HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-31, Page 8e = Q have
the � ii i
Now s � . .
razor put in proper shape.
This being one of the barb-
ers quiet periods you are as-
sured of a sufficient amount
of time devoted to each raz-
or, thus assuring a smooth,
. quick -cutting. edge, result-
ing in a saying of time aid worry.
Deity ne Wagers bring your
razor here and bstve it hon-
ed and have - a Real : Shave
next time. We guarantee
a smooth clean =cute ng edge.
W. Robinson, Prop..
It *Tolle your beat automobile buy
Because they hale been sold through.
out the tree. e. for the past l O years and
stand to - the front of the list as la real
automobile. They ere made to stand
for not one year, but for years - to
This is just the ear you have been
waiting for; 30 in. x 3j in. tires. de-
monntible Spedometer.anti every-
thing where you want it.
Phone~ se up and f • will gladly show
you the ear and tell you all the freak
ge e,ynil a ride in , it and use you riga t
lee me at Chas. Layton's store on Sat-
urday afternoons and evening, also
phone me at 6 on 138 Chilton central
on cell 125 B Bea forth, and your re -
'quests will be my pleasure.
'Works at Kitchener and Detroit.
Touring Cae 8$5 Roadster $8601
St. Joseph' School
JotnathanE. Hu
Agent for this territory, Seaforth (int-
he Different
Way ,
Qur Way
Not merely to be satisfied with mak-
ing good: Photographs, but to make
the best possible Photographs. To buy
:the best, the''nearest apparatus—any-
pparatus—any'- that. will turn out better work
for you, at the same or less expense.
We are algtays on the watch for new
ideas 'make
that will enable us to a
better Photographs.
We make a Specialty of Family
Metes—Aso -Photos of Rouses.
We Develop Films and Finish Prints
for Amateurs..
-Tiry ',Ua for Picture Framing.
D. F. Buck
el' 'lit.!
11111II 111111111i1iIIIl11111if 111111ll
Jeweler and. Optician.
Isu ler Marriage Licenses
O N ".i'
James Watson
General Insurance Agent
Real Estate and Loan Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines,
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated in the
Town of Seaforth. Terms
seasonable and possession
given promptly
Apply at my office for particulars.
Year epees 'September 3rd. I917..
For particulars apply to Se. Joseph's
. Convent, Seatortb, Ont.
War Contingent Association.—The
animal meeting of' : the Huron Red
Cross and Canadian. War Contingent
Association will meet in Clinton on
Monday, September 8rd, -at 11 a.m.
Miss 'Robinson of ' St . Thomas, will
For Boys
and Girls
Boys and Girls want style in their
shoes, just asrilnuch as grown up
folks—hut strength., durability and
proper fitting are more essential.
Young feet are never still—they
subject their shoesto all sorts of
knocks and strains.
We Believe
Our Children s Shoes
Excel at Every Point
BOYS' SHOES -- In Box Calf,
Gun Metall Call, Vici, Valour Calf,
Tans, etc., High Cut or Oxfords,
,Lace or Blucher Styles.
GIRLS' SHOES-•Vici and Pat-
ent Kid, Patent Celt, Gun Metal
Calf, Lace or Button, Spring Heels
smaller sizes, High Cut, College
Cut and Oxfords.
agent last Friday in town: with
uncle, Mr. P,hert McGee'.—Mr.
M,cilillaii has returned home fro:
holiday trip td Buffalo, Toronto,
other eastern cities .—The Mist
Powell, of 'Clinton, were the guests
of ' Mrs. Robert McGee during the
week end, :The regular. monthly busi-
ness meeting of the Red Grose So-
ciety will be held in the .Carnegie Lib-
rary Hall on Thursday afternoon,
September 6th, at four o'clock. -Miss
Barber, of Toronto, who is a guest at
the'home of Mr•. G. M. Chesney.: will;
assist the choir of the Presbyterian
church on Sunday next, singing a solo
both morning and evening. --Mrs. J.
E. x L . Pangman, who has been spend-
ing ix�g tine summer at Maple. Hall, the
home • of her. ,mother, MTS. F. Case,
-returned to Toronto on Wednesday
speak on. "Field. Comforts" and the ! where she will join, her husband on a
question of "Conservation of Food" trip to Halifax and the Maritime pro-
will also be taken up. All ladies in- vines . Mrs . E. L. Box : is visiting
terested in this work ,are invited to at 'the home of her mother in Galt. ---
Mrs. A. G. McLeod returned to Lon
don ou Saturday, after a pleasant
Lpeal' Brief
August, will be open for business as
usual hereafter= ---' Mr. Archie Gordon.
of the Bank of Commerce staff at
Milestone,. Sask., is spending his hili-
days at, the home. of his parents, Mr.
_and Mrs. Aieit. Gordon, in Egmond-
villa. Miss Anna, Woods • has been
engaged to teach in the junior • dee,
Pertinent . of the public school :to fill'
the vacancy caused by the- resignation
of Miss Bethune,—Mr. John Rinch-
ley spent a few days this week at -the.
parental home of -Mr, and Mrs. •-J.
D. Rinchleye 'Mr, and "Mrs. James
Gillespie, of Chicago, are guests at
theehome. of Mr. " Neil Gillespie.—
Miss Geraldine Carpenter has accept-
ed a . position in: the Princess Theatre
in Stratford .--Miss " Alice Carbett
has returned from a visit with friends
in Rochester, Mew York. -Mr. John
McLeod, of Detroit, was visiting hie
sister and other friends here this.
week.—Mrs. A. and Miss Young
are spending a couple of weeks With
friends in E xeter.---The prize list , for
the Seater* Fall Fair has been issued
and cables may be obtained from the
Secretary, Mr,, M. Broderick.: Mise
Mary Carbet, of Clinton, spent a few
days this week at the home of her
aunt in toina.'�--Mr, tied Mrs. Murray
and daughter, Miss Margaret, of
Hamilton, ,spent the week end, at the
hems of Messrs. J. J . Cluif and T •
G. Scott. -Miss Burgess, of Brussels,
is the guest of her. sister, Mrs. D. F.
'Buck.—Miss Joni. Goventock, who
has been spending the holidays at her
home here, leaves this week to- re-
sume her position in Calgary,—Mon-
algary: Mo --
da r next is Labor Day, and a public
holiday and consequently . all business
places in. town will `be - closed. on that
day..— Mr.' W. Govenlock, North
Main Street, was called to Muskoka
last week, owing to the serious illness
of Mrs. Govenlock, who was Budde y
stricken with appendicitis, while
spending . the sweeter -there, and who
had to undergo an operation- in the.
IIaileybury hospital. Her many.
friends, however, will be pleased to
learn that she: is recovering. I)r:
Harburn and family. have returned
from_ a trip to the west. --Messrs.
Russel Bristow, Arthur Deem and
Leslie Bristow are . attending Toronto
exhibition this week. -On • Sundav
last, Misses Margaret, Florence and
Carolyn • Knight, Miss Helen Mc-
Donald and Mr.. William O'Neil mot-
ored from Sarnia and spent the day
at the home of Miss Ruby Bristow.—
ristow.—The many friends of Miss McTavish,
Crombie street, who was been serious-
ly ill, from an attack of heart trouble,
will be pleased to learn that she is
improving,;; although still confined to.
her room.—Mrs. D. Dorrance and
daughter,. Miss Hazel, have returned
from a .two weeks visit at Under-
w ss Ethel Deemthe
of Me-
morial Hospital, Elyria, Ohio, is vis-
iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
W. H. Bristow. —Mr . J. Brown, of
the Bank of Caminerce, Dunnville, and
Miss Cleary, Dunnville, are guests at
the home of Mr. Charles Stewart.
They came up to attend the Clancey
Freil ` wedding,—Miss Harvey, of
Parkhill, who has been the guest of
Miss Mary Gillespie, during the past
week, has returned h me.—Mr. Chas.
Hammett, of Sarnia spent the, past
week in town, the guest of Mr. Rus-
sel Bristow. -The Farmers' Club will
hold a meeting in the Carnegie Lib-
iary Hall on Wednesday - evening,'
September 5th.—Mr..and Mrs. Peter
Daley spent the week end at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. S. Cudmore
Hensall.—Mr. Arthur Mason, • of
Saskatoon, is visiting relatives and
friends in Seaforth and vicinity.—
Mr. and- Mrs. A. C. Rutledge and
Mr. and Mrs*. William Chapman
motored to Auburn on Sunday and
spent the day with their sister, Mrs.
Hamilton. -There will not be a meet-
ing of the Women's War Auxiliary
held this week". --Miss Nellie Brown
of New York, and Miss Marion Coll-
yer, of Rutherford, , New Jersey, are
visiting at the home of Mr. John
Kerr, North Road.—Miss Gretta
Watson, who has been spending the
holidays at the home of her parents,.
Mr-. and Mks. James Watson, leaves
to -day, Friday, for Regina, to resume
her position there.—Miss Ruth Van
Egmond,. of Bradford, Penn., is here
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. ,Van Egmond.—Mrs, H. C.
Box is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Beckett, in Strathroy,Miss
Beth Willis, who has been spending
the summer with relatives in Detroit,
returned home this week .--Mr . W.J.
Fowler, of Barrie, was a Seaforth
visitor 'en Tuesday. Mr•. E. L. Box
is in Brantford this week attending
the convention of'. the Ancient Order
of Foresters, as delegate from the
from_ the Seaforth lodge.—Mr. - and
Mrs. John McLennan were in Hensel
on Wednesday, attending the funeral
of Mrs. McLennans aunt, the late
Mrs. Ryekman.---The semi-annual
meeting of the Huron Presbyterial So-
ciety will be held in St. Andrew's
church Kippen, on the morning and
afternoon of Tuesday, September 11,
for which, an excellent programme
has been arranged.—Mrs. M. Wal-
lace, of Egmondville, left this week
on an extended visit to Sault Ste.
Marie.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Bell and
children of Blyth, and Miss Julia Nay-
lor, of Toto, motored over front.
Blyth en Sunday and spent the day at
hoarse - of Mr. A. A. Naylor. -.•-Mr.
Gordon McGee, of East Vawanosb,
—All the". stores in visit 'with her sister, Mrs. 3. F.
have ,been closed each • Reid . --Mrs Bryan and son, of Sault
oon during July and Ste Marie, with Mrs. Bryan, of To-
ronto, motored over with some friends
from Staffa and spent Friday last
at the home of the Misses Hutchin-
son, North Main street: ---Mr, Joe
Dorsey of Orillia is spending, a, few
holidays at his home here.—Miss Olive
and Miss Maud Laidlaw left on Wed-
nesday for a trip ftp the lakes. —Miss
Dell Thompson of London spent a few
days here this week, with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson.
—Miss Hills of Egmondville is visit-
ing . at the' home of her aunt, Mrs.
Cole, in Toronto.—Miss Maud Ilar-
try left on Wednesday - for Edmonton.
—Mr. , and ' Mrs . Brine Scott of To-
ronto are . visitors 'at the 'home of
his. grandmother, Mrs. J. Brine.—
Mrs. L. G. Kruse left on Monday for
her home in Galt.—Mr. 3. C. Greig
is in Toronto this week. --Mrs. R.
Richardson and daughter! Miss Bell,
of Toronto were visitors in town this'.
week. ----Miss Lynne Gillespie spent the
week -end with friends in Stratford.
Miss Mason left on Thursday on a trip
to the west. Major and Mrs. Hays
spent Sunday at the home of their
daughter in Baden . --\Misses Jean and
Elsie Winter of G ch are visiting
at : the hone of their aunt, Mrs. W.
Amente—Misses Jean, Margaret and
Erie Stewart are visiting in Brantford
this week, -Master Jack McGee' has
returned from a six weeks' visit at
the home of his uncle, Mr. Henry Mc-
Gee, of East Wawanosh. Miss Veda
McLeod, of 'London,: who has been
spending several weeks in town, has
returned to the city, where she has
accepted a position in: a munition
plant.—Mrs. Y. Booth.who has been
visiting the Misses Hutchinson, left on
.Friday to visit friends in Termite. De-
troit and Fort William, before re-
turning to her home in - Calgary.—
aig .—Mrs . W Logan, who has been visiting
relatives in this vicinity for some
weeks; hal returned to Edmonton.—
dmonton.--Mrs. Bateman and family, who have
been residents in town since Mr. Bate-
man went overseas with the 71st bat-
talion,shave moved to Paris. — The
Misses Marion and Beatrice Larkin
have -returned fromii a holiday trip
.with friends in Chatham.—Mr. Joe
Fisher, •who has been spending the
:holidays at his home here, hasre-
turnee' to Chatham to resume his
studies atkthe Business College there.
Saskatchewan, where her daughters, l
Mrs. S. q) Jones and Mrs. William
Corbett, t'eside. The catlins spent a
-eery' pleaeaant time during theateaa I
hour and all enjoyed the vocal solo
rendered by Miss Barber, of Toronto,
e . Mrs.
Ger Chane
ace of Mrs , George . y
a,ui, g
Larkin' voiced the sentiments Of all
present in her expression of appreci-
ation of Mrs. Dickson's work in eon -
rection with the Ladies' Aid and her
regret at her removal froth the
church . When the Ladies Aid Society
was organized in 1900 Mrs. Dickson
was elected president. This office she
held continuously until recently when
she was obliged to resign on account
of her residence in the west. The
success of this organization has been
due, in a very large measure, to the
zeal, tact and untiring effort of Mrs.
Dickson during her term of office.
`1 o rz psot .$ B Oc,%stortl
Winiow Shades cad Picture Frames.
•Agent for New Idea Patterns.
The Universal Favarite, Anita +.teWart,will appear
in ti e,big success df her career "The Combat," in.
six acts specially secured for Lahr'r Day. This will
unquestionably prove the most intensely interest-
ing drama ever shown in town Hereon Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday Princess. 2594-1
LOST -Between Forth Main Street and the sta-
tion, a Scotch This le Brooch. Finder will please
leave same at Expositor Office and rs9eive reward.
Boarders Wanted -Collegiate students preferres.
Apply at Expositor uffiue ur Box 29,x, Seaforth,
FOUND- On Amina l ,th• a gold watch, abcut 2
utiles west of Clinton. Owner can have same by
identifying a
n it and aro for this fid
f3 g paying S Apply at G.
T. it. station, Seaturth . 2694-1
Parties visiting' Toronto Fair, 'have your clothes
put in shape early. Pressing, cleaning and repairing
done at My Wardrobe, Ooderich -Bv,, ol,pointe the
QQneen's Hotel: •2598 -
Music -Pupils preptred in Theo:y and Piano for
Toronto Conservatory Examinations. Appl, to ,Russ
Glad}s Cousins, at residence of Mr. W. M. Wilson,
corner of Jarvis and Market St., beaforch. 2593x3
Married in Detroit . A very quiet
wedding took place at the First Pres-
byterian church, of Detroit, recently,
when Miss Myrtle Mae' Consigney,
daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Consigney, formerly of Seaforth, was
united in the bonds of holy matrimony
to Mr. Edgar C. Vanhille, of Denver,
Colorado. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. C. E. Mieras.
Bumper Grops, But No Help. --In
renewing his subscription to The Ex-
positor under date of August 21st, Mr,
J. G. Troyer, of Canora, Sask., says:
"Enclosed find subscriptioh to The
Expositor. We could hardly' do with-
out it, 'as it is like a letter from
home, We are going to have a bum-
per crop in the Canora district. Har-
vest will be general next week, but
help is very scarce. There was a
bunch of French-Canadians went
through Canora on the C.N.R. yes-
terday, whd were offered $3.50 per
day, but said they had been offered
$4 and wanted more, so needless to
say they were told to go on.''
Clancey -Freil : A very pretty wed-
ding was solemnized in St. James'.
church, Seaforth,on Tuesday morn-
ing, August 28t, at 6 o'clock, when
Miss Rebecca Freil became the bride
of Mr. Harry Clancey, of Detroit, and
formerly on the stafr of the Dominion
Bank here. The ceremony was oer-
forined by Rev. P. Corcoran in the
presence of only the immediate rela-
tives and a few friends of the bride
and groom, who were assisted by Miss
Eva Clancey and Mr. Joseph Brown.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Clancey took the
morning train for their home in De-
troit, 'where they will be followed by.
the best wishes of a very large circle
of friends here.
Writ Issued .—The Expositor has
been informed that a writ has been
issued against the Town in the County
Court by Mr. John McLennan,
in -respect to the drain main-
tained, it is alleged, by the town a-
longside of Mr. McLennan's property
in the South Ward. The Plaintiff
in this action, natio an injunction re-
straining the corporation : from dis-
charging sewage upon the land south
et the Plaintiff's premises and thus
causing pi nuisance, and for damages
" The GrearestIVarie y " .A1
" The .Lowest3Level l"
The 1 Cash:Way "
;; We're 'Busy
I • Notes.—Miss Helen McMann, of
Seaforth, is visiting friends in this
neighborhood.- —The threshing ma-
chines Nhave begun the rounds of the
season.' A large number (roan Sea -
forth visited relatives in this burg on
Sunday last.
fbone 29
suffered by the Plaintiff by reason of
the corporation maintaining the open
ditch. We are informed by Mr. Mc-
Lennan that be made numerous com-
plaints to the officials of the town.
The odor arising from this ditch at
certain tithes of -theyear is vary of-
fensive, so Mr. McLennan informs
Us', as the drain under Orde, Jarvis
and High streets• all empty into this
sewer before they leave Mr. McLen-
nan's property.
The Flax Pullers.—Over 80 men
and boys responded to the call of the
Seaforth Food Production Association
for volunteer flax pullers to help the
Canada Flax Mill Co ., harvest ` the
crop on the farm of Mr. W .3. Shan-
eon, north of town on lWednesdav af-
ternoon of east week. Five and - a
third acres 'in all were pulled of which
three acres were pulled by the men of
the Canada Furniture Co., and .$27.21
of he money paid by the Flax Com-
pany for the work was donated to the
Red Cross Society, who provided an
excellent supper for the Workers. It
is stimated that the Flan Companv
will leave $281, in Seaforth and vi-
cinity for thts• season'sflax crop.
The, Late MTS. Gemmel'. — Jane
¥cFadzean, widow of the lateThos.
Gemmell,. died at her home in Eg-
mondville on Tuesday of last week,
after a lengthy illness. The - late Mrs.
Gemmell was born in the village of
Walton 78 years ago,. where she con-
tinued -to reside until her marriage to
Mr. Gemmel!, when shut\ moved to
Tuckersmith, where she continued to
reside for many years. About fifteen
years ago she purchased a home in
Egnondville, where she and her two
daughters have mince made their
home. Mr. Gemmell predeceased her
a number of years, but she is surviv-
ed by a family of three sons and five
daughters: John and David, of Tuck-
ersmith; - Dr . W. Gemmell, of Strat-
ford; Mr's. Rinchley and Miss Bessie
of Regina, and the Misses Ellen and
Grace at home. The funeral services
were conducted from her home on Sat-
urday, the remains being laid to rest
in the Eginondville cemetery.
Travellers .—The following° were
ticketed to distant points this week
by William Somerville, Railway and
Steamship Agnet: Misses Maud and
Olive Laidlaw to Fort William and
return, going by lake from Sarnia;
Miss Camilla Prendergast and father
to Chicago; Miss Brown, a summer
visitor at John McGavin's of McKil-
lop, to New York; Miss Jean Goven-
lock, Seaforth ,to Calgary; W. A.
Johnston, McKillop ,to Swift Current;
Charles Routledge ,to Snowflake,
Man.; Miss Amelia Mason, Seaforth,
to, Newton, Man. ; Andrew McLellan,
Tuckersmith, to Winnipeg; James Al-
lan, Tuckersmith, to Moose Jaw; Mr.
Harburn, to Moose Jaw; MrsMc-
Naughton, Tuckersunith, and Mrs. C.
'Bailey, Seaforth ,to Roblin, Manitoba.
Fifty tickets were _also sold for To-
ronton Exhibition.
Ladies' Aid Tea .—The members of
the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
church, . held a tea on Friday af-
ternoon in the school room in honor
of Mrs. Samuel Dickson, who expects
to leave Seaforth shortly, for Fort
Mabelle Truminelle and Robt
Conners in
Monday, Tuesday. and Wednesday
Edna Mayo and Eugene
The same star that played in "The
Chaperon," a picture everybody enjoy-
Wed. sad Fri., Mildren 6
The world's favorite, Anita Stewart
will appear itt her best known play,
The Combat" at the Princess Theatre,
Seaforth. This will prove the great-
est motion picture drama that ever
came to town. You should see, it.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Good Horses.—Mr. McClinchey, of
near Auburn, recently disposed of a
very fine five year old gelding to Mr.
T. S. Smith, of Seaforth, for ship-
ment to Montreal for which he re-'
ceived the handsome sum 'of $500, and
Mr. John Freeman sold one to Mr.
James Archibald for $255, while Mr:
Riley, of near Staffa, disposed of one
for $290, All these horses were sired
by Mr. McMichael's stock horse.
Second Drowning Accident.—John
McKay, a blind man from Hensel!,
was drowned here while bathing on
Sunday evening, and his body came
ashore , on Tuesday. Mr. McKay
was visiting his brother, the principal
of Hensall school, who is summering
here with his family. He was an ex-
pert swimmer, but went into a 'hole
• and disappeared from view while seta
erals other bathers were nearby. He
had been aggist but gave up busi-
ness when he lost his sight. Heart,
failure, front which he suffered, was
the probable cause of the tragedy.
West End Notes.—Mr. and Mrs.
D, Holmes, of Tilbury, Essex County,
visited at Mr. J. Terryberry's over
Sunday.—Mrs. Terryberry returned
home on Saturday last after spending
a couple of months with friends in
Essex county. ---Mr. -D. Kinsman was
the gi esttof Mr. S. Terryberry over
Sunday.—Mrs. Geo. Layton wUi ad-
dress the League asturner's church
nextevening .
Sunday en�g . —Mr - Terry-
erryberry. was called'.to Esse' this week.
owing to the death of his grandchild,
Master Kenneth Hope.-- Mr. William
Hardy, of the London Road. pear
Clinton,' has disposed of his farm to
Mr. Moffatt, of Clinton, and is hav-
ing a. sale of his effects on Thursday
of next week. Mr. Hardy intends
returning to the west with his daugh-
Married in Vancouver, B.C.—On
Wednesday, August 15th, at three o' -
crock, Miss May Courtenay, eldest
is n Courte-
daughter of the late a ' C i
and Mrs. Courte'nay, of Vancouv-
er, was an -ended to Dugald Alvin Mac-
Millan, only son of Mr. Donald Mac-
Millan, of Sacran.ento, California, and
nephew of Mr. and Mrs . Dugald Mac-
Millan of Vancouver.' Only the rela-
tives of the happy couple were pre-
sent at the ceremony which was sol-
emnized by Rev. R. G. MacBeth,
M. A . , of St. Paul's Presbyterian
church. The bride who was dressed
in her travelling suit of old rose
broadcloth with white hat, carried a
bouquet of bridal roses and ferns.
She was attet ded by Miss Flora Mac-
Millan, while' Mr. Robert Courtenay
supported the groom. Mr. and Mrs.:
MacMillan left on the afternoon train;
for "Seattle. On their return they
will reside at the Royal Alexandria
Apartments. The good wishes of a
large circle of friends follow the*
young couple.
From France • —The .following let-
ter has been received by Mr. Dalrym-
ple in acknowledgment of boxes sent
by the Tobacco Club to our soldiers
at the front: "On Active Service Some-
where in France, July 29th, 1917. Dear
Friends,—Please accept these few
words of thanks (which is a poor way,
for we can't put our mind on, paper)
for the parcel which I received to-
day, which I appreciated very much,
and I am sure it is very kind of you
to remember nee like this, for what
you are- doing for us is a great ben-
efit to us. We enjoy nothing more
under shell and shot than a good
cigarette. It seems to cool our nerves
—for they get to a high pitch some-
times. However, it is astonishing
what one can stand when we have
to, but we never think of what has
happened when we get out in the
quiet. One would soon get off his nut
if we were to take notice of every-
thing that comes near and the sight
of the -wounded and dead, We lost one
of our best boys of the Exeter detach-
ment, the first to be killed. That was
John Strang. He died a hero at his
post. So vengeance sure will come
when we get our next chance. Well
I don't think I can say Hauch more
this time. so will close with again
many thanks. I remain, Yours sin-
cerely, I t1.OMAS WILKINSON, P.S.
—Sid McArthur is in Blighty badly
Notes. ---Miss Jennie McLean is
spending a week's holiday with friends
in Owen Sound.—Mrs. Bavington and
children of Toronto, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs, F. Spriggs.—Wesley 'Ven-
ner and John Horton left last week
on the harvest eeenrsion, their dem 1
dation being Moose Jaw. 1
e w '
MA c 1 A VlSI
We will Positively Save
y Money on Your
Dry Goads,
Core and See
TT will take you just a few minutes to
look over our line of Dry Good6 and
Ladies' Ready-to-wear Apparel, and
that way you can find out to your owl
satisfaction whether or not it wool
pay yyu to buy here.
Be just as critical, just as exacting-, just as sharp:
eyed as you can when you come to see these goods..
Examine themthoroughly.You will then realize that
nowhere else can you get more real value for your
money than here.
Charming New Wats
for -Present Wear
Are Here in all the styles and colorings desired by wo
mesa who know whatis. correct. Waists that combine
elegance, style, comfort and serviceability at prices
that will surprise those who have not yet seen them
Dress . Waists
Price Range
$2.35l to
Wash Waists
Price Range
50to $3.50
to 'supply your ciwthes
Colligeed= .:a �r
y t. sere#
you so satisfaetorl that
your first call will not be your last. We have the as.
sortmertts, the qualities and the prices, which, together-
o etherwith our particularly fond desire to please you, Hak
itp erfectly possible for us to do so. We arereally
swhether just
.�hglad to show goods, you come to bqy or dust
to look,
The Season's Sinartesi
Creat Stiles
are now on Exhibit at This Store
Introducing a showing of the newest and best in Tail
ored Coats with all the best ideas of the fashion leaders
combined into garments of exceptional worth and qual-
ity. The new Jackets ace attractively long in length
and are the latest dictates of fashion. The new fabrics
lend themselves with a beautiful grace to the lines of
the new models and the results are delightfully pleasing
- Let Us Shy Them to You
J. Mactavish