HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-09-21, Page 6• MY IT that chronic akin diseases which. tave defiled all other treatments yield to ZamBuk It is because Zam-Buk is gerrni- tidal, and. also has such power of penetration that it reaches disease in the underlying tissues and cures from the " root" up. That is the only way a permanent cure can be affected. Mr. H. C. Buckley of 461 E. Broad way, Portland, Oregon, says: "For chronic skin diseases there is. nothing like Zam Buk. For fifteen years I had eczema, and I tried an endless number of so-called ' eczema cures,' but nothing was capable of curing me permanently until I used ;Lam-Buk. Ten months' use of Zam- Buk has effected a complete cure." For ulcers, abscesses, boils, ring- worm, ingworm, blood -poisoning, .piles, burns, scalds and cuts,. Zam-Buk is equally good All dealers or Zam Buk Co., 'Toronto. 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. Had To Sit Up GIRL SMO RS A wroiter in London Tit -Bits, says that the habit of cigarette smoking a- mong girls and women is growing at an alarming rate. Before the out- break of war these women who found lonsolation in the weed smoked in sen- sible moderation, Usually smoking from 15 to 20 cigarettes a week. But not so now, for the smoking craze has made such headway that there are thousands of women at the present time who think nothing of smoking 100 or 150 cigarettes a week. Three years ago a woman suffering. from a"smoker's heart" was an " anom- aly. To -day it is quite a common complaint and recently a well-known doctor estimated that nearly ten per cent. of his women patients were suf- fering froth illnesses brought on by excessive smoking . Some women are never happy unless they are court- ing "My Lady Nicotine.�� They are, prepared to take all risks in. order to satisfy their craving. An acquaintance of the writer's a I young girl of 17, boasts that she can "get through" a box of 50 cigarettes a day. When asked by the writer how she. possibly manages to con- sume this enormous amount and keep her " health, she replied: 1 cannot get to sleep without smoking nine or ten cigarettes, -and it is simplyripping to wake up early, light a cigarette, and read in bed until breakfast!" Tobacconists state that there are hundreds" like this young "flapper." :10' EXPOSITOR The Tea o' all Preis. { Black, Green I Get a package and enjoy or Mixed a cup of Tea "IA Perfection". (B*S3 ° but with the graver and religious side of their fives he had little in common. It was, perhaps, this feeling that drew him toward Macdonald Dubband Ranald, so that for weeks at a time he would make their house his home. He had "no use for wakes," as he said himself, and had it not been that is was one of the gang that lay dead within, Yankee would have avoided. the house untill all was over and the elders safely away. Of the eiders, only four were pres- ent as yet: Donald Ross, who was ever ' ready to bring the light of his kindly face to cheer the hearts of the mourners; Straight Rory, who never, mothers of the future. Never was And these girls are to: be regarded as f by any chance, allowed himself to miss the esolemn joy of leading the tHer Heart Was So ebabies were of psalm; Peter McRae, who car - there such a time when funeral p , �� such vital importance as to -day, yet, vied behind his stern old face a heart critical period, .when we need of genuine sympathy;, and Kenny tlu t To Sleep at s P strong, healthy children to fill the Crubach, to whom attendance at fun Though one cause or anotble a e ranks, depleted by those who have erals was at once. a duty and a hor- ` 'ty of people are troubled, more "gone •before," there are likely to zor, 1 with some sort of heart trouble, come into the world a race of weak- Donald Ross, to the elders when it starts to beat irregularly, . of their ent lings who have paid the price end while pains ghoot throw then it onuses anxiety / mothers' devotion to tobacco. .d alarm. r It is the duty of every British girl lbs rn's Heart and Nerve Pills will who has her country's interest at her those eve prompt and permanent relief. to all ing heart to realize that excessive smok- might siiferinr f7 weakness -- the .S__ ___....d:7 i.1... Empire heart or nerves. 1 and those who find the dainty -cigar- writes: A. Russell, Niagara Falls, `., ate" soothing to their nerves should des; "At nightsI could not sleep, and smoke in moderation, An occasonal tohad situp in bed my heart would local 00 cigarette is all right, but 350 cigar - t he, i�.,+1} to walk very far ettts a week is bound to be harmful. enI eL 1. mid get all out of breath, and would have to set down and rest before I could o any further. I was advised to get burn's. Heart and Nerve Pips, and lore I had used two boxes I could sleep and walk as far as I liked without any trouble," 9 Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. per box, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by -The T. Milburn Co_, Limited, Toronto, Ont. FARM FOR SALE • Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop,, 100 ares of the best clay lard in McKil- lop, 6- acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Sea - forth, 2 guiles from Constance, miles from school There are on the - nremises a good seven room house, large bank barn 64x76, - all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and the balance seeded down. There are 2 big springs, onepiped to barn and on the other is a dam with a hy- draulic ram pumping the watt to the house and to the barn, As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land, There is a graded and gravelled lane from the road to the buildings. Possession will be- given March 1st next. Apply to MRS. SAMUIL DORRANCE, -Seaforth, or phone 76, Seaforth. - 2578 -if millions of people die every year from Consumption. Millions could have been saved if only common sense prevention had been used in the first stage. Asthma, Broaehitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, Cough, Colds and Diseases of - the Respiratory Organs—all Lead up to Consumption -- Tuberculosis. Dr. Strandgard's T.B. MetEcine is a most successful treatment for above-men- ttow d Diseases. Awarded GoldMedal for Medicines at the thiree interna- tional Exhibitions, - London, -1910; Paris, 1911; Brussels, 1909; and. bi .Rotterdam., 1909. Write for booklet. Correspondence invited. DS, STILUIDGARD11 MEDICINE 00. VS -266 Tonga. St, Toronto. —Death removed one of Ellice township's early and highly respected residents last week, in the person` of Rose Kelly, widow of the late Francis Flynn, at the age of 75 years. She had only become ill a few days. Her husband predeceased her six years. She was a devoted member of the Kinkora Roman Catholic church. —Arthur Charbonneau, youngest son of Baptiste Charbonneau, was drowned ip the Madawaska River, near Arnprior, when a small boat in which were his father and several other persons was swamped. —The recruiting of men for the Canadian Army is said to be having a veryserious effect upon the -lum- bering industry in the Northern On- tario ntario counties. A prominent lumber, man, who has a contract to supply l lumber for shipbuilding, says he has a staff of less than 100 men, when he should have 400 to, carry on the London Exhibition this week. -Re- I Whom all • ( FREQUENT HEADACHES 1 People with thin blood are much More subject to headaches than full- blooded persons, and the form of an- aemia that afflicts growing girls is almost always accgm{panied by head- s aches, together with disturbance " of the : digestive organs. Whenever you have constant or re- curring headaches and pallor of the face, they show that the bloodis thin and your efforts should be directed to- ward building up your blood. A fair treatment with Dr. William's Pink Pills will do this effectively, and the rich red blood made by these pills will remove the headache. More disturbances to the health are caused by their blood than most peo- ple have any idea of. When your blood ' is impoverished, the nerves suffer from lack of nourishment and you may be troubled with insomnio, enur- itis, neuralgia or sciatica. Muscles subject to strain are under -nourished and you may have muscular rheuma- tism or lumbago. If your blood is thin and you begin to show symptom of any of these disorders, try building up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as the blood is restored to its normal condition every sympton of trouble will disappear. - There are more people who owe their pres- ent state of good health to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills than to any other medicine and most of them do not hesitate to say so. - You can get Dr . Wililams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine I Co., Brockville, Onto 1 It Works! t Try it 4 Tells how to loosen a sore, tender corn so it lifts out Without pain. 11110116140.11001.10.11 Good news spreads rapidly and drug: gists here are kept busy dispensing. $reezone, the ether discovery ofd Cite elnnati inan, which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the Angers, Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter 'ounce: of freezone, which will cost very Bttle,but is said to be sufficient to- rid ;mm's feet of every hard or soft corn or You apply just a few drops on the tender aching cora and l tly the sorer is iolieved, and soon the corn 43 so as veia& that it lifts out with - put pain. It is a. sticky sebstaace irht ,des when applied and never Inlianes or oven irritates the adjoin. - lag VAMP, djoinlag_ s This discovery will prevent thou- �.ofdeatl a>alYfrlacw .onlairidWre meting fro the siiicidaltofcu The Man From Glengarry By Ralph Connor (Continued from page seven.) family disgrace, the wake often de- generated into a frolic if not a de- bauch. In order to check any such tendency, it had been the custom of late years to introduceeligious ser- vices, begun by the minister himself and continued by the elders: As the evening fell, a- group of el- ders stood by the back door of 1 o lg John Cameron's sorrow -stricken home talking quietly over the sad event and arranging for the "exercises" . of the night. At a little distance from them sat Yankee, with Ranald beside hien, both silent - and listening somewhat indifferently to the talk of the others. Yankee was not in this element. He was always welcome in the homes of his comrades, for he was ready with his tongue and clever with his fingers. Children Cry teR MUM'S CASTORIA F¢ • accorded instinctively, the place leader, was arranging the order of "the exercises." "McCuaig," he said ~to Straight Rory, "you will take charge of the singing. The rest of us will in. turn, give out a psalmn and read a portion of Scripture with • a few suitable re- marks and lead in prayer. We ;.will not be forgetting, brethren," said old ,Donald, "that there will be sore hearts here this night." Straight Rory's answer was a sigh so woeful and so deep that Yankee looked civet at him and remarked in an undertone to Ranald, "He ain't so cheerful as he might be. He must feel awful inside." "It is a sad and terrible day for the Camerons," said Peter McRae. "Aye, it is sad, indeed," replied Don- ald Ross. "He was a 'good son and they will be missing him bad. It is a great loss." "Yes, the loss is great," said Peter -grimly. "But, after all, that is a of ABWA stall,': Straight Rory sighed again - even more deeply than before. Donald Ross said nothing. "What does the old duck mean- any- how?" said Yankee to Ranald. The boy made no reply. His heart '. was sick with horror at Peter's meaning, which he understood only too well. "Aye," went on Peter, "it is a ter- rible, mysterious Providence, and a heavy warning to the ungodly and careless." "He means me, I guess," remark- ed Yankee to Ranald. 'It will perhaps be not amiss to any of us,' said Kenny Crubach, sharply. "Indeed, that is true," said Donald Ross, err a very humble voice. "Yes, • Mr. Ross," said Peter ignor- ing Kenny Crubach, "but at times the voice of Providence cannot be enisun- derstood, and it will not do for the el- ders of the church to be speaking soft things when the Lord is speaking in judgment and wrath." Donald was silent, while Straight Rory assented with a heartrending "Ayer aye,' which stirred Yankee's . bile again. "What's he talkin' about? He don't seem to be usin' my language," he said, in a tone of wrathful perplexity. Ranald was too miserable to answer, but Kenny was ready with his word. "Judgment and wrath," he echoed, quickly. "The man would require to be very skillful whatever in interpre- tingthe ways of Providence, and very bolto put such a meaning into the death of a young man such as Mal- colm yonder." The little man's voice was vibrating with feeling. Then Yankee began to understand "I'll be golblamed to a cinder!" he exclaimed, in a low voice, falling back upon a combination that seemed more suitable to the circumstances. "They SEPT MBER 21s 1817 POSITIVELY THE -LARGEST SALE IN CA ain't sendin' him to hell, are they?" He shut up the 'knife with which he had been whittling with a sharp snap, and rising to his feet, walked slowly over to the group of elders. (To be continued next week.) KEEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal the hot summer months are to small chil- dren. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentry and stomach troubles are rife at this time and often a precious tittle life is lost,after only a few hours illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels safe. The occasional use of thetablets pre- vents stomach and bowel troubles. or if trouble comes suddenly—as it gen- erally does --the tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25e a box from The Dr. William's Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. War Workers. The number of British worker; en- gaged in. war industries has nearly doubled during the first two years of war. 1. 1914 there were 1,986:- 000; to -day there are 3,500,000. In • 1915-16 the average number e4-- children {children on the roll of the Lo ..lou eiexam:t ary schools was 728,657 and the average attendance 640,520. Executive Ability. " - Little ;lanes—Father, what is execm ability? His Father—The faculty of earning your bread by the sweat ot other maple's browa, my son. Tree Juice. intoxicating liquors have been from the sap of the birch, the willow. the poplar and the sycaraore. Too much rest itself teweames rapes, --Romer. 4.t �. r r. nedf n// A Vision Your Sons, Vision them at early morning when through the rising mists, there bursts a hurricane of fire --- See your valiant boys ---calm, grim, but cheerful, "stand -to -arms" until -the Hun's "morning hate" dies away. Picture them at breakfast, the meal that must bring them the bodily sus- tenance to carry them through the strain of another day® Then think what might happen if, one morning, there was no breakfast ---no food, and word went down the lines that Canada had failed them. - Vision all these things, and then --- as Women of Canada --- Mothers of Men ---Answer this Call to Service. Canada must send to Her Own, and to the Allies Fighting Forces, more wheat, more beef, ° more bacon, and more of such other foods - as are non- perishable and easil-y exported. • Mothers of Cnada! Canada can do this without depriv' ing her own population of a fair share of any of these foods if You Women will but help. Alt we ask of you is, that instead of buying so much white flour (if you do your own bang) youvary your baking) b ing by using one-third oatmeal, corn, bar- ley or rye flour. Or, if you buy your bread, you. ou. order a certain pro. portion of brown bread each day. Second, instead of using - as much beef and bacon as formerly, you vary your family's diet, by substituting for beef and bacon such equally nutritious foods as fish, peas, lentils, potatoes, nuts, bananas, etc. Third, and this is most important, . -- positively prevent the waste of a single ounce of food in your house- hold. They -Must Be Fed Statistics show that, everyday, in Canada, sufficient food is thrown into garbage cans to feed the entire Canadian Overseas Army. Travellers have often remarked that many a European family would live well upon the quantity and quality of food wasted in some Canadian homes.: Such waste is shameful at any time ; but in these times it is criminal. Woman's Auxiliary, Organization of Resources" Committee, t ♦34e+ • ,wy icy 1 Our only hope is that with these truths before you, and in view of the vital issues at/ stake, we may count upon your earnest co-operation in stopping this appalling waste; and in substituting other foods for the wheat, beef and bacon that must be sent overseas. 2 Next week a Food Service Pledge and Window Card will be delivered to you. It is your Dedication to War Service. The Window Card is your Emblem of Hono . in Co-operation with The Hon. W. J. Hanna, Food Controller. Sign The Food Service Pledge n PTEMI Et4011GH ever receive the rnl o sufficiently nou brain during the is shown in 5o fs kali bodies, frequent a ambition. such children nee ,fin, and need it now, conqoatrated farm the eats to enrich their IA( weakness to strength; sturdy and strong. ©tx & Browne, Tori LEGAL R. S. HA Barrister, Solicitor,C Notary Public. Solicit pinion Bank. Office in tion Bank, Scafort J. M. BES Barrister, Solicitor; and Notary Public. over Walker's Furnit:ir Street, Seaforth. PEOUDFOOT, KILL COOKE.' Barristers, Solicitors, Be, etc. Money to lent lan Monday- of each w K-dd Block W. Proud L. Killoran, H. J. D. VETERIIA F. HARBURN Honor graduate of O° aro College, and honor: the Medical.Association Veterinary College. Tre a domestic animals by. n principles. Dentist yr a. specialty. Office t Hotel, Main Street, -Sea a left at the Note prompt attention, N. od at the office. JOHN GRIEVE or graduate of : liege. Alt disera s treated. Calls to and chaos urinary Dentistry - a si said residence on Coder ,door cast of Dr. Scot forth. MEDICAI R. W.J. CLANFIEL- Physician. Etc. Ho of University of Toro' =experience. Brucefe d, DR, GEORGE HEt. Osteopathic Physiciai )3pecialist in women's diseases, rheumatism, - :nd nervous disorders; and throat. Consultatio bi the Royal Hotel, 5 lays and Fridays, 8 C. J. W. HARD; 425 Richmond Street, Bpe`ialist, Surgery and ary liseases of men and Dr, ALEKANDEI Physician and 5' ice and Residence, 11 -,one 70 DR. J. W. P Graduate of Faccalt McGill University, Mon of College of Physicia Ontario;Licentiate o eil of Canada; Post -Gra of Resident Medical St Hospital, Montreal, 19 doors east of Post OP Bensall, Ontario. DR. F. J. BI Office and residence, " least of the Methodist ch Phone 46. Coroner for= Huron. DRS. SCOTT J. G. Scott, graduate College of Physicians Aun Arbor, and mem i lege of Physicians -and Ontario. C. Mackay, honor gr Ity University, and go Trinity Medical Collet e College of Pbysieiai3 of Ontario. DR. Graduate of _Ft culty of Medicin of Physicians pass Clinical: Royal Ophthalmic Ophthalmic tgland, University H England. dicer—Bac Bank, Seaforthe Ph Cells answered from Uric streett, Seaforth. i J .. AUCTION THOMAS • Huron awl P art cif wits for sal et staffs sad ea R. Tb Te Ltemead Awtonsor • ilLespeaL Wee a Pals of the Ceensty.taw Tense a Orefiri OSSISt