HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-11-09, Page 5; a umaitalaallaisomemak.r 2 closed for average for mids. Thin has run and during Rivers,. haa Sneaks .Well thesatisfaction be has given.- ainhe*Tobaeco Club shipped ith monthly ignsnent of bolo* last week., e- ps are -in good demand on the market, the mil being a large many of the,farmens are taking advantage and are drawing to -Into do. s All this de- Iot proteetion. um Rubbers. Gun P�ot Id 6. CU ar ;m snprof eof caineraa tok k qualitywith 1 Eimals MOTEL esehda4aCiseeesdereess t.1034.. Imitate 67%e in stores, '3 C. W, 65%,c; No. 1 feed hon -No. 3, yd..- ario Wheat -Wear asie in store. Mon- e -No. 2 white, fia-i 64e to 65e, do. ds $3.40 to sample. Barle,ye .20 to $1.21, ac - outside. Buck - Rye -No. 2, 1.7& rst patents in jute, id patents, 411; 60, Ontario Flour prompt shipment, e, $9.60; Montreal dq, $9.56. MAI- vered, Montreal 2; bran, $35; mid - rood feed flour, per -Track Tormsta, to 415.50; mixed v---"Carlote $7 to tack -Ontario .90. wish; m elainas for ater then r exerap- 11 receive reit claim ice must Tovember Sed as to lovernher , to report c Council. ;4004004004 of Serges, Ad wish to -owns and need dyes. aterials at - 'attention f Sum- Ve're sure S °Tv enanasastheades. svia4tant mAinuns. Seaforth, Nov. 8th, 1917 eat, per b:ushel Barley, per bresirel 41.15 ()ate, per Inaelnd h;........ Bran, per ton* -.`. Shorts, per ton ‘.. „an Flour per 100 .3., .$5.55 to $6.10 .1;uttete per lb. .. dies, see ee 42d "eggs, per dozen ...... ....41 to 42e Bogs, per cwt... Potatoes, epr - . $1.30 ese LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Buffalo, Nov. 6.-Gattle-Strong, prime steers, $13 to $15; shipping _steers, $11.50 to $12.75 t butchers', 49.50; to $11.75; yearlings, $11.75 to VS; heifers, $7 to' W; cows, $4 to 410; bulls, 56.75 to 9.75; stockers and feeders 56.50 to $10; fresh cows and *sPringers, 550 to $150. Veals-Show V to $15.' Hoge -Active, heavy, $17.65t $17.75; mixed $17.50 to. 417.65s yorkere $17.50 to $17.60 light oyorkers $16 to 16,-25; pigs, 15.75 to roughs, $16 to. $16.25; stags, 13.50 to 414.50; sheep and lambs - iambs, show; Iambs, $12 to $16.50; yearlings $11 to -$14; wethers, $11.50 It° $11.. 75; ewes, $6 to $11.25; /nixed ;sheep, $11.25 te $11.50, ' Montreal; ,Novernbei .6.-A better -adass of butcher cattle was offered at the Montreal live stock market to -day. Cood quality stock was much the eame as last week for steers; cow's and bulls. 'Two loads of entre choice steees, averaging 1,275 *inside each was offered. Prices for -car lotseeeButcher cattle, *deers, extra choice, 510.25 to $10.75; good, $9,75 to $10; medium, $9 to 49.25; bulls, choice $7.75 to $8; can - ming $6' to $6.25'; CoWg: Choice, $£3.25 -to $8.50; good,' $7.50 to $8; medium, 47 to" $7.25; cutters $6.25 to $6.50; canners, 5.25 to $5.50 per 100 pounds Sheep $11 to $12; lambs, Quebees, *13.75 to $14:25, and Ontarios, $15 to $15.50 per 100 lbs. Rogs-Se- leas, $17.25 to $17.50 for long runs, and $17 to 17.25 for Short runs; heaVy fats arid roughs, $14 to $14.25; sows, *14.50 to $15 . 25 per 100 pounds, all weighed off cars., Calves, grass-fed, 26.50 to $8; milk -fed, $12 to $13 per 100 pounds. ' Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Nov. 43 -There was a very marked improve. ment in the cattle trade at the UniOn• Stock yards yesterday ad compared *eta week age. There was a. firrner feeling generally, and dealers were prithtreally" Unanimous in . declaring prices from 15c to 25e stroller than the close of last week. 'Cattle were." moving to the skies throughout -the; morning in lively. order and packers were buying • as ethougk. they had wants tob&fi1e&t- Saive for an odd butcher steer, therei were. 'got any heavy killers,' on sale. 'Quality was much the same in the butcher section as a week ago, but ireassitelidfitheidatf that choice stuff ,was scarce, the good and medium cattle sold well. The run was nearly 1,000 less, than, e week ago and the probability i Wei at noon that everything would, be cleaned up before the close of the market. The contin- ued brisk demand for canners and cut- ters, Whiele were largely represented in the offering, tended to enliven the #ade. As a well known cattle man stated the Majority of the fat cattle now a- vailable are being sold in the country direct to buyers representing the large American packing houses, and are not being sent to the Toronto market. Some are being shipped to Buffalo, but they are largely being purchased in the country for American export. The highest price paid on Monday's market was $11.85 for a heavy steer weighing 1285 pounde. Good handy - weight killers were selling at from $9.75 to 10.50 per cwt. while medium to good butchers' were from $8.75 to $9.50. Common stuff was around 58 and $8.50 per cwt. A few choice butcher cows sold at per cwt. Demand for this class of cattle is exceedingly active and cows at all times sell well. Choice cows ranged from $8.25 to $9.while medium to good cows brought from $7.25 to 58.Canners and cutters were a strong trade at from $5.25 to $6 as were also butcher bulls at from $7 to $9 according to quality. A feature of the live stock market was the improved demand for stockers and feeders with prices very firm. Sev- eral toads of ahort-keep feeders -were en sale and they were well taken. One load of Western feeders' averag- ing 1000 Ihs., were the finest on the market. They were a selected lot and brought from .75 to $9.50 per ewt. Stockers ofe good breedy qual- ity, weighing around 800 and 850 lbs. Aid at from $8 to 8.50, while lighter weights of inferior grades brought from $6.50 to .$7.50. There were some very choice milk- ers and springers on sale that brought ton erices. Three fine springers were sold at ,$160 each, and another one sold at $130. The erices for the most Tara however, were steady with last week at from $85 to $125. There were only a few hogs sold that had not been contracted for at the 'close of last week. They sold steadily with the week end price at from 16.75 tc 517. fed and watered. The market is strong and it is not unlikely that it will go higher. Small meats were a goad trade on the opening day, with prices steady with Thureday's figures. Spring. lambs were selling at from $15.50 to $16, with a few extra fine lambs bring- . i 51e.25. Sheep were from $10.50 to 513. Cheice veal calves were bring- frOrkl 513 to $15. 50 • Swift Co.andian Co. bought 900 cat- tle -..-.Butcher. 59 to i0 .50; cows, 6.50 te 5e; hullo 56.50 to $S; 50 hogs at 514.75 fed. Gurme Ltd.. bought 500 cattle: But- chers 35 se 510.50; cows. 57 to $9; bulls, sr to 4). The'following were the quotations: Choice export steers, 511.5(1 to 512.25 hutchers, handy, $1025 to choice . 519.50; good 59 to 59.50; do, medi UM EXPOSIT buthro ‘ utainssnon 41.26 nheidese to do. . to *8.25; do. *ethane' 8.25 to 7.25. Irakketscow choice $8 to' tIseeogiade tir 1 . Sr . 1649 to 14,,00%; feeder,' 8 to s:.25stockers, good; 7.25 to 48; do. Medinin.$6.50 to rese canners $5,26 to 45-75; Miters good' to choice, $99 to $125; common And medium $85t0,$85; eaddes, veal choice 16 to $15.6-6;d. meditun $6 to 6.50; heavy at $8 to $10.50; spring lambs Per cwt. $15.75' to $18; sheep 'ewes! light 410 to 03.50; heavy and, bucks, $7.50 to $9.50; do. culls $4 to $5.50; hogs, fed and watered $16.50 to $1.6.75, do. off ears, $16.75 to $17; do f.o.b. $15.50 to $15.75e less $1 to $g on. her& or thin hogs; less 3 to I $3.50 on sow; less $4 on stags; lees 50c to $1 on heavies. • During the year 1918 the Farmers' Sun promiSes th be more profitable arid interesting to those engaged hi agricultural than at; any time -during the past twenty-six years of its pro- duction. `News and Views from the Farre by W. L. $mith for twenty years, one of The Sun's Editors, will continue this most pleasing and pro- dtatle part of the paper. The farm mareets will be given extra and spe- cial attention by Mr. Crane and Mr, Thurston, 'while many others, Will con- tribute from week to week, topics of interest to those actively engaged in farm work. One Dollar to 1st Janu- ary, 1919, is a small price for The -Sun Sun paper that has so long ,and -faithfully served the farming interests. You cannot do better than subscribe at once. MMIIIIMINNIMM•14111111!. f I W. T 110X iSt• GO. EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS rt 4 H. C. BOX .• Hower of Government Diploma and License. "CHARGES MODERaTE Flower's 'furnished on attert mote*. • istiitht Cales Day Cans ! Phone 175 Phone 50 ; **••••••*•••••••••••••••• BIRTHS. Neelin-At the Royal Alexandra Hos- pital, Orillia, on November 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Neelin, a son. (Frederic Gregg.) • Stewart -In Teckersmith, on Nov. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. a daughter. - - . ha.vis-In Clinton, on October 261.., to Mr. and Mrs. 1J. Bartlett Levis, a son. • MARRIAGES. Cantelon-Hartleib-In Toronto, on October 29th, Eleanor,. daughter of. Mr. -ancliMrs. Charles liartlelb. of - Zurich, to John H. Cantelon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cantelon,, „ Laughlin -Toll -.In East Wawanosh, on October 24th by Rev. It. J. Mc- ' Cormick, Pearl; second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Toll,. Ernest W. Laughlin of Paris. colharneneToute-In Toronto, on Oct. 24th, Violet Irene Tout, to G. Ernest Colborne, of Goderich. ! ,DEATHS. Armstrong -In Stanley township, on October 29th, eGeorge Lloyd Arm- strong, ag.ed 28n -ears and 4 months. MacLeod -In 13rooldyn, N. Y., on October 26th, Catharine ea!:, daugh- ter of the late Roderick MacLeod, of Brucefield,• aged 55 years IN MEMORIAM. Of John Hay, who departed this life on November 7th,, 1915. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell, At the loss of one we loved so well, And while he sleeps in neacdful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. His sniffing face for is so 'dear, The gentle footsteps no more hear: - His willing hand and face so sweet, In Heaven some day we hope to meet. Loved Ones we SALE REGISTERS. On Monday, November 12th, at 1 o'clock sharp, on. Lot 17, Concession 12 McKillop., Farrn Stock and Imple- ments. George Dundas, proprietor; T. Brown. auctioneer. On Friday, Neveinber 16th, at 2 o'clock p.m., • at -Walker's Hotel, Brucefield, Farm atock. W. A Ross, proprietor: home.% Brown , auctioneer. On Tuesdaye November 20th, at one o'elock P.M., on the west half of lots 17 and '18; Concession 13, McKillop, Farm Stock arid Implementd. Thoma,s Young, Proprietor; Themes -Brown, Auctioneer. St. Altdrews' Pres- byterian Church Kippen 1867-1917 JUBILEE SERVICES will be held in the above mentioned_ church on Sunday, Nov. iSth at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Services to be conducted by Prof. Law of Knox College, Toronto. All are cordially invited to attend these ser- vices. • In connection with these services a fowl supper' and entertainment will beheld on Monday evening, November 19th. for which the following program hat beer. arranged; Pageant. -"The Call of the Country.” Soloist -Miss Kate. Lyttle. Speaker ---S. B. McCready; Subject- ' "Couatre Life." Readings by Mrs. Wm. :McLean. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission: Adults 50e; Children 25c. COMe one, come all and help us celebrate our Jubilee.- r;artbalmer.and Funeral Direcfor -Undertaking.Parfors above NC.. Williams' grocery score, Main Street, Seaforth °veers icr....ened on short notic °hedges moderate. Phone night or day 192 11111111111111VOMIlmairomml FARM FOR SALE. For sale Lot 11, Concession 6, H. R.S., containing 100 acres also south half lot+ 5, Concession 7, Tuckersmith. On Lot 11 there is a bank barn 56x80, •pig pen, hen house and driving shed. Six roomed cottage. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and is sit- uated 3 miles from Seaforth on the Main road. The 50 acre lot is all in grass. This is an excellent property and will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to Jas. Firdayson, R. R. No. 3, Kippen. Pos- session will be given on September 1. 1918. 2599-4 - PRFOR BALB. ec birth:4444 40/C(41"alealt°adSitafoirth.t5"5111a6°: _hundred acres -all -elearerd with the ex- etnition of two SIMS; well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. About thirty acres in grass. Good frame house torts good barns with stone stabling underneath. Plenty of nev- er failing water. Aural mail delivery and rural telephone. Alsa a good bearing orchard. Easy terms of pay- ment. Apply on the premises or ad• - dress John McMillan, Seaforth, P. O. 2601x4 VALUEAILE FARM LANDS FOR . ' SALE , That very desirable farm, being composed of No' 17 and the south half of lot No. 16 in the 4th conces- sion of the Township of Hibbert, con- taining in all 150 acres more or less, is offered for sale at a sacrifice, in or- der to close up the eatate of the late William. McLellan. . The farm is in a first class state of cultivation and the buildings thereon are in good condi- tion. The farm is an exceptionally good one for mixed farming* For terms and particulars apply to the I undersigned. Andrew McLellan, Ad= 1 ministrator of the Estate of Wiffiant 1 McLellan,. 'deceased, Dublin. P.0, R. R. No. 2 2594-tf FARM FOR SALE. For sale Lot 25, Concession 6, Mc- Killop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a story and a half brick house, bank 'barn 86x36 with straw shed.50x52;good stabling under- neath the hkole barn. Twelve acres of gooehardwood bush, 10 acres seed- ed to fall wheat; abundance of good water. All well fenced and under - drained and in a first class state of cultivation, 21/2 miles north of Sea - forth on the North Gravel Road. Con- venient to church and school. Rural mail route and telephone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For fur- ther particulars apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. Jadtes: Kerr. 2601x8 FARM FOR SALE. Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres- of the best clay. land in McKil- lop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Sea - forth, 2 miles from Constance, 114 miles from school. There are on the premises a good seven room house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and the balance.seeded down, There are 2 big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the :other is a dam with a hy- draulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from the road to the . buildings. Apply to Mrs. Samuel Dorrance, Sea - forth, or phone 76, Seaforth. 2601-tf _FARM. tiOR SALE s For sale let 5, eoneession 2, 'Town- ship of Hay, containing 100 acres, on which are a, good,,,bank barn 40x80 feet on stone foundatiene wellunder the barn; good tstebling aindeineath; steel shingldde goodentrive shed; im- plement . buildings ee Ishg _pen, all in first elaee ,dendrition.es ..A reeteed, com- fortable- house; tWotaires of orchard, 10 acres of hardwood,bbah, fall plow- ing all done; four Acres of 'fair wheat. An overflowing sprilig witland loss- of land; three wells. The farm is well drained, and is conveniently situated on good gravel road, two miles from Exeter and 14 mile from kehool. Sat- isfactory reason given for selling.. Will be sold right and on easy terms of payment. For further particular, apply to George Geddes, on the farm; or to B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer, Exe- ter. Possession Can be given anytinae. 2601-4 FARM FOR SALE For sale east. half of lot 21, Conces- sion 4,Tuckersmitle a square 50 acres. There are on the Premises a good frame 1% storey house with kitchen and woodshed. Good bank barn with brick stabling, driving house and poultry house. These buildings are all in first class repair. Two good wells, one at the barn and one at the house. The farm is all fenced with Page -wire and all well underdrained. Six miles from Seaforth and six from Hensall on the best gravel roads; % of am he from school. Rural mail and phone. This is a choice.farm and will be sold on reasonable terms; posses- sion given at arty time. For particu- lars apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 3, Kippen P.O., or phone 11 on 132, Seafortti. P. McGrath. 2593x4-tf AUCTION SALE. , Of Farm Stock and Implements. - Thos. Brown has been inetructed to sell by publicauction. on the -weot half of lots 17 and 18, Concession- 13, Mc- Killop, en Tuesday, November 20th at one o clock p.m. the following: Horses --Mare 6 years old, mare 8 years old, driving noarn gelding two years old, gelding 1 year old. Cattle -Cow due to calve in November. cow due to calve in December, CM due to calve in Jan- uary, 2 cows due to calve in April, 3 heifers 2 years old, 1 steer 2 years old. 2 steers 1 year old, l'heifer 1 year old, '3 spring calves. ImpleraenO-Massey- Harris binder, new Massey -Harris mower, Cloverleaf Manure spreader, new Massey -Harris hay loader, disc drill (Mcormick) nearly new; land roller, set 4 section harrows, Frost and Wood cultivator, Maxwell disc. Gorbon disc, McCormick hay rake, Maxwell turnip sower, wagon, truck wagon, stoneboat, McLaughlin buggy, Mc- Laughlin cutter light wagon, 3 furrow gang plow. No. 21 Fleury walking plow; No. 10 Percival walking plow, Standard cream separator, sliding hay rack,hayrack,wagon-box,stoclwack,eut- ting box, Clinton fanning mill, hay fork rope and sling.s, set 2000 scales, 2 sets,heavv team harness. set single harness, Maxwell churn, cookstove, washing m4hine, gravel box, chains, shovels. forks, crowbars and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention, also a root pulper. Terms .-All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount, 10 months credit will be given ou fur- nishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 6 per cent. per annum allow- ed off for cash on credit amounts. Thos. Young, Proprietor;* T. Brown, A uctioneer. 2604-2 FOREST HOME YORKSHIRES We have recently put at the head of our herd the youpgi sire Meadow Brook Boy by the first prize junior champion at Toronto and London ex- hibitions. FazesaI eW,A noWS earrYing second litter; two sows carrying first litter; 1 young, hog 7 months old; 12 young sows three months old, all sired by Jordan Duke, by. Eldon Duke, champion hog at Toronto and Ottawa in 1914-1915. Also three cows to freshen about middle of Deceraber, to Wimple Gad: our present stock bull. 2604x2 J. & W. Hay, AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at Walker's Hotel, Brumfield, on Friday, November 16th, 1917, at 2 o'clock pm. the following: Horses - Three young heavy draught mares. Cattle -25 head of cattle rising two years okl, 3 heifers with calves at! foot, 5 spring calves, three cows sup- posed to be in calf, 4 two year old steers. Terms -Six months, credit on furnishing approved joint notes. Five per eent. off for cash on credit amounts. W. A. Ross, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2603-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and. Implements. - Mr. George Elliott has been instruct- ed to sell by public auction on Lot 47, Concession 1, London Road, 11/4 miles south of Clinton, on Tuesday, Novem- ber 13th, at one o'clock p.m., the following: Heavy draftimare 7 years old, heavy draft mare ten years old, driving mare, 3 Durham milch cows due to calve in April; two year old steer, 2 yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers, 5 spring calves, about 50 herr, and chickens, six foot Deering mow- er, steel land roller, set diamond har- rows, Massey -Harris cultivator, Weis- ner seed drill, Deering hay rake, Deering disc harrow, walking plow, Cockshutt two furrow walking plow, pair bobsleighs, set single harness, set double harness, DeLaval separator, root pulper, cutting hose -wagon, buggy grindstone, sugar kettle, hayrack, cut- ter, and a few household effects. A quantity of clover and timothy hay, and corn in stook, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms - All sume of 510 and ander cash; over that amount, 8 months credit on ap- proved joint notes, A discount of 5 per eent, per annum off on credit a- mounts. Everythine to be satisfac- torily settled for before leaving prem- ises. Levi Wiltse, Proprietor; George Elliott, Auctioneer, 2604-1 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Im'plements. • Mr. Thos. Brown has been instruct- ed to sell by pliblic auction on Lot 17, concession 12, McKillop, on Monday, November 12th, at one o'clock p.m., the fallowing: Horses -Gelding ris- ing 5 years old, mare rising 4 years old, mare rising three years old, geld- ing rising two years old, deising mare 7 years old, 1 aged _driving mare in foal to Jay Medium. Cattle -2 cows ,due to calve in January,i2 cows due an April, heifer due in May, 5 milk cows, 2 steers 2 years old, 9 calves ring one year old, 2 brood soave, ebout *0 hens, 6 geese, collie dog seven months old. Implements Massey -Harris binder 7 ft. cut, Massey -Harris mower 7 foot cut, Massey -Harris hayloader McCormick 10 -ft. hay rake, Cockshutt steel land roller, McCormick cultivator Noxon 11 hoe seed drill, % farm wag- on, box, pig rack, hay rack, and car, set bobsleighs, flat rack, buggy, cut- ter, Clinton fanning mill, set scales (2000 lbs. , capacity), new Melotte cream, separator (600 lbs. capacity), Cockshutt walking plow, gang plow, diamond harrows, scuffle; disc har- row, gravel box, set brass mounted trouble harness, set plow harness, set single harness, string bells, 2 sets of whifiletree,s, neckyoke, 150 sap, pails and spiles, sap pan, rug, blankets, whip, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of grass seed and some hay. These implements are all nearly new. Terms -All sums of 55 and under, cash; over that amount 11. months' eredit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. of for cash. GeorgeD das, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auer 260u4n--1 AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock and Implements. Mr, E.Boesenberry has been instruct- ed to sell by public 'auction on Lot 22, S. B., Stanley, Vo mile east of Blake, on Tuesday, November 20th, at one O'- clock, the iollowing: Horses -One ag- ricultural mare 10 years old, 1' agricul- tural mare 4 years old, one driving horse 8 yrs. old, good single or double, 1 hackney filly one year eld, hackney gelding -1 year old, 1 gelding. 1 year old, sired by Colonel Graham. Cattle -1 cow due ftt January; '1 heifer ttio years old due in April; 2 cows due in May; 2 farrow cows; 6 steers, 2 years old; 4 steers 1 year old; 4 heifers 1 year old; 3 calves, 1 registered Short- horn bull 11 months old. Hogs, Etc -Six store pigs and ahout 100 hens. Implements -Massey -Harris binder, 1 Massey -Harris mower, 'Sharp rake, Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, Massey - Harris cultivator, land roller, 4 section diamond harrows, Imperial gang plow, Wilkinson walking plow, Verity walk- ing plow, lumber wagon, truck wagon, combined hay and straw rack, top buggy, one cutter, one light wagon, bobsleighs, gravel box, stone boat, Clinton fanning mill, 1000-1b. weigh scales, scuffle; National cream separ- ator, wheelbarrow, hayfork and slings, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, horse collars, sar m and buckets, 20 foot ladder, Ira letrees„ Chatham incubator, root pa r, cut- ting box, new; two grin _ 4 -ones, neekyokes, forks, chains sugar kettles and numerou Aker airs-' teles. Some cedar poste 4iid rails Also a quantity of lurid House- hold Furniture -Bedstead, sideboard, a number of kitchen chairs, cookstove, heating stove, two hanging lamps, two bedroom lamps. about 30 yards of rag carpet, 1 chum. Terms -All sums of ; 510 and under, cash. Over that a- , mount 12 months' credit will be given on frunishmg approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Positively no re- serve. A. T. Douelas, Proprietor; E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. - 2604-2 ; E C OF CO .55R EDMUND WALKER, SIR JOHN Amp. cteneranmatwer c.V.O., L.L.D.MC.L., President% 1-1, V. F. JONES, Jessie Gen.). Mama, CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND. $13,500,000 38 The Manager is prepared to consult with prospective customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given prompt service. BEAFORTHBR4.NG7 . G. MULLEIN. AUCTION SALE. Of Cattle and Hogs. - Jas. Jones has been instructed to sell by public auction at the Half Way House, Born- holm, on Friday, November 16th. at 2 o'clock p.m., sharp, the following; 5 cows due to calve about time of sale, 5 cows due in December, 20 steers and heifers 2 years old, 20 steers and heifers 1 year old, 10 spring calves, 3 brood sows. Positively no reserve. Terms -Three, six and nine months' credit on approved joint notes with in- terest at 5 per cent. John A. Nich- olson, Proprietor, Ja,mes Jones Auct. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock. -C. W. Robinson has received instructions from the un- dersigned to sell by nubile' auction on Lot 14 Con. 1, Hay, 1% miles south of Hensall on Tuesday November 13th at one o'clock pan., the following: Horses -Broad mare, eight years old, supposed to be, in doal to :Colonel Graham; filly four years old; gelding one year old; sucking colt sired by Colonel Graham. Cattle 8 cows sup- posed to be in calf, including two good Jersey cows; cow with calf at, foot; 4 two year old steers; 3 two yr. old heifers; 3 yearling steers; 5 year- ling heifers; 4 calves; Jersey bull calf, 6 months old; 2 veal calves; brood sow with litter at foot. No reserve as the proprietor is moving to town. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount ten months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount of four per cent. off for cash. J. R. McDONAL13, Prop.; C. W. Robin- son. Auctioneer. 2603-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Hogs and Reeds .-Thomas Cameron has received instructions from the. under- signed to sell by public auctio on. Lot 9, North Thames Road, Usborne, on Thursday, November 15th, at 12.30 o'- clock, the following: Horses -Brood mare supposed to be in foal, 6 yrs. old, agricultural; brood mare,o5 yre. old, agricultural, eligible for registra- tion; three year.* agricultural geld- ing; year old draft filly; draft filly four months old; work horse; farmer's driver, 6 years old, quiet. Cattle -Cow due An Ddceenbere two year old en due to calve in November; 2 cows idue in March; 1 cow due in April; 3 farrow cows; fat heifer three years.. Ide 4 heifers two years old; 10 steers two years old; 4 heifers one yeaf-old; 8 steers one year old; 6 spring calves; Hogs, etc. -1 sow due to litter in De- cember; 8 store bogs; 50 hems and pullets; 8 ducks. Implements -Lum- ber wagon; top .buggy nearly new; pair bobsleighs; cutter; binder; mow- er nearly new; fertilizes seed drill; cultivator; steel land roller; disc; 4 - section harrows; 2 Feury walking plows; Maple Leaf two -furrow plow; lay rack: stock ;sick; gravel box; scuffler; Clinton fanning mill; 1% h.p. Gilson engine; cutting box; pulper; grindstone; stone -boat; set team har- ness nearly new; two sets double har- ness; new set of single harness; ex- tension ladders; whiffietreese neck - yokes; forks; shovels; hoes; horse col- lars; blankets; bags; DeLaval separ- ator; 800 three-inch tile; some cedar posts; 20 tons timothy hay, and a quantity of roots, and some corn in stook. Terms -All sums of $10 and un' - r, cash; cash; over that amount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes. A dis- count of 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. No reserve as the pro- prietor has sold his farm. ANDREW CAMPBELL, Prop.; Themes earner - en, Auctioneer. 2603-2 • It is your assurance of perfect sat- isfaction in all your concrete work.. Insist on getting CANADA We - We also have all kinds of Dreamt Lumber and McNair Brand Shingllea- So you are figuring on any new• buildings or repairing, let us help. you plan your work. Our services wee free. Jim. B. Mustard Brucefiele Beechwood Once more 1 thank my customizes - and the public generally for their ow tinued support for the past *Mir years and announce that I am bet - prepared than ever to cater to t' wants, A well selectedstock �f soes ak h m rubbers, dry goods and 'gdocerite-a the best values you can buy. We solicit your trade and will Par the highest market price for batter, eggs and lard and we are taking Lk* 'Poultry every Wednesday forename All -my aceoants are feady ant t hope for a prompt settlernent. Yoirs resPeithibit G. It, HOLLAND - 2599x12 ••••••P, dUsy,,T GRAND TRUNK "F -1-"/A‘ Highlands of Ontario, Canada ' THE HOME OF THE RED D=1114 AND TEE MOOSE. OPEN SEASONS DEER -November 1st to •Noveralsota 15th, inclusive. MOOSE-•Noveinber 1st to Novembir. 15th, inclusive. In some of thsa Northern Districts of Ontario. chiding Tirnagami, the open ne*. son is from November lah November 30th, inclusive. In that part of the Province of Ontario, lying north of the Canadian Gag- ernment Railway from the Quo. . bee to the Ma. ..ba boundez-a. the open seaf....3n for moose is front October 1.',;en to November 30tIto Write for copy of "Playgrounds-ils* Haunts of Fish and Game," giving, Game Laws, Hunting Regulationa, ete.,„ to id. E. Horning, Union Statiol, Tonto, (int. W. SOMERVILLE Town Agoik. W. PLANT Delen$ Utak, • VOU fed almost like shaking hands with a I man when he cones to his telmheme the moment the bell rinp. q If he answers by saying 81 once "Mr. Blank speaking." instead of usmg the time.wasting "Hello or `f Well" you are stalfurtherpleasoi far you lave saved valuable thne and mhos avoided a whole series of unnecesury questio4g q To always viewer promptly and. t& turnounce uowseV at once instead of say. ing "Hello lilts" or niVeir win g� far towntal keeping up-they/ay of your teleOboue S. T Holmes 1 Peneral Director and Licensed Embalmer :Undertaking 'parlors in Odd fel lows building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st., cpp Dr. Scott'e idowere furnished. • on short notice. Phone 'Night or Day 119, i. • / NOTICE, . . • t - , All accounts are now ready and'an early settlement would greatly oblige. P. Dill, Dublin. 2604-1 . • • - - FARM TO RENT, Fiarin to. rent for grass, 114 miles from, Village of Hensall. Apply to Yoluilliell, Sr, Exeter P.O., Ontario. 1 2604-1 . FOWL WANTED. , An, kinds of fowl taken in at the Royal -Hotel every Tuesday •forenoon. , Jas. G. McMichael; • 2603-tf , FOR RENT. Campbell block to rent, con.dsting of tw. stores. For yearly tenant, the stores Will be fitted up to suit the ten- ant, Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS Seafeith; r 2579-tf FOR SALE. S. C. White Leghorns for sale'200 yearling hens; Young's strain, bred from emales with yearly records, over 250 eggs.; Also' one 390 egg Cyphers incubator and four adaptable brooders. P. DILL, Dublin. 2604-1 a . ' , McKILLOP COUNCIL. MeKillop Council will meet at Calder's Hall, Winthrop; at .one o'clock p.m., on Wednesday, November 28th, as court of revision and for .other busi- ness. •. . ' -7 " 'M. Murdie\ Clerk. FARM FOR SALE. For sale', the north half OfLot 117. Concession 4, Tuekersmith, contain- ing 'fifty acres more or less. There are on the premises a good gravel- house and a good well, about six acres of bush and the rest all seeded to grass. For 'further pdrticulars apply on the premises, or address MARION MC - KAY, KIPPEN P. 0. 2604-4 - FARM FOR SALE. , 100 acres on Mill; Road, Tucker- emith, 4. miles from Seaforth and 2 nines from Brucefield. All cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Brich house with furnace; basement barn, dement' silo; spring water piped to barn. good well at the house. Rural mail and phone. For further partic- ulars apply to .owner, Alex. AL Watt, 119 Ontario St. Guelph, Ont.; or to John Rankin, Insurance and Real Es- tate Broker, Seaforth, Ont. 259641 FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 6, concession 2, Tuck. eremith, containing 100 acres; 9 acres hardwood bush, 60 acres in grass, 21/4 acres ,orchard and garden. There is on the farm a good brick house and bank barn with good stabling and ce- ment floors.' Well fenced and drained and plenty of water. The farm is situated 11/2 miles from Seaforth. For further particulars apply to John Gemmell, Seaforth, Ont., R. R. No. 4: 2603x4 , GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, }I.R.S., .100 .acres all eleared Gocid frame house and bank barn, pig pbn, hen house and -driving shed. A good orchard and plenty of good water; well tile drained, well fencedand all in first class condition. Oa the Huron Road 21/4 rides from Seaforth . and six miles from Clinton. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. B. Henderson, Seaforth. 259641 FOR SALE. , House and -half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good; com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fridt trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. ° This Is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the lead is in a good state of cultiva• tion. This is a dice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John- Rankin, Seaforth. 2584 -ti! FARM FOR SALE. For sale Lot 11, Concession 6, H. R.S., containing 100 acres also south half lot+ 5, Concession 7, Tuckersmith. On Lot 11 there is a bank barn 56x80, •pig pen, hen house and driving shed. Six roomed cottage. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and is sit- uated 3 miles from Seaforth on the Main road. The 50 acre lot is all in grass. This is an excellent property and will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to Jas. Firdayson, R. R. No. 3, Kippen. Pos- session will be given on September 1. 1918. 2599-4 - PRFOR BALB. ec birth:4444 40/C(41"alealt°adSitafoirth.t5"5111a6°: _hundred acres -all -elearerd with the ex- etnition of two SIMS; well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. About thirty acres in grass. Good frame house torts good barns with stone stabling underneath. Plenty of nev- er failing water. Aural mail delivery and rural telephone. Alsa a good bearing orchard. Easy terms of pay- ment. Apply on the premises or ad• - dress John McMillan, Seaforth, P. O. 2601x4 VALUEAILE FARM LANDS FOR . ' SALE , That very desirable farm, being composed of No' 17 and the south half of lot No. 16 in the 4th conces- sion of the Township of Hibbert, con- taining in all 150 acres more or less, is offered for sale at a sacrifice, in or- der to close up the eatate of the late William. McLellan. . The farm is in a first class state of cultivation and the buildings thereon are in good condi- tion. The farm is an exceptionally good one for mixed farming* For terms and particulars apply to the I undersigned. Andrew McLellan, Ad= 1 ministrator of the Estate of Wiffiant 1 McLellan,. 'deceased, Dublin. P.0, R. R. No. 2 2594-tf FARM FOR SALE. For sale Lot 25, Concession 6, Mc- Killop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a story and a half brick house, bank 'barn 86x36 with straw shed.50x52;good stabling under- neath the hkole barn. Twelve acres of gooehardwood bush, 10 acres seed- ed to fall wheat; abundance of good water. All well fenced and under - drained and in a first class state of cultivation, 21/2 miles north of Sea - forth on the North Gravel Road. Con- venient to church and school. Rural mail route and telephone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For fur- ther particulars apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. Jadtes: Kerr. 2601x8 FARM FOR SALE. Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres- of the best clay. land in McKil- lop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Sea - forth, 2 miles from Constance, 114 miles from school. There are on the premises a good seven room house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and the balance.seeded down, There are 2 big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the :other is a dam with a hy- draulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from the road to the . buildings. Apply to Mrs. Samuel Dorrance, Sea - forth, or phone 76, Seaforth. 2601-tf _FARM. tiOR SALE s For sale let 5, eoneession 2, 'Town- ship of Hay, containing 100 acres, on which are a, good,,,bank barn 40x80 feet on stone foundatiene wellunder the barn; good tstebling aindeineath; steel shingldde goodentrive shed; im- plement . buildings ee Ishg _pen, all in first elaee ,dendrition.es ..A reeteed, com- fortable- house; tWotaires of orchard, 10 acres of hardwood,bbah, fall plow- ing all done; four Acres of 'fair wheat. An overflowing sprilig witland loss- of land; three wells. The farm is well drained, and is conveniently situated on good gravel road, two miles from Exeter and 14 mile from kehool. Sat- isfactory reason given for selling.. Will be sold right and on easy terms of payment. For further particular, apply to George Geddes, on the farm; or to B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer, Exe- ter. Possession Can be given anytinae. 2601-4 FARM FOR SALE For sale east. half of lot 21, Conces- sion 4,Tuckersmitle a square 50 acres. There are on the Premises a good frame 1% storey house with kitchen and woodshed. Good bank barn with brick stabling, driving house and poultry house. These buildings are all in first class repair. Two good wells, one at the barn and one at the house. The farm is all fenced with Page -wire and all well underdrained. Six miles from Seaforth and six from Hensall on the best gravel roads; % of am he from school. Rural mail and phone. This is a choice.farm and will be sold on reasonable terms; posses- sion given at arty time. For particu- lars apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 3, Kippen P.O., or phone 11 on 132, Seafortti. P. McGrath. 2593x4-tf AUCTION SALE. , Of Farm Stock and Implements. - Thos. Brown has been inetructed to sell by publicauction. on the -weot half of lots 17 and 18, Concession- 13, Mc- Killop, en Tuesday, November 20th at one o clock p.m. the following: Horses --Mare 6 years old, mare 8 years old, driving noarn gelding two years old, gelding 1 year old. Cattle -Cow due to calve in November. cow due to calve in December, CM due to calve in Jan- uary, 2 cows due to calve in April, 3 heifers 2 years old, 1 steer 2 years old. 2 steers 1 year old, l'heifer 1 year old, '3 spring calves. ImpleraenO-Massey- Harris binder, new Massey -Harris mower, Cloverleaf Manure spreader, new Massey -Harris hay loader, disc drill (Mcormick) nearly new; land roller, set 4 section harrows, Frost and Wood cultivator, Maxwell disc. Gorbon disc, McCormick hay rake, Maxwell turnip sower, wagon, truck wagon, stoneboat, McLaughlin buggy, Mc- Laughlin cutter light wagon, 3 furrow gang plow. No. 21 Fleury walking plow; No. 10 Percival walking plow, Standard cream separator, sliding hay rack,hayrack,wagon-box,stoclwack,eut- ting box, Clinton fanning mill, hay fork rope and sling.s, set 2000 scales, 2 sets,heavv team harness. set single harness, Maxwell churn, cookstove, washing m4hine, gravel box, chains, shovels. forks, crowbars and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention, also a root pulper. Terms .-All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount, 10 months credit will be given ou fur- nishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 6 per cent. per annum allow- ed off for cash on credit amounts. Thos. Young, Proprietor;* T. Brown, A uctioneer. 2604-2 FOREST HOME YORKSHIRES We have recently put at the head of our herd the youpgi sire Meadow Brook Boy by the first prize junior champion at Toronto and London ex- hibitions. FazesaI eW,A noWS earrYing second litter; two sows carrying first litter; 1 young, hog 7 months old; 12 young sows three months old, all sired by Jordan Duke, by. Eldon Duke, champion hog at Toronto and Ottawa in 1914-1915. Also three cows to freshen about middle of Deceraber, to Wimple Gad: our present stock bull. 2604x2 J. & W. Hay, AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at Walker's Hotel, Brumfield, on Friday, November 16th, 1917, at 2 o'clock pm. the following: Horses - Three young heavy draught mares. Cattle -25 head of cattle rising two years okl, 3 heifers with calves at! foot, 5 spring calves, three cows sup- posed to be in calf, 4 two year old steers. Terms -Six months, credit on furnishing approved joint notes. Five per eent. off for cash on credit amounts. W. A. Ross, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2603-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and. Implements. - Mr. George Elliott has been instruct- ed to sell by public auction on Lot 47, Concession 1, London Road, 11/4 miles south of Clinton, on Tuesday, Novem- ber 13th, at one o'clock p.m., the following: Heavy draftimare 7 years old, heavy draft mare ten years old, driving mare, 3 Durham milch cows due to calve in April; two year old steer, 2 yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers, 5 spring calves, about 50 herr, and chickens, six foot Deering mow- er, steel land roller, set diamond har- rows, Massey -Harris cultivator, Weis- ner seed drill, Deering hay rake, Deering disc harrow, walking plow, Cockshutt two furrow walking plow, pair bobsleighs, set single harness, set double harness, DeLaval separator, root pulper, cutting hose -wagon, buggy grindstone, sugar kettle, hayrack, cut- ter, and a few household effects. A quantity of clover and timothy hay, and corn in stook, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms - All sume of 510 and ander cash; over that amount, 8 months credit on ap- proved joint notes, A discount of 5 per eent, per annum off on credit a- mounts. Everythine to be satisfac- torily settled for before leaving prem- ises. Levi Wiltse, Proprietor; George Elliott, Auctioneer, 2604-1 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Im'plements. • Mr. Thos. Brown has been instruct- ed to sell by pliblic auction on Lot 17, concession 12, McKillop, on Monday, November 12th, at one o'clock p.m., the fallowing: Horses -Gelding ris- ing 5 years old, mare rising 4 years old, mare rising three years old, geld- ing rising two years old, deising mare 7 years old, 1 aged _driving mare in foal to Jay Medium. Cattle -2 cows ,due to calve in January,i2 cows due an April, heifer due in May, 5 milk cows, 2 steers 2 years old, 9 calves ring one year old, 2 brood soave, ebout *0 hens, 6 geese, collie dog seven months old. Implements Massey -Harris binder 7 ft. cut, Massey -Harris mower 7 foot cut, Massey -Harris hayloader McCormick 10 -ft. hay rake, Cockshutt steel land roller, McCormick cultivator Noxon 11 hoe seed drill, % farm wag- on, box, pig rack, hay rack, and car, set bobsleighs, flat rack, buggy, cut- ter, Clinton fanning mill, set scales (2000 lbs. , capacity), new Melotte cream, separator (600 lbs. capacity), Cockshutt walking plow, gang plow, diamond harrows, scuffle; disc har- row, gravel box, set brass mounted trouble harness, set plow harness, set single harness, string bells, 2 sets of whifiletree,s, neckyoke, 150 sap, pails and spiles, sap pan, rug, blankets, whip, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of grass seed and some hay. These implements are all nearly new. Terms -All sums of 55 and under, cash; over that amount 11. months' eredit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. of for cash. GeorgeD das, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auer 260u4n--1 AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock and Implements. Mr, E.Boesenberry has been instruct- ed to sell by public 'auction on Lot 22, S. B., Stanley, Vo mile east of Blake, on Tuesday, November 20th, at one O'- clock, the iollowing: Horses -One ag- ricultural mare 10 years old, 1' agricul- tural mare 4 years old, one driving horse 8 yrs. old, good single or double, 1 hackney filly one year eld, hackney gelding -1 year old, 1 gelding. 1 year old, sired by Colonel Graham. Cattle -1 cow due ftt January; '1 heifer ttio years old due in April; 2 cows due in May; 2 farrow cows; 6 steers, 2 years old; 4 steers 1 year old; 4 heifers 1 year old; 3 calves, 1 registered Short- horn bull 11 months old. Hogs, Etc -Six store pigs and ahout 100 hens. Implements -Massey -Harris binder, 1 Massey -Harris mower, 'Sharp rake, Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, Massey - Harris cultivator, land roller, 4 section diamond harrows, Imperial gang plow, Wilkinson walking plow, Verity walk- ing plow, lumber wagon, truck wagon, combined hay and straw rack, top buggy, one cutter, one light wagon, bobsleighs, gravel box, stone boat, Clinton fanning mill, 1000-1b. weigh scales, scuffle; National cream separ- ator, wheelbarrow, hayfork and slings, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, horse collars, sar m and buckets, 20 foot ladder, Ira letrees„ Chatham incubator, root pa r, cut- ting box, new; two grin _ 4 -ones, neekyokes, forks, chains sugar kettles and numerou Aker airs-' teles. Some cedar poste 4iid rails Also a quantity of lurid House- hold Furniture -Bedstead, sideboard, a number of kitchen chairs, cookstove, heating stove, two hanging lamps, two bedroom lamps. about 30 yards of rag carpet, 1 chum. Terms -All sums of ; 510 and under, cash. Over that a- , mount 12 months' credit will be given on frunishmg approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Positively no re- serve. A. T. Douelas, Proprietor; E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. - 2604-2 ; E C OF CO .55R EDMUND WALKER, SIR JOHN Amp. cteneranmatwer c.V.O., L.L.D.MC.L., President% 1-1, V. F. JONES, Jessie Gen.). Mama, CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND. $13,500,000 38 The Manager is prepared to consult with prospective customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given prompt service. BEAFORTHBR4.NG7 . G. MULLEIN. AUCTION SALE. Of Cattle and Hogs. - Jas. Jones has been instructed to sell by public auction at the Half Way House, Born- holm, on Friday, November 16th. at 2 o'clock p.m., sharp, the following; 5 cows due to calve about time of sale, 5 cows due in December, 20 steers and heifers 2 years old, 20 steers and heifers 1 year old, 10 spring calves, 3 brood sows. Positively no reserve. Terms -Three, six and nine months' credit on approved joint notes with in- terest at 5 per cent. John A. Nich- olson, Proprietor, Ja,mes Jones Auct. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock. -C. W. Robinson has received instructions from the un- dersigned to sell by nubile' auction on Lot 14 Con. 1, Hay, 1% miles south of Hensall on Tuesday November 13th at one o'clock pan., the following: Horses -Broad mare, eight years old, supposed to be, in doal to :Colonel Graham; filly four years old; gelding one year old; sucking colt sired by Colonel Graham. Cattle 8 cows sup- posed to be in calf, including two good Jersey cows; cow with calf at, foot; 4 two year old steers; 3 two yr. old heifers; 3 yearling steers; 5 year- ling heifers; 4 calves; Jersey bull calf, 6 months old; 2 veal calves; brood sow with litter at foot. No reserve as the proprietor is moving to town. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount ten months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount of four per cent. off for cash. J. R. McDONAL13, Prop.; C. W. Robin- son. Auctioneer. 2603-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Hogs and Reeds .-Thomas Cameron has received instructions from the. under- signed to sell by public auctio on. Lot 9, North Thames Road, Usborne, on Thursday, November 15th, at 12.30 o'- clock, the following: Horses -Brood mare supposed to be in foal, 6 yrs. old, agricultural; brood mare,o5 yre. old, agricultural, eligible for registra- tion; three year.* agricultural geld- ing; year old draft filly; draft filly four months old; work horse; farmer's driver, 6 years old, quiet. Cattle -Cow due An Ddceenbere two year old en due to calve in November; 2 cows idue in March; 1 cow due in April; 3 farrow cows; fat heifer three years.. Ide 4 heifers two years old; 10 steers two years old; 4 heifers one yeaf-old; 8 steers one year old; 6 spring calves; Hogs, etc. -1 sow due to litter in De- cember; 8 store bogs; 50 hems and pullets; 8 ducks. Implements -Lum- ber wagon; top .buggy nearly new; pair bobsleighs; cutter; binder; mow- er nearly new; fertilizes seed drill; cultivator; steel land roller; disc; 4 - section harrows; 2 Feury walking plows; Maple Leaf two -furrow plow; lay rack: stock ;sick; gravel box; scuffler; Clinton fanning mill; 1% h.p. Gilson engine; cutting box; pulper; grindstone; stone -boat; set team har- ness nearly new; two sets double har- ness; new set of single harness; ex- tension ladders; whiffietreese neck - yokes; forks; shovels; hoes; horse col- lars; blankets; bags; DeLaval separ- ator; 800 three-inch tile; some cedar posts; 20 tons timothy hay, and a quantity of roots, and some corn in stook. Terms -All sums of $10 and un' - r, cash; cash; over that amount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes. A dis- count of 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. No reserve as the pro- prietor has sold his farm. ANDREW CAMPBELL, Prop.; Themes earner - en, Auctioneer. 2603-2 • It is your assurance of perfect sat- isfaction in all your concrete work.. Insist on getting CANADA We - We also have all kinds of Dreamt Lumber and McNair Brand Shingllea- So you are figuring on any new• buildings or repairing, let us help. you plan your work. Our services wee free. Jim. B. Mustard Brucefiele Beechwood Once more 1 thank my customizes - and the public generally for their ow tinued support for the past *Mir years and announce that I am bet - prepared than ever to cater to t' wants, A well selectedstock �f soes ak h m rubbers, dry goods and 'gdocerite-a the best values you can buy. We solicit your trade and will Par the highest market price for batter, eggs and lard and we are taking Lk* 'Poultry every Wednesday forename All -my aceoants are feady ant t hope for a prompt settlernent. Yoirs resPeithibit G. It, HOLLAND - 2599x12 ••••••P, dUsy,,T GRAND TRUNK "F -1-"/A‘ Highlands of Ontario, Canada ' THE HOME OF THE RED D=1114 AND TEE MOOSE. OPEN SEASONS DEER -November 1st to •Noveralsota 15th, inclusive. MOOSE-•Noveinber 1st to Novembir. 15th, inclusive. In some of thsa Northern Districts of Ontario. chiding Tirnagami, the open ne*. son is from November lah November 30th, inclusive. In that part of the Province of Ontario, lying north of the Canadian Gag- ernment Railway from the Quo. . bee to the Ma. ..ba boundez-a. the open seaf....3n for moose is front October 1.',;en to November 30tIto Write for copy of "Playgrounds-ils* Haunts of Fish and Game," giving, Game Laws, Hunting Regulationa, ete.,„ to id. E. Horning, Union Statiol, Tonto, (int. W. SOMERVILLE Town Agoik. W. PLANT Delen$ Utak, • VOU fed almost like shaking hands with a I man when he cones to his telmheme the moment the bell rinp. q If he answers by saying 81 once "Mr. Blank speaking." instead of usmg the time.wasting "Hello or `f Well" you are stalfurtherpleasoi far you lave saved valuable thne and mhos avoided a whole series of unnecesury questio4g q To always viewer promptly and. t& turnounce uowseV at once instead of say. ing "Hello lilts" or niVeir win g� far towntal keeping up-they/ay of your teleOboue