HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-11-23, Page 8Ari•
Ladies t,
Arrange to have you*' hair:
properly wasbec and ted
y me. Prices Most Ali erae
Shampoo-....., ...... 2
Shampoo with torsi
tment made fel) arab
ing after 8 p. mai atilt
excepted. f
W. ROBINS01" [
Suit Cues,
shoe Repa' ing
Newt and Shoe Repairing ! Promptly,
and at very reasonable prices.
paw, Victor or Ma'
50t a pair, put on.
10 d
Leather Good Store
furott L. T. DeLay,.-Mr and xr M. John
'VIr Govenlck,.. Ma111op, hair moved
into their new ofne in Egl ao idyille.
=--Mrs Barley as returned freer an
extended trip to the west. --Dr.' Mair,
a Seaforth visitor
r . J. C. Laidl has
ma ion of the death of
e sister, Mrs. McAllis-
uk .-Mr,, and M1rs� . R.
r. and Mrs. James
the sniversax7 ser-
• cif Holstein, wa
g Cats-.
se Cross,
-- Q this week. --M
11 Roo The received intima
Liberal Committee
L'be l A . t. f Seater*have the death. of di
. socia ion o ter, of Milwa
red the old oat ofd. prumi - on ]
MainMaix-i meet, and will use same a Cowan attend
Liberal Committee itteefor the
e P will thea P 41Be11 and
a room
bn Sunday last. -Mr. The first mee�ng will be James Sart -and fa fly, left OM Friday
ing and it is
held in the rooms on Saturday eve- � for Parry Soon di 'ct.---Rev. , T.H.
urgently requested that Brown, Mr. an Mr . W. Hartry and
alle ]Liberals both in town and country
Mr. and Mrs. T. Rands are in To •
attend. ronto this week attending the annual
meeting of the! Provincial Horticult-
The Exemption Trihnn ,---The fol- ural . Society. Miss Jesse Scott, of
lowing is etne report of Exemption Holstein ,pent Sunday wi h her par -
Tribunal No. 131, sitting in the Town cuts: at Thornton Hall.-- 1 jiss Gerald -
of Seaforth, up,to and including Nov- isle Carpenter r turned to Chicago on
ember 20th_: Total number of claims Monday. Wiiss L. Faulkner mint the
appearing ore the tribunal,, 104; week end withher sisters in Brampton.
number of aims . allowed for medi- --Miss Clara i ason has been confined
cal unfitness, 26; number of claims to her honed ing the past week with
allowed for other reasons, 49 (prin- an attack of neumonia.-Miss Mil-
o/pally from► the farres); number of dyed Jones of indsol, spent the week
claims adjourned, 14; number of end with her mother, Mrs .1 W. J,
claims disallowed, 15.l Jones. --Miss Jessie Gemmell is vis-
neje.iting her cousin in Grand Rapids,
1 Michigan. M Robert Grieve, br'o- .
Married Twenty -Six Years. --'in : ther of Mr. 'Thomas Grieve, of Mc -
Sunday, November lSth, Mr. and Mrs. , Killop, and the Misses Grieve, of Sea-
his home in Simpson,
, after a long . illness: -
pthegrove,. of Paris has
the past couple of
r parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Mr: Upthegrove was
,' _ �-.�. Ove
What Shall I
for Ghristt a ?
Why Photographs :fee just
the very thing hardy to
snail to your far -away friends
and very suitable for your
friends at home. Qoly 5
weeks till Christmas Come
in for a sitting now before
the Christmas rush. We sire -
always glad to show sam-
ples of our many different
styles at prices that please
all pocket -books. No friends
disappointed --- ail equally
flavored if } ou give 'Photo-
graphs. As the days . are
short please come as early
in the day- as possible. Old
pictures coped. Framing
D. F. Buck
Maker of Good Photographs .
sary s also a :wee
before leaving for ,their homes early
in the afternoon. The many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan will Join with
The Expositor in wishing them many
returns of the happy event.
Egmondville Notes. A very suc-
cessful . entertainment was held in the
Egmondville church on Wednesday ev-
ening under the auspices of the Ladies
Aid,when an excellent programme of
vocal and instrumental music was
provided which included several nu -Al-
bers from a quartette composed of
Misses Sadie Holman and B. Sproat
and Messrs. J. Bain and Earl Van-
Egli/loud, and solos by Miss Hattie
Murray and Mr. Walker Hart, of Sea-
forth. Lunch was served and a thor-
oughly enjoyable evening spent by all
present. The proceeds are to go toe
wards paying off the debt on the
church piano.
Jeweler and' Optician.
IR 1ier Marriage Li wenses
Back Again.
Egmandville Communion Services.
-Very delightful- and encouraging
Communion Services were held in the
Egmondville church last Sabbath,
when eighteen persons were received
into fellowship, three by certificate,
and fifteen on profession of their faith
in Jesus Christ, thirteen of these be-
ing youtlg -people, and all but one of
these in the "teen age" -six girls and
six- boys, the boys all being ,members
of the recently organized C . S . E . F:.
Boys Class. Eight of those members
are now in the church. This is by far
=the largeet number received at any
Communion during the present pas-
torate, and is, therefore:. to be regard-
ed as a special token of the Divine
I wish to inform the' pnblic that I
have opened a Shoe Rekair Shop in
the Campbell Block, Oposite the
Royal Hotel, where I will repair all
kinds of Boots and Shoes. Only first
class materials used, and all work is
done by hancl and guaranteed by me
to be No4 1. Bring your repair work
to me and save money as my prices
are low'er than any other re-
pair shop' in town.
Now for
This is the season when every
Man, Woman and Child should be
provided with good sturdy rubbers.
Therel no investment that pays so
well., A protection when the walk-
ing is slippery, and always a pro-
tection to health and slides.
We've Rubbers in all sizes and
in all styles -High Cut Storm Rub-
bers, Toe Rubbers, Pootholos, etc.
Send the Children in and we'll
see they are correctly fitted.
Our Rubbers are made of Rub-
ber') and will render good service.
H, .11 scout
Large Shipment Of Horses.- On
Friday last Mr. E. T Roberts, an
English buyer, shipped from Sea -
forth station. 84 head of horses .for
which he paid to the farmers in this
vicinity $21,000. Mr. Roberts has
been in Seaforth. for several months
and with Mr. James Archibald, the
local buyer, has been purchasing for
the Old Countrye market. • Several
Weeks ago he had a shipment ready,
but the boat on which he had engaged
space was sunk by a German submar-
ine. and it was not until last week
khat he was able to get accommoda-
tion. We hope, however, that this
boat will be much more fortunate and
that Mr. Roberts :will meet with a
good market.
week and his many old friends were
pleased to see him looking, so well. -
Mr. John R4nkin, broker, chairman
of the canvassers for Seaforth, Mc-
Killop and Tuckeremith for the sale
of the Victory War Loan Bonds, will
be in his office on, Main street until 11
o'clock on Saiturday eveni g for the
accommodation of any per. on .wiehing
to purchase a bond. The bonds are
not only a eaptial roves merit, but
they arewithin the reach of all and it
is a patriotic duty for ::very family
to possess one or more of them.
The Rebekahs.-The members of
Edelweiss Rebekah Lddge had a very
enjoyable imeeting on Monday even-.
ing, when they had with them Mrs.
Swartman, of Wabaustienee Grand
President of the Rebekah Aesembly
of Ontario; on her official visit. After
routine work, Mrs. Swartman gave a
very interesting and instructive ad-
dress on the Rebekalis and ;heir work,
whidh was much appreciated by the
sisters and brethren present. This
was followed bye -e -short programme,
consisting of musical numbers and an
address by Mr. T. B. Baird, of Bruce-
neld, D.D.G.Mr of Huron District.
Ice ceeam and cake and coffee were
then° served, and a pleasant evening
was brought to a dose with social in-
tercourse, cards, etc.
• MAID WANT D. -Apply to Mr
Goderioh St., Seaforth.
Apply to Dr. Harburn, Seaforth.
Dig up your overcoat. Have
renewing the velvet collar, pre
may eave you the price of a new
Goderioh SL, opposite Queen's
Murleee Jones.
k horse for ea1e.-
look at it. By
ing and cleaning
e. My Wardrobe,
or t'he`
Nothing p1
Inuel gat ch
We ere f
ing choice
they re nim+
sizes- or. chii
Prices fro e,
OUR 1914 DIA
', AN
=Come to us with your Upbo ste :ng, Furniture
Repairing and Re-finiebing. W rk done promptly
Wall Paper and Window Shales, T. G. Scott, phone
62. Seaforth.
We are buyers of °As, Beanii and Peas We also
ha ve for sale Vibite., Sittings, 1 r feeding, at $2.60
per cwt.; Cutter Dust at $2 pe cwt. Atlas Cereal
Co. Ltd. opposite G.T Sta Seaforth
mea a childs
tress time ss
lunate in sec -
assortment, an
displayi A 1
dren of all a
5e to $2.50 a h
NOVEMBER 23, 1p17
in Mitchell are causing consternation 1 -
among the fariners around Fullerton. '
It wan difficult getting the work done
il this yeer and it will be worse next
year. 'This does not look' well for
greater production, as there were
scoree of acres of sod going to be ,
A cohcert in aid of the Public Library 1 . FRO -1141-
brokea up preparatory to that end .
that will not be touched now.The en-
umerators are around nreparing the
evening of November 30th. MACTAVISIFS STORE
voterelists for the coming electieme-
will be given in the town hall on the
i' `ho pso s Boo tort'
Window Shades and Picture ramex.
Agent 1, for New Idea PP to erns.
Poultry Wanted. -If you hav any multry ready
to sell, call at Thompson's Pro ,uce Store or Phone.
64 To be delivered on Thursday, Nov. 29th.
UPHOLSTERING. -- All kinds of Upholstering
done on short notice. Goode called for and deliver-
ed. Leave orders at J. E. Willis' Shoe Store or
Phone -67 W. H. johneton. . 2604,x3
;than ever beio e
lect White an
Tea Se
ago. j4st in this we
Crockeriy at once.
fainily of two, living in Toronto apartment, a gen-
eral servant who must be good cook. Wages . $20 a :1
month. Appty to The Expositor Office. 2604-tt
her mothe
4T -10P EAR
G s T
Notes. -An oldi couple, Mr. and 1
Mrs, Alexander Powell, of Victoria
stre t, narrowly escaped asphyxiation
on ednesday morning, 'as they found
the ,house full ofegas on wakening.
( Mr.' Powell managed to give the a-
flame. They are somewhat improved,
1 but they had a close call. -A public
' investigation into the fire at the plant
of the Goderich Manufacturing Com-
papy on Auguet 21st last, is being
conducted at -the Court House, with
Chief Fire lVfarshal Lewis, of Toron-
toe presiding. Among other things,
th investigation is revealing the fact i
t the town is in need of a more
dern fire alarm system. The fire- .
n did their work well at this par- '
ular fire, but the whole building 1
s in flames when they reached the .
ant -Capt. C. R. Carrie, son of
rs. Carrie, _Cambria street, who has
en nt France in Y.M.C.A. work
o Tuesday tught frem the front. He
ers. M
ariety ;as attending Oxford University
hen the war broke out, and enlisted
to se -
heavy spend his time in securing funds to
oh a three months' furlough and will
ne year
Buy front.
ma and
carry on the Y.M.C.A. work at the
Harpurhexl olie day last
many friends n this sectio
happiness 1 in their new
fall .ploug in has been
owing to t e ecent and e.
of fine we ther.
eek. Their
wish them
11 advanced
tended spell
Notes.- itchell Bro ere wind.-
ing up theeshing for t is season. --
Mr. Gordn 'McDonald, f Brussels,
a number from here, isted friends
Kate Ecka t has return d home after
spending a few days th her sister,
Mrs. Willi rn Manley.- rs. P. Mc-
Laughlin as returned fr ni London
Hospital, nd is !at p es nt visiting
Death of Duncan McMillan. -Mr. •
buneari McMillan, one of the oldest
residents of Seaforth, passed away
at his home hero on Wednesday even-
inw, after an illness of two weeks
from pneumonia. Although he had
attained the great -age of 83 years, he
was possessed 'of a strong constitu-
ition, having survived several attacks
of pneumonia during the past few'
Years, and his death came as a sur-
prise, many having not heard of his
illness. Besides his widow he is sur-
vived by one son, Mr. Joseph Mc-
Millan, accountant he the Seaforth
braneh of the Bank of Commerce. The
funeral will be held from St. James'
church, of which the deceased was a
member and' a strong supporter, this,
Friday, morning, at 9.30 o'clock, in-
terment •being' made in St. James'
Local Briefs. -Mr. J. A. Bain,who
has been teller -in the Bank of Com-
merce here for some time, nas been
moved to Toronto, his place being fill-
ed here by Mr. Joe Brown, an old
Seaforth boy from the Dunnville
branch .of the bank. -The next old
time dance will be held in Cardno's
Opera Hall, on Thursday evening,
November 29ith, when the di -W will
be made for the office desk donated
by the Canada Furniture Manufactur-
ers, and the Jacobean Den Set &mat-
ed by Messrs. Robert Bell, R. E.
Cressevell and Dr, Mackay, at the
intermission, and as many spectators
would like to remain for the drawing,
the committee have decided to start
the programme at 8.30 sharp, so that
the intermission will be reached -in
-ood time. -Miss Greta Thompson:is
in London this week attending a meet-
ing of the Librarians' Associattion, as
delegate from the Carpegie Library,
Seaforth.-Mr. C. Aberhart has had
on exhibition in his window for some
tiine, some inagnifitene specimens of
crysanthempens, grown -by Mr. John
Finch of this town. They are the
Most -beautiful flowers of this variety
tnat have ever been seen here: Mr.
Finch is not a professional florist,
but he certainty makes a success of
hie hobbye-Mrs. W. E. Southgaee,
ir• is visiting with Toronto -friends
thfs week. -Mrs. H. Francis, of Ex-
eter, visited at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. H. Lawrence in McKillop,
for a. feW days last week. MTS.
Lawrenee actompanied her to Ex-
eter and is spending this week at the
parental heine.-Mr. W. Kerslake, of ;
Stafref is visiting at the home of his
;street -Mr. Milton Chesney has re-
turned from Muskeka where he wes
spending his holida,ys.-Mrs. Bell, of
Hensel' is the guest of Mrs. J. Hab-
of Toronto, is, visiting his son, Mr.
Died In rOrillia.-The death Occurr-
ed on Saturday last ,at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. P: G. McDonald,
in °riffle,' one of Seaforth's former
oldest and most highly respected res-
idents in the person of Mrs., John
Downey. The deceased had enjoyed
good health until Thursday, when she
was taken and passed away about
9.30 on Saturday evening. She was
born in Wexford, Ireland, 68 years
ago, and resided the greater number
of her years at Seaforth, which place
of residenee she left on the death of
her husband, Who predeceased her a-
bout four years. The funeral took
place frem the residence of her son-
in-law,, in _Orillia, on Tuesday morn-
ing to' the church of the Ange1C
Guatdian, where plass was sung by
Rev. Father Carberry. The re -mains
then left on the 7 o'clock train for
Seaforth, itnerment taking place on
Wednesday morning after High Mass
had been Ceing by Rev. Father Cor-
coran. She es survived by her three
daughters, Mee. P. G. McDonald, of
Orillia, Miss Annie Downey, of To-
ronto, and Sister W. Kotska, of Lor-
etto Academy, Stratford.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Cale are at
present visiting friends in Stratford.
-Mr. Hugh McDonald had the mis-
fortune a few days ago, to lose a
horse, through it being accidentally
drowned in a well on the farm.
Patriotic- Society. -The NoveMber
shipment of the Varna Patriotic So-
ciety consisted i of the following: '20
day shirts, 1 snit pyjamas, 1 pair of
pillow sliPs, 1 pair of pillows. 20 pairs
of socks. besides 1k pairs of soekC and
one shirt sent in Christmas boXes and
12 boxes of eats valued at $1,50 each
sent to the boys overseas.
Kelly Circle. -The Kelly Circle of,
the Presbyterin church, Brucefield, are
holding their annual saie of home
made cooleirig and fancy work on
Thursday evening, November 29th, at
7.30 o'clock. in the Sunday school
room of the church. Lunch will be
of Logan.
few in this) 'distidOt hay
hand. -On' Thursday o
'conference Ito deal
war conditiks" will b
which the lastors, eld
Addresses- age expecte
Strang, ho e mission
Rev. Mr. ok and
The two la meare on
blic. Very
much on
Id here, to
and mane -
churches of
will attend.
lough from.
Notes. -The many friends of Misses
Pearl and May Ste,acy are glad to
have them -home again, • after so-
journing for the past six months with
relatives and friends in the West. -
Mrs. Tufford Ilan returned' home af-
ter spending the past two weeks with
her friend, Miss Gorle, of Exeter. -
Mr. Hugh Currie had the misfortune
to sprain his ankle last week. -Mr.
and Mrs. J. Laing and family of
Seaforth were here for a few days
last' week owing to the illness of the
latter's mothen-We are pleased to
note that Mrs. T. Scott/ sr., who. has
been so 'seriously ill, is necovering.-8
Mrs. Robert White of Vancouver ar-
rived on Saturday to visit her moth-
er, who is very ill.-Misa Bessie Bain,
of St. Marys, recently visited her
aunt, Mrs. Currie. - Mr: Joseph
Wells, who di at his home in, Ex-
eter last week, was interred in the
little Icemetery one and a quarter
miles west of Cromarty. The deceas-
ed was born in England about sikty-
neve years ago apd came to pais coun-
try nearly forty years agd with his
sister, Mrs. John Gorle, With whom
he has resided ver since.' The fare-
ily retired to E eter two years ago.
MrnWells had heen in failing health
etrer since. He leaves one sister, Mrs.
Gorle, and her daughter, Miss MarY
Goille, in this ceuntry, besides num-
erous relatives in England.
ire the Methodist ch
morning and evening. -
the concert Onder the
Women's Inititute, to
Cartvright's I hall, on
A gond prog amine the
basement of the Meth
Wednesday, itied quilt
there being
day, Friday,
afternoon. -
very low. HE r daught
her .-Mr . W:talnrfoon, t
making his r ds the
with Brantford friend
home. -Mr. and Mrs.
spent Sunday with fr
early al
Red Cro
n the to
a will preach
OD Sunday
Don't forget
spices of° the
held in Mr.
vember 23rd.
at the close.
y met in the
ist church on
four quilts,
the members
will meet to-
n halLiin the
ley still keeps
r, Mrs. Brad -
present with
x collector, is
e days. -Miss
e past month
has returned
W. Brigham
nds Blyth.
ity were shocked to h
den death of little
ion of Mr and Mrs.
SunIday Morning. He
°for *some two 'iveeks,
day he was aptarentl
complete recovery, bu
night he took 'worse,
about efive ,o'clolik. Hi
interred in theFeillart
the whole commtunity
parents in the grea
;packed 16 shee
e Wo
5 1-
this comm-un-
ar of the sud-
Word Rogers,
red Rogers, on
had been sick
but on Satur-
r much better,
tained for hie
through the
and collapse
remains were
n cemetery on
sympathy of
oes out to the.
en's Institute
dozen pillow
and 52 pairs
the Tribunal
socks, -The res 'its. of
The people of S afort
predate good ph ' topla
that attend the rand
proves this, and e wis
the fact that no, der
see at this theal e.
. "The Night Work4s,"
: Gardner and Mareueri
1 Little Mary McAllster.
Monday, Tuesday, W
Washburn in "The
Billie Burke.
were in Goderich as jurors at the fall
assizes, held recently: Albert Godkin,
Thomas Leeming, sr., and Samuel -
Forbes .-Mr . and Mrs. Smith, who
have lived on the Leadbury line for
upwards of thirty years, reraoved to
certainly an -
s; the crowds
ery evening
to emphasize
otoplaYs can
ies than you
ow showing:
aturing Jack
Clayton; also
sday, Bryant
eaker" and
Thursday, Friday, ye urday-Dick
Travers in "The ppace o the King,"
also Little Mary, cAlis r.
Can You ilea em?
Notes.Miss ; M. C. Evans called
on Mitchell friends last week. --:•The
Misses Lillian and Angela Shea visit-
ed with friends in Mitchell on Satur-
day. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber, of
Seaforth, 'spent Sunday at the Domin-
ion Hpuse diere.--eMisses B. McClure
and A. Allisoe of Seaforth visited
friends here on Sunday. -Miss A. Mc-
Grath, of Stratford, was the guest of
her brother, -Mr. A.. McGrath, south
of the viltagee for a few days. -
and Mrs. D. Crawford and Mr: a d
Mrs. J. McGrath motored to Gode-
rich on SundaY to visit friends. -The
firemen of Dublin intend holding a
dance. in the town hall here this (Fri-
day) evening. Good- music, and lunch
will be servYd..-On Thursday morning
of last week, about nine o'clock, Mr.
quarter south of Dublin, was destroy-
ed by fire. 'It is not known how the
fire originated, but .it is supposed
that a defective chimney was the
cause. On the lower fiat the most of
the furniture was saved, but all of the
upstairs: contents were burned. The
house was a freme one, and it did
not take, long for the flames to raze
it to the ground.,,Mr. Delapey was at
Dublin when the fire started and Mrs.
Delaney was' at the stable milking.
There is a family eof six children, but
all of them escaped injury.
-Mr. 'William Soeder, of Stratford,
died at the General Hospital on Sat-
urday afternoon, as the result of in-
juries received in a 35 -foot fall from.
Soeder wae engaged in plastering
when he lost his hold and fell, alight-
ing on his head and upper part of the
body. , He .was rushed to the hospital,
but heroic efforts failed no save his
life. A widow and little daughter
survive. -
-Sir Wilfrid Laurier spent his 7fith
birthday on November 20 at his home
in Ottawa, engaged in the task of se-
lecting the candidates to whom he will
accord endorsation for purposes of the
Military Voters' Act at the coming el-
ection. The Liberal chief has almoet
completely recovered from the ihdis-
position which for a time threatened
to seriosuly interfere with his cam-
paign efferts, and expreesed -great
satisfaction at the result of Monday's
nominations. Sir Wilfrid will 'speak
in Ottawa next Tuesday, and will
thereafter go west, -where he -will
speak in Winpipeg.
-Frank 1VIileto, an Italian, aged 18,
of Toronto, a rand Trunk employe,
was shot and instantly killed in the
Grand Trunk shops in that city on
Tuesday. The slayer fired two shots
from an automatic gun. One bullet
iwent through Mileto's left jaw and
'the other entered his left breast: He '
. died instantly. The shooting occurred
in the paint shop. The two men weree,f
sitting together eating their lunch
when an argument started, - and the
*first thing the other workmen heard
wan a shot. They saw Mileto reel a-
gainst the wall. Another shot was
fired and Mileto fell over dead. The
man whe did the shooting ran out. of
the shop' into the railway yards and 1
trains. The other workmen. stunned -
disappeared among a maze of freight i
by the shooting, znade no attempt to
stop him; and he got awaw.
Something to- ear Or
Chivistma.4?-;-re .0y
all means
Nothing else recalls the giver to
mind so often, Nothing else so sure to
be lust what needed most." Look
over the list presented by thit4 Ideal
ChristmaF Shop, and you will immed-
iately decide that we are "first aid to
Neckwear .25 to 3.50
$1 to *5
'.25 to 3.00
Waist Patterns
.50 to 2.50 per yard
Sweater! 1.75 to 6,00
Skirts 3.00 to 10.00
Hand Bags
A. Mammoth Line of
Handkirchiefs 12c to $1.
.23 to 3 50
.56 to 5.00
If you
114 se.
ti? the rig
cut. T
nUR STORE is in perfOcr readiness for the great
holiday season with an immense stock of reliable
4tid trustworthy merchandise. New styles and new
ideas will greet you at every turn. 'Let us assist you
in your selecting
Beautil'ul Waists
Dress Lengths
50c to 3.5()
Ladies' Suits
Ladies' Coats
315 to $35
Feather itufilk
Girls' Coats
Skating Sets
}Special $2.50
Fur Coats
Extra Special $65
Come Here for Xmas Gifts
And you will find liheral assortments of stylish new
things for women and children -the very thing they
appr,eciate most of all. Permit us to hint that you
make your selections early, while the "picking" is
best. Goods will be laid aside and kept until you
want thein. Exchanges gladly made after Christmas
where size is a consideration, *as in hosiery, gloves; etc,
Butter and Eggs taker as cash at Highest Prices
J. liactavisit
Seafortle z
Ou'll ha)
tat, Russi
For t