The Huron Expositor, 1918-01-04, Page 3TES l with s'ght, discovers+ ist movements they 'could keep their faces behind. ,ns. le biggest discovery of aLE if you get into trouble in an enemy's hit, the best a is do nothing. `If you're- pave ou'repave your controls alone, cure raotto of men whee rcte experience." Bridal Wreaths. man bridal wreath was et 'lucked by the bride her- r wreaths were sent asa of congratulations, a_ f parsley and rue wer er belief that they ways reser vat:ves against evil e hawthorn was the flowere* sed the wreaths of Atfteett- At the present atiaer tbee tit is almost ent ;eery- com range -blossoms on a back- maidenhair fern, a Oft' ;here of stephanotis blend- visite fragraaee. Custom. of ge-blossoms at bridals hay d to the Saracens, amen orange -blossom was ea - a symbol of a prasperou= a. eircunnstnce which iha. e accounted for by the fair ;e East the orange -this fruit and bossoms at the Can Off:. Lot be made, it shall not bas rill not be made; but it I s there would be a war be - land and France for . the, of Egypt.." So said Los a in" 1851 with regard i roposed Suez Canal:. eless, this is the 48th satortt the inauguration of the waterway. The first Seek. of forty vessels, pasrsil ext day, on November 17. he greatest draught wan et. How many of than lusted in the inauguration The Empress Eugenie ilial~ • Rhe Glow -Warm. v -worm is not a worm a• species of beetle, tea common firefly or light - 5 closely related. The trMf- L is the female, and togs. Its short lege alma give it couch the appear-« vorni, and it ma wig ,. Jar head into it Dem,, given out by the gime- - es frona a yeIiowish yob -- hough this light appenist adily, it is really determine - 'ling of flashes in amide about one hundred to itaiii0S111111514*** b1 arum. AND REEsER IC $13„000,000 Farmers' Sale Notes 1 tranners will do Well to leave their sale motes with The ilf Doe Bank for collection. Ounsult the Mager. i1 SEAFORTH H BRANCH s R. M. JON •Managers ii asiunionnwanimoutwomonctuimuswiniammanninionnnifkiinnoisounannt ight witrott by relatives. The funeral. was held ;Exposit/kbon Thursday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. Mr. McCormick, deceased's pastor. Iv ZUROH. DISTRICT MATS CIIISE` *ST. (Too. Lane for Last Week). Notes. -The parents and children of School Section No. 10, spent a very. enjoyable afternoon last Friday, when the children, under the careful train- ing of Miss Glenn, rendered songs and recitatio> z, finishing with an old time spelling bee for the adults. -Mr. Melvin McLean, of Ottawa, and Miss May McNaughton, of Toronto, both spent Christmas at the homes of their parents. School Rei. -The following. is the report athe Zurich public school for the month of December: Room II-jr. III --E . Bedard 325, G. Mer - her 324, M. Meidinger 271, G. Bedard 248, F. Mittelholtz 235, E. Callfes 242, R. Brenner 230, A...Schwalm !211, E. Hess 195. Sr. II -A. Zettel 231, L. Leibold 221, L Yungblut 219, M. Schwalm. 214, J. Kochems 211, R. Fisher 199, K. Seinnon 188, L Decher 184, D. Brenner 178, L. Wagner 163, I. Howald 146,E V Davidson 145, F . Quackenbush 141, F. Davidson 138. Jr. II -et Wolper 202, F. ,Howes LOGAN. December Wedding. -A very pleas- 14`xL, Reichert 149, A. Mittelholtz 127,' A. Gascho 119, K. Koehler 104, .,t event took place at high noon .on C. Meidinger 103, W. Callfas 101. - Wednesday, December 19th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adair, when their only daughter, Florence Myrtle, was united in marriage to Mr. - 'Boy Guminow, of Willow Grove. The bride, who was given away by her Dorothy Fritz, 273, 149, 239;; Eulome father, .looked very charming in a Geiger, absent; Hilda_Neuschwanger, gess of ivory silk crepe de chane-,' 262, 145, 303; Emma Wuim, 199, 106; trimmed with gold embroidery and 152.; Inez Yungblut 274, 173,• 348 Len - 'orange and wore the customary veil sand nis O'Brien 254.. 128, 249; Whitney orange blossoms, and carried a bon= Te 268, 136, 886; Gordon WaI-- altiet of carnations and ferns. She per 243, 156,;.359; Gordon Zettel 96, also wore the groom's _gift a necklace 61, 113. Sr: III -Ethel Deitrich 242, �f emeralds and pearls.. The care- 144,270; Eva!Fee 269, 192, 544; Eve- nrony took place under . a beautiful lyn -Howard 279, 206,: 481; Muriel arch of wedding bells and roses, and Howald 264, 182, 459; Pearl Leibold ' Was performed by Rev. A. E. Doan, 239, 138, 300; Mary Mittelholtz 280, .A.,. B.D., of Monkton. The wed- 174 451; Mabel Preeter 247, 166, 489; 4 ng march :was played by Miss Ellie VealB Prang 28 , 'Ward, a friend of the bride. After the signing of the register all partook to the dieting -room where a very sumptuous repast was prepared. The bride and groom left immediately on Reichert. 203, 108,4 115; Pearl d f wedding trip of about two weeks, >Gallman 251, 176, 397; Marguerite Congrani Gordon, farmer, Dungan- . t3ae bride travelling in a dress of bur- Prang,259, 138, 220, Eleanor Du- ! e Bundy serge, a black plush coat and .eharme 238, 155, 350; Minnie ifttley non -allow d while be eoctie to i hat to match. The grogm's gift to the 217 140,272; Gilpert Ducharme 166, farm, pianist was a gold pendant set with 217, 140 272; Gilbert Dueharneie 156 Taylor, inland Roes, farmer, Nile emeralds and pearls., After their re- 'Hilton Hey 200, X64, 383, Slordon -allowed bile he , barber, to farm. turn .they will reside on the groom's Schwalm 200, 97, 156; Lloyd Hey 24.3, o Anderson ,l Jarvis, barber, Dungan- #armt lot 16, concession 7, Logan. One 124,.152.--I Douglas, Teacher. nc�n-- �isell'. ed,, *f the pelasaxit feature was to have ' _ Maize, Al art C..'' farmer, It.R.hio. 1, Present at the . wedding the grand- r Dungannon flowed whffe he centro VAR1 A. ' ues to farm , F. Ealbfleisch, Teache4l. Room III -The first number is for conduct,and. attendance, the second; for general work, and the third forexamination held during the month. Jr . .IV --- and ,will,:spend.a nn nth.0 --Mrr. G > E. Gre lade h !closed np .his bus inees for the winter months and; lee x and M s Greenslade ex to spend the wi ter away from thellage.-- Mrs. J rues Ferguson is. spending then Chris : s holidays with friends at Belgra 'e . Misses Mary and Irene Currie of London, are 'spending the holiday with their mother, Mrs. Curb rie, in the village, --Miss Annie El li'ott, ho teaches at Benmuller is home 'le her holidays this week. - Mrs . . Catlin and . daughter, Lily, of Po. Stanley, are spending the holiday at their home in the village. -Mr. ichael Dupee, of Egmondville spent t e•. past week with friends in the village . -Miss Lulu King, who is teachin at Gadshill, is spending the Christmas holidays under the parental roof.- r. and Mrs. ` James, Speck - man spent Christmas week with their daughtre at London .-Mr. , and Mrs. -Edward ,Eagleson of Morse, Sask., Mr. William, Eagleson, of Aberdeen, N.D., and .Mr . W. G. Johnston, of Mile- stone, S sk., are the guests ,of. -their parents, Mr. and `Mrs William. Eag- leson--- r. John' Pollock return&I 'home on Saturday' after spending 'the summer at `Selki'rk, 'Man. -Miss -Dolly , Ross, who is teeaccl ng near Woodstock, s returned home to ;spend the ',holidays. -Mr. ohn _St eon and wife of Port S ey" meted into the village • last wee .-- A dunce will, beheld in the hall n New Year's night under the ` -auspices of the Patriotic Society. The proceeds will be .used for patriotic purposes. st firowiNIMINWr Mail or Phone 'Your Orders 6 APPEAL TRIBUNAL His Honor. judge Dickson sat last week the Court House,'Goderich, to hear app ahs against the decisions of the exam tion tribunals at Dungannon and Clic_ on. Following is a partial list of t e decisions, some cases not having y been disposed of: McGee, Reginald P. farmner, , R.. R. No. 1, D gannon.-allowed While he continues to farm Reid, illiam John, farmer R. R. No. 1 Dungannon --allowed while he continues to farm: Treleav .n, Rich. IL, farmer, R. R. No: 1, D :ngannon-allowed while the continues to farm., Young, Victor'11., farmer, Nile allowed w ile he continues to farm. Redn on , William F., farmer, R. I R. No. 2, Auburn; --allowed while- he 1 continues to farm, Sullivan Joseph I„ farmer, Kings- I bridge --al 'owed while he continues to farm.. , Ritchie, rilliam B., farmer, R. R. l i No. 3, Luc ow -disallowed. Free, Harold 0.,1 farmer R. R. No. 1, Dungan on -allowed while he con- I rm. as at'present. ! ert R. farmer, R. R. No, on -disallowed. ' ohn 8., farmer, Kings-' wed' • mita he feeasee tg be ", a a ailrraer. 0 168,398; Clair Mer- tinues to f ner 169, 142, 366; Theo Deichert 228, Free, Ro 106, 2.71; Ervin Faber 196, 112, -241. 1, Dungan Jr.. III: Lula Alerecht 263, 138, 158; Dalton, Luella Decher 298, 191, 437; Freida • grid ,e -all 'employed 1 jarents of the bride Mr. and Mrs. John Adair, who have been tnararied i Red Cross. -The following is a list Durnin, illnn iR . , fanner, Luck - $6 , gFs-, of . additional collections • made for now-wdisan wed. the Britian ° -Red Cross; in the west of • afar+ nald David!` E., farmer," Kin - Stanley township: Robert Boyce $5, tail---a�lowe r while he continues to William Carne $2, J. A. Caraiie $2, farm. (Too Late - for Last Week.) David Tough $2, Annie Sparks $2, Aus , fton, er, Kintail-al- Notes.-A Christmas tree enter- John Sparks $2, William Sparks $1, lowed a e con inues to farm. tainment held last Friday at School Walter Madge $2, Colin Campbell $2, Buckl osepli, farmer, Kings - Section No. 6, Cromarty_, was large- Robert Schotchmer 50c, Samuel Stec- bridge- ed while he contiiues to ly attended. Parents of the pupils ling $3, Archie Armstrong $2, John farm, as well as a great many of the people Greer $1, John. Scotchmer $1, Robt. - Clamors randsMaitland, farmer, of the neighborhood turned out to Greer $2, John Cowan $1, William give credit to the children, as the pro- Scotchmer $3, Harold Penhale $1, J. gramme w:ich .eras ,rendered by the Dewar $1, B. Shaw $1, George Camp - pupils of the school was exceptionally bell $2, John Hohner $1, Walter J. good, consistingof recitations and Stephens $5, W. X,. Talbot $1, M dialogues, etc.- Songs were rendered D. Steckle $1, Chris. Gingeric John by Lloyd Miller, Rebecca Bruce and C. Schrag $1, Aaron Erb 50c, Violet Austin. A real .. Santa Claus Douglas $1, W. J. Tough $2, 3. B. was present and unloadedthe tree of Greer $1, H. D. • Steckle $1, John its 'presents, all. the children,- present Steckle $2, John McKinley $5, Robt. receiving a gift from Santa Claus McKinley $5, Robert McClinchey $5, After the programme, a fine lunch Robert Armstrong $1, Roy Lamont was served All those present felt $5 Robert McBride $1, John Manson ,. Cl ile Ilo ,- 41 Clinton-tallowed while he continues to farm. t . Suter, John A.," plumber, Clinton, -allowed\ un it clss 2 is called. Brown Al + ert C., farmer, Clinton, -clisallov ed `Jackson, S • nley G. W., farmer, Clinton -di .'flowed. Watson,' J 1hn B., drover, Blyth -al- lowed until ebruary 1st, 1918. Joseph oseph Henry, farmer, Clin- ton, disallow- d Hollandomenoan James, farmer, they had spent a very enjoyable aft $5, Peter Manson $5, Mr. Brenner- Clinton Allo ed until Class 2 is call- ternoon. Much credit is due to the man 50c, Samuel McBride $2 J. Mc- ed, if he cont nues to work on a farm. teacher, Miss Holrnes, who so efficient- Bride $2, John Parke $5, :John Me- Guilford' John, farmer, Bayfield --ala ly trained the children. -A bazaar in Clinchey $3, William Stogdill $1, C. - ss 2 is Balled, if he con - connection with the Young Girls' Reman $2, Miss Rena McBeath $5, �. farina Mission Band, was held last week at Thos. Robinson. $3, Walter Peck $5, H. the home of Mrs. Steacy, in the vii- Errata $5, Art Keys $3, James T. Lege. Although the day was rather Keys $5, R. J. Richardson $5, Nelson =stormy and unpleasant, a fair number !Keys $4, George Stephenson $5, Wm. turned out and a good sale of work ' Robinson $2, Robert Delgaty $1.,, Paul was realized, which was very grati- ' Cleave $1, William Mero $1, E. and R. lying to the girls, who, although few . Snowden $5, 'John Johnston $1, W. in number, united their efforts to retake Stinsom $5, George Dewar $1, Mrs. the bazaar a success. About $36 i H. Talbot $1, R Dewar 31, P. realied.-Mrs. Samuel Speare and ! Keegan $2, Valentine Wild $1, John daughter have lgone to Rend the vin- . Watson $1, Fred Watson .$1, Chester lowed untie . cl tinues to Wo Miller, r• allowed u til continues far Andre*, 1 ufacturer, `,Chi ton- disallowed. Nelson, W iter McK., farmer teacher, Clinton --disallowed. ' Livermore,: 'Gordon, engineer, Clin- ton-allowed lin- ton allowed til Class 2 is called, if he continues 'n farm. Clin- ton -allowed Ellwood, farmer, ton -allowed til Blass 2 is called, if he continues farm. Johnston,George Howatt, farmer, Blyth--aliowe until class 2 is called, if he eontinu to' work on farm.. Glousher. rgs, farmer, Blyth -- disallowed. McGowan, rge Clarence, farmer, Blyth -allow until class 2 is :called, if he continues to work' on farm.. Rornibrrook 1 -John, farmer, Loncles-, bone,-- libwed until glass, - is/called. Boyce, °Victor L;., •farmer, Varna - allowed while 'he Contin on farm. Kay, Thos. A.,1 -farmer) Kippen- allowed while be continues'as farm helper. - Glauzier, Percy, farmer, Clinton-- digallottllak. , William J., .farmer, Ray fiel -allowed while he continued. as_ a farmer. Holmes-, Pickard, Albert L., farmer, villere allowed until class 2 is called, if he continues to' ,farm. Greer, John, farmer, Bayfield -dis- allowed. Vincent, , Joined, Mime, farmer, , Blyth:-=altowed until. class 2 is called, if- he continues to work en f arae. Regan, Lester R., farther, Clinton, --allowed while he continues to farm. East, Norman C., farmer, Clinton--, allowed until class 2 is called if he continues to farm. , Jervis, Lorne, farmer, Hobnesville, allowed until class 2 is called if he continues to farm. Elliott, William; R., laborer, Bay- field -disallowed. Taman William Henry, farmer, Blyth_ -allowed until class 2 is called, is he continues to work, on farm. -William Jordan, of Hullett, was lodged in the county jail on Tueeclay, to spend ten days, on a sentence by Magistrate Andrews, of Clinton, for assaulting and wounding a man by the name of Kuiger. ler months with friends ne and around Nichp1san 32� Joffe Pe Brampton .:.Mrs.. - Hugh M er, of M .Snowden $, ids V ver has been > I' R . and F. Tures '#2 ancon fur. Shreenan $1, Simon Bad'o u' friends in tills 6'�rF ... e_ S1, 'Phos. ;+eenan. $1, Helen jetin Eli haat month, left t week for 'ser Baciour 'sale.. Louis D' Ulm in Vancourer.- -Mrs. Fisher, G iUR 25c, Frank 1 9.' $iveau 00e, nee .Miss Butior, of Peace River, are Joseph Gelitws $1,:; Carl' Ruston .31, R. rived home a maple of weeks ago to J�ston '31� Alex; 'Chalett : ,50e Ed - visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .w$ jio li ato . Asan Down 35, Butler. .. C� l egwaox�: , Wilson Arm- strong strong 31, Wij m Armstrong $1, Mrs. John _ Stenao x 5, ; D. J. Stephenson . #.1. George'Elliott $5, A. Minchey, $5, Mrs. John Stephenson $1, Robert . Stephenson �, D. J. `W illiam; Pollock $2, Alii Boyce 11, J W. Elllcvit �,; L. ei;rk . , • . Rathwell ' 9.,: illian�i Ra6'a"well 4 !. Total $243.00 L BAYEIEI,D. (Too Late for Last ifF�s1c-) MORRIS. The Late Albert` Howlett. --With: no mall regret we erre called. spam s week to report the acath„of AIS Rowlett, a well k>tn .eft* of the 7th line of this township, who cane toF,Morris with li s'f' er in.1$70. Al-- ter a severe altItglrief e at e his 54th year.. He watt the' only son of Charles Ho . eti -, algid ,was im Woolwich to'ip, Waterloo County. passed away as on y afternoon. uin' On the hatter's ai`to Bels" 21 years ago. the sen purchased the fine iomestead, North, half lot 15, aian 8, where he limed and di Howl was .married to 'Miss beth ersOn, of fullett tot ll, Tippett at the home of her gamut, 1ki'- on February 12th, 1897, who survives.. John Tippet, on Friday evening of They lav no family. _ Deeeased was last week previous to her marriage • - Hasten of Stanley tow�n- • Breiea.�--J ;Fer`�n i spend-� ing the holiday$' fifth f$ehds at Wind - Kr and lDetrott . �---The• Young, Ladies' h gave a 'mis- cellaneous of Trinity church, cell'aneous shower- to Miss Minnie ititable aad kindly and along partner in life kept everything about the home in first dase shaPe. They both took, a lively interest in the Jack- son church, he being a rneanber of the Official board, Sunday school superin- terident and. ever ready to lend a band in any department requiring his help and he will be missed very ranch and his memory cherished. Years ago the subject of this notice was operated on for appendilitis and since then under- we.nt two operations for bowel com- plications, (the last on Thursday . of last week), but owing to his eondition -the best medical skill and good nurs- ing proved unavailing and he peace- fully breathed out his last, surrounded Frank Erwin, spent Christmas week with his daughter, Mre: E .A Sauder, of Kitchener. - Flight -Lieut. Victor* Evans, Toronto, is spending Xmas week 'with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans of this village. -Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and Mr. and Mrs: Edward Sturgeon and family are spending Christmas week with friends at Hanover. -Mrs. John Parker and child are spending the holidays with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Owen Sound. -Mrs. E A. Sauder and child, who have been visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Erwin, re- turned home to Kitchener on Satur- day. Her mother accompanied her derick Jacob, Clinton - Class 2 is called, if he rnest Clifford, tile man - 1 We piepay the Carriage en s and Boys' its and vercoats Boys Suitid $3 to $10 Boys' Overcoats S3 50 to $10 The Largest Assortment of Stylish, Comfortable Garments that we ave Ever Shown We have gathered a show,ing of Stylish New Suits and Qvercoats for Men and Boys that you cannot afford to over- look, and despite the great cry of high prices we are able to show you gar- ments that will appeal strongly to you AT VERY SLIGHT ADVANCES. We have bought he'avily and t9ught early and can supply you with honestly made, re-. liable clothes of gvaranteed dyes at most advantageous Warm Underwear For Men and Boys AT Lovy-E ST PRICES. WO matter whether you wear the finest knit or the IN heaviest weight Underwear, we have it, in a soft kindly wool -knit to fit perfectly, giving you the great- est comfort and the most satisfactory wear. Every good make is -here at very reasonable prices. It pays to buy Underwear here. 65c to $2 50 It Will ay ion to Buy Staples Now We are viiat,tiris forth every - effor'et .46 'staple ,Fices down, but mina iriptle We have': a: Sjg stock of 'Ample lines at interesting pikes. Tible Mirth**, Art Sate s,. ',Wrapperettes, Denims and Pilloiv -Cottons. The prices will please you - but doil't wait filvT Now, 1 mees 37.75 to 323 Men's Overc9ats SIO to s Big Variety in Good Sweater Coats SWEt New Sweater Coats, in the New Checks and Plain Colors, in all the best color combinations made. Made with shawl, convertible, military or var- sity collars. Coats that will stand the wear, keep their color and will not stretch or pull ?ut of shape. Women's Coats and Suits at AV tractive Price& Beautiful and becoming deacripjlii *are tile uriously stylish oats, ands We're dispriOng tile most ektrming dep.:110s it has evo, been our pleasure to b.° eolith._ tlepp ,An skirt, the veAy piciu0 comfort. The sulk all the veriJitest emu' n. of latihionioin. every detaittlie last * correct eut and delign 1.0 t ti • Butter, ,Wool and Eggs Wanted Stewart Bros. SEAFORTII Butter, Wool and Eggs- Wantet. limmirilmummosw