HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-12-14, Page 8AI+
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urg E sum of the Club. Archie Ibis, President;
lerrange to have. your hair
properly washed and treated
by me. Prices Most Moderate
Shampoo... 044,••• • IAD 40c
lamps° with tonic sac
ppeintment raade for any
es/ening after 8 p. m., 8a-bur1J
ys excepted.
it 'op Di M. Beattie, Secy.sTreasoii
1 Report Of Tribunal No. 131, Sea -
forth. -No. of claims dealt with 187;
No. of exemptions granted 137; No. of
conditional exemptions, 2; claims re-
fused, 34; appealed by niilitareerepre-
sentative 0; .No. farmers claimng ex-
emption, 107; No. of farmers granted
exemptions, 97; NO, 7tartikers reftised
exemption, 10; No. of farm helpers,
(not farmers' sons) granted exemp-
tion, 4; No. cases not disposed of, 6;
adjourned cases, 10. .
appeal ariade to the citizens of Canada
Help Halifax. -In response to n
for assistance for the stricken people
1 of Halifax a Relief Committee com-
posed of Mayor Stewart, Reeve Stew-
iart, John Beattie, A. D. Sutherland
and John Rankin, has been appointed
iby the itown coucnil to raise funds for
I this purpose. The. objective to be
Special Values in Plain and raised is at least $1,000, of which a -
Fancy jute Horse Blankets, mount -$500 has already been contrib-
uted by the town council and the sub -
heavy lined, with Stay -on Sur.- scription list is now open at the office
cingles, ranging in price from 1 of Mr. Rank -in, chairman of the fund.
Local Briefs. -The snow 'storm on.
Sure -any last was the most everie in the depth of 'winter. Pl'h weather
eitice, although cold, has be delight-
ful mid the sleighing god. --Rev W.
J. Clark, D. D., of Montreal, will be
the Preacher, at the Jubilee services
of the Seaforth` Presbyterian church,
neXt Sunday morning and evening. -
The addresses on Angleelsrael will be
continued next Sundae! evening at St.
Thomas church. -Miss E. M. Hous-
ton, of Tuckersmith, is spending a
few weeks at Bow Park, Brantford.
--Mr. McKinley's subject in the
Methodist church, on Sunday evening
next, will be "The Message of Dr.
Chown, on- General Superintendent,
regarding the elections ."-st-Mr . John
Rankin paid a business trill to Gode-
rich last week. -Mr. T. R. Thomson
• intends ooenMg a cash meat store at
his produce .stand, Main street, and
will be open for business on Saturday.
_oars. W. E. Southgate, jr,, has re-
turned from a visit with Toronto
friends. --Rev. J. Argo has resigned
his pastorate of the Egmondville
church owing to ill healtli.-t-Miss Ev-
elyn Greig has returned from a visit
with friends' in New York. -Mrs.
Murray. who has been visiting her
daughter, Mee, J. F. Ross, has re -
tamed to her home in Toronto. --Miss
Irwin of r.Doonto is the guest of Mi
Heeileen. at the Comniercial. rs.
/bunch -zit orToriffitir, IT here last
week attending. the funeral of her si
'te, the lat ' il th rlan s. I
(Dr.) Fow er, of Clinton, was a guest;
last week at the home of her brother,
Mr. W. A. Crich. -Mr.. James tow=
an was a Guelph visitor this week. -
The Christmas closing exercises at the
Knidergarten, will be held an Friday
morning, December 21st at 9.36 oh!
cloek. All interested are invited to
attend .-An operetta "Holy Night,"'
will Ise given by the members of St.
Joseph Club, in Cardno's . Hall, on
Thursday evening, December 20th. --t
Miss Bradley, of Kansas City, was in
town last week in the interests of the
Chataimua Education movement. -W.
A.G.Smillie, of Toronto,- was renew-
ing acquaintances in town this week.
-Mrs. J. W. Jones and Miss Moran
spent the week end with friends in.
perienced here for some 1XE, even
$2.25 to$4 The Halifax disaster is the worst that
Sleigh and Auto Robes -Saskatch-
ewan Robes, wind and watdee-
proof, ranging in price from
$10 tO $16.50
nandsome Cub Bear Robes only
See our splendid values in harness
-Special Goldthe Trimmed,
Owe Leather, tor only
Shoe Repairing
has ever visited Canada and as the
need is urgent, we hope the people 9
Seaforth ard surrounding country will
make a generous reponse.
Belgian Relief Report -The follow-
ing is the report of the Belgian Relief
1 Society for November: Balance from
1 October 43c; Mts. Twiss $1; Mrs. Me -
Miss Is.7etweltr411:41sas Fi. Cress --
well $25; Mrs. C. Stewart $2.50;
IMrs, DeLacey $3.70; Mrs. Oscar Neil
$1; girls' dance $7.25; dance Nov. 29,
$139; post office box ,40e; Dominion
Bank, 23c Total $233.76. k Remitted
to Isabella L. George, To.ronta, $230.
$100 to Orphan Fund' mid $130 to the
Children's Health Fund; expenses,
Kee, Winthrorni$2e Rev. McKinley $2;
I$1.14; balance on hand, 262..A$pack-
to do gri casees of age of clothing received from the
are' prepared l
Winthrolo ladies was forwarded to To-
ronto. -Mrs. J. B. Thompson, Treat-
Toot and Shoe Repairing promptly,
and at very reasonable prices.
- '-
Leather Goods Store
This Week
20 cakes, Lenpox soap.. $1.00
20 cakes Ere -dirk Soap ... .1.00
11 lbs, dark cooking sugar 1.00
5 lbs. finest clover honey 1.00
2 pkgs. Dremodary dates 35e
3 lbs Crisco 90c
1 lb. Easy -First shortening 28
1 lb.best Oleornargine but. 38c
1 lb. California currants 20c
Try us for mimes figs, raisins,
nuts, candy' and other fruits.
SEAFORTH ' Phone 8 11
Sproat Sproat
4 '•.'
Red Cross. -The following are the
reports of the .Seaforth Branch of the
Red Cross Society for the month of
November:- Secretary's Report - 126
'pairs of socks, 192 suits pyjamas, 24
flannel shirts, 240 towels, 24 trench
, to sell, call at Thompson's Produce Store or Pbobe
Poultry Wanted. -If you have any pou ry r y
caps, 12 kit bag*, 48 butter cloth hand- 64 To be delivered on Thursday, Deo 20th. •
kerchiefs. -Edna DeLacey, Secretary. NoTicE ..... AU books ust be returned to the
ance on hand hand $645.65; Verde, Baker Lamy ein be open Tuesdays, Tburridays and Sat-
$1; Mrs. Everett $2.50; Miss Emily ' leighs;with 2 -foot nox, suitable for any kind! of
‘ SLEIGH FOR SALE- - One heavy eel: of eingld
coat. $6; Mrs. Bobt. Jones flower sale
Sugge tions Aikenhead and A. McQueen. attended
wtheeek.politieal meeting at Seaforth last
The follotving are some o
e carry which aite very
ke • Diaries
Loose Leaf Boas N Paper
Correspondence Card Hand Ba,gei
Purses' Music Rolls Wallets'
Card Cases Travellitag Seta
Waterman Fonritaht Pena
Manicure Sets Snap Shot Albums
Calendars Flasblighte
Pictures Photo Fraines DolIs
Serving' Tray's PZyitog Cards
New Japanese N velties
Teddy Bears Picture Books
.ii leo
Tags Greeting Cards Seals.
Decorated Paper Table Napkins
'Belle Decorations Ilinsel Cord
tlihompson liookstore
Window Shades and Pi ture Frames.
Agent for New Idea Patterns.
Ithe lines
liftable for
a I f
Dr. Forster, Eye, Ear, NOW and Throat Specialist,
will be at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on Wednes-
day, 19th inst., from 11 a.m. to 8. p.m. 26094
Treasurer's Report -Receipts - Bal- Public Library on or before;ecember 22nd. TIte
Halloween party $3.54; Miss Lukes' ;Lex; snsisiNtrof sao and from 7,30 to 8,1911,
"resswell $400.00- Mrs. Rudolph, To- work. A Bargain. N. -Oluff & Sons, Segfortb.
route, $3; donation $2.50; Winthrop
Branch, $17.65; Duff's church branch
$1; Royal Hotel, quilts sold, $6.00;
Red Cross stihkers sold 30c; rag rugs
$3.25; fees $2.25; monthly contribu-
tions $141.60; total receipts, $1,236.24.
Expenditares-Hon. J. Mason, $10;
Stewart Bros. $208A3; J. Mactavish
$385.17; Thompson'e Book Store $1;
Water, Light and S. Com., 35c; bal-
ance in bank, $631.29. --Mrs. Grace
Mullen, Treasurer.
Anniversary Services. - The ser-
vices in connection with First Presby-
terian church on Sunday, December
16th, promise niebe of a very -interest-
ing nature. The church -will then cel-
ebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its
organization. Rev. W. J. Clark, of
Montreal, will preach at the morning
and evening services. There will also
be special music by the choir, assisted
be Mrs. Mullen and others. Tablets
to the memory of Rev. Thomas
Goldsmith, -Rev. A. D. McDon-
ald D. D., and Rev. Mr. Barr,,
will be unveiled it the morning
()n Monday everM:g a tea
meeting will be held when a program
consisting of an address by De. Clark
and literary and musical seleetions
' will be given. A booklet containing
an historical sketch of the church dur-
ing the fifty years, is being gotten "up
for the occasion. It will be on s le on
Monday evening at fifty cents .a copy
and afterwards at Mr. John Beattie's
store. Mail orders for the booklet
will be received by Mr. Win. Somer-
For the Boy , sess Shoes,
Hockey Sh
sins, Rubber Boots and
For the Girl Dress Shoe,'
Skating Shoes, andMoc-
FA tilleR •
The Egmondville Sabooth School will prefient the
Cantatta Santa Claus anti His Friends" in the
Auditorium of the Church on Tuesday Evening
cieinzbneiroo.lfith, at 7.80 o'clock. Admission I0c,
"Keystones," univerially acclaimed the funnlest
coutediesof the film world:, have been added to tbo
weekend programmes at Ole Princess. 26094
Mack Bennett, greatest of all comedy direetore,
puts the laughs in the fain(Me ted Part Keystone
Comedies now on thimeekend programmes at the
Princess. 26094
Roscoe "-Fatty ' Arbuckle, Motile Normand,
Charlie Murray, Fred Mace and other hest knOwn
illm comedians appear in the 2nd Part of Keystone
' Comedies every Thuraday, Friday and Saturday at
the Princess. - 26094
ineefyosua.like a good laugla see the Keystones at the
NOTICE,---Will the party who took biletM9
from the hall leading up above Aberhart's Drug
Store piease return same and save further tr2o6u0b9ixei.
Store open every night next week except Monday
-Soe our Big Assortment ot Dolls and Teddy Pears
in North Window. Shop early. Beattie's Fair.
Dig up your overcoat. Have a mos at it. By
renewing the vt:lvet collar, pressing and cleahing
may save you the.price of a new one. My Wardrobe,
Goderich St., opposite Queen's Hotel. 25964f
MONEY TO LOAN -On first-class farm seeoiity.
-Apply at The Expoeitor Office. 26072
GIRL WANTE,b - Good giti wauted for general
housework. Highest wages. Ppply at Expositor
Office. 2909-2
We have a flue assortment of goods
suitable' for Christmas Gifts, and will
be pleased to assist you in rastking a
selection. A few are here suggested:
Gloves, handkerchiefs, scarfs, caps,
fancy cameo, fancy china, ju,ge, tea
pots, plates. salad bowls, and toys and
books for the children. can early. F.
A. Edwards, Jletyfielda
The Foresters. - At the annual
meeting of Court Rose of Sharon held
on Tuesday evening last the follow'.
ng officers were elected for the coming
year: chief. Ranger, Thomas W. Caltill-
eron ; vice chief, Thos, E. Harrison;
F. S., 'Geo. E. Greenslade; R. S.,
John Pollock; Treas., Ed. -Merner.;
Chap., James Campbell; S. W., W.
J. Elliott; J. W. L. G. McGee; S,
B., Dan: McDonald; J. B,'Rich, Har-
rison. Seven raembers of the Couzt
have enlisted and gone overseas, one
member having made the supreme sac-
rifice for his country.
The Orangemen. -The atumal meet-
ingof L. O. L. No. 24 was held on
Monday evening, a large tunnber of
the brethren being present. The fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
.coming year; W „Me, Robert McMur-
ray; D. M., Hareld Stinson; Rec. Sec.
Geo. E. Greenslade; Fin. Sec., Percy
Tippet; Treas., John Tippet; Chap.;
Alfred Erwin; D. of C.'Carl Nastira;
Lect., Richard Elliott; Corimdttee, E.
Heard, W. McDool, Nelson Heard, W.
J. Elliot tO John Parker. Four mem-
bers of the lodge have enlisted and
three gone overseas. One was serere-
ly wounded a year agoandis un-
dergoing treatment in England.
Breezes. -A few tons of coal arriv-
ed here this week and is being distrib-
uted in 500 -pound lots. -The fisher-
men who went to Port Stanley to en-
gage in fishing while the big run was
on have returned hone and are now
preparing- their nets for winter fish-
ing. -Mrs. John Tippet is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Dymond, in Detroit. -
Mr. and Mrs. Henry of St. Marys are
the guests of Mrs. Parsons. -Miss
Haines has returned after spending a
few weeks at Goderich.-One of the
largest gatherings ever assembled at
the town hall was' present on Wed -
da rson's Jubilee Singers gave one
of last. week, .when
See Our
Greater Than
Ever 'Variety
See It Now
lhe Store
with the
9 7
Where _ it1,9
easy to find
Jpnas Gifts
. .
Now Showing Jack Pi kford, (brother
of Mary Pickford) i "What Money
Cannot Buy," also Li tle Mary IlIcAl- P.
ister in the last sub ect of the "Do of their splendid concerts. There
Children Count" series. Also the first
. were five members in the eompany,
•episode of the best Mystery Serial
ever shown: "The Mystery of the
Double Cross '"
This s the best programme ever of-
fered our patroris,
_Has Joined the Naval Flying Corps.
-Mr. Aubrey Crieh, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Crich, of this town, has
joined the. Royal Naval Aie Service
and felt on Thursday for overseas. A
week ago he Was ordered to report in
Toronto, but before he reached the
city, a telegram was received at his
home here stating that the boat on
which he was to have sailed was dam-
aged in the great explosion at Hali-
fax, and his depaiture would be de-
layed a week, so he returned the fol-
lowing day. Previous to his first de-
parture, however, he was the guest
at an informal daace he Case's Hall,
when his friends presented him with
a handsome steamer trunk, and an ad-
dress. On Friday afternoon there
was a large gathering at the depot to,
bid him farewell and wish him good
luck, and before the train pulled out
he was made the recililent of a wrist
watch, the gift of the town, the pre-
sentation being made by Mayor Stew-
art. The following is the address
-which accompanied the 'presentation of
his Club mates: ,
To Mr. Aubrey Cr h, ----We of the
Union Jack Club. and other friends, or
the eve of you e departure overseas
wish to express our hearty apprecia-
tion of your worth as a friend and
your ability as e studenti We always
found you straight and' manly in
studies and sports -you •played the
game. We know in your new sphere
of life the same Characteristics will
govern your action and when it comes
to a test in a high sphere, your. phys-
ique, quickness of action and ntental
ability will enable you to make even a
greater success in your new calling. home he recently purchased in Eg7
We 'part with you in sorra*, but an- rnondville.
iticipate hearing of your success where
so many brave fe lows have made the
name of Canada enowned throughout
the world, i le world of devastating
struggle, aghinst a heartless foe. We
Notes .-Mr Robert McLeatit has
taken up his residence in his' isew
house on the Hensall road. He is also
busy completing a, driveshed with a
brick foundation .-Mr John Shep-
herd had the misfortune a few days
to lose one of his team. This is a
severe loss; it being the second on he
has lost this year. -A Christmas tree
will be held in teh church, on 'Mules -
day evening, December 20th.
spond heartily to this urgent need. -
Our townshie tax e Hector paid his
annual visit on Monday of this week.
Mrs. John Pepper andon George, of
Deloraine Man., ripe tl a few days
with old friends. --Th Foresters held
their monthly dance ori Friday even-
ing last. -The toetnehip colleetors for
the British Red Grassi have made their
calls and we hope to hear of a gener-
ous response to so worthy a cause.
' Bit-7-CEFIIEL-19-7
Killed in Action. -The Moose Jaw
Daily News, a November 28, makes
Auction Sale, - Louis Blake, Jew-
eler, of Walton, who is drafted by! the
Military Service Act, is holding at six
day auction sale of his. stock of wat-
ches, clocks, jewelry, gramaphones,
etc., in Brussels, next door to I, C.
Richards. Sale is on from Decernber
18th to December 24th. 2609-1
reference to the deat
ter, who was the h
Pearl O'Neil, former].
News says: Word w
Mrs. L. E. Carter, 1
Red Cross Concert. ---A concert will
be held in the school 'house of Union
School, No. 12, McKillop and Grey,
on Thursday 'evening December 20th,
conimencing at eight o'clock, When
a good programme consisting of dia-
logues, recitations, song and other se-
lections will be given. Proceeds in aid
of Red Cross.
of Sergt. Car-
asband of Miss
of Clinton. The
s received by
19 Algoma ave.,
that her husband, Seg, L. E. Car-
ter, was killed in actin on November
14. Before enilsting lee was manager
erican Bank,
ted he the 128th
nsferred on ar-
riving in France." Tie old friends of
the young widow will extend their
heartfelt sympathy in the loss of her
husband. Mrs. Carter is a native of
our village, and is a daugther of Mr.
Frank O'Neil. i
Notes. -A coneert under the aus-
pices of the Red Oros Society will be
given.on Friday evening, of this week
when local talent with Mr. Joe Slls4
and other singers from Seaforth, will
be present. Ale() Mrs e May Rance
McKinnon, of Clinton, will give read-
ings. Everybody come ,alid enjoy a
good time. -The aniversary serviees
of the Presbyterian church were very
' ay last on Ite-
m, but those
ed were well-
. The lecture
as good. The
ton Collegiate
appreciated. as
.was also the home talent.-Mr4 Thos.
Fraser's sale took place on Tuesday
last. -Mr. Clifton had kdie misfortune
to lose three horses lait week, by be-
ing hit by a train. -Me. i B. R. Hig-
adjoining the
of Blake. It
ggins has not
A. Elcoat won three prizes at the To-
ronto Stock Show last 'eek. He won
two prizes for cattle and one for sheep
Mr. Taylor of Stanley; won a prize
for a carload of choice dettle. H. Mc-
Gregor and P. McKen ie of Tucker-
smithf also were exhile tors and won
good prizes for their s ock. Itarmng
is not all ophill work .--+Thoneas Baird
jr., visited friends M i Toronto last
week. He attended the Fat Stock
Show while there .-Messrs. Frank
West End Notes. -The storm dur-
ing the early part of the week has
made the roads impassable for mov-
ing threshing outfits, and there are
still a few barns to thresh. -Mrs. M.,
Terryberry of Leamington visited her
brother here this week.
rm Sold .-Mr. P. McGrath has
sold his fiftv acre farm on the fourth
concession to Mr. George Armstrong,
of Stanley township, for $4,200. As
the price indicates, this is an excellent
eroperty with good buildings, and Mr.
Armstrong has secured a good home.
Possession will be given on February
1st. Mr. McGrath will have an auc-
tion sale of his effects about the Mid-
dle of January, before moving to the
of the British Neirth
at S'altcoats. He enli
Battalion but was tr
all singers, and the program. was most
entertaining and enjoyable. The Patr
riotic Society, under whose auspices
the concert was given, realized over
$60. -Mr. Magee. who has been the
popular and efficient maneger of the
Stelrling Bank for the past fourteen
months, has resigned his position, and
left for his home ,in Woodstock em,
Friday. -Mr. Victor Evans left last
Friday for Toronto, having enlisted
in the Flying Corps. His brother, Dal-
ton, has been overseas for over two
years, and his sister left to serve as
nurse this fall. -Mrs. Brandon has
been visiting in Belgrave.
(Written for The Expositor.)
An over -crowded meeting in the in-
terest of Thomas 'Ulan, the litWin-
the-War Liberal c didate, was held
in Cardnols OperaHouse, Seaforth,
on Friday evening last, December 7th,
which .WItS addressed by Sir -Allen
Aylesworth, Mr. Thonia.s Fraser, and
Mr. Thomas McMillan, who is one of
the most eloquent and beet informed
aspirants lor Parliamentary - henors,
and is a credit to the farming com-
munity of this district. He was fol-
lowed by Mr. Thomas Fraser •in a
short, but interesting speech. ,
. The great veteran statesman, Sir
Allen Aytesworth, of Toronto, receiv-
ed a great ovation and his resonant,
clear And distinct voice, rolled like a
clap of thunder, through the big
opera house. Close attention was
paid to his logical reasoning, when he
'stated that both !parties were in favor
of winning the/'war, and no matter
what party was returned to power,
on the 17th of December, 1917, and
as , a lawyer, he assured them that
the hundred thousand recruits called
to the standard would go overseas.
If Sir Wilfrid Laurier was returned
to power, he could not change, repeal
or amend this order, even if he wish-
ed. Continuing; Sir Allen said, that
was not the issue in this election. The
issue is, "are we going to return to
power' the party! that has been guilty
or robbing the country, making mil-
lions. out of the country, struggling
in the throes of agony?" -
poorly attended on S
count , of the spowst
who were able to att
repaid by the service
on Monday evening
quartette of the Cli
Institute, were much
Christmas Entertainthent. - A
MOTHER Christmas entertainment will betheld
SISTER look forward to your becoming a ,se- in the Forrester's Hall, Constance„on i ill
AUNT cond "Bishop" and when you come Friday, December 21st, at eight o'- I AT, 8.15 p
back we
wit] notrbe tsurpriesd if you clock, p.m. A programme consisting
gins hasesold his fa
village, to Mr. Douglas
is a fine place. Mr. II
vet decided where he '
This store has been
transformed. into
an Immense Holi-
day Bazaar, filled
to overflowihg with
Gift Things for all
"The Holy
Will be give
St. Joseph's M
Cardno's Opera House
sic Club
Dainty Shoes for the Little Tots.'
follow his example --getting Married. of a two hour play "Topey Turvyr
Overshoes Rubbers Admission
Suit -Cases Club Bags As a slight jtoloin of our good will, we -with other drills, dialogues, ecita-
offer .you this steamer trunk to ac- tions and songs by local tale t will i Reserved Sea
company you on your long, journey, be gven. All are welcome. A.driaission II
and when you look at' it, you can pie- 25e. • 209-2 ' Plan,opens Monday,
ture it filled with the good wishes of Notes. -The W.M.S. are sending
your friends. We wish you Godspeed a box of !clothing to the lif suf- 'nool-n, ' in Abarhart's
Phone 51
• Public (minion drove Rogers of
Winnipeg Parliamentary Record, a
Cabinet Minister of Sir Robert Bor-
den's and other Conservative members
of Parliament, out of public life, and
told them that they could not continue
to rob the country by buying medicine,
-bandages for the poor soldiers, and
heavey and unsound horses at exorbi-
tant prices, at the expense of the
country. Surely Col. Allison will be
able to coaribute to the Borden Cam-
paign Fund, some of the millions he
made out of ammunition? If public
servants -are found dishonest ought
they to be returned to power? No! a
thousand times no. Was it right for
the Borden Government to pay mil-
lions and millions of dollars for the !
stock of the Canadian Northern Rail-
way that was not worth five cents?
How much of this will be given back,
to recarry the Government into pow-
er? We are not surprised at the dis-
honest means to return Sir Robert
Borden to power. These are the is --
sues that ought to come before the
electors, but the Unions Government
raises its hands and cries out in hor-
ror, "Don't mention these misdeeds at
all, don't condemn them." Undoubted-
ly the voters will meAtion them and
condemn as they deserve to be con-
- 25c
s 35c
)el::, ieth, at
Drug Store.,
Sir Allen said he had been in public
life for many years, and was Minister
of Justice in Sir Wilfrid Laurier's
administration and that he' had never
known him to be guilty of any mis-
deed, and Sir Wilfrid himself, after
forty-five years of public life can say
to the public, "Show me in what I
have sinned." Sir Thomas White,
Minister of Finance, held a meeting
lately in Hamilton, where .he met the
great capitalists of Canada, who have
contracts for pork, ammunition and
other supplies with the Government,
and who are not anxious for the war
to end. A controller of food and fuel
may be appointed and he -will say he
has no power to control matters. Is
it any wonder, therefore,. that food .
andefteektete. are Miring la PitleAft
4 Visit here now
will show that
this is truly the
Xmas Store.
If perplexed about what to wive the
follovving, list may help you to decide:
adies' Furs -The Queen of Christi:rise
Gifts. Our fur, stock is heavy and,
our goods are guaranteed.
Beautiful Neckwear - The season's
very newest creations,. at from 25e
to $a.00.
andkerehiefs - Hundreds and hun-
dreds of real beauties at from 7.4
to $2.00.
Neck Scarfs --Entirely new effects
for Christmas shoppers iat 45e to
Good Gloves -All kindsin, vast as-
sortments, Wool Gloves, Xid
Gloves and Silk Gloves, 25e
Hosiery -Silk and other serviceahk
qualities, 25c to $3.00.
Ladies' Sweatets-Good quality an
good fit are assured, $1.75 to $6i5
Dreseing Sacques-Theet make°
eeptable gifts.. Special line at
Dressing Gowns -Something that
please the' recipient of one. $2.
to $7.00.
Ales' Suits --No 'better fitting g
merits than ours are made. *1.5
to $35.00.
Ladies' Coats -The best line we
ever shown. $15.00 t43,
Children's Coats - Stylish garme
that please the little tots at $3..
to $5.00.
Ladies' Waists --Beautiful Wei
most pleasing variety; $1 to
Dress Skirts -Attractive styles a,
excellent qualities, $8 to $10.
Dress Lengths -Imported goods
beautiful 'gowns. Many noveltr
are shown.
Waist Lengths -New effects in si
in wool, and in fancy designs,
50e to $2.50 a yard.
• lankets-All wool union, and ft
nelette makes, with pink and b
c borders.
urses-Good values at from 2$c
the higher prices.
Hod Bags -The !market's best at
to $5,00.
Umbrellas -The latest idea in h
dies and best quality covers, $1,
to $5,00.
Fancy' Combs -The latest styles,
20c to $3.50.
Cushion Tops -Big variety of enr
ly new things, 25c to $2,00.
Ladies' Knitted Spencers -Either
or without sleeves, $1.15 to $2,1
Bed Spreads -These include beau
marseilles covers at $1.25 to $
Bath Towels -Things that even*,
11 lomoelleh
ikeiSomearg handwor
25e v
Guest Towelling -Plain and folic
eluding all pure linen, in
bleach make,' 35e to 60c.
Gift Things
AR and:
0%7E14 COA:1
for the Artict
you enter th.4
contents ot t
the larger p
14 we I
for "him," for the young-
est child,, or for the man
who has seen many yule -
tides come and pass.
Xmas Neciwear.
250 to 75c
Xmas Suspenders
35c to 75c
Xmas Gloves
25c to $1
Khaki Handkerchiefs
15c to -25c
White Thibet
dap Coen, ...
Persian Liitflli
Mushret Coot
Fancy Huck Towelling -In 13eat4i
pure linen goods, extra value, 55e
and 65c. .
Hearth Rage -A hearth rug en
highly appreciated, $1 to
Ribbons -All kinds, all widthse all
prices. Plenty of holly ribbontfor
Christmas parcels.
Shawls and Steamer Rugs--Impp d
goods of quality. 75c to $8.15
Toilet Sets - Embroidered in
colors, very new, $2.00.
Children's Wool Overalls aud Legfl
Ladies', Children's and Infante'
ted Wool Underskirts.
Quality Linens -Centre, triers,
cloths, etc., 25e to $3.00.
Feather Ruffs -Very attractive
cials, $3.00 to $5.00.
Other Items of Interestr-Blati ets,
Rugs, Towels, Wool Skatined e
Vanity Bags, Knitting Bags;Vian-
cy Combs axid Pins, and ecoteS of,
other articles.
F ncewSwca
Fncy ,Mutai
-Si1k tvit M
Very Richt
Silk Knit AX
Boys' Sweee
Knit Cans
Fancy, Bo
Boys' Stoe
Boys' Mi