HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-31, Page 3one Your Orders j S j` -sokE 'tir` and tb t7u 1 -thea d+eitend itit >, epi:3 6,- 191t ix he•Via rma tt'apt-re� tl i •occu OrtAtt , and atVie;."Briut. during, the.tt -°Africk card- pai$'ur}°lid' faeapetrated! atrbties bad as . AfiXsttien cirmmtug in Alaskan. :•; _ iiisbt.why dies c wag nofi made sooner is not • .known. but it-istamderstood that only recent!; evdntat happen d ittErha which cul- i tM1 d tin. ' proeeeiiaings bataken, Mr; Heild'cri wastdefended _by -Mr. N, Jeffrey, while Col. Macdonald prose- cutedi .:and a. long conference took place between: cowl before the case wes called,. No: evidence ;was heard,: Mr. Jeffrey making the anouwcement that if the -,charge was dropped he would gunraritee tbat his client would leave =the.country wtthhaa week`: This‘ was agreed to by Col. Macdonald and.: the ineteentor from. Ottawa, who was acting for the government, a. Mag- istrate Cull dismissed the ease with. !. that understanding. A number of the prominent people from Erin were in court d they stated that the feeling is the village against the de- fendant was very bitter. mudto bear upon the righde the plot,that we may use it sea e€r test, as an instrument G hich we may the better preserve teeht protect our sons and de tailcer ters, arel isle weld el;.. ,- out cosniopoht ait Populatien of any beliefs and laze ages into one homogeneous. Onn ea `i'ig nation? h,y�and English, as wen as GLn women in France, here ed an organization, the object is to look after the Ani roads€r boys now on the other side et de -e ocean. S� tgreat is the need for all poi e d t' the Allies' fighting fortes od the ,t estern front that women €lav ae ; pressed into service as tneebenit hila at the French Aviation stations, Mrs. Esther B. Darling, of Nome, Staslta, who soli many racing to the Frertch goverrn ent, has rte* ed rate Cross of War won by A a k dogs for service at the front in treat. porting ninety tons oil shells to anis* rated post under fire. AN AGE OF WE.AK NF.dtra No, heart for anything.," is the ert of tou.ds- of liven and women who tight be made well by the new, amblood' . . Willisanxs ink Pills ac1 Mieery day and nibtt is the is hoses of men and women who r daythe victims of wok Their pale, drawn faces and de attititide tell a sad tale for new wealinfese means being tortured morbid 'thoughts and imaccounta fits of depression. '.i.'hese suffer painfully sensitive and easily alts by some chance remark. Slee robs them o: energy Chir eyes are sem, illi tremble, appetite is hmembry often fad. This exha on one of the most evi a men aid .'womri to -day. T'he only way to brim sone , vigorous health is to staved nerves which are dor new -ch, red bloods ooh blood, eau be bad through use aHr. Williams Fmk fill Fact ?accounts for the tbo _ -narei of nervms tbseaw bro Lout by this powerful blood iiid nerve restorer- . Hugh rise of tide medicine thousands of d pondent people have been made bid etive and strong. Dr. 'iftais' Pink Ids are Ds' all dealers in medicine or may. lad by mail at50eabox orsix l For $2.50 frola the Hr.Witlliams' M Leine, Go., Brockville; Ont. 5 play et a ,e; rionthion Sok for ooll til CALISTAL AM ` $ Farmers' Sale Notes. SEAFORTh BRANCH: R. M. JONES Manner. i i iitNN)81 yl 11Xiwt] **111] fl[ ltl I[i ICOXI IIMIMt ■iti ! When Expositor DISTRICT MATTERS OMAWTY (Too Late for Last Week) Notes.—Miss Mary A Hoggarth gone to Goderich to visiti.re atives Tor a few weeks.—Mr. Speare bf Toronto, accompanied by his two nall.tams spent la.st week with his mother, Mrs: Saari!-Bpeare.—The Misses MeLaehlin, of Stratford, have ,n visiting theme sister, Mrs. Scott PUT, during the _ past week . --Mr .. and Mrs. Judea. . Gillespie of Chicago are wishing Mrs. Gillespie, sr. , this week.—Mr. TCah . Scot jr. ,' spent Ile week end 'with' friends in Sea- forth.--• Mrs. Merritt and little son, Of London, visited Mr, and Mrs. S.. A. Miller this week. --Threshing ,has Borne sort was taking place at sea. By this time the whistle of shells could be • heard= 'and: Payne noticed from the; _www . that people were gazing . skyetrard. Ithen became cur- ious,.. and 'went out on the balcony and leaked up, also Capt. Hopkins and Payne followed, • and there, directly above- us, were twasilvery-looking Planes : which we -knew to be German. They, were a great distare up, about t?ve tho.nd feet or more. We stood there, for some sort of fas- cination seemed to hold us for the moment. The borne were falling tient' rid I began to think that if the Heins had. dr°opped.one when they were nearing the burg in 'which 1 was it would be just- about time for the crash to code. Tb.en whiz (a terribly shrill whistle) and crash! bang! (a deafening -report) was heard. We all felt the rush of air, the concussion which followed. It was then that I thought the safest place eonunnenced and crops are reported was in the teller. We went downstairs (there was ee -fair. :• nothing we could do any' other place) only to find that there was no cellar. HULLS . At the foot of the stairs a number Death of a Pioneer—Mrs. Janesof waitresses, and a woman with three ;id, one .of • the )veneers of Hultett{ children were braked ' together. All passed away last Friday►at the home except the motieer of the. children of his da ter , ,Mret. Aichard San- t crying• and., shrie ig ,at _ every report. ;derson . fir. Reid had en in poor) The mother had. gathered' the children health for some months but, at the in her arms and,;,was, bending over hast,_ deatheame;.quite suddenly, in the I then; as a hen gathers her chicks un- gightt. Deceased, was bo*ui in Lau- der her wing .when, a hawk er any arkshlre, Scotland, in the year 1840.other. danger threatens . We did our laud was the eldest son of the late best to quiet the women, and succeed - Robert Reid. When he was 16 years . ed to . some extent. . • b£ agetthe family' came to Canada. ` Across the street we noticed people Ohey sent the winter bin the township hurrying into a shop of a, wine mer - WO Vaughan and .tn the spring came to chant, evidently to take cover in the wine cellar. , - At this point the machines had passed from directly overhead and we went out into the street to watch them. It was a beautify sight, this squadron of.silve sea -Planes lig atso highs an. =altitude and reflecting the rays of the evening' We -could •rioW See that our anti- aircraft grins were tr intge tO' fetch the Huns down. The black - and white puffs of smoke given off by the burst- ing shells were giite discernible rias° Millett township, taking up land on the tenth. concession. When he grew wanhood, Jam Reid 'Nought the farm beside the homestead. He mar- ried Miss Eliza Young and to them were born, two children, a son- Robert, and a daughter, Mary Ann, now Mrs. .Sanderson. His wife died about 35 gears ago. Mr. Reid was a staunch "Aheral and a° 'emit of Burns'• v church of WhichThii'fithef was one ° ©f� the %t ellers! . T > which was very la `atte'1,w°Meld, .Z.F` ii X' a Y G htsmstolid.' ..EQe nt• '`� a we o .tt" bo. " the where stn � rte Suri i fiC�ino�. n yda ���� bf his. d/.,�a i r,'. I r. Ab of hopedto see a machine fall, •but � un- ondesbor p cozri' the services. fortunately forti#thebabitifilleri got ate. Our planes were not i• : pur-' Tiildtintatit : suit, but the Germans_ were :so high - such a that. it Was Field Cxofrti �;am,}�t�o� — An- up and. had u� `n uneeatmeratz f #lie J . of the impossible for. out fellows to do any ' 'ducted by the Agrtcultt Papers that. of : s iradron,.. at British ;u"'ociety was made on :aY after- planes ;met the n France and noon �y ,iter Int '' . _homers three of t're "iron -crossed" machines Creighton, who ` erak dny s -bf are reported to have been brought last week iii. ' cid' fief bf the down. ., competitere. - 'the first -seven pori` After finishing Your dinner, we =went mons named in i .. �. �, are the out to have `a look around. the town. prizes. - ;, n : Spoke Considerable damage had been done, Y• f 3 _ '!Jilt. �4'e� really>� .to° fid.. 'very hihi �����` � t t, _�- � ,i: ° 4%�oWed , : apethe by tee:farmers who,were in the cam- town in a w'orse condition than it petiti The fields were in good as, judging frr,m the number of bornbs that; wet* dropped ' cofo?m t Yri a t _� A house only 125 yards from .'Helie theini ni .. . A • We had been standing was almost ehe dies > r", _ F completely . demolished. The shell are as fir i off. �. feu, S��i j. W. Fie S7 a ; John Shiell, 87;that str<.ick this house buried itself P. Leat ei , 86; Id-. McMillen, S5; N. in the cellar. Three people were killed ITunet od, S2 -i H;I `` :: here, Fifty eon. .75 .yards from this W. Webgter se; A. r79sla; F. point a hotel was struck and badly Ilenry'76 A .Mcg.= ; S. damaged, ,.. Burchill 71%; Malcolm Ross 71; R. Two or three. blocks further' on two Currie 70; Oliver Campbell 62; W. bombs lit in the road, killing several J. Currie 60%. while another fid ia. m k in the • roar of ,an tutoecupieid" hbYise; The BABY'S GREAT *DANGER last beinb enacle elide tfiifte t feet in DUR d• Y°lir;ATHEII` diameter and ab€ t,•eiglit feet deep . - DURING store in one oft the . cheaper bizsi- More little ones die doting° the sum- ness. streets was. , completed dermal - mer than at any: other time of the < fished nail Ih.e, fronts of st�� s.caro�is ', year. Diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera in- the road were blown in. Some thirty faiituia<h and stomach disorders come people . mostly. women .and children without warning and when a -medicine were lolled here also three x 'rsea • In is not at. hand to give promptly the this street blood was running in the short delay too frequently means that gutter. I saw four bodies removed the child has • passed beyond aid from this section.; two were little boys Baby's Own Tablets should always be about 12 or 13, one a young lady, anal kept in athe bottle where there are the other an old lady. Other `combs young children. An ocasional dose of were'dropped, ineluding some that fell the tablets will prevent stomach and into the sea, but the ones I have bowel troubles, or if the trouble conies mentioned did the -most damaa'c . suddenly the prompt use of the -tab- It ws quite an exile ieiiee and I lets will cure the baby. Mrs.Gras shall never forget it. I thought that Anderson, Minds, Alta, says: Baby's ani 1�omg was going to drop on the Own Tablets are the best medicine for spot where we stood, and I thought it little ones who are suffering from ate, make use of the little ewer weak stomach. They cured my baby wise available do' when suffering from stomach con - plaint and have made her a fine and 'healthy child." The tablets are s)14 TE�-S NOTES by medicine dealers or by mail at 2:5 . _Charles For, a prominent member cents a box from The Dr. Wilianis of the London Chinese colony, his Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. wife and five-year old son, were drowned about five o'clock on Satu�irr N ENGLISH AIR ,AID day afternoon, when their=. automobile Lieut. Clyde Kennedy, . a member stalled on the hill just east of the of The Loddon Advertiser Staff. and pump house and ran swiftly back - a son of Mr. A.E. Ken- k wards over the street railway tracks nedy, of Seaforth, who went overseas down a steep embanks -Dent and turned with the 91st Elgin battalion as sig- a somesault into the deep water, just nailing officer, was among those pre- above the Springbaank dam. Three sent in one of the recent air raids Chinamen, who were riding in the over the southeast coast of England. rear seat, escaped by jumping from In a leter to his parents, he describes the car just before it took the fatal bis eperiences during the aerial en_ plunge. No one is able to give a h o ., thing. However you. Will see• in the $tandia f i • gagemnts as follows: "No doubt you have read about the great air raid on the southeast coast. I had often. wished to see air air raid and now that I have had my coaity satisfied, I am not so keen on seeing' another, at any rate not so close to the place in which I happen to be. About 6,15 o'clock in the evening, Capt. Hopkins, Lieut. Payne and myself happened to be in Folkstone taking dinner. We heard a noise like the report of ' guns several times, but paid little attention to it. Then the bombs dame louder and louder and we concluded that an of isfactory explanation of the acci- ed to . start ; the machine on its wild plunge is dent.. Just w at appe t Jane austere' Cottage. Cbawton Cottage is to have a memorial tablet commemorating the centenary of Tune Austen. Though it was only after 1809 Oat Miss Austen removed. to Chawton, the cot- tage certainly deserves a tablet, for it was there that ehe wrote "Emma" and i Persuasion," retrieved "North - auger Abbey" from the Bath book- seller to whom she had sold it for £10, and revised it, as well as "Sense and Sensibility" ind "Pride and. Pre-. judice." i't is easy to imagine the the_ busy writer in the quiet +:country Meuse, undisturbed except for otca- tier al visitors, when a hanca ar er..e ,:i' 1. mild promptly be throe, n • zeonu;;eripte, as a hasty _ ..., - r..) hie nue+tions. A 'c..1aunted Bath House. Ghost stories in, J2.paD develop :n warm weather. High, temperature h:ts rained a ghost at one of the fav i - :enable, Laths in Kobe. About the r+i;}ddie of June, a woman died in the c 4;.at,iisacuent. Two days later', an- other woman was taken i11 at the saura'plaee and dyed when taken, Mame. She asserted that while at the bath, being all 'wane, her name Sive distinctly. called. This call was teisl times repeated. This facie G• at, with usual exaggerations; be- cz..iie known to the patrons of the bash and cudtem rirrost ceased. The i:athaouse keeper has undertaken to ✓ ..zore the . r'ainaeed reputation Of • estaolisntent ` by employing .,treet orator wbn deiibvere several lectures daily on the absurr of the chest story. .Thus far, his at- tempts to "lay the ghost" have been of no avail. Fortner eiomers do ubt return,—East and West News.. • r W ro Pure eater, according to . Lur`d Rayleigh, is sreenish blue,. We pure air is blue, ause -.a i to Newton's dictuaaa, the maitiei les tit the air are sufficiently to re- flect blue rays._ amedEr Humoriflg a)lia0. A writer in The Woinallra !.#'.slave Companion says; " `Humoring a man'• auusids like a pleasant and corn forte! le -:,thing; but When one links humoria , With the question of Who maket' the money, it does not seem. 4413rV flafteruig to tike_ humores or • blit hunoirree, And what 'a> lameuta' slght Ia that,iit the humoree, wh 't eeti ineci it m IYes and W`1 at "-air absb oe. o't any real repel} dr understaudtng ire- tweerr :two• people • in w. ase° °., lives i i aorta p brat labia of .tri _:dailys rout tine. 'Wh i the one to- be-.;humor*ed isa wo,Ma ,; ib Oarmeal; that a Watt` has been forced into the cravenpart of doing anythingfor the . sake of peace. There. are few cone essLone sonte men will not sake- to eyelid a donxest.c stern. Some unfortunate men, *ere are who, even give up vital friend ips, , ieiti b nate forma of re- creation„end even their ,own individ- ualities iu this unworthy carne." perhaps °a secret which probably will never be known: Eyewitnesses of the tragedy believe that Mr. For was eii- deavoring to ehange• into low gear to climb the hill, and accidentally threw the gears into reverse. Certain it is that once started the motor car went rapidly backwards until it overturned into the deep water, -about 100 feet east of the dam. —A case which has aroused consid- erable interest in Erin .,Vfilage and district was heard before Mr. R. A norther 1C iser. "The aaiser is a queer customer," said .Ian Schiff, New York banker and phi',thropist, during a Cooper Union debate. "The more the Ger- man people oak of him the leas he gives .them, . "The way the kaiser has' treated the German people about this busi- nese of universal suffrage . reminds me of the Blue mill. "The hands of the Bine thin, you know, waited on the owner and tole him they wanted shorter hours. " `Very good,' said the owner. 'Your wish shall be granted, men.. We'll begin with shorter dinner hours,' " Soil comoos•ed entirely of sand is practically of no va'_ue for garden purposes. In fine sandy soil seven per cent. of stable manure added will cause it to retain double -the former quan- tity of water. i in danAutumn Styles The Largest and Most Comprehensive Ex position of Women's Sufts aiid Coats it has ever been our pleasure to present The most xc usive models the values the widest most faci .a choice, and t e Coats, Suits and other Eparej for par- titular women as `et oered .t this ular .fere is a. distinct di di.ff0renee in our ,®ei Wear Garments — more style, beth . workm,an,ship4ner fabric, less fadishss than you will find anywhere Uundreds of Exclusive New Fall Modei:s in High Grade Sufi t les in such Nial� new. and ca , tiv � smartmaterials VA 8eres,raacla.s di anal weaves cheviots, vicuna* worsteds etc., in navy,brown, tan Russian green, grey, alit: Ct e $20 to $40 Charming Fall Coats for Women Of all the seasons there never was one to compare with this one for coats that are of entirely new and striking designs. We are showing hundreds of the very neiyest styles. Coats that have a natural fit to theist coin_ I'ed that richness of appearance that brands them as coats of unusual attractiveness and captivating appestane. can buy these stylish coats at prices that will please you. Come in and see them. POW. Gaps in Mars. Bunce the preliminary announce - meat that he had found an apparent relation between the sunspot period and the behavior of the polar caps of Mars, M. Anton.iadi has published detailed observations which appear to establish this relation in a striking manner, Except' in two years, 186Z- and 8Gand 1877, when - local conditions on Mars may have disturbed the effects of solar radiation, he finds that when- ever sunspots are large and numer- ous the melting of the Martian polar cape is rapid, and that whenever suns are small and few the melt- ing of the caps takes place slowly, As Maunder has pointed out, the meteor- ology of Mars is much simpler than that of the earth. Hence a. more di- rect response on the part of Martian "wee " to the variations in, solar radiatkst of which greater or less gpetteal lei to ii lie of the indications ien's Suits fetter Than tJual SIOto45 We're selling a lot of clothing these days, Our new Fall Suits are better than ever. The styles and patterns win the admiration of every cus- tomer. There are s,1 many natty styles and becoming patterns one hardly knows which to choose -- and every suit is properly built and guaranteed to keep its shape. Y©u met a better suit here and it stays better to the finish. Come and see what is° really new. We will be pleased to show you. • .Prices to 15 Bob Proof' C1Q There's None Boys' clothes are a strong feature here. We not only save you money on the first cost, but we'll give you such quality that you will be mon- ey ahead from the long wear -hey give. You'll find only the best resisting linings, you'll see style and fit that you nev- er did see in boys' clothes be- fore and best of alt they cost no more the the average kind. Price ; 3 3 Butter, Wool and, Eggs Wanted Stewart Bros SEAFORTII