HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-12-21, Page 3EE
m engaged
ooki- dainty
ottiu g aro '
's home, foie.
th wine and
promise io
e Youth who.
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s hanged olet
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wife is also,
Ban who de-
e-Eompelled to,
ceremony of
adult . Red,
undergo our
th birthday,.
er seven days
d and drink
to termination
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.sswords and
ay recognize
red circle is
The strange
of friendship
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the Turks,,
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1i 4za.p, are,
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A Peasant
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im'a`ques., ana
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of the your
was the late-
,Iret on; "Ale
wife, 'Yes,
ca-er Banker
climax was.
out sower'
`Well. not tiri
-said the doe -
i row Olpsaosimoce
Itessrips V $71111
Depositors1* ate mord
of sagest service.
three son and one►ugt
. Dickson ad
j��i . i been.
! � - . y
a t, efts
Nr OU1elip $i F s Brick, who
u ixco On, of, . grai , pieces of
artless, •s„ jcs,. a e# he • s �1? of his
Visits to e n • hleers. ter than
send him tO prison, :which woilid- entail
the :ass` o:t hid. r yes in production,
His Honor iinposed,a fine .on Broderick
4,,$5,,00..alict,p041 amounting aitogeth-
ser to over $7e00. ]Bender was consid
'eyed to be a;ly` a tool of his em-
.ployer and was allowed to go on sus-
pended sentence and . giving securities
wilt 4.
School Repo--'1heef ,owing is tha
-report of the `hoot in Section No. 14,
Stanley, for. o • Name are
in order o - inerts ice---. a Mc-
Lean; Sr. IL V • Meelymont, E.
P. Fisher, E. L., Hyde; Jr. IVB ,W
L. 'ork°
Mau, W. M. s; Sr. Third
-E. C. Harvw, F. R. .Parsons, L..
S. IsTear; Jr. . A. Ross, L. 13.
Workman; Sr. J1 ---E. V. Anderson,
0. M. Anderson; Part II -J. A.
Mustard, H. A. Dinsdale, J. E. Mc-
Kenzie. PartI U. W. McClymont,
t". A. Anderson, W. D. McLachlan.
The best spellers in the monthly spell-
ing matches were: Fifth -G. C. Mc-
Lean; Sr. lIT-Grace .Fairborn; Jr.
Walter Worlrnan; Sr. III
Clarence Harvey:, Jr. HI -Wallace
Boss; Sr. II Elva Anderson; Part
3I -Helen Dinsdale.
for future good behavior.
-The total taxes to be collected in
Brussels this year are $11,703.79.. A-
bout $2,000 have been paid up to
Wednesday, of last week.
-=A well known and popular young
lady of Goderich, became a bride on
Wednesday of last week, when Miss
Frances M., eldest daugther of Mr .
and Mrs. C. Blaekstone, was united in
HURON NOTES, marriage to Mr• Stafford Atkinson,
-The trustees of the Whitfield eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, !
of Caledonia, Onto The nuptial core-
school, 12th concession, of Grey, have , mony was perfoxatned at high noon in ;
secured the services of Diss. Verne � St• George's church, the - rector,. Rev.
Patterson:, of Guelph, a teacher f
next year at a salary of $650.
-On Monday evening the members
of the congregation of St. James'
church, Middleton, called upon Rev. vet hat with French flowers sable
and Mrs..Moulton and spent a pleas- (vet
and carried. a bouquet of sweet -
presented . read. the rector and an address [ Presided at the organ. After the us-
was also John .- nal wedding "festivities at the home
_Dir. Gowdy, of Corrie, has �
Purchased the stock and business of t of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Atkinson left on: the afternoon G. T.
the late William J. I�,;eGrogan, gen- i R.- ti9airi for � ;�.ef trip. before sett' zrierchaxtt. of �elmQre and will rizng in their.h at Hageravlile.
take possession about the middle of : The bride . received-` ,massy handsome
December. that measured • gifts, including several substantial
- twoyear old pig cheques,
eight feet:long and weighed �s90 .
pounds was sold by William Harrison { ACTi`'J C (*WOMEN.
of Moricref icncality, to Isaac Rath- l as woman chauffeurs.
well, for the sum of .103.50-. The I Japan.now.
$15 13er cwt It was York- Kansas City, - Mo., has -a women's
or A L. G Clarke, officiating. The bride,
who was given, away by her brother,.
Mr. 3.C. Blackstone, wore a navy
blue tailored costume and black v el-
:ra rocas 1 1 motor C+�rPs° ..... •
hire Beed.
-The Victory Loan has been a The average height of the women of
great success and Huron has dune this country
share by a1r os doubliing the amount The medical * ofolie gross.
originally asked from: this . county have org wlze to i, P d
f ani the county, " the nags „el os0 n ...workers in
The a Oance ti y • Torrance, the Gernnan 'hwee �o-ased 54. ;ger cent.
a� - an�nced ,.b�,:M�
county. organizer, amount to $2,490, since1914
10 Miss Maud Kahn, daughter
France is=fi, a feet, one.ineh•
tions that/ rack the brains
f3E questions
of every r Ohristas Gift Giver-
." WHAT' SHALL. IG v ," c" llow SHILL
I REMEMBER EVERY 9Nt." Of course
if_J our purse is filled to overflowing the
expenditure need 114 worry at all, but,
there are hundreds whose `purse strings
have a limit and who have close yto figure
to include everyone. It is to - these
hundreds this store offers the,, greatest
help. From.the •below you can sea
lect useful gifts for, everyone., You are
PRICKS when- y .. our purchase fere.
- u hter of Otto
-__Some big cheques have been paid Kahn, is driving a British ambulance
for hogs this year but one rep
a few days ogo beats the record so far
as we have heard. Mr. R. G. Taylor,
of Inc 29, concession 2, East Wawa -
nosh. sold a pig last week which
weighed 680 pounds, and for which
he Was paid $99.60.
The 100 acre farm one and one-
viarter miles east MrAnd ew aveTay-
cently ,pUrehased by. Mr. Joe
lor, has been sold by him ,to
Miler, of Belgrave.l The price is said
to be $5,806. It ibfine il Miller o but
has no house onit, r
to know its value as he farmed for
years nearby. received' on
-.ot icial notice, was
Noveer 27, that Pty. Laidl .w Stra-
chan, son of Mr. , and Asns. illiam
Strachan, of Ethel, has
since November 6th. He Was born
Mornington townhsip thenfoutwenty-four
years ago,.and enlisted tr ago last
Battaluon, at Calgary a y
spring and went overseas in October,
1916. Another son, Howard, is also
at the port
rted :t
--Robert Walker, of Clinton, met
-with an accident last Thursday:E clay
being in a gravel pit. A piece
became dislodged and fell about 'four
feet above hon and hit Mr. Walker
between the shoulders di and not rendered
hire -unconscious.two he
him off his feet. In a second: or
fell about fifteen feet placed.dowto lie where
the wagon had �iaut urt most about
badly shaken up,
the head. and face, but is improving,
at last reports. Mr. David came into
the pct a few minutes before it hap-
pened. Near, �vido�v
-Last Sf n'iay Mary
of the late James Dudley, passed a-
way to her reward in Brussels. She
hat', loot enjoyed rugged health for
years and an attack of pneumonia and
'pleurisy resulted quietly in fatal
azunation. Deceased wasborn ino`S .
Mary 1cr'ality anti was
50 years, going to Brussels forty
ago. Three sons, George awl
years ofaSt. Marys, and Peter, of
London, and four daughters, Mrs.
John. Goff and Mrs. 33orse o L f
Toronto; Mrs. ° Seivenpi survive, all
and. Miss dley at the home,
h ere at
New `York is to have a citizen-
ship school for the new woman voters
in that city,
A ribbon decoration for nurses and
woman hospital workers is to . be
awarded shortly. -
Miss Helen P. McCormick has been
appointed! a deputy assistant attorney
in Brooklyn.
More than, one-tenth of the married
womeniii the united States are en-
gaged in gainful occupations. .
• Over 300,000 r`domestic servants in
England have *fled their attention to
munition; work.x called
Wont n volunteers are being
for to aid in assisting draft boards all
over the country on"
Since 1914 the woinen employed
trams, -buses and railways in England
have increased 325 per cent.
Sever i1 women are acting as news -
'paper correspondentsbehind the lines
along the battle front in France.
The 4 New . York university has open,
ed a branchhick affords women to
be instructe�inMo�sonwar �s the first
ical work.
Miss Abby P.
woman to enlist in the United States
navy as a first-class .electrician.
Washington's only two women let-
ter -carriers have been assigned
work inside the post -office. - York
The tailoring trade in New
city has over 30,000 women workers of
the voting *e who are unnaturali le .
More the .200 women have applied
at the Partsinouth (N.H.) navy y. en for
for the :1.00 positions now o p
woolen in the electrical shop.
Mrs. Adolphus Busch, widow of
AdolphusBusch Saint Louis
er, is' trying get out of Germany,
where she. went a Year ago..
Eighty thousand women are serving
with the: Red' Cross ambulances
mlan sand
hospitals in Warns.., Algeria,
and The the Orient.
New York, New Haven. & Hart -
,ford railroad maintains a school for
work in their railroad hops. •
g women
Over 10,000.000
throughout the United States are ask-
ing that they be •paid the same wages
as Chen of equal wor �vho owns and
Miss Lam Clay,
manages a large farm near Lexing-
ton,Kentucky. has'been a practical
farmer since she was a, young girl
s /of
Although she is past 95 �r
age, Mrs. Mare` Getty of Indiana, Pa.,
is still acting - e..s knitting instructor
for the Indana , chapter of the Red
Cross. •lan, daughter of
Mrs. Virginia II.Y
the mayor -elect of New York city,
has been iiiDadiapresident
rat de league � in that
Wamei s
`vOne a of the - early residents of
Fir Itother
Grandmother or �t�tit
Cushion Tops e... •.,... @......... i 5c to 3.00
Mufflers.. ••••
ar s..,.a......r.•
.......25C to 1.00
Fancy Comb and Sets...
.Laundry Ba
Tea p�prQ��s......,........
Stamped Li:�
Hand Bags.
...IOC 'IQ 5,.00
S . 25C tO LOQ
25C tO 75C`
en............. 50C to 1.50
... ,•.,••M••• . •.
..• l•• •....
Gloves •._ ..
Hand Crocl
Kimonos al
}cur Collare
Fur Lined
Fur Sets...
50C t0 9.00
,25C to 2.( d
25c. t0 2.75
,1.00 to,I.75
et Yokes....
d 3acques -
Coat �s 12.5o to; 30.OQ
Coatsf 35.00 to 80.00
,..5.00 to 100.00
�i[rapdf�the� or Uncle
Neckg. .1111-11•*0411225C
9.P.•...•••••Y401.00 tOr 3.
s ..
DSi`a. es.•••...aC•..•.is ••.a•• -
Muffle' S••osoress•••••• ••s.••••
Smoking Jackets...
Fancy Vests-.....
..2C !
.@..., . 25C 3.50
,••.• ..1.75 to -i0. 3
• 3.00 i~0; 5.no
sem..•.••• .e0O
tO 3.5o
s.. , . -..• . I . Oct to 2010
Sweater Coats........
Bath Robes.....:.'....e
W ingham and a lady.. iosi highly es-
teemed, died on Wednesday of last
_eek in the person of Mary Davey,
relict of , the late Malcolm Lamont,
in her 69th year. Mrs, Lamont had
been ill for only a short time of pneu-
monia. The deceased lady vas of a
ig disposition, but. was
meathigh3highlyr retir esteemed for her sterling
character and will he greatly m
in the home. She was a Presbyterian
in, religion and had lived a inost faith-
` ful Christian lyre. She is survived by
We Ka
and c
and of
e increased our staff
n give you prompt
cieht service.
• _ and � er, � write
Take aci.
down the e names of those4 you
wish to re e f er and you will
a suitable gift mentioned
find . below. ual ty is guaranteed
Prices the very lowest possible.
[ hyena s..•e.e
Fur taps.�......,..�:a.
..•• • •
ShirtSMl +''•*secs,.••ess..••• ar•..... �L(7��$�bpQj,
V iYO f S.,i.iOi@•@••••e•••• a Ws. •ai5 O Tai- ^'T OO
Fur Collared Q Coats.... s x8 oo`t 29
VQ��i;rir� CQfitiJa.ae�»a�wf'�1(Ve .A � �'"i{
Fur C -oats .. W ..P@.,., •. i ...20 .00 tO 60@00
¥our �hris.i;m as Io ey -wig
go farthest here and t 1
quality is assured.
Dr. Trernain's Natural Bair Restor-
ative, used as directed is guaranteed
to restore gray hair , to its ,,,natural
color or money refunded.., Positively. omen
,s and noninjurious 1.. Price ttine a��•�
not a
$1.00 postpaid. -
stpaid e Write Tremain Adeline Thomas, who mae
Sup- cation, wants
amember of that famous
asto be t
he first woman
Ply Co., Toronto, Ont. On Sale in to
Seaforih by C. Aberhart, Druggist. organization.
The naturalization of about 43,000
women of voting age whe belong to
the Scciali§t party will be one of the
fint.t results of the suffrage. victory in
New York.
The froquoie club of New York city
one of the strongest Tamma.ny politi--
eal organizations in the fllpire city,
has received the aPplication from a
Gifts for
G ifts for
Sister or " Her "
Hand erChiefs
.25C tO 2.75
5C tO 1.75
Dresse ...5oc to 5,00
Sweate Coats I.5o to 2.50
tO 50C
5C to Loo
Mail Your
Mail Orders from
any of the above
lists will be
promptly and care-
fully filled. Long
distance customers
can shop here by
mail with absolute
May w e serve
you. We prepay
Gifts for
Little Boy
Handkerchiefs.... 5c to 25c
Stewart Bros.
Gifts for
Brother or " Him"
Sweater Coat...
Collar Case....
soc to 2.50
1.00 to 10.0o