LOO]K The Town Election. --There was only one contest for municipal, honors this year, the fight being for the Reeve - ship between i. Grieve, V.S. and F. klarburn, V. S. There was little ex- citement, however, and the vote poll- ed was not a large one, Dr. _ Harburn being elected by a majority of 28. The following is the vote by' polls; J. Grieve, V,S.,-North Ward, 72; East Ward, 42; South Ward, 39. F. Har- burn, • V S.: -North Ward, 73; East Ward, 59; South Ward, 49; majority 28. The Seaforth Council for 1918, therefore, will be; •Mayor, J. A. Stew- art; Reeve, F. . Harburn; Councillors, G. P. Cardno, Thos. Stephens, P.S. Savauge, James Hays, E. L. Box, W. Oughton. ; Water, Light and Sewer Comenniseioner, J. F. Daly. 10 lbs. Stock Salts for .........50c • 4 -lbs. Sulphur for 25c 1 Ib. Saltpetre for ... 20c 15 lbs. Oyster Shell for 25c In lbs. Poultry Grit for 25c 40 lbs. Tab!e Turnips for 50c We. now have in stock LakeSuperior Herrings in kegs Finnan Haddies Quality Salmon Fresh Lake Herrings Whitefish, etc. ;Also a full line of hams, Rolls, Bo- logna and Sausages Sproat & Sproat PHONE 8 SEAFORTH 1917 !, 1918 Cordial Yule -Tide greetings' Cold n The West,-lnhrenewing his r der r` icy :The Expositor', nn der � n to F� p y date of December 28th, Mr. W. K. Ireland, of Amelia, Sask., says: "We are having winter in earnest just now. There is about three feet of= -.snow on the 'ground and it has been 35 below zero ,already. If we are to have three months like this I think I :►will hike for a warmer climate before another winter. I have been acting a mnilitary represe 1 tative. on the Tribunal sitting at Amelia. There were about 500 men in this district to come before the Tribual', here, and we are not through yet, as the mails are slow, and being so far from the railroad some of the men '!lid not get their notices to sp- ear; in -some cases until three weeke ter the date set for, them." Beilgian Relief. -The following is report of the Belgian Relief Society for the month of December: ' Balance t from; November, $2.62; Mrs. Peter Daley; $1; Dr. Mackay $2; William Fairbairn, Hei sail, $g William Flan- nery, $1: Miss Florence Fowler. $5; Joseph Scott, $1; . Mice Margaret Hunter, $1; Phillip Harris, $3; Mrs. Margaret Finlayson, $1; Mrs. W. R. Archibald„ $1; Mr. F. Savauge, $5; Miss Hargan, $1; a friend, $25; Keith McLean;, $1: •Mrs Robert Jones, $5; Help. The Starving. -The following moving appeal has been sent by the International Sunday School Associa- ation to the Superintendents here: "While we in Canada are well fed and clothed 2,500,000 destitute Armenians and Syrians ate now starving and dy- ing. Of theae 400,000 are orphan and helpless children. -More than a mullion have already died a martyr's death. `The death rate in the Lebannon dis-• triet last winter was 1 000 a day. It will be greater this. winter unless we send relief and send it kuickly. This situation is in Bible lands, where Jesus spoke the parable of the Good Samaritan and said .. ' Go thou and do likewise.' Thirty million dollars. are needed to carry these d-3stitute suffer- ers thepugh the.winter.' Of this sum the Sunday schools in Amercia are asked to give at least $1,000,000, the reit will have to be obtained from other sources." Contributions. in re- sponse to this urgent appeal will be gratefully received -during this week and next at the Variety Store by Mr. John Beattie, who will forward them along with money contributed by the Sabbath School scholars of the town. Give for the sake of humanity. S the old year draws to a close and weg ather the treads of the story in antici- pation of the New Year it is a fileasure to pause a moment' ,n the threshold, just to ex- change greetings -to express our appreciation for the busi• ness entrusted to as, and to wish you and yours a full theasure of happiness., - x. x. scam Pbdne SI HOME OF GOOD SHOE Mrs.' Peter Kerr $1: Mrs. Ed. •Daley, $1; Miss S. McLean, $1: Mrs. Wm. Govenlock. $6: Mrs. W. O. Reid, $2;. Mrs.H,iekee $1; Mrs. Oscar Neil $1; Mrs. Charles Aberhart, $2; Mrs. J. B. Thompson, $2; Mrs. ! L. L. c Paul $1; Mrs. Charles Stewart, $2,50; Mrs. DeLacey $3.70: Miss Cuthill, $2: Mrs. 'W. F. McMillan, $1; Mr. and Mrs. William Black, $10: Mrs. Norman darter, $1; Audrey Carter, 25e; William. H. Jamieson, ' $1; W. G. Willis, $2; Wm.. Scott, Egmondville, $1: Rev. Mr. Brown, $4.05: John McKenzie! (Princess Theatre) $13.50; Methodist Sunday School $20; .Domin- ion Bank 50e; Post Office $1.16; Total $115.53, ! Expenses 41e. Remitted to Isabel L. George. Toronto, $115, to go to the Belgian Children's -Orphan Fund. Balance on hand 12e. -Mrs. J. B. Thompson, Treasurer. Marrried In Moose Jaw -The Moose Jaw Times of Jan. 2, has the following account of a pretty wedding solemniz- ed in that city op New Years Day? which is of special interest to many here the bride, being. a granddaugh- ter au h - ter of Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot, and also of Mr. A. :Davidson, of Seaforth, and her many friends in the east will extend •best wishes for a happy married fife: "Broadfoot- Shoecraft-A pretty and quiet wed- ding was solemnized on New . Years Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Broadfodt, 430 Ominica street, west, when their daughter, Margaret Adams was united in the holy ',bonds of matrimony to Mr. James Ward Shoecraft, in the presence of relatives, and most intimate friends of the fam- ily, Rev. W . G. Wilson was the offi- ciating clergyman. The -roof is were tastefully decorated, the .eolor scheme beim whine and yellow. The bride, who: entered the room on the arm of her father, to the strains of Lohen- grin's Bridal ,Chorus, played by Miss Olvene Tedford, of Weyburn,, looked charming in a taupe suit trimmed with seal and black embroidery and wore a hat of sand colored satin. Margaret Broadfoot, cousin of the bride, made a charming flower girl in white silk. During the signing of the register, Miss Tedford of Weyburn sang "Be- loved -Tis Morn," and "The Sunshine of Your. Smile l " Mr. and Mrs. Shoe - craft have taken up their residence in the McNair block. Women's War A iliary. The fol - lo -wine is the fina tci 1 statement of the Women's War ee.uxiliary fes- Nov- ember and December: Receipts -- Balance on hand $934.67: boxes sold 34c; fees, $25; donation from, Miss Doble $1; donation from Primary class of Presbyterian Sunday School, $1.5. Proceeds from sale of tickets on g donated by Mrs. Alex. McLellan. $90: proceeds from office desk donated by, Canada Furniture Manufacturers, $68.10; interest $14.10; total $1110.01 Expenditure -Canadian Red Cross So- ciety, Toronto, $"62.40; postage on socks $8.88; sundries 80c: balance, $1037.93 .e --Mina 3. Finlayson. Treas. -During November and December 132 pairs of sacks were received by the the Auxiliary. Of these 74 pairs were sent overseas„ 39 pairs to France and 35 -pairs to Efigland. Ties did not in- clude the socks sent in the Christmas bo -es.' One parcel, containing the us- ual number of articles of wearing ap- el, was given to a soldier going ov eas. Mrs. Hugh Alexander, •of Wal- ton, held the lucky ticket which se- cuted her the gown donated by Mrs. McLennan. A number of letters from. the soldiers in England and France have already been received by the secretary, containing the thanks and appreciation for the Christmas boxes, all of which had arrived in good con- dition. Red Cross. -The following is the Treasurer's report of the . Seaforth branch of the Red Cross Society, for. December, 1917: Receipts -Balance on hand. $631.29; proceeds from desk, do- ated by. Canada Furniture Co., $68.15; absorbent cotton sold $18.50; non-ab- sorbent cotton • sold $7.25; rag rugs $7.60; rags, $15c; Christmas booklets $12.50; fees .$1.50; Red Cross buttons sold 50c; four quilts $8.50; quilt to Margaret E. VanEgmond $2.75; a friend, $200; Mrs.G. Laird, $3; Mrs. L.G.VanEgmond $L20; a friend 75c; donation $7, donation $21; donation $6.50; Sproat's Sunday School $2.15; Winthrop branch $12.60; Winthrop Ladies aid $18.25; Egmondville -branch $17.50; monthly contributions $94.70; total receipts $1143.34. Expenditure -Hon. James Mason for prisoner of war $10; McClelland, Goodchild and, Stewart, 7.50; Mrs. A. Calder $4.75; Hon . Jatn.es Mason, for wool $305.25; J. Mactavish; $52.68; J. F. Snowden $3; total expenditure $383.18; balance on hand $760.16.-Graee Mullen, Treasurer`;, . -The following- is the Secretary's report for December: 222 suits• of pyjamas 36 flannel shirts, 126 pairs of socks, 216; towels, 42 unfilled comfort - bags, 96 butter cloth handkerchiefs, 30 trench caps, 12 seultetus bandages, 2 feather pillows, 6 dressing gowns. The ticket drawn for the knitted coat that has I'been on exhibition in Mr. Mactavish's store, donated. by Miss Lukes, was drawn for onThursdey afternon at the Red Cross rooms, the ticket drawn was . number 41, belong- ins to Miss Maggie Sutherland. Miss Lukes had a ,ticket drawn for another coat the some aftern000r, which was Pa er LEDGERS S JOURNALS MINUTE BOOKS DAY' BOOKS' CASH BOOK RECEIPTS BINDING CASES .• VILE INDEXES PENS I PENCILS INK MUCILAGE PASTE WATERMAl'1 • IDEAL' MOUNT AIN PENS ,hompson s Bookstore SEAFORTH. Window Shades and Picture Frames. Agent for New Idea Patterns. ►l t will be drawn. Tickets, each good for four chances. may be had at Beattie Bros., = or from any of the Bed Cross. • STAFFA. Tea Meeting. A tea will be held in the town hall on Friday evening, J an. llth, under, the auspices of the Wo- men's o -men's Institute. A good programme tis being arranged foe -The aunuml meeting- of the Board of Agriculture, formerly called Farmers' Institute, will be held on Saturday, January 19. Mrs, Parsons, of Toronto, will address the ladies at the honie of Mrs. Robert Sadler- et 2.30 p.m, HULLETT. f School Report -The following is the report of the School in section No. 1, H Ilett, for December: Class IV - R ss McGregor, Wm. Livingston, H. F rnhaln. Joe. Hugill, Percy Tasker, C it Farnham. Class HI -Wilfrid G zier, Kathleen Livingston, Etta right, Ernie Dale, Leslie Tasker +. Class U -Pearl Mero, George Glazier, Mary Mann and Frank Fowler equal;. Gordon McMichael, Walter Dale, Wm. Wright, Clifford Glazier, Part Il - Flossie Mero, Hazel Freeman„ Emma Mann and Myrtle Dale equal, Bob. Me - Michael, Gladys Freeman and Alice Walker equal, Fergus Wright, Allyn Dale. .Primer -Olive Walker, Agnes Wright, Elmer Dale, Wilfrid Freeman. -A. R. Farnharh, Teacher. See our music' window next weed. Hear ' Columbia.' Re- cords on Columbia Machines, All $isic--and no scratch -- we 1 them. All the latest sheet music. If not in stock we will order for you. 1. COLUMBIA AGENCY BEATTIE'S FAIR Dig up your overcoat. Have a look at it. ! By renewing the velvet collar, pressing and cleaning may save 'you the price of a new one. My Wardrobe, Qoderlc 8opposit4 Queen's Hotel. 26954 PiO�ABiLiTIE4. - At the Strand Theatre ne x p week : A hot time with gales of laughter, 2613,1 Dr. Forster, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Speoia'liat, will be at the Qusen'e Hotel, Seaforth, on Wednes- day, 16th inst., from 11 ami. to 3. p. m. r 2634 50% of .next Thursday's and Friday's -January 17 and .8-reoeipta at the Strand Theatre will be given to the Belgium Belief. The manager, Mr. J, E. Willis. it forms its that he has secured for these dates me of the New Perfection viotures, - The Highest standard in Motion Pictures. The only Perfection Picture ever > hown in Seaforth wad " Pants," featuring " Little Mary McAllister." You enjoyed it, and you'll like this one even better. We trust that you will do your uit by attending lthe Strand on either of the above nights. -Come on. 2623-1 STRAND Warm ---Comfortable NOW SHOWING "THE DANGER. TRAIL." Featuring the great actor, H.B.Warner also, MYSTERY of the DOUBLE CROSS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 'he Uproarious Comedy Drama • -.OFFICER. 666 also Billie Burke in "Gloria's Romance Price .11c. STRAND Local Briefs -Mr. A. Westcott, of Halkirl, Alta.,' is visiting with rela- tives here. Mrs. Westcott and fam- ily spent 'the Christmas holidays at the home of her sister Mrs. George Cardno . ; Mr . A. E. ' Stewart, of Montreal, spent New Years' with Mr. and . Mrs. 'J . F . • McLaren, in Tuc er- smith.-Col. and Mrs. bWilson re- turned On Saturday from New rk, where they spent, the holidays at the home of their daughter, Mrs: W. dolt. -Mrs. Knight, of Edmonton, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. McKinley, Church street. -Mr. Ford Aitcheson of Rosetown, Sask., is visiting his brothers and other friends n McKilIop.-Mr. George Bethune, C. P. R. purser, is spending the holidays at the home of hisother. -Dr'. Neil McLeod, of Des ; oines, Iowa, spent the week end° the uest of his- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs . • A. A. McLennan. Dr € McLeod en-; listed with an Ontario Battalion and • has been on relief duty in Halifax for some weeks. -Mrs. Bruce Kilpatrick' who has been •spending the holidays with her mother at Maple Hall, left on Thursday, for her home in Delhi, N.Y. Mrs. Case accompanied her to Toronto and will spend some weeks in the city. -Mr. George Patterson, one of Seaforth's oldest and for many years prominent residents, died at his home in Toronto on Saturday. -The ice harvest has commenced and the. quality this year is exceptonally good. -Mrs. Isaac Walker, of Eest Wawa - nosh, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Robert McGee . -Miss Annie Coventry, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Beattie. -Miss, Margaret MacLean, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Holmestdd . -Many friends here will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. D. T. Pinkney,, which took puce at her home in Strat- ford on Wednesday morning after a long- illness and the sympathy of all Will be extended to Mr. Pinkney and family in their bereavement. -Mrs. John Warwick has returned from To- ronto, o-ronto, where she spent the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Hales. -Miss Mildred ,Tones left on Saturday for Saginaw, \vher.wshe will train ,for a nurse in a hospital there. -Miss Pren- dergast returned to Chicago on Sat- urday after sending the holiday Seas- on at her home in Egmondville.-Miss Olive Seigel, of Mitchell, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Deem. West William. street. -Mrs. Robert Smith returned on Wednesday freni Toronto- where she spent the past week. -Miss Jessie Hodgert, of Us - borne, is visiting her cousin, Miss Pearl Patterson .-Mrs . J. II. Broad - foot and Miss May have returned from Hamilton, where they spent the holidays. -Mrs. Smith has returned to Peterboro after a visit at the par- ental home of Mr. and Mrs. James Beattie. -Lieut. Dot Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reid, who went over- seas with -the 161st Hurons, and who has been in France for the past seven months, returned home on Tuesday ev- ening. -The beautiful knitting bag &e- nuted by Miss Lukes, in aid of the neete C Belgian -Orphans' Fund, is on 'exhibi- tion in the window -of Mr. Mactavish's store, anhi tickets for . the same may i be obtained. there ;a.nd at Thompson's. book store. -M?,- Arid Mrs. Jaynes E. Stewart,' of Red ,t)eer};, Alta.;, are here visiting the footer's brother, Mr. Alex. Stewart, and other friends..-- Miss Louise Griffiths, who was a visitor at the' home ;of Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Close, has returned to her home in To- ronto. -Two ionto. -Two hundred and'sixty loads , chiefly coal, passed over the town hall mars' et scales in three days last week. In spite of'the coal shortage, Seaforth is apparently getting its quota and the dealers are doing their very best to give 411 a share while it lasts. -Mr. H. R. Scott is in Toronto this week. --Miss Gladys Cousins ' has returned home from Grand Rapids, where she was visiting her sister -.-Rev. F. H. Larkin .will have for ' his subject next Sundry evening, "The Young Man and His Hero." CLINTON. The Municipal Contest. -The elec- tion on Monday was very quiet here,' The results were Mayor, Dr. C. 'W. Thomrson (acclamation); Reeve, J. A . Ford. (acclamation); Council, J. Miller 280, B. Langford 214; A. T. Cooper 209, H. Wiltse 208, J. P. hepherd 207, M. McEwetn 204. Those defated were: T. Hawkins 146, J. Paisley 189, 3. Nediger 181. New Residents. -Mr. ; and , Mr Robert Armstrong and two daughters, Anna May and Myrtle; of the Goshe Line, Stanley have rnovedeinto to and have located on Huron , street. They have a very commodious and eoinfortable home. The citizens of Clinton extend to them a hearty wel- come, hoping they may long continue to reside I here. A Handsome Gift To The Red Cross. -Mr James Collie of Lake Linden, Michigan, brother of Mrs. John Beat- tie, of town, has generously donated 'another valuable collection' of copper and inlaid silver articled in aid of the Red Cross. The collection comprises eopp-r placques inlaiu with floral de- signs in silver, card Marken, bbacco jar, ash trays„match safes, clear hold,- ers and a handsome stereoptican set with views of the Lake I' olden Silver and Copper mines, each view accom- panied by a detailed description of the mines, etc. All will remember the handsome collection of this nature given to the Seaforth Red Cross So- ciety, by Mr. Colla , some time ago, and as this is even a niore 'extensive and valuable one, the sale of tickets will be 'large, as the pieces make very nuique and pretty souvenirs to the peo- ple here, who see verylittle of the pro- ducts of the copper country. The collection is now on exhibition in the show window of W. J. Walker & Son and the, Red Cross will hold .the first drawing at the,Old Times Dance on January 22, when four of the articles AVY C RE Cardno's Opera Hall Tuesday Evening, Jan.. 15th In aid of THE NAVY FUND Play commences at eight o'clock sharp Bring 'Lunch Basket as before During Intermission Vocal- Solos will be given by Miss Helson and Mi'. Joe Sills. Presentation of medals by Mayor Stewart, from the citizens to the boys who have returned from active service EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISS;IOON 50 Cents In order to arrange tables kindly send in names to Mrs. A. A. McLennan. GOD SAVE THE KING. vretwarffetrossimaistmear VARNA. Notes. --Mrs. 'William. Dennison, of this village, is at present attending the funeral of her mother, at Thames- ville.-Miss Louise Griffith, Miss Tillie Morrison and Miss Edna Beatty of Toronto spent their holidays in our midst. --Mr. Harry Reid of Toronto University left last' week to join the overseas battalion. -Mr. George Reid is home from the west after an ab- sence of several years and is pleased to be under the parental roof again. -.Miss Myrtle Johnston, who is train- ing for nurse in Goderich is spending a few weeks with her father and mo- ther, Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston... -A good. time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William. Hayter,, one evening Iast week, it being -the event ofa miscellaneous shower. ower. - The members of Stanley council have all reclaimed their seats by acclamation. STEPHEN. The Election. -The following; is the result of the municipal election by polls, which - was held on Monday,, January p 7: Deputy Reeve- v John n Love -No. 1, 10; No. 2, 27; No. 3, 23; No. 4, 41; No. 5, 42; N'o. 6, 72; No. 7, 66; No. 8, 46; No. 9, 70; Total 397. William Year ey, 1, 62; 2, 48; 3, 48; 4, 64; 5, 34; 6n 41; 7, 20; 8, 29; 9, 33; Total 379. IFor Councillors -John Hayes --1, 24i 2,.2; 3, 33; 4, 54; 5, 61; 6, 22; 7, 59; 8, 36, 9, 19; Total 310. Thos. 31awhiriney-1, 39,.,2„ 31; 3, 40; 4,55;5,22;,33;7,12;8,18;9,24; Total 274. Alex. Neeb-1, 48; 2, 38; 3, 47; 4, 58; 5, 34; 6, 99; 7, 30; 8, 45; 9, 26; total 425. George- Penhale=-1., 17; 2, 72; 3, 32; 4,.55; 5, 19;'6, 19; 7, 39; 8, 11; 9, 25; total 289. Russell Warner -1,1; 2,3; 3,3; 4,5; 5,7; 6, 57; 7, 44; 8, 10; 9, 44; total, 174. David Webb -1, 53; 2, 19; 3, 29; 4, 27; 5, 24;. 6, 38; 7, 35; 8, 60; 9, 71; total 356. The council for 1918, therefore, will be composed as follows: Reeve, W. R. Elliott; Deputy Reeve John Love, Councillors -Alex. Neeb, David Webb, John Hayes and George Penhale. 1 1 STAFFA. " Notes. -Mr. F. Hutchison has- re- ; ceived a cablegram stating that. his son, Lorne,, had arrived safely in England. -.Miss Agnes Herron of Chiselhurst is visiting in the village this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Riley of Fullerton spent Friday at Mr. J. Har - burn's. -Mrs. 3. McDonald and two children are visiting her parents in Seaforth.-Miss Rhea Sadler, who is a ,stenographer in Toronto, is home on the sick list. -The Misses Hutch-' ison of Seaforth spent the Christmas season at the home of their -father, Mr. F. D. Hutchison. -Miss Mabel Yea, who teaches near Toronto, is vis - ting her mother and brother. Mr. Capel Templeman, of London; and Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Jeffrey, of Hamilton, and Mr. -Samuel Jeffrey, of Dakota, are spending the holidayswith rela ' ties here .-The Christmas tree enter- tainment on Christmas night was well attended. The program by the little folks and big was well rendered. Rev. Mr. Love occupied the chair .-Miss McVey has gone to Hamilton for two weeks. • - DUBLIN. Nortes,--Mid. Wilfred Webber of Stratford and Mr. Jake Webber of Tillsonborg• have been visiting at the Dominion Hotel. -Miss Rita O'Rourke has gone to Toronto to attend St. Joseph's Convent' for a few months. - Mr; J. T. Maloney, k, of Winnipeg, spent Christmas at his home south of the village. -Miss Camilla Prender- gast of Chicago visited her sister,'Mrs. J. Shea, for a few days. -Miss Mary McConnell has returned to Toronto af- ter spending the holidays at her home here. -Mr. Joseph Nagle and daugh- ter Mary visited friends in Chatham last week. -Misses Margaret and Nel- he Ryan returned to Toronto on Wed- nesday,-Miss ed-nesday. Miss Mary Donnelly of Buf- falo is visiting her parents here. - Miss Flossie Ryan of Lucan visited her sister, Mrs. L. 3. , Looby. -Miss Gertrude McCarthy of Monkton spent a couple of days with her friend, Miss Bessie Jordan. -Mr. Theo. Jordan of Toronto was a holiday visitor at his home in the village.; -Lieut. John Keys, - who has lately returned from France, called on his sister, Mrs. J. Nagle recently, The .keystone of success in retailing, whether ,-inJanuary or July, and every, day` in the year, is "Good Vase.' ,We use this term in sincere description of the offerings in our store. Persons are not at any time misled by us by make-believe good values, and that is why they appreciate our way of doing business.. - JAATA 11, 1918 the actavish Store or ood Value PHONE 22 SEAFORTH Good Value Good Value OE N 040.00414 During 1917 The Mactavish Store reached great efficiency as a good value store. For 1918 we expect to excel that re- cord of Iast year, We are endeavoring in part to achieve this with our present good value offerings. If at any time, you find' us falling short of our ideal, tell us ,so: We want you to always get good value here. Winter Apparel for Women & Girls Suits Coats -Skirts You won't find better values anywhere -we doubt if you can 'equal anywhere hereabouts the good value garment offerings during this month. Don't be satisfied with-whatyou simply read about goods and their prices. Coyne to the store and see for yourself. Furs and Fur Garments You know of the constantly increasing price, of fury of every description. But you may not know how successful the Mac- tavish Store has- been in its buying every season and what good values] are here at present We'd like to show you during January. Carpets - and ]ets.and Rugs l y Would you buy a Carpet or Rug in Mid -Winter. if the value was unusual? Then come to the Mactavish Store and inspect our offerings. There is always some floor in the house that • would look much better with a new covering. We will be pleased to show you how attractive our values are. .Gloves Good 'value gloves must look well, feel well, 'wear well. This store's gloves do. Much care must be exercised, in glove buy- ing to, protect the interests of customers. We exercise that care in our buying. Underwear Good value in underwear, consists of durability, ventilation, and wath retaining qualities without over -weight of fabric. We Belt underwear combining these features, ,and right now you' can get from us the very underwear suited to your needs. Standard Patterns are Good Value When you want to get a .pattern to help make any article of feminine apparel, insist on getting a Standard pattern. No disappointment will follow its use. Standard Patterns fit any figure -Therein lies the secret of their good success ev- erywhere. verywhere. We sell them, Sutter Wanted: J40 .111115. 1 For tha fur gar Should have figure saving .eve vantage Blacl Nabi Red Japai Nati Grey Sable Opp Black ersiG Candi Russian Big Cl from TH VAL ed for not Eggs Wanted M�etuvh Seaforth