The Huron Expositor, 1918-01-11, Page 6•
1411 -.7 ATED
is tested*
Leeks %Who, 0
cleanse little
he„ourtenes,of keeping Gi
tketet ..
*Oft* e.
ftgttInt1t1b�fl !tOligeteft▪ • bre°
'ter eintueiter• 'again into ;temper—
Sarinnintiaindler**114.dre-he t414:4114` 'ar'ulgier
dmcuIt to -*Pante In; thad:Vantage
being •veitli the enemy. So there has
been frequent 'criticism both: of the
coMMander and ot:tha policy
of• maintaining 'a coudiderable army
a long .way from a base of SUPPIle0,
The commander was probably doing
his duty, *nd-the policy of maintain-
ing a detached force at Salortica may
. have had its justification at the time
vrhen it was resolved upon. The
chartgee in, the gelieral situation and
tile remotrol of CoAstantine from the#
.throne of Greece may have enanged
the original ideas' of the steles, and
at the moment it does not seem
lorebable! that Salonica will be the
bete of anY extensive operations. So
General Seinen may be glad ,to get
away from a post where the re-
sponsibility was heavy,. an1 the
chances of effective service. small.
. -
Mothers oaf Peet Ow after giving
t. *nip of Pigs %caw he
a- few Imre a the elogged-ups waste,
sour bile' aid fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels*, and you have
a well, playful child agent.
Sick children needn't be coaxet to
take this hannleas °huh laxaVve."
hiillions of mothers keep it handy be.
cause &hey lamer its actioneon he stom-
ach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
aCelifolnie Syrup of Figs," which, eon -
*able directions for babies, children et
all ego; and for grown-ups.
James Watson
GenerAl Insurance Agent
Real Et & 't and Loan Agent,
Dealer inewing Machines.
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated in the
17 Town. of &Oen*. Terms
reasonable and possession
given promptly
Apply at my office for particulars.
Women should not despair even ife
hey aro are troubled with severe patne in
the side or back, and not able to attend
to their household duties.
The kidneys of course, are to blame.
nine times out, of ten, but they can be
promptly and permanently made healthy
by the use of DOatt'S Kidney Pills.
Mrs. H. M. Jansen, Pathiow, -Sask.,
writes:—"I fed it my duty to recom-
raend Doan's Kidney Pills to anyone
having Weak kidneys, as they have been
a great help to me. A raontlt ago my
kidneys were so bad that I had severe
pains in My sides and back, and it was
=possible formeto staud straight: I
then got so had I had to go to bed, and
was that way for e week. We Rent for
*Lome Doan's Kidney Pills, and •I have
taken just just aboutene box, and now 1 an
'able to be up and do my own work. I
am certainly grateful for the good they
have done me."
To IMMO getting Domeht.10iney Piiis
when you ask for them, Hee that they are •
put up in an oblong greyheot with our trade
mark of a "Maple Leaf" on the label.
Price 50c.• per box at 'all dealers or
mailed direct on receipt of 'price by The
'. Milburn Coe Limited-, Toronto, Ont.
Cure Slok Headache, Constipation,
BillotisnesseSoor.Stotnach; Bad
Breath—Candy Cathartic.
No 'Tod& hely bed your live; stomach
br bowela; how much your head aches,
how miserable yea tare front constipe-
tion, indigestion, biliousness- an4 slug-
gish bowels--yod always get relief with
Cascarets. They iramediately cleanse
and regulate the atomaele -r,emove the
eour, fermenting food and foul' gaaes;
take the mesa bile fron the liver and
carry off the constipated waste matter
and poistet from the intestinea • and
bowels. A 10-eentebox from your drug-
gist will keep your liver and bowels
clean; stomach sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
Every year from Coneumption,
could have been meted, if
• only ,common sense prevention had
been used in the teat stage, If YOU
ARE a Sufferer front Asthma, Brea -
OW; Catarrh, Tteuritsyt Weak
Lung; Cough and ,Colds—all Dis-
eases leading up to Consumption—
Tuberculosis, YOU ARE interested
In Dr. Strandgard's T. B. Medicine.
Write for Testimonials and Booklet.
20-255 YOUge Street, Toronto.
„Save your Hair! Get a small battle
of Danaerine right now—Also
stops itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
asair 'is mute evidence of a neglected
pealp; of dandrutr—that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs- the hair
of its lustre, its strength and ita very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
nee8 and teething of the scalp, which if
toot remedied causes the hair roots to
eheinic, loosen and die--theu the heir
falls out fast. A little Danderine to-
rught—reow—any time—will surely save
your hair.
Get a small bottle of Knot-vie:nth
Dandeenee from any drug store. You
surely ean have beautiful hair•and Iota
of it if you will just try a little Date
derine. Save your hair! Try it!
to Dad on. Farms, First, Second
Mortgages. Call or write me at I
once and get your loan rranged'
by return mail. No vance
77 Victoria Ste Toronto.
‘'01,;'T let tie forget -Bettina
' Just because we do net heel'
Miteh about her 'arnin. 'Eel*
giton .centinues :to "car&
on," and ; we are told that her sptrit
:mains the same as it Was in. 1914.
tn some resp,eets the case of the
Belgian array is almost Without
garallet It is said that never before
.tas an army retained ate MOrate with
.he enemy- in possession of preetical-
er all its territory. From the he -
inning of the chhilict there has
/lever been a suggestion that Bele
gium would consent to e. separate'
teace, although more than once Gem
aany proposed that the quarrel be -
'ween the two ratioestshoul1 be sets
;led without further bleodshed1. Gee
eupying one of the werst laces of
the Westernfront; theteeelgten arniy
continues doggedly to I:told its
ground, . It is true that for tsome
-One there has not been/ mtich Stair-
' y along the Belgier front, the en -
"linters amounting to little More
'earl trench raids. - This is because
• es nature of the ground forbids
aiything decisive in a military eket.
lthe Belgian army can only move for -
reed when, the whole Allied line ad-
-mimes; it can oely,give way when
he whole line from 'the North See to
4witzerland bends.
The Belgian array, whieh remains
'bout 1.60,006 strong„ is holding in
-ont of it 200,000 Germans, This
anent little kept recruited
tp to full- strength. The wastage is
.nade good, or more -than made good,
'efr calling to the colors the tens of
thousands of Belgians who' escaped
k•o England. or France in the early
lays 011 the war, and by the escape of
eelglafts through the electric -wire
;once on the Holland border. In thie
,onnection it is. said that the Ger-
nan authorities inflict terrible re-
erisals on the family of the Belgian_
.ho makes his escame, but, undaunt-
ed by the knowledge, Belgians as
!ley come to •ftghting age manage' to
eake ;their way over neutral terri-
ory to their own army. Nothing in-
spires thein Mare than the example
'et by Iting Albert. Ite and the
Queen visit the Belgian front every
day; and live only a few miles be.
eind it. The devotiou and eoerage of
heir sovereign his had ht marked et -
Sect upon German morale from the
drst days when the country was otter: -
run. • ' ---- et .
-The Belgian line extends - from
elieuport• to Dixnaude, a distance of
; 25 miles. It is a that, lowelying court -
my erisstorossed with dykes and -
eianets. In .order to bar the German
drive on,•inatalset , :Wilds. Wera-'
i if;.:!,.
. opened, and Mace tlithe &bunter'
ha.s been..mostly, sehrnerged. Tie?,
eoldiers lire like 'beavers, half under
'eater most of the time; but they
, onsole themselves with .the enfiec-
:son that they are better able to
. apport the attending dipeomforta ,
hair the Germane. Inetead of teach-
es they use sandbags, which arb
broughtto the troitelheee, eornetintee
by boat and sometimes ovet bridges,
tor bridges take the plebe of roadie
in tins flooded areit. Machine-gune
and* sontetimes.heatrier 'artillery are .
placed on those points that rise
above the surrounding -water. Where -
the Water is deep between the two
lines barb -wire entanglements are -
placed. • The activity eoesists chiefly '
-•ofstrtillery duels and efforts of the
•)pposing armies to destroy the eneniy
)ridges. There is no room for
tanks to, work, no opportunity of
eeneral infantry advances andehe,nd-
t -haled encounters ,
Perhaps to no other army in. the
a Id do Henry's words, "We tewe we•
happy few, we band of brothers,"
epply more aptly than to Belgian
loidiers. Happiness, alas! many•of
-hem may taste no mote, :WA they
lave a mutual bond that °thee
mmies cannot elaim. There is hard-
y one of theni whet' has not a; 'near
•elatire, perhaps a mother ora wife.
ir children in Belgium, and .under
he control of the itiermans. This
-:onstitutes a bond between. °dicers
!nd men .that makes the Belgian
Lrmy distinet front all others. A3
-me writer expressed it, "There are 4
Do many tee; of grief and the desire
'or vengeance "binding the officer and
he privete km the two. min to leve .
ad understand each Other.
-ompany and the regiment have be -
me home to the Belgian army, and
. s,.pplies to them the want which
3ritish homes and French homes do,
n the soldiers of those countries?",
Oaee of the Belgian soldiers- heel
Z1V8/1 up hope of reconquering hie;
..ative land, but many of that'. iocieedi .
lever expect again to see those dear;
to them who are now under Germa.n.
sule. Whether they hope or have ,
'eased to -hope it makes no difference
:a their fighting spirit:
Slauy of the 'Belgian troops 'have
hen on furlough since the be -
_leaning of the war. 'They have no
'1 wie to go to, and how can they be
-me mted to enjoy themselves in Paris
erhee so many are m6urning murder -
.1. l'f....milies_ and others are racked
:nee tne pangs of dreadful uncer-
en :: y ? It et soid that shortly after
.4-fiztern front had settled down
en-) the noes which it has occupied,
eereraim f peaking, three years and
more, the (1,‘rmarts opposite the Bel-
eMa. ut el to throw notices into their
:rem'heS reoording the destruction of
neistiaa cities, the enslavement of the
niviliau population, and the general
eestruction that the invading army
earried in. les train. The object wis
It, (la:courage the Belgians. The
pravtice had exactly the opposite ef-
fect and it was discontinued.
Faded by Violet Ray.
It is helieved that ultra -violet light
Pays are largely responsible for the
fading of museum specimens in
show -cases, and eiperiments are now
aeing made withea vieW to obtaining
glass "white will absorb tthese rays, -
and which will he at the same time
tolorless and. inexpensive. •
_ _ .
At Infanta and Children.
Ibsen the
tOLI1e1&1 I� muuy,.r
sible r .the pieaent-Chalet ide
'.?jotiOtlienlitet i*,111 In Rus
a1tlio4gh hi country
of *fir- :he doe not believe in
-separate petite, Counteeliya Tolstoy
asserted recently.
"You .must not blame the Russian
people If they are - blinded now. by
the sight of liberty," Pleaded the '
speaker. You inmst remember they
were in sleekness so long. The_ edu-
cated elasses Of Russia are the high- -
est educated. in Europe and•the peas -
met eleseee the moat uneducated. The
,Governesent dM not encourage. or
want schools. It 'le difficult for
these two classes to understand eanh
other and this class hatred is the
.chief propaganda of the Bolsheviki, -
It Ms stronger than the .hatred of
nations.” • •
Count Tolstoy explained that the
Bolshevikt at first, were "dreamers,
- HOW to. Miltsta cam
The juice -of tesee4reekelosione strained
, into a bottle etmtenglerekreet elleteee of --
orclutini white makes a whole quarter ,
pint: of them:toile remarkable Union Elkin
beautifier at about theetmet, one must
for a Mall jar of thieordinery,cold
reams. Care should ;be taken to Orals,
the 'men juice through *dine cloth se
• no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion
will keep fresh for fort months. ;Evert'
woman knowe that lemon jade is used
to bleach 'Redreradve- such blemishes as
freckles, sallbwness and tan and is
the ideal skiii softener, whitener and
•,eust try itI Get three ounces ef
;orchard. white at any ,„drug store and
two lemons from the grocer ad make to)
a (metier pint of this atveetly frarant
le.mon lotion and wastage it daily into
the face, neck, arms and bander
According to. this preeious and
preposterous tree the'reigning house
Of Britain is desoended from Mug
David, the Sweet Singer of terael
through the eldest daughter of Ze-
,deklah, Who lied to Ireland en
charge of the Prophet Jeremiah and
eventually Married Iteration, King
of Illster. •
SO the Kaiser is a bit of an Irislete
‘. man in'his own estimation, and he l'e
eettneinlY a "broth 'of a"7 jp
hastterned the worlit.iiito a Dontlye'
brook air, but there are few Who ;
will not be glad to attend his wake!
Apparently the keitier is fond elle,
gazing on this "proof"; of his al:tele-at
ahd honorable lineage, for the chart
occupies s. promlnent.plaee in his
study. ---Tit Bits.
• -What's in a NaMe?
Gernian silver is manufactured in
three general ways. It ig composed
of nic el, copper, and zinc in -varying
pro ions. '• The German method is
the copper to be used in -
but nice, honest people" Later they
lifere joined by others, who, he. de-
elared were corrupted by Germans.
aad when tliese Flatter were atetksed
of being 'Ought by their Teutenie
euppoht-ers their reply was: "You
canabt accuse us. We ere worltinn
for high ideals of all mankind. If
Germany gierei us Money for that
work' we canOot help it."
Count Tolstoy added that Russia
has last in One way or another 5,-
006,000 or 6,00e,000• men, in the
war,that the people do not know what
they are fighting for ond that there
were net enough supplies of any eon.
"We -had nothing when we started
the war," coneinued the Comte. "We
hattiOne or two powder factories .and
were buying most of our powder
from Germane. At ooe tine we had
9,000,000 soldiers and only 6,000,-
e00 guile. I personally enow inee
tielo fought with 'sticks and shoyels.
We are ell tired m Our country is
tired a the war1 don't believe in
a Reiterate peaee, and if we do have
it I believe it I will .only be temper -
are, I think Germany doesn't want.
to rnake .a separate peace with Rus-
sta. But if the other nations leave
Russia in Germany's hands she will
invade. Russia witn her commerce, as
.he dfd before' ,the war."
What, Women Can Learn Foom Them
and Be ttiore Happy.
• Forerie:man accepts himself for
what he Is His himself; and he
takes it for granted that that is what -k
he was meant to be. Wrn
Oan is,
never satisfied with herself or her
conditions. • She IS always trying to
be something she is not and lead a
afe beyond her reach. ,
A. men meetS 4verydaylife in a
placid calm spirit; he tarely wastes
his strength oil the trifling alfaite of
life nor weakens himself by unpro-
voked emotional eXteavagattees. Many
a woman has brenght a Siek head-
ache upon herseif land been forced to
waste her whole day s1thpl3j because
sb.e -allowed herself to be forced
to waste her portant mattere '
But, on the contrary, wentan is
eble to face the reallr big questiowe
sordetiraes better ehan men, If bad
news is brought to the house, woman
ts first to recover from the shock, and
woman is better able to stand along
illness or severe pain. Therefore, let
woraa.n learn a few lesson's from
men,observe a few of their eherae-
Mristies, and she Will be a faultless
Man never troubles himself be-
cause his friends 11 te better than he
does. He can accent the real condi-
tions of his life and; see others enjoy
a few luxuries -without turning' the
eye of envy imon them. Because his
brother-in-law •keens six servants
does not make him idistatisited with
his own humble bone. Man knows
how to litre and let tive.
But woman's real lesson from man
should be that she is perpetually ex-
pecting too much froim h•erselt. Man
doe S not overestimate himself.
If very woman weuld say to her-
self morning: 1 "I am what I
ata, a very ordinary person, just like
anybody else, and I'm not expected
to move mountains, but just to do
ruy duty and the things which fall in
my peth," there would be few nerv-
ous breakdown.—Chl ago Herald.
Kaiser's leamitv Tree.
Some people are rf opinion that
the Kaiser's family tree is mew the
gallows, but he has another, and it
bangs—not grows—in tbe palace at
Potsdarn. This geealegicai. tree
'aas at its root- the iame of lein.e
David, and as its topmost twig the
name of William the 3eeond, king of
Prussia and German) mperor. Need
less to say, it is a veaty big tree, and
contains a lot of branches and
• tousoiering the K leer's con -tempt
for everything Ensile, including -the
British •army—eif not the navy --it is
surprising tbat he sholilcI stoop - to the
indignity of tracing t is Biblical' de-
scent threugh his mother, and there-
fore through the Eng ish royal fam-
ily, but the very exis nce Of such a
tree not Only shows t e Raiser's be-
lief in. his "divine mission'and
divine right, but also his conetettsii
that he is the right niag of Englael,
seeing that he is the eldest son of
Queen Victoria's fl Ps t- bora. •
41'4 1
• • •
1•••., •••1•••i•.•••••/1
When a girl in her teats becomes
peevish, listless and du11,1" when
nothing eeras to interest her and
dainties do not tempt- her appetite,
you may .be certain. that she , needs
more good blood than her system is
provided with. Before long her
pallied cheeks, frequent headaches,
and breathlessness and heart pal-
pitation will confirm that she is
anaernid. Many mothers as the .re --
Suit of their Own girlhood experience
can promptly: detect the 'early signs
of anaemia. and the wise mother
does not wait for the trouble to de-
velop further, but at once gives her
daugther a Course with Dr. Williams
Pink Pills, which renew the blood sure
PlY and banish anaemia before it has
obtained a told upon the system.
-Out of their own experience thous -
sands of mothera know that anaemia
is the sure road to worse ills. They
know the -difference that good red
blood makes in the development of
:womanly health. • Every headache,
everf gasp for breath- that follows
the slightest exertion by tits anaemic
giri every pain She suffers in her
back and limbs are reproaches if you
have not taken the best steps to give
your Weak girl new blood, and the
only sure way to do so is through the
.use 13f Dr. Williains Pink Pills.
New, 'rich, red blood. is infused in-
to the systena by every .dose of these
pills. From this new rich blood
springs good health, an increased ap-
petite, new energy, 4 spirits and
perfeet pimply (lex teetmeot. give
your ! daughter rte. Teton 'Pink
• Pills, and take them ourself and
note how promptly'. their influence is
felt in better' heath.
YOU .can get these pills through
any dealer in . Medicine or by Mail
postpaid at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2;60 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
• t
NNOUNCErehoe is meat
that General Adolph Gull
lanrciaolt has .tieen named
to succeed General Barrel)
in geommand of the troops of the En-
tente'Allies at Salonica. There has
:been much amateur criticism of Gen-
eral Se.rrall for his conduct of the
section of the war entrusted to him,
possibly without justilicationtEn
October. 1916, on the invitation of
,Venezelos, then the Greek prime
minister, a,n Allied force landed at
Saionica. ;lingerie was threatening
Serbia, ‘whiet was else elog pressed.
.by a Tenet/ale force from the north.
The help mine too late to save Ring
ohNitita. sAmtiAni •
Peter's kingdom, which. was- oVere
run. The British troops retired, to
the lease at Salonica, wititherr were
sent also detachments of Russian,
French„, and Italian troops. They
iv, and two-thirds of the
•-2inc itt a graphite crucible
add the rest of the nickel
-In the English method the
ekel, and zinc are melted
t 1 otte unite theft more copper
zine ,are added. Should the
outee el appear Porous, a fireclay pipe
centianing pitch le pushed into the
Metaltmixtare to deoxidize it. There
arerseveral American methods. One
is to melt s‘ copper -nickel ailov. and
- , -
e. • -
,itheite gr&uujy',eget the ,preheated ivareditta tb
trite '111 another Method . niOnel
la7:d at'hase.—POPillar
Seleiree Monthly.
Bulgaria IS thetOpittin Trade.
Betore tlieettelkitir *nes' Turk
,whisttitt leading- tittiinineettnetiag dit
leenenitesiti ‘'.`ttie Itrittalpif
market for that 'artiele,13ut Bultatle
has no'!i . become s tornennietle com-
petitor of -Asia Minor, both as re-
tards quality and etuantity. The
opium grown in the environs of teem
and in the Tikveeh, along the Varder
River, is richer in alkaloids than the
best qualities from Anatolia. In or- •
dins,ry tines the oplum,from the Le -
vont is exported to the rex East large-
ly viatHolland and Great Britain.
44 .4
,...LM:eer ot
side of ode
•Early Scenes Are Dear.
*- There is no sense of ease like the
ease felt- in., tbose scenes where we
were born, where objects became
dear to us before we had known the
labor of choice and. where the outer
world seemed only an extension of
aur own personality.
A Fijian Dance.
The Fijians are perhaps the best
daiicers in the world. One of the
most curbinis dances that they prac-
tice is one representing a tide rising
on a reef. The idea to be conveyed
is that of a tide gradually rising on
a reef till at length there reereins
only a little coral isle, round vrhieh
the angry breakers rage, flinging
their white foam on every side. At
first the dancers forin in long lines
and approach silently, to represent
the quiet advance Of the 'Waves.
After a 'while the lines break up into
smaller companies, which s.dvanee
with outspread hands and bodies
bent forward to represent riisPling
eh thertimf
and Waging 'IleetrialitiS far *hem
their beetle to represent the -acinou ot
spray; As they leap and toss their
heads the soft white Masi or native
cloth—which, for greater effect, they -
wear as a turban witt! long•streans-
'. ` -eer
ere and also wear rounlysarf-likthe waist
whenceit floatsin Ion ,
ends—trembles- andtflutters in the -
breeze. The whole effect is most aro
tistic, and- the orchestra de their part
ter imitating the roar of thmsurf roe
the reef—a sound which to them haft
been -a nevereceaing lullaby from the
hour of their birth.
Frozen Caterpillars Live On.
Interesting experiments havetbeeti
made by two French seientists, who.
placed a number of ,caterniliarn in.
test tubes or metal boxes in a refrige
erating mixture of ice aud salt at
temperature varying between is to
20 degrees Centigrade. The same
caterpliihrs-were• frozen six tittles lit
the space of a Month, and they al-
ways came back to life., but at elicit
new freezing; operation their move-
ments and reactions to meehattleaL
excitation became slower.—Chi*gee
Degree for Wilson.
Bologna. University, the oldest na
the world, has conferred the degre.
of "doctor of laws ad honoris can-
sam" on President Wilson' for lel*
services to humanity.
‹.1,; •
Women Like to ea
e Toront
The reason is clear. - It contains more
real features of direct interest _to wo-
tnen than. does any other daily paper
in the country. -
There is a style diary which illustrates and
describes gowns worn at smart functions.
Its fashion notes are written by experts.
It gives full particulars .of all Woman's Club, activities. 1,
Its Social Service is right up to date.
It has a complete short story every day, and such other
features as Bed -Time Stories for the Kiddies, Dot Puzzles,
and good cartoons, and the latest news of bargains in the
In fact, it covers every phase of the world's news that
particularly interests women.
In addition, to this, The Toronto 'Daily Star" gives •the
most comprehensive war and general , news service ob-
tainable through any paper in Canada.
Subscribe for it, and after you have been reading it for a
week we venture to say that you wouldn't be without it
at any price.
Subscribe for it . ro-.(ktg-
The Price is $3 a year in advance. You may send this to the
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The Toronto Daily Star
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