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The Huron Expositor, 1917-08-17, Page 8
• rem AUGUST 179 191 Itazors Now its theme to have your sraxoi put in proper shape. This being one of the barb- ers quiet periods you are as- sured of a sufficient amount s.ch r of lima devoted to e or, *us - eriag a sm •,,h, nick -cutting edge, remitt- ing in a saving of time and Delay ablinger;bring your razor here.and have it hon- ed and lave a Real Shave nett edit We guarantee a s eiean cutting edge. OOMMIROM BARBER SIMP W. Robinson, Prop. Scandanavia Trades --Made in '2 inch, 1% inch and 1tt inch, with or with- out steel chains; tested to 6,000 lbs. ; gua a nnted for two years. Cost less eon leather We are agents for Williamson's Heeding Powder for sore shoulders. Also Beckmore's and Arabian Paste.. Try it for sures on "horses and :cattle. $HOE'RLPAIR SHOP Ilavisit purchased C. Consigney's shoe .repairing business, we have add- ed it to our harness business and are prepared to repair boots and shoes. B roderick's Harness Shop Opposite Commercial Hotel 2592x1` ? _ o Satisfaction If you will take the trouble to call at our Stu- dio, examine our photos (many of them picture of your friends) learn bur prices and note the at- tractive ttractive finish, we are confident we can please_ you. There is a standard of quality behind photo- graphs made by us, and our prices are as low as possible for good work. Family 'group photos a sitecialty.. We do picture framing and sell amateur supplies and develop firms and finish printsforam- ateurs. Call and see us. D. F. BUCK Photographer, &eaforth •0•c. o. o.o.o.o•cso♦ t ` l art t- and :Miss Marry Model surd . leave.' Pte*` ` on Monday►' to attend the millinery open ng at Toronto.—Mr. Wlliisin Hudson, son of Mr- and Mrs. dames Hudson,: of Egmondville, underwent< an operation for appendicitis on : Sun_ 1 day ° last and is now progressing ,fav, i Drably. -Miss? Helen McNabb has re- V1ennre ° MATTERS R+S Local Bri fs . --ice. J eR eL . Pani- turned from a visit with relatives at ail an,of Tomato. peat Sunday with Dungannon and Kincardine. -- Mrs. his rain lY'at Maple Haid. Ver. Dei*- D. Fell and Mrs, Phillips, were CBn ereux, of Detroit and Dr. E. J. Car ton visitors during the week.- Mlsi ney and IittIe daughter of Durand, Clara Pinkney is attending` the niillin- Mich:, have returned to their homes ery openings in Toronto. --Mrs. !Ur- eter a two week's visit with the for- old Best and daughter spent the week mew brothers. Messrs. John and L. end in Beantsville -with her sister, ,Devenant -, The , knitted coat donated Mrss. Tufford.-Mr. and Mrs. Coop - by Mos Lida* July for" the Red i er, Main Street, spent the holiday with roes Society' was drawn for on Thurs- . +Clinton friends. Mrs. (Dr.) Hos- day -last and. Wad►: won b Miss C. sack and.Miss Dorothy are visiting at Barbara Nispel, t . Win, 13 be- the honi of her aunt, . Mrs sW . E ing being the lneky number. •. The Broadfo t.: Mrs. L. G. Rase, of suin realized from the sale of tickets Galt, is visiting at the parental home was $23.--Mr.Mr. R. G. Winter, of tickets... Mr. and Mrs. William.. Sclater. _St. Catharines, and Mrs. William. ,Owing ,to the 'ilness of her mother. Winter, and two children of Walker- 'Miss' Bethune has resigned her posi- ton, were here this week's visiting ,tion as teacher of the Primary De - the former's ritother.=-Mr. °"William .partment . at the • Seaforth. Public Thirsk, formerly of Blake, but now a School, which she has occupied for a prominent fanner and stock man of number of years and the board have . Vetaskawin, Alta= was in town lasts been reluctantly forced to accept her week. . Mr. Thirsk has been in this. resignation.-M'rs. S Dickson re- district for some time picking up •turned on Tuesday from Montreal Now a car of imported horses and Durham ( where she has been spending a month cattle which he will ship to hisfarm with her daughter, Mrs.. Corbett. - in the west. -Mr. Norman Henderson • of Hamilton, was visiting with friends in town this week. ---Mrs . M. Robert son and her son, Mr. Albert Robert- .T.F+.DALY dewek r '-last imam 'seeker 'seeker Mareiage ]toeuse5 - l BiA.YORTE1 111M T James Watson General Insurance Agent Real. Estate and Loan Agent Dealer in Sewing Machines. Mr. J. Watson, of St. Paul, Minne- sota, is here visiting his brother, Mr. James Watson and sisters, the Misses Watson. - NYS James Beattie is son, of Cleveland, spent a few days visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. ; Smith with friendsin town this week.- in Peterboeo.--Mr. G. K. Holalnd, On Civic Holiday members of Edel- of Beechwood, received word ,from the weiss Rebekah Lodge to the numbers war office on Saturday last that his tbf over fifty held a picnic at Bayfield.. ( son, Wilfrid Holland, had been wound- ed in the thigh and arm while fight- ing • with the Canadian forces in France. -Mrs: (Dr.) . Briggs and two sons, of Cleveland, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. McDer- niid, Huron Road, returned totheir home on Saturday. -Miss Stephenson of Jackson, Michigan, was the guest All Mort a very enjoyable outing.-- Miss Mabel Govenloekwho has been spending the holidays at the hone of her �-arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock left on Monday to resume her position in Vancouver, B.C.- Mr. .C. - Mr. Thompson and daughter, Miss Thompson, were guests at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. A. F. a of Mrs. M. Y. McLean over the week Chuff haat week. -Miss Millie Johns- I end. -St: Thomas' Church Sunday ton is spending the holidays withschool held thelir annual picnics in friends in Toronto, Hamilton, and' Case's grove on Wednesday afternoon. Whitby. Mr . Roy EverettT of Lon - The weather was delightful and all don, visited at the home ,sof his par- ents here .-Dr : " Fred Clarkson, of Toronto, was in town this week. - Mr- William Powell, "Business and. Advertising Manager of "Printer & 1'ubLsher,". one of the largest trade journals published by the Maclean Publishing Co., of Toronto, was. vis- iting relatives in town this week. - Miss E. Box, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at the honi.e of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Boxand Mrs. J.G. Mullen; returned .on. Tuesday ev ... a motor',tri-+ to' Toronto shin from a and Belleville. — i iss Boswell, of Toronto is a guest at the home of Mr. Robert Bell.: Mr. George J. ,.,Lirnert, also Mr. and Mts. H A. Lippert motored up from Kitchener on Civic Holiday and spent` the day with the latter's mother; Mrs: J. W. Jones. An ice cream social will .be held in the Salvation Array Hall on Wednesday evening, August 22, when officers from Clinton and Goderich will be present. -Mrs. Terrance Flannery and daughter Alice, and Mrs. John Nolan' are visiting friends in Detroit and Windsor.—Miss S.J. Moran, R.N.,. of Saginaw, Michigan is visiting at her home here-Mts. James L. Dorsey of Duluth and Miss Leona Holland of Beechwood left on Monday for a week's visit with friends in Waterloo, Toronto and Peterboro .. ---Mrs. W. Govenlock, Mrs. Parke' and Gray are spending the holidays in Muskoka, —Mr . and Mrs. J. F . Ross have returned from: a rlionth'e holidays in Toronto.—Miss Margaret Williams has accepted a school in Allen, Sask., and leaves for thewest on Friday . Misses M. Sproat, Janet Hays,.: Mary Edmtinds and Ruth Sproat are spending the holidays at Bayfield .-Mr . and Mrs. Robert Mc- Gee spent Sunday last in Goderich. —Mrs. Thomas, Booth, of Calgary, formerly Miss Pillrnan, -of : this town, is visiting at the home of the Misses Hutchinson, North Main ' Street. — Miss Lukes has kindly donated an- other wool knitted coat for the Red Cross Society. The coat is now ex- hibition in J. Mactavish's store, and tickets will be sold there for_it. Tick- ets may also be procured at the dence of Mrs. J. P. 'Brine, :Goderich Street.—The Women's War Auxiliary will meet for sewing at the Carnegie Library Hall, on Friday afternoon at two o'clock: The Misses Hutchin- son have returned from . a pleasant holiday spent at St: Marys, Staffa, Cromarty and Mitchem.—Mr. Rufus Winter, of Nelson, BC., is spending a few holidays at the parental home of: Mr. and Mrs. R. Winter, North Main Street. Miss Mary Matthews is spending the holidays at the home Four good houses for sale, of Mr. and Mrs. August Hicknel„ in conveniently situated in the . McKillop—Miss Agnes Beechcroft, Town of Seaforth. Terms and her son and daughter, Dustan and reasonable and possession . Myrtle, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry. given promptly McGee, of East Wawanosh, were vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Apply .at my office for particulars. Robert McGee, this week.—Miss Isa- beil Scott, of Roxboro, has accepted the position of organist iii the North street Methodist church, Goderich. —Miss Hallie French of Ailsa Graig, is visiting at her home here.—Miss Sills is a guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. William Golding .—Misses Hallie and ' Leola Waugh of Detroit, are visiting at the home of their un- cle and auht, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid.—Mr. Clifford Bell, ,Govern- ment Inspector of Munitions at Galt, is spending a few holidays at his home here. — Miss Marjorie Andrews, of Port Arthur, was visiting with friends here. on 'Saturday.—Miss Lillian Faulkner, of Brampton, is spending the holidays at her home here.—Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart McIntosh and Mr. John McIntosh, of London, were here on Saturday attending the funeral of A Slipper Sale Right now when Slippers are in great demand, we are go- ing to give our patrons a Slipper benefit as we do not -like " carry-overs. We want New Slippers each. Season Men's tan and black oxfords $2.49 Women's Patentand Kid Ox- the late Mrs. Finlay McIntosh,.—Mr. fords $1.49 Edward McFaul . has returned from an extended visit .with friends in St. Women's Tan Pumps and Thomas.—Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, is Oxfords $1.98 here visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. William Carnochan and Mrs. R. It iS'simply good business to McIntosh, Mr. F ,Brisco, of Mr. close out our stock in its seas. Daly's jewlry store, hes returned from ©n that's the whole secret a Lwo week's holiday.. s of London, is visiting --Mrs . McLeod, at the home of and while it means a loss to her sister Mrs. James Reid.—Mr. 31s, it -will certainly be great Jamnesich Cowathins spentweek—Miss a few days in GoderMabel benefit to our friends. Smithers of Toronto, is visiting at the Cole in on Saturday and get home of her sisters, Mrs. William your share of the good things Oughton and Mrs. John Sclater. — g Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best leave on live have in store tor you, H. R SCOTT enjoyed a pleasant outing . Mrs . W Scott and Mrs. Andrew .Scott, of rucefield, and Me. Yellowlees; of Bowmanville, spent Saturday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Beat- tie.—Mrs. eat-tie,Mrs. J. A. Case and .Miss Margaret have 'returned from Stoney Lake.—Miss Steele, daughter of Dr. Steele, M.P., of Tavistock, is visiting her aunt, Miss McGregor. . 1 Gibe► ,and Mrrt E.P.Maioney, both Of Sault Ste, Mame, Ont.; Miss Ida and Miss Margaret at homes. also George McLennan, who still continues I• S 1;the business established by his filth- ' er ath-ler in the pioneer days. BAYFIELD. Garden Party. -A garden party will be. held on the Rectory grounds, on Tuesdity evening next, August- 21, at which there will be a splendid pro- gramme provided and the Hensell brass band will be in attendance dur- ing the evening. Tea will be served from 7 o'clock. Admission 25e and 35c. 25921 Owing to the unusual con- ditions prevailing this year it would .,be advisable to buy your School Supplies as early as pitsssible. .Most of our supplies are now in and the baIanee will be ar- riving shortly. Buy'early sed Avoid disappointment ho ,p$on s Bookstore SRAFONITL Shades and Picture Frames. for New Idea Patterer. Window Agent ' YOUR WARDROBE—Your suit ismot warn out when soiled 'and stained. It can be cleaned and pressed to look as smart and fresh as new; Camp- bell Block, Goderit,h St. 2579-tf Girl wanted—Good girl for general h,useworly.— A.pply at Expositor Office. 2588-tf For Sale—Second hand Studebaker Touring Car ; will be sold cheap,. Apply at Wright's Garage. di 259)x For Sale.—One sideboard, one small coal heater, one,gramophone,and numerous other articles Must beaoad'at once. Apply to Mra. D. Bateman, James Street,'seaforth. 2b91-2 POULTRY WANTED` — Live Poultry Wanted at Thompson's Produoe Stove all day Thursday and Friday forenoon. Phone 64. . 26924 410,, Travellers. -The following. were ticketed to distant points this week by W. Somerville,. Railway and Steam= ship Agent: Mrs. Henry Chesnevf Seaforth, to Brae cion and return; 'Mrs. James Lawrence and Miss Lawrence, of McKillop, to Edmonton and return; Mrs. Charles Aberhart, Sr., of Sea - forth to Moose Jaw and return; Miss .ir[argaret. Williams to Allan, Sask. Home From the Front . —A cordial and enthusiastic reception. awaited Pte. Alex. Muir, eldest son of Mr. John Muir, G.TT. R. section foreman here as he stepped off the late. train on Monday night. It was not known 'until a few minutes before train time that he was coming, and the ringing of bells brought a large crowd out evenat such a late. hour,. Pte. Muir ,enlisted with the 34th Battalion at London two years ago and was later transferred to the 15th Royal High- landers. He was wounded in the tattle of the Somme, a year ago, and i o invalided home, E Bolton—Duggan A very pretty Wedding wash solemnized in St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Tuesday morning, August 14th, at six o'clock by Rev. P. Corcoran, when Mliss Nellie .Duggan, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. William Duggan, became the bride of Mr. Leonard Bolton, barber, of this town. Miss Mildred Duggan, sister of the bride acted as brides- maid while Mr. T. L. Andrews sup- ported the groom. After the cere- mony which was witnessed by a num- ber of guests and friends the happy young couple took the morning train for Detroit and other western points, and on their return they will reside .in the Watson cottage on William street, recently purchased by the groom.' A Lusitania Medal . —Mr . R. F. Jones, of town, has received from a soldier at Witley Canip, England, one of the medals struck in Germany to commemo'rate the sinking of the Lusitania . This medal has been struck in Germanwi th th b' t f y e o pec o keeping alive in German hearts the recollection of the glorious achieve- ment of the German Navy in deliber- ately destroying, an unarmed passen- ger ship. together with 1,198 non- combatants, men, women and children. On the obverse, under the legend, "No Contraband" there is a representation of the Lusitania sinking. The de- signer has put in guns and aeroplanes, which, as was certified by United States Government officials after in- spection, the Lusitania did not carry, but has conveniently omitted to put in the women and children, which the world knows she did carry. On the reverse,. under the legend, "Business above all" the figure of Death sits at the booking office of the Cunard Line and gives out tickets to passen- gers, who refuse • to attend to the warning against submarines given by a German. This picture seeks appar- ently to -propound the theory that if a murderer warns;' his victim of his in tentionthe guilt of theecrime will rest with the victim, not with the murderer'. Death of Mrs. Finlay McIntosh . — Margaret Henderson, wife of Mr., Finlay McIntosh, died at her home on John street, Seaforth, on Thursday. Friday for their new home in Moose' Mrs. McIntosh was the youngest Jaw. -Mr. Best has secured a .good daughter of the late William Header - position in Moose Jaw and is remov- son, one of the pioneer residents of ing from Regina. --Miss Madge Stew- McKillop, and was born on the home- - P CIA: �S AVGVST SPECIALS Preserving get} Drinking Glasses jelly Tumbler jem Rubbers Dining Sets Water Sets Tauglefoot _Berry Sets . Tea Sets Swatters BEATTI E'S GODERICH Severe Storm.—A severe electri- cal storm passed over here Monday. morning about ten o'clock, and, al- though it lasted Only a few minutes, it equalled anything experienced here for some time. A number of places were struck, the most serious dam- age being done to the residence of Principal J,P, Hume. The lightning entered by the chimney, completely demolishing it, passing down the flue e to the attic, where it branched out, going through the ceiling below and V out of a window, theother down tlhe.� chimney to the kitchen and out. Con- siderable plaster was knocked down. The four occupants of the house were somewhat stunned and it was miracu- lous that no one was injured. Mr. Frank. Adam's house was also struck, but beyend burning out the lights l and splintering some rafters in the si attic, not other damage was ' done . A number f lights were also Jeurned out around town. BELGRAVE Notes. -- Mr. Toll has been re- engaged as teacher -of Belgrave school for the coining year.—The engage - Ment iso announced of Miss Vera, eld- 'est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDowell, of Belgrave, to Frank Ker - F Al thaw, of Toronto, the marriage to ,,Phone- 129 take place in A'ngust.—A number of members of Belgrave Women's insti- tute attended the Canning. Dmonstra- tion at Burssels on Thursday after- noon of last week. Miss Pritchard of mixonmommulormommummoun stead farm on the 4th concession. which continued to be her home until her marrigae to Mr. McIntosh 22 years ago. For 13 years after their marriage they continued to reside in 'McKillop, and nine years ago they moved to Seaforth, where she resided until her death. $ix months ago she suffered an attack of stomach and kidney trouble, since which time she has been confined toher bed, and was at times .severe suffered; so that her death c as a happy relief from pain. Mrs. McIntosh was a quiet, trly Oucial Board of the Methodist kindly woman and one who was de¢ , church, Rev. Mr. Davison's salary voted to her horse and family an4'1 was placed at $900. Richard Irwin her removal will be a terrible loss to was elected lay delegate to the Fall them. 'Besides her husband she is District meeting and Clayton Procter, survived by a family ortwo daughters, Elmer ilkinson, Wilfrid Reid and S. {five brothers and one sister, George McBurney chosen on to Missionary delegation filo the same meeting. Owen Sound, was the demonstrator. —The regular aneeting of Belgrave Branch of the Women's Institute will be held in the Forester's Hall next Tuesday at 2.30. The girls of the branch will give the programme.— The Belgrave Patriotic Society re- ceived well deserved praise from their presentation of • "Lodgers Wanted", which thy presented at Teeswater last week. They have turned many as 'dollar toward the Red Cross during the season by its presentation and deserve credit for it.—At the Quar- E. and John Henderson, of Seaforth; William, of Hamilton, James and Dan- iel, of McKillop, and Mrs. William Adams, of tovin,rgi. of whom have the sincere sympathy ;, of many . friends in town and •dis , , t The funeral ser- vices -were et % from her home on Saturday,..: fix, t being made in the Maitlandbank cemetery. McKILLOP Garden Party. Remember the gar-. den party to be held on the lawn of WALTON, Civic Holiday. Wednesday of last week was the initiation of Walton's Civic Holiday and its success Was so complete and ' satisfactory there should be no difficulty in making it an annual event. This year it took the form of a Red Cress picnic, held in the grove of James Rea, east of the village, which made an ideal spot. Mr. George Hare, this (Friday) ev- Mr. Rea was most obliging in doing ening: A, splendid ,programme will so lushly things to, add to the success. be provided. The day was 'delightful, the crowd large and good natured, and success was written large on the various de- partments. There were races for dren and lad a j, sawing match, bale ball, fish pond, tug of war, drawings, refreshment booths, etc., and the afternoon was all too short to attend returned home from visiting her to it all. The business men of Wal - daughter in Toronto . —Mrs . Chas. McGregor and Mrs. L. Farnham are rusticating at Bayfield . —Miss Mayme Hall spent a few days with Walton friends .—Miss Fern Love of Walton, is spending a few days with friends here. CONSTANCE Notes .—Mrs . Proctor, formerly of this placee but now of Idaho„ U.S.A. is visiting old frineds in this neigh- borhood —Mrs , D. Sutherland has ton, well backed by the women folk, had planned the programme and it was carried out most successfully. The Cranbrook young ladies were vic- tors in the baseball contest over ..the "Kill-Kare-Krew" iiine, the score be- ing wide enough apart to avoid col- lision, Plenty of fun was supplied the CHISELBURST • spectators by it. La the nail driving Notes. — A large majority of the contest there was some lively ham- people- of this part took advantage of the weather last Saturday and motor- ed to Grand Bend where they spent a pleasant time . —George; Srnallacombe is at present confined to the house, suffering from an attack of bronchit- is ea -Mrs. Flowers, of London, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mooney.—Miss Elder, of Sei forth,is spending a couple of weeks' holidays with Miss Jennie McLean. CLINTON Death of Mrs. McLennon.-Mar- garet McKenzie, wife of the late Rod- erick McLennon for over fifty years a resident of Clinton, passed away on Friday morning in her 77th year. She was born in-Puslinch township, and with her husband moved to Clinton in the early days, when this place was 'known as Rattanbury's Corners. - She leaves a family ,of five—Dr. R. J. Zhe Coolest Place in ?own, Now Showing HENRY B. WALTHALL in "THE STING OF VICTORY" We cannot recommend this one too highly. It's a great success of a great movie actor. Extra Special Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Vivian Reed, in "The Pt incess of Patches" PRICE lic Wednesday Strart Friday, Children 5c mering and the ladies who hit the nail on the head most successfplly were Mrs. W m . McGavin, Mrs. P. Gardiner and Mrs. Hugh Fulton. The tug of war captained by Jaines Smith, McKillop and James Rea and sides chosen. There was excitement galore over this event and the former :side declared victor. Nobody was kill- ed. In the obstacle race Miss Mabel Bruce came off victor. One of the old time numbers of interest was a cross- cut sawing match, in which Walton locality used -to shine. Wednesday Aldin McGavin and James Rinn car- ried off the palm. ' Lunch was serv- ed and the crowd voted the day a genuine success and well handled by both ladies and gentlemen. The finan- cial results were splendid and shows what may be achieved when people set about it and have a well defined plan. In the first iilace prizes were offered for ticket sellers who returned the most money. $157./5 'was the total received for tickets sold in ad- vance. Each of the five sellers were presentd with a cabinet of fancy sta- tionery and thanked for their help. The total proceeds of the day were $347.10 and when $75.18 expenses were deducted the Red Cross is gainer by the day in $271.92, which estab- lishes a record that will not be easily beaten. Tickets were sold for a club bag resulting in $25.25 and Duncan McDonald, of Morris was the lucky ticket holder. A. J. Lydiatt, W. Humphries and Ed. Rowland had charge of this feature. lsa Mar- garet Humphries donated a' crochet yoke that made $5. No, .86 was the winner of the yoke but the person possessing the ticket is yet unknown. A pair of fancy pillow slips, donated •by Mrs. John Watt brought $10.60, but as in the other instance the tick- et calling for the prize has not been returned . The No. was A6 A summary of the day is as fololw,s: Refreshment booths $96; fish pond, $11.35; club bag tickets $25.25; Miss Humphries' crochet $5; Mrs. Watt's pillow slips $10.60; sale of tickets, $157.75; gate admissions, $41,15. Expenses $75.15, leaving a balance of $271.92. Hearty thanks are re- turned to all who assisted, particular- ly articularly to those who,, brought baskets, home made made candy or made donations . to the fish pond. kIACTA Vl.ti H'S Seaforth, THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU DOLLARS BEER LN QUALrrY LOWER IS PRICE Women's f& Misses' boats are to hand Practical garments not made merely to present showi- ness, but designed. rather to maintain our high repute of being 'retailers of women's 1 fin. apparel right in st e in pp � y quality The First Shipman Opens to Our Satisfaction 3.hat motif The materials, the tailoring, .e lirst aqexquisite' finish of these arrivals do certainly re - fled the utmost credit ion their. makers and deserve .. � your admiration - l assortments at different 8 Sahara�ces welcome a critical inspection of their merits The' above is an exact likeness o one the Hew ew Fall Styles .a, The styles we show will solve the vexing question of what to buy for. fall Vor any woman, maid or child that wants tz dress well, in correct style, at, moderate cost Select Your Fall Coat Now Buy From Us and You'It Get i ---A garment that has been individually tail' ored, fitted and inspected. 2—A garment that was practically made for a a . gure like yours—and looks it. • 3—A garment with material right in weave and fashionable in color. - 4----A garment with lasting shapelines and satisfactory wearing qualities. We're Always Glad to Show Goods J. Mactuvish Seafort4 9 .. Boy