HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-17, Page 5we have re -
Ladies' Fine
s are the product of the
e ct in style, faultless
he leathers are finest
1 cart and patent colt,
tip e and low heels or
)f our new styles are
eery line is splendid
with 8 inch tops,
Ladies' American
also in selected
d spool heels for
ced Boots on the new
Ladies Havana Brown
wing tips and low heels
Laced Boots with grey
1r $6.50 a pair,
ISMS are
,a few- minima nohdays i.
L with -hex sister, Mrs.
;What mght have provId a
ecident liamiened to Mr .
Thebert Parsons while goinw
et Akira last Subday. :With
g '61-ildreme they were driv.
in a buggy, when the horse
rig -Penned and made off ou
Mr, Parsons kept a -am
the lilies, which caused one
o break. However, he hehl s
one ; line and succeeded in
the animal to a stop by
nto fame. Luckily no one
e but the buggy reeved
hakihg up.e-Mrs. McPhail,
m has been here for
Roe giving attention to her ,
VIrs. Wm. Ivison, who re -
et with an accident. Herm
ends will be glad to learn,
ia much improved and is
• abouts -Rev. Dr. Aiken
t at the parental heiree at
t. Mr. Alex. McKenzie
• mother at Bayfield this
s. Meldeseie is an aged lady
up her 98rd year, but. sell
1 bar faenities as bright as
7 WAITS Yitoinger.-Mr. Joe.
Saonaviis visiting at hhs
home he Triekersmith, also
In the village,
d M. EUiott Fairbairn of
are holidaying at the par -
6 of Mr. and Mrs, George
in Tuckeesmith. Mr. Fair -
he teacher at Courtland. and
cent entrance examinations
• scholars writing, and all
mir obtaining honors, which,
all or Mr, Fairbairres abil-
"cher. Mr. Fairbairn wish-
gitt his school for a change,
rusteea would not hear of
stsi and. in order tee ShOW
rim/0U= they increased his
The young men o
make their roark.--Thos.
in receipt of a Utter from
ter, Mrs. Camerons of /W-
alt., in -which she states that
riet ham suffered melt for
rin. They have had very lit-
' the whole season, and with
m weather the crops will be
people hs that part mile
hall a share of the nudge
people in our vicinity have
Win. Moore of the vil-
visiting with, friends la De-
week.-- Misses Helen Me -
lay McGregor, Etta Jarrott
Thompson are enjoying a
P down the $t. Lawrence
e the Thousand Islande. We
pr the young ladies o tar,
onting.-The raapbY
hes been one of the beirt
erectile it now about wound
e eiteem1.-Many who are
new petatoes are rePorfe
a. very promising sae.-
Herbert Whitens** ef
eritiki*S holida7s at the
me of Mr. and Mrs. John
in the village.
stole/An of Serges'
you could wish -to
reys, browns and 0
h guaranteed dyes. •
ety of materials at
he same attention
rew s ock of Sum-
, et We're sure
Sort. I
"Aft -ft* mums ram
August 11 in Peoria's and
inthee_Nlagara di** are
abdt ittid.thetiltiWore sitY them
etill be a trend ottellge crop in most
ermieties. Plums alid Peal are the
same. The apple nftild in this dise
•Sri(t will be small.
Three weeks ago Coneonceee n....
mat turned the first met for the 110W
storehouse of the Buritt Knitting eq.
illtebell, and to -day a one-story
wen& 42x72 feet,is completed,
roofed and floored, and Machinery is
being installeoh, In a few days a
large number of hands will be work-
ing-. The building is of cement and
brick, lighted and Is run by hydro
On Saturday, August 25th, at two
eeiclock p.m., on the premises, two
Mocks west of the Woollen Mills, Sea -
forth, household effects. Jantes T.
Orimoidby, Proprietor; T.; Brown,
len Wednesday, August 22nd, at
2 o'clock p.mat the residence of
brisa E. J. eSleeth, Market Street,
Seaforth, clearing sale of household
furniture. • Terms cash. °Miss Sleeth,
pOoprietress; T. Brown, auctioneer.
Seaforth, August 17, 1917
;Wheat, per bushed „. , . ,$2.00
Barley, per bushel .. ....Si .20
filhorts, per cwt. ..
Eggs, per dozen ..... ..39 to 40e
Bran, per ton . . . . . . . $40
Oats' per bushel •60e
!Aar. per cut .. -6.80 to $6.80
Butter, per pound 30c
Potatoes, per bushel • $1,50
Hogs, per' cwt 116.25
Toronto, Aug. 14. -Beans --Prime
white $8.50 per bush; imported hand-
picked 19.25; limas, lb. 17 to 18e.
Toronto, Aug. 14.: -Dressed Poul-
try -Spring chiekerus 25e to 30c; fowl
sic; ,Nomtbi, -oar dam 14 fo 44.50;
turkeys 25 to 30c; ducks, spring, 20c.
Live poultry -Spring chicken, 20
cents to 22 cents per Pound; hens,
16c to 18e; ducks, spring, 17c.
Toronto, Aug. - 14. -Butter -Fresh
choice, dairy, 36e to 37c; creamery
prints 40e to 41e; solids, 38% to 39e.
Eggs new -laid in cartons 4) to 50e;
'ex -cartons 44 to 45e. - Cheese --New
Jorge 22% to 23c; twiais, 22% to
23.e. triplets 23 to 2314; old, large
30e; twins 30tie; triplets 301/se.
Honey--Comb--Extra line and heavy
weight, per dozen 32.75; select 2.50
to $2.75; No. 2 32 to 12.25.
Toronto, August 14. - MahitOba
ffiTheat-No. 1 north.ern 32.40; No.
3 Northern, $2.38e No. 4 white
$2.80, per bushel, nominal, store at
Fort William, Manitoba Oats -No.
2 C. W. 78c, track, Bay ports.
American Corn -No. '3, yellow, nomi-
nal, track, Toronto. -Ontario Wheat
2 winter per ear lot 32.55 to
32.60; No. 3, $2.53 to 32.58; nom-
inal according to. freight.; outside.
Manitoba. Flour -First patents in
'jute bags 312.90; second patents in
lute bags $12.40; strong bakers in
jute bags 312. Ontario. Flour -Win-
ter, according to sample 311.20, in
bags, track, Toronto, prompt ship-
ment. Millfeed-Car' lots delivered
Montreal freights 'tags- included -
Bran per ton 336; shorts per ton $45;
middlings -per ten 347 to $48.; good
feed flour per bag33.25. Hay -
Extra No. 2 per ton 311.50 to
1$12; mixed per ton $9 to $10; track,
rforonto. Straws -Car lots, per ton,
137 to 7.50 track. Potatoes en track
e -Red Star, new -bbl. 35.25; North
arolinas, new, $5.25; seconds
4. Ontarios, bag $3.
Montreal, Aug. itot.-At the = Mon-
treal stock yards west end market,
efferings on the marke-t for sale ant -
bunted to 1350 cattle, 1.5fkl sheep and
Iambs and. 500 ealves; 'A feature of
the trade was the weaker feeling
Which developed in the market for
cattle, and prices for steers and
heifers scored a, decline of 50e per
cwt. as compared with a week ago,
and of 75e this day week while butch-
lers' cows and bulls we 25e to 50e
lower. This was attributed to the
the fact that supplies were much lar-
ger than were generally • expected,
there beteg over 2700 head on the
two markets. However, at the above
reduction. noted. there was an. active
demand, as packers generally were
lihort of beef, consequenty tie brisk
made was done and few if any were
left over unsold at the close of the
market. Choice steers in full loads
Sold at $10.25 andselected lots at
$1.0.5Leer cwt.
he tone of the market for small
meats was stronger and prices gen-
?mar show further advances. On-
tario lambs sold 50c per cwt. higher
at $13.50 to 314 and Quebec lambs at
$12 to 313; and sheep were also 50e,
Per cvrt. up, with sales or ewes at
*8.50 to 39. The demand for calves
;was good at firm prices. An active
!trad was done in the hog market at
an advance of 25e to 50c, with sales I
ef selected lots at $17.50' to $17.75
per cwt. weiehed off cars.
Quotations -Butchers choice cattle,
3,10.25 to 310.50; do. medium $8,75
to 30.50; do. common $8.25 to 38.75;1
canners 35 to 36.25;butchers' cattle
choice cows 37.50 to $8; do. medirma
.46.50 to 37; do. bulls 36.50 to. 38.50.
Milkers, choice, each 3110 to 3115;
common and medium, each, $90 to
*100; springers, 365 to $85. Sheep,
ewes $8.50 to 39; bucks and culls $8
to $825. Lambs, 312 to 314. Hogs
of cars $1.7.50 to RS. Calves $7
to $12.
Union Stock Yards, Toroato, Aug.
IC -With the cattle offering thii
morning the second largest this year
and this at a period when light ship-
ments are the eisual rule, It was not
at matter for wonder that the market
'should tun out draggy and values
lower. Only for real choice steers
31Ta.g the tone steady with last week's i
Values, all other grades of butchers
-being hit frotn 15 to 25c, and s.little
more in eases where cOMMen Milers
were ilormerneds What was surpris-
ing 'WAS the fact that deovers at the
tart. wanted wanted to we their prices,
and 'although they did Climb down
when the buyers get to Works there
was a considerable number of cattle
'principally common stuff, left over at
the close. Seven loads- of choice
homysteers for export to meet the
kosher trade in New York cashed le
from, $12 * 12.65, which vainwere
steady with those of last week. Be-
tween this great and choice hutch -
era, which sold from 19.85 to $10.50,
there were few cattle. A fair per-
centage of the offering was made up
of good butchers, which found a price
range between $9.25 and 9.60. Bolls
sold up to 25e lower, and fat' -c058,
-which went over the scales at a (id-
etate pace, sold up to 35c lower than
last week. • '
There was a fair demand for stock;
,ers, values for which eased off. from
10 to 15e, -the cattle sent out costing
from $6.50 to $8.60, with a few ex-
tra nice animals round 9c. Milkers
and springers were a moderate and
steady trade. .
That prices for lambs would take
a tomble.was certain from the start.1
owing to the heavy • offering, and
quotations were cut anything from
$1.50.to $2'. Veals were a shade eas-
ir, but sheep held find and active.
The hog trade Ornied, fed and wat-
ered selling groin', 317.25 to $17.35,
and hogs weighed off ears at 17.50.
Repreaentative sales:
Corbett, Hall and Coughlin. sold: 2
loads choice steers 1325 lbs. $12.65;
one load steers 1360 lbs. 12-.00; good
heavy steers $11,50 to $12; choice
butchers $9.85 t,o $10.25; good but-
chers, $9.50 to $9.75; mediturt but-
chers $8.75 to $9.25; coramon butch-
ers $7.50 to 8.50; light. eastern steers
and heifers $6.25 to $7.25; best bulls
8.50 to •$9; butcher .bulls $7.25 to
$7.75; light bologna bulls, $5.75; to
$6; 25; heavy bologna bulls $7 to
$7.50, best cows -$.8 to $8.25, 'good
cows 7.50 to 17.85, medium • cows
$6.75 to $7.25; canners 5.50 to 5.-75;
light sheep - $8.50 to '$9.50; heavy.
sheep and bucks to
to $7.50;
choice lambe $14. $14.50; choice
calves $18.50to. $15; • medium .11.00
to $14; hogs -17.25 fed and el/at/erect;
$17.50 weighest off cars.
J. B. Shields t and Son sold- But-
chers -40 (722) $8.25; 18 (910) 8.60
1 (830) $7; 29, i(800) $7.50; COWS -1
(1270) $8.50; 1, (860) $6-99. Bulls
-2 (730) $6.25. Stockers . and •Feed-
ers -4 ,(690) $7.15; 19, (910) $7.75;
let (910) $7.75; 3 (760) $6.15; 1
(690). $6.75e 4 (750) $7.90; 1 (590)
$7.60; sheep $7 to $8.50; Iambs,
$13.50 to $14; calves $10 to 14,50.
Dun and Leva.ck sold: Butchete-
19, (1230 $11; 24, (940) $9.20; 5,
(1130) 10.50; 22 (900) $10; Stockers
-5 (080) $7; 3 (470) $6.50; 1 (690)
$7.25; lambs $14 to $14.50; sheep $6
to $9,85; calves $6.50 to $14.60.
Macdonald & Halligan sold: Choice
heavy steers 312 to 12.50; good steers
$10.75 to $11.50; ehoice butchers,
$10.25 to 310.50; gond butchers, 9.50
to $10; medium butchers 8.75 to9.25
e01111110/1 butchers 37.50 to 38.50;
choice cows $8. to $8,25; good cows
7.50 to 7.85; medium cows $7 to
37,50; common cows 6.25 to -$6.75;
canners antrcutties 5.50 to 36; choice
bulifiV$8.50 to 39e goedlbults 37.50 to
$fl; eon -aeon to •medium buls 36.25
to $1; best milkers and, springers, $90
to 3120 each; medium milkers and
spingers 365 to $85 each; 200 lambs
314 to 314.50; 59 sheep 38 to 310;
hogs, 317.25 fed and watered;.25
•calves 39 to $14; 20heavy steers,
312.30 per cwt..,
The following were the quotations:
Extra heavy ch'oice steers 312.00 to
312.65; choke heavy steers 10.50 to
$11; butchers cattle choice $9.85 to
310.25; geork $9.25 to 39.60; medium
38.20 to $8.60; do. conunon r .25 to
37.50; butchers bulls, choice per cart.
38.25 to $8.75; -good 7.50 to 37.75;
medium $6.75 to 37; rough bulls,
5.00 to 6.00; butcher et cows, choice
38 to 38.40; good 37.25 to 7%69; med,
6.40 to (i .60 ; .stockers, 6.40 to 8.25
feeders 7.75 to 8.75; canners and cut-
ters 35.25 to 36; milkers,. god to
choice eaeh, 80.00 to, 100.00; coin
mon and Medium, each, • 40.00 to
$50; springers 380 to $120;light ewes
8.50 to 9.75; sheep heavy, 36 to 7.25
yearlings $10 to 11.50; ealves, geed
choice- 313 to 1.4.75; spring Iambs,
13.75 to 14.50; hem) fed, and -Watered
17.25 to .317.35; • weighed off •,cars,
17.50; do. f.o.b. 316.25.
36,000 Farm Laborers are wanted
in the Provinces of 'Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan and Alberto, for the bar -
vesting of the crop. -
The Canadian Northern- Railway
will operate the Brat excursion trains
for the West, leavin.g Toronto Union
Depot at 10 p.m. August 23rd and
30th, and running through solid to
lirinnipeg . •
The equipment, will consist of el-
ectric lighted colonist cars, lunch -
counter cars, and in addition the rail-
way will coatin.ue their last year's
innovation of keeping a special car
for the accommodation of single wo-
men and familiea, and of placing it
in the train where the oc,cupants will
be separated fi-om the other passen-
The territory served by the Cana-
dian Northern lines offers the -widest
choice of employment with high wa-
ges, but regardless of where 'you
may locate, remember we give you
the beat service to Winnipeg, where
you will re -purchase to final destina-
tion, no matter on what Line it may
For leaflet showing special train
service, with dates, n.umber of men
required at various points and other
information apply to Chas. A. Aber -
hart, Tem' agent, or General Passen-
ger Department, Canadian Northern
Railway, Toronto.
If you need harvest help apply to
the Ontario Government Employment
Bureau, 108 Dundas Street, London,
Ontario. Experienced help at the rate
of 345 per mon.* $11 per week or
$2.50 per day.
-‘0 ' s ;
: 11.. BOk- A O. :
* Ilklitot$1110A Atfl:t •! - t
* o
• R. C. BOX- •
ll; Elolder of floverreneat Diploma :
4 and Incense.
+ •
it Flowers, lure:lied. en short :
4. Night Calls ' Day Calle :
a Phone 175 . Phone 50 e
a e
Pybus--4n Kippen, on July 23rd to
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Pybus, a
daughter, (Dora Margaret).
Westlake -In Stanley, on August 1,
to M. and Mrs. Thomas Westlake,
(nee Isabelle Delgaty) a son.
Jones. -In Egmondville, on August 8
• to Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Jones, 72
Roucesvalles Ave., Toronto, &
McIntosh -In Seaforth, on August 9,
Margaret Henderson, wife of Mr.
Finlay Mc
Gibson -In Me • bp on August 15,
Matilda G. wife of the late
Robert Gibson, aged 92 years and
9 months.
S. T. -Holmes
Funeral Director and
• Licensed Embalmer
Undertaking printers in Oddfel
• lows building opposite
Stewart Bros. Resi-
dence Godench et., cep
Dr. Scott's
Flowers furnished on
short notice.
Phope -.Night or Day 119,
A number- of young pigs for sale,
seedy to wean. Apply to W. & J.
Wood, Plitme 7 on 92, Hensel].
• *For sale, a good frame house on
James Street, Seaforth near the pub-
lic school at present occupied by Mrs.
D. Bateman. Good cement cellar
and all in. good repair. For partic-
ulars apply at The Exposit9r Office,
Seaforth. 592-tf
Any quantity of live poultry will be
purchased by the -undersigned deliver-
ed at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, on
Tuesday, ,A.ugust°21sti lere tie gut
forenoon. • Irighest'eashlprice paid --
young ducks, old turkeys, hens and
J. Cr McMichael, Seaforth
ror sale lot 16, conceesion 3, Huron
Road Survey, Tuckeremith, contain-
ing 100 acres. The farm is in a good
state of cultivation all heeded with
the exception of four acres. Good
buildings and two good wells. Will
be sold on very reasonable terms.
and will give possession at any time.
Apply to John Forest, No. 3, Seatorth
or Phone 4 on 143. 2592-tf
Clerk's Notice of First Post-
ing of Voters' List.
Voters' List, 1917, Municipalit,v of the
Village of Hensel', in the County
of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have tramemitted or
delivered to the persons mentioned is. Seotkno .9. of
Tho Ontario Totsere-Listrr Acti-, the, o4idra tequired
by'. Said seettopato'lle, setrposinittedoridellitexed of
the.Liet, madepurinalat seld-Act; :Of all.yOtione
arpearing by the l'ast Revised Asiessment Roll of
the said Municipality to lie entitled to vote in the
mid Municipality at eleotiona for Members of the
Legislative assembly arid at Mtinielpal tiectione ;
and this', The said List wee drat posted up in my
office in Mensal' on the 'ith day of Augunt, 1917, and
remaine there for inspection,
And 1 h?.reby inn upon all voters to take immedi-
ate proceedings- to have 9.sy errors or omissions cor-
rected according to law.
• A. MURDOCK, Clerk.
Dated tills 7th day of Auguet, 19k7.
Under and -:by virtue of the powers
contained in certain mortgage,which
will be prodifeed at the time of sale,
there will be offered for sale by public
auction on Tuesday, the llth day of
Seinen-1.1)er, 1917, at the hour of two
o'clock, in the afternoon, at the Com-
mercial Hotel, in the Town of Sea -
forth, by Thomas Brown, auctioneer,
the following preperty namely: All
and singular those certain parcels or
tracts of land and premises, situate,
lying and. being in the Townehie of
McKillop, in the County of Huron, and
being composed of the west half of
Lot Number Nineteen (19) and Lot
Number Twenty (20) all in the Elev-
enth Concession of the said Township
of McKillop, and containing by an -
measurement one hundred and fifty
acres of land be the same more or
less. On said. lot 20 there is a frame
dwelling house and good sized gam
with stone foun.dation and stabline.
On the said weft half of lot 19 there
is a frame dwelling house and good
barn with stone l foundation and stab-
ling. The farm is well located iri one
of the beet farming districts of the
County of Huron, 7% miles from the
Town of Seaforth, and 5 miles from
the village of Walton. The sale will
be subject to a reserved bid. Terms
-10 per cent. of the purchase money
to be paid dowr. at the time of sale
and the balance to be, paid, without
interest in 30 days thereafter. For
_further particulars and conditions of
sale apply to Proudfoot, KiUoran &
Cooke, Goderielt and Seafortia; 'Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer. Dated the 13th
day of August, 1917 2592-4
Good .timber. "Anne 80h40 Wftik 1 For see lot 20,1Iayfield Road south,
leentio I2it49;. APO/ jta W. Mott" StanleY Township: cOntsMhg 100
Seatitith. 25644i acres. The lend u all e1aarcL but a
For sale, No. 7 store house on G.T.
R. track. Apply to Mu, 'oho Shine,
&Worth. M76-tf
For sale, the two storey, seven -
roomed brick residence, on James at.,
Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Ethel Mc-
Lean. Apply at The Vagiositor Office.
Two seated Gladstone, natural wod, as
good ae new and easy reaming, com-
• fortable family Apply at The
Expedter OSce, S�sf.rth. MIME
A house containing eight rooms,
with. electric lights and furnace on
John Street, west. Posseesion on
September let. Apply to F. G.
Neale Saefortli. 2591-tf
Campbell block to rent, cormisting-
of two stores. For yearly tenant, the
stores will be fitted up to suit the ten-
Seafort 2579-tf
Second Class; duties to commence
September 4th; Ware 3600 per year.
Apply, to Jacob Schroeder, Secretary -
Treasurer, Dashwood., Ont.; R. R.
No. 2. 2591-3
To rent, lot 7, concession 1, Stanley
Tom:whip, 971/4 floret?, is offered for
rent for two years. Apply to George
Shipley or John Torrance, Executees,
Clinton, Oat 2591-2
Any ratepayers in McKillon wish-
ing to pay their assessments in cash ,
on the Dohnage drain may do so lo.
the Township Treasurer -on or before
August 24th, 1917; after said date de-
benture"; will be issued for amounts
not theh paid. By Order of Council.
2592-1 M. Murdie, Clerk
Lot 10, Concession 18, McKillop,
containing 100 acne; 10 acres hard-
wood bush, 1 acre orchard, 'T roomed
frame house, bank barn, drive house
and h house; also drilled well.
Wo exchange for smaller farm. Ap-
ply William Barron, R. R. No. 4,
Walton, Ontario. 2587-tf
That very desirable property on
John Street, known as the M. C.
Chesney property will be sold, as the
estate must be closed,- out; or if not
sold the same well heifer rent. This
property is fully ni0On in every
way and. is in an 4.21WOlit state of
Mere, ..1.* forthoeiloitatalatt
Pik to A. S. AtkhuenoE.D.S.°1013
Bainard St., Detroit; sr teJolit.Ralt-
kirk, Broker, Seaferth, Ont... 25914
Lot 31, Conceesion 3, Tuckersmith,
07I the Mill Road, three miles from
Seaforth, and three miles from Bruce -
field, on the London, Huron and Bruce
Railway. There axe 95 aim of' clear-
ed, improved land. This hued is in a
good state of cultivation and is well
fenced and well drained. There are
twol-bank barns, brick hoese 28 by 88,
1% storey with back kitchen and
woodshed. For particidars apply on
premises. James McIntosh, R. R. No.
3, Seaforth. 2586x12
Honesand half acre r;,f land' in _the
village of Egmondeille. The property
is situstted ,on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is kaown
as the Purcell properte. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern. A.I1 Idnels of fruit
trees, strawberries; raipberries, and
currantbushes. Thiele a corner 'sr°.
-,perty with no breaks on front, and
the land is irra good- state of cultiva-
tion. This is a aice property for a
retired/farmer and the taxes are light.
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tf
Teamster Wanted
A good reliable teamster
wanted. One accustomed to
logging preferred. Good
wages and a steady job guar-
anteed to the right man.
Apply to
John 13.Mustard
Continuation School
Tuesday, Sept. 4th
Gold Medalist of Toronto Nor-
mal School; First -Class Honor
Graduate .of Queen's Univer-
sity; Instructor of Gimlet and
Physical Training. Will tutor
any subjeet of the upper school
M °dents and. lesaglisli-
Sim 'Viola I. Dobson, B.A.
Oomniercial Reecialist-elso Art -
Mies Mamie G. Quinn.
Students desiring to Mara
kindly apply to -
Miss K. MacFaul, Secretary
small piece of bush, Laid is in a good
state of cultivation. On the premiees
are a comfortable frsme hoses wit*
furnace, one brick barn 84x40, with
straw shed 36-56. Good drive and int-
Plibment house; plenty of good water
between house and barn. Half nule
from 'school, churches and post office.
Telephone at house. This is a choice
property and will be sokl at a reason-
able figure. For further particulars
apply on the premises or address
Varna P.O. Wm. A. MeAsh
For sale north part lot 22 and 23 on
the 13th coneemion of McKillop, con-
taining 75 acres moreor less. There
are on the premises 'a good frame
house with running• water in the
house a good bank barn with cement
floors: The farm is well fenced and
drained and in a good state of culti-
vation, The fall ploughing will all
be done this year and possession will
be given on March lst next. This
is the property of the late William
Denninson. ,and will be sold on easy
terms. For further particulars ap-
ply to William Neil, or Alexander
Gardiner, Waiton P. 0. 2591x4
of Household, Itifects.-Thoe. Brown
has been instructed to selteby public
auction on the eiremises, two blocks
west of the Woollen Mills, gmond-
ville, on 211Mln at 2
o'clock p.m.. the following: 1 Dom-
inion organ, 1 whegany 3 piece per suite, 2 pft. tables, 1. heather
chair, 1 buff* 1 round extension
table, 4 dining room chairs. 1 arm-
chair, 1 ritlIkee, e bedroom suited,
2 kitchen 1¼ dozen kitchen
chairs,- 1 kilehhe mahinet, 1 Brussels
rug 9x10, some linoleum, 1. Crown
Prince range, 1 *tater for wood or
coal, 2 lawn mettrem, 1 new screen !
door, a number of fruit sealers, and
other lartiklee -too...numerous to men- ;
tion; also abest one ton of nut coal.
Terms -All sums of $5 and under,
cash; over that amount 3 months'
credit will he given on furnishing ap-
proved joint noes. Six per cent. per
annum off for cash. JAMES T. f
GRIMOLDBY, prep.; Thos. Brown, 'I
The Northern Lifel
Assurance Co,
of Canada
C.V.O., LL.D., D,C.L., Preiden
CAA! AL PAID UP, V5,000,0)0
H. V. F. JONES, Mee Gera 'Ammer
FUND, •-
Security,convenience and courtesy are assured to alt
who deposit their savings withthis Bank.
if it is not convenient for you to visit the Dank person
• ally, you may open your account entirely by mail.
One-fifth of an acre of good ground
and a -"tory and a half brick veneered
house with large kitchen attached, 02
East William street, Seaforth. This
inteeertY is in splendid condition,pleaml
antler situated and will be sold cheapl
as the owner' is removing to London.
Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll,
or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth.
' 2571-tf
It spells your best adtonsobile buy.
Because they have been sold through-
out the U.S. for the past 10 years and
stand to the front of the list as a real
automobile. They are made to stand
for not one year, but for years to
This is just the oar you have been
waiting for 30 in. x 3$O In. tires, de-
inountible rim -Spedometer and every-
thing where you want It.
Phone me up and I will gladly show
yau the car and tell you all the 'rest,
grte you a ride in it and use you right -
Sgednse at Chas. Layton's store on Sat-
aday afternoons and evening, also
phone me al) S on 138 Clinton central
or call 125 13, Seafsrth, and your re-
quests will be my pleasure.
Works at Kitchener and Detroit.
Touring Cs.c $8s5 Roadster $860
Authorized ,
Johnathan E Hugill
Capital. . • Agent for this territory,
Seaforth Ont
Hating been anointed eeunty rep-
resentative for the above company I
will appreciate any correspondence or
personal inquiry regarding life in-
surance, I offer the most liberal and
appropriate contracts for the protec-
tion, of dependents or old age. No ad-
vancing rates or aesesiments to worry
abotti Wheneyele. have a Contract fwitli
In some parts of the county where
we have no Local Agent, an energetic
young man will find it to his interest
to inquire.
Alex. Wilson
• a 4 4-1 6 RN i
iAnd Furrier
Cleaning, Pressing &
• Repairing a Specialty
A Trial Solicited
WS. Gormley
.embalmer nd
Funeral Direc•-or
Undertaking Parlors above
11/41,Williams' grocery store,
Main Street. Seaforth
lowers fureeeed on short notO e
Cc/barges moderate.
Phone night or day - 102
OLD FALSE nsg,n.
Bought in any mmilitioze 31.00 per
set or seven cents per tooth. Cub
return mail. R. A. Copeteap, 2513t
Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, P. Q.
For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Teck..
esznith, containing 100 acres, about 7
acres bush. The farm is well humid
and drained and hi a good state t4
cultivation. There are on the week -
left a good frame house, batik .bamto
pig house, hen house. drive house, axe
wells. For -.terms and partite -
apply on the premises or address
Mrs. John MeCloy, Egmondville, P.O.
Aug. 25 = TOROkTO. Sept. 10
On a Kw. 'Rai Ordinarily Progressive Seale
Ceustruotive and Destructive Weds for War
Ciltailet &try frost Birth to Ifetholbeet
The very Apex et Spectualir Achlevessmit
/edging CoMpetitions for Yeung
Farmers - - New Farm Crop Cboa-
petitions - Extended Clusidcatiore
and Innovations in All Depart:menet
H ARVEST MUM" "811975 I
ART -Italian, Fr ench, Porsient
American and Canadian Masteniecee.
INUSIC-Innee Fatuous .Soloiara and
score of other leaelingierganinetionse
August 212t and 3oth from
stations Lyn, Ont., and
west to Toronto, inclusive.
August 23rd and 3oth from
stations Toronto and west
in Ontario.
• For:particulars as to tickets west
of Winnipeg, etc., apply to any
Grand Trunk Ticket Agent.
W. PLANT Depot Atilt
Greatly enlarged Government ana
other Exhibits - - - War in kit
phases - Model Camp -
Drive - Aeroplane Plights Scone
of surpriees -in *ton for cd friends
and a thousand dials for new ono+
Harvesters Wanted
$12.00to Plus half a cent per mile beyond
• to any station east of Calgary,.Winnipeg Edmonton or Burbank, Alta,
Return Fare Half a Cent per Mile to Winstipeg till November
30th, 1917, plus 318 to Original Starting Point.
Special through trains will leave Toronto Union Station at 10 p,
Augaso 211rd and 30th.
The Bradt of Equipment sad Lunch Ossenter Cern
Electric Lighted Colonist Cars
For Tickets and Leaflet showing number of laborers requ led at eech
point, apple to Chas. A. Aberhart, Town Agent, or writ* fiensrai
Passenger Dapt., C.N.R., Toronto, Ont.
Many T
Farm Laborers
for Harvesting NI tifesterm Cao -da
" Going Trip Wed" -$1240 to WIIIMPEG "IWO= Trip East" --413,60 front WINNIPEG
(Al Issation4 in contain West of $mith•-• iens up to and including
August 219r 1 Line and am velock-Peterboro' Line; al in from stollens between Kt
and Aug ust tim: til • inclusive, and from mos Fitatt,ne an Torento-Suslbury direet line. Prom
1 braorh. From . vis CM Mairt Lin libri , .auer ge to Franz. inelagivs,
1:ion to Port MeNicon and SurkaSsia-Nobcayffeen.
DIM an Lae Ontario Skarn
and Erufivyw 4uneton,
ttors on Sault Ste. Marie
siostione Bethany june-
Anima 23rd )(Frew etadens_Tireet and South it Toronto up 319,diasefing Hanel too ane warmer, mon en
and Owen Sound, 'Walkerton, Teeswatar, WItiroh42. el, Goderleh, St. Mary's, Port I.Surivell
soth tand Eit. Thomas. )reasetkes, and Wilanehe In Bolton/. inanadve.
SPECIAL 131$0176111 MAINS
nuttier pactioniars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, W. B. FLOWNR
• er Agent Toronto.,