HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-11-30, Page 3NOE
lt,VEft !U SIN FOR
•e5s ra4�iaAL1.MN1¢.'ki
sive of Ste* ua ity
Witted 1871
s, attenticin- gvels. to the- Waimea of Farmers' and.
Dealers Live Steck Sale notet eelleded, faVerable
Sivifigs Department,
DepOlite' Oft $1.00 and UpWailt :144$144„,,44
Tittered *CO gilded to aceorndOvase & year.
\ SEAFORH BRANCH: IL M. 4ONES, Manager. 1,
lg. 44 • la ;.4..„;,-*„....: helical took Plate on .Friday afternoon
made his home since. the- detnese of
WALTON.1, top te defeat theiratiser and hell) 'You.
e Let us at home "go to it" also by mak-
ing the Victory Loan a big success.
The boys at the front, go over the
Obituary. ----Last Sundey afternoon
a well known and highly lesteemed eld,
resident of -this locality, in the person
41 Mrs. James Murray, passed away,
.aged 68 :sear& A year ago When. she
'The Exemption Tribunal.—Tribunal
No 431 which is sitting in Zurich, has
Brussels, to the nome of en old friend, been -working industriously since Nov-
Mrs, D. B. Moore, to be near _her ember 10th. The following is the re-
eihysician arid to have nurse caret
and it was not expected that her spail
esf life would be Iong extended but her
vitality was a surprise to e.verybody
althousth at timee She was a great
eufferer. The deceased's maiden
name was Isabella J. Murchie, of
MeKillois 'township, She was married
to the late james Murray, 50 years
ago next April, and resided in their
coMfortable home on the 9th cences-
sion. Mr. Murray predeceased hit
wife seven years, Twb sons, Alex.
and William, survive, ailed I are resi-
dents of this locality'. Mrst. Murray
was a faithful member of Duff's
ehureh, and when able was en ietive
worker. On Sunday evening a short
service was' eimducted by Rev. A. 3.
Mann, at the home of Mrs. Moore,
Brussels, after which the remains
were eenyeyed to her former home
bere, from wiiettee the funeral took
place on Tuesday afternoon.. to the
familttplot in Brussels cemetery; the
eervice being, conducted by Rev. R. A.
The night before the Victory Loan
closes, the electric lights hi the cities
- will flash all light* four times in sue-
-eO•ssion. These flashes will mean,
• ',Buy a Victory' Bond." Get your Bond
„ Uwe. so that you will not need this re•
suit of the exemption clainis up to
and including Tuesdey„ November e0.
Exemption Claims ' Allovied: Emery
Stebbins, David J. FusstFrank Hagen
Herbert C. Bender, Peter' Dnchafme,
Alfred Sreenan, John Ts: Rau, Edward.
Brisson, Albert A,. Gaieer, T -Pen-
ling, Noah Gratton, leiuis Farrell, Al -
F. F. Miller, Theo. C. Haberer, George
E. Johnston, 41vin McBride, 'Wilfrid
Laporte, L. A. Reyes, Meses Beech --
ler, Elmer Pickering, Mervin Picker-
kere.W. H. Miller, George W. Link,
John G. Stire, Thomas Dinsmore, jer-
Taylor, Aarcin E. Oestreicher, Sam
Brenner. Maxim Peanso, W.N.Hick-
eY, Dan Denornme, Emerson Snider,
Jerry Mero, Albert Keys, G. E. Troy-
er, Milne Rader, Elmore Deters, Or-
ville Taylor, Fuss Henry, Harry Loch -
her, W. F. Bierling, L. Finkbeiner,
Albert Smith, Alex. McEaehen, Albert
Alderson, john Denomy, Bernard
Hartman, W. C. tallier, Phillip J. De -
Melvin C.' Browne, Garfield Brown, B.
-Williamson, Jae -des, E. Lindsay, E. P.
Westone ailley, E. X. Krueger,
' Iteiretnierlisier'Oeicit; C. Pope,
elbereG, 3..A. Wit-
Jordan—ltfotelfoot.—.AU event of
, 'd heir 'ofahe ilotetast `young tallith -
'having" been granted R, ices St`
Proedfobt, Waterloo street,. Thiel Tell Miiiera Gain
elige ceremony took piece ine St. bat
C4eorge/S ntitireb, sOthielt ae• ye* isret--[ GagstAttttte:
is 34114, ariEr ed • ti
of seal trimitied
mg ;the out Of town '
- eller WPitkson's igisitte
Mrs. DbuglattetMisa Steve on, Miss
Beith and 'Miss Charles, Toronto;
and Mrs. McKinnon, of D it. Lieuti
- after the ceremony for' their oney-
rayon trip, and will bee beck i tieing
o cast their votes itt - elec-
tion. Very beautiful peeeentet icoOre
testimony to the esteems of ecnanY
- friends for the populer yanng people,
both o.f whom have grewri up in this
town, and are very highly Osteemed.
Bette:e )_eavee Canada in debt to, you
The Ijette Duncan, Taylor.
• teemed resident (et this ttglnee,rin the
nee ae,
at the age- isf 69 years and six Months.
ship, Wate'rloo Connty, 1.848, and
calm to the third conoession, of Grey
YOrs of -age, *here he greiti to man -
Mod. Forty-seven years 4.10_ he was
united in marriage to Miss Margeret
Wilson, wine died July litte 1916. A
great sorrow' came to theif fanitly on
June 17 1882. when the three sons,
Robert sAinlrew and Dougald were
ismothered in a large oat btin in which
they ,had been playing and were un-
able to lift .the..lid make anyone
tear. -On account of tailiAg tietalth
rir,, and Mrs, Taylor sold !their Tirm
and came 'to Brussels to'five, .eight
yeare . Mr. Taylor's health had
liOt been robuet since hiS1 wife died.
hopes4.7of improvenient.s1 be under-
went an opetation on Julti 4th, and
anearently eves doing W411 bat his
Wari unable tO TeefLill his 010 vigor and
.he gradually failed. until titel,:end came
tenance and affable Wanner; he
made ftiends wherever
lee church and for elev
recentor in Knox chtuef
Mrs..? 1-1; Blanche,„ ;St, ..,Paraphilit.'
Qlue, Writes•—"I :ha* obtained
medipine tiitit one. ran de -
POO upon. .to promtitly eure bowel
lets eeeeik fail to- relieve the tittle one
and beSidee.tlate mother- has; the guar-
antee of -a g9Vertfrkir 'analyst that
they are ybspidely afe. They are
sold ley tnedicine dealers or by mail_
at 25 cents a bex from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Itiedicine*Ce'r Brockville, Ont.
Two Psalms and the Geneses.
on, high iS mightier
th140-0,41114140 oiln,y waters, yea,.
:in addition to bemg a
p was. He
Presbyter -
ears was
testi singer
on tehieli. ,the. Court Icheeleits Preach -
imp a
and Ludendo , the two lightnings
of war. The service "is said to have
been one cif the,injst iinpressive held
ta the cathedral during the ,war."
The Kaiser,- Hilidelthlag, anti Dr.
'Whitens were: blessed .14 the roost
affeating -manner ' by the courtly
chaplain. „
Net the' ninety:third, bat the
ninety-fourth, Walk furnishes the
the sweet German humanities in this
"0 Lord lied, to whom. vengeasee
geance beiongeth-, 'show thyself. '
ererth; reader a regard to the proud.
"liord,.how long stall the wicked.
hove 'Ong shill the Wicked triumph?
"govr long than they utter and '
speak hard things? and all the .wort -
"They break in. pieces thy People,
"They slay the. widow ald the
stranger, and murder th.e fatherless.
"Yet thesik say-, The Lord shau not
Bee, neither shall tne God of Jacob
regard itt
That is the Pealm ot the AWes,
Farmers in the Artily.
be was a -Teat lover (if the violin ancl
-was always welcome
circle.- The surviving -,xne
Miss Juneve, bath of -13
ers `of the
Aeon and
els. The
Ns -
The Canadiae tarraers have, doge
their share in defending the cause 4,
the Bmpire. :Sir Edward Icecap
cently stated, that up to June:30
eaforth s
1 Presents—This Year More Than Ever
mas Store Now at its Ver
VVERY year we eem
.14 to have nicer,' rel -
tier, better Neckwea for
This year wil be
no exception. We ave
handsome silks and nit -
ted ties in special X as
Prices 25c to 111-;
IF there is one cleOrt-
I pent Oat. is beter
reatlyiiWell fOr Christ AS
Sweater Coa s
OR every one. isIo
matter whom y u
wish to give to 'we h" ye
a S4Iptter Oat to ,suit -7 -
Man, .,WOrnan or Chqd
can be'fitted here in . any
co* 'es *ar,e. 75e'M 510,
wanted color or . weave,
Every ,coata beauty. The
4 •smdking . -aok ts.„ .
SEP. 41iim" at hte
'Aiiith,the gift of g,fts
for Men.. ' What -woiild
more acceptable or . cOrn-
eta* house gowns. - imi
Fancy Sox.... 25c fo 75c
LaunOry B*s 15c. .to 7sc
Arm Ban& 25C tO 50C
Garters 25c to soc
Fur Collars.... $4.iiii4:50
Mail or phone your ora-
ers, we will fill them
carefully d repay
Stage, e or
press. c
mtul ot Happy' Suggestions for Christmas
lindreds of Useful, Sensible Christmas
Gifts, in handsome boxes that are sure
to plep.se and that will not oirer-tax
yout pocket book either. You'll
find just what you wanted
here. COME Ok;ITEN,
Handkerchief Sectipns
For Men'. Women and Children, are ready
tpr the great Xmas Season.
HE HANDKERCHIEF is probably the most popular of all
Christmas Gifts. Nothing has been left undone to get an as -
!talent equal tO the demands of the hundreds of people who will
ake pUrchases tiere. Whether it be the more costly or moderately
iced handkerchief you require you will find very charMing speci-
ens -here in Irish Linen, Embroidered; Scolloped or Hem -
itched Lace Edges. Handkerchiefs of ever known kind for Men,
omen 'and. Children.
No.present iroli could give
othee: s.:14.130 :halt so ac -
live her pleasure for years to
inent to the,hon*:11We,.have !.
Chr isthuts Furs
There eseni.so highly
prized' ble or logking
skowtrit Omit Flirt irref
XPlas !cadet -411',
Will be
(iivc Gloves for Chritmas
you will find an exceptionally good stock of Gloves here always.
But at Christmas time we are at our best. T e variety of styles
and shades, the 'reliability of the makes; the excep ionally good qual-
ity at the .reasonable prices makes our gloves a f vorite Xmas gift.
We will cheerfully 'exchange tor proper sizes after Christmas.
25c to $3 00
25c to 75c
There isio wide range 44**Y
rellu 'here. rPie 044 of
hese iiinbrellas,togethier -with
he handsoine handles, Make'
h e very interesting as
mas presents. 'You will find
ne to suit here, whether for
an, woMan or child. Prices
figaindry Bags.
.Stam Line
to Is
x.25 to sox, -
.50 to 1.50
uTHERE is the Ladyz.
Hand Bags,
TV who would notiapt.
preciate one -of our new
style hand. bags. There
is nothing newer made
than the ones we are
showing. A useful pres-
ent that is sure to please.
They are from
25e to $9
Silk Underwear
MADE of pink or.!/hite.
chene silk, trimmed with
.Caritisole and envelope.
1 to $411110.
der 'Prices It*
icnitte4 Caps
A LL the new ideas ht -
Women's' Knitted Caps
are shown. first ' irk Ithis
store. Our lines are very
complete with a .spIendid
Christmas Assortment,
25c to $1,00
ee _ear
LI been traditional
gift for *any: year$. nis
year we have a most fas-
cinating Olectiou of im-
ported noielties,
folic* ties, . silk
stock collars, haen-40
lats of- every kind and
size. Prices are
15e to $2.00
Shop early in
'day n d early in
e week ands
a shop hie e,