HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-31, Page 5e; • . 5 . -155 t THE HMO • 1 - e - ' r.‘ E tt. r Shoes MOW e featires to please th* elestp,ntial„ weer tbat parents .46001,Koh. mental Calf. bbI and Elk p endicl 1.6- t oes shit $3Jaud 1>QX i theme 4 lee of :and f* they ar • - et .5,iine.•••••••55,..15,815.1,5•••1, kr. 4:11ne Ram* Jos hadik nun. allow .. -« t tet - ~en In and ' a good ... Ilk t_r . 4- gani a V.8 boli , iei Nor. t.4 a '5555=55555555.5.5!...05155* k of hist yeefi Simellent value to :neer scrileblers an& waist of the high r,Ss :?ADS, ETC., ARE to buy esely, ve [JIAMS SE A FOR.T 1044041 1111 d ered int assortments of Serges/ 5.--teds you could wish to . in greys, brownsand with ft.fuaranteed dyes1, variety af materials at 5 thesame *tention- fine new stock of Sum - rear, etc, We're sure 5 5 • + • • , _ ItARKIM MIIker and .springere -*Sere in fair seuturtk August 30, 16171 demskid„ extra choice cattle caehing in, es as high as $140 per. head. * elitv Per bnahale. et ° 4.12°° 4All smell meats' were *steady with per bushel ...............$1 'see ensile active. , sweat per cwt. .. .; ..36.00 The redefine were_ 285 - 0401,4, with Bran, ner ton .... ;4;422 I 40141eettle, 206 cabies, 1,587 hogs and Ficer. ntr Out 44 .4 .°6"1° t4' "In_QU I 1,026 sheep and lambs.- - Oatsi per bushel - ........ --uno•Ssvift C nadi 3XICj3 ' son. - '• ,. N8glit Per dozen - - - ... -.--40° to 410 and lambs; Sheep $7 to $1-9,60; lambs Done -In Efowick, on August 15th, to Potatoes; per bushel 41.0o I $4 35 to -$15.25; 40 calves, 47.75 to Mr. and Mrs. James And Dane, of Butter. pet pound .- - .- ..3• to 85 *14.75. - • ' nirartirne, Sask., a son. . Frogs, per owt. .. .-- . .....1650 A. W, Talbot for William Davies, weide_ln Wingl*sn, on August 2nd, els- Ltd bought 2(10 edttiel medium to to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid. a .-, *P daughter, " Toronto, ...; cows, 7.25 Davis -In Wingham, on August 17th, BB" MARKETnErr !good Webers 0 to *10.15; common Await 28-Beans-Ja- batchers n6 75 to ;765 Ellis -In Tuekersmith, on Aug. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs.. Ezra Ellis. (nee nucy Ceche daeghter. Rose-Itt Exeter, on. August 19th; to Mr. and Mrs. David Ross, a sot.. Roberts --In For wick on _August .15, to Mr. and M . W. J. Roberta - a panel% handeleked, bushel $7.50 to leto ;8.50; hulls.$6.50 to , 40,25; prime, $8.75. , cher-1, (1480) $124 24, (410)$6, Scott -In East 'Wawanosh, on August I 4e. 112, 810) $6; 38 (780) $8.35; 5 (970) Would exchange for smaller farm. Ap- ply- to William. Barron, R. R. No. 4, DAIRY MARKET . $7.25; 1 (850) 5.75; Cows --13 (1140) Walton, Ontario. 2587 - & Toronto, Aug, 28 -Butter -Ona 6 nit i 47.60; 7 (900) 0.70; 6 (1220) 8.8.5; (1055) $7.25; 5 (1114) $7.90 1 FARM FOR SALE ary solids 42 to 48e; creamery prints, 16 (1080) $8; 1 (970) fresh made 48 to 44e; choice dein' 1 6.50; calves 47.50 to 15; 71 Jumbo Vor sale lot 16, concession 3, Huron prints 86e to 87c; ordinary . dairy_ 04.50; sheen, 46.50 to 10. „ prints sae to 340; baker's 24c to 30c. i cheese -New large, 28e; twins 23yeei Quktu and laser sold; Butchers --2 Road Survey, Tuckersmith, contain- i ink 100 acres. The farm is in a good Canadian, band -picked, bushel J. B. Shields and Son aced: But- HOME 1ND REST • A house contibling eight rooms, , • „ with electric light* and furnace on Jo Street west. Possession. on. yearling heifers, one red with white September ist. Apply to F., G. spots. and the other red, but with Neebn Saeforth. 2591-tf more white els Any information leading to their recovery please phene HOUSE FOR SALE 4 on 170, Seaforth Central, or address Walton P.O.. John McClure For sale, a good frame house cm ° 2592x3 James Street, Seaforth near the pub- lic -school at present occupied by Mrs. FOR SALE D. Bateman. Good cement cellar arid all in good repair. For partie- Lot 10, Concession 130 McKillop, ars apply at The Expositor 0 ce, containing 100 acres; 10 acres hard- Seaforth. 2592-tf wood bush, 1 acre orchard, 7 roomed to Mr. and. Mrs. J. 3, Davis, a , - frame house, bank barn, drive house ESTRA.Y CA,TTI,E Strayed from Lot I. Concession 12, Hullett, about the middle of June, 2 sOn, 16th, to Mr. ,and Mrs. Cyrus W. Scott, a son. Westhott-In Usborne, on August 14, to Mr. an, Mrs. Ed. Westeott, a son. Green -In Goderich, on August 16, to Mr. ands Mrs, Allan Green, of Loyal, a daughter. Meyer -In Stratt. rd, on August 27th. to Mr. and ',Ors Parry Mee - era Aee Belle Mrieksv a daughter, FARM FOR SALE. Lot 31, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, ontheMill Road, three miles from Seaforth, and tbree miles from Bruce- fiekl, on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway-. There are 95 acres of clear- ed, improved land. This land is in a good state of cultivation and is well fenced and well chained. There are two bank barns, brick house 28 by 38, len' storey with back kitchen and woodshed. For particulars apply on premises. James *latosh.,zR. R. No, 3, Seaforth. 2586xI2 and hen house; also drilled well. large„ 80 to 31e; twinsellIc. POULTRY MARKIN. poultry, August 28 .-Lie weight ,-Chickens, spring, 20 to 22c; bens, under eIbs. 18c; hens .over 4' lbs., 20c; roosters 14c; duchee 10c; ducke tbigs, I6c; turkeys, 16e. Dressed- ekiekene, spring, 25e to 30e; hens, un-.. der 4i lbs., 20e; roosters, 16c; dueks, 22; turkeys, I8e. GRAIN MARKET Montreal, August 28.e -Manitoba Wheat -In store at Fort William. no *minide No. 1 northern ;2.40; nom- inal; No. 2 northern. $2.40; No .t 3, northern, $2 38; No. , wheat„ 42.3214.- MallitehtfteenteessNot 2` C. W., 62e, in More, Fern Williain, Ant- erican Corn -No. 8 yellow, nominal. Ontaido Wheat -New erop Not - 42.16 to $2.20, Ontario Oats -No quotations. Peas - Nominal; Bader. -Malting new $1.20 to $1.22; Mani- toba Flour -First patents in jute nage ;12.90; second patents $12.40; strong bakers' $12. Ontario Flour-- Whiter,. new, trackeVoronte, prompt shiPment, according to Am'ple $10.20. New crop, 00.20, in tags, track, To- ronto, Milifeed-Carhits, delfircred Montreal freights, aborts. $58; bran $36; midlings, $45 tit $46; good feed per bag, $8;25.- flay ---Track, Toronto, extra No. 2 $11;50 th $12; mixed $9 to $10. Straw-erarlota $7 to 7.50. see LIVE STOCK MARKATS Buffalo, August 2K -cattle, good steady; common, slow; prinie steers, $13.50 to $14; shipping steers- 12.50 to $13,25; butehers $9 to $11.50; yearlings $9.25 to *13,50; heifers- $7 to n10,50; cows * -$9.60; bulls, $6 to $9.25; stockers and feeders $6 to $8; fmsh CCM/a and springers,strong -$60 to $130, Vftlse---ev, eak; 07 to $15.- 25; few at ;16.50; •Hogs--Serong; heavy 17.75 to 17.85; °mixed° ;17,50 to $17.80; yorkerii ;17.25 to- $17.65; light yorkers ,e16 to .a.16-.50; pigs, 415.50 to $16; roughs $1.6.40 to 416.60; stags ;13 to 14. °Sheaf and ,n larabs--Active _._&._d steetulY; land* (1000) 9.75; 14 (1040) 9.50; 2, (985) $8.75. Cows- 2 (1100) $7.85; 1 (970) $6.85; 6 (1070) $7.85; 3 (860) $6.40; 4 (920) 5.75; 4 (1100) $7.60; 2 (815) n6.45; 1 (1050) $6; 2 (1040) 7.50; 2 (1125) 7.25. Bulls -1 (770) $6.50; 2 (1000) $6.75; 1 (1570) 8-.25. Stockers -6 (840) $8.76; 6 (590) 7.50 18 (820) $8.25; -calves $12 to $14.50; sheep, $9; 20 bogs $17 fed and water- ed. Dunn and Levack sold: Butchers - 22, 1110 lbs, 16,20:23:(1080) *10.2n; 2 (760) $17 5 (970) ;6• ; 7 (1170) 11.75; 6 .(1070) 89.75; 11 (1135). 811.50; 1 (1180) $11.50; 86 (1160) $11,50; 24' (1150) $11.65; 25, (980) $10.40. Cows -4 (1075) n7.50° 18 (1190) 87.60; 6 (1100) 87.75; 14, (1080) $7.50; 4 (960) $6; 2 (915) •$5.85; 4 (1100) $8.25; 1 (1040) 7.50; 1 (930) 86; 1 (1350) 88.50; 2 (1110) 47.75; 1 (1060) $7,50; 1 bull, (500) $6.25; 1 bull (490) $6.25; 3 stokers(540) $7,50; 5 (870) $8.75; calves $10 to $15; 63 hogs n19. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers-. 21 (1030) nn.75; 22 (1080) *10; 10, (1060) 40101 18 (960) $10; 8 (749) $9e65; 14 (880) $9; 11 (840) *8.30; 6 (800) $5.75; 5 (890) $8,65; 10, (980) $8,30; 1 (700) $8.75. Cows_ :- 4" (1230) 86.45; 2 (950) $7.75; 2 (680) 6525;1 (900) $7; 5 (1070) 7.85 6 (n260)e$8; 8 (1050) $.75; 1 (1050) 40; '2 (1040) $7,50; 2 (1210) 88.50; I, in .$139..50; 1 milker $109.50. C. Zeeman, and Sons sold: Butch- ers -fel, (979) $9.15; 2 (915) $8.25; 20 (770) $7,40; 8 (790) 38; 19 (700) $6; 27 (810) $7.65; 24 (820) $8; 14,' (720) $7; 12 .(760) $7.25; 20 (835) $7.60. Covrs-2 (1155) $8; 1 (1030) $7; 1 (930) $6.50; 1 (1380) $7.50; 4 (1060) $6.75; 10 (1095) $7.50; 1, (1150) $7.75; 1 (1000) $7; 1 (1060) $7.25; 2 (1455) $8-.75; 2 (1115) 7.75; 1 (1200) $8; 16, (1080) $7.50; Stock- ers -13 (869) $7.50; 10 (525) $8; 1 (610) $7; 13 (790) $7; 15 (900) 8.75; g (-750) $7.25; 1 (720) 07; 24 (870) *8.50;15 (860) $7,75; 18 (750) $7. Bulls --1 (960) $6.50; 1 (1000) $6,75; 1 (570) 6.25; 8 (4025) 6.85; 1 (1180) 47-35; 3 (770) n6.25; 85 lambs $14; carves $7.25 to $14.75; Milkers, each te-1, $74.50; 3, 105; 1 000.50; 3, to e16.60; few at $16.25; '• une- *113'" 5° ; .(104 5° ; 1' $77.50. changed. •° • , McDonald and Halligan sold 82 ears M• ontreal, A 27.---Okt;thiS NO11- of stock: Ch°16e'lleavY steers *12 .25 lame eteek. yanni, ,ame end. nnaeket, toen12,60; good heavy steers' 11.25 the receipts of live stook., -.mos -mark_ to $11.75; choke butchers $10.25 to I • to,day apiounted, to I cfroe. 2._ 16,73 good '131,itehm $9.50 to $10; 500 beep d - 600 h d medium butchers $8.75 to $9.25; DE,ATES Brooks -In Exeter, on August 16th, Eliza Broks,'reliet of the late Geo. Brooks, aged 72 years, 10 months and 5 days. • Hardy -a -In Exeter, on August 15th, Edward Hardy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hardy, of London, aged 27 years. Menhaighton-At Maple rirove,Grand 3end, on August 15, Robert James, only soo of Mr. and Mrs. Donald O MeNaughton, aged 8 years. Reid -In Ihfilett, on August 17th, James Reid; aged 77 years. ANEW` PIN FOUND Fouod in. Seaforth near lisn SefIsare ate- Satchel, e'vd' pearls. Owner can have the sathe on proving property and paying charges. . s an , ogs an • - 400 calves. common. letitchers $7.50 to $3.50; The mciet mptent'keittin; of tisO choice eowe $8.25 to 8.75; good cows trade '1°411- was the imexPected severe 7.75 to 8.15; inedium cows $7 to 7.50; break ba the mine of hogs, which common cows 6.50 to $7; canners and amounted an tz to $2,50 per met, cutters $5.25 to $6,25; choice bulls This was attributed tO the annoupee- 88.50 to $9; good bulls, $7.75 to raced of the British, Food controller $8.25; me6uall bulls $6 to $6'50; best on Saturday that no more Canadian milkers and springers $90 to $120; bacon or hogs wild be bought by the medium milkers and springers $66 to British 43tm. of the $85; 150 larabs.13.75 to $15; 15 sheep e remebprer1fnCanda„ $8 to $10; 20 eaves $10 to $15; 40 This was a miens mew in the paenors eastern calve$6.50 to $8; four decks and drovers here, and it was estimat,.. of hogs 17 to $17.25 fed and watered: ed that *see leen from $t to $6 Per 16 heavy steers (1330 lbs. $12.00; 22 • AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE For sale a Rep five passenger car in first claw andition. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to Oscar Neil, Seaforth. 2594-tf FOR RENT. Campbell block to rent, texedstinn of twe stores. For yearly tenant, the stores win be fitted up to suit the ten- ant. Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS Seafortfi. 2579-ff Ir load. Sales of 5,geiew lots wore heavy steers 1300 lbs. $12.50; 60 •BMW FOR SALE. Good timber. Frame 30x40 with heavy stock at 15,60, while sows sold The following were the quotations: 2564-tt to $13,50 per cwt. off cam $12.60; choice heavy steers 10,60 to artil• made at $17 to , .$17.50, and rough heavy steers VO0 lbs. $11.60. at $14 to S14.50, and stags at $13 Extra heavy steers, choice $11.50 to ks:sin't° 12x48. AI t° Auleut, Cattlee prim gen° Werma 25e 411.00; choice butchers' $10.00 to per cwt. lower than a week ago. A $10.35; good, $9.40 to $9.60; medium few loads of good stews sold at 9.75 $8.25 to $8.40; common, $7.00 to to $10 per cwt. The supply of corn_ $7.35; buthhers' bulls choice per cwt. mon and inferior cattle for canning 8.35 to $8.75; good 7.60 to $8.00; purposes was fairly large, and the de- nledium $7.00 to 47.25; rough bulls, inand was good. 5.00 to 6.00; butchers' cows, choice • Sales of belle were made at 6.15 to 48t° 48.25; good, 47.25 to $7.75; w $6.25 and cos at $5 to $5.25 per mei,. $6,65 to $6.85; stockers 6.50 to cwt. $8.25; feeders 7.75 to 8.85; canners The tone of the market for lambs and cutters $5.25 to $6'25; nifikere' to $125; com- was strong and prizes ruled a little good to choice each $80 higlier with sales of Ontario stock at mon and medium, each $40.00 to $14.25 to $14.50; and Quebec at $50; springers *80 to $125; ligb.t ewes $12.50 to $13.50 per cwt. Sales of 8-75 to 418; sheet'', h°11117, 46 to 750; ewes were made at $8.50 to $9 Per yearlings, $10 to $11; calves, good cwt. The demand for choice milk- choice 13.50 to $15; spring lambs, fed calves was good at 412 to 413, and good at $10 to $11 Per evrt• • Quotations -Butchers choice cattle, $10.25 to $10.75; medium, $9.25 to $10; do., common. $8.00 to $8,50; canners $5 to $6.25; butchers, cat- tle choice cows $7.50 to $8; medium *6.50 to $7; bulls $6.75 to 48.75; Milkers, choice each, $110 to $120; coraraon and medium, each, $80 to $100; sheep, ewes $8.50 to $9; bucks and: curie $8 to $8.25; lambs 12.50 to $L1.50; hogs, fed and watered, $14.50; hogs, f.o.b., off cars $17 to 417.25; calves $100 lbs., $7 to $13, Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Aug. 28 .-Hog values were brought down nith a vengeance this morning. A big decline was inticipated in view of of the weakness which developed in the markets throughout the United States, but the $2.50 cut introduced at the Toronto yards this morning was never for a moment expected. Packers last week contracted with regular seurces of supply at 19c, which price was paid for hogs thus ordered, but for all loose hogs 417 fed and watered was the highest bid to -day. Packers were not anxious to take hogs even at the decline, and lower values are almost certain be- fore this week is over. Several drov- ers lost heavily todar,---having raid 18% cents in the country. The cattle offering was again heavy, and with trade draggy at auotations 25e weaker several loads of butchers were left over at the close. Elven choice heavy steer, which cashed in from $11.75 to $12.60 and the nurniem forward mited, were not se ready sellers as week ago. All grades of killers e affected by the cut. Stockers and feeders Imre a moder- ate trade, with values peened 15e. Irs, • Seaforth $15 to $15.75; hogs, fed and watered $17; weighed eft cars $17.25; f.o.b. 416. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A noinber of good reliable men can secure steady employment on 'muni- tion work, Apply to The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. 2593-3 W T. BOA & 00. ' EMBALMERS AND - - J.- UNERAL DIRECTORS IL C. BOX + e Holde r of Goeeerment DI elox a 0 -4- and Licen. - 4 il, 4 CHA_RGES MODERATE • 4. • • 4- Flowers fusturiohed n ort scoarfe, de eight eaits Day OalL.4 +,.s Phone 175 Phone 50 Le,' 4 •43 4•4••••••444***4*****41,40104, MARRIAGES McEwen-Maek-In Exeter, on Aug. 1.8th, P. H. Idellween of Toronto, to Miss Mary E.'daughter of Mr. and KIS. DILViC1 Mack, of MAW'. Goodspeed -Love -- ht Exeter. on August 9th, James B. Goodspeed, of Ruthland., Sask., to Miss Mary E., danglitee of Mr. and Mrs. Don. geld Love, of Exeter. Pile-Houghtos-In Crsrmarty, on August 4, Benjamin Pile, of Park- hill, to Mrs. Ainnie Houghton? of Parkhrd, formerly of Cromarty STORE HOUSE FOR SALE For sale, No. 7 store house o G.T. R. track. Apply to Mrs, lielut Mk" Seaforth. 2574-tf HOUSE FOR SALE. - For sale, the two storey, seven - roomed brick residence,: on James at., Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Etisal Mce Lean. Apply at The Expositor OMee. CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Two seated Gladstone, natural wod, as good as new and easy running, com- fortable family rig. Apply at The Expositor OS�, Seaforth. 2578-tf ' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE One-fifth of an acre of good ground and a story and a half brick veneered house with large kitchen attached, on East William street, Seaforth. This property is in splendid condition,pleas- antly situated and will be sold cheap as the owner is removing to London. Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 257I-tf FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Let 6, Concession 9, Tuck.. eesmith, containing 1.00 acres, about 7 acres bush. The farm is well fenced aed drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house, hen house, drive house, and good wells, For terms and particu- lars apply on the premises or address Mrs. John MeCloy, Egmondville, P.O. 2356-tf VALUEABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE That very desirable farm, being composed of No' 17 and the south half of lot ino. 16 in the 4th corms- sion of the Township of Hibbert, con- taining in all 150 acres nacre or less, is offered for sale at a sacrifice, in or- der to close up the estate of the late William McLellan. The farm is in a first clas-s state of cultivation and the buildings thereon are in good condi- tion. The farm is an exce-otionallv good one for mixed farming. For terms and particulars apply to the undersigned. Andrew MeLellsa, Ad- ministhdor of the Estate of William McLellan, deceased, Dublin. P.a., R. R. No. 2 2594-tf FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to tbe Presbyterian church and. ie known as the Purcell property, Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit treea, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in, a good state of cultdva. tion. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light, For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tf FARM' FOR SALE For sale north part lot 22 and 23 on the 13th concession of McKillop, con- taining 75 mixes moreorless. There are on the premises, e good *ante house with running water in, the house a. good bank barn with cement /loom The farm 'le 'fenced and drained and in a good state of culti- vation.: The fall ploughing will all be done this year and Pessession will be given on March ist next. This is the property of the Tate William Denninson ,and will he sold on . easy terms. For further earticulars ap- ply to William Neil, or. Alexander *Gardiner, Walton P. 0., 2591x4 FARM FOR SALE For sale east half of lot 21, Conces- sion 4,Tuckersmith, a square 50 acres. There are on the premises a good frame 1% storey house with kitchen and woodshed. Good bank barn with brick stabling, driving house and poultry house; These buildings are all in first class repair, 4 Two good wells, one at the barn and one at the holm. The farm is all, fenced. with Page wire and all well entderdrained. Six miles from Seem*, and six,frens Hansen on the best gravel!, roads' ; 41ei of am lie from school. Rural mail and phone. This is a 'cholee.faree and tea he eold on reasonablelohins; posses - slow -given at any tiMe.,' Aor particue.` Jars apply on the muniseis or address R. R. No. 3, Kippen P.O., or phone 11 on 132, Seaforth. P. McGrath. 2593x4-tf AUCTION SALE of Household :10ffecta.-Thos. Brawn has been instructed to sell by public auction On lot 20, Sayfiekl Road, eauffs, % mile east of Varna, on Wednesday, September 12th, at two o'clock pin., the following: 3 beets, 1 with Spring, 1 with mattresses, 2 bedeo-am tables, 1 commode, 2 bedroom, wasbstande, 1 bedroom mite, 6 cane chains, 1 par- lor table, 1 rope lounge, 1 cane rocker, I sofa, 1 large rocker, 1 couch, 5 chair, 1 dining table 1 F leaf ta.ble„ le I sideboard, 2 kite:m tables. 1 act of scales, 1 bookcase, 1 kitchen wash- stand, 1 range, 1 lenge cupboard, mat- ting and other things too numerous to mention., itermse-Cashe everything to be sold without reserve. W. A. MeAsh, Proprietor; T. Brown. Auc- tioneer, 2594x2 AUCTION SALE Of ch.oice farm stock and implements, Mr. C. W. Robinson has received instructions to sell by public auction on lot 5, conceeelon 3, Tuckersmith, miles east Of Hensall, en Satur- day, September15th, at , one o'clock sharp, the follewing: Horses -One gelding six years old, a right good one; gelding 4 years old, gelding 2 years old, filly colt sired by Andy Red -Lac frent a standard bred mare, promises .to make a winner. Reefs- teredCattle-Helen's Btand No. ---.102529 with good bull calf by her -side; this COW has qualified in the Record of. Performance; Helen's Brand 2nd a-107286= with good heif- er calf by her side; 1 heifer 20 months old from Helen's .Brand. Grade Cat- tle-Ceev 8 years old to calve in De- cember, 3 year old cow to calve in December, fresh cow with. calf by her side, cow to calve in :January, 2 heifers 2 years old, steer 2 years old 4 yearling heifers, 2 eteer calves 10 months old, steer calf 8 months old, a few barred rock roosters. Imple- ments -Massey -Harris binder. 7 ft. cut; Deering mower 6 ft. cut; Deer- ing 10 -ft. rake, steel land roller, John Deere manure spreader, Massey -Har- ris cultivator, disc, diamond harrows, four secifions; aped drill, Chatham fanning mill, wagon with 6 wheels, set sleighs, light wagon, hayrack, 1 gravel bonolien buggy, extension lad- der Ceckshutt two -furrow plow, 2 sin- gle. plows, 2 wuffiers, grass seeder, set double harness, seat brass mounted double harness, good as new, -This - machinery is all good and some of It as good as new, Also a quantity of hay, Chatham incubator, 2 brooders, root pulper. horse collars, car, rope, and slings, pulleys and a quantity cf lumber. Teens --Ail sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount twelve months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved Joint notes. A die - count of 5 per cent off for cash on, credit =annex. Poettivear no re- serve as the pmprielyir is going west. No outside ,stock taken in, Frank Bean, Piennieter; C. W. Roblema, Auctioneer; C. A.Pt Leone% Clerk. 2694x3 - THE OFC - B• ERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD., D.C,L, Pea CA2rAL U. NA7oar rrArs o interest, t SIR JOHN MRD,C.eteefeePigeresee H. V. F. JONES, At Geer leaseese ,5mseew rx•••••• '700,1ed ..nt7o10,. e-osiLd with this Bank, earn current .• u-,-pavx15,7 accomt ..-i!rfositors are assured of security z -id courteous treptrncnt joint accetnts may .be opened by two or more persons, 1..:;th the privilege of withdrawal by any SEAFORTHBRANCH state of cultivation, all 'seeded with .1. muLLEN, ellilIONNEENW he exception of four acres. Good buildings and two good wells. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. and will give possession atany time. Apply to John Forest, No. 3 Seatorth or Phone 4 on 148. 2592-tf. - FOR SALE OR KJINT That very desirable property on John Street, known as the M. G. Chesney property will be sold, as the estate must be closed out; or if not sold the same will he for rent. This property is fully modern ire, every way and is in an excellent state of repair. For further particulars ap- ply to A. S. Atkinson, D.D.S.'108 Bainard St„ Detroit; or to John. Ran- kin, Broker, Seaforth, Ont... 2591-4 HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER Wheat ° is needed and will be a high, price, for another year at least. HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER is con- sidered equal to any on the market. It helps the plant to root better and withstand the spring frosts. It will increase the yield and will well repay the expense. The best references yett can get are from those who have used it, For sale by JAMES COWAN. 2693-3 Seaforth CARD OF THANKS • rugeland, August 25, 1917 Editor HUZ0.12 Eimitor,-We wish to extend through the columns of your paper, our sincere thanks to 'the pas- tors and friends who were so kind to our mother and us in our recent bereavement, the death of our sister, Mre. Henry Smith, Sincerely, • J. E. Smart T. G. Smart F. R. Smart • Clerk's Notice of First Post.- in of Voters' List 4!OPIIIWO Voters' List, 1917,MunieiPalitY of tile 'DMA of Seaforth, in the Comity of Huron. ' Sof tee to hereby gliest that I heye transmitted or deltre0 Olib&pezione znootietteot La 4006tion 0, a The IlhaterWroteres Lists Act, the copies. required hy eida enemas to be no transmitted or delivered of tile List, nude porevant s Wd Aot, of an ammo arpetring by the last Revleed Amassment Xoll the mid Iltunehiality to be entttlad to rote le the esid filomkdpigity at eleetione for lifonberro of the Wire Aeeetnlify end at Municipal Eleotione ; o that ti2o sad Wit ine art posted up .tu w.y Aloe 5etforijon gte Igthday of Augott,/917,ano tninsiom there foe Inapt Won. And I hereby tm1.1 upon ail votere to take inweedi- proceed to Imre litiy error e or wisdom ow - to law. IONN A. WILSON, - Clerk. of Toles of Seel (nth his Z5rd dsy of Auglitt, Loa. 374-1 • eesteteeteeesseseetoatee+ • • • • LADIUt TAILOR H e ft o And Furrier Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing a Specialty A Trial Solicited *******7.4101441,444.4444-4040 W.S.Gortniey .drribalrner - Funeral Direc*cr Undertaking Parlors above M. Williams' grocery store, Main Street, Seaforth ttl wers lureetled on short !iota nharges moderate. Phone night Or day - 192 Fall Wheat Fertilizer In spite of the embargoes and many other difficulties, we have a limited , quantity of the genuine BUeloALO I BRAND FERTILIZER - the )(Ole that always gives results. If sowing wheat this fall, take my advice and secure a libervl supply of Fertilizer eariy. We also handle Rough and Dreesed Moeller Shiagjes, Cedar Pots, Fibre Board Hard and Soft and Canada Cement OIMIIREPISOMMESSI one of the number.., MANAttinke Prize List of the Second Annual School Fair Walton and Adjoining Sections (Comprising Walton, Leadbury, Nos, 2 and 12 Grey, arid No, 90 McKillop) to be held on chool and Church Grounds, WALTON, on Wednesday, Sept 12th CLASS I. Cofleetion of Snap Shotee-lat * Vegetables and Frail Shot , Album by Mr.. F. Re ..., ,. .. tee:0MM *A All prizes in this class donated by ' 50 Women's Intitute. 12 Potatoes; 25 15 10 3PlAniToPmaidntoes Cabbage Ybbagele .Leviathan Maniroide 25 15 1-0 6 ears Gold Bantam Corn 24255 1155 :00 3 R,ed Mangolds 25 15 10 Squash 2525 1155 1100 25 15 10 Cauliflower 26 15 10 6 onions f.rom Dutch. sets* 26 15 Onions, potato, one pint 25 15 Beans, half, pint - • 25 15 8 Pa.rsnipa - 26 15 25 15 3 Radishes 83 CBeetearrote 25 15 2515 1 Citron 26 15 Collection of 6 named, von- letiee (3 or each) from fathers\ orcharFidowers, ' CLASS n, 15 Bunch Deldiae. Mr. W.101. Kerr Bunch Gladieli-1st 50c; 2nd 8.0; and 3rd 20 Darwin Tulips by Mr. - William Hariery Bum -1r Sweet Peas Mrs. Lyddiatt Bunch Asters Dr.T.T.M�Ra Bunch Pansies - Mr. W. G. Neel Bunch Snapdragon 1st Fountain pen, Dr. Mackay Bunch Verbenas, 15t Foemtain pen by Mr. C. Abarhart Bunch Nasturtiums, 1st knife, by Frank Ms Beet Boquet, it, Whip- ped Cream ft,t, by Beattie Bros 'CLASS HL Poultry., Col, chickene (pair) 00 6040 By Mr. Downing a.ud Mr. weennoon Pen Tjtility Pow/ (8 poi- kyte and 1 cockerel) 1 00 60 40 By Mr. S. Wilton. and Dr. Ernesto Pair Leghorns n5 15 10 PairRocks ' 25 15 10 Pair Wyandottes 25 15 10 Pair Geese 25 16 10 Pair Ducks 25 15 10 Coop made by exhibitor lst vntteh chafe by Mr. Scrooge, Seaforth 50 85 Bird House, lst Streeter Coat, by Stewart Bros.; Ind, and 3rd, Flash- lighte, by Mr. H. Edge. CLASS IV. Live Stock All animals born. in 1917 and to be led. out and shown by Exhibitor. Colt 100 50 35 15 By Messrs. L. Blake and I. Ryan Calf, (pail fed) 1 00 50 $5 15 By MOSfIn. Watt, arid Miller Lamb 100 -50 35 15 By Messrs. J. Bolger and J. Harris CLASS V Nature Study ollection Mounted Weeds koromosti 26 50 Open to Missile of Se a Nolen, Morris (Wiriben) Beet plot by Mr. A. Gardiner la 00 - Meet Maneerly Pepin, by_ Miss M. 1O CLASS VI, Beams* Samoa Darning on Woolen Stocking, abest 1 inch square 25 1511 nio I ()mallet Litee W25 1515 100 10 BEI:: prriereedinDgol, open to girl* tea 10 years and under50 96 15- 10 Beet Dressed DoR„ opei to girls from 10 tea to fifteen years 50- -36 15 11E! Laym. Cake 25 15 10 10 Apple pie 26 15 10 Candy ("udrnageple) cream) 25 15 IS 10 Pair socks, ist Locket, by J. F. 100 .131XWall holes, let pair gloves by M. *Amick. Senforth 35 15 35 15 • CLAW "M. Open to Children 9 peons read. =ler CBeeroartats 251510 3 Onione trope 26 15 10' 10 - 10- N 35 15 ntriffe Ppit Poteneess, to On'oaa 25 25 511 55 111 000 5035 8un 13tmciltiverh PanHeiesead 25., 15 10 eo 85 15 Bunch Nasturtiums 25 15 6 Bunch Asters 2515110 Prim e for last foisr by Mr A. D. Sutherland, Deafer* 30 Ppadrair prigeoRantae mns 25 -15 10e. 26 15 10 Rabbit or Hare 25 15 10 -3020 Aeatny ortaKke:deripet 26 15 10 80, 25 " 20 Bird House, 1st knife, by MrG. A1! %as, value $1 50 25 25 16 10 35 15 names) let by Miss Dickson 100 50 35 151 Coleiction of weed seeds with names ist by Mr. Braze 100 nO 35 151 Collection of Wild flowers with coM- mon names, ist by Rev. A. Lundy] 1 00 50 35 15 , Collection of Mounted Leaves of trees with names, 1st by Miss HurePhries t • 100 50 35 15 CLASS VI Art, ',drift& Ete. Writing- 1st verse "God Save the Xing," open to pupils snider ten years, 1st by Miss Ada C-srdnee. 50 35 16 Writing- (lst; verte 04otl Save the King," open to pupils over ten yeas, ist by Mise Ada Gardner. 50 ro 15 Map of, Berope, zhossing the hatee line the lettef part of Angust, by I Mr. Tales 50 35 151 Sketch in water colors, open, to erls up to 15 years, 1st, box of gtta. tionery bv Mr. Fox 50 85 15 Crayon drawing of fruit, open to 2nd cities by Wes 4. Be:tont-me 50 sa 15 Ceram Boolet Let, by Min Amy Roe 1.0 110 SO 15, kin*. 13.Mustard I Brucefield it CO CLASS 11 pen to all gfria in district oven 12 Yeers a of Bree,d 26 15 1* dozen Inms 25 15 10 Pint Apple Jelly 25 16 10 Tatting 25 15 1* Table Cetriao k dark balm 25 16 1* Pah. Fancy Towde 25 15 It Pair EinbraldeeeS Mew. Covers 25 16 10 Pair Knitted Socks 20 15 10 Collection of Eyelet and Solid Brae broidery, 1st, ;1; esd 50e, by B. L. T. Club 215 Crochet Yoke, let, Parasol by Mr. Ilactavieh 802* CLASS X. Open to an bops in Anzict 12 vein Shee-f of wheat - i-0 75 51 Sheaf of Oats 1 00 76 50 Sheaf of Barley 100 75 50 Sheaf to be six inches in diameter, grown on fatther's farm and seam -ten by ExInbitor. These prizee donated by Messrs, John Leming, Thorns& Clark, A. Strachan, M. Black, Muldoon, A. C. Dawes sw.d 3v. Backer. Bird House 1 00 60 40 By Rev. Mr. Craikand 11. 0, iteiff Best ten minutes' speech on "Advan- tages of Farm Life" 100 50 35 16 By Menrs. J. McDonald Beetle Harris, CLASS XI Open to Boys and Glens any age Beet ten minutes' speech on "Hew / cared for my plot and the Lemon* I Learned," 100 00 35 15 By Meters. Turnbull and Harris CLASS XII. to Little Ones under Sunflower head 25 go 15 Any pet 25 20 15 Beet Bird Hesse 25 20 15 yee 10 10 *re 10-11 RULES . Entries free and open to of the five schools listed As Me prize list. 2. An exhibits of Vftotables sew Firowere must he banaed .1;rtZ. frtart to finish by the =idtidUrtI $. All exhanhe seast its in piste one °Week. Pagoda Mom* Iflobv..6-11hatir mai tosen the boys and this Irtyn Wet do not do the wait frar otherwise ths wakibitt seee$A4d. .eret will be hel the Evening - . T.-Holiiles , . . . Funeral Director and lAcensed Erabahner ° ndertaemg parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite . Stewart, Bros. Resi- • dence Goderich et., opp Dr. ncoot's elowers famished on Short notiee. Phone Night o Day 119 ' _ . - ... , .... .. SALE REGISTER. .... . On Wedneeday Sept. nth, o'clock, on lot 2o, 'Bayfield road, one- half mile wet of Varna, Household Ef- fects, W. A. MeAsh, prop.; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. , MAN WANTED e For chopping oteady worx; John Hutton, 2594-1 PIN FOUND Fouod in. Seaforth near lisn SefIsare ate- Satchel, e'vd' pearls. Owner can have the sathe on proving property and paying charges. . s an , ogs an • - 400 calves. common. letitchers $7.50 to $3.50; The mciet mptent'keittin; of tisO choice eowe $8.25 to 8.75; good cows trade '1°411- was the imexPected severe 7.75 to 8.15; inedium cows $7 to 7.50; break ba the mine of hogs, which common cows 6.50 to $7; canners and amounted an tz to $2,50 per met, cutters $5.25 to $6,25; choice bulls This was attributed tO the annoupee- 88.50 to $9; good bulls, $7.75 to raced of the British, Food controller $8.25; me6uall bulls $6 to $6'50; best on Saturday that no more Canadian milkers and springers $90 to $120; bacon or hogs wild be bought by the medium milkers and springers $66 to British 43tm. of the $85; 150 larabs.13.75 to $15; 15 sheep e remebprer1fnCanda„ $8 to $10; 20 eaves $10 to $15; 40 This was a miens mew in the paenors eastern calve$6.50 to $8; four decks and drovers here, and it was estimat,.. of hogs 17 to $17.25 fed and watered: ed that *see leen from $t to $6 Per 16 heavy steers (1330 lbs. $12.00; 22 • AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE For sale a Rep five passenger car in first claw andition. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to Oscar Neil, Seaforth. 2594-tf FOR RENT. Campbell block to rent, texedstinn of twe stores. For yearly tenant, the stores win be fitted up to suit the ten- ant. Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS Seafortfi. 2579-ff Ir load. Sales of 5,geiew lots wore heavy steers 1300 lbs. $12.50; 60 •BMW FOR SALE. Good timber. Frame 30x40 with heavy stock at 15,60, while sows sold The following were the quotations: 2564-tt to $13,50 per cwt. off cam $12.60; choice heavy steers 10,60 to artil• made at $17 to , .$17.50, and rough heavy steers VO0 lbs. $11.60. at $14 to S14.50, and stags at $13 Extra heavy steers, choice $11.50 to ks:sin't° 12x48. AI t° Auleut, Cattlee prim gen° Werma 25e 411.00; choice butchers' $10.00 to per cwt. lower than a week ago. A $10.35; good, $9.40 to $9.60; medium few loads of good stews sold at 9.75 $8.25 to $8.40; common, $7.00 to to $10 per cwt. The supply of corn_ $7.35; buthhers' bulls choice per cwt. mon and inferior cattle for canning 8.35 to $8.75; good 7.60 to $8.00; purposes was fairly large, and the de- nledium $7.00 to 47.25; rough bulls, inand was good. 5.00 to 6.00; butchers' cows, choice • Sales of belle were made at 6.15 to 48t° 48.25; good, 47.25 to $7.75; w $6.25 and cos at $5 to $5.25 per mei,. $6,65 to $6.85; stockers 6.50 to cwt. $8.25; feeders 7.75 to 8.85; canners The tone of the market for lambs and cutters $5.25 to $6'25; nifikere' to $125; com- was strong and prizes ruled a little good to choice each $80 higlier with sales of Ontario stock at mon and medium, each $40.00 to $14.25 to $14.50; and Quebec at $50; springers *80 to $125; ligb.t ewes $12.50 to $13.50 per cwt. Sales of 8-75 to 418; sheet'', h°11117, 46 to 750; ewes were made at $8.50 to $9 Per yearlings, $10 to $11; calves, good cwt. The demand for choice milk- choice 13.50 to $15; spring lambs, fed calves was good at 412 to 413, and good at $10 to $11 Per evrt• • Quotations -Butchers choice cattle, $10.25 to $10.75; medium, $9.25 to $10; do., common. $8.00 to $8,50; canners $5 to $6.25; butchers, cat- tle choice cows $7.50 to $8; medium *6.50 to $7; bulls $6.75 to 48.75; Milkers, choice each, $110 to $120; coraraon and medium, each, $80 to $100; sheep, ewes $8.50 to $9; bucks and: curie $8 to $8.25; lambs 12.50 to $L1.50; hogs, fed and watered, $14.50; hogs, f.o.b., off cars $17 to 417.25; calves $100 lbs., $7 to $13, Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Aug. 28 .-Hog values were brought down nith a vengeance this morning. A big decline was inticipated in view of of the weakness which developed in the markets throughout the United States, but the $2.50 cut introduced at the Toronto yards this morning was never for a moment expected. Packers last week contracted with regular seurces of supply at 19c, which price was paid for hogs thus ordered, but for all loose hogs 417 fed and watered was the highest bid to -day. Packers were not anxious to take hogs even at the decline, and lower values are almost certain be- fore this week is over. Several drov- ers lost heavily todar,---having raid 18% cents in the country. The cattle offering was again heavy, and with trade draggy at auotations 25e weaker several loads of butchers were left over at the close. Elven choice heavy steer, which cashed in from $11.75 to $12.60 and the nurniem forward mited, were not se ready sellers as week ago. All grades of killers e affected by the cut. Stockers and feeders Imre a moder- ate trade, with values peened 15e. Irs, • Seaforth $15 to $15.75; hogs, fed and watered $17; weighed eft cars $17.25; f.o.b. 416. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A noinber of good reliable men can secure steady employment on 'muni- tion work, Apply to The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. 2593-3 W T. BOA & 00. ' EMBALMERS AND - - J.- UNERAL DIRECTORS IL C. BOX + e Holde r of Goeeerment DI elox a 0 -4- and Licen. - 4 il, 4 CHA_RGES MODERATE • 4. • • 4- Flowers fusturiohed n ort scoarfe, de eight eaits Day OalL.4 +,.s Phone 175 Phone 50 Le,' 4 •43 4•4••••••444***4*****41,40104, MARRIAGES McEwen-Maek-In Exeter, on Aug. 1.8th, P. H. Idellween of Toronto, to Miss Mary E.'daughter of Mr. and KIS. DILViC1 Mack, of MAW'. Goodspeed -Love -- ht Exeter. on August 9th, James B. Goodspeed, of Ruthland., Sask., to Miss Mary E., danglitee of Mr. and Mrs. Don. geld Love, of Exeter. Pile-Houghtos-In Crsrmarty, on August 4, Benjamin Pile, of Park- hill, to Mrs. Ainnie Houghton? of Parkhrd, formerly of Cromarty STORE HOUSE FOR SALE For sale, No. 7 store house o G.T. R. track. Apply to Mrs, lielut Mk" Seaforth. 2574-tf HOUSE FOR SALE. - For sale, the two storey, seven - roomed brick residence,: on James at., Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Etisal Mce Lean. Apply at The Expositor OMee. CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Two seated Gladstone, natural wod, as good as new and easy running, com- fortable family rig. Apply at The Expositor OS�, Seaforth. 2578-tf ' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE One-fifth of an acre of good ground and a story and a half brick veneered house with large kitchen attached, on East William street, Seaforth. This property is in splendid condition,pleas- antly situated and will be sold cheap as the owner is removing to London. Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 257I-tf FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Let 6, Concession 9, Tuck.. eesmith, containing 1.00 acres, about 7 acres bush. The farm is well fenced aed drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house, hen house, drive house, and good wells, For terms and particu- lars apply on the premises or address Mrs. John MeCloy, Egmondville, P.O. 2356-tf VALUEABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE That very desirable farm, being composed of No' 17 and the south half of lot ino. 16 in the 4th corms- sion of the Township of Hibbert, con- taining in all 150 acres nacre or less, is offered for sale at a sacrifice, in or- der to close up the estate of the late William McLellan. The farm is in a first clas-s state of cultivation and the buildings thereon are in good condi- tion. The farm is an exce-otionallv good one for mixed farming. For terms and particulars apply to the undersigned. Andrew MeLellsa, Ad- ministhdor of the Estate of William McLellan, deceased, Dublin. P.a., R. R. No. 2 2594-tf FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to tbe Presbyterian church and. ie known as the Purcell property, Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit treea, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in, a good state of cultdva. tion. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light, For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tf FARM' FOR SALE For sale north part lot 22 and 23 on the 13th concession of McKillop, con- taining 75 mixes moreorless. There are on the premises, e good *ante house with running water in, the house a. good bank barn with cement /loom The farm 'le 'fenced and drained and in a good state of culti- vation.: The fall ploughing will all be done this year and Pessession will be given on March ist next. This is the property of the Tate William Denninson ,and will he sold on . easy terms. For further earticulars ap- ply to William Neil, or. Alexander *Gardiner, Walton P. 0., 2591x4 FARM FOR SALE For sale east half of lot 21, Conces- sion 4,Tuckersmith, a square 50 acres. There are on the premises a good frame 1% storey house with kitchen and woodshed. Good bank barn with brick stabling, driving house and poultry house; These buildings are all in first class repair, 4 Two good wells, one at the barn and one at the holm. The farm is all, fenced. with Page wire and all well entderdrained. Six miles from Seem*, and six,frens Hansen on the best gravel!, roads' ; 41ei of am lie from school. Rural mail and phone. This is a 'cholee.faree and tea he eold on reasonablelohins; posses - slow -given at any tiMe.,' Aor particue.` Jars apply on the muniseis or address R. R. No. 3, Kippen P.O., or phone 11 on 132, Seaforth. P. McGrath. 2593x4-tf AUCTION SALE of Household :10ffecta.-Thos. Brawn has been instructed to sell by public auction On lot 20, Sayfiekl Road, eauffs, % mile east of Varna, on Wednesday, September 12th, at two o'clock pin., the following: 3 beets, 1 with Spring, 1 with mattresses, 2 bedeo-am tables, 1 commode, 2 bedroom, wasbstande, 1 bedroom mite, 6 cane chains, 1 par- lor table, 1 rope lounge, 1 cane rocker, I sofa, 1 large rocker, 1 couch, 5 chair, 1 dining table 1 F leaf ta.ble„ le I sideboard, 2 kite:m tables. 1 act of scales, 1 bookcase, 1 kitchen wash- stand, 1 range, 1 lenge cupboard, mat- ting and other things too numerous to mention., itermse-Cashe everything to be sold without reserve. W. A. MeAsh, Proprietor; T. Brown. Auc- tioneer, 2594x2 AUCTION SALE Of ch.oice farm stock and implements, Mr. C. W. Robinson has received instructions to sell by public auction on lot 5, conceeelon 3, Tuckersmith, miles east Of Hensall, en Satur- day, September15th, at , one o'clock sharp, the follewing: Horses -One gelding six years old, a right good one; gelding 4 years old, gelding 2 years old, filly colt sired by Andy Red -Lac frent a standard bred mare, promises .to make a winner. Reefs- teredCattle-Helen's Btand No. ---.102529 with good bull calf by her -side; this COW has qualified in the Record of. Performance; Helen's Brand 2nd a-107286= with good heif- er calf by her side; 1 heifer 20 months old from Helen's .Brand. Grade Cat- tle-Ceev 8 years old to calve in De- cember, 3 year old cow to calve in December, fresh cow with. calf by her side, cow to calve in :January, 2 heifers 2 years old, steer 2 years old 4 yearling heifers, 2 eteer calves 10 months old, steer calf 8 months old, a few barred rock roosters. Imple- ments -Massey -Harris binder. 7 ft. cut; Deering mower 6 ft. cut; Deer- ing 10 -ft. rake, steel land roller, John Deere manure spreader, Massey -Har- ris cultivator, disc, diamond harrows, four secifions; aped drill, Chatham fanning mill, wagon with 6 wheels, set sleighs, light wagon, hayrack, 1 gravel bonolien buggy, extension lad- der Ceckshutt two -furrow plow, 2 sin- gle. plows, 2 wuffiers, grass seeder, set double harness, seat brass mounted double harness, good as new, -This - machinery is all good and some of It as good as new, Also a quantity of hay, Chatham incubator, 2 brooders, root pulper. horse collars, car, rope, and slings, pulleys and a quantity cf lumber. Teens --Ail sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount twelve months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved Joint notes. A die - count of 5 per cent off for cash on, credit =annex. Poettivear no re- serve as the pmprielyir is going west. No outside ,stock taken in, Frank Bean, Piennieter; C. W. Roblema, Auctioneer; C. A.Pt Leone% Clerk. 2694x3 - THE OFC - B• ERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD., D.C,L, Pea CA2rAL U. NA7oar rrArs o interest, t SIR JOHN MRD,C.eteefeePigeresee H. V. F. JONES, At Geer leaseese ,5mseew rx•••••• '700,1ed ..nt7o10,. e-osiLd with this Bank, earn current .• u-,-pavx15,7 accomt ..-i!rfositors are assured of security z -id courteous treptrncnt joint accetnts may .be opened by two or more persons, 1..:;th the privilege of withdrawal by any SEAFORTHBRANCH state of cultivation, all 'seeded with .1. muLLEN, ellilIONNEENW he exception of four acres. Good buildings and two good wells. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. and will give possession atany time. Apply to John Forest, No. 3 Seatorth or Phone 4 on 148. 2592-tf. - FOR SALE OR KJINT That very desirable property on John Street, known as the M. G. Chesney property will be sold, as the estate must be closed out; or if not sold the same will he for rent. This property is fully modern ire, every way and is in an excellent state of repair. For further particulars ap- ply to A. S. Atkinson, D.D.S.'108 Bainard St„ Detroit; or to John. Ran- kin, Broker, Seaforth, Ont... 2591-4 HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER Wheat ° is needed and will be a high, price, for another year at least. HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER is con- sidered equal to any on the market. It helps the plant to root better and withstand the spring frosts. It will increase the yield and will well repay the expense. The best references yett can get are from those who have used it, For sale by JAMES COWAN. 2693-3 Seaforth CARD OF THANKS • rugeland, August 25, 1917 Editor HUZ0.12 Eimitor,-We wish to extend through the columns of your paper, our sincere thanks to 'the pas- tors and friends who were so kind to our mother and us in our recent bereavement, the death of our sister, Mre. Henry Smith, Sincerely, • J. E. Smart T. G. Smart F. R. Smart • Clerk's Notice of First Post.- in of Voters' List 4!OPIIIWO Voters' List, 1917,MunieiPalitY of tile 'DMA of Seaforth, in the Comity of Huron. ' Sof tee to hereby gliest that I heye transmitted or deltre0 Olib&pezione znootietteot La 4006tion 0, a The IlhaterWroteres Lists Act, the copies. required hy eida enemas to be no transmitted or delivered of tile List, nude porevant s Wd Aot, of an ammo arpetring by the last Revleed Amassment Xoll the mid Iltunehiality to be entttlad to rote le the esid filomkdpigity at eleetione for lifonberro of the Wire Aeeetnlify end at Municipal Eleotione ; o that ti2o sad Wit ine art posted up .tu w.y Aloe 5etforijon gte Igthday of Augott,/917,ano tninsiom there foe Inapt Won. And I hereby tm1.1 upon ail votere to take inweedi- proceed to Imre litiy error e or wisdom ow - to law. IONN A. WILSON, - Clerk. of Toles of Seel (nth his Z5rd dsy of Auglitt, Loa. 374-1 • eesteteeteeesseseetoatee+ • • • • LADIUt TAILOR H e ft o And Furrier Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing a Specialty A Trial Solicited *******7.4101441,444.4444-4040 W.S.Gortniey .drribalrner - Funeral Direc*cr Undertaking Parlors above M. Williams' grocery store, Main Street, Seaforth ttl wers lureetled on short !iota nharges moderate. Phone night Or day - 192 Fall Wheat Fertilizer In spite of the embargoes and many other difficulties, we have a limited , quantity of the genuine BUeloALO I BRAND FERTILIZER - the )(Ole that always gives results. If sowing wheat this fall, take my advice and secure a libervl supply of Fertilizer eariy. We also handle Rough and Dreesed Moeller Shiagjes, Cedar Pots, Fibre Board Hard and Soft and Canada Cement OIMIIREPISOMMESSI one of the number.., MANAttinke Prize List of the Second Annual School Fair Walton and Adjoining Sections (Comprising Walton, Leadbury, Nos, 2 and 12 Grey, arid No, 90 McKillop) to be held on chool and Church Grounds, WALTON, on Wednesday, Sept 12th CLASS I. Cofleetion of Snap Shotee-lat * Vegetables and Frail Shot , Album by Mr.. F. Re ..., ,. .. tee:0MM *A All prizes in this class donated by ' 50 Women's Intitute. 12 Potatoes; 25 15 10 3PlAniToPmaidntoes Cabbage Ybbagele .Leviathan Maniroide 25 15 1-0 6 ears Gold Bantam Corn 24255 1155 :00 3 R,ed Mangolds 25 15 10 Squash 2525 1155 1100 25 15 10 Cauliflower 26 15 10 6 onions f.rom Dutch. sets* 26 15 Onions, potato, one pint 25 15 Beans, half, pint - • 25 15 8 Pa.rsnipa - 26 15 25 15 3 Radishes 83 CBeetearrote 25 15 2515 1 Citron 26 15 Collection of 6 named, von- letiee (3 or each) from fathers\ orcharFidowers, ' CLASS n, 15 Bunch Deldiae. Mr. W.101. Kerr Bunch Gladieli-1st 50c; 2nd 8.0; and 3rd 20 Darwin Tulips by Mr. - William Hariery Bum -1r Sweet Peas Mrs. Lyddiatt Bunch Asters Dr.T.T.M�Ra Bunch Pansies - Mr. W. G. Neel Bunch Snapdragon 1st Fountain pen, Dr. Mackay Bunch Verbenas, 15t Foemtain pen by Mr. C. Abarhart Bunch Nasturtiums, 1st knife, by Frank Ms Beet Boquet, it, Whip- ped Cream ft,t, by Beattie Bros 'CLASS HL Poultry., Col, chickene (pair) 00 6040 By Mr. Downing a.ud Mr. weennoon Pen Tjtility Pow/ (8 poi- kyte and 1 cockerel) 1 00 60 40 By Mr. S. Wilton. and Dr. Ernesto Pair Leghorns n5 15 10 PairRocks ' 25 15 10 Pair Wyandottes 25 15 10 Pair Geese 25 16 10 Pair Ducks 25 15 10 Coop made by exhibitor lst vntteh chafe by Mr. Scrooge, Seaforth 50 85 Bird House, lst Streeter Coat, by Stewart Bros.; Ind, and 3rd, Flash- lighte, by Mr. H. Edge. CLASS IV. Live Stock All animals born. in 1917 and to be led. out and shown by Exhibitor. Colt 100 50 35 15 By Messrs. L. Blake and I. Ryan Calf, (pail fed) 1 00 50 $5 15 By MOSfIn. Watt, arid Miller Lamb 100 -50 35 15 By Messrs. J. Bolger and J. Harris CLASS V Nature Study ollection Mounted Weeds koromosti 26 50 Open to Missile of Se a Nolen, Morris (Wiriben) Beet plot by Mr. A. Gardiner la 00 - Meet Maneerly Pepin, by_ Miss M. 1O CLASS VI, Beams* Samoa Darning on Woolen Stocking, abest 1 inch square 25 1511 nio I ()mallet Litee W25 1515 100 10 BEI:: prriereedinDgol, open to girl* tea 10 years and under50 96 15- 10 Beet Dressed DoR„ opei to girls from 10 tea to fifteen years 50- -36 15 11E! Laym. Cake 25 15 10 10 Apple pie 26 15 10 Candy ("udrnageple) cream) 25 15 IS 10 Pair socks, ist Locket, by J. F. 100 .131XWall holes, let pair gloves by M. *Amick. Senforth 35 15 35 15 • CLAW "M. Open to Children 9 peons read. =ler CBeeroartats 251510 3 Onione trope 26 15 10' 10 - 10- N 35 15 ntriffe Ppit Poteneess, to On'oaa 25 25 511 55 111 000 5035 8un 13tmciltiverh PanHeiesead 25., 15 10 eo 85 15 Bunch Nasturtiums 25 15 6 Bunch Asters 2515110 Prim e for last foisr by Mr A. D. Sutherland, Deafer* 30 Ppadrair prigeoRantae mns 25 -15 10e. 26 15 10 Rabbit or Hare 25 15 10 -3020 Aeatny ortaKke:deripet 26 15 10 80, 25 " 20 Bird House, 1st knife, by MrG. A1! %as, value $1 50 25 25 16 10 35 15 names) let by Miss Dickson 100 50 35 151 Coleiction of weed seeds with names ist by Mr. Braze 100 nO 35 151 Collection of Wild flowers with coM- mon names, ist by Rev. A. Lundy] 1 00 50 35 15 , Collection of Mounted Leaves of trees with names, 1st by Miss HurePhries t • 100 50 35 15 CLASS VI Art, ',drift& Ete. Writing- 1st verse "God Save the Xing," open to pupils snider ten years, 1st by Miss Ada C-srdnee. 50 35 16 Writing- (lst; verte 04otl Save the King," open to pupils over ten yeas, ist by Mise Ada Gardner. 50 ro 15 Map of, Berope, zhossing the hatee line the lettef part of Angust, by I Mr. Tales 50 35 151 Sketch in water colors, open, to erls up to 15 years, 1st, box of gtta. tionery bv Mr. Fox 50 85 15 Crayon drawing of fruit, open to 2nd cities by Wes 4. Be:tont-me 50 sa 15 Ceram Boolet Let, by Min Amy Roe 1.0 110 SO 15, kin*. 13.Mustard I Brucefield it CO CLASS 11 pen to all gfria in district oven 12 Yeers a of Bree,d 26 15 1* dozen Inms 25 15 10 Pint Apple Jelly 25 16 10 Tatting 25 15 1* Table Cetriao k dark balm 25 16 1* Pah. Fancy Towde 25 15 It Pair EinbraldeeeS Mew. Covers 25 16 10 Pair Knitted Socks 20 15 10 Collection of Eyelet and Solid Brae broidery, 1st, ;1; esd 50e, by B. L. T. Club 215 Crochet Yoke, let, Parasol by Mr. Ilactavieh 802* CLASS X. Open to an bops in Anzict 12 vein Shee-f of wheat - i-0 75 51 Sheaf of Oats 1 00 76 50 Sheaf of Barley 100 75 50 Sheaf to be six inches in diameter, grown on fatther's farm and seam -ten by ExInbitor. These prizee donated by Messrs, John Leming, Thorns& Clark, A. Strachan, M. Black, Muldoon, A. C. Dawes sw.d 3v. Backer. Bird House 1 00 60 40 By Rev. Mr. Craikand 11. 0, iteiff Best ten minutes' speech on "Advan- tages of Farm Life" 100 50 35 16 By Menrs. J. McDonald Beetle Harris, CLASS XI Open to Boys and Glens any age Beet ten minutes' speech on "Hew / cared for my plot and the Lemon* I Learned," 100 00 35 15 By Meters. Turnbull and Harris CLASS XII. to Little Ones under Sunflower head 25 go 15 Any pet 25 20 15 Beet Bird Hesse 25 20 15 yee 10 10 *re 10-11 RULES . Entries free and open to of the five schools listed As Me prize list. 2. An exhibits of Vftotables sew Firowere must he banaed .1;rtZ. frtart to finish by the =idtidUrtI $. All exhanhe seast its in piste one °Week. Pagoda Mom* Iflobv..6-11hatir mai tosen the boys and this Irtyn Wet do not do the wait frar otherwise ths wakibitt seee$A4d. .eret will be hel the Evening