HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-10-05, Page 8TIITRON
Ar ange to have your hair
troperly washed and treated
e. Prices Most Moderate
Shampoo with tonic 50c
eappdintment made for any
evening after p. m., Satur.
days excepted.
nutfitb turned home form overseas ou MOB
a414131114414, day nighteo-Mr. G. W. Notts o
:est seeee-otet Tuelteremith, atteeded the Luelmoto
Annual Convention.e-dentre Uuron
Sunday School workers are meeting for
their annual convention in Auburn
Presbyterian 'church, on Tuesday af-
ternoon and. evening, Odtober 16th, to
which all Sunday Schools of Centre
Huron are expected to send delegates.
Cub bear, Buffalo, Saskatchewan
and wool.
Jute, Kersey or Wool shaped to ft
the horse, with Stay-on-Straeis.
ee.A. special selected stock of lined
and unlined, for men, and boys
at reasonable prices.
Made of No. 1 Union Oak leather
-guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Suit Cases, Trunks, and Club Bags
from 1.50 to $15.00.
Rev. D. H. Wing, of Toronto, Rural
Superintendent ott the staff of the On- in Reading and Hillsdale, Michigan.-
WL £U Sunday `Se
lma Association, is to 'Mr. N. Henry, manager
i)e resent and deliver addresses. of the Do -
fair last week, where he was a ide
of heave` horses . -Mre .W. G Mathers
and children left on Tuesday for their
home in Lethbridie, Alta. She was
accoMpanied as far as Torontobyher
mother, Mrs. Warwiels.,-A. special
sermon will be preached in St.Thoulas
church on Sunday evening next, by
Rev. T. Brown, rector, this subject
being "On Which Side." -Mrs. Robt.
Webb and daughter, Mrs. Shemood,
f Londesboro are visiting relatives
as 1. ineteet. Bank. Oshawa, is a guest at
well as Iocal -workers.
Made Doctor of Divin' F.
IL Larkin, pastor of the First Presby-
terian church Smiforth, left on Mon-
the home of Mrs. J. S, Roberts,
J.V. Ross le visiting at
her s.lionue in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Wilson were in Washington this
week attending the weddiog of Mrs.
day for biontreal, where the degree of Nenson's niece, miss lin ma .
Doctor of Divinitkewaff conferred upon _ices Verde. Best is visiting friends
him this week by McGill UniverAtY•1 in Toronto. Mrs. A. R. Sampson,
Dr. Larkin is one of the feremest 1 who has beenthe guest of Mrs. T.
Divines of the Presbyterian church in C. Greig,left for her home in Toron-
Western Ontario, and his friends,not , to on Friday last. -Mr. and Mrs. T.
only in his ONVII congregation, but i -R, F. Case, of Toronto; wile were here
throughout the Presbytery and else -1 visiting Mr.: Case's mother, left on
where, appreciate the well merited t a holiday trip to Atlantic City. -The
distinction that has been conferred ' many, friends of Miss Margaret Edge
upon him. will be pleased to learn that she, is
rapidly improving from her .recent
Ford Contests at the Fain -The Ford serious Hines .-Miss ' Gertrude iReid
bitends spending Thanksgiving with
prizes donated by Mr. J. F. Daly, friends in trantfords-Many here will
contests at the Seaforth Fair for the
local Ford dealer, created a great deal regret to learn of thedeath in Eng -
a interest and amusement. The en- land of Pte. Harvey Willis, son of
very keen. . The following were the .ham, and grandson of Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis, of Wing- r
trite were large and the competition
prize winners: Half mile slow race; Willis, of this town. The deceased
W. Southgate, jr., Russell Dallas; died from an attack of pneumonia,
best lady driver of Ford car, Min, while trainiftein one of the military
Habldrk, Miss Adams. Mr.P. Braden, -camps in Engl*id,-An app,ea,1 is be -
sales manager for the Ford Motor ing made to the ladies in town and
Company, London, acted as judge for country who knit, for a suriely of
the contests. • s . socks to go in the Christmas boxes
Wo are prepared to do shoe repairing
Milty description, and guarantee sat-
isfaction. A trial of your, work so-
Ifalters Brushes
Gall .Cure
d crick's
(Oct. 8th
ay. ,
R emern bet Your Friends
by sending them
or .
Thompson s liookstore
Windor Shades and Picture Frames.
Agient for New Idea Patterns.
Cloud, after sending sonie tina.e with
her father, Mr. Michael Wall. -Mrs.
Conrad Eckert has been visiting her
daughtere, Mrs. Tom McKay and Mrs.
Milli= Manley ,-Eli Rapien treated
himself to a 1917 Ford car, which, he
purchased from Mr. J. F. Daly:
.orne ‘0.0c0- ds
No other- kouse in Buron
County carries the staple
lines of
lit spells your beet automobile boy -
'Because they have been sold through-
out" thetr.Se for the pait 10 years and
Mand to the !tent of the list as a real
akatomobile Tktey are roade to. stand
for not one year, but for years to
Breezes .-Don't forget the date of
Bayfield Fall Fair, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, Oetober 9th and 10th. The
directors are sparing no pains to snake
this fair a success. There will be a
concert held by the Agricultural So-
ciety on the evening of October 10th,
in the tovni hall, when the following
noted entertainer will take part, Mr.
Harry M, Bennett, of Toronto, sing-
ing character, comedian. and extertein-
er, imPersonator of Harry Lauder, the
Scotch comedian. Also a quartette
from Lucke:low Which has gained a
reputation of pleasing all who hear
Girl Wanted. -Good girl for -gen-
eral house work. Apply at The Ex-
positor Office, Seaforth.
Thankoffering Meeting.-Th.e Wo-
men's Missionary Society held -their
thankofferipg 'eating in -Union
church, Brudefielde on September 26,
ome_ 006 when Miss McLaren, formerly of the
Indian School. Birtle, gave an int,ereste
ing address on the work that is being
you willere. Wide
' find h done among the foreigners. She i
says that if we do not Christianize I
avvake h o_m e keepers them they will Heathenize- -as. The 1
Women's Missionary Society has done '
know this. That's why a great deal to uplift the poor Indian. 1
price to all, fighting for us, and some of them'
Mission Schools are ridw at the front I
gatst a lgeral one, amOunting
we're busy One cash Many of the boys from our Indian
he reat sacrifice The
for the Huron boys overseas. Wool COLUMBIA IVIAL, I -I I N
for this Purpose may be 'had from COLUMBIA RECORDS.
Mrs. John Beattie. -Monday next is
Anniversary Services. - The anni-
versary services of Seaforth Metho-
dist church will be held on Sunday,
Oetober 7th. Rev: A. J. Langford,
of Mitchell, will be the preacher on
that occasion. On the Monday even-
ing following Rev. Dr. Cleaver, of
Toronto, will give his popular recital,
"The Story of Jean Val Jean." This
recital is 50 widely known and has
merited such universal.praise that no
-comment is needed. Ther Methodists
have been exceeding* fortunate in
securing Dr. Cleaver and a rare treat
is in store her those who will hear idii.
lEbia4s just the car you have been
araitinF for 30in. sr 3% in tire& de-
mountible Spedometer and every-
thing where you want it.
Pbone me up and I will gladly show
'ion the car and tell you all the erest
give you a ride in te awe -nae you eight
See roe at Chas. Latytein's store on Sat-
urday afterneons and evening, also
plume me at 6 on 1$8 Clinton. Eentral
ocean 1258, Seaforth, and your re-
quests will be my pleasure._
tWorks at Kitthener and Detroit.
Touring Cae;$86a, Roadster -sseta
Agent for this territory, Seaforth Ont
A Moment
And take a fook
in our window
or better still, call in our studio
and see the class of rortraits we
en a k e and the handsome new,
Mountings we have just received.
Bring the children in and have
those Photographs made before the
,cold weather come. Or perhaps
it's a fainity group Photo you want.
Try us when you want a small
oto enlarged. We can please
you. We do finishing for amateurs.
Picture Framing
Wa carry a large assortment
mouldings. -
Egmondville Notes. -Mr. and Mrs..
James MeGotmell of Saskatchewan,
are visiting with his sister, Mrs. R.II.
Modeland and other friends. It is 36
years since Mr. McConnell left the old
home on the Mill Road, Tuckersmith,
to push his fortunes in. the then 'Great
Lone West. That he has more than
succeeded is exemplified by the fact
that he has his SO1IS COIT/fOitibly set;
tied on. farms, while he Atired from
the activities of farining last suramer.
We trust both he and his gooit wife
may long be spared to enjoy their well
earned holiday-.-Yfr. and Mrs. Geo.
Bean, jr., spent the week end -with
their brother and sieteroMr. and Mrs.
I. P. McLaren. )
Thanksgiving Day, and will be observ-
ed as a public holiday in tonal, all
places of business being closed. -Mr.
.Edinund. Hanna, of Winnipeg, was
visiting this week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Sutherland.,
D. F. Buck
Girl Wanted --Good girl for general housework,
Apply at The Expositor Office. Sertiforth.
Poultry Wanted. --If you have any poultry ready
to moll, callat Tbonapson'a Produce Store. or Phone
64 To be delivered on Thursday, Oet. llth
LOST. -On October lst, a pair of new shoes, be
tween liruse's Beck Yard and Mr. Modelandie gate
Reward will he given to any one leaving theviame at
W. G. Willis' shoe store, or phbne 17 on 1255099. Sla-
WrthOR SAL -Pure Bred Buff Orpington and Rhode
Nand Red Cockerels, 81 each. Wm. Ballatityne,
Seaforth. • 2599x1
ROUSES FOR SALE. - Two houses in tieatorth
Christmas Boxes For The Soldiers.
-At el meeting of the ladies of the
town, called by the Women's War
Auxiliary, at the Carnegie Library, on
the evening of October 2nd, it was re-
solved to again iditeniber our boys
overseas at Christmas. As all know,
a great deal of money is required for
this purpose, and the Seaforth public,
who have ever responded to calls of
this kind. are asked to contribute as
generously as . on pest occasions, to
raise the necessary funds. It was de-
cided to open a subscription, as was
done last year. The money is to be
handed in to Airs. Larkin, Miss Min-
nie Mackay'. or at Thompson's Book
Store. The lists will be open until the
ard Of November. Donations of fruit-
cake are asked for from the Women of
the town and country. The cake is to
be brought in. on Novembet 6th.
Jeweler wed Optician.
lamer Marriage Licenses
For Boys
and Girls
Boys and Girls want style • in their
*hoes, just as much as grown up
folks -but strength, durability and
proper fitting are more essential.
Young feet are never still -they
subject their shoes to all sorts of
knocks and strains.
We Believe
Our Children s Shoes
Excel at Every Point
BOYS' SHOES - In Box Calf,
Gun Metal Calt, Vici, Valour Calf,
Tans, etc. High Cut or Oxfords,
Lace or etc,
GIRLS' SHOES—Vici and Pato
eat Kid, Patent Colt, Gun Metal
Calf, Lace or Button, Spring Heels
in smaller sizes., High Cut, College
Cut and Oxfords. winter and surnmer.-At the Harvest .
Thanksgiving services at St. moms, noon. It was well attended. -Mrs.
H Re church on Stmdey last, the offering D. Geddes spent Tuesday in Blyth-
e *SCOTT .was over $110.1 --Corp. W. Brine re. Mrs. O. Brigham spent Tuesday with
for sal& rt •Apply at The Expositor 011Ice. 2599x2
Thanksgiving Day Special. -The uproarious stage
comedy' The College Widow," unhampered by
stage limitations-, with inimitable Ethel Clayton,
written by George Ade, America's greatest hnnior-
hit. Willful of girls' games and gyrations, rivalry
and ted paint. . It's one long college,yell. Give your
friends a happy holiday evening -take them along
to tbe Princes& ACCOUNTS DUE -As all of our aocounts 2a599re -Le
October 1st, and as I require a lot ot ,funde at once
to meet my accolmts this time of the year, I would
respectfully .isk a prompt settlement of all book ac-
counts Respectfully our, Geo. A. Sills,Ilardware
Merchant, Seaforth, 2509-2
Dig up your overcoat. Rave a look at it, By
renewing the velvet collar, pressing and cleaning
may save you the Pries of.% new one. My Wardrobe,
Goderloh St., oppositt Queeo's Rotel. 25964
We are buyers of Oats. !leans and Peat; We also
have for sale White birtivigs. for feeding,. at 62.50
per owt,; Cutter Dust atilt -per mt. Atlas Cereal -
Co.. Ltd., opposite G.T.L Station, Sealortb
MUSIC -Mies Annie (1. Govenlock, Gradu2a5t9e5-C12an-
adian Academy of Music, Toronto, Teachers' Connie,
announces the re -opening of her clarets in Piano,
Organ and Theory. Pupils will be prepared for the
Oariaoian Academy mid Toronto Conservatory Ex-
aminations, For terms and scboiarship appiy at
Studio, North Disin Street, Seaforth. 2596.4
Night Watohrnan Wanted. -Man wanted for !out-
side night watohinan. Apply personally to Iccibert
Bell Engine Co.. Seaforth. 2195-tf
Automobile for 8a1e.-For sale a Reo- 5 -passenger
oar in lirst-class conoition. WfIllbe sold cheap and
on easy terrus. Apply to pscat Neil, Seaforth.
friends in Blyth. -Miss L. Young is
• spending this week with Blyth friends.
-Mr, and Mrs. E. Adams motored to
Hensall last week. -Mr. and Mrs. W.
Lyou are spending their holidays at
Camp Borden.
Local Briefs. -The annual meeting
of the Red Cross Society will be held
in the Carnegie Library Hall, this,
Friday, afternoon af three o'clock. --
In our report of the Seaforth Fall
Fair prize list:published last week we
omitted the ,Ohme of Mr. L, Leem-
ing of Walton, who took 'first prize for
two year obi filly or gelding in the
roadster class. -Mr. C. Holbein has
shown us two branches taken from
the raspberry bushes in his garden,
which Were laden with ripe fruit.
Home grown raspberries in October
are very rarely seen in this county.
'We were slightly in error about Mr.
Holbein's prize cabbages last week.
The three ;Int priee heads -weighed
35 pounds and were sold for Sc a lb.
-The Collegiate Institute was closed
on Friday last and will be again this
Friday to allow the pupils to assist
the Canada Flax Mills Co. to spread
their flax in this vicinity. Owing to
the great scarcity of help the
company was in danger of losing part
of its erop so the school took this
means of assisting in the greater pro-
duction movement. Over 140 pupils,
both boys and girls' were engaged and;
they did a splendid day's work. -
The Mayor and Mrs. Stewart return-
ed_ last week from a holiday trip to
Montreal and Quebec ,-Mr. William
Rinn, the well known stock man of
Hullett is acting ae judge at the Em.-
bro and--Kirkton fall fairs this \reek.
-Mrs. Whirnster, of Aurora and Miss
Jean Dickson, of Toronto, are guests
at the home of 14. and Mrs. A. D.
Sutherland.-Rallr Dfty was *oberserv-
ed in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day inorning last, when On excellent
'address was delivered -to the children,
by Rev. F. H. Larkin. -Miss Kate
Little, of Goderich will assist the
choir in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday evening nekt.-We understand
that Miss Weatherell of the Collegiate
Staff has refuesd an offer from the
Windsor Collegiate at a much higher
salary. The school dan ill afford to
lose her services. - The annual t'riT be conducted.by Rev. Mr. Agnew
Thanksgiving services will be held in ChntoriO Monday evening will be held
the Seaforth Presbyterian church, on the annual dinner. Don't forget -it.
Sunday evening next. -Mr. W. H. -Rev. Mr. Koine, will preach in
Notes. -Those who took in. Code -
rich fall sh w last -Thursdly, were
Mr. C. Wit d, Mr. and . Mrs, Harn-
well, Mr. nd WS. Sparrow an
Miss Foster. -The -prayers of the auto f for term of years .-Miss 1Vlayine
*nd Bernard Hall spent over Sunday
to over $100.
September', Wedding. -A quiet but
pretty wedding took place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dunlop of the
8th concession of Hullett, on Wednes-
day, September 26th, at six o'clock,
when their eldest daughter Maud, was
united in marriage to Mr. Orval Dale
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dale, of the.
2nd concesion of Hullette Oaly the
iinmediate relatives were present The
young couple will settle on ethe
groom's farm on the 2iad concession.
The god -wishes of their many friends
go with them.
Notes. -Mr, Peter Lindsay has
leaeed Mrs. Samuel Dorance's farm
riders have been answer y
glowers which have laid the dust. -
Frost has done slight damage in these
parts. -The bean harvest has begun.
-The Prebsyterian anniversary ser -
vie s will be held on Sundey October
14th, when Rev. Mae Lundy, of Wal-
ton, will conduct the. services both'
in the morning and evening. -
Messrs. Beatty Bros.' new cenient sta-
ble is about completed and will great-
ly add to the cohvenience of the public.
AnotherHuron Boy Makes Good. -
On Bathurst Street, Toronto, a short
distance below College, on land that
is worth between $260 and $300 a foot,
stands a floe brick building that bears
across its front the sign, "Fowler's
Veterinary Infirmary." This belongs
to Dr. W J. R. Fowler, for several
years a resident of Seaforth. and also
well ketreeda as a native of Hiillett.
The doctor was formerly one of the
lecturers in the Ontario Veterinary
College, but some time ago gave this
up and started on his own•behalf, and
now has ;a profitable practise. He
has done well since moving to Toron-
to, and has a most attractive home
on Pacific Ave., one of the exclusive
suburban streets. Mrs. Fowler is
also -a former Huroniare being a
daughter of the late Joseph Izzard, of
Goderich township. Their many
old friends will be pleased to know
of their prosperity.
with London friends ,-Mr . Campbe
Sutherland had a sucessful sale on
Friday last. The shop was not sold.
This is a splendid opportunity for a
good blacksmith, which is very much
needed. We hope to see the shop
soon opened for business. Mr. Sutlit
erland has secured steady work at
Sarnie..-Mrs. D. Sutherland is going
to spend the winter with her daughter
Mrs. Kindy, in Toronto.
Notes.-Mr. William Hilb of Moose
Jaw, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geoege Hill. -Miss Nettie Mc-
Curdy is staying;ot the home of Mr.
and Mrs. WilliariODeover,-Mr. and
Mrs'. McLeod,- and' Mr. and Mrs.
Schram, of Parkhill, and Dr. Schram,
of Londen, spent a day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. V, Vennor.-Mrs.
James Hill and family are visiting rel-
atives and friends in this vicinity. -
William Latta has been confined to the
house for several days, suffering from
an attack of asthma .-T)le Tobacco
Club last week shipped 17 boxes -to the
boys at the front. --Mr. John Pepper
has rented his farro to Mr. , Arthur
Jones, of Kippen.
Announcement -.--Mr. and Mrs.
William L. McLaren of Hibbeet an-
nounce the engagement of their eldest
daughter; Margaret, to Mr. Alfred J.
Hunkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hunkin, Usborrie, the marriage to
take place quietly in October.
Notes .-Mr - Thomas O'Loughlin
gave a farewell dance before retiring
from the farm.. They presented him
with a watch and chain and Mrs.
Gawley with a chair and table. They
read an address to whioh. he respond-
ed, after which. the young people spent
the night in games and dancing until
the wee hours of the morning .-Mrs.
William Lambert has returned to St.
Notes, - The Kippen and Hay
Township Sabbath School Association
will hold its -annual convention at Hills
Cereene on October 17th, afternoon and
evening. Miss Leine, of Toronto, who
gave such splendid addresses a year
ago, will be back again. In accordance
with the resolution of the eourity con-
vention last year, a charge of thirty-
five Cents will be made for supper --
The anniversary services of the Hills
Green Presbyterian church will beheld
on October 14th, wheit Rev. J. E.
Hogg, BD., of Clinton, will be the
preacher. This is the first time for
Mr. Hogg to preach in the district
south of Clinton, and he will undoubt-
edly draw large congregations. Dr.
Aitken will preach at Clinton.
Notes. --Anniversary services will
be held in the Methodist church, next
Sunday, at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., and
Robinson. of London, spent a few days Wingham on Sunday. --Miss McLaren
last week in. town. -The Misses Cress- of the Northwest Missions, gave a
Wo -
well have returned from California very intFre.sting address to the Wo -
Colorado where they spent the men's. Missionary Society of the Pres-
andban church, ' last Friday after-
Monday., Tuesday., and .Wednesday
Matinee Monday Afternoon
George Kleine.
OCTOBER 5, 1917
Our Country is 1/tankful
for its Bovattiful Sibppty
rosperity an
We are Thankful
. Nature has been most bounteous to Canadian Farmers for their
"faith and works" this fall. This spells Prosperity' With a big "P."
When farmers prosper everybody, things ,being rightly considered,
prospers. The outlook is favorable for everyone wile deserves the
good things that are earned by past or -present "serviees rendered."
Our customers belong to the worthy class, therefore we enjoy the
patronage of the thrifty "forehanded" Workers of the etemmunity.
To all these and to those who are on "easy street," we offer an
invitation to come and select from our immense collection of good
merchandise, at prices that will help you -still farther along the
pleasant path of properity, and assist to place you in a position to give
more liberally to every worthy cause.
You are Thankful
Notes. -Glen Brackall had the mis-
fortune to meet with a naistyaccident
whereby he broke the wrist bene of
his right arm in two places and
otherwise injured himself. He was
repairing the roof of the .fire ball when
he lost his footing and fell about 12
feet. -Children's Day was observed in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
morning. The Sunday scool scholars
occupied the centre pews of the church
and a very interesting service was
held. The church was beautifully de-
corated for the occasion. -The anni-
versary services of the Methodist
church were observed on Surulay,whert
large congregations were present to
hear Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, presi-
dent of the London Conference, deli ter
two able addresses. At the evening
service the church was packed on ac-
count of the two other ch.urches not
having service. -The refits of the last
couple of days were greatly needed
for the pastures, roots and fall wheat.
It will also put the ground in shape
so that they can get the plowing done,
-A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized in St: George's manse,
when Rev. George Telford united in
marriage Miss Rhoda, eldest daugh-
ter, of Mr. William Philips, and Mr.
William Bowes, a prosperous young
farmer of Hullett. The bride was
assisted by her sister, Miss Susan, and
the groom by Norman Taylor. Im-
mediately after the ceremony the
happy couple aeitoed to Walton and
caught the train for Toronto, where
they will spend a short time before
settling down on the groom's farm.
,!rils• Billie Burke
Billie Burke in Gloria's Romance
(Written by Rupert Hughes)
In almost any old story Billie Burke
The Late Mr. Robertson. - Goie-
rich last week lost one of its
old landmarks, in the person of\Mr.
W. R. Robertson. The deceased,\ al-
though 83 years of age, had been a
very active man, and continued at his
usual work until the second week in
August, when symptoms developed of
a break-up of the system and he was
erdered to his bed. From that time
his strength gradually failed, until at
noon on Sunday last the larap of life
was quietly extingaiished. Mr. Rob-
ertson was born on July 22nd, 1834,
at Church-ville, Nova Scotia, of High-
land Scottish ancefitry. He came to
Ontario (then Upper Canada) in 1858,
and the following year joined the rush
to tile gold mines of California, spend-
ing three years there. After his ret
turn to Ontario he lived at Caledonia
• and Brampton, coming to Goderich
from the latter place in the year 1870.
Since then Goderich had continued to
be his home, although he spent sev-
er years in British Columbia in -tug.
'90's. For some years he was in hisi-
•ness as a dry goods merchant, but dur-
ing the last twenty years his busi-
nes was that of an insurance agent.
would be a winner, but in this won- He was a charter member of Maple
derful story, written especially for Leaf Lodge, A. 0. IT. W., being for
her, by this great ,American drama- many years financier of the Lodge.
tist, she will be the talk of the town , In politics he was a staunch Liberal.
for many a day. Comedy, thrills, In 1863 he married Fanny A, Smith,
suspense and plot -all the essentials of Caledonia, who ;died in 1899, leav-
'ing eight children two of whom are
since deceased. Those surviving are:
John C., dean of Victoria. College, To-
ronto; Mary, of the public school deg,
Windsor; Margaret, at home; A. Mor -
Ito a good show. Come early.
Now Showing
Little Mary McAlister In
"The Wonderful Event" ton, of the Goderich Collegiate Insti-
The first of the wonderful series "Do tute staff; 'Robert $., barrister, of TO -
Children Count ?" A big treat for
all children from 5 to 90. Price 11c. teivi:rf.' editor of The
Prosperity depends on your out -go as well as on your
income. Buying at Mactavish's decreases your outgo
Prosperity Women's -Wear
Our Ready -to -Wear Departmeet for women is at its best. The
stocks offer a greater variety of Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists Furs
and Underwear than we have eve ishown beforPe "Look here Waists,
buying," is certainly. good advice.
Prosperity Millinery
Woraen are buying a more sensible kind of Millinery than they
-used to do. They want all the style that is going now -but they
-want good quality and they want to get_the combination of these at
:closest prices. The majority buy heretbecause they get the most
stylish hats and best values. 4
"A penny saved is a penny earned"
Mactavish's Store Saves You Dollars
Prosperity Rugs
More money in the home will mean better Rugs and Carpets in the
homes in this locality, and the Rugs and Carpets will mostly be
bought here because this is headquarters for home furnishings. See
the new paterns in Scotch Linoleum shown here.
Prosperity Bedding
One-third of every normal life is spent in bed. Therefore g
bedding is_ essential in every home. Whether it is Blankets, Com
loiters, Sheets, Pillow Cases or Spreads that you need, you will find
them here in desirable qualities and close prices.
No matter how prosperous you are, buy where you
dollars go farthest—that's here: Mactavish's
:Prosperity Linens
Attractive offerings in Table and Household Linens that will
delight the thrifty housewife are here for her. There is no time
to delay in getting new Linen for the "Turkey Dinner." Come direct
to this store for your supplies. -- •
Prosperity Items
The tide of Prosperity that prevails enables you to use the train,
auto, horse and buggy, rural delivery or phone to get in touch with our
store. And we are always here to serve you to the best of our
ability. You'll find our goods — perhaps not al.
ways the Jowest priced but alvicuys
the best for the money.
Butter and Eggs taken as cash at Highest Prices.
J. Martavish
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