HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-10-26, Page 5old, . � • by lied MclOntee,'J' :twoItxlega old abfeit bya` Cattle -Two cows ', tin cow " . lfl � three year . heifer with C at Soot, 3 steers two yrs old, 0 heif era rising 2rs, er rising two . years,r. voiding teer, 4 slaing calves'.Pigs - evewchionlas, 8 months old; 2 brood sods One gam and two geese, also ;bout 50 hens and 20 phl- lets. . Implements -Bell cutting box v th carries, Coleman cher with bagger, wagon, wagon box new, set new sleighs, buggy, hay -rack, Fleury walking ploy, hay fork, car, rope and pulleys, Melotte cream- separator 600. lbs. capacity, McTaggart fanng mill, about 600 bushels of oats, 150 bushels barley and 200 bushels mixed grain, mostly fit for seed; Imperial Oxford range. Terms -All stuns of $10 and under, cash; over that amount eleven months credit will be given on furnish- ing approved -joint -notes. A discount e,. 5 cent. strain of F ahtoff for cashor/ � forget your -Ma bills. You shapes of Shy tug and neatest. ve the red rub- Rubbers have comes hard. - cry member of and $1.35 c to 95e mud 80c .11444. 0 UAL ltli Noximmigniwaocomossengimatx i i 00 ire, yrs -ate i}? 1{/- 18.10 per41oze$ r>E. �• . #. ,�. • to pie. +r lb. ..36 to 40e utter. per pound 40e to ;C otatoes, per bag . $1.00 ogs, peer cwt. , . ...' .. • ... i,` BIRTHS • Voyne-In Hibbert, on October 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Coxae, a daughter. MARRIAGES. . Laird -- Hoimea - At Knox Manse, Swift grrent, Sask., by Rev. Wm• A. Guy, on Pctobear kith, Susan Hoboes of yn n -k, daughter of Mr. David Holmes, of Walton, to Mr. -- James Laird, o% Blumenhof, Sask. DEATHS yne--in Hibbert, on October 23rd, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Coyne. SALE REGISTERS. On Saturday, October. 20th, at 3 p.m., at he;< residence, Market street, household *titre. Margaret Mal- achy, Prop ,cess; T. Brown, auc- tioneer-. On Thursday, November 8th, on lot #i, concession 1, Hulett farm stock and implements. Robt. Gibbings, Preopri- tor; T. I Brcwn, auctoneer.. On Ttjesday, November 6th, on lot conce4sion 18, McKillop, farm stock and implements. Wm. Smith, Propri- etor; ropri-etor; T. Brown, auctioneer.. On Friday, Nov. 9th, on lot 8, Bay- lield road, north, 2% miles west of lama; farm, farm stock aid iinple- nts, at 1 o'clock sharp. W. 3. Me- enaghan, proprietor; E. Bossenber- ty, auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE. or sale, Lot 25, Concession 5, Me - p, on the Gravel Road, two miles a half north of Seaforth. One undred acres all clearerd with the ex - Sion of two acres; well fenced and fa a good state of cultivation. About qty acres in grass. Good frame house, two good barns with stone eitabling underneath. Plenty of nev- er failing water. Rural mail delivery and rural telephone. Also a good bearing orchard. Easy terms of pay- ment. "Apply on the premises or ad- dress John McMillan, Seaforth, P. 0. 2601x4 FARM FOR SALE. For sale Lot 25, Concession 6, Mc- Killop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a story and a half brick house,bank barn 86x36 with .straw shed 5dx52;good stabling under- neath the whole barn. Twelve acres of good hardwood bush, 10 acres seed- ed to fall wheat; abundance of good water. All well fenced and under - drained and in a first class state of cultivation. 2% miles north of Sea - forth on the North Gravel Road. Con- venient to church and school, h Rural mail route and telephone. Will be sold on reasonable_ terms. .l For _fur- ther particulars apply on the premises or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. James Kerr. 2601x8 VAl.1TEABLiE FARM LANDS FOR SALE That very desirable farm, being composed of No' 17 and the south half of Iot No. 16 in the 4th conces- sion of the Township of Hibbert, con- taining in all 150 acres more or less; is offered for sale at a sacrifice, in or- der to close up the estate of the late William McLellan. The farm is -in a first class state of cultivation and the dings thereon are in good condi- tion. The farm is an exceptionally good one for mixed farming. For terms and particulars: apply to the undersigned. Andrew McLellan, Ad- ministrator of the Estate of William McLellan, deceased, Dublin P.O., R. R. No. 2 2594-tf FARM FOR SALE For sale lot '5, concession 2, Town- ship of Hay, containing 100 acres, on which are a good bank barn 40x80 feet on store foundation;. well under the barn; good stabling underneath, steel shingled; good drive shed; im- plement buildings; hog pen, all in first class condition. A good, com- fortable house; two acres of orchard, 10 acres of hardwood bush, fall plow- ing all done; four acres of fail wheat. An overflowing spring with no lass of land; three wells. The farm is well drained, and is conveniently situated on good gravel road, two miles from Exeter and Ye mile from, school. Sat- isfactory reason giver: for selling. • Will be sola right and on easy terms of payment_ For further particular apply to George Geddes, on the farm; or So B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer, Exe- ter. Possession can be given anytime. 2601.4E AUCTION SALE. • Of Choice Farm Stock. -Mr. Thos. Gundry has been icstnicted to sell by public auction ori lot 17, Concession_ 6, Hulled, 2% miles west of Kinburn, on the farm recently occupied by Mr. Bruce Medd on Thursday, November 1st, at one o'clock, sharps the follow- ing: Horses -1 mare 8 years old, in feat; 1 marc 7 years old in foal; 2 fillies two years old, 1 gelding 1 old, 1 colt four months old. Cattle - 10' cows supposed to be in calf (dates given at sale), 20 fat heifers weighing 800 and 900 lbs . , 4 big steers, 15 year- ling steers and heifers 13 . spring calves, a number of sheep and 100 White Leghorn and grade hens-. Terms -Six months' credit on _ approv ed joint notes. Five 'per cent, oL for cash. Any person wishing to leave cL the till winter may do so. James Medd, -proprietor; . T. Gundry, Auctioneer. 26024 AUCTION SALE. Of Ftp rmr, Stock and Implements.- �lr, Thornas Brown. has been instruct- ed to sell by public auction on Lot 6, Ccs rnession+ 1, Hulled, on Thursday, November 8th. at 1.30 o'clock sharp, the following Hers -Brood mare years old supposed to be in foal, mare • 4 years old sired by Glenrae, agricultural gelding three years old, filly two. year old, sired by Glenrae, 11y colt sired by International, driv- rng mare 9 years old, driving filly 3 AUCTION SAl'.�'4• of Farm, Faris Stock " and 'male - en ts : - Mr. Ed. BosNenberr y has been -instructed to sell by, public auc- tion' on Lot 8, Bayfield road, north, 212 miles west of Varna, on Fridtay, November 9th, 1917, at one o'clock p. the following. The 'Farm -There will besold, at the same time and place the farm containing 164 acres. Horses-Tearn of gelding 5 and 6 years old, heavy mare 9 years old, Percheron colt 6 months old, big driv- ing horse 5 years old, good single or double; Standard bred trotting '-mare 6 years old. •Cattle -Six milk cows, 3 steers, two years old, 2 steers one year old; 1 year old heifer 6 choice gat Etc. -One sow, as old, and 75 barred Al( -tens. ' k . is all in first iii. condition .. Implements -•Avery 8-16 tractora furrow Coekshutt tractor plow, e11tractor' disc, 16 plate; Pleven lhu disc; International binder, mower, ,. foot cut; Internation- al 12 tooth cultivator, and roller; 11 disc grain drill, 4,1=H H. C.) ; set of five section harrows, bear harvester and scufiler, combined; 1.11. C , side rake, John Deere hay loader, walking plow, good lumber wagon and box, truck wagon, set Teeswater sleighs and flat ' rack, hayrack, and gravel box, cutting box, almost new;; 214 h. p . gasoline en- gine, Melotte cream separator, fan- ning mill with extra sieves; top buggy, two cutters, wheelbarrow; hay- fork ropes and pulleys; sling ropes and -pulleys; two steel 40 gallon oil barrels, a quantity of tractor cylinder oil, grind stone, wash- ing machine, two churns; Home Com- fort steel range two burner Detroit Vapor coal oil stove, sofa, dining -room tam, kiti'ben cam. set 240 lbs. scales, 2 large oak barrels and 1 small barrel, 20 pot 'Orates, two sets of heavy harms, 2 sets single harness, quantity of lumbers about 3000 feet;' 50 cedar posts, fo, chains, shovels, crow bars, post hole spoon,ditching scoop, ladder, 22 feet blower pipe, a quantity of green feed, hay, corn and sorhum, two sprayers. These im- plements are all new within the past three years. Terms --0n Farm, will be made known on day of . sale or on application to W. d. McClenaghan, phone 9-173, Clinton, or Varna Post office, or to the Auctioneer, at Zurich. On Chattels -All sums of $10 and un- der, cash; over that amount twelve months' credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of; 5 per cent. off for cash, Greer• feed, hay, corn and sorghum to be cash. W J McClenagjian, Proprietor; E. Bossenberry, Auction- eer. 2602-2 4. CANADIAN B OF CO ERCE Slit EDMUND 'I Y AL MR C.V.O., LLD.. a,C.L, President '` Ior,ore'4-4 r. CAPITAL AL PAID € P, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, - • .i3;5OO.00G SIF. JOHN ACRD, General Manager H. V. F. JONES, Ass's. Gen't Manager This Bank has the financial strength and the f£ requisite for the satisfactory handling of Current accounts. Business houses requiring prompt and efficient service should consult the Manager. SEAVVRTEB1 I. G. MULLEN, AIWA fmd ad a MANAMMe Williams' Drug Store The Pian You pay the regular price for One Article and then we give you another of t h e Same Article for 'One Cent Thursday, Friday and Saturday November Ist, 2nd and 3rd a Drug Store Example od'whar Buy one bottle Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Ext.act at the regular price of $1.00 and we will give you an- other bottle for One Cent or 2for L61. This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company. for the Rexall Drug Stores. ( They are the large manufacturers and buyers of Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundries in he world, and this is an advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense. Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or articles, in your hands, giv;Ing you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only be permitte to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity. We can not afford to charge or deliver goods during this sale. - o please_ don't ask us to do it. Opeko Breakfast Coffey. A 50c Pound Package of freshly roasted, properly ground and nice flavored coffe. at two 5ic pounds for... • . • • • • • m o • • • o • b - - Stationery 10c. Writing Pals 2 for 15e. Linen Writing dr)car Pads 10c. pk. Linen Envelopes Z f °r 15c. pk. Linen 2 for Envelopes Toilet Articles Violet Dulce Talcum Powder in white or flesh is de- lightfully refreshing for toilet or bath. for .26 Ifo .51 2 for 26 25e. each or..... . 5O. box Violet Dulce Face Powder • w . 25c. bot. Cream of Almonds . . 50c. jar Rexallfor Cold Cream. 2 @a 25c. jar. Nice for 9 f� �� perspiration... . 25c. bot. Witch a Hazel Cream 4 f°r e26 s 25e. Rexall Violetfi. f 26 Talcum Powder 25c. Harmony Rose Talcum lv Powder whit' 2/ • 26 or Flesh ..... , 25c. Baby Talcum 2 for .26 • 50c. Liquid Com- 2 om2 for ®5 plexion Powder 25c. tin R 'xall G for 26 Foot Po•,yder.. 2.5c. Tooth 2 for 26. Brushes_ .• 35c. Tooth , Brushes . . 2 Pi, 6 25'c. Tube Wilson's f 26 iQotb ,• • • Perfumes Pcid Toilet Waters 25c. bot. Perfumes 9 assorted odors.. +G for 26 50c. bot. Perfumes assorted odors.. f °'' 1 75c. bottle Lilac Toilet Water.. 2 for .76 75c. bottle Violet f 76 Toilet Water . _ 75c. bottle Rose 2 far .7 Toilet Water. . $1.50 oz. bulk Perfumes, new 2f0, 1.51 odors 75c. oz. Opt. Per- fumes in bulk, z Pc d7 assorted odors.. Miscellaneous Specials $r.00 Rexall ` Beef, Tonic & iron, 2 for'; i •o 25c White Lin tsk - arent, 2 for...... LUC roc Perfumes 2 a. 5ocforCocoanut. Oil, shampoo, 2 for....... ..... 25c Glycerine and Rose Wat- er, 2 for. • • ..•.e sc : Spearment Gum, 2 for 6c 51c 5c pkge. of salte peanuts, 2 for.. 25c dressing combs, 2 for.... 15c, fine combs 2 for a 6C 26c C 5©c Laxative Tablets, 2 for, C 5c Lead Pencils, 2 for.....e•....••... C &P6g•' HEALTH SALTS (CrSTAVESC[N MACte 4PN CAN A.. •ff.,.,e awns ,P1.P9 L•••l.e ._-,_*$14.1, t.aeat 04.4. • 44.144 Whim P...pl. 04444,441.C.41461,• 14e4.71.0. VN meg ()RV �r�•• HEALTH SALTS e428iimic.CLIft ss EFFERVESCENT". HEALTH SALTS A meld laxative. If taken be- fore breakfast, makes you feel good all day. 50c. per bottle or 2 for .51 50c. box Rexall for . C 1 v 'Kidney Pills... �+ R3 $1.00 bot. Wine of fes• 1e6 Cod Liver Ext. 50e. box Rexall. Blood Tablets. 2 "r 001 25c. bot. Diarrhoea 2 Compound $1.00 bottle Digestive Tonic for stomach �f� 61 and bowels.. . . 25e. tin Carbolic Salve, antiseptic. and 2 for, .26 healing V 25c. bottle Rexall White Liniment 2 r Pr °�' .2 6 50e. bottle I .exall White Lini- ment for aches 2 f0i' ®C s7 1 and pains 50c. box Rexall Special Oint- ment, for skin 3.2 f� ®e 1 eruptions ... . for .26 evixtrICE Celery and Iron Tonic is a genuine Nerve Restorer, Blood Purifier and General Builder. $100 per bot. or 21°11.01 15c. Rexall Toothache Drops, "ends the misery " 2 f'' 16 25c. Rexall Little Liver Pills... . 2for.26 50c. Lesperine An- c+, - 51 tiseptic Powder L fes' 25c. box Stomach and Liver Pills 2 far .26 25c. tin Carbolized Zinc Ointment.. f °r •21, 25e. bottle Blackberry Cordial for Summer 4.�, Complaint .... . 25c. Rexall Pain fer Reliever. 25c. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Sy. 2 fes' .26 50c. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Sy. L f�'r .51 25c. Rexall Corry 2 1°79 .20 Solvent 25c. bottle Rexall Eye Wash 2 fes' .26 $..O() bottle Rexall Syrup of Hypophos- 2f" 1.0 phitea 50c. box Rexall Healing Salve " a household 2 f o 1 Pr .5 1 need 75c. bottle Rexall Nervo Remedy, "make r; for 76 you feel young"L • 25c. bottle Rexall Essence Jamaica 2 for 26 Ginger Genera. Household Needs 25c. bot. Syrup 2 f .26 of Figs • 75c. bot. Beef Wine and Iron 2 fes► .76 10e. Rexall Straw Hat Cleaner • . Z f • 1 25c. bot. Elkay's /010 •26 Cleaning Fluid 25c. bat. Lace aid 2 for .26 °Silk Cleaner... 25e. bot.Extract of9 Wild Strawberry 2 f � .4+6 250. bat. Sy. White 6 Pine and Tar... ff 25c. bott19 Syrup of Linseed, Lieorice and Turpentine .. for .26 25c. bot. Skeeter 21 26 25c. Wilson'sWhite es. si jar 00 f Liniment a C. L. %ILLIAMS The Rexall rjSeafort 1 Ont v,- Antiseptic Tooth Paste Cleans th' teeth, prevents deem', and sweetens s the breath *i . fes, 6 25c. tubes at.......... L Peart Tooth Powder is .best to remove tartar f 25c. tins at - Rubber Goods THAT ARE GUARANTEED 2.00 Red Rambler Hot Water Bottles 2 quart size. They should be in every home. 2 for 2.01 $2.50 lied Rambler Fountain .. 1 Syringes. , + f °r .51 $2.50 Ladies' Rox- bury Bulb Syringe&f or 4440 50c. pr. Sunshine Rubber Gloves 2 fa 1 15c. Transparent Baby Soothers. 10c. Transparent 2 f Nipples.. 11 5c. Nipples.. 2 for , 5c. Rubber Finger 6 2 for . Celts .... G V 5c. Droppers or Pen 2 f . Fillers 10c. Bulb Droppers 2 for .1 5c. Eye Pipettes.... ,2 for .6 Soaps 25c. cake Rexall Medicated Skin Soap for Toilet and Bath or 25c. cake Tar Shampoo Soap, large, cakes .. • . r 25e. pk. Violet Dulee Shampoo Crystals f 26 Drug Sundries 4 25c. bot. Hydrogen. 2 fo °.96 Peroxide ....... d0 bot. dr c, o . iiy open Peroxide •Y•e.,. fes. 2 25c. bot. Aromatic Cascara....... 25c. bottle Blaud's Laxative Tablets 2 wG. bottle Blaud's - Laxative Tablets 25e. bot. Blaud and ManganeseTabs.2 f 50c. Elkay's Di€ - temper Remedy 2 50e. Elkay's Can- s� ine Laxative.... gm to' ORDER BLANK Write yew order now. Bring it with you when yen .26 26 1 • ..,,. --- . .....,.