HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-09-21, Page 5•
, . - • • . • , . •
e .. our
it we 0. her no
price that the
'4 The High
la style for
Kid and Havana
gh Roots
ac Ate ShOWing".
46400 ?in Havana
Guwnetat Calf
to 0 er
d VaIte
aed ablIggish &roller:- '
ifik butcher cattle at
ic belOw last weeks
ling off frOm 15e to
expotters Wore even.
t steer, a fourth prize
show, passed
Levacik's hands to the
- buys?* a 14e, but it
le, of. that'claws and
lead of export ste.era
price obta-Med ether -
and feeders thought
were tiff 25e per cede
5 close. A ' good deal
done in tetlk rows at
5- the detearici for
a'leei * mete sleeting_
$1. ' Inet week, and
iy frinnt S9 to 112, ac-
ity, tlie. demand for
e1W4z., being fair.
X Dire -for the day with
anticipa' ted; a good,
sere oilthe light side,
. bought 400 bead:
•to U1.50; cows, $6
PS- to`, $8.50; carinus
to $6.75..
alley tad 49 ears: R -L---
to : $12;-. butchers,
uo. ; , Choice 8.2.5
€104 'Pod. -VI
Mein .50 to $9; $0; doe
$7 to $8; canners, 525
DM: 0.50 tott
50; „ choice $850.
utr.li $7.50 to 8.25:
pea billet $6.50 to FT;
to 6.50; spring lambs
calves, good to choice
; do. commix/ to mei-
50; 'Wogs, fed and.wat-
eyack sold: Butchers'
$9.50; 2 (1035) $8; 1
P8.50;12 (n75) 10.75;
5; 17 (450., $6.50; 13,
(860) $8.50; 25 (960)
(13401 $6.05; cows, 5
1 (920), $6; 5 (1056)
i) $7.35; 2 11140) $8;
l; 4 (1130) $7.75; 1
23, (850) '$8.15; .
1, (11.30) $6.25;
were the quotationst
ers,. choice $11.1a to
easy .steers $10)25 to
rs, eluSiee $9.75; to
$9 tO $9.50; medium,
ir comMon $6.75 to
t Valli choice, per cvrto
; good, $7.40 to $7.85;
to $7.40; rough bag
. -
butchers' cows, choice
good, V.35 to $7.60;
*6.15- stockers $7.00
, $8.01 to $9; canners
5 to $5.50; milkers,
aaeh $100 to $135; come
Inn, each, $75.00 to
$90 to $135; light ewee.
0; sheep, heavy, $6 to
rs, $11 to $12; calves,
$14.50 to $15.25; hogs
d $18-, off cars, $18.25;
••••,‘,- ...agoorommo-
tents'of Serges1
coold wish to
s, browns and
uaranteed dyes.
of materials at
same tattention
r stock of Sum-
:. We're sure
r>itinCo4set.0.011103 -
eatletr. - 'On Tuesday.
• 18, One of thoseinteresting
tooktvente ,,Place when Ellsbeth Elmo
may daughter of Mr: and Mrs.
eaePit R. Wheatley sha Mr. Jan,
meg Knox, were imited_in the holy
• lionds of matrimon•Y hY Rev. C. C.
• Koine, of Lotrideeimeo. The beide
looked charming in a gown of white
- brocaded satin with pearl trinuniage
". and blue silk. littr. and Mrs. Knox
• left during the afterreen for a trip, to
• ',Toronto and other eastern points, the
bride travelling in a suit of cheviot
and black with picture hat. The
. good wishes a a large circle of
- friends go with them in their Married
Presentee -lone -gen Monday, Sep -
Taber 17th, the -girls of the
J. K. Club spent another of those
p• leasant afternoons, when they met at
the home of Mt...Joseph H. Wheatley
to congratulate Miss Elizabeth Flor-
. once, on her approaching marriage to
-tine of the young, men associated with
the club, being one of the girl's bro-
era, Mr. John T. ‘Knox. After a
t °dal time was spent, Miss Maggie
Shepherd read the following address:,
fiSurpried indeed, Were the girls of
the when they
that another of its members had
announced her intentions of stepping
Into that great and ever increasing
state, matrimony. We are sorry to
lose such a valuable member, but we
'know that our loss is Mr. Knwea
• gain. In all the branches of the
Clulds work, you have shown a loyal
and _patriotic spirit, ever ready to
work in its interest. As treasurer.,
you have performed your work' faith-
ftdly and we hope that your new pos..
•Ulan will not hinder, but rather aid
'you in filling this office. We felt we
could not allow such a grand oppcitwa-
'z itt" to. Pass unnoticed and now we ask
• you do us a small favor by accept-
ing this gift as a slight remembrance
'tot the D A .I.D .K. and three
a the members brought forward a
pretty mahogany table and jardinere
stand. Miss Wheatley replied in a
-very suitable manin4; after which ihe
girls dispersed to,. their homes „after
wishing her a happy'married life.
Our chopping mill will
be closed down the first
week in October for
some necessary repairs.
Our crusher will be run-
ning as usual.
Seaforth. Milling CO., Ltd.
SRAFORTH -mmitwrs.
• Seaforth,.-Sept. 20, 1917
Nheat, per bushel `, $1.15
. •
Oa*, per bushel • ,
Bran; per ton . - ..$40
Shorts, per ton $46
Hogs, per ewt . ..... .$17.59
Wlour, per ewt 5.50 to $6. 80
Butter, per lb- .....35 to 38c
Eggs; per dozen .. to 40c
Potatoes, per bushel ........$1.00
Barley, perd biShel •• ..$1 o$t.15
Toronto Sept. 18.: -No Canadian
beans on market until last of October;
imported hand-picked 7.75 per bush;
Limas per lb. 15 to 16c.
Toronto, Septern.ber 1S. -Dressed
Poultry -Spring chickens, 25 to 30c;
fowl 20 to 22e; squabs, per doz. $4
to $4.50; turkeys 25 to 30e; ducks,
spring 22e. Live PoutUnt-Spring
chickens lb. 22e; hens 20 to 22c; ducks
wing. 20c.
Toronto, Sept. 18 -Butter -Cream-
ery prints 42 to 43e; creamy solids
411/4c to 42e; fresh dairy, choice
39e to 40e. Eggs -New laid_in cartons
52 to 54e; out of cartons 46c to 47c.
Cheese -New, large, 23e to 231/2c;
twins 23%e to 23%c; triplets 231/2c
to 24c; old large, 30c; twins, 301/4;
triplets • 30 4c. Honey-Coseib-Ex-
tra fine, 16 oz. p.25; 12 oz. $2.75;
No. 2 2.40 to $2.50; strained tins
21/4"s and S's 17c ner lb.; 10's 16 1-2c:
60'g, 154 to 16c.
Toronto, September 18. -Manitoba
nominal; No. 1 northern $2.21 nom-
inal; No. 2 northern $2.18; No. 3,
northern 2..15; No. 4 wheat $2.10.
Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C. W. 664c.
in •store at Fort William. Am-
erican Corn -No. 3 yellow, nominal.
Ontario Wheat -New crop No. 2,
12.17 to $2.20; Ontario Oats -No.
White, 60c nominal; No. 3 do. 59c,
mcminal. Peas. - Nominal; Barley
_Malting new $1.20 to $1.22; Mani-
toba Flour -First patents in jute
bags $11.50; second patents $11.00;
strong -bakes',. 10.60, Ontario Flour -
Winter, new, track, Toronto, prompt
shipment, according to sample, $10.20.
Millfeed_Carlots, delivered, Montreal
freights -Shorts $42; bran $35; mid -
$45 to $46; good feed flour, per
bag. $3,25: Hay--Traek. Toronto, ex-
t. -a. $11 to $11.50 mixed $8 to $9.54,
Toronto. Straw -ear lots $7 to $7.50.
Potatoes on track Ontario, bag. 1. 80
-to $1.85.
Fall Fair
Greater Prena unas -Mounted Military
Ihnouvers-New Poultry- House and
Fnlarged Poultry Lists -New Merry -
Go -Round for the children, and. other
pastimes - Splendid Speed Ti
ests n
fe.ur events with .1.iharal purses; all
dlstriet horsemen invited Remetnb-
eft! the dates: Wednesday, 2tth;
-1-Aursday, 27th; Friday, 28th, Sept.
T..- 1101 -it. CO.
putuutim DIRBO10Itil
H. C. BOX r
older of llovernineat DiPlasta
•and Lieneae. •
Flamfsraiisbed10401t 44'
Night Cal • Day Calks t
Phone 175 # Phone 50
„ ,
Drover -In Tuckeremith, on Sept. 18,
to Mr. and Mrs. Williara Drover, a
daughter. ,
Shannon --In _Hullett, on Sept. 18, to
Mr. and Mrs; Hugh Shannon, a
Hovey. -In Clinton, on September 5,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey, a
Mason -In Clinton, on 1eptenaber 7,
to Mr. and Mrs. Williara Mason. a
• son..
Miller -Schaeffer -In Detroit on• Sep-
tember 4, Ralph Miller, Exeter
North, to Misi Opal Schaeffe, of
Wanesley---Pethick-At Victoria St.
Methodiet parsonage, Goderich, on
Sept 12, by Rev. J. H. Oster -
tout; EdwardJames Wamsley to
Acla Maud Pethick both of Seaforth,
Brunner-dOestriecher-At the home
" of the bride's parents, Mr. and
• Mrs. Gottfried Oesteicher, Dash-
wood, on September8, Martha
Catharine to Mr. Arthur d. 13ru.n-
Barry -Campbell -At St. Boniface
Church,• Zurich, on Sept. llth, Miss
Catharine, daughter of Mrs. Helen
Campbell ;of Zurich to Mr. James
• Barry Of Dunnville. •
Laurie --In Belgrave, on Sept. 17th,
Margaret Ilarmah, relict of the late
James Laurie, aged 70 years, 7
months and 5 days'.
Kaiser -In Topeka: Kansas, on Sat-
urday, September 8, ,Clarence Payne.
Kaiser, son of Mr, .and Mrs. John
Kaiser, of Brucefield, aged 20 years.
and 8 months. •
Sanders -In Exeter, on September 9,
•Samuel Sanders, aged 78 years 8.
Months and 17 days.
• T. Holmes
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Undertaking parlors in Oddfei
Lowe building opposite ,
Stewart Bros. Resi-
dence Godertch at., cpp
Dr. Scott's
• Flowers -furnished en
short notice,
Phone ,Night or bay. 119,
For Chopping Mill': Steady work.
JOHN HIITTON, LOedesboro. 25941
House in .Egnionclvilie, good cellar,
and good water, low taxes, excellent
situation. If not sold will be rented.
Apply to Mrs A Charlesworth, Eg-
mondviile. 2597x4
I have a -number of young pigs for
sale. First class quality, prices reas-
onable. Apply to James Carlin, Hen-
sel". Phone 52 2596, -2
For sale, No. 7 store house on G.T.
R. track. Apply to Mrs. John Shine,
Seaforth. 2576-tt
Notice is hereby given that any per-
son or persons found. trespassing on
the East Half of Lot 11, Concesson
5, Hullett, will be prosecuted.
2597x2 Wt SANDERS.
For sale, the two storey, seven -
roomed brick residence, on James st.,
Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Ethel Mc-
Lean. Apply at The Expositor Office,
To rent, the brick 'residence of Mrs.
A. S . McLean, on James street, Sea -
forth. For particulars apply at The
Fxpositor Office.
I desire to thank my friends and
neighbors for the many kindnesses
shownl to my brother the late James
Willison, and also to thank the An-
cient Order of Foresters for their
attention and able assistance. Mat-
thew Willisost
Hereafter, all fanners' and others
having' hogs for delivery mutt. have
,the same delivered in Seaforth by 10
o'clock in the morning of Thursday, of
each week. P. O'Sullivan.
Poultry houses, brooders, incubi-
, tors and cops, all of the latest pat-
tern. The above will be sold cheap
las the proprietor is going out of busi-
ness. • For further particuars address
George Brooks, Box 131, or Phone 63,
Hen_sall, Ont. . . • . 2597-4
Campbell block to rent, consisting
of twe stores. For yearly tenant, .the
stores will befitted up to suit the ten-
ant. Apply to TfromAs STEPHENS
Seaforth. 2579-tf
For sale, a good frame louse on
James Street, Seaforth near the pub-
lic- eehool at present occupied by Mrs.
D. 'Bateman. Good cement cellar
and all in good repait. For partic-
ulars -apply at The Expoeitor, `Office,
Seaforth. • 2592 -td
IThe officers and directors of the
chool fairs of Walton and adjoinink
sections most heartily thank all. the
'Seaforth friends for the interest
shown in the fair and the help given
in the way of special prizes:- They
appreciate especially the trouble tak-
, en by Mr. A. D., Sutherland in isec-
f uring such a /umber of the special'
1 prizes.
All kinds of live fowl, hens, chick-
ens, ducks, turkeys and geese. Next
shipment will be on Tuesday, Sept. 18,
nd every Tuesday following. • The
fowl must be in by noon on Tuesdays'
at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth; James
• G. McMichael. • 25964f
The East half of Lot 28,Concession
4, L .R .S . , Tuckersmith, is offered
for sale. Persons ipterested will ptease
communicate with. ANDREW T.
SCOTT, Brucefield, or W.BRYDONE,
Clinton, Ont. 2596-3
Lot 10, Concession 13, 'McKillop,
containing 100 acres; 10 acres hard-
wood bush, 1 acre orchard, 7 roomed
frame house, bank barn, drive house
and hen house:' also drilled well.
Would exchange for smaller farm. Ap-
ply to William Barron, R. R. No. 4,
Walton, Ontario. 2587-tf
For sale, the north half of Lot 17,
Concession. 4, Tuckersmith, contain-
ing fifty acres more or less. There are
on the premises a good gravel house
and a good well,about six acres of
busleand the rest all seeded to grass.
For further particulars eerily on the
premises, rr address GEORGE Mc.:
KAY, Kirmen P.O. .... ....2596x4
For Sale, Lot 6, Conceseion 9, Twik-
ersmith, containing 90 acres, about 7
acres bush. The farro is well fenced
and drained and in a good state of
cultivation. There are on the prem-
ises a good frame house, bank barn,
pig house, hen house, drive house, and
good wells. For terms and particu-
lars apply on the premises or address
Mrs. John Mcaoy, Egmondville, P.O.
2356 ti
One good driving mare, color brown
perfectly sound, big enough for third
horse on farm, and a good worker,
not afraid of autos. Also one top
buggy, nearly new, one Portland cute
ter, and a set of rubber mounted. har-
/less. These Articles will be sold sep-
arately, if purchaser desires. Jacob
Weber, Seaforth, Ont. 2596-2
Strayed from the premises of the
, undersigned, Lot 2; Concession
,Tuckerentitle- alidat' the dist of In -
gust, a two year old red and white
•steer, • dehorned and weighing- be-
tween eight and nine hundred pounds.
Any Person having any informatiom
which will lead to its recovery Please
phone 13 on 135 or address R. R. No.
,4, Sectforth. 'amen Flannery. 2596-3
- -
Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckersmith,
100 acres all cleared Good
frame house and bank barn, pig pen,
hen house and driving shed. A good
orchard and pIenir of good water;
well etile drained, well fencedand
all in first clas condition. On the
Huron. Road 22 mies from Seaforth
. and six miles from Clinton. Will be
sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply
to J. B. Henderson, Seaford'. 2596-tf
100 acres on Mill, Road, Tucker -
smith, 4 miles from Seaforth and 2
miles from Brucefield. All eleared
and in a good state of catiption.
13rich house with furnace; basement
barn, cement silo; spring water piped
to barn; good well at the house. Rural
mail and phone. For further partic-
ulars apply to owner, Alex. A. Watt,
119 Ontario St., Guelph, Ont.; or to
John Rankin, Insurance and Real Es-
tate Broker, Seaforth, Ont. 2596-tf
100 j acres of first class land. Two
miles north of Clinton. on the Gravel
Road, being lot 25, concession. 5, Elul -
lett t wnship. There are on the prem-
ises a 11/4 storey frame house con-
taining 8 rooms, also telephone and
bank barn 50x60, with sabling and
pig -pen underneath, also wile and good
wire fences and some hardwood bush.
For further particulars apply to Joitn
Reynolds, 130 Nelson Street, Strat-
ford, Ont. 2596-tf
House and half acre df land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is ?situated on Centre Street, close to
tbe Presbyterian chureh and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good weu
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
'currant bushes. This Is a corner pro-
perty with no 'breaks on front, an
the land is in a good state of cultiva •
tion. This. is nice property for a
retired farmer'and the taxes are light.
For particulars.apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2534 -
For -sale lot 38, concession 1, L. R. S.
Tuekersmith, containing 100 acres.
There are on the premises a good
bank barn 48x52, with straw shed
34x50. Good frame house, plenty of
water at house and barn. .Farm is all
well fenced and tile drained. There
are eight acres of bush, the balance
except 35 acres is in grass. It is Sit-
uated 4 miles from Clinton and 2 from
Brucefield. Rural mail and telephone.
For further particulars apply on the
premises or address George Watts,
R. R. No. 1, Brucefield, or phone 2 on
197, Clinton Central. 2597-4
annafth of in acre of ood ground
entsistWAnd halfsh*e k veneered
house with brge kitchen atteehd, on
wait wilthint street, Seaforth.
PrsPartris in Splendid condition,phees-
flatly $ibisitedand will be sold cheat,
as the owner is removing to London.
Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll,
or to JOHN ItANKIN, Seaforth.
• 2571-tf
Lot 31, Concession 6, Tuckersmith,
on the Mill Road, three miles from
Seaforth, and three miles from Bruce -
field, on the London, Huron and Bruce
Wirier. There are 95 acresof clear-
ed, improved land. This land is in a
good state of cultivation and is well
fenced and well drained. There are
two bank barns, btick house 28 by 38,,
1% storey with back kitchen and
woodshed. For particulars apply on
premises. James Wham* R. R. No.
3, Seaforth. ' 2586x12
For sale, part lot 29, South Bound-
ary Concession, Stanley Township,
containing 75 acres. On the premises
are a good brick house and a good
bank barn with cement -floors. The
farm is well fended and drained and
in a good estate -cd cultivation. Conven-
ient to school and church, -,Half a
mile east of Drysdale. Possession can
be given in April, 1916, with privilege
toi, do fall ploughing. For further
particulars apply to Miss Jemima
Johnston, R. R. NO. 2, Zurich, or to
dames Dinsmore; R. R. No. 1, Zur-
ich; executors of the estate of the
late Thomas Johnston, Jr. 2596-4_
For sale south half of lot 27, con -
2, uekersmith, L:R.S. containing 50
aeres of land all cleared, but a small
piece of bush well underdrained and
in a good state.' of cultivation. On
the•premises are letornfortable frame
house with furnace, hard and soft
water in the house, a good barn with
stone foundation, 'cement hog pen and
hen house good driving shed. There
is a never failing well with windmill,
supplying water trstall buildings:. It is
situated one mile:from school, 2 from
Brucefield, 6 from -„Seaforth and Hen -
salt; rural mail' and telephone in the
house. This • is • choice -Terra and
will be sold reasonably. For further
particulars apply on the premises or
t� Brucefield post office. John A.
of Blacksmith's tools, and Supplies.
Mr. Thomas Brown has beeh instruct-
ed by Mr. A. C. Sutherland to sell
by public auetion on. Friday, Septem-
ber 28th, at two (*leek in the village
of Constance, the following articles:
One forge and blower, anvil, drill,vise,
tire bender'tire upsetter, tire plate,
two sets of taps can.d dies, one left
: -
hand set , two sets Aleigh shoes, set
cutter shove feur eets •whiffietrees. 2
set doubletrees,. ireg iseckyoke, hat -
VW, Stretcher, , abop-deye, cherri
"eliple'oerd piano . ben's; cutter,. second-
hand 'buggy.% The top and lot will
also be ofteredeforeage. --Terme-AIL
stuns of $10.santit (Wider 043.114 over
that ara'ountt Six Credit Skill
'he given on furnishing aPproved joirt
notes; or fives .pereeent: per annum;
off tor! cash. Campbell Sutherland,
Proptetor; T. Bro*ne:
, Auctoneer
Of Farm. Stock and Implements.---Ja.
.Jones has received instructions from
Mr. Patrick Ryan to sell by public
auction on Lot 35, Coneession 6, Tp:
of Logan, three miles north of Dublin.
'on Tuesday, October 2nd, the follow-
ing: Horses -Mare seven years with
filly by her side, gelding two yrs. old
be- Red Michael, filly -two yrs: old, pair
fillies coining two, horse four years
old, mare 12 years olcl supposed to be
in foal, horse nine, years old (good
driver, and worker end quiet and re-
liable. Cattle -2 cows corning in in
the spring, cow coining in October,
2 cows coming in November and De-
cember, two year old heifer with calf
by her side, 9 steers corning three in
good condition, 3 winter calves, two
spring calves, 3 suumier calves, pair
of heifers coming twe steer coming
• two, good. mile !bull two years old.
Pigs -Sow tO l3.tt.6r about time of sale.
18 pigs about six weeks old. Imple-
ments-Masellar. binder, seven foot
cut, neorly new; Ma. -Har. hayloader,
nearly new, McCormick mower, 6 ft.
cut; new disk drill, 0.1 hole, got this
spring; Clinton fanning mill; buggy
nearly new; two old buggies, cutter
Jack and belt; set 2,000 lb. scales, 1
Standard cream separator nearly new
(No.. 4), three walking plows, turnip
sewer, pair bobsleighs, 100 hens, a
quontity of short elm, quantity of elm
plank, pair of four section harrows.
windlass, rolleand, bucket for cleaning
well, Crown gang plow witti rolling
colters, pea harvester, fence, weaving
machine, cultivator with wide teeth.
light wagon witb pole and shafts, land
roller, truck wagon with hay rack, 3
sets double harness, set of single har-
ness, pair of new lines, pair new brid-
les, grindstone, wood stove with pipes,
3 bedsteads, a quantitar of Irish Cob-
bler potatoes, forks, shovels, spades,
chains and .9:large quantity of other
articles usually found on a farm, also
a large amount of hay. Sale at 1 o'-
clock sharp. Terms -All sums of $10
and under cash; over that amount 12
months' credit will be given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes. A dis-
• count of four per cent. off for cash
on credit amounts. No reserve, as the
farm is sold. PATRICK RYAN, Prop.;
James Jones, Auctioneer. 2597-2
That very desirable farm, being
compopeet of No' 17 and the south
half of lot No. 16 in the 4th come. -
ion of the Township of Hibbert, con-
taining in all 150 acres more or less,
is offered for sale at a sacrifice, in or-
der to close un the estate a the late
William McLellan. The farm is in a
first. chiss state of cultivation and the
buildings thereon are in good eondi-
tion. The farm is an exceptionally
good one for -mixed farming. For
terms and particulars apply to the
undersigned. Andrew McLellan, Ad-
ministrator of the Estate of Wiffiam
McLellan, deceased, Dublin P.O.,- R.
R. No. 2 2594-tf
•asao ___-_--
Notice is hereby 'given pursuant to
the statute in that behalf, that all
persons having claims agairet the es-
tate of Jane Gemmell, late of the Vil-
lage of Egmondville, in the County of
Huron, Widow, deceased, who died
at the said Village of Egniondville,
on or about the 21st day of Aug-
ust, 1917, are required on or before
the 10th' day of October, 1917, to send
by post prepaid or deliver to the im-
dersigned, full particulars. of their
dairies, duly v'erified by affidavit, and
-the nature of security, if any, held by
them. Furtb.er take notice that after
said last mentioned date the assets of
the said deceased will be distributed
among parties entitled tb.eretrie hay,
ing regard only to the cleans which
notice shall then have been given;
Dated at 8eaforth this 19th day Of
SePtember, 1917. R. S. Hays, Solici-
tor for Executors, Seaforth. 2598-8
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
the statute in that behalf,that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of James Willison, hete of the
Township of Hullett, in the County of.
Huron, retined carpenter, deceased,
who died. at the said Township of Hul-
lett, on or about the 19th day of Aug-
ust, 1917, are required on or before
-the 10th clay of October, 1917, to send
by post prepaid or deliver to the un-
dersigned, full particulars of theie
clairas, duly verifiedby affidavit, and
'the vesture of security, if any, held bi
them. Further take notice that after
said last mentioned date the assets of.
the said deceased will be distributed,
among parties entitled thereto. heat.'
ing regard only to the claims whicb.
notice shad then have been, given.
Dated at Sea,forth. this 19th. dav of
September, 1917. R. S. Hays, Soilici-
tor for Administratrix, Seaforth.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
the statute in that beheld, that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Thomas O'Rourke, late of the
Township of McKillop, in the County
of Huron, retired farmer, deceased,
who died at the said to-wnship of
Killop on or about the Sixth day of
• January, 1917, are required on or
before the 25th day of September,.
'1917sto send by post prepaid, -or deliv-
er. to the .undereigned fuU- particulars
d their olefins, dulneFerd. by, affi-
da.v1f, MO -the natueS '61 security. if
.arty, held by them. Further take notiet"
-that after the said last mentioned
date the assets of the said deseasel
will lie distributed among the partise
entitled thereto, having regtoel
to the claims of which notice ,..talT
then have been given. RI S.
Solicitor for Executors, Seasorth. Dat-
ed at Seaforth tide 4111 day of 2d:76t-e3m-
Nee 1917.
SIR EDMUND WALKER. tol praeral lvispager
LLD., D44_, Prefickn H. V. F. JON rto istefe Cede Saaargor
CAP/TAL PAID UP415,000,000 RESd12 FUND, e .113,500,000
nis Bank is de.sirous of assisting farmers to
acquire live -stock and is prepared to give
careful consideration to applications
for loans for this purpose.
io DWI/Lela&
For sale east half of lot 21, Conces-
sion 4,Thekersmith, a square 50 acres.
There are on the premises a good
frame 1% storey house with kithhen
and woodshed. Good bank barn with
brick stabling, driving house and
poultry house. These buildings are
all in first class repair. Two good
• wells, one at the barn. and one at the
house. The farm is all fenced with,
Page wire and all well underdrained.
'Six miles from Seaforth and six from
Hensall on the best gravel roads;% of
am he 'from' school. Rural mail and
phone. This is a choice farm and will
be sold on reasonable terms; posses.
sign given at any time. For partial..
Iars apply on the premises or address
R. R. No. 3, Kippen P.O., or phone
tt. on 132, Seaforth. P. McGrath.
Embalmer and
Funeral Direefor
Undertaking Parlors above
M.Williams' grocery store,
Main Street. Seaforth
Flowers fureoned on short noth e
I Phone night or day - 102
Stratford, Ont.
Ontario's Beet
C o m mercial Schopi
• - • .
Dowses are thorough, the na-
structars a r e experienced,
students get hodividual.atten-
tion atid gnadlaaVes are placed
in positions. During 3 months
we turned down oyer 300 calls
for tritipe4 help, This is the
school for those who want the
practical training and Rood
positions. Commercial. Short -
head. and Telegraphy Depart-
ments. Get our free cataloge
-It will interest you.
D. A. ItIcLA.0 T1 LAN, Principal
W. J. EL-LTOTT, President
Two seated Gladstone, natural wookasii
good as new and !may =nails& am-
fortable family ng. Apply at TR.
Expositor Mee, Seeder& 211764t
spite of the embargoes and *ear
other difficulties, we have $
quantity of *the gentike BUFFALO
BRAND FERMI= - the Me&
that always gives results.
If sowing wheat this fall, take nag,
advice and secure &liberal supply' et
Fertilizer early.
We also handle
• Rough and -Dressed Lumber
Shingjes, Cedar Poste,
Bbri) Board
Hard and Sofa Cook
and Canada Cement
Jno. B. Mustard
• Brucefield
Through Tourist Sleeping Cars
to Winnipeg on above dates, leav-
ing Toronto 10.45 D. tn., nee ,
change of ears, via Tranocentin
ental route.. „ •
Return limit, two months, exclusiee.
of berth reservations and full partio
of date of sale. Berth reservations
and full particulars at all Grandt.
.Trunk tieUt ernes, or write C.
Horning, District Passenger Agents.
Toronto Ont.
Round trip tielsets tO oertain point*
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Al-
gerta, via North Bay, Cochrane, and
Transcontinental route, or via Chi-
cago and St. Paul an sale each Time -
day until October 30th, inclusive, at,
low fares.
Taw Agent..
Depot Alma
8th Wonder of the World
James Watson
General insurance Agent
Real Estate and Loan Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines,
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated in the
Town of Seaforth. Terms N
reasonable and possession
given promptly
Apply at my office for particui ars 46.44114.110411441.4044414.4.
With Original Music and Stage Effects
Cardno's Music Hall (one day only
Thursday, October 4th
Under the Auspices of the Seaforth Branch of the
Soldiers Aid Commission
414•Ten Times Bigger than the Biggest Circus
The Greatest Art Conquest Since the Beginning of
• •
PRICES :-Night 5oc, 75c $1- ; Matinee 25c, 5oc, 75 ; vlatinee 2.15 sharp.
Mail Orders Now. Sale opens at Aberhart's Drug Store, 12 o'clock; Fri.
Electric and Scenic
18,000 People 3,000 Horses Cost $500,000
More Wonderful than "Ben Hur " or any other production
Jules Brazil, Musical Director