HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-09-21, Page 11 - I 917 *naes4ne"nnlernoMs",nnM*-. • Store rm Store ne stock Lit Winter ckons you Lnd see alallie.40.40410410•00100400440004044041041~04:404)~114040. Greig Clothing Co'y "Second to Atone " coreammiimor st Style a Open Lay and 21 and 22 icularly desk- orily all ladies fore Millinery The NewClothes Are SmartlyStyled store most man vry r+t- the wptb will nged so all [lot of open- nt to sitors we who and your admire ti -h, ress Goods, uits, Coats, Etc, Were ready fo tailor you, Sir, and by way of preamble before tak ing your measure, will say Orne work is made in wAkequipped shops, devoted to high class tailoring ! workmen who make our clothes are the last that money can employ. When we de- liver y o u garments, they will be iaultiessin fabric, fashion, finish and fit. You are cordially in vited to call and see the New Suits, New Overcoats andthe Plates showing you all the correct Fall Styles. Suits in all the correct style sig to $25 Overcoats in all the new style $12 to $25 Trousers in new, neat pattern S3 to - ( - New Raincats,' wat- • erprocf and dressy $1.0 to $15 New Coats for • Women • We have a regular feast of NeW and Handsome Coats. Step in and tgy on any or all ° of the New Garthents. We've many entirely new styles to show you and we shall take pleasure in doing it. The way ,to buy a coat is to find out what is the most becoming style for you to wear. Prices $12 $15 $18 $20 to $35 VIM SMART SOFT HATS Here's one of our new- est fall shapes in soft hats -an entirely new block,and it is certain- ly a beauty. Soft hats were never so popular as they are to -day There are many new fall shapes her. 2.00 $3.00 £11, Prices $2.50 to 54.00 All the New Colors Greig Clothing Co SEAFORTH mosievel.~40.4)*************0.4commottestoso 4 4 ,f; a - SEAFORTH RIDAY• SEPTEMI3ER 211 1917 EXETER FALL FAIR The annual fal Hair of the Exeter Agricultural Society was held on their spacious grounds on Monday. and Tuesday last and was well up to th.e high standard set:by this society in former years. Id the indoor depart-' rnent the show of fruit, of course, was smal, but there was a large and excellent display of roots and , vege- tables and an exceptionally fine dis- play of flowers and plants. The lad- ies department which generally fills a large part of the space, was this year !. the best for a number of seasons,while the exhibit by the school children, al-) though a new feature, was worthy Of special mention as it drew many favt orable comments and created a great deal of interest among the spectators. • Several of the town merchants also had splendid exhibits and taken. as a whole the indoor fair was the best for a number of years. On Tuesday, the second day, teh weather ithas all that could be desired and consequentni there was a record crowd in 'attend - ane, the gate receipts amounting to $525. The show of horses, for Eire ter, was not a large ,one, but all the classes were filled and many fine Ani mals were on exhibit. The display of cattle, both pure bred and grade was the largest in years, while the, exhibit of hogs, sheep and poultry was -fully up to he standard. The following is the list of successful ex- hibitors: • Horse. General Purpose.-hree year old, George Penhae, W. Hedge; two year old, A. Elcoat, W. Witzel; orie year old, W. Hodge, Geo. Coleman; team, W. Decker, Geo. Penhale W. Hodge; sweepstakes, Geo. Penhafe. O Agrieultural.-Brood mare. accom- panied by foal, also foal, T. N. For- syth, Jas. Green and 3rd; three year old, Geo. Coleman, S, Colernan„ J. Rowe; two year old, Geo.- Coleman, S. Coleman James Green; one year old, James Gould, Jellies Green; sweep - • • 0 Why. Smith Left Home •CAILDNO'S OPERA HOUSE Fair Night September 2ist A Comedy in Three Acts - Presented by the Exeter Dramatic Club, assisted by a Vocalist and Pianist - under the auspices of the Seaforth Womens War Auxiliary Society. Pr eerie will be used to provide ISTIVLAS BOXES for the Huron Boys in the trenches EVERYBODT COME anctinake our boys happy ChM -truss Tay. Plan opens at 12 o'clock noon, Saturday. 15tn inst. at THOMPSON'S BOOK STORE Reserved Seats 50e, . Geneeal Admission 3c. e4o4><>.0•40.040xl-to, oc)./so•ceoct* ler; Black Spanish „J. H. Battler; Houdans, J. H. Battler; chicks, W. Statham; Red Caps, W. G. Bowden; chicks, W. G. Bowden and second; Black Breasted Red Genies, J. II. Battler, any other Variety Games, R. Sanders; chicks, R, ha3anders; White Leghorns, W. J.- Bo4en; chicks, W. J. Bowden, C. Heyweetd; Brown Leg - horns, W. Dearing;ithicks, W. Dear- ing and second; BlackLeghorns,chicks, R. Sanders; Rose omb Leghorns, W. Dearing; chicks, W. Dearing and second; Rope Cerob Brown Leghonis, W. Dearing; Buff Lghorn, C. Hey- wood; white crested Black Polands, J. H. Battler; chicks, 3. R. Batter; Sil- ver Spangled Hanbirge, Wet Bow- den, chicks, J. H. gattler, W. J. Bowden; Black breasted Red game Bantams, J. 11, Battler; any other takes, T. N, Forsyth. variety bantams, C,Heywood; Bronze Heavy Draught. -Foal, Jas. Smil- Turkeys, W. 3. Bowden; chic-ls, W. lie, R, Munn; 3 year old W.Moodie, J. J. Bowden and 2nd; Tonlouse geese, Hey, L. H. Rader; two year old, Jno. Rowcliffe• team, J. J. Alerner, Wm. Moodie; sweepstakes, James Smellie; Rivers' special, T. N. Forsyth. judge -James Archibald, Seaforth. Carriage -Brood raareejno. Decker jr.; foal, Andrew Hicks; two year old, Geo. Thompson, Geo. Coleman; single earriage horse, Wm. Buchanan, F. Anderson, A. Pringle; pair earriage horses, W. O'Brien, Field Bros., II. Neeb; sweepstakesaW. Buchanan. Roadsters. -Brood mare, C.- Hey, W. Decker; foal, W. Decker, C.Hey; three year old, J. Allison, 3no. Dck- er sr„ W.: Coats, two year old, Geo. Voleinan,..,One: year old, J. -Deieer jree pair roadsters in harness, W. Wit- zel, 0. Miller, W. Decker; single roadster, T. J. Berry, R. Hislop, F. Anderson, D. McDonald; saddle horse, gentleman rider, T. Harris S. Davis; lady driver, A. Pringle, W. Witzel; swepstakes, T. j. Berry. . Andrews' special A. Thompson, H. Neeb, L. Hey. Ward's special, W. Buchanan. • Judge -Robert Wilson, I eaforth. Cattle. • Shorthorns. -Aged cow, .D. Hun- ter and second, S. Hunter; two year old heifer, S. Hunter, R, D. Hunter • and third; one year old heifer, R. D. Hunter, W. Pepper, R. D. Hunter; heifer calf, R. D. Hunter, H. Oes- treicher and fhird; bull calf, H. Oes- treicher, Wm. Pepper, R. D. Hunter; bull two years and over, H. Oestreich- er; herd, R. D. Hunter. • Herefords. -J. Delbridge and Son took all the prizes" in this classO . Jersey. -Aged cow, Wm. Red, T. Brock; one year old heifer, T. Brock. Holsteins. -Aged cow, S. Hunter; heifer calf, C. Heywood. Grades. -Aged cow, P. Coates, J. Delbridge and Son, R. D. Hunter; two year old heifer, J. Delbridge & Sou and second, W. Coates; one year old heifer, P. Coats, R. D. Hunter, Nortern- Spies, A. H. Doupe, Jas. -Roxboro Russets C.. Fih . Hunter; heifer calf, A. Elcoat, J. ShaPtoni Delbridge and Son, S. Hunter ewe er; Baldwins, A. Doupe; Westfield Seek -no -Further, J. Shapton; Snow year old steer, J. Delbridge and Son, W. Coates, J. Delbridge and Sort; apples, C. Truemner, A. IL Doue; Gravensceins C. Fsher; Coverts, C. one year old steer, J. Delbridge and Son, W. Coates and third; steer calf, Fisher, J.hapton; •King of Tompkins, R. D. Hunter, VV. Coates and third, C. Fiser; Alexanders, C.Fidian Red, C. Fisher, W. Decker; sher; Can- Heaman's special, Paul Coates. J. H. Battler; chicks, W. B. Battler Breeman Geese, A. H. Doupe; chicks, A. H. Doupa; any setlihr variety of Geese, C. Hywood; Pekin ducks, W J. Bowden; elileks,1V. J. Bonseen; Alyesbury ducks, C. Heywood; :Rouen ducks; W. B. Battler, W. J. Bowden; chicks, W. B. Battle; W.. J. Bowden; any other variety duck, W. B. Batt- ler, Louis Day; 'chck, W. B. Batt- ler; any other :variety rabbits, P. Acheson and gild; SilverCampines, J. McCulloch • and Sone ahicks, J. Me- Culougli and -Sas; Pt, Reeks, J. Met C011ough, and Sen, chielie J. McCul- loughand Son nudW. McLeod, Damien. - • - -1 - Manufactures. Ten yards domestic cloth, W. W. Taman; blankets, J.Deeker, sr., wool- len yarn, Miss N. Tom, H. Nee)); rag carpet, Miss M. Tom; sewing machine, S. Martin end Soh and 2nd; organ, S. Martin and Son; staffed birds, A. McPherson and 2nd; tailor- ed custom suit, W.W. Taman; collec- tion general goods, W. W. Taman; tailor's goods and furnIshisags, W. W. Taman; boots and shoes, B. W. F. eavers; factory made quilt, H. An- derson; factory *tweeds, W *W. Ta- man; assortment of tweeds, W. W. Taman; ladies' and gentlemen's hand made shoes, W.B.F. Beaver. Grain and Seeds. Fall wheat, white, C. Truenmer, J. Shapton; fall wheat, red, W. B. Bat- tlr; 6 rowed barley, T. Harris, 'W. B. Battler; white oats, J. Shanton; C. timothy seed, W. B. Battler, Merch- ant's flour, Harvey Bros. 1 and 2; white beans, W. 13. Battler; clover seed, Q. Truerriner, W. 13. Battler; grain in ear, W.H. Dearing, 11. Neeb; corn stalks Jas. Shantou, L. Day. Horticietural Products. Fall apples, A.H.Doupe,-F. Brock; Rhode Island Greenings, J. Shapton; Medd's special, R. D. Hunter, Wm. Reid. Judge -R. R. Wheaton, Thorndale. Sheep. Shropshiredowns. - A. H. Doune was awarded all the prizes in this class. Lincolns. -Geo. Penhale took all the prizes in this class. Leicesters.-Shearling ram, A. El - coat; ram lamb, also ewe having raised lambs in 1917, A. Elcoat, W. McAllister; shearling ewe, W. McAl- lister, A, Elcoat; ewe lamb, W. Mc- Allister and second. Pen of sheep, any breed, Geo. Pen - hale, A. H. Doupe. Judge -R. T. Robson. Hogs.: Yorkshire-,.13oar one year old and under two, also sow one year and under two, G. Miners, P. R. Gram; boar under one year, also sow under one year,. G. Miners and second; sow two years or over, G. Miners. Berkshire -Dawson Br_os, were a- warded all the prizes in this class. Dignares special, G. Miners. Judge --F. R. Hamilton. Poultry. Barred Plymouth Rocks, J. Mc- Cullough and Son, W. E. Colwell; White Plymouth Rocks, J. H. Batt- ler; Silver Gray Dorkins, 3. H. Batt- ler; chicks, J. H. Battler, C. Hey- wood; White Wyandoites, j. H. Batt- ler; chicks, W. J. Bowden, Dr. E. F. Roulstort; Black Oringtons; W. J. Bowden and second; chicks, W. Stat- ham; Buff Orpingtons, 3. H. Battler; Andalusians, 3. H. Battler, W. Dear- ing; chicks, W. Dearing, j. H.Batte derson, Miss Hoggarth; home-made bread, Joh, Hunkin, Miss Hoggarth; bakers' bread,- William Statham; cakes, William Dearing, Miss Hog- garth; cured ham, J. Decker, sr., Wm. Dearing; assortment cured meats, W. Daring; home-made cooking, William Dearing; Harvey's Special. -Wm. Dearing, Dairy Products. Five lbs. butter, H. Anderson, Miss E. Hogarth; 10 lbs. butter, 11. And- erson, H. Neeb; pound prints, H. An- derson, Miss Hogarth; best arranged butter, H. Anderson, Miss Hogarth; Creamery butter, (Rowe's Special), H. Anderson; eheese, private made C. Truemner. Vegetables. Beauty of Hebron potatoes, E. Bock: T. Crewes; Savoy, F. Brock; Empire State, S. J. Hogarth, T. Crewes; Carman No. 1, T. Crewes; Rural Ne* Yorkers, Wm. Decker, F. Brock; other variety potatoes, C. • Trueinner, S. Hogarth, 8 varieties of -potatoes, F. Hamilton, SM. Hog- arth; -winter cabbage, L. Day, R. San- ders; fall cabbage, F. A. Ross, F. Hamilton.; blood beets, F. Hamilton, T. Cewes; globe beets F. Hamilton, S. J. Hogarth; sugar beets, 1.1owse, W. H. Dearing; sugar beet enangolds, L. Day T. H. Shapton; long mangolds W H. Dearing, T. H. Shapton; glebe mangolds, W.H.Dearing; T.H. Sp - ton; intermediates, W. H. Dearing, Zahn Rowe; -Horn carrots, S. J. Ho- garth, Q. Binaey; Nantes, F. Runge tons T. s Crewes; red carots,- lra Crewes, R. Sanders; field carrots, R. Hamilton T. Crewes; sweet corn, F. Brock, F. A. Foss; pumpkins, F. Ham- ilton, Jas.Shapton; squash, T.Crewes; swede turnips, J. Rowe, R. Sanders; any other variety turnip, J. Shapton; cauliflower, T. H. Shaptop, R. San- ders; red onions C. Birney, F. A. Foss; white onions L. Day, C.Birney, Spaniel onions,- L. Day, 13. W. F. Beavers; tomatoes, B. W. F. Beav- ers, C. Birney; celery, Neeb, F. Hamilton; citrons, T. Crewes, W. H. Dearing; parsnip, Fred Brock; T. Crewes; Hubbard squash, C. Birney, S. J. Hogarth; table, squash, L. Day, F. A. Foss; col. vegetables, F. Brock, T. Crewes; display vegetables, H. Neeb, C. J. Hogarth, John Decker, jr. Swiss chard, B. W. F. Beavers. Amos Doupe, Judge. Fine Arts. Painting in oil, landscape, L. C. Taylor and 2nd; painting in oil, fg- ure, L. 0. Taylor, Mrs. Skelton; paint- ing in oil fruit or flowers, Miss Living- ston, J. G. Forest; water color, land- scape, Miss Follick, Miss Livingstton; water color, figure Miss Follick, Miss Livingston; water color fruit or flow- ers, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Skelton; sepia painting, Mrs. Sharp, L. C. Tay- lor; sketch of BUM, county, Miss Follicle, Miss Livingston; photography Jos. Senior, M. Senior; crayon or pastello, any subject, Mies Livng.; ston, j, G. Forrest; pencil sketch Mrs. Sharp, Miss Follicle; collection photographs, Jos. Senior, M. Senior; photographs, amateur, H. Ford, M. Senior• colektion of photographic Duchess Oldenburg, James Andersom; Jos. Senior, H. Ford; pen and Ribston Pippins, Jas. ,Shapton; Maid- ink sketch, Illiss F'ollick, MISS Living - en Blush, C. Fisher;- Golden Russets, eeen, painting on china, realistic, C. Tuemner, C. Fisher; Wealthy, Jes. Anderson; Blenheim Pippins, W. Decker; T. Sweet, Special - A. II. Doupe. Pears. -Winter pears, A. McPher- son; fall pears, A. McPherson; Flem- ish Beauty, A. McPherson; Duchess of Anjouline, F. Brock; Oapp's Fav- orite, H. Ford; Beurs Clairgeau, Mrs. McPherson, A. McPherson; Vicar of Wakefield, H. E. Huston; Bell Lucra- tive, F. Brock; Sheldon, II. E. Hus- ton F. Brok Est Beurre, F. Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. McPherson; con- ventional, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Mc- Pherson; hair dreeser's warla 11. Neeb, J. Decker, sr.; collection of coins, Mrs. McPherson; Jas. Ander- son; collection of stamps, Dr. Roul- sten, Mrs. McPherson; collection of curiosities, Mrs. Skelton. -H. L. Becker, Judge. Flowers. Begonias, Tuberous, L.Day; Begon- ia,- Wm. Dearing., Mrs. McPherson; Brock; Louis De Jersey, F. Brock, A. Ferns, Mrs. McPherson, 3. G. For - McPherson; Bureau de Anjou, F. rest; Hanging basket of plants, A. Brock; Bartlett Dr. Roulston, F. McPherson; palms, Wm. Dearing; Brock. 0 , collection of Bowers in pots, W. Dear- Plum-Washintion, Powell; 1 ing, Mrs. McPherson; novelty in ipot- ted lents C. Birney, W. Dearing, foliage, J. Hunter, J. G. Forrest. Cut Flowers. -Asters, C. Birney, J. Anderson; dahlias, bouquet, Mrs. Skelton, George Andrew; dahlias, dis- play. Mrs. Skelton and 2nd; gla,diolne, display, John Mallett, Mrs. Skeltore nasturtiums, Mrs, Hewitt, H. E. Huston; carnatiois, John Himkin; p4- tunias, sngle, I.1Armstrong, Williaan Dearing, phlox dtunmondi, C. Birney, We, Dearing; coxcombs J. G. Forrest; tdcks, Wm. Dearing, L. Reynolds; smieet peas, B.W.F. Beavers, I. Arm- iong; verbenas, W. Dearing, le Rey - no ds; zin leas, Geo. Hawkins, C. Bir - /ley; best aranged basket, W. Dear- ing, J. Mallett; best arangernent for dinner table, J. Mallett, J.G.Forrest, collection of annuals, W. Dearing, J. G. Forrest; floral design for funer- al 3. G. Forest, 3. Mallett; bride's bouquet, Jas. Anderson, J. Mallett; Jefferson, II. E. Huston; Imperial Gage, J. G. Stanbury, F. Brock; Duanas Purple, W. J. Bissett, F. Brock; Lombards, F. Brock, S. Pow- ell; any variety, F. Ellerington, T. Brock; Abundance, L. Day, F. Brock. Grapes. -Niagara, F. Brodie Con- cord, A. McPherson; Deleware, Miss EJ.Hoggarth; Rogers, No. 15, Mrs. McPherson; Rogers, No. 9, Mrs. Mc- Pherson; Rogers, No. 45, Mrs. Mc- Pherson; any other variety, F.Brock. -F. R. Hamilton, judge. Miscellaneous. Collection canned fruit, J. Decker, sr,. Alex. McPherson; Honey, Alex. McPherson; • honey in comb, A. Mc- Pherson, honey in jar, A. McPherson, home-made wines, J. Decker; bottled pickles, 3. Decker, Airs. McPherson; canned vegetables, J. Decker, •Mrs. McPherson; home-made buns 5. An - novelty in cut flowers, J. C4 . Forrest, Wm. Dearing. -Judge, G. A. K. Me - Ladies' Work Embroidery ribbon, L. Rynolds, Miss Livingston; eyelet, Miss Brown; punched work, Roger. Nortcott; har- danger, Miss C. Sweet; W. Dearing; Itornan or cut work, Miss C. Sweet; C. Eilber; Hucka back, j. G. Forrest Miss Livingston; French, F. A. Foss, Miss Brown; Bulgarian, J. G. Forrest, A. Hastings; Montmellick, Miss Liv- ingston, J. Mallett; embroidered tray cloth, R. Nortbott, C. Eilber; di- ner table linen, C. Eilber, J. Milled; centre piece in. white not to exzeed 27 inches in diameter, E. Dignan, C. Eilber; centre piece in color net to exceed 27 inches in. diameter; J. Mal- lett, F. A. Fss, 3. G. Forrest; day pillows, Miss Brown, E. Dignan; doy- lies, 6 or more, Miss Livingston; cuff and collar set, Miss Skelton, John Mallett; centre piece for parlor table, F. A., Foss, Miss Livingston; towels, Miss Brown, Miss Livingston; pil- low cases, C. Eilber, G. Hawkins, fan- cy towels, Miss C. Sweet, Miss Liv- ingston; lace, Batternburg, J. G. For- rest; lace, Honiton, Mrs. Skelton; lace, Irish point, Miss $ eteet, Mrs. Skelton; lunch cloth in white on lin- en- 0.0 Hawkins, Miss Fakir; drawn thread work, fine, Miss Livingston, Mies Bown; set hand workedneheet and pillow eases, Miss LiVingion, Mrs. Sharp, C. Eilber.'table runner, for paidor or library, 3% Mallett, 3. G. Forrest; work on scrim or can- vas„ A. Hastings, L. Reynolds; sofa pillow, mounted, L. Reynolds; Miss Livingstone; sofa pillow, washable,, Miss Brook, W. E. Battler; piano drape, G. Hawkins, L.Reynolds; side- board scarf, G. Hawkins, Miss Brown; , 'Mary Ellen, can't„ I'm thirsty." Sez ehe to nip sez she. "If that thirst av yourn, Grogan, was money, ye'd be a millionaire " Afther that bar, av coorse, I got into the Foord an aff we wint to the stayshun tc:f meet me frinds, Billy Proud.foot, Mg P. P., and Padre Robinson and his body glinrd av bye scouts from some. where beyant France. The Mayor, an the clergy and ither eilebrated gine thry in their limousines headed a pre. cisshun up yer Main street to the Eas- tern front parkavhere games were put an. Me frind, Mr. Sardinius, the Ye M.C.A-er, put on a number av genies for th.e kids, but Clancy got a :luck in the ear wid the ball, so wid a safety first intentshun we wint across the yard to see Brigadier Giniral Robin- son perform wich his thrained wild scoutin performers. Well, the way the Giniral evoluted in milthary tactics an ethrategy would make the shade of Napoleon or Kiser Bill turn over in bed wid invy. He would evolute wan av the scouts on a dead anther wid a wireless message, this) another wicl a wire snessage, then, another livid a S.O.S. call message, begar, it was great fun entoirely watchin the Gine iral in action but Clancy sez the mes sages were hike Paul's epistle to the Romans, "they niver sint back an ares-- wer." I3ut the Giniral wasn't non -plus - sed at Clancy's raymarks, but kep an evolutin an manonverin hinesilf an his scouts, and thin chinned quite a command in the stintorian voice av Field Marshal, "Oooperinskyquityer- kickinbutbutskyyoualovagodfellowin yourownhometownskyanweveontgohone etilmorninfallinsky," an away the eve fluted batin time to that good Quid Irish meody, "Tipperary," an a sky over it. Well, well, we all voted that whisk bolder, Mrs. Skelton, Miss Live Parde Robinson was a good scion an ingeton; fancypancushion, C. Eil- his heart was in the roight /nue.] But Misther Edithur, diseoursin about military tactics did ye iver notice-av • coorse ye did -that wan story begetie another? Well, I went into n:e frindl Doethor Scott's sick imporium, an we got discoursin about military startiger and the Doehtor is a speeilist on inthernal stratigy - vshin the doe- thor sez, sez he, "Whin con- scription came in fooree, nee ho- ther bad a great, big, black, imam - for a servint who sed, sez he, "Doe- thor, rn join the army for anythin but the cavalry" "But" the dochtor her. Miss Brown; laundry bag, Miss Livingston, Miss Brooks; hand or fancy bag, C. Eilber, Mrs, Skelton, Miss N. Tom; specimen of darning, Miss N. Tom, Mrs.Sharp; buttonholes Miss N. Tone; Miss' Livingston; patching set in let, also done with ravellings, Miss N. Tom, pair pillow shams, F.A. Foss, Miss Tom; child's dress, Miss Livingston, R. North - eat; ladies underwear, 3 piece sut, Miss C. Sweet, R. Northcott; prettiest tea cosy, Miss Tm, Miss Brook; CbSe or box for handkerchiefs, Miss Tom, L. Reynolds; Brown; L. Reynolds; netting 3 pieces, The nagur replied, "It jis am die waye tatting, 3 pieces, Mas ez, sez-- he, "Why not the eavalry ?"" Doctor, when the General says re- treat Isse dunwant no horse to boder wif,when I'se striking for the tall time bes, I doan." After Mary Ellen got her bootes,. Mrs. Sharp, -Miss Brook; medicine -it's a fashion winunin haver man's night shirt, A. Hastings; -we want to Misther Cardno's to hear the speeches an see the Boi- lers av the Soil get their medals. Cor- poral Clic Scott from the tip-top of Vimy Ridge was there, an so wasl, Corporal Rolph from Wipers, an they tould their war experiences, an Mary Ellen wid' tears in her eyes and joy in her heart threw her arms around thine an gev thine big Oirish aneflow kises, which sounded loike They're entitled to thine There was am• angel av a sinker there, Miss Hilsone but Mary Ellen plauditted her ineern- iums as the sweet singer of Israel., Begar, I was near not mintionin the, spakers. Well, I was sorry me fried, dwnathar Mirner, was absirit an Par- liarnonthary juties, an 1 -didn't se. him, so nudged up to nae frind, Tom McMillan, who whipped out an argue mint in favor ev economic an intinsive larmin on the fermi that was a credit to a farrner,and like Jacob of onld, has; the big ring-straked stock in the berm and belave Brother Jawanthan has, S01740 of the aame stock in hie bane. too. Clancy eez, sez he, iiMisther Prouclfoot, M.P.P., extinguished him- ilf in a win -the -war spache." The apache was so pathriotic that I felt loike nee frind Colbelt, the brewer* whin he used to say, "Byes, sind back the Empies." Well. well, me byee got their 5.0.8. rnedils, an thin as little Patsie sed, "The Foord for Ma'." - Yours for soil, GROGAN. Miss Livingston; fancy apron, Miss Brown, R. Nrthcott; kitchen apron, Miss Livingston; slumber rug or com- forter, F. die Foss, J, Mallett; infant's towel rack, Mess Tom, L. Reynolds, coronation. braid. iwork,,Mies-Tom-Mrs Shrp dresser cover, Miss Brown, -R. Nortlicott; bead work, Mrs. Skelton, Miss Brown; underwaist, 3. IVIallet, F. A. Foss; modern cross stitch. Miss Livingston; Wm, Dearing ° waist, J. Decker, sr., Mrs. Skelton; handker- chiefs, 0, Hawkins, Miss Brown; /lov- e*. in fancy work, Miss Livingston, M s Brook, stencilling, J. Forrest, metal craft, Miss Livingston, de \die. Forrest; collection of ladies' wek, Miss Teen, Miss C. Sweet; -crocheted shawl, Mrs, McPherson, Miss Toni; slippers, Miss Tom, Miss Brook; un- derskirt, Miss Tom; fascinator, Miss Livingston, Miss Tom; infant jacket, Miss Brook, II. Neeb; collection of crocheting, G. Hawkins, crocheted lunch set, Miss Skelton; collsr i and cuff set,Miss Livingston, Miss BrOwn; crochet work and brad, Miss Essery, Miss Livingstone centre piece with crochet, A. Railings, G. Timmins; knitted shawl, and slippers and under skirt, Miss Tone, Miss Livingstone; fascinator, Miss Tom; lace, miss Torn, P.A. Foss; articles for dresser use Mre. McPherson; socks, J. B. -W. F. Beavers; fancy stockings, JtMallet, Neeb; ladies mitts, also gloves, Miss Tom H. d.„4eeb; xnen's wool mitts, W. iattlenF. A. Foss; infant's bonnet, miss Livingston, Miss Brook; cotton quilt, B. Beavers, H. Coultis; silk quilt, Miss Livingsto, C. Eilber; crochet quilt, II. Coultis, F. Miss Tom; bedspread, W. Battler; nightdress Miss Brown, Mies Livingston, H. Coulti; hemstitching, • Miss Brook, Miss Brown; rag mat Miss Tom, collection of cooking, Wri. Dearing; xnacraine work, Miss Liv- ingston; handsewing, C. Eilber, Miss Tom; curtains, Miss TOM, 3. Mailed; boudoir cap, Miss TO/11, Miss Essery; crochet yoke, Miss 'Sweet, Miss Es- sery, Miss Brook raffia work, F. A. Foes, Miss Brook. -Mrs. Douglas, London, Judge. Children's Work, Under 12 years -Sofa cshion, Mrs. Sharp, J. Decker, jr.; crochet work, 3. Decker, jr. Over 12 and under 18 -Centre piece Mrs.Sharp, crochet work, Mrs. Sharp. THE S. O. S. CELEBRATION Misther Edithor,-Did you iver no- tice-av coorse ye did -that this wurald is riled up av apprehensions, misapprehensions an the eternal fit- ness av things. Well, some had the "aps and miss -es," but the manage - mint av the Sons av the Soil eele- brasinue held in town last wake must have had the praydominatin "E-F-av- T" impressed upon thim through bavin the biggest aujience iver grasin Nis- ther Cardno's hall, yid a forty-two dollar colleeshun trtm into the bar- gain. Well, me an Clancy and Mary Ellen an the gasoons hitched up the Ford and druv into town like an Irieh lord, an shtopped at me frind Jinuny Dick's soda wather evaporator. Afther a couple av rounds of -whizz-bangs av two and a half per cint, beers we were fed up, MisthereEdithor, did ye iver, try two and a half for colebratin pur- poses? Bygar, it makes ye as loively as a corp at a funeral. "Well," sez Mare/ Ellen to me, sez she, "Grogan, 1 git into the car." Sez 1 to her,. sez Two Chinamen were found as+ phyxiated in a rooming house in Tea- ronton on Saturday morning, The police claim the fatality was due to - a defective gas jet. -One of the most impressive and interesting Induction Services ever held in Wingham,took place on Turs- day evening last when Rev, Horace W. Snell was inducted jilt* the parisn of St. Paul's Church, by Archdeacon. Richardson of London, with the as- sistance of the Church Wardens. Messrs. Richard and W. F. Vanztone while Rev. Arthur oariyie, of Wind- sor, addressed the people. -The well known Rattenbury hotet in Clinton, which has been accoramo- dating travellers for over half a cen- tury. has been purchased by S. Cooper, proprietor of the Hotel Nor., mandie.At the present time the ho4 tel is rented to Mr. Alex. AleKinnone but he may retire at the expirnticts of his lease. Mr. Cooper will ar- range for both hotels to be !tem open„, Mr. Isaac Ratenbury, who has baol charge of the hotel since his father'n death, )as moved to Peterboro, -Meer* he is at nresent engaged in businesse O -By the first of October Winglizere will witness several changes on front street. Mr. E. C. Wletee who has been in the tailoring busini•ss in Winghanmi for the past see en yea*, has dee 474.4; to move to Cornwall. Mr, arid Mrs,. White's many friends will regret to, hear this as they are among Wing - ham's highly respected citizens. lira George Carr who for a great mantr years has conducted a -tailoring es- tabliehment in the Gregory block one door 'eouth of James Wakers furni- ture Store, will move into the store vacated\ by Mr, White, opposite the Advance offie. Chas. Bondi, fruit dealer vyill move from the Crawford block in the old National Hotel, to the store vacated by Mr. Carr.