HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-12-07, Page 3, vy 11 TOR h Use .etabIeit ..L.4' svlc� pec of d even on_ Huai cases: sglel- s be .ay. I took .irtd for the after I .was 'for a female <ti what the .as a miracle` rocs ruder � vy£emrq waret to b, Penn, e bees etite. -Alta Liver 1 ht mo vithout our kbam3► i— d tit] eir best, Rest, nth each star. --- spilling spilling gore,, 1 o'er, a^ ' lay',. done, e won, aged and gray:. J- A. Laidla*, da - Who fell down a home on Silver er, last Sunder the brea1 fr g t, Joseph's Hos- :onlay. Beside all children sur-. all in INION abliahialli1171 X Capital Swam *13.0006000 sa A E KRAL RANI I /1 G BUSINESS $S Y 4$*C-f ■ al XX Savins4De1 i ++eai St Depotofone eller tad upa s is Incest paid dad to s u rim 1,1 it con • is IS is X SEAFORTH R NOH: R. M. JONES;, Itanagero M ildiisussursonsio ,tit unint1t �ttoss ssussu � esso[X� A9X1 1[B igal s aw.'+�sana.atm.wraiis►vr'sx+;.ate «•�' Moil .or Phone, o r o e t& art's Sell it for veswesswwwwwiakom :e :prepay bit . DISTRICT isikrrigs ETHEL. Opening of the New apiurch. — Sunday, November 25th. will live long in the --memory of those who were for- tunate enough to attend the clay's ser- vices and the experiences tV ° many were those of a deciple long go • "It is good- to be here.", The a nor og: wor- thip at 11 o'clock was attended by a large congregation and leSted the well planned seating capacyt f the church, Rev. E. F. Armmtrong, B. D., of Wingham, a former highly es - teed paster, was the. pr 'her, who gave a fine sermon on "The 'her of tablished in Saskatoon in connection . Peter." The power "of., ersonality ' with the Victory Lean ca°tnpaign. A Was the motet/ming ahenie and he bond has been slaced in every li'ome ht the city. —Eight -year -Old : Johnnie Nicholls, of Brantford,. was drowned on', -Sun- da ' wee siding en the, ice on' the canal: His ley was recovered with the aid of the lite department, shortly before five o'eloek, 'and a pulmotor was used -in Vain. - - --The•b �dy of Samuel hunter; aged 72 ` years, and proprietor ' of • a large dahlia farm at Scotland Village, near Brantford, was found on the back ing congregation packed the church street of that -village on Monday ev- and the service was a : fitting climax to a day, rich- and hallo &i by com- munion with the Divine The fine meed 'es , _ he �' e$tlj=g choir as5ed t , oP -ch sur�p ,with a 'well rendered anthem entitled, "Ye shall go out with job;" i, Mrs. M. ;I. Slenimon te1dng the ,o10 in good voice. Rev. 1. A. M Kelvey, of Dungannon§ a former p .tor, led in ,prayer. Theme ; anthem, "Hark my Soul," was well rex dered. E Mrs. Joynt and Mrs. G. Michel sin iitg the obit- " gate most efficiently. Rv. Mr. Arm- strong rm strong stirred. the aw Lience by a millings forceful address on "The Gen round citizen" taking as his text, G 26.25. The foiled supper I on Monday evening was a crown r success and the . church Was packed to its utmost. Supper Was served in . the spacious hasenmens, and Was gem* us in quan- tity, rich in qualityl "afforded ac- ple proof of the excel ency of the cooks of ` the cpommunity- . A musical and literary nr .granerne followed, the choicest that Ethe] fol .. have listen- . -urea eeteal`'at= t` . ed to for many a' day* , Miss Jevobn there was no eiectric'wiring in the Ficklin, honor graduate violinist of she.d Where the `blaze started. Incen- oronto Conservateryt- swayed the diarisne is suspected. uudieence with her skilf it rendering of --Julius Zebelski, -an employee of selections front the grand old classics: the- Dominion Sugar Factory, at Kit - 'Annie Laurie"and "Loch Lomond," ever. was cut in two and the halves and called forth appre(etion -from ev- of the 'body'tlirown. in opposite direc ery one _present. Her sister, Miss tions on Monday night, when he was Iicklir, made..i. most ' competent ac- caught in` a shaft Connected With the cotnpanist. Mrs. Joyait contralto so- machine • on `Which -'he Was working. joist, delighted the a ence with her No' one saw the-acc.ident. and. "the fi st rich, mellow `end powerful voice. Mr. intimation unit au thing lied happen- Anderson,soltdat and choir leader of ed 'was perceived by .the -engineer Lucknow,received worthy praise not • When the hacliliery Jarred` The body -imlfor enviable ality as . a high was nut -titru� at the -Waist, "the ••.up - y 'class tenor soloist b tt also for the ' per portion: being intact.- ` . The lwith wer s obtained by the' por'tion was 'lying (D- feet away, rvelious results ,� t er �vered. the .o, : et enc iae other choir which he had trained during- one leg crus ed past month The pi by addresses mg 1 He was a married man and resided at Bloganingdale, engine 'Tho Grand Trunk -Railway ng shops at Brockville, narrowly escaped ;destruction last Saturday night, by fire which broke out ie the oil room and spread to the northern annex, wherein were Ideated the works of -the blacksmiths aha fitters. This was completely gutted -and much valuable machinery was ruined. The fire bri- gade succeeded in saving the main structure with the exception of a por- tion of the roof. Several engines in the building were safely removed. The blaze threatened surrounding, residen- tial property. which was saved by the roofs being covered with snow. The loss will run into thousands and is coverred .by insurance. --wnrrying ever financial difficul- tie William ,Stuckert,, of Kitchener, arose from his bled on Monday morn- ing, and gong to the kitchen commit- ted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. His wife head followed him m down the "stairway to see what he was about to do and called for help.—.A neighbor heard the outcry and went to the assistance of the terror-styricken wife. While he was attempting to take the razorleaving Stuckert the ° handle broke,- the knife in the hands of Stuckert. who completed the rash deed, He died an, hour lated. He was highly respected by his friends. He was a- bout forty-two years of age, and is survived by a Wife and three daugh- ters. to —The farmers around Clandeboye, Middlesex county, are becoming greatly alarmed over an epidemic of black -leg among the young cattle. Considerable loss has already"occur- red and the local "vet." is kept busy vaccinating animals. Animals affect- ed die in three or four hours, aid there is no recovery. once an' anine 1. has contracted ' the disease. The symptoms are lameness in one of the quarters and dullness, and sometimes the animal - will go lrasund in a circle, but death is always certain. It is ex- tremely contagious and the dead ani- mals are either burned or buried :where, they fall, as drawing them a- way would /infect the ground over which the bodies are dragged. The tablets sent out by the Government for the hypodermic injection are re- puted to be a certain preventative if they are used before the animals have become: infected. 'It is eon claimed that ati.: animal thus protected can graze over infected ground without contractixi. the disease. - Cattle under two years are the principal victims, but iii` ages are now being injected with the serum. At Was expressed =the ec : e nvefiOnce and at- tractive `apF ce •of the church and efintrac ors. anal promoters con need ed over -the successful carrying out of the big undertaking -4n such good time. .The neat pulpit is a valued gift from John Pearson -in memory: -of this de- ceased father, Robert ' Pearson, who fir many years rendered faithful ser- vice as an official member of Ethel cir- cuit. The total proceeds o1 the church opening is the splendid sum of $705, which will only leave about $500 un- provided for at this date to meet the total expenditure. This is a fine sit- uation to be in surely. NEWS NOTES. -W at;is considered the best re- cord in the Dominion has Beep es - This is the Year o Gine Useful Presents This is the Store To Get Useful Prese w s • Shop &mil In thIe Month In the Week In the day preyed -by' Scripture, re, -histo and ex- -torperieoce that it•"was the gre test fac- -in the world, both Nationally, pir tuiy rani , it ibrtally. The if- ternoon service' was also ve 'y largely attended when Revd W. Ve Stafford, . ., •ef Brussels, whose ,f4tther was pastor during: the erection:, f the old church, ' in 1877, preacher a • unique, inspiring and helpful ser en on the 'Survival of the unfittes ,' the text being St..Matt. 15129-312 The even - ening. He had been lucked by a horse he was leading and was in- stantly' killed. —The plant of the Tavistock Mill- iug Comuany: 'Tavistock, was damag- ed ed on • Saturday: night to the extent about $15,600 by fire. The blaze broke out about 8.30 and was conSid- ere. under- ctin�►i about 10.45. The fire is thought . to Y have been due to friction cause hy. a belt in the engine 'room felling hon," to ° a pulley, wood Shavings -bee u big - ignited. -Fire of ` an mown origin early on Sunday " morning destroyed the plant of the bestine .company at Paris, with a` total 'loss of $35;000, .parlay coed ''by insurance. The 'blaze originated in a s`hed., at the 'rear of "'and'spread so rapidly that when- ' ; e fare "depart- inent arrived' op- the scene nothing could be done Ito save the building. The origin: -of' the fire is a •'Mystery, as well f=ires ;the plant had been ex- it-61r x- n -dry Saturday.,- and various clergymen ;were interes end instructive. Vita programme'T n full was as follows Anthe , e Lord is My Strerigt5"; prayer,' Rev. J. L. McCull.ach chairman's address;. Rev. Mr: Wien, chairman of Wing -y tiara district, of Kincardine; violin se- lection, "Hejre Kati," by Hulsey, Miss Minuet, by Gluck ad- dress, encore, dress, "Canada the land of the fair deal," Rev. Mr. 't :McKelvey; solo, "There's a long trail that leads to Heaven," Mrs. Jot -at, encore, "Ma- cushla"; violin sele4ioii, "Scherzo, by Dittersiort." encore,; "Liebesfreudby. E,reisler: address, y 'ev. Mr. Arn?- trong; anthem, "Xe shall go out with toy"; violin selection, 1Humoresche by Dvorak; encore. "Annie Laurie," by request; address, 'Victory Bonds," by Bev: 111-. 1slc(ulloeh; solo, Mr. Ander- son with violin accompaniment, "Ev- ening brings rest :and you;'. encore, "The sunshine of :=our smile"; address `Reconstruction,,Rev. Mr. 'Peek-man f Listowel;' solo,3;:Mrs. Joynt; "when. you come holnme,' ;encore "Home A- gain"; address, _a� itotism,„ Rev. r. Fair, Atwpod; . violin selection, "Moto Perpetuo"uby Ries, Miss Nick - lin, encore, "Lock Lomond"; words of gratitude and preiee to all who assist- ed, Rev. Mr. J luison, of Ethel; an- ti1ent, "O Corrie to my heart Lord ttesus'`; l+ ationai XntheiZm; Benediction by Rev. Mr. Airanstrong. The pro- ceeds of the 'everting amounted to $338 ['l.v nevi church` stands on a most eli- gible site of a oeirter of an acre pur- chased from WOliera Kreuter. The keld church was roved. from its former position on B; nnett o's farm and cement basement dab 7:t feet.esplendid Two roomy tower entrances were built at the front and a neat alcove at the back for the choir. The superstructure is veneer- ed with red. bleu and the ceiling is. finished in Gergia pine. The seats capae`ity of tte church provides 450 co end the gallery` at the front a,il'erds acc0'nniadII ; � ��tQdf� forty more. the building i:l ,eel . line: lamps an it the furniture is neat unci in has nuc; ray with the surround- ings. The b. ;seme'nt svill be fitted up 'for Sabbath School work and social meetings. 'urge furnace supplies the heating. ;the church will cost ,,tJt)[.) mtiheri ,'basement is Completed, plus ail the. l< h' r that was generously -c1 natecl. It -'meant a big saving in expense. The' contract for the cement work was let to S. S. Cole; Flood and Candler did .the brick work and J. 'Anderson the, painting. When the grounds are bevelled and the necessary tidying up One, no pricer church pro- perty will be found. Many a word of ,:..v,,+w .rW.w+. Smok4igiJackets Keep " hind " at home with the gift of giftsr Hien. What could you give,that would be more :acceptable or comfort- able than one of these hand- some smoking jackets or house .gowns. AU sizes. . $5 to $10 Mufflers IN A FANCY BOX. If there is one department that is better prepared than another to show you some- thing really swell for Xmas giving, it is t h e Mufflers. Every known style is here in great variety of weaves at from 25c to $3.5a Sweater Coag � IN A FANCY BOX. For ; every one. No mat1 whom you wish to give to have a sweater coat to sc Man, woman or' child can ' fitted here in any wanted, c or or weave', Every coat i beauty. The prices are i 1 75c to Men's Neckwear er 1- a IN A FANCY BOX. Every year we seem to h ve r nicer,. prettier, Neckwear Men. This year will be o exception. We have a wo derful variety ofhandson\ie silk and knitted ties in spe- ial Xmas designs and shad. f y ings. Prices 1 , i ! 25ctoS15O en's 3 nishin Fu,sr g IN . nos BOX. )3raCeS....................25c to 7CG Fancy So: Collar Ca Laundry Arm Ban Garters.... Fancy V Fur. Coll Pyjamas..!.., .... 50C to, 75c` es......,,� to $I �• i3ags.....,(c to 75c ds ..e 15c to 5oc, ............. 25Ctoy�5pc` latera,. eo. o ...s I to $2 trs.,. .$1-t ,, 5o to .50 Butter, ,Wool and ?,7 � Eggs Wanted riniminwimmawilmapansow _ ......eat, 4akri 46111 „_' ,..... ...... , ,,,,,. laid,' !t-+r'°-,� -.� .../ siv- ' c Air L—1.,- v'N. ^' :'`'.i'� .-• A '.11++k a 'Handkerchief SectionsHandier . a ° - Women are. Ready Men-, and Children, for the Great Xmas Season. Th Handkerchief is probably the most popular of all Christmas Gil $1 Nothing has been left undone to get an assortment equal to s u se rcha who will make the demands of the hundreds.of people P s ' Whether it be the more tIy or moderately priced hand- kerchief , .. kerc h�tef you require you will find very charming specimens here n' Silk, Irish Linen, Embroidered, Scolloped or Hemstitched 'Edges.' Hatidicerchiets of every kind for men, -women and: children. Prices - c up to $1.50 Christmas Furs There is no present so highly prized or, acceptable or, lasting as a Fur Ruff or Muff, There is an exceptionally good showing of small furs here, :bought expressly for the Xmas ;trade. All furs guar- anteed to tae first quality and so flood in appearance that you! will be proud to give them Eancy Qoods Laundry Bags .. - to 75c Stamped Linen.....5oc to x.50 Tea Aprons,.,,.,,.r..25C to 7$c Cushion Tops.,....- i $c to se o0 I�irnonas..... 1.25 to 5.00 Boudoir Caps soc to 1.5o Tray Cloths .....25C to 2.25 Lunch Cloths,...25c to 5.00 Give Gloves for Christmas • You will find an exceptionally good stock of gloves here always. But, at Xmas time we are at our best. The variety. -of styles and sha e's, the reliability of the makes, the exceptionally good quay' . at the reasonable prices makesour gtoves a favorite Xmas gift. We will cheerfully exchange for proper sizes after Christmas. Dien 511tc to S3`- Women 25c to 5.3' ” Children lac. to 75c Special Sale of Millinery 411 Trimmed a41.d Untrimmed Hats 6ent. Will be cleared at fom 25 toa per Oft regular prices.iIvory hat:isincluded in � tis sale, This will be a golden opportunity 25 to Q per cent off. Stewart : ros. SEAFOTRTII 7.1 Shop IIeie lk You'll Sari rime You'll Save Worry You'll Save Money Womefls Neckwear Neckwear has been a tradit- ional gift for many years. This year we have a most foss ci nating collection ,of import- ed novelties, fancy lace collars and cuffs, fancy' ties, silk col- lars, stock collars and linen collars of every ; kind and size. Prices are • 15c to $2 Silk Uiderwear INA HOLLY BOX. Made in pink or white haubiti and crepe de cbene silk, trim- med with lace and . fanncy rib- bons ---camisole and envelope combinations. Prices - - f SItoS SI, Fancy Linens Turkish Towels IN A`'OLI.Y ,BOX,. o More useful or sensible gift could be imagined than these beautiful Turkish towels with, theirattractive°bi pink, yellow or mauve d - ers. Prices from 75c to 1 50. Stylish Hand Bags Where is the lady who would not appreciate one of our new style : hand bags. There is nothing newer made than the ones we are showing. A use- ful present that is sure to please. They are from 25c to $9 Fancy C Xmas Blouses Bought pecially . for the - H oli .y Trade, Waists wer never more beau- tiful than t ey are right now Dozens of entirely new styles in Georgette . Crepe, S i la k' Crepe de Chene, Habuiti Silk,' Pailette Silk in every delic.f.ste and wanted shade. Prices $3to Woo/ and Eggs 'Waste