HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-11-09, Page 6"M r - r, ENBER 0; 1 -Olt 117LTBi 4 Vr- -oil f(AP 46 Wng bafte. It is Sim- A - is W get VVa3� away from Abe d, A��_"Ier,in the ' , I , --*eW - eV sad, -.1 ant SUBMARINE Use V�ww lWal Get 01 *MM YOV xam�. MeMANUS AND THE I tusi wers,,AA ,,t gUn TA) CAPTAIN. ffig ' the v ly, *�u " " and M0 and whenever Ranald, be tie min. - t6 _40d_ dft�, heV.- p!or Zfek Heskdaci* Sme ftomha4 nus aged 71; 114040d, I N SIDE as 16 was tol-d then lzib ge 'ski 4" i that t ov, "Wiv -4 u".v- Mr. and Ws h 106ii their bWOr bi Al A lee mk, mid he �gave- Al &,st now* 5pwtivey, live d' it. AU alone in smaid 40. ton;ghto and 72 ra ut su* teTibl-- hammering, and Don twftching 'fer nkw, gbo& 9 owa nev low white �cottage with red creepeft- Nacdonald Main had not, z0pp h* �be -right er and a tall, roof of brown thatch, on a Alwk McRae would not b&VW yabkOb Raid 10 'would two 'wife. None them AN BAU]v headland that juts into the sea N Mit blit ` '00� of well Atted been able to walk home - He saM until he got it, ruftta Tmgue, Ba4i Tade, I -&M Inew better than he 'how 9"111 mliles South of here. I ald was awful. He said he never, 44you must not repeat what Yankee - HOW ?41M Kelly SUffelvd sm-d On a certain Saturday night recent- the was, both by the naUve endow- Ran bis mother, "I am afraid- tiOn, F�allow Skin and Xwerable Read' ceg saw him like he wajs that day. Wasn't sayspPP Said aelies �eome from a torpid liver aaj ly ments of her mind and by the gra -0 at 8.25 0,croch, they heard a single: er?yj, the best for a Y clogged bowels, wh' cause your atom. dull report somewhere at sea. They of her character, to,fill the highest it fine moth his influence is not of ich How She was Cured. "Fine, Hughie!" said his Motherirr. of those boys." ach to become filled with ungligeo Paid no heed to it, for since the war sphere, and he sovietimes grew !in. have been -patient that she should -spend herself Oh, mother,'He didn't oat them On," food, which Sours and ferments 1141ar, Bur-HWton, Wis.—, I was very irreg- began dull rep6rts. at siaa "the -hout stint and reap no adeq-vate said Hughie, who wanted to be fair to bage in a swill barrel.' ThaVA the irat as' common in this vicinity as wLt yo- could not stepto untold misery—indigestion, loal ular� and had pains in my side and back, sound. of heavy firink" off Block is- -reward. nkee. ,It was when he but after taking d. These were his thoughts. as be lay Ohildren OrY help it that he -told 'Ranald how to do. gaw, bad breath, yellow skin, mguW Lydia & Pinkliam's 'an ?clock they were in bed VOR FLETCHEIrS fears, everAhing tbixt is horriblee 4VA Before 9 0 on the couch on the evening of the I am $elad he did too." *A, Oaseaxet to -night va Vegetable Com- last Sabbath in the old church,' after OR 1A "I am very, very, sorry about TIOAAdamg, and asleep CAST pound Tablets and Solnetime in the.night Mr. Mac- a day's work more than usually ex- said his mother, sadly. It wa:3 a �r doifstipaled bowels a thoror using two bortles of anus waked. Somebody was pound- her -than. e nsingf &Ad,' straighten you ftt by? hausting. The nevr church was to be greater disappointment to op she cared to a Ing. They work cknowledge either to her -mom- wbile you ale. t_4 the Sanative Wash week. Fqr 1 4101 Ing at his front door ened the following I am fully convinced ^ t.A ye 11 he called, and mur- months it has been the burden of their husband or to herself - a lo-celit box fr6lh, your druggi4*1" aye FOR for mouth& that I am entirely inured to Mrs. McManus that Paddy Clean Without prayers that at the dedication of their I Ulm* (Continued Next Week.) keep you feelivg good cured of these trou- Deegan was drank again. Rubbing church, which had been built and paid .40 A 14 7/ C) IV I AS for at the cost of mu nd bles, and feel better But when he opened the door and Here is the modem soap and ch. thought a I ____ _ __Z ­ I I . I know lifted his little lantern SO - that its themodern way of using it— toil, there should be some "Signal all over. —tiny Bakes of the purest No light fell upon the face of the.mati. LUX c your remedies have mark of the divi*6 ac eptance done me worlds of withoilt. he saw it was the face of a _�essence of sompi making th wonder the miniater was mare than ever seen before. cresmieiiit of lathers in which good md I hope every suffering womaft man he had n usually depressed to -night. It was a gentleman and his cloth- even your very finest things oleo "There is not I much sign of move- Vn-ft give them a trial."—Mrs. ANNA g, which was such a uniform as Mr. safely washed bebaupe they are ment among the dry bones," he said 710 'Chestnut Stret�jtv Burling- in not rubbed—just alcaused by KELLY, MacManus had never seen before, to his. wife. "They are as dry and as ton, Wis. "in perfect gently stirring about. Try LUX 'dead as ever g: testimon1sas con- eithe was sopping wet. and sea foryourself. Thamuny-convincin -ten asked where His wife was silent for some time? st=tly published in - the newspapers English" the gentlen British made, by to be prooll enough to women who be might find a policenlign Lever Brothers Limited for shei too, bau her moments of doubt. ought "Git over me! Has it baen after and fear, but she said: "I think suffer ftm those distressing ills pecu- Toronto me sign. p be -in' anYthun! of an aceiderit?" asked there is so The peo le were W to their sex thO Lydia E.Pinkhams BTr MacManus. All certainly much impressed this morn - Vegetable Compound is the medicine iie would have had him in and ifooers 10C. ing, and the Bible class was very *Vb& made tea for hi ' 4 large, and they were very attentive.p in and given him a they, t and berb remedy bit of. a drop; to warm him, but the "So, they are e,�erY day, " said the Th it goch old roo has lWoved unequalleo fai these dread- gentleman would not come in. Nor minister. rather bitterly. "But what f1d ift; it conuins what !s needed to would he say anything, except to in- does it amount to T%re is not a wstny4) wovian's heolth and strength. sist upon being, directed to the police -Y�Jrk inventor are unaffected by '9'ig-n of one -of these y . oufig people barracksp And as soon as he had Tuning forks. that coming forward.' Just think, only M eetedL therefore are accurate U there is any Peculiarlty * ae young mav a member of the 1A, . . . . . . . been he walked abruptly off temperature, k your case requiring special ad- into thI6 starliglit leaving Mr.. Mae- under -all cor.ditions, have been in- h .church, and he asnt got much spun vice., VITiW the Lyffis E. Pink- Manvz staring after him. Mr. Mae- vented by a Frenchman. in,blm. A -ad many of tke older haen [ential), him since.. Attachments to enable electric light ham Ned1cine Co. (confid Man -as has never seen lemain as hard as the nether? mifl- Xazm4. for free advlce6 And the police, questioned. in par-" fixturesL to bi hung Artically from stone -01 LYU34 tieta-gr by Mr. M L Ma - nUSL t1le _ next slantin . g ceilings have been patftteO really thinks Pf said his wife, '$that 'k5rai by the entire by a ChiCagoL V*n. N, and in g,�Yne a number of the youbg people would GIRLS1 LEMON JUICE towup Xonied with mYsteriGu abrupt- A, ma -chine, wrench invented in, 4come forward, if some one one would ness that they fi�d 3ivoted jaw that enables i make a'beginning. They are all very seen 1A strange turope 'has a I IS A SKIN WHITENER in a strange uniform sop.� it to grasp five of the six sides -of a Shy. 0, 'wet - at any tiple during the" hexagonal nut at once. - "So you always saYt" said -her hus- Now to make a creamy be2uty W160 ping -then they changed the cut their own for a few cents. night. And To enable mothers to band, with a touch of impatience; subject. children's hair a curved comb and ex- "but there I For dayg af er*ards the goatleman terior plate held- in place by a head- -is no shyness in other things, in their �rolies and theirfight- The juice of two fre.ft lemons strained of mystery was matter for goS81P band, have. been, invented. ings. I am Sure this last outrageous into a bottle containing three ounces of ktere, for this little fishing village us li wh ants have- devel- A tra an ite ing and in� busihess is enough to . break one�'s orebard white makes a whole quarter rounds out its days, tasks with the ed a taste -for lead cover pint of the most remarkable lemon skin sipy deliberaey with which OP cables that- is Proving Cost. heart AO%L one must same gow laul4tion of "What do you mean,?" said his wife. t;i beautifier at about the cost a trusty who has the rest of his nat- fy to t�lephone companies. "Oh, I suppose you"will hear soon r a small jar of the ordinary cold Pay f 0 , ural life to do it in, gives the pew-. To make typewriters'less, noisy a Get Behl*nd the Whe a. -Care Should be tak to strain a to keep it cream tentiary office its morning. sweep -out. as patented enough, so I need not try the lemoix Juiw through- it, Cie -doth so. e miLtter w Cleveland inventor hi e loud click i from YOU - It was Long John Cain- Itor lemon pill , geto 1h, fact the upshot of th platen core that changes th eron told me. it is strange that Ur* this lotion In P j. MacNanus's reputation f fered; .6K or nwnth& kwery that M of the type to gL dull thud. V qu. WOR 1_0 Used no one had son the. genalia- Hughie had not heard. Indeed, per- f a Wotnn I&OWIt thSt'lMon JUice-is' go- haps he has, but- since his beloved 0 man of mystery but he, and not un- to bleach and. remove ouch blemishes, " Y , 'NERVOUS AIUMMTS- ed, he is keeping freckles, sallowness, and ton "d is til the local weekly published the fol- Ranald P? is involv ulet the ideal skin ii�&uer,. whitener aud lowing news item was. Mr. Mae- q Maaus's story accepted as true, a�nd Few people realize that -nervous a' ItW bat iSLit?" . said hiswife,anx- RY it Just oncel Ask Your friend to R,t You '4010t" hi car on an beeautifier. . ments often arise from digestive trOu- open stret&h. You'll like it, and -will be surpnsed how eas-ily the 40st :try, it I Get three ounas of the matter -ended:; bles. The stwnae-h. fails, for some rea- iouslY. 0- Arag St*a L snd R -dig "Oh, nothing less than a regular T Ford is handled and dfiven. prehard white at tiny 41MYSTERIOUS STRANGF son Ao vot food properly. Then the: *wo',1emon9froMih' randmakeup Y, be-' pitchL-d battle, between the McGregors P, 411(a aguishes and the nervei ving yo V pw­of . last Saturday week, SySteftL ISI continu-i and the McRaes 6f theSixteenth, and If you, have never felt the� thrtll of ur own ear, there is some - 6 UW , And **Mftw 46 . much interest was, aroused 6y -the ap-. comeexhausted,in striving to --:being -a pearan npuie J)lood Also causes alivir R�nald's account, too, I believe. arms snd - 01 L i - Mrs. Murra C-1 I a mysterious stranger Ut their work. It thinggoOd in store. for you. It iff,V490 _ d1ifeiiiWi fromjust riding he me sedr the do�or of Mr, Df��Manus, in Eel Pie nerve. trqubles, but freouehtlY -it is in y�sat,m' silent -and bitter a pgaenger. Afid espe ally sd if yoU dr�vez a Ford. a very Ute hour of the night- the stoinhch w r the mischief starts disappointment. She had expect ed Mid, at the Much -Ranald. Her husband adig of tbem— 'e J*,,t 1. carried fathers—thousa' $011STONA01 -fle. had apiarendy mistai0ed a boat- As the nourish,.k from Young boys, girls, worn��,pdeven clothing being in a 'IferVeB 'bY the bUod, it Will be seen went,on with"hib tale. 11 Ford qtops and starts in tnft ing wAde� his are�driving Ford ews alfd'enjio�ihg irable, condition. -He Whgt, gn important comeetion exiSts *hile op coutitry roads and hills W n stomach, tl4e Wes and ,,It see&S'jhere-was,au old quarrel Mess, , ne ..fLOAMI: SPEOKS. et with exceptional ease and smoot ,a Manus conpern b6twi!en the n yA ;41 Mr. Mac b6twoo "Alegk McRae ind Ran antage. in-- the locatfon*s of the barrack". Mt the blood, and how Such -troubles its strengthand power . show" to adv KFUE EYES 9 'as Std, 4�er 'NUt 1-tAllndt IlAd Out; and r nervous dyspepsia jtj� i i y6t* , G - 'or *ho will do rchased. to wkplaln bow he car, o it nervous headaches Anguk �J. rqg, nd' "the wheeV COXISUntbv- ia may -begin. Buy a Ford and you Will want to be behi Bair": can= my what..-misfortme he- bad suitained.. and -insomn vthing ft.&Vacdonaldo must -needs lief is easily obtain- ani Mus. So the episode closed 4" r U1116UV92 1 In such cases re take �Rinal4lj 00, with the result' Ten dws -lateTt. W110,11 two. flRt- able by means of Dr. Williams. Pink h6t*�i6d young fire -eater - of the royal Pilli. These, pills r6pleniah.the blood that that nosed dun Wreckers i, n whi&,, the Aleek McRae must challenge� the Runabout $475 the oluggish liver, navytanchored a mile offshore, along. with -the food elem nts 0 ie they whole clan- XdQregoV. So it was ar- ney stimuUte . nerves r,ide each other none ol the fisher thrive�,, at the same tio ranged -on Sunday morning, two Touring $496 eksa the cmted tongue, sweeten the ni�n who passed the two vessels on exercise a tonic influence on the di- six breath, clean aw&Y all waste And.POigOn- the way to' their day's fishing paid gestive- organs, e , nabling, the system to weeks ago# after the service, that ous matter from the system, and prevent heed. They paid the food tak- of the best of, each side should meet more than passing _derive nourishment from 'and settle 'the 'business, Of course eg well u cure %It sioknem arising from more heed in the evening to the two, 'en. By this perfectly nxhiral proces's RanAld was b�und to be into it, and officers, of the royal navy who iud- nervou ills are steadily, dispelled THE UNMRSAL Wi a disordered condition of the stomach, d ared at the inn and who iliiams-' Pink Pills, 1, you begged and pleaded with the McGreg- enly appe by Dr. W ors that he should be one. of the six; liver and boweig. were taken to and from the two ves- are suffering from nerves, or require and I hear it was by Yanke&s advice F. 0. B. FORIA ONT.' Mrs. Joseph R. Therieau, Saulner- sels in - a smart little launch—the a blood -building tonic, give these Pills'. that his request was granted. That vitle, X.S., writes._,q was troubled same little launch which, kept fishing ':a fa, 'trial. ttnd see how speedily the giv- J. F, DSLY 10 Dealer Seaforth 1r, godless fellow, it seems, has been vrith a aour stomach, anJ took five vials 11 be yours craft at a 500 -yard distance from the best of health wi in66- Ranald daily lessons with the box usall of Milbtirn's, Laxa_Niver Pills, and they You can get'these pills through any purpose, too, COOK BROSS, Dealers. Ile cured me, I tWo wreckers. been un ie, or by mail at 50 ing-gloves, and to some so used them for floAting For -wreckers have not - dealer in mediciT s _r $2.50 froan as the fight proved. It seems that MEMO common sights here,since the war be - mother al cents,a box or Six boxe fo - )t.e!�s be,forf- tb� eyes. Thev etired her gan. Man� a filhing vessel has been the, 'Dr. William' Medicine Go., Brock- young Aleck McRae, who is a terrible . ........ R4 o after ft,tving t�ken four'vil-.1s. We sunk by gunfire in the comparatively ville,.. OntjAo. flghter, and must be forty pounds -phly revornmend them to all heavier than Ranald,,was, by Ranald's b oh hi shallow water off the coast and later )y Yankee's ar- s4Verers frorn Jiver trolibles." salvaged. especial desire and I .Nllburn's laxa-Liver Pills arc 25c. rangement, pited against the boy, and vial tit fill dvilerq or inailed direct on Nor was avv heed paid to the dis- OM by the time the fight was,over, Ranald, per "pt. (4 - T. 'Milbura Co., 'appearance the same night of the two The Man Fr although beaten and bruised to a rm— T' -4-V bv The officers of his majesty's navy from I ne Militaiy Service Ad& 1917 rAiv "bloody piilp,' as Long John said, had their rooms at the inn. Glengarry Aleck thoroughly whipped. And no - So a second and veryminor episode body knows what woxild have happen - closed. . illain, Ja M' es W ats'on Vil 1 _13Y Ralph Connor ed, so fierce was the young. vi And it never occurred to the . - I - had not Peter McGregor and Macdon- lagers to connect the two episodes. 1. L-reneral Insurance Agent It never occurred to them that the (Continued from Page Seven.) ald Bhain appeared upon the scene. Real Estate and Loan Agent dull report Mr. and Mrs. -MaeManus It appears Aleck had been saying Dealer iin Sewing Machines. heard at 8.25 o'clock one SaturdaY For the next f ew.weeks the minister something about Maimie, Long John and did not now what ' it was-- but Ptan- as the muffled sound of one and his wife were both, busy t evening w years ald was deter -mined to -finish Aleck up 0, of Germany's biggest submarines -de- anxious. For more than eight stroyed by an internal explogion. It they had labored with their people there and then - It must have been Four good houses for ode, qever occurred to then' that.the mys-. 'without much sigm df result. Week a disgusting and terrible might; but conveniently situated in the "i ild Bbain apparently settled Town of Seaforth. Terms terious stranger was the captain Of after week the minister -.—red 'int-) Macdon rNwonable and possessiou the German submarine and its sole. his sermons the.strength of his heart, them in a hurry; and what is more, it 'hnre and P -ave and mind, and then gave,therft t� his made them all shake hands and prom- _- -U — ­ NOVEXII-B] SIDURv U GASES OR U-4 WAP07 P1 pepsin" "eull *live ;arid in stomaci- dy 1 4 dlstre�ro at or vi�e itl 11; five—min wistresso due to aci *(a indigestion, heartbur 044 M_-�ng 'Of 9 or ernett irat�d food, DV dizzineis, jx,mth or headache. . pape's Diapepsin is ­ *Peed in regAlating up V ze _i--u-reot, quick-ept '0,18 f17 fae whole world, 1,arin7esss. rut an fl AWMS at once by gettln,, *Mt ease of Pape's Diarpf &ag stDre. You realize : Jt#W rge,_,dleos it is to sir pajon, dyapepsia or api er caused 1T ferinten R%cessive aeids in stomae LEGAL. R. S. HAY B�arr,jster.,, Solicitorc wotary Public. Solicit winior. Bank. Office in .rgnion Bank, Scaforf, Joan. T J. M. BES, Barzister, Solicitor, and 1Lqotary Public. i ,vver Walker's Furnitu; Street, Seaforth. - V_ P,ROUDIFOOT, KILL COOKE. J;&Mst4rs, Solicitors, Se, eth_ Money to len� ,&,. Monday of each w V,-*dd 11311ock W. Proud z. nia-z-an, H - J. D. VRTF-RINAI F, HAitBURN, p-onor graduate of Or Ary College, and honora the Medic I asociation . Veterinary College. Tret j4 domestic animals by I Wn mri=iples. Dentistry or a specialty. Office a RoWl, Iffain Street, Seal Aers left at the hotel vmmpt attention. NTigb 'PA At fbe office - J -0 -UN GRIEVE, Honor graduate of On ,jry College. ARdiseast *wmals treated. Calls Imided to and charges n .*rftiary Dentistry a sp And residence on Goderl. 4wr east of Dr. ScotV forth. DFL W.J. GLANIFIEU physiclau, Etc, no) of Uniyersity of Toron oVerience. BrueeAM(4 DR.. GEORGE HEIL I Osteopathic Physieian i t0wialfat In womcn!z A dheases, rheurratisin, i "d nervous disarz4ers; v2d th !a the Rovall Hotel, Se 4kys and Pridays, 8 az C. J. W. IIARN. 3 425 Richmond Street, ft.*efalist.P.Surgery and W, rizeases of men and Dr. ALEXANDE1. Physician and St VWe and Residence, I Phaft 7-0 � _'DIR. J. W. P] Graduate of Faculty McGill Universlty� KOM of College of Physicians rA Ontarnio;Licentalate of' CH of canada; Post-i-Grai of Resident kedical Sts Hotpital, Montreal, 191 doors - east of Post Ofn Elt,nsall, Ontario. DR. F. J. BUR Offlee zud residence, C ftnt of the Methodist tht Phone 46. Coroner for zwom ipven prompuy Su -VV L, V 0 himself uP to the police and was people with all the fervor of his na- ise th drop the quarrel ienceforth- I DRS. SCOTT & I Apply &-%I my office for particulars taken away by night to an officers!. ture. Week after �veek his wife, in fancy ltanald!s handling 'of young I ngs and in -her Bible, Aleek McRae did more to bring about J. G. Scott, graduate 4 prison camp, It n6ver occurred to her women s meeti ege ic them that thetwo wreckers were en- :class. lavished freely. upon them the the settlement than anything else. E MUTARY SIM", (ILEA ACT ks passed ffie Pwds, or, and memb WLLs� gaged in Salvaging a German subma- tinued the minister. "It really does e ysic' and mafim issued October 13th, kto now the bounden &dy Had �1 TrOWN, rine, and they had no means'of know- not seem much use to preach to them." rio. 00KTXX16ttC con- Maj�kay honor 91M ing that 37 dead bodies were taken What a lot of savages they are of every man in Class Une to report - for service or da6 "We must not say that, my dear," -AY Universii�, and go] ftr the said his wife, but her tone was none exe tors and idowers wigiout THnity Medical Colleg reached a certain dockyard of mption. 'Imis includes aR bac�e W1 5 yagnsil from the wrecked submarine when it d later buried with full too hopeful. "I must conf4gss I am the College of Physiclan WOULD GO 'WffO FITSO royal navy, an disappointed in Ranald. Well," she cha&en (not othermise excepted) who were 20' Yean c4d 6n Of 'Ontario. ho-tiors 4-u- — ­Wrix around the continued, 'Iwo can only wait and VJL -British Isles are blanketed with se- trust." ti e JL,5tn Uctober, Ill I Ip and WhOSe 44th birthday -did Wt Throe6 ow emm or anotber a Wp cr.-Cy. In fact, this story -a true ority of the paVle are troubled, more You never know what a bad From - Hughlewho had had the story occur before January 1st, 1917. story in every detail �_ Would never 4 ledged cold may develop Into. Many a frqm Don, and who had been p Trale.ss w" some form of heart trouble. r1ave reached Print had not a Stray serious illness has resulted frow to �say -nothing of it, she learned more er ds only ia cold," Take Peps at the about the fight., Wit � [Atle iomtwq, ! p64 to. the t newspaper mfip galloping ov. the yves&000 UaW mrwt SWIM 0 British Isles. I run across it bY the. start and you will have nothing iflt wits Aleeles fault, mother," he Wregularfy, and th lY f sint -st accident.. tofear. When a Peps is dissolved 'Nk M%at To Do V suddenly f nier( Said. anxious to screen his hero. "He snAfdizzy,�ndfe&Aiifihey were smo S a Scores of episodes. of similar trag- i the 1'uouth Pine vapor -is libler. said, something -about Maimie, that edy every week are enacted in the ated aacT breathed down the bron- Don wouldn't Ull me, at the black - On the first sign of say weakness of waters a -round the British Isles. chial tubes into'the lungs, sooth. Smith shop in the Sixteenth, and Ran- Go to your Post Office and ask for the form for reporfing for service or the hiart Milburalo Hesirt And Nerve Ing and healing all the sore and. Some*hei-e one of them is hap* ening for C6, tion. 11e Tbrm contains clear instructions for Ong k &buld be tA vizd thus secwe p med; membran-cs. ald struck him and!knocked him flat, mmng exemp 11-1 .. cut this O.Mipg, while you are eating .1afla i6d ;= relief. 111 . Mr. J.�NVall of South Nelson, and he could not get up for a long proinpt your breaVastin peace and comfort. X.B., writes: I'l,had a very obsti. time.- Yankee has been showing him in. Do this not later than NOVEMBER 10th. Mrs. W. `H. Ferrier, Kilbride, Out, But don't let that disturb. You, nate cold and., sen't for a free trial how; I am goini; to learn, mother;` writea.-­'11,was tr641ed with my bmit 0' "And then An - for five Years, and wis so -had'it would package f Peps, which helped interjected 16*hle. send in� into fits and Smothering. I NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE. me so much that I Im'mediately gus McGregor took Ranald's part, and rMild not do any work while I was af- An Ohio man' is the invenWr of a secured a box froni the druggist. it was all arranged after church and Beware of the Last - Minute Rush t after talang three boxes of' . ce cream These I took regularl , with the Ranald was bound to be in it, and he f(,ered, bu device for selling and filling result that niy col7sooa dis- Milburn's Hmrt and Nerve Pills, I said he would stop the vjhole thing -if cones without touching, t�em w th the appeared.- With so many thousands of reports and claims to be dealt with, the rush have regained my health." hands P-eps connot be equalled for not allowed . Don said "he was just 'Milburn's Reart arl-d Nerve Pills am The greatest eel. breeding farm in such ailments as -bronchitis, terrible. it was an awful fight, An- of Class One Men wiH grow heavier day by day. You will waste less of 50c. per box attL11 dr-alers or mailed direct the world, is in Italy, the industry asthma, sore throat. laryngitis, gus McGregor fought Peter McRae, on receipt of price by The T. Milbum having been carried on in. a. swamP catarrh, colds, coughs and all Aleck's brother you know and=" your time and serve your own best interests if yoU avol'd the mevitable i d. Hughie," said his mo Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. for centuries. o�her affections of the throat, ."Never min rush on the last days. 41 Desiged for seashore res6rtlife bronchial tubes and lungs. AU t , her. . "I don't want to hear of it. It n a inventor's life dealers. 50c. box� ig too disgusting. Was Ranald much -is being 'enforced with the Govemment and Lhe Peorile firn-Ay guards is a Californi The law boat that is non -capsizable afid self hurt ? "Oh, he was hurt awful bad, and he GA ORIA draining beiiind it. Obey the law. Do it todajy. For illuminated road signs an acet- was going to be licked too, bftits aud Chil&e% ylene generator has been , invented in wouldn't keep cool enough, and he 11. ALu � IUWM Europe that requires attention, only, wouldn't use his -legs." HE win YN BW once a month "Use your legs?" said his mother, Issued by 1',Aat do youmean?" Rubber discs which may be replaced '121 0 The Military Service Caunc` DOM the "ThaVs- what Don says, and Yankee �vhen Nvorn. are used insteadof,bristles �%4;1(_111tW__V _42�,hwz_E I made him. ' Yankee kept calling to in a tooth brush patented by a New DR, H. HUGH GreAuate Of UniverSA, Faculty of Medicine, mx ,�-40 of Physicians and Ontario; pass graduat, vldcago diniCal scliool Z -Al Oplitbalmic Hnsi - and, University Hot land. Offire--Back Seaforth. Phaus *nzwared from ri tM.", street, Seaiorth, AUJUMOIN, 19 THOM�ks Blu Licamed aucUQueerr fA RWOTU and Partb. < 40-:.woments for Mde *A" by e4ltng up Phw TU KIPM*tor bmum �*&t@ uLd -I& Ir R. T, LUI X" Z#4 x4rA� T.