HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-11-16, Page 8tee
H U #: L
® - _ 4n�efrond ary' pleas�n� �►
AtoExPolotrlrtti twirelv and
- friends in.the western provinces. Mr.
Ladies !.
e to have your hair
sy shed and tested
me. Primo Most Moderate
!!!!!'••ail e••.zi
with tonic 5oc
t made for any
. 8 p. 31:•.1., Satus-.
ficial: Discounts
:t Cases, Trunks
and Club Bags
S Repairing
Clarke reports the warn crops light
DICT this year, but that prices more than
make up for., the shortage. ' He
Far the Hurons' Christmas Dinner. thinks the nrest is a great country,
--Mese-Robert Bell,R. T . Cress- but not to be compared with t 'pant
well. and Jr. Mackay ve donated a of Hixon county as a dace of
rem -
hander living room or den. set, dense. -Worn was received here
Jacobean pattern, in aid of the Chi week that Pte. Manson
Reeves, _son
mas Dinner Fund, for the boyo. of the of Mr. Gabriel Reeves,oon, had
Battalion , . Widen . Eng- with. the 116th Perth
Til will be sold for the died of wounds received in France.
eons' Iona
�� �Dslrsi� • in Cardno's a � YARIMTA.
Thursday evening; November 29th. 1 e Varna Patriotic The set i>i now on exebibition in' the ; Bazaar.: Th
So -
show w of W. T. Box and'Co. ciety, will bold their bazaar on Friday,
t November, 28rd, in the town hall. The
sale of home made cooking and fancy
iy-a the from six• to eight. Everyone is cord! -
of her daughter
'Mrs. R. ally iri�tited help . along with thin
• Are prepared to doall classes of
Soot and Shoe ReiCatrifik vroPiPtli,
and at very reasonable .prices.
set WI& dxa de at the Old
Hall, on
JILUBBERincltid Cats -
paw, Vir, or Maltese Cross,
fiec a pair, put on.
Leather Goods Store
sudden Leath.—Mrs Anna Shea- articles w�`11. commence at 2.30.
hon, wife' John Sheahan. 62 Spen- Af-
ternoon tea will be served and supper
cer ave,Toronto, died sudden
1 to
Murices Jones, Seaforth, at midnight work. The ladies who are donating
on Friday, She came to Seaforth on articles will please bring them to any
Thursday, the previous day, for a visit of the stores on or before Thursday,
to her daughter- and to recuperate November 22nd, and .anyone being un -
provement, she passed away with Very
Public Donee.---�A public dance will
from an attack of nervous 1rostra- able to da so, may bring them to the
tion, but despite an aptiarent im-�
ha on
fot Christmas
Why Photographs are jun
the very thing -- handy to
mail to your far -away friends
and very suitable for your
I 6
friends at home. Cin y
weeks till Christmas. Ccme
in for a sitting now before
the Christmas rush. We are
always glad to show sam-
ples of our many different
styles at prices that : please
all pocket -books. No friends
disappointed -- all equally
favored. If ; ou give 'Photo-
graphs. As the days are
short please come as early
in the day as possible. Old
pictures pied. Framing
D. F. Buck
on Friday. -
Tittle warning. She ie survived by
her -husband, one son, Karl J. Shea-
han and two daughters, Mrs. R. Mur -
less Jones, wife of the manager of the
Dominion Bank, Seaforth and Mrs .
Stanley L. Wright of Ottawa.
The. Children's Aid Society.—The 1
annual meeting of the County of Hur-
on Children's Aid Society was held in
the Counei1 Chamber, Seaforth, on
Tuesday afternoon, a good represe t -
tion of members being pies
President, Mr. James Mitchell, of
Goderieh, who was in the chair, gave
an -outline of the work during the past
year, and the treasurer's report show-
howed a balance for the year of $280. The
subject of a Children's Shelter for the
eounty, after disucssion, was left to
the committee appointed to that pur-
poses All the old officers were re-
appointed as follows: President, Jas.
Mitchell;- Treasurer, Sheriff Reynolds;
Secretary, G. M. Elliott; Recording
Secretary, A. M. Robertson. In the
evening a meeting was held in Card -
no's Hall, at which Mayor Stewart
presided, when interesting addresses
were given by Rev. Mr. Everest, of
Bayfield, and by the Secretary, Mr.
G. M. - Elliott, who gave an excellent
description of the great work .that is
being accomplished by this Society,
the talk being illustrated by views
shown by Rev. Mr. Clark, of Gode-
rich.. During the evening Mr. George
Israel rendered a couple of solos, Mrs.
O'Connell acting as - accompanist,
The following areofficers of
Seaforth Branch: President, A. D.
Sutherland; Secretary, 3. A. Wilson;
Treasurer, John Beattie.
Maker of Good. Photographs -
Jeweler and Optician•
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Conceded to be the foremost
actiess of emotional roles on
the screen to -day, will appear
*TSoul arket�'
A 5 -Act Drama of
Society add the Stage.
Light as a Feather-
--Strong as Leather
Corrugated Boxes for sending - com-
forts to Soldiers in England or France.
Made in two sizes for 7 or 11 palm&
Some thinks to fill boxes:
be held in Calder's Hall, Winthrop, on
Friday evening, November 23. M
ie by the Douglas Orchestra, of MMit
chell. Good lunch. Dancing at 9
o'clock..: • 2605-1
Box Social: A Box Social will be
held in the school house of Section
,tio. .l, McKillop, on Friday evening
NOVCmber 232rd, at eight o'clock. A
good progranim.e has been prepared in
which Mr. McGee, the celebrated sing-
er, - of Blyth, will take part. - The
proceeds are in aid of the Red Cross.
4 ----
Local Briefs.—Mrs. Glen Sellers,
who has been ivsiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Wright and Other
the past
two moi hs, left on.Monday for Sault
Ste. Marl, where she will visit be-
fore Prue' sling to her home in Glad-
stone, Michigan: Mrs. John Sproat
has returned from Lucknow, where
she has been visiting- here` sister and
other friends for a Lew' weeks.—Mr.
Cyril Dalton, of Goderieh, attended
the dance in Case's Hall on Friday
evening last, While here he was the
guest °I his grandparents, Mr. ;and
Mrs. D. Donovan Mrs.. William Dalen
Huron 4•oad west, spent the week end
with friends in Goderich and Port -
Albert. --Mina Hills, of Egmondville,
is visiting her `brother, in Dublin.—
Miss Barbara Sproat, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Sproat, of town, has
been called from Detroit, to Camp
McArthur Base Hospital at Waco,
Texas, at which camp there are
present 121,000 soldiers, 900 of whom.
are hospital patients.—Mr. and Mrs.
R.obt. Armstrong have returned from
their wedding trip to the west, 'and
expect to make their home here. —
Mrs . J. Lawrence and daughter, of
McKillo" who have been in Edmon-
ton and Vancouver with relatives and
friends during the past three months
were visiting with friends here this
week for a few days, before taking up
their residence in London for the win-,
ter,—The next Old Times Dance will
be held in Cardno's Opera Hall on
Thursday_ evening, November 20th, the
proceeds to go in aid of the Belgian
Orphan Children. Further Particu-
lars will be announced next week.—
eek:Mr. Charles Routledge has returned
from a pleasant visit of some weeks
in North Dakota . —Mrs,. C, R. Som-
erville, of London, is a guest at the
home of Col. and Mrs. Wilson—Miss'
Francis Roberts, of New York, is vis-
iting at the home of her mother, Mrs.
J. S. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
Bell and family and Mr. David Wilson
motored to London for the week end.
—Mr. Palmer , Whitel' of Hamilton,
spent Sunday at his home here, —
Mrs, R. S. Hays visited at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. E. C. McClel-
land, in Baden, this week. -Mrs.
Whittaker has returned from a visit
with her son, Mr. Ed. Whittaker, in
Ottawa.—Miss Dorothy Wilson spent
the week end with her aunt, Mrs . Wil-
kinson, in Woodstock.—Miss Margar-
et Carroll has returned from a four
months' visit in the west. — Mrs.
Harry . Stewart and Miss Fitzgerald
were in Brantford on Saturday at-
tending the funeral of their grandmo-
ther.—Mrs. C. Layton and daughters
spent a few days in Clinton this week.
—Mr. Sheehan, and Mr. C. Shea-
han of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs..
>t S, L. Wright, of Ottawa, was here
Novv this week attending the funeral of the
O late Mrs. Sheahan.—Rev. Dr.Fras-
er, of Galt, occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian church
• Dr. Larkin taking D F e ' work
in Galt Mrs . C . L ,
If you appreciate screen interpreta-
tion in itshighest form see Petrova,
the incomparable, next M.onday,Tues-
day and Wednesday at the
Notes.—The past few days of fine
weather -have been welcomed by all.—
Mr. and Mrs. Menarey and daughter
Miss Minnie, of near Brussels, were
visitingat the home of Mr. J. J. Ir-
vine last Sunday.—Mrs. William Dav-
idson of Seaforth, visited friends in
this section loft week.—Mr. Georeee
Dundas has rented his farm to his
nephew, Mr. Armour Dundas, and in-
tends going - to reside in Walton.—Mr=
Thomas Young has announced his
auction sale, he having sold his farm.
He also intends residing in Walton.
There will soon be a great number of
retired farmers in that village, -
HORSE FOR $r�LF.—Grod work horse s e.—
A ply to Dr. Har urn,
P Seaforth.
o„iat x4
Dig up your overcoat. Have a took at it. By
a cleaning
"n nd
a sees:
velvet collar,
renewinl[ the vel t pressing
may save you the price of a naw one. 61y Wardrobe,
Goderich at., opposite. Queen's Hotel. 259641
Dr. Fortter, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Specialist,
will be at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on Wednes-
day, the 21st inst., from 11 a.m. to.3 p.m.. 2605-1
goad The Prince's Ad. on page 8. 2605-1
Come to qs with your Upholstering, Furniture
Repairing and Re -finishing. Work done promptly
and a i1ret-class job guaranteed. Also Painting,
Wall Paper and Window Shades, '1'.O. Scott, phone
62, /Worth.
We are buyers of Oats, Means and Pesti We :leo
have for sale White Siftings. for feeding at $2.50
per cwt.; Gutter Dust at'$2 per cwt. Atlas Cereal
Co. Ltd. opposite O,T R, Station Seaforth
Poultry Wanted. If you have any poultry ready
to sell, call at Thompson's Produce Store or Phone
64 To be delivered on: Thursday, Nov. 22n 5606.1
UPHOLSTERING. -- .11 kinds of Upbol,thring
done on short notice. Goode called for and deliver-
ed,;, Leave. orders at J. E. Willis', Shoe store or
Phone 57 W. H. Johnston.
COOK —• GENERAL, — Wanted immediaGdy', by
family of two, living in Toronto apartment, a -gen-
eral servant who must be good cook. Wages :, a
month. Apply to The Expositor Office. 260441
house they recenttlr purchased from.
Mrs. H. Rupp, who will occupy Mrs:
McCornuck's house.—Rev. P. Mayer;
a returned missionary from Japan,
occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical
church on Sunday ,morning Last. Mr.
John Reichert has purchased the pro-
perty of the Howald estate in the
village. Mr. Reichert intends retir-
ing from farming and will move into
his new home at New Years.—Mrs, E.
Seini and niece are visiting relatives
1n Petrol'. ---Mr, S. Edigbeffer of De-
troit is visiting at his home hers --
Marshall Zeller, sop of Mr. E. Zeller,
of Windsor, and a former well known
resident of Zurich,who is fighting with
a Canadian Battalion in France, has
been awarded the military medal for
bravery in the field --A quiet wedding
was solemnized at the Evangelical
persona' ' -e on Monday evening last,
when ' . F. B. Meyer united in mar-
riage- iss Melvina Koehler and Mr.
Wellington Johnston of the village,
The happy young couple will reside in
k'hom peon .s Bookstore
Window Shades and Picture Frames.
Agent for New Idea Patterns.
Notes.—Miss B. Jordan S�undayed
with Miss C. Mahar—Mrs. John Ev-
ans of Stratford spent Sunday at his
home here.—Mrs. A. Darling called
on friends in Mitchell last week. --
Mr. Wm. Cameron of Mitchell visit-
ed with friends here on Sunday. ---
e Sills of
Mrs G. Sills and Mr. Jo
Seaforth were the guests of Mr. and
PP Mre. P. Dill on Sunday --Mr. J.
Ryder and sister, of Lucan, spent
Sunday with Mr. and MTS. James
Shea.—Mr'. G. Howard has moved
his tailor shop to the corner of Mill
and Raglan streets.—Mr. and Mrs..
John" Shea of Beechwood spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. D, Craw-
ford,—Mr. McQuaid and daughter,
Mrs. Mplcahy, of Seaforth, ` spent
Sunday at, the Dominion Hotal: Mr.
William Hills, our enterprising hard-
ware merchant, was a business visit-
or. in Mitchell on Monday.—Mr. John
Kenny has taken a position in the
grocery department of T. S. Ford.'.
Co.'s store in Mitchell . ---Mr . and Mrs.
L. J. Loony and family motored to
Lucan on Saturday to visit Mrs.
Looby's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ryan.
—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns an-
nounce the . engagement of their
daughter, Mary E.; to Charles Mc -
David, - of Dublin, the nia nie e to
take place on the 27th of November.
--The W. -P . S. met at Mrs.
Evans'on Thursday last and packed
a large box for shipment to the Red
Cross headquarters, valued at $154.
lIt contained $100 worth of grey wool-
en blankets, 3 quilts, half a dozen
have a greater variety
than ever before to se-
lect from. White and Gold
Dinner and Tea Sets, heavy
gold han,dles,bought one year
ago. just in this week, Buy
your n e e d s in China and
Crockery at once.
Notes.—Mr. John Quale-has receiv-
ed word of the marriage of his son,
Percy, in the West.—Mr. Flynn is
away on a,. business trip to London.
—Thirty dollars was the amount real-
ized by a pie social given by the Lad-
ies' Aid of the Methodist church re-
cently. There was a good programme
by local talent, -Much- sympathy is
expressed for Mr.. and Mrs. John
Livingstone, of this place, who have
received word that their son, Private
John Livingstone, had been wounded
in the hand. He enlisted in Toronto and
went overseas last spring.—:The Red,
Cross recently packed forty boxes
for our boys at'. the front.
on Sundaylast,
Dr. ras r s
. Williams and
son are visiting with relatives -in To-
ronto this week .—Mrs . W, Ament
�.—.. is visiting with friends in London. --
Messrs . Nelson Govenlock and
This is the season when every Robert Laird, of Camp Borden Avian
Mae, Woman and Child should be tion school, spent a few days at their
provided with good sturdy rubbers. home here.—The Fort Bragg
cate, Mendocino County,+California: of
There's no investment that pays so a. recent date, contains the following
well.' • A protection when the walk- personal: "After an extended visit
ing is slippery, and always a . pro r with relatives in Canada and the east -
lection to health and shoes. eturned
this -week. Mr.. tates, HaR Rankin_ is a
ern Ranlsp pioneer
We've Rubbers in all sizes and coaster, and all _ his old friends will
in all styles --High, Cut Storm Rub- be glad to have him back again." Mr.
Footholds, etc, Rankin is a brother of Messrs. John
hers, Toe Rubbers, F
and James Rankin, of Seaforth, and
MrsR Hawthorne, of Eganondville,
Send the Children in and we'll
see they are correctly fitted.
Our Rubbers are made of "Rub-
ber and will render good service.
Hunter, of Charing Cross, will 'con-
duct the services an Sunday at 2.,30
and 7.80 p.m., and on Tuesday even-
ing a fowl supper will be held, after
which a splendid programme of music;
readings and addresses will be carried
Notes.—Mr. Paul Coates has dis-
posed of his 140 acre farm in Us -
borne to Mr. Clinton Sweet, the con-
sideration being .$13,000. The sam
day Mr. William Sweet soTd his farm
on the'' London road for $10,000.—Mr.
Gower and son, who have been con-
ducting a groee-'-� business in the
have disposed
Carling b1
stock and the store - is now' closed.
Mr. Gower has anoven with his family
to Einbro, where 'he intends engaging
in farming. --The Ladies'• Guild of Tri-
witt Memorial church will hold .their
annual bazaar in the school' hall, 'on
Friday, November .30th.—Mrs. Buck-
ingham of Kanaaa. sty,. is visiting
with relatives in this viemitr: --- Dr.
riailoway, of Pet 'viv, .spent the
week end with Mia - W. J4 • Bisset.—
Mr. Stephen Powell, who spent the
summer with his son in the west, has
Inquest on Body Found.—The in-
quest on the child's body found in the
Maitland River, two .weeks ago, was
re -opened this afternoon; with Coron-
er Kennedy in charge, and also Crown
Attorney Seager. A number of wit-
nesses were examined, including Chief
Allen, who took the body out of the
river. Dr. Calder, who conducted
the post-mortem, stated that she could
not say for certain whether the child
had ever lived or not or how long it
had been in the water.' The right side
of the child was badly burned, but
whether by fire or chemicals she could
not say, but thought it was by fire,
and the body was also badly decom-
School Report. -The following is
the report of the school in section No,
1, Hullett, for October: Class IV. —
Hall Farnham, Ross MacGregor, Joe
Hugill, Willie Livingston, Cecil Farn-
ham, Percy.Tasker,Allison Dale. Class
III— Kathleen Livingston, Wilfrid
Glazier, Don Dale, Ernie Dale, Etta
Wright, Halton Mero. Class II- Sr.—
Pearl Mero, Frank Fowler; Mary
Mann, - Gordon McMichael, Walter
Dale, Willie Wright. Class It Jr.--
George Glazier, Russell. Borrett, - C.
Glazier. Part II—Entna Mann, H.
Freeman, Flossie Mero and Myrtle
Dale equal, Gladys Freeman, Fergus
Wright and Alice Wacker equal, Al-
lyn Dale, Bob McMichael. Primer —
Wilfrid Freeman, Olive Walker, Ag-
nes Wright, Elmer Dale.—A. R. Farn-
ham,- Teacher.
pillow cases, one dozen hospital shirts,
one dozen pairs of socks, and $3.00
worth of tobacco. Besides this there
was the packing of the six individual
boxes for our boys now at the front,
each box containing two pairs socks,
two towels, three candles, tobacco and
a cake of ivory soap.
The following organization has been
formed for the campaign for the sale
of the bonds in this county: .
Chairman, Wm. Coats, .Galeria.
County Organizer, M. J . Torrance,
Secl;etary, Andrew Porter, Goderich
These, together with the following,
constitute the Executive Committee:
Dr. C. W. Thomson, Chit'. ton; Dr.
A. J. Irwin, Wingham; E. McF'aul,
Seaforth; B. C. Munnings, Goderich;
C. Reis, Wroxeter; Morgan Dalton,
turned! h Mr R F Knight 1 Kingsbride; William Lamont, Zurich.
re ome.— e• '
OrcadiaSask., arrived here last Publicity Committee for County of
of ,
week and will spend the winter with
her mother, Mrs. Brown.—,Messrs. G.
Hepburn, . W. S. Cole, John Allison,
Walker Kerslake, Garnet Heywood
and Nelson Sheere were doing jury
service in Goderich last week.
Robinson--Cooke—A quiet wedding
was solemnized on Wednesday, when
Evelina Mand Cooke, of Mitchell,
eldest daughter of Mrs. J. E. Go-
forth, became the bride of Mr. Thos.
F. Robinson, of Fullerton. The ceze-
mony was performed by Rev. W. T.
Cluff lin the presence of only the im-
medialte relatives of the contracting
Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. T. Leeming,
of McKillop, spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Vali y.
—Mr. and Mrs. F. - Spriggs and r.
and Mrs. W. Cole motored to Stre t -
ford last - Sunday . —Mr. Robert D 1-
rymple is -in this vicinity with his
tractor threshing outfit, helping out
the_farmers, who are in need of feed.
with whom he spent several weeks. Owing to the crop being a large one,
uring the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. it has been difficult to get a machine..
ughson of Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mr. Dalrymple fills the bill and does
R. Beam of Hickson, motored up ( splendid work .—The.nniverSary ser-
Sunday and spent the day with f vices in connection with the Chisel -
t eir sisters, Mrs. N. A. Willoughby ; hurat Methodist church, will be held
and Mrs. John Button. -Mr:' and Mrs. on Sunday, November 25th, and Tues -
William Clark, of Constance, return- i day, November 27th. Rev. J. ,E.
Huron—Jas. Mitchell, chairman, Wal-
ter Naftel, William Robertson, C. A.
Nairn, John Yeo, Goderich; R. Van -
stone, Wingham; F. S. Scott Brussels;
William Brydone, Clinton; Jne. Ran-
kin, Seaforth; J. G. Stanburv. Exeter;
Herbert Eilber, Crediton; And. Hess,
Zurich; John McNaughton, Varna; R.
Mellwain, Nile; Chas. Stewart, Luck -
now; W. S. McKercher, Wroxeter;
William Bailie, Dungannon; Alexan-
der Porterfield, Belgrave; L. Hill,
County Honorary Committee—
Goderieh—Jos . P. Dalton, Gordon
Young, Wm. Proudfoot, M.P.P., Judge,
Dickson, Judge E. N. Lewis, M. G.
Caaneron, Wm.. Proudfoot, Chas. Gar -
style Store
parties. The bride is a popular Prow, R. C. Hays, L. E. Dancey, H.
young lady of this town and her many
friends will wish her much happiness.
The groom is an industrious- young
farmer and is to be congratulated on
winning such an amiable life partner.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, after a honey-
moon to be spent in Ingersoll, Toron-
to and other places, will reside near
Gould's Corners ,about 3 miles from
Mitchell. On Thursday evening of
last week the choir of Trinity church
which had gathered - at the home of
Mr ..and Mrs. Will Bennett for prac-
tice, presented Miss Cooke with a
large and beautiful solid oak serving
tray. The lady was a valued mem-
ber of the choir and the members took
the opportunity of thus appreciating
her services. After the presentation
lunch was served. _
Notes.—Mr. William Lamont has
moved his family into the residence
which he recently purchased from Mr.
George Douglas, who has moved into
the house vacated - by Mrs. Andrew
Smith.—Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Ger-
ber, sr., of Stanley, have moved into
the village and are occupying the
Friday and Saturday, 16th and 17th ---
Neill Craig in "The Trufflers."
Monday, Tuesday & ' Wednesday, 19th
20th and 21st
Henry B. Walthall in "The Saint's
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,' 22nd,
23rd and 24th—
Jack Gardner in "The Night
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 26th
27th and 28th
Bryant Washburn in "The Break-
Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Nov.
29th and 30th, and Dec. 1st--
Richard Travers int "The Palace
of the King."
Cut This Out For Reference.
J. D. Cooke' J. L. Killoran, 3. tR.
Acheson, H. -"E. Hodgins, C. C. Lee,
Sheriff Reynolds, William Lane.
Clinton—W. H. Lobb, John Proud-
Seaforth—H. Crich, J. A-. Stewart,
James Beattie, Dr. R. R. Ross, Rob-
ert Bell, W. T. Box, 3. -C. Greig,
T. E. Hays.
Wingham H . W, McKibbon, A.
IL Musgrove, M . P . P . , Dudley Hol-
mes, Wm. Isbister, J. A. Morton.
Exeter—B. W. F. Beavers.
Blyth—J. N. Campbell, Dr. W.
J. Milne. - -
Brussels—J. McNabb, S. T. Plum,.
James Bowman, M.P.
A. E. Erwin, Bayfield, J . A. Mal -
lough,' T. W. Riddell, Auburn; Ben.
Crawford, - Dungannon; M. Arm-
strong, Londesboro; W. R. Elliott,
Centralia; R. Harding, Gorrie; R.W.
Livingstone, Monkton; J. McKinley,
11. H . Neeb, Zurich; Con. Reis, Wrox-
eter; 3. Shortreed, Walton; J. J.
Merner, M.P., Zurich; Henry Eilber,
M.P.P.e. Crediton; W. Walters,. Ben -
miller; Geo. Holman, Egmondville.
Ashfield Township—Thos. Stothers,
Dungannon, and Henry Hawkins, Port
,Colborne ` Tgwnship—Wm. Hill and
R.M. Young, Goderieh, and Jesse
Gledhill, Benmiller. 'r
Goderich Township — John 1. -Cox,
Porter's ' Hill, and H. Salkeld, Gode-
rich .
Stanley Township. — Thos. Fraser,
Brucefield, and Wm. Stinson, Bayfield.
Hay Township—Dr. B. A. Campbell
and John Laporte,Zurich.,
Stephen Township — W. Yearley,
Crediton. - -
Turnberry Township—P. McLaren,
Howick Township—J. A. Rogers,
Fordwich; W. A. Irwin and George
Walker, Gorrie.
Usbome Township -- Isaac Carling,
Hugh Spackman, L. Hardy, Thos. M.
Kay ,and Paul Coater, Exeter.
Tuckersmith Township—John Rang -
ford, Clinton; Andrew Scott and Jas.
Swan, Brucefield.
Hullett Township --George Dale, M.
Carbert, F. Reynolds, Geo .McTaggart
and James Scott, Clinton.
Grey Township. — J. C. McLelland,
Belgrave. -
East Wawanosh—Finlay Anderson,
B. H. Taylor and P. W..Scott, Bel -
grave, and R. G. McGowan, Blyth._
West Wawanosh—David Girvin,
Dungannon, and Donald B. Murray,
. of Lucknow.
uAl ty Store
ght Now
••.-is a-�
good lime
to acquaint yourself with this store's magnificent stocks of merchan-
dise and learn what beautiful styles and excellent, values and what!
painstaking service await you, here.
We ask you to come and see the new goods. You will find our
salespeople exceptionally courteous and glad to show the goods to
you, whether you come to buy or not.
We ask you to compare the values we offer with what you cats
get elsewhere. It's to your Own best interests to do so.
We ask you to investigate the many .exclusive advantages
style, quality, service and price offered you at this store.
We' ask you to find out for yourself, bf test of the goads we sell,
that nowhere can you get more real value for your money than here.
We will not get a customer be dissatisfied with anything bought here
if we know it.
Surprising Vaines
in L:a(lies New
Suits a u d Goats,
These garments pleasingly exemplify the season's latest ideas
fashionable clothes. All are extremely smart and becoming and ex-
xhibit the finest workmanship to the minutest detail. They are just
the kind of garments yweould expect o see priced at $25 to $30, but
they are only
Others from $20 up to $35
New Fall. Dress Goods
Every fabric that is stylish and popular will be found here. Yon
will find it to your best interests to see our line before making any
purchase of Dress Goods.
Price Range 50c to $3.50
Good Coats for C iris
You will find our girls' coats this
season are better tailored than ever
before, in fact it would be hard to
find any ladies' coats that exhibit any
better workmanship. The qualities
we offer are the best -we have been:
able to produce for several years. The
styles are most attractive and we
show a wide range of patterns.
Handsome New Skirts
for Winter Wear
Every style and kind of skirt a
woman could wish for, is now
here, and we are
you will find just the one you
want. At each price weisogre rightassortment. The qualities
and the designs beautiful.
$3.50 c $S.50
Hosiery That Wears
There is such a difference inthe
way hosiery wears. You will fend this
out to your own satisfaction - when
you wear your first pair of our cash-
ashavere Hose, the kind that are made
With interwoven heels and toes and
stand the rub and the stub. Try a
pair` and you will soon find yourself
asking for them in the future.
25c to $1.25 -
Winter Underwear
That Pleases
Our Underwear department is given
• particular attention and we never
fail to provide the best qualities poss-
ible in all grades. You'll find our
union suits . the best fitting union
tufts made. Whether you want cot-
ton or wool,
�find�jnatwbinaion or �arate
garments, yau'l
want here.
Butter and Eggs taken as cash at Highest Prices
`da fort
lhe Store Z hat Avows How
E go
cut p
that we will
have in her
ever shown
this sale a
at even a low
Coats at gre
ith the ap
other t
a good
100 per