HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-01-11, Page 3ARY are -$4, ANADA as Transacted. s,NT At all Branches at Current Rate. Solicited DISTRICT: CLINTON E IRI TOeN HEN SALT 007 000 rmsmaiererrmgamminlimar eriir's dii,,tvuatie dealings_ i the effort of the Japanese, E,ion to the United States has yen to an exposure of the which German dipomacy was € make trouble between the ta tes and Japan. We have. - cut revelations of vulgarly - us diplomatic methods om y's part in- Mexico, Argentina,. `, -where. The manner In which y has compromised the in- of Sweden's diplomatic reia-- hile humiliating to the Swed - de, le to be laid wholly at the Germany's unscrupulous of-- ethods. Never In modern= as there been so odious an aent of spies and secret and we have- now a:`great till accumulating ---of evi--. r show how the German For -- Meer has subsidized a pro - to to af€ect American public- while also -subsidizing sabo-- cendiarisr, and widespread Dispersing a Crowd. e Just come back from forty-- airs' orty-:urs' duty in Paris," writes in a Highland regiment.. vant and 1, both in the kilt ying some stuff outside ag. one does in Paris, when f about twenty people ,gather and and simply stared ----some some open-mouthed, and ubtiess in admiration. 1 wawa at first, but it got a bit too. a good thing, and my ser- tio is a wag, said, `Shall • an the e hat,r sir?' Lot thinkinhe would, I said,, ,' and --if be didn't whip off` roral and take it round per-- Tiously with a childlike ex- on his face. They cleared! 'fight, some grinning_ and oking very sheepish. But we iFLg; ss Rope -Making. pe industry is largely depen - es Russian, Italian, Ameri--- Manlier hemp., the latter be-- anore used than any other., exception of Manila, all: laps are of the bast fibre— :hey are obtained from the* he plant. The hemp is cut.; cl then stacked in bundles,.. Ls again spread out and ex -- dew, frost, and sun, a pro - rots the gums binding then The dry inner woody part: m then falls off and leavew !s strip in condition to be }_d baled for tranbortation.- he land forces with the fleet SIG Isolace in the. it fres - d refreses es nerves, thirst hp- and digestion: The Fi3vour Lasts r 101110.., Nit1011011. 111111111111111 Estai ed - 1041BerS9 It SS special attantiioa given to the business of Tamers and Dealers in .Live Rtocks sae notes. collected an favorable II l teres, et 'SavingsDepartment 3 Depots of $1.00 and upwards received.` ix interest paid or added to agcounts twice a yeas. AI Efficient Service assureid ,to depositors. - 872 AS sth< X1R100111E,11ilrl 1111XI;tiJIUMO �1�C�sINNItIZIM ltlsl>sirfa[all[N11111 ° astir SEAFORTH BRANQH: R. M. JONES, Manager. tit ist a `tris xv 4 .4010110., arm Ent i DISTRICT > CLINTON New Years Wedding.. quiet wedding took place in Ontario street .church on the afternoon of New Year's .Day, when Miss -Viva Jane Stevens, slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ,Stevens, of town, was united in marri- .age to Mr. George Persy Head, of Whitby. The- ceremony was performed by Rev. 3. A.. Agnew, pastor of the church, and was witnessed by only the immediate friends. At the con- clusion of the ceremony the bridal! couple and guests drove to .the home -of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr, • E. II, McGill, of the Huron Road where -the reception was held and the wed- ding feast spread. After spending a few days visiting friends hereabouts Mr. and Mrs. Head will go east on ,a honeymoon trip before settling at 'Whitby, where Mr. Head holds an im- portant position in connection with the asylum. 'W ALTON. Habkirk—Bennett—A very pretty 'wedding was solemnized at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Walton on Christmas Day, when their daugh- ter, Miss Mabel Muriel, was united in marriage to J. Orville Habkirk, of Brussels. At twelve o'clock noon, to the strains of the`wedding march from Lohengrin played by Miss Barbara Reid, of Hamilton, the bride entered ' thorough laxative which instantly the living -room, attended by her Fath- relieve all stomach and bowel disor- er and took her place beside the groom under an arch of evegreen and ' holly. The bride wore a lovely gown of white accordeon pleat4d chiffon over ivory Duchess satin.withtulle veilartdori or- ange blossoms, -till carried a bouquet of bridal roses. The ceremony was` performed by Rev. F.W. Craik: After congratulations about fifty guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. Mr. and Mrs. - Habkirk left on the af- ternoon train for Toronto amid show- ers of confetti. They will be at home to their friends after January 20th, in Brussels, and carry with them the best wishes of a wide circle of .rela- tives and friends for a happy and prosperours life; of the immediate neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lamont` spent a very en- joyable time at their home on Friday evening last. After partaking of a bounteous supper the compapy repair- ed to. the parlor where the evening was .pent. in a friendly and social way, - interspersed with music and song. When we say anusic, we don't mean of the ordinary, but of the ex- traordinary quality, consisting of two violins with organ and 'harp accom- paniment. Towards the midnight hour ice cream and cake were seared, Mr R. McKay, in a short speech, ex- uressed thanks for the very splendid evening's pleasure., wishing Mr: and Mrs. Lamont good'success for the fut- ure and many happy returns of their, anniversary, and hoped when; they a- gain celebrate that all might be there to see and enjoy. J. F. McCrae, who *was visiting his friends here, and is an uncle to the host and hostess, contrib- uted considerably to the evening's pro- gramme, being somewhat of an enter- tainer- in various lines. Mr. and Mrs. Lamont have been married 7 years and in that time have built for them- selves a convenient and comfortable home and .greatly unproved the farm on which, they jive,' being lot 12, con- cession 8' All agree that they know how to entertain. THE ONLY MEDICINE THE BABY NEEDS., Baby's Own Tablets is the only. medicine a mother needs for her At- tie ones. They are a gentle • but ders thus banishing all ; the minor ills of .little ones. Concerning them Mrs. ;Joseph Levesque, St. Simon, Quebec? says: "Baby's Own 'Tabs' letsare marvellous medicine ' a a s rr3ed eine for little ones. They never fail to cure stomach and bowel troubles 'and neither my sister-in-law . or m/self would use any other medicine for our little ones." The Tablet`s are sold by' medicine dealers or by snail at 25 cents a box from ,,The Dr. Williams' Medicine E o., Brockville, Ont. SATAN )WRITES THE KAISER This little satire written by Louis Syberkrop to please his friends•. and -their friends has become an elephant BLITEYALE• on his stands. - Notes.—Mr. Thos. Ennis has gone Letters are pouring in from every state of the union. and Canada inquir- 1.# `'s sooner hastevieny`' spiritle 5 +f d ., 'Ant in spill their assist 3to>i1:a f yo hi heroint to WitOve . tea yo'uthasa- -of German tine wok be wilt- _ blood .:and' pull your chestiants yourtv and mine; the spell h s been ve ed, - you cast your amhiti us eyes towards the Mediterranean, E ` ypt, India and the Dardanelles and you began your. great railway to Bag , ad, but the am- bitious archduke . and , his more ambi- tious wife stood in your ways .It has then that I sowed the seed' in your heart that blossomed 'into the assassi- nation of, the duke and hie wife, and all hell smiled when it saw how clew u e erl dal d th r• t S ia Y yosa e c ime on erv. I se* you set sail for the fjords of Norward and knew you would prove your alibi. How cleverly done; so much. like your noble grandfather,. who also secured an assassin to remove old Knig. Frederick of Denmark and later robb- ed that country of tw provinces that gave Germany an op ortunity to be- come a naval power. Murder is dirty work but -it takes a Hohenzollern to make a way and get by with it. Your opportunity w slut hand, you set- the world . on fire end the bells of hell were ringing; • yot,7r rape on Bel- gium caused much joy; it was the be- ginning, the foundation of a perfect hell on 'earth, the destruction of •noble cathedrals and other infinite works of art was hailed with job regions. - You made w foe alike, arid the mug showed ;my teachings Your treachery toward neutral nations hastened 'a universal upheaval, the thing I most desired . Your undersea warfare is a master stroke from the smallest Mackerel bot to the Lusi- ta iia. You show no favorites; as a war lord you stand supreme, for you have no mercy; i,rou haste no considera- tion for the bay clinging to its .ma- ther's breast -as they g - down into the 'deep together only to! be torn apart and leisurely devoured; 'by the sharks down among the coral . . e • I have strolled over he battle-fields a of Belgium:'nd Franc . I have seen your hand of destruction everywhere; it's all your work, super -fiend that I ,rna-de you. I have seen the ,fields of Poland, now a wilderness fit for the prowling beasts only; rio merry child- ren in Poland now, they all succumb to frost and starvation. I drifted down to Galicia, whereformerly Jews and Gentiles lived happily together. I' found but ruin and a hes; .I felt .a curious pride in my p pil; for it wa§, all above my expectati ns. 1 ,was in Belgium when you dro a the peaceful population before you.like cattle into slavery; you separated man and wife and 'forced them to hard labor in the trenches. I have •seen the most fiend- ish rape committed . on young women,', and rhos forced into Maternity were cursing the father of their offspring, 'and I began to doubt if'my, iferno .was really up 4 to date. . You have taken millions of dollars 'from innocent ;victims and called it inn demnities; you have li' ed fat on the land you :usurped and sent the real Owners away to starvation. You have strayed away from all i legalized war methods and introduced a code of your own, You have billed and rob- bed the people of friendly nations and destroyed their property. You are a liar, a hypocrit and at bluffer of the :highest magnitude: You are a pupil of mine and yet you prose as a per- to ror4nto for the winter.—R. Me- l sonal friend of God. :Ale Wilhelm, per - mg for more 'copies. Already thous- are a wonder. You, wantonly t Kinney, of Toronto visited relatives youy here last week—Mr, - and Mrs. Manley antis have been forwarded to France, destroy all things in your path and. �' England and Canada. leave nothing for comin` generations. :and daughter, of Southampton, are Letters are coming from men of 7 ` visiting friends here.—Miss Laura, promi>ence such as Tumult., Roose- I was amazed when I ;saw you form Holmes, of Wiarton, . spent the holm-- vett. nd Secretary Daniels of the partnership with the impossible "Turk, days at her home here. --'Miss Mary the chronic killer of Christians, and Stewart, of Chesley, is visiting her you'.a devout worshipper ,in the Luth- parents here. The Christmas tree en- eran=` church . I confess,' Wilhelm, you tainment was well patronized and a are a puzzle at times ; A Moham- good programme was rendered, The • ,medan army commanded by Prussian proceds. amounted to $59. W illiani g y officers assisting one another in mass - Duff, who, underwent an operation at 1 1 acring Christians is a new line of St. Thomas, recently, is improving f warfare. When a Prussian officer and his anany, friends wish him a very can witness a nude woman, who dis- speedy recovery.—At the school meet- . h g • emboweled by a ,swarth Turk, coinit- ing on December 28th, J. F . Me- ting a double murder with one cut of his " Cracken was I, appointed trustee to suc- ceed Mr. George McDonald .-Mrs . William Hewitt and daughter. of Guelph, spent Christmas with Mrs. Smeltzer.--Mrs. Milton Smith is on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. in the infernal r on friend and der of civilians ad borne fruit. { GREY. Sudden Death,—The' new 'f Mrs. 'Nelson Cardiff's -sudden dear at the home of her brothers, anbert and Jas; McCartney, lot 2t1, concesison 3, came as a sad surprise last Monday morn- ing. Her brothers had been ill with pneumonia and were making .favtoral.le progress, when Hugh, another brother of Tugaske, Sok., arrived house and fell a prey to the same insidious dis- ease. Through the passing weeks, Mrs. Cardiff had taken charge of their home assisted by a nurse. On Sun- day about midnight she got lunch ready for the nurse and sat down in a rocking chair near the stove. Think- ing she was having a sleep the nurse did not disturb her until she found the fire burning° lo‘v about three a . m. and happening• to touch Mrs. Cardiff's folded hand found then/ cold and dis- L-ov ered that life had fled. It is sup- posed she passed away possibly when she sat crown. Deceased's maiden name waS Agnes i1�IcCartnes, and she was born on the McCartney home- stead where h-- died. On June 7th, 1$911,` she was united in marriage to - Nelson II, Cardiff and came to his fine farm. lot 2, concession 7, from whence the funeral took place on Friday after- noon to 'Brussels cemetery. In ad- dition to her husband, one son, Albert, aged 16 years, survives. Mrs. Wm . Turnbull, of Grey, and Mr. George = McCartney, of Tuckersmith, are sis- ters, and the brothers previously nlen- tioned,and Will, of Milestone, Sask, constituted the family. Both parents are deceased, Mrs. McCartney passing away nearly four years ago. -'Mrs. Cardiff had complained on previous oc- casions of heart tro ble, but being of an energetic temperament she paid lit- tle attention to it. She was of a bright cheerful nature, industrious and kindly and beloved by a wide circle of friends who area unit in tendering -to the sorrowing deep sympathy in the € sud- den bereavemeint at a time when least suspected. Death must have come Dr. Tremain's Natural Hair Rester - very peacefully .as there was no evi- ative, used as directed ie guaranteed deuce of struggle or call of help that i to restore gray hair to its natural. was near- at: hand. The end carne as color or money refunded.. Positively she heroically did her duty to ' those not a ,dye and non -injurious. • Price who required her aid in. the hour of $1.00 postpaid. Write Tremain Sup - serious illness. I ey Co., Toronto, Ont. On Sale in Wedding Anniversary. --A nber Seaforth by C. Aberhart, Druggist. - navy. So ready man If - e of Satan's letters have al - found their away into .the Ger- renches by airship route. is as good as they all say, then t is worth pushing along. It will give pleasure to you and your rienda. The Infernal Regions June . 28, 1917. To Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, King sabre, and calmly stand! by and see a of Prussit, Emperor of all Germany house full of Armenians !locked up, the My dear 'Wilhelm. - house saturated with oil and fired,.then I lin call you by that familiar name my teachings did not stop with you, mush closer than) but have to be extended to the whole you can know. Germanic nation. I confess my Satanic From the time you were yet an undeveloped being I have shaped your soul grew sick and then and there 1 destiny for fly purpose. 1 ew the pupil had become the - mas- In the days of Rorixe I created a i ter. I are a back number, and my rough neck enown in history as Nei o..(; dear Wilhelm, I abdicate in your ay - He was a vulgar 'character anti suited or. The great key of hell will be my purpose at that particular time.• turned` over to you. The gavel that i=.� these modern days a classic demon has struck the doom of `damned souls and efficient, supereriminal was ,need - satisfied the time began, is yours. 1[ am ed and as I know the` Hohenzollern satisfied that my abdic tion in your ed,and is for the very best interests of blood, I picked you as my special in- hell—in the future I ani at your ma- strument to place on earth , an annex to hell. ,-.I gave you abnornal ambi- tion, likewise an over -supply of egot- ism, that you might not discover your own /ailing. ,I twisted your mind to that of a read man with certain normal tendencies to carry. you by, a most dangerous character uplaced in power; I gave you the power of a hyp- nvtist and a certaiip magnetic force that you plight sway your people. I am responsible for, the deformed aria that hangs helpless on your left—for your crippled condition embitters your life and destroys all noble impulses that might c61i rwise cause one anxi- ety but your strong sword arm is driv- en by your ambitions thee squelch all sentiment and pity I placed in your soul a deep hatred of all things Eng- lish, for of all nations on earth I hate England most; wherever England plants. her flags she brings ordtroout of chlbs and the hatred Cross follows the Ltriion Jack; under her rule wild tribest become tillers of -the soil, an, in due time practical citizens; she is the g4eat civilizer of the globe and I hate her. I planted in your` soul a cruel hatred of your mother because she was English and left my good friend Bismarck to fan the flames I had- kindled. Recent history proves how well our work was done. It broke your loyal mother's heart, but I gain- ed my purpose. The inherited diseases of the Hohen- zollerns killed your father, just as it will kill you, and you becarneshe ruler GRAY IIA1R, jesty's, service. Affectionatelyiand, sincerely, Lucifer H. Satan. --Ex. PUS CAUSES RHEUMATISM. The X -Ray Shadowgraph is, Used in Locating the Trouble. "The cause of rheumatism is pus formed and imprisoned in some: part of the body. Il rets into the circula- tion and is carried by it to, the region affected. These pus places may be in spots more or less closed up, so they are not easily drained • They may b' located about the teeth, at the end of the roots of dead or diseased teeth, in the crypts of the tonsils, in some of the sequestered places in the'nos trils, in the bony sinuses of the head. They maybe in the bladder, the kid- ney, the gall ducts, , or other places. The pus producing spot may be. as small or smaller than a pea or it may be' larger. Its existence is fre- -giiently unknown '°to the patient, especially if it be bidden in soft tis- sue like the tonsil. It may even exist in the bony socket of a tooth • without giving pain. "Several different organisms pro- duce pus, and any or all may produce rheumatism when transferred to the joints or the heart. "The physician to -clay seeks for, the puscavity when he meets a pa- tient with .rheumatism and he en- deavors to clean it up Rheumatic pains have been stopped with magic promptness by simply extracting the offending tooth. It Is mit always easy to find the pus places .n the hidden partg"pof the body. Th owgt•aph is essential ii trouble. -It shows defi curately all trouble l of the teeth, and its use is therefore - of the first importance in ferreting out the pus in the deep structres."-- Dr. A. Reynolds in An erican Maga- zine. . X-ray shad- locating the ritely and ac - out the roots 1 ,471 11.14414.44 or Less +++.i6�Aas�YCYy 'Or _ ;: ` out Orden We prepay the Carriage ' Boys' ,Suits $3 to$i 0 a oy1s' overcoats 3.50to $10 vercoats The - Largest Assortment of Styhsh, Comfortable Garments that we have EverShown. We have gathered a showing of Stylish New Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys that you cannot afford to over- . look, and despite the great cry of high prices we are able to show you gar- ments that will appeal strongly to you AT VERY SLIGHT ADVANCES. We have bought heavily and bought -ht � early and can supply.. you. with honestly made, re- liable clothes,.of guaranteed meed dys.. at most advantageous { prices. Warni Underwear For Men and Boys AT'LOWEST PRICES. 1 V0 matte_ r whether you wear the finest knit or the LI heaviest weight underwear, we have it in a soft kindly wool -knit' to fit perfectly, giving you the great- estcomfortante the most satisfactory wear. Every is good make here at very reasonable prices; Ie pays to buy Underwear here. Prices.. ..... 65c to, It Will- Pay -You to Biij.-Sthples Now: We are putting forth every effort to keep staple prices down, but cannot work impos- sibilities. The prices will ulti- mately advance still higher. We have a big stock of staple lines at interesting prices. Prints, Towellings, - Ging. hams, Flannelette, Cotitons, Table . Linens_, Shirtings, Ticki>ags, Art Sateen s, Wrapperettes, Denims and Pillow Cottons. The prices will`' please you -- but don't wait -- Buy Now, Men's suits $7.75 to $23 Men's Overcoats $1t1`to S25 Big Variety in Goad Sweater Coats WELL New Sweater Coats, in the New Checks and Plain Colors, in all the best color combinations made. Made with shawl, convertible; military or var- sity collars.'. Coats that will stand the wear, keep their color and will not stretch or pull, out of shape. . Boys' Coats. Men's Coats 4 i 4, o o ..i 0)4444e .ee. 1.25 to .- •aeiiYe ii•serf-oeiess..soas 1450 Women's Coai and Suits at A tractive Price Beautiful and beconiing, be- yond description are the lux- uriously stylish coats and suits We're displaying the most charming de€igns it has ever been our pleasure to show. Coats made with ;the newest collars,- deep cuffs and full • skirt, the very picture of cosy comfort. The suits adhere to ail the very latest commands of fashiondo . Folloving in every: ° .detail the last word in correct cut $10 and design t' X35 Butter, Wool and Eggs Wanted 1 Stewart SEAFORTH Bum, Wool and Eggs . Wang