The Huron Expositor, 1917-11-09, Page 3MINIMIRe M15 'a hair that ;lee radione with Ie softness and} y Danderiue. n doubles the elides it intim. y particle on nave nice heanye dandruff. Thins the hair of its I its very Life,. >rodaces a fever* the scalp; the and die- t Surely a3 error Dande,+rin . just try it. CC"Mg 1 ; it? ",ed fo.= so bad ey, and F relief. 1st come ruble." `For two intense.. without Lek relief m-Buk pito; sty =p to Toronto. lei tea. las fd S BO ouly a long E=me-upt Eva liminninnergngnMET a* iiiituraitiaa'aaniammara ewart's Si6Iht for Las Maid or Phone Your Orders We prepay the Carriage MOM raid Up 4141004,00/0 s1 A GENERA litapasos row wit' this Bar& aro ei- ot efficient Via;. at SAN G SUSI EARS raftkilahareeper ess SEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M. JONES, Manager; 1 11 X11 1a1N111111113Ilti1111111[1 111111113111!1111111111111111111111111311iRX 11111i111iiTIC1E[i3131 agesvastanit reply should,. take., , T .t -tire- confer- ehr furtitt Exportffit,ence made 21` change in the reply - that had been, decidedupon has been offic- Tally denied ;in Berne, but it has not been denied that there was a confer- ence. The Socialists, it is said, insisted that; the German reply should be de-• Clinton Boy Killed In Action -Word finite with regard to Belgium, Serbia las been received that Lieut. Charles and Poland and some other matters._ MacPherson youngest son of the late They aid that Belgium - should be D. F. MacPherson had been killed in evacuated and partially restored at action. He was 27 years of age. Be- Germany`s expense, that Serbia fore the war broke out he was engaged should be evacuated and partially re - as a mining engineer in New Ontario. stored by Austria; that Eou nania Be enlisted with the 16Ist Battalion should be evacuated, but that, no in- in which unit he received his con -1 demnity should be paid to :her; tthat mission. hen'the battalion went to Poland shouldbe left. an independent England he got a tranfser to the State, while C'ourland should' ?be eyaI Highlanders a Montreal and evacuated and left to settle her' own` bad, only been in France about two affairs.. In return Germany would de- anoniths. He was a ephew of Mr. mendthat some of her. colonies be D. L..MacPherson of Clinton and was returned to her. Such a statement, born and educaed dere. while leaving much to be desired e DISTRICT MATIS from the Allies' point of view, word 3NGHA. have an excellent -effect. upon public' Death of An Old Resident. --Alter opinion in France .and Ragland, and - After d particularly in.the United States. It; being es�nfed: to the house for some would give the elements opposed to three weeks, Mr. Walter Taylor, an war in all those" countries, and probes oldand most highly esteemed real ably the Gerrhan agents, a chance to dear* of Winghan-, passed away at the raise theirvoices in favor of an inter- home of his son-in-law, Mr. J. w • rational conference,' with a truce Pearen¢" Centre Street, early Monday while certain taints wex'e being- - running last in his 76th year. Mr. threshed out... If in the end the Taylor had ibeen, in failing health'' for man terms were rejected Germany Orme time, He was born in New would at least have benefitted by the ;York State, his parents coming, to delay and be better able to 'resume that State from Scotland. In Mr . hostilities. Taylor's early 'life his parents moved Opposed to this Position were mem- to em-to the township of 'Blenheim, near the tors of the Dunker party, the pan village .of Ayr, ind hate the "subject . Germans and `many- of the Centrists. tat this notice spent his early years. They contended that Germany had �Wards of forty years ago he came _ held out for three years, and that if i `inghsm -and was fat many years she' could hold out only a few months engaged in the_ general cooperage !nisi - longer she would be able to impose mess. He was an oder of fancy her own -Tornio of peace. Al hello poultry .and had for nears engaged in ceding some of the better varieties.tations of spoke laid emphasis on their expec-' Al - Ile also was a lover of : a good garden l sone members o the Dunker pa y and with his poultry and =gsrilen pro- assured his hearers that before long �.- duce was for many years a successful -Italy would be as much disorganized exhibitor at the Winghem and neigh- as Rile ia. and that Germany. shad boring fairs. He was: a charter Metal- ''thotjsa "• of friends'. in „the. unites. ber of Court ;Caledonia Sons of Scot- h . Iand and for years head the position Staten -who would ' be busy' making', trouble.• This view finally prevailed, sif Financial Secreta i ' die vamp.. and iris said that because of the .high.' religion he was a Presbyterrsp ad.'hopes' aroused by the Dunker- speakers: In polities a Conservative. He was the eosif�rencef ► toyed a change xxt• inost. biy esteemed .> a Fl ge =circle , 4f a s. fl fe.premised him{ *fie' an awl 'to Fapa�l note which. nix and is survived by one made it the ba se it is, and a pry' (Jany _ Mrs .. J.. W. 'Peal`en with duction whi the Germans = them whore he had resided since the death selves do Tottend'to understand. pretend The Dunker who made the prmimses of %. The fmux took- place,about sale `evidently . spoke by ' the on etedneedy afternoon to gingham book, although there is no reason to cemetery• sutnose that Italy will ever be reduc- ed to the rent status of Russia. CANARY CAUSES BuMsH PANIC Gerina 's -original plans have been Howe one little c4iary bird caused sadly disarranged by the progress of the war. but they remain essentially. the sante as ever, and of;date appear to have been Working out more satins-.. factorily for Mier'. than at any other trnie. She .has all along. counted upon defeating her enemies one by one. France was to be the first victim; then she was to turn on Russia. Cir- cumstances have obliged her to alter Russia's position in the battling or- der, and now we :see that Russia stands first among the great powers to be rendered virtually helpless. What she, was unable to accomplish by force of arms in Russia she has al- most lmost achieved by nteans of her secret to the birds. One little songster,agents and her anarchist dupes. O.f however, escaped from its job. flew, "late `we have had sensational revels into the middle of No Man's Lancl and tions of the part her spies tried to ac - alighting on a bush began to'sing., conmplrsh in France. It was announced "Consternation reigned in the Brit- the other clay that Bernstorf was ish lines. If the bird had been dis- backing another' rising in Ireland. It covered by the Germans the work of it too early yet to say that all her ac - weeks would go for naught as the ene- tivities in the United States have my could' easily interpret the meaning been brought to nothing. of its presence and prepare to combat Germany's hopes ` must recently the sapping operations. The infant have revived: What she••has achieved try was immediately ordered to open may not amount to much in a mill - fire on the canary, to destroy it. But tary way. If' the whole Italian army it seemed to bear a charmed life. were captured her great ,problem en Even the sharpshooters failed to bring the Western front would be left un- it down, as it hopped front twig to solved,. but G~crmnY his secured, in twig. Finally the artillery had to the collarsq, of Russia and in the be called on. A trench gunwith a disc ter `tb IthW. *hat salesmen call well -aimed shell blew the bird and "talking .norms:." , -She : has them to the bush and the song into n0 t1Dg' use as texts from which to exhort her Hess .'} people to continue to hold out, and to -.40,--___ encourage her allies. She has re- GERMANY'S LAST HOPE IS moved from Austria the menace of a TREACHERY. Russian invasion; she has guided A short time ago Prince von Buelow, Austria to ' her greatest work- of the formerly Gemara eepresentative in war in thepast week. If she can. Italy, remarked that he had promi- provoke • another Irish rebellion the tient friends there at work. W t n w o f fullye German take a s population er holeni will itsc belt. can gaze ;�tsome oftl fon their work, which eertairi'I� will en- If she own rulers � belan �v d thato�an3�hin� may. h her `hence Buclow's reputation. • country and may speed his annbition happen to help them. They are ganm- o playa ;seat part on 'the world's blind now, and are throw''ing for the stage.. Writing from Berne a' fort- big stake ofdisorias o khat amonGer, night or so ago, Mr. Julius Grande their foes. The point gave to the New York Times an k- man's foes cannot ss they disorganize. the vested ling of what *night be expected At unle the time he wrote there was no indi- cation of a great Teutonic advance, and the information upon which kir. Grande based his conclusions was ac- quired by him at a much earlier date, in fact before the German reply to the Pope's note was issued. It ap- pears that there was a confereece in Berlin attended by promninet public risen, same of them representatives in e Reichstaz, some not. The purpose of the gathering was to express opin- ions as tc, what foram the forthcoming Ready to Serve You with'1'wo Big Stores filled with Dependable Goods at Tempting Prices Modern Methods Every advance in modern storekeep- ing that is con- ducive to the con- venience and com- fort of customers has been adopted. consternation among an entire div $o of )~lritish troops and had to. be killed, is Mold : by Dr. Robe2t Davis, recently arrived in the Ulnited` States to lec- ture at the officers' training :iambi on activities of the Red Gross in Eur-, ope. "For more than a month on a northern sector of the line the Brit- ish had been secretly mining bemeath the German .trenches,", 'said Dr. Davis: "The work was almost complete. Dur- ing the operations several canary 'birds were,as usualkept in the ex- cavations xcavations to warn the Visirkers of the resence of fire -damp, which is fatal China has established a double standard of weights and measures that include the metric system and a na- tive one. SATISFIED MOTHERS. Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets fordter littlones she will use nothing else. ' The s tisfaction she de- rives franz their , e is wonderful. They are easy to give the baby; their action is prompt and thorough and -. - above all they are absolutely harm- less. C{,ncerning thein Mrs. -Teen Dechaine, Lacordaire, Sa_k., writes: "I am well satisfied with Baby's Own Tablets. I had no trouble in giving them to my baby and they have promptly cured her of constipation." The tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box -from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Seaforth by C. Aberhart, Druggist. Brockville, Ontario,. GRAY HAIR Restor- ative, Irerain s Natural Hair u -E i as directed is guaranteed to restore gray hair to its natural color or teoned refunded. Positively not a dve and non -injurious. Piice $1.06 postpaid. Write Tremain Sup p y I' Co Toronto Ont. On Sale in Correct Styles Up-to-the-minute fashions for every meinber of t h e tamity—man, wo- man ar child, and at the most ad- vantageous prices f Best Values 0128 of .the very foundations o f this business and the one most care- fully ' arded to secure the v e r y best merchandise ate, sol then at the lowest possible prices. 1 >dminrinnInIr i Women's These will impress you with the soft velvety omen Coats warmth of their fabrics, of which the chief ar Plush, Velours, Zibelins, Tweeds, Cheviots, Etc. Their collars know n limit in size but represent the loveliest models we have ever shown. Prices $10 to $45 The New Trenchand Belted Styles are Men's Ovetcoatsmakin great reat hit this season with those b who like the very last word in sorest styles. We are also showing a big range of stylish dressy coats in more conservative models, Prices $1Q to $22 ' • Such a delightful array of them. Wide ` ion le Furs flat neckpieces. with round muffs with a tendsncy to be a little smaller. In fur coats the emphasis is on Hudson SC+ ,-.Muskrat,. We can please you no matter what fur you require. Prices $5 to $100 Apart from the fact that this store has a reputation Underwear for good underwear, the mere mention of the names of PENMAN, STAN FIELD, TURNBULL, WATSON, Etc ,— whose best makes are to be found here—is a positive guarantee that you get the greatest satisfaction here, and it costs you no more than ordinary kinds. All sizes for men, women and children. Prices 50c to $2.50 for the whole family, from Baby toGrandpa. ?hosiery make is here and the prices are as reasonoble sistent with good quality arid honest values. Every best as is, con - Prices 20cto $1.00 on11 and LinoleurnS,xmas if .your present to mother is to be a New Rug -and after all, what could you give that is wiore useful or more lasting and so generally satisfactory, We have a very pleasing range and a big variety to choose from. It will pay you to come in early and get the first choice. Service This single word sounds the .key- note of successful merchandising. We always endeavor to render most efficient service to each and every one of our customers at any and all times. Price $15 to $48 For Overseaswe have a great many usefu!_ presents for the boys and girls overseas—Hose, Mitts, Ties, Hand- kerchiefs, Shirts, Sweaters, Urnderwear, Gloves, specially adapted for soldiers' or nurses wear. Right Merchandise The success of any business depends upon the kind and quality of merchandise offered for sale. We secure the best at any cost and always follow this policy. EINGSNMELIAPP Steweart Bros. i i Truthful Advertising Every st at em,ent, whether plthlished or spoken. about the merchandise offered for sa e here is based upon absolute fact.. Promptness Promptness in at- tention to custom- ers and prompt- ness in delivery of their purchases one of oar first prwumptes Consideration Every need of our customers, every s? pst for the betterment of store service, every com- plaint of whatever natueis given.due and, care f con- sideration. Courtesy, The most gratifying r*gorts we hear are from custohrers who have been courteously served, for that is one of the strictest requirements placed upon every employee of this firm. 1 Right Prices Here lies the very foundation of this business Right Prices. Here is the secret of this store's success—holding the confidence of old customers and always making new friends. t : ;