HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-10-05, Page 5cTOBER5, 1917 - - nenouncemettt.-Mr. and Mrs.A.zt !Anson announce the marriage Youggt daughter, Bessie M. John: A Taylor, of MOP- ,wfiieh took place on September at theemanse, lifeKilfep, by Rev. swarm WARMS., Seaforth, Oct. 4*. 1917., per bushel r .$2.10 ttrytey, per bushel. per bushel 4 *-1, ******.-55c per ton Shorts, per ton $46 Flom', per ewt 5.50 to $6.30 Eggs, per dozen -....9e to 40c Butter, per lb. .. ..35 to 40c Potdetoes, per bag .. ..90c Bogs, per cwt.. -..... t.17. 75 4 • F or doubler re.- ' - - er e heave - a, Le had bove airleM Innee offering iorni4ig the packer - 4 water -Iat Thurs., - tive seeser el Cduhb quoted: rs ;42 2 2.60; e $icLst0 1i.5o; L0 to p0.50; good $0.85 -mediuta but- ; co on butchers mice $8.95 tow $8to . .25; med.- to: COM11104rt ainerS, $5 to $5.25; 8.50; feeders, 9.25 chant+ billet $8.50 bul1al$7.25 to $8; is 6.175 to $7;- light 15 fti #z..35; `choice 50; oh ice sheep $11. veal' calves $45 to, laves, 12.50 to $14,7 0, fed and watered. k sold; Nine baby 50. :Butchers20 r,990,I ;9.50; I, 1050,. $10.40; 12 (1240), $10.25; 10 (1117) $10.35; 15, (1110) . Cows - 1, 75; 1 • (1000 alai) $8e 6 5; 1 (1150) $8.75; . 1, „, 2 milkeen $15.50; sheen [ll1ja so-ld 20 cars lea teers, $12.25 1.50; choice ' good, $9.50 n.75 $9.25; corn- !;. eho ite cows $8--20 75 $43.25; med- mnoi 25 to 6.75; vo-.Egs to $3; best g00(1? .25 to 7..5-„ " im 6.25 to $7; best ger 100 to $125; Iambs ns.3,5 $o rR; 30 calves hogs $19„ fed ce feeder•19-.20 to $.14 common to - "ere tliequotationse 7 steeme $11.75 tot YY stleers, ni to choke $10.10 te 0.85; medium, cornmen, $6-16 ter ills, ehoice, per cwt.. ked, $7.40 to $7.85; $7. 10; rough boll% ;dere cows, thoice tod $1.50 to $7.75; ,..75; Stockers $7 =50 125 tO 9.25; canners O ;5.59; milkers, [i 890 to $125; come each, $75.00 ;to to $12.5- light ewee , eep, ;heavy 5.75 to $11 tO $12 -' calves, to $15. 50; spring ,65; bogs, fed and weigtted off ear85.s yL tore Toronto. , is itdams, Whpi riows their need*. A. 9th td gentlemen for ions for improve tent it from turn - mations, Waves-, s of 'nature 4 4 The the Date: t. elieeorito. BEAN MARKET Toronto, Oet. 2. - No Canadian 'beans on market until last of October: • emported hand-picked 7.75 per bush; Limas per lb. 15 to 16e. POULTRY MARKET- , Toronto, Oct. Poultry - Spring chickens, per pound 22c; hens, 20 to 22e; ducks spring 20c , Dressed poultry -Spring chickens 25 to 30e; loWl 20 to 22e; squabs per dozen $4 to $4.50; turkeys, 25 to 30e; ducks, spring 22e. DAIRY MARKET Toronto* Oct. 2nd. -Butter --Fresh thoice, no to 40e; creainery 44 to 45e; per pound; solids, to 431k. Eggs-Newlaid in cartons 1 to 53e; out of cartons, 45 tents., Cheese -New, large, 23e to. 23%e; twins 233.e to 23%e; triplets 23%e to 24c; old large, 30e; twins, 804; triplets 30tOc-. Honey -Comb --Ex- tra fine, 16 oz. $3.25; 12 oz. $2.75; No. 2 2.40. to $2.50; strained tins 2ti's and 5's 17c ner lb. ; 10's 16 1-2c: Ws, 15% to 16e. GRAIN MARKET.. Toronto, oet. 2. -Manitoba wheat _Ne, 1 northern, $2.23; NO. 2 do. $2.20; No. 3 do. $2.17; No. 4 wheat $2.11 in store Fort William, includ- ing 2e tax. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W. 66%c, in store Fort William. American Corn -.No. 3, yellow, nomi- nal. Ontario Oats-Nog white, 62c, morainal; No. 3 do, 61e nominal; ac- eording to freights outside. Ontario Wheat -New, No. 2, $2.22, in store Montreal. Peas -No. 2, nominal. Barley -Malting, new, 1.18 to $1-20, according to freights outside. Rye - N 2, 1.70,aceording to reight. Mani- toba Flour-ItIrst patents in jute bags $11.50; second patents $11,00; strong bakes', 10.60, Ontario Flour -- Winter, according to sample, $9.80; in bags, Montreal; $9.60, Toronto, 1feed2-1Car1ots, delivered, Montreal freights -Shorts 42, bran $35; mid- dlings $45 to $46; good feed flour, per bag. 0.25: liray---'1"rack. 'Toronto, ex- tra $12 to $1s; mixed, $9 to $11.00, Toronto. Straw -car lots $7 to $7.50. Potatoes on track -Ontario, beg 135 to $1.45. ,. . 0,..••••••••••,...••••,..... * t it.- 1 ii. T., 110X it CO • - . -le EMBALMEIRS AND - - • ' mg- . POONEItiet DIRECTORS i * oe .cox t + Holder ot Goveniment Diploma ; - and Incense. 4=• -CF1ARGES MODERATE • • + Flowers tarnished on rhort • 4' notice. • • 4- 4. Night Calm Day natio it t Phone 175 Phone 50 ; 7 • 1101:1SE FOlt SALE House in Egmondville, good eeller, and good water, low taxes, excellent situation. - If not sold will be rented. Apply to Mrs - A Charlesworth, Eg- netsdeiRe. 2597x4 POR RENT. - Campbell Moak to rent, conidstin,o of twe stores. For yearly tenant, the ittor'es Will be fitted up to suit the ten- ant. Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS Sento 2579-tf MFOtt WANTED FOR MUNITION • WORK,. A number of good reliable nien can secure steady employment on muni- tion work. Apply to The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ontario. 2598-4 FOR SALE Lot 10, Concession 13, McKillop, containing 100 acres; 10 acres hard- wood busb, 1 eon:Yore ard, 7 rimmed frame -house, bank barn, drive houg� and hen house; also drilled well. Would exchange for smaller farzn. Ap- ply to William Barron, R. R. No. 4, Walton, "Ontario. 2587-tf HOUSE FOR SALE For, sale, a good. frame house on James Street, Seaforth near the pub- lic school at present occupied by Mrs. D. Bateman. Good cement cellar and all in good repair. For partic- ulars apply at The Expositor Office, Se.aforth. - 2592-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE One-fifth of an acre of good ground end a story and a half brick veneered house with large kitchen attached, on East William street,- Seaforth. This pro is in splendid condition,please *art y situated and will be sold cheap as the owner is removing. to London. Apply to HARRY SPEARE, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaf 271-tf FARM FOR SALE. For sale, the north half of Lot 17, C011eeSS/011 4, Tuckersmith, contain- ing fifty acres more or less. There are on the premises a good gravel house and a goocl well, about six acres of bush,and the rest all seeded to grass. For further particulars welly on the premises, cr address GEORGE Mc - KAY, Kinnen P.O. ....2596x4 FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 6, amcession .2, Tuck- ersmith, containing 100 acres; 9 acres herdwood bush, 60 acres in. grass, 2* acres orchard and garden. There is on the farm a gocid brick house and bankdbarn with good stabling and ce- ment floors. Well fenced and drained and plenty of water. The feriae is situated 1% miles from Seaforth. For !further particulars apply to John 1 Gemmell, Seaforth, Ont., R. R. No. 4. 25994 40.11111419444•••••••••••••••• 'BIRTHS. V'Coneor--In Hibbert, on .September 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ot- - Connor, a sone Murray -In Hibbert, on October Srd, to Mr. and Mrs: Jam.es Murray, a son. (Still 'born.) , O'Reilly -In Tuckersmith, on Sept. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Reilly a daughter. (Mary Ann Bernice). McGregor -In Hullett, on September 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- gor, a daughter MARRIAGES: _Laird -Holmes-'- At Knox manse, Swift Current, Sask., by Rev. Wil- liam. A. Guy, on September 5th, Martha Holmes, of Wymark, -daugh- ter of Mr. David Holmes, of Wal- ton, to Mr. John Henry Laird, of Blumenhot, Sask. 'Clark-Seholdice-At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Scholdice, of Mce Killop; Tolbert Talmage Clark, of Walton, to Miss Margaret Schedice, by Rev. R. A. Lundy. S. T. Holmes • Femoral Director and. Licensed Embalmer Thedertarang parlors in Odclfel lows building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goilerich et., cpp Dr. Scottie Flowers furnished, cn short notice. . Phone Night or Day 119. - 1 4i. MAN WANTED. For Chopping Mill. Steady work. JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro. 2594 - FOR SALE. n Yearlings and Calves. Apply to W. N. GLENN, Heiman p.o., or Phone 9 on 140. • 2598-2 HOUSE TO RENT. To rent, the brick residence of Mrs. A. 8. McLean, on James street, Sea - forth. For particulars apply ,at The . . 'ExPositor Office. GOOD FARM FOR SALE, Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, I:I.R.S., /00' acres all cleared Good frame house andobank barn, -pig pen, hen houte Ind driving shed. -A: goba orchard and plenty of good water; well tile drained, well ,feneed• and all in first glass conditeen. On the Huron Road 2% mies from Seaforth .and six miles from Clintim. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. B. Henderson, Seaforth. 2596-tf FARM FOR SALE. 106 acres .en Mil, Road, Tucker - smith, 4 miles from Seaforth and 2 miles from Brucefield. All cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Erich house with furnace; .basement barn, cement silo; spring water piped to barn; good.well atthe house. Rural Mail and phone. For further partic- ulars apply to owner, Alex. A. Watt, 119r Ontario St., Guelph, Ont.; or to - John Rankin, Insurance and Real Es- tate Broker, Seaforth, Ont 2596-tf FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of ,ferst class land. Two miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, being lot 25, cencession 5, Hui - lett township. There are on the prem- ises a 1% storey frame house con- taining 8 rooms, ,also . telephone iand bank barn 50x60, with stabling and pig -pen underneath, also silo and good wire fences and some hardwood bush. For further particulars apply to John Reynolds, 1,30 Nelson Street, Strat- ford, Ont. 2596-tf FOR SALE. - House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, come fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries,: raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- pc-rty with no breaks on front, an the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nice property for a /aired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises ortoe John Rankin, Seafortio 2584-tO FARM FOR SALE. For sale Lot 11, Concession 6, II. R.S., containing 100 acres arse south half lett 5, Concession 7, Tuckersmith. On Lot 11 there is a bank barn 56x80, pig pen, hen house and driving shed. Six roomed cottage. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and -is sit- uated 3 miles from Seaforth on the Main road. The 50 acre lot is all in grass. This is an excellent property and will be sold on reasOnable terms. For further particulars apply to Jas. Finlayson, R. R. No. 3, Kippen: Pos- session will be given on September 1. 1918. 2599-4 FARM FOR SALE. . For sale lot 38, concession 1, L.R.S. Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good bank barn 48x52, with. straw shed 34x50. Good frame house, plenty of water at house and barn. Farm is all Well fenced and tile drained. There • are eight acres of bush. the balance except 35 acres is in grass. It is sit- uated 4 miles from Clinton and 2 teem Brucefield. Rural mail and telephone. For further particulars apply on .tlie premises or address George Watts, R. R. No. 1, Brumfield, eel:oho/le 2 on 197, Clinton Central. • 2597-4 FOR SALE. Poultry houses, brooders, incuba- tors and cops, all of the latest pat- -tern. The above will be sold cheap as the proprietor is going out of busi- ness. '` For further partiguars address George Brooks, BOX 131, or Phone 63, Hensel% Out, 2597-4 ` FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuekt ellemith, containing 100 acres, about 7 Mires bush. The farm is well fenced and drained and in a good state of Cultivation. There are on ethe prem. - fees a good frame house, hank barn, pig house, hen house drive hotline- and good wells. „ For termsandparticu- lars apply on the premises or address Mrs. John McCloy, Egmondville, P.O. 2356-tf ) FARM FOR SALE. I That very desirable farm, Lot No. Bayfield road north, Stanley, COIL- tanung 164 acree, more or less, is of - fed •for see. The farm is in a first class estate of cultivation and the buildings thereon are in good condi- tion. The farro is an exceptionally good Ole for mixed farming, and is situated ! 2% miles from Varna and Bayfield, A also. Goshen Gorn.er. For terms and ,particulars apply to the undersigned. W. J. McCLENAGHAN, R.R, No. 1, Varna, or TeL Clinton 9-172. 2598 FARM FOR SALE. For sale, part lot 29, South Bound- ary Concession, Sta.nlev. TownshiD, containing 75 acres. On the premises are a good brick house and a good bank barn with cement floors. The term is well fenced and drained and in a good state of eultivation. Conven- ient to !school and church, Half a mile east of Drysdale. Possession can be given in. April, 1918, with privilege to do- fall ploughing. For further particulars apply to Miss Jemima Johnston, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, or to James Dinemere, R. R. No; 1, Zur- ich, executors of the estate of the late Thomas Johnston, Jr. 2596-4 VALUEABLE FARIVI LANDS FOR , SALE . That very desirable term, being - composed of No' 17 and the south &If of lot No. 16 in the 4th conces- sion of the Township of Ilibbert, con- taining in all 150 acres more or less, is offered for sale at a sacrifiee, in or- der to close up the estate of the late - William McLellan. The farm is in a first class state of cultivation and the buildings thereon are in good condi- tion. The farm is an exceptionally good one for mixed farming. ° For terms and particulars apply to the undersigned. Andrew McLellan, Ad- ministrator of the Estate of William McLellan, deceased, Dublin P.O., R. R. No. 2 2594-tf Dam.. FARM FOR SALE Per sale south half of lot 27, con - 2, uckersmitlin R.S ., containing 50 acres of land all cleared, but a small piece of bush well underdrained and inat geed state of cultivation. On the premises are a' comfortable fr,anee bard,-and-;seit: *water in the house, a good barnwith stone foundation, cement hog pen and hen house good driving shed. There is ,a never failing. well with windmill, supplying waterto all buildings. It is situated one mile from' school, 2 from Bencefleld, 6 from Seaforth and Hen- sel]; rural mail and telephone in the house. This is a choice farm and will be sold reasonably. For further, particulars apply on the premises or to Brucefield post office. John A. Dallas. 2596-tf FARM FOR SALE For sale east half of lot 21, Conces- sion 4,Tuckersmith, a square 50 acres. There are on the premises a god frame 1% storey house with kitchen and woodshed. -Good bank bare with brick stabling, driving _house and poultry house. These buildings are in first class repair. Two good wells, one at the barn and one at the house. The farm ds all fenced with - Page, wire and all well underdrained. Six miles from Seaforth and six from Hensall on the best gravelroads;', of am lie from school. Rural mail and Phone. This is a -choice farm and wild be sold, on reasonable terms; posses- sion given at any time. .For partial- lars apply on the, premisesor address R. R. No.' 3, Kippen P.O., or phone 11 on 132, Seaforth. P. McGrath, 2593x4-tf • ,NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Notice is hereby.given pursuant to the ;statute in that behalf, that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Margaret Leal -le, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the Coun- ty' of Huron, widow, deceased, who died at Belgrave, in said County of Huron, on or about the 17th day, of September, A. D., 1917, are required on or before the 17th day of October, _1917, to send -by post, prepaid or 'de- liver to the 'undersigned full particu- lare of their claims, duly verified by affidavit, and the nature of security, if any held by them. Further take notice that after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among. the partied entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have beengiven. Dated at Seaterth, this 28th day of September, 1917. R. S. HaYs,Solicitor 2f578-*3the ,Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf, that all persons having, C;i31.1113 agatnst the es- tate of Jane Gentmell, late of the I lage of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, , Widow, deceased, who, diedat thesaidVillage of Egmondville, on or about the 21st day of Aug- ust, 1917, are required on or before the 10th- day of October, 1917, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the un- dersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit, and the nature of security, if any, held by them. Further take • notice that after .said last mentioned .date the assetsof the said deceased well be. distributed. among parties eiatitled thereto, 112X- ing regard only to the claims which notice shall , then heve been given. Dated at Seaforiii ,this 19th dav of FieptellTher, 1917. R. S. Hays, Solici- tor for Executor, Seaforth. 2597-3 ( HURON EXPOSHIOR OWL WANTED. All kinds of. live fowl, hens, chick- ens, ducks, turkeys and geese. Next shipment Will,be on Tuesday, Sept. 18, na every - Tticeday following. The fowl must he, in by noon on Tuesdays' at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 'tunes G. McMichael. 2596-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf, that alL persons- havingclaims against the es- tate of James Willison, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Ruron, retired carpenter, deceased, who died at the said Township of Hal- lett, on or about the 1.9th day of Aug- ust, 1917, are required on or before the 10th day of October, 1917, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the, un- dersigned, full particulars of theie claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of security, if any, held by them. Further :take notice that after said 13,st mentioned date the assets .of the said deceased will be distributed among parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claime which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth this 19th day of September, 1917. R. S. Hays, Solici- tor for Administnatrix, Seaforth. 2597-3 NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS In the meter of .Tames Douglas Ket- ef the Township of Tucker: - smith, in the County of Huron, Farmer,. Insolvett. The above named has made an assign- ment to me under the Assignments and Preferences Act of all his estate for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting pf his creditors will be held at my store in Kippen, in the said Town- ship, on Wednesday, the 10th of October, 1917, at two p.m. to receive a statement, appoipt inspeetors and give directions for the disposal of the estate. All creditors are requested to file their claims, verified as requir- ed by the act, on or before the day of said. meeting. After the 31st of October, 1917, the Assignee will dis- tribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto and will not be liable for any Part of the asse.ts to any person of whoOe claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated at Exeter, the 2nd day of October, 1917. Jacob A. Detweiler, Merchant, Kippen Ont., Assignee; Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter, Ont., Assignee's Solicitors. 2599-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Chapman, the Elder, late of the -township of Stanley, deceased, Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of WillianieChapinire late of the town- ship of Stanley, :in the County of Huron, farmer, ele.eeased, who died en or about the 16th day of September, , A .D 1917,,are required to deliver- to the undersigned • executors, or their solicitor on. onbefore the 20th day October, A.D. 191,74 a full statement of their claims together with particalars thereof and the tuture of the securi- :tieen re„nace,bb,theni,4a11 tittly4 verified by affidavit -A And take notice I that after the said- last mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the , estate of the said deceased amongst the -persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton this 26th day of September, A. D.,,1917. William Chapman and Thomas Chapman, Ex- cutors, R. R. No. 3, Kippen, Ont.; W. Brydone, Clinton,- Ont., Solicitor for the said*Executors. 2599-3 AucrioN SALE. Of 30 Head of Young Cattle. • 'Mr. James Jones has received instructions from Mr. Charles Dungey to sell by public auction at the Collison House, Mitchell, on Thursday, October 11th, 1917, at 2 o'clock p.m., the following. One driving horse. 9 years old, 5 good heifers in calf, 10 steers two years old, 15steersand heifers 1 year old. Terms -12 .enonths' credit will be given en finnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. off for cash. Posi- tively no reserve. Charles Dungey, Proprietor; James Jones, Auctioneer. 2599-1 AucrioN SALE Of 25 acres of land situated at Win- " throp, being part of lot 26, on the 9th concession, containing a good orchard and good well, on Saturday, October 13th, at 1 o'cliick. On the premises are what was formerly the Winthrop post office and store, also house and a small barn. There will be sold at the same time and place all the store goods and other articles found in a general store, including 2 large gal- vanized oil tanks, household fruniture and , some large oak barrels. Terms -On Goods and chattles, cash; terms on property made known on day of sale. Miss C. Murchie, Proprie- tress; T. Brown, auctioneer. 2599-2 EXECUTOR'S SALE The Executors of .he Estee 'of Margaret Laurie ;Widow, deceased, will offer for sale by public auction IL on Saturday, the 20 h of October, 1917 ae the hour of two ok, Ice A.- in the after- noon, at the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth., that part of Park Lot Number Three (3), in the Villageof Egmond- ville, in the County of Huron, con- taining by admeasurement one half acre of land more or less owned and formenitroccupied by the said Margaret Laurie. There are erected on the prem- ises a very comfertable frame cottage and stable in a good Ante of repair, and the property is a' very desirable one and a . first' class opportunity is offered to any one desiring to procure a comfortable and desirable dwelling well situated in Egmondville and near Seaforth, and very handy to churches and schools. Terms of Sale -Ten (10) per cent. cash at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days when the purchaser will he etnitled to a conveyance. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made lolown on idaY of sale and can be had in the meantime from John MeNay, Eeq., or front the undersigned. Dated the 27th day of September, 1917. R. 5. Rays, Solicitor for the Executors. 2598-4 , 2599x12 41.11.7tI0N SALE _ • Of Farm. Stock, Implements, House - bald Effects, gte. The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction on Lot 19, Concession. 1, Tuckersmith, on Thursday, October 111 1917, at one o'clock, the following property, name-ly; Horses -Aged team of mares, supposed. to be in foal;4 year old draft gelding;* 3 year old draft gelding, 1 year old draft gelding, 4 year old driv- ing horse, aged driving mare. Cattle( -3-Cow due to calve November 5th, I cow due to calve March 21st, Here- ford cow due to calve March 1, cow due March 20; cow due to calve May 9th, farrow cow, 2 year old heifer, fat, 6 yearling heifers, 5 yearling steers, 7 spring calves. Hogs, Sheep and Poultry -Sow with litter at foot, 2 store hogs•'30 Leicester ewes, 1 ram 150 hens, 12 ducke. Implements -- Frost & Wood 7 It. binder nearly new, moweahorse-rake, side -rake, disc ham row000t pulper, 2. walking plows,wag- on, 2 buggies, road cart, 250 cedar posts, 40 toes good hay, gasoline 6 h.p. engine, (Gould, Shapley & Muir); Worlonan and Ward grain grinder, cultivator, circular saw, set 2,000 lb. weigh scales, 200 fence slats, -windri'ss and bucket for cleaning welld, 7 drills of potrFurniture-Sideboard, 6 din- ing. 40 rods long; acre of tir- nips. rohm chairs extension table, see- retary,washing machine,heating-Stove and pipes. Terms -All sums of $10 and under cash; over that aineunt 12 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. Four per cent. per annum off for eash in lieu of notes. Alex. Monteith, Pro- prietor; C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer. 2598x2 1 CLEARING SALE • Of Farm, Farm Stock, Hay, Man - golds and Implements. Thomas Cam- eron has received instructions from Undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot, 27, Concession 14, Hibbert Township, on Tuesday, October 16th, 1917, at one o'clock share the follow- ing: Horses -2 two mares 5 years old, agricultural; driving mare quite and reliable for lady to drive. Cat- tle 6 cows supposed to be in calf, 3 steers 2' year old, 4 heifers 2 years' old, 2 heifers one year old, 6 calves. Also 17 geese and 100 hens and pul- lets, and a quantity of hay and 13 drills of mingolds. Implements -One Mikado buggy (new), wagon and box, good to buggy, open buggy, . bob- sleighs, utter, riding plow (new), used riding plow, 2 walking phpies, disc, cultivator, seeder, steel roller, scuffier harrows, binder, mower, hoise rake, set of scales, fanning mill, set - double harness, et single harness, pet of slings and rope, hayrack, iron. vise, sap pan, buckets, 2 iron 'kettles, fence wire, g-rindstOne, wheelbarrow, lad- ders whiffietrees, neck:yokes, chains, forks shovelshoes, etc., cream separ- ator, cookstove, kitchen cupboatd, 2 rocking chairs churn, wardrobe, two lounges and other articles too num- erous to mention: Real Estate con- sisting of north half Lot 15, concession 5, Hay Township, containing 50 acres of pasture land. Terms nif real es- tatemnade lettoeeirdn day- Of sale; Tli'e terms on chattels -All sums of $5 and under cash; over that amount 12, months credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes) A dis- count of 5eper cent. per annum ca- ter cash on credit amounts. -.George Hopkirk, Proprietor; Ti198, Ginheron Aettioneer. 25(.18-3 AUCTION SALE. • Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Thomas Brown has been in- atructed to sell by publie auction on Lot 19, Concesion 3. McKillop, on Thursday, October llth, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following: Horses -One brood mare with foal by her side, one general purpose team nine years old, driving gelding rising 4 years, quiet and reliable and a good worker, one heavy draft gelding rising 3 years old, driving filly rising two years, driving pony. Cattle --Six ceves due to calve in. March and April, 1 farrow cow, 7 spring calves, also I brood sow sup- posed to litter in November, 4 store pigs and about 80 hens. Implements -Massey-Harris binder nearly new, McCormick mower, McCormick tell - foot rake, McCormick steel roll - Massey -Harris 10 -hoe drill, Massey - Harris cultivator, Korn King manure spreader, new single furrow Oliver riding plow, Fleury walking plow, set 4 section diamond barrows, lumber wagon and gravel box, hay rack, grain cradle, fanning mill, 30 -foot extension ladder, scuffler, top buggy nearly new, one new set of single harness, one set team harness, set plow har- ness, 2 cutters, 6 horse power Max- well engine,Joliettegrinder, hayfork, rope and slings, forks, shovels, neck - yokes and other articles too numerous to mention also one acre of turnips and mangolds and 3 acres of corn. The farm will also be offered for sale by auction.' If not sold will be rented. Terms made known on day of sale or on application to the proprietor. All will sold. without reserve as the pro- prietor is giving up farming. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amoutn 12 months' ,credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. off for cash. Michael Klein, Proprie- tot; T. Brown, Auctioener. .2599x1 Beechwood Once more X thank ray customers and the public generally for their eon - United support for the past thirty years and announce that 1 ani better prepared than ever to eaten to their wants. A well selected stock of shoes and rubbers, dry goods and groeeries- the best values you can buy. We solicielrour trade and will pay the &ghee( maoket price for butter, eggs and lard and we are taking Live Poultry every Wednesday forenoon. All my accounts are ready gad hope for a prompt settlement. Yours. respectfully, • �L HOLLAND THE CANADIAN 13 OF COM E SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.-O,, LLD., D.C.1-, Presiden COML. PAID UP, $15„000,003 Sin JOHN AIRD. Generannanner. 1de V. F. JONES, Ann Gent. Manner WE FUND, .13,500 • This Bank Bank issues Money Orders payable at face value at any bank in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory), and in the principal cities in the United States. - For sums up to fifty dollars you will find this most ,convenient way of remitting. SEAFORTH BRANCA L G. MTJLLEN, 4ir 68, ▪ MAN.AGInkr AUCTION SALE The Administratrix of the estate of David Workman, deceased, will offer for sale by public auction by C. W. Robinson, auctioneer, on Lot 18, Con- cession 2, L.R.S Tuckersmith, on Wednesday, October 17th, 1917, at 1,30 p.m. the farm stack and chat- tel property, also the above farm, par- ticularly described in the posters an- rouncing such sale. For further par- ticulars see posters or apply to the undersigned. Dated this 22nd day of SeptAmber, 1917. Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke Goderich, Solicitors for -Adminisinatrix. 2598-3 AUCTION SAM Of Choice Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Mr. Thomas Gundry has been instructed to sell by public huction on South half of lots 31 and 32, Conces- sion 1, H.R . S4, Tuckersmith, on -Wed- nesday, October 10th, the following: - Team of geldings 4 and 5 years old, 2. good cows, 1 to calve about time of sale, 2 steers rising 2 years, 2 heifers 15 months old, 2 calves, 2 pigs. Im- pleinente-Massey Harris mower 5* foot cute Massey -Harris ten hoe drill; Massey-Ilia/lie cultivator, McCormick 10 foot rake, Massey -Harris roller, National gang plow, Fleury plow No. 21, buggy nearly new, cutter nearly new, wagon with box,, Cockshutt disc, set of harrows, sleighs with log buhks, hay -rack, stoek-rack, fanning mill, set 2,000 pound scales, bag hold- er and truck, set new team harness, set new single harness, stone -boat, Daisy churn No. 2, 25 foot kidder, a No. 1 DeLaval cream separator, number of horse collars, blankets, robes, chains, shovels, forks, 2 dozen grain bags, steel crowbar, neekyokes, whifiletrees; a quantity 61 hay and grain. Sale commences at one o'clock sharp. Terms -All sums of $10 and under cash; over that aomunt 11 months' credit win be given on fur- nishing anuroved joint notes. Aedis- coune of 4 per emitoff for cash. gseintee andmeraiti fottee' cage St `Sohn Thomas Crich, Proprietor; T. Gtindry Auctioneer. 2598x2 AUCTION SALE 01 -r-arm Stock. -Thomas Camernare has received instructions to seRic t public auction on Lot 10, --..,Nortki Boundary, Hay, 8* miles se Kippen on Tuesday, October - two o'clock sharp: Horses - draft filly 2 years old, eligible for refer- istration; 2 agricultural fillies 2 yrmelti ag,ricultural gelding 2 years old. OM roadster filly e years old; general pure pose filly two years old, broke - en to harness. Cattle - e Tbanw. obred Shorthorn bull' with r gisteret pedigree,22 months old; heifer! 2 yeano old due to calve January 1st; heifer 2 years old due to calve January 10; 22 steers 2 years old; 2 fat heifeasr years old, 7 steers 1 year old, 5 heir- ers two years old; five heW-- ers 1 year old'. Hogs-eYorksbiseir sow due 't.,o litter November 20, two - Yorkshire sows due to litter Januaner 10th, 10 pigs 5 weeks old. Tern - Cash, or 8 months -credit on furnishing - approved joint notes with 6 per emit,. added. Positively no reserve as tbs. proprietor is overatocked Robeet Love, Proprietor, R. R No. 2, Heiman; Thomas Cameron, Aucedteneer. 2598--Z ft is your assikance of peefect ilitit-t, isfactioh. in all your -concrete -.make. Insiet on getting CANADA CEMEND. We also have all kinds of Dressea Lumber and, McNair Brand Shingle's& So if you are Oguring on any neva 1 buildings or repairing, let _us help* you plan your we -rise Our services AM - free. , Jno. ustard '.Brucefieki AUCTION SALE. - Of Farm Stock and Implements. Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to seI1 by public auction ou Lot 8, Con- cession 10', McKillop, on Wednesday, October 10th, at one p.m., the fol- lowing: Horses -Heavy hone rising 6 years, heavy mare rising 3 years, 1 driving horse rising 7 years, quiet and reliable and a good worker; blood colt rising 3 years, one heavy draft team 6 years old. Cattle -Seven milch cows calvingefrora Februaty to May, 8 heiferz risinge3 years, 5 steers rising 3 years, 3 steereerismg 2 years, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 7 spring calves. Pigs --Three .sows -with litter at foot, 5 store hogs. Also a number of hens and young pallets. . Tomple- ments-Massey-Harria binder 7 foot cut, Massey -Harris hay loader, Mas- sey -Harris side rake, Massey -Harris fertilizing hoe drill, Deering eultiva- or with seed box, hay rake_, Kemp manure spreader, two walking plows, twiu gang plow, 2 sets iron harrows, Massey -Harris mower, lumber wagen, top buggy, cutter, pair bobsleighs, gravel box, 2 hay -racks, 2 sets double harness, set single heelless, grind- stone, wheelbarrow and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity. of mangolds tin the drill, a number of cedar posts and a. quantity of lumber. Household Furniture - Moffat range, new; glass cupboard? 2 tables, kitchen chairs, 3. bedsteads, parlor suite, churn, coal oil tahk. The whole will be sold without re- serve as the proprietor has sold, the _term. Terms -All sums of $5 and under, eash; over that amount twelve months credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 5 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts, Thomas O'Loughlin, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2598x2 GRAND TRU Highlando, of Olytarie Canada THE HOME (IF" itlab AND THE MOOSE. - OPEN S NS , DEER -November lst to Neveraltom 15th, inclusive. MOOSE -November let to Nov 15th, inclusive. In some tif thee Northern Districts of Ontario, eluding Timagami, the open son is from Noveoeber Ise November 20tb, Write for topy ef "Playgrettnelse-thei Haunts of Fish mad Game," giving. Gatne Laws, Ifunthig Regidationi, Atte,. to C. E. Horning, Union Statienn Tee - routo, Ont. - W. EMERY' LE Tows Am*. W. PLANT Depot Agent gernammonssmann W.S.Ggrinie v.rnbalmer and Funeral Director Undertaking Porters above Ad„Williams' grocery etorm Main Street, Seaforth ewers furneeed on short nothe '.3haeges moderate. Phone night or day - 192 Engines Fpr Sa et. Several Portable and Traction Engines for salelSuitable for corn cutting and farmer's 'own use. • One 20 h.p. Clinton Traction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled and rebuilt One 17 le p. Bell Traction Engine, thorousghly over-bauled and rebuilt One le h p. Waterous Traction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled and rebuilt One 14 h.p. White Traction Engine, just as received from the veer. One 17 lip. Sawyer dr Masser return tubular Traction engine One 13 tLp Nosworthy Portable Engine, thoroughly over haulea and rebuilt One 13 b."). Waterloo return tubular Portable Engine One 13 h o. Sawyer & Massey return tubular Portable Engine One 12 h.p. John Abell Locomotive Portable Engine. GASOLINE E 14GINES One 19 h.p. Gooldothaplev & Muir Portable Gasoline Engine One 6 h.p. Field Stationary Gasoline Engine We also hare the following Threshers for sale: SEPARATORS One GoodinouSeparotor with wind stacker and feeder One Waterloo Separator with wind stionker aid One Monar Separate= with wind stacker and For further partileulers a Th6Iobt.Bell Engine and Threlbert** Ltd* Seawall, attazio