HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-03, Page 91►IoW it the time to have your
er shape.
razor putin
This being one of the barb-
ers rs quiet periods you are as-
sured -of a sufficient ameu it
of time devoted voted to each raz-
or, thus assuring a smooth,
quick -cutting edge, result-
ing in a saving of time atd
. worry.
Delay no leingeri bring your
razor hers and have it lion -
ad and have di Real Shave
next time. We ;guarantee
a smith clean -cutting edge.
W. Robinson, Prop.
1DR3'i'111I y MAITHIS
Egmondvfie Red; Cross. --The- fol-
lowing is the reportof the Egmond
' a Red . Cross Society: Receipts- -
Mae- Hudson's_ birthday Party,' $1.80e
-Pearl Strong'S birthday party, - $2-12;
Maria Hills' birthday party $5.75;
lawn concert at Mugail's;_'$ ..75
donations $1.65; total, $14.15. -Mrs.
Mary Kling, Sec .-Treas .
Suit Case Specials
Good quality, inside straps, 24
inch Bile . ! . a . • • , , $1 75
Drained Keratal, extra deep
leather corners, steel frame,
heavy leather straps... _. 3 75 up
Club Rage -Leather and Fab
rakoid, double handles..,... 4 00 up
'trunks -Canvas coliered,With - -_
heavy hardwood slats, grass-
ed trimmings, good stook and
catches, iron bottoms, 28 in.. ` 3 65
3O in. 400
.4 bill stock of single and team har-
nese_ of all 'kinds always open for
your inspection: at
Harness Shop
Opposite Commercial .Hotel
If you will take the
trouble. to call• at our Stu-
dio, examine our photos
(manylef them pictures of
your friends) learn our
pricers and note the at-
tractive 'finish, we are
confident we " can please
you. -
There is- a standard of.
quality behind photo-
graphs made by us, and
our pries are as low as
possible for good work.
• Family group photos a
specialty. We do picture
training and sell amateur
supplies and develop films
and finish prints for am-
m-atL" urs.
_ Call and see us.
Photographer, Seaforth
Jeweler and Optioian..
Ismer Marriage Licenses
James W atso*i
General Insurance Agent
Real Estate and Loan Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines,
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated ip the
Town of Seaforth. Tema
reasonable and possession
Apply at nay office for particulars.
A Slipper Sale
Right now when Slippers are
in great demand,; we are go-
ing to give our patrons a
Slipper benefit as we do not
like « carry-overs,"
We want New Slippers each
Men's tan and black oxfords
Women's Patent and Kid Ox-
fords $1.49
Women's Tan Pumps and
Oxfords $1.98
It is simply good business to
close out our stock in its seas-
on ; that's the whole secret
and while it means a loss to
us, it will certainly be great
benefit to our friends.
Come in on Saturday and -get
your share of the good things
ire have in store for you.
a R scorr
Memorial -.Service--A, patriotic and
memorial service will be held in the
odist church ;4n Sunday even` -
mg next. As we come to the anniver-
sary of the declaration of •war it is
appropriate that we should commem-
orate that event. The service will al-
so partake of the nature of a memor-
ial service for the late Pte. Arthur
Neely, whose name is on the ` honor
roll. The members of the Orange Or-
der will attend the service, as 'Pte.
Neely was a member of . that Order.
' 4 -
Lawn. Concert. -A very successful
children's concert was given on Mr.
W . McDougall's lawn in Egnaondville
on Thursday evening last. The pro-
grame consisted of songs, choruses,
etc. and was rendered by the follow-
ing children:: Ethel and Jim Jackson.
Verna and Ruth Jarrett, Isabel and
Jackie " Close, .Mary and Frank
Kling, Helen and . Lachlan Stewart,
and Laura McMillan. The proceeds,
amounting to . $2 .'75,were handed over
to the Egmondville branch of the
Red Cross. -
Huron Old Boys': Pienic . -Not -be-
ing able 'this year 'so secure railway
accommodation for their annual ex-
cursion, the Huron Old. Boys' Assp-•
elation of Toronto decided they would,
hold a picnic at Centre Island, the
date of which was fixed fon` August
15th. All Huronians in Torontoare
bondially asked'te attend whether they
receive formal invitation or not, and•
make the outing a pleasant reunion
of old friends. A program of 1 sed
will be arranged and a genuine
time is looked for.
Death ..of Capt. R. J. Macdonald.
-Word was received here . on Tiles-
day- by cable of the -death of . Capt.
R. J. Macdonald, who succumbed to
an attack of asthma, while acting as
paymaster of an Alberta Battalion
now stationed in , England . Capt
Macdonald- was a former well known
resident of Seafo> th having been a
member of the firm of Greig & Mac-,
donald, Clothiers, of this town, for
several yearn, and was also an :officer
in the old • 83rd Regiinent. Of late
years however, he has ,been liv=ing in
the west '*hue he enlisted with an
Edmonton b attalion,which went over-
seas last winter .. He is survived by
Mrs, Macdonald, who was formerly
Miss Fair, of Clinton, and a family
of seven children to' whom the sym-
pathy of all is extended.
ternoon by a refreshing shower,
which laid the' dust and cooled the
air, but did not materially delay har-
vest operations.The-weathers, .. al-
though. . warm was ideal haying wear•
ther, and large titles of " the
bumper crop have bee •stored with-
out a drop of rain. -=•Mrs. S. A. Rob-
erts of Toronto is the guest oft her
mother, ; Mrs. James . Weir, at the
Royal. ; - Mrs. James Pringle and
Miss Broad.foot, Hamilton, are visit-
ing this week at the home of Mrs. J..
B. Brpadfoot--On Saturday last Mr.
William McDougall, of Eg n ondville
provided The. Expositor with a din-
ner of the finest new potatoes it has
had for Many a day, They were of
the ,Trish Cobbler variety anad'*were
grown in Mr. McDougall's own gar-
den and besides being exceptionally
early were exceptionally good. Good
potatoes are a real treat this year,
and we thank our old friend for his
kind remembrance. -Mrs. Oke, . of
Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Mason in Egmandville.-Miss Rena
McKenzie is visiting with friends -in
Mount Forest and indsay . Rev . F .
11. ' Larkin is spending ° his vacation
in New . York. During his absentli
the pulpit in the Presbyterian church
will be filled by Rev. S.D. Charm
berg, M.A., of Newark, New Jersey.
-Dr. Mactavish, father of Mr. John
Mactavish of this town, died at his
home in St. Thomas on. Wednesday.
-Mrs. L. G. Weir has returned from
Meaford, Ontario, , where she has
been visiting with Mr. Weir.: Mr.
Cliff Bell, of Galt, spent the week end
at the: home of his parents, Mr. arid
Mrs. J. P. Bell. -Mise -Mary Dug-
gan, , of Winnipeg, is visiting at the
parental home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Duggan. -Mrs. Robert Smith is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Broadfoot, Mill Road. - The
Misses Mason, John street, are vis-
iting their brother in/ Belgrave this
week., -Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Mullen
left on 'Wednesday on a .motor trip
to Toronto, Blooinfield, and Belle-
ville. -Mr. Alfred Chittenden is vi-
iting his sister, Mrs: Padgett, in To-
ronto e-Miss
o-ronto.-Miss R. Staples of Ingersoll
is the guest, of her sister, Mrs. John
Mactavish.=-Miss . Buck, of Mitchell,
was- a guest this week at the home
of her brother, Mr, D. F. Buck. --
Mr, Harry Eyre, who has been act-
ing as time keeper at the Bell Engine
plant, has accepted a position in Sar-
nia .-Mrs . - Donald McIntyre, is vis-
iting with relatives in St. Mary's. --
Miss Grade Weil -mho has been spend-
ing the :holidays at the hoarse .of her
mother, Mrs. . George Weir, left on
Friday for New York . -Mrs . Mc-
Leod of Manitowaning, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. W. E. Southgate jr.
Local Briefs -edge J. A. Jaek-'
son, of the Alberta Supreme Court,
was here this week visiting at! the
lone of his; father, M. G. E. Jack-
seta in Eginondville. -Mrs . Powells
and daughter, Miss Isabel, ate'visatt�
ing Mrs. Powell's mother et Maple
Hall. Mr. Milton Chesney and hiss
mother, Mrs. M. C. Chesney, Mrs,
'Slater./ and Mrs. John Finlayson
motored - to Galt alst week and spent
the week end at -the home of ' Mrs.
L. G. Kruse. Mr. Louis Fleur-
scheutz,while working in the oatmeal
mill on - Tuesday was prostrated by
the heat and for a time his condition
• was very serious. His many friends
;throughout the country; however,will
be glad to learn that he is now rest-
ing more easily at his . home . in .°Eg-
mondvlle:-Mr. Woodley
suffered a
sunstroke on Tuesday and was found
lying in • the garden at the home of
his son-in-law, Mr. John Cummings,
where he makes his horne. Rev.
Beverley -Ketchen, Mrs . Ketchen and
her mother, Mrs.McMann spent Sun-
day Ro
h home of Mr.bent.Bell. -
day at the
Rev. Mr. Ketchen conducted the ser-
vices in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday, and delivered' two exception•
ally able and pleasing addresses. -
Mrs .George Barr and son Eric of Ot-
tawa, are guests at the •home of her
sister, Mrs. James Aitcheson at Rox-
boro . -Mrs . Irving Sutherand and
Miss Jessie Wilson of Owen Sound,
motored to town the first of the week.
Miss Wilson returned on Tuesday but
Mrs. Sutherland will remain for a
couple of weeks visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M..
Wilson . -Mrs . Greig, of Clinton, is
visiting-at'the home of her son, Mr.
3. C. Greig. Mr., Frank Freeman,
Lucknow, was --visiting with friends
in in town this weekl--Miss Watt, of
Toron�o; • is the guest of her 'sister,
Mrs. ;James: --Dr . J. T.Ireland, of
Harriston, was renewing: acquaintan-
ces in town this week. -Miss Gerald-
ine Carpenter, of Chicago, is visiting
at the home of her uncle, Mr. G. A.
Sills: -The regular. meeting of the
Woman's War Auxiliary will be held
in the Armories on Friday afternoon
at four o'clock. Dr. Davis and wife
of Manitoulin,- are - visiting at the
home of the doctor's -father, Mr. D.
Davis. -Mrs. H. Alexander, of Mc-
Killop, left last week for Regina,
Sask., on a visit to her_ parents, Mr.
and Mrs. "D. McCutcheon. The
Misses Ballantyne returned from
a very pleasant two weeks' visit with
friends in Michigan. - Mrs, James
Colquhoun and - son, Donald, - left. on
Saturday for their home in .Niagara
Falls, N.Y. They were accompan-
ied by Miss Annie Kruse who will
spend the holidays at the home of her
aunt. Mr. Wi11;am Sherritt, of An-
gusville, Manitoba, and his mother-
in-law, Mrs. Jarrott, are visiting ' at
the home of Mr. William Hudson, in
Egmondville .-Mr . J. D. Blake, of
Minneapolis, is visiting his sister,
Mrs. R. Kelly in town. Mr. Blake
has many old friends here who were
glad to see him again. -A Red Cross
garden party :under the auspices of
the Young Peope's Society of Duff's
church, will be held on the spacious
grounds of Mr. George D. C. Harn
on Friday evening, August 17. Full-
er particulars will be given neve
week. - Mr. W. 4". Duncan, of the
Seaforth Legging Factory is on a
business trip to Hamilton, St. Cath-
arines and Toronto this week. He is
accompanied by Mrs. D unean . -The
excessively hot weather of the past
Reed; was broken on Wednesday, 'af-.
BOY WANTED --As tinie-keeper-.and to do other
office work, Applj to The aobt ;,Bell Engine &
Thresher Oo , Seaforth, 2590-1 ;
YOUR WARDROBE -Your Suit is not worn out
when soiled and stained. Itcan be cleaned and
nreB'ed to look as smart and fresh as new, (lamp-
bell B1 ek, Gederhh St. - 25794t
Girl Wanted-,Goodgirl for general hluseworl<
Apply at Fis oeltor Office, 2588-tf
The 'ubiio Library will be closed from August 2nd
to August 16th, asfit is the Librarian's holiday:
For Bale--8ecand land Studebaker Touring Car ;
will be sold cheap. App'y at Wrfght's Garage.
Glasses Lost. -Lost on Main StrPet, Seaforth, on
Monday, July 80th, at sic u, a pail of doable lens
eye glasses. Pinder please leave at The Expositor
Ofce.+ 259%1
Married in Seattle -'lie following
marriage notice will be of interest
to the Many friends of , the bride's
family here: The marriage' of Miss
Funice Trilby. daughter of Mrs.
Anna Broadfoot, of Seattle, ish . ,
and Jack:Morrison Cunningham, was
solemnized at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. W. S. Mangeum, on
Wednesday evening, June 27th, at 8
o'clock. Rev. Mr. Rodgers, of the
First Presbyterian Church officiated.
Only immediate relatives - were pre-
sent at the ceremony. The bride
wore a midnight blue tailleur with
white fox furs and a white hat of
georgette crepe to match. Mr. Cun-
ningham is ,.a graduate of the Uni-
versity of . Pittsburg. Mrs. Gunning
ham attended the Franklin High
School of Seattle: Mr. and Mrs.
Cunningham are spending their hon-
eymoon at Lake Crescent, a beautiful
summer resort in Washington at the
-foot hills of the Olympic mountains.
A U, • S. Aviator. The Detroit
Free Press of Juy 26th, contains a
photogravure picture of a young De-
troit aviator and the following refer-
enre to the personelh "The exami-
nation for a commission in the Unit-
ed States Army Aviation Depart-
ment is a strict one. Recently 75
young men took the test in Chicago
and only eleven qualified. One of the
eleven was a Detroiter, Kenneth W.
Matheson who left the officers train-
ing camp at Fort Sheridan to take
the examination. He is now study
ing aviation in the government school
at the University of Illinois. After
eight weeks of theoretic work he will
go to Rantoul, Ill.' for a flying test.
He is the son of J. A. Matheson,
lumberman, 1916 Dime Bank building
and a graduate of Detroit Central
high school. Matheson was a stud-
ent at Darmouth when war was de-
clared." The young aviatcr is a
nephew of .F F. G. Neelin, Collector of
Customs, and his another was a resi-
dent of Seaforth a number of years
ago, . and . will be remembered by
many old friends. Success in destroy-
ing the Hun from, air supremacy is
the well wishes extended to the young
U. S. representative of the valiant
clan Matheson.
Notes. -Miss Eva Brown who has
a position with the Sandford Cloth-
ing Company at Seaforth, spent her
holidays last week with her mother,
Mrs. Robert Brown of the second
concession. -Mr., William Brodn and
children, Robert and Mattie and Miss
Bessie Brown, all of Detroit, motor.
ed to Clinton with the foriner's auto.
last Monday and spent last week at
the home of his mother, Mrs. Robert
Brown. -Mrs. Robert Brown visited
hr sister, Mrs. Walter Habkirk and
her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Smillie and
her cousin, Mrs . Tohn Elder and other
relatives and friends in Hensall last
Death of An Old Resident. -
On Wednesday, Julyl8th, at her.
home in West Wawanosh, there died
one of the pioneers in the person of
Ellen Duck, beloved wife of Robert
Medd, ar,, The late Mrs. Medd, was
tcmC ant�
I. Miss 1. Jordan. spent Sunday in Ba- .
field,- Olei g to the fiine,warr weatb
er the farmers are busy at their hay.
.IAneb Sets
Table Covers
,Paper Cups
Waxed Papers
These save you washing and
loss trorn breakage
Thompson, s B ookstore
Window Shades and Picture Frames_
Agent for New Idea Patterns.
Preserving Kettles
Drinking Glasses
Jelly Tumblers
jeth Rubbers
Dining Sets
Water Sets -
Tanglefoot ,
Berry Sets
Tea Sets
Phone 129
ever 85 years' of 'age and with her
husband settled on "tire farm where
she died over, :sixty years ago. She
was. of .a :kindly,. hoepiable - disposi-
tion and alwa took a deep interest
in' St, Marks` Cutch, Anhwei, -of
which church she was a (member. Be-
sides her husband she leaves a fam-
ily of three sons and three daughters.
took place to Ball's ce
The funeral rn
etery, and was very largely attended,
showing the esteem in which the de-
ceased and family are held.
The Late Feed Phmeke. ---• Fred
Pinneke died at his home, lot 29, con-
oncession 4, Logan, ' ' Tuesday, July
.31st at the age of si years and fomc
months - Deeeseed bad not been in
good. health for a Tong -tune, but bore
his, sufferings wil11 great patience to
the . last 'Wed in Logan all hip
life and was :saxlreod neighbor and
kind husband ; , ibad - many friend
in the townilliitee&'ho w,l1 ret #learn of his, chis," He • leaves 8
wife, and .eeve=+t . ,' step eltildren ` tc
mourn the.. loss of a faithful husband
and father. Thee funeral took place
en • Friday, the remains being inter
red in the Lutheipin cen etery .
Notes, -Rev. Mr. Abray preached
at Auburn and Carlow last Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. F. -Johnston visited at
Auburn last week. - Mrs. Will Mur.
phy and Mrs. Henry Little left Tues.
day tovisitfriend in the West. -Mise
- Ivry Roberton, who has spent the last
' month with her grendieother, Mrs.
Riley, has returned to London.- Mr.
and M*8. L. Watters, of London, have
been visiting the:litter's mother, Mrs.
kiiley.-Mrs. Bell and Miss A. Bel]
viaited.friends on the 13th concession
this. week.-Mr..Joseph Riley,of New-
ark,.New Jersey, is home on a visit.-
A nion picnic will be held in Mr.
Will Oaldwell's grove on August 8th.
A• good time is expected.' Everybody
welcome. -The girls from - here who
have been camping at the, Bend, have
eturn ed home.
Notes. -Mies Margaret Kenny has
with to Calgary, Alta . , her
cousin, Miss Marion Sedwood, who
has been visiting relatives heer�e.-Mr.
and Bars. Stapleton have gone-tb visit
friends in Calgary. Mrs. Dolan, of
Hamilton, is the guest of her auait,
Mrs. R. 3. Murphy. -The member of
the Legislative Assembly, Mr. - Ben-
neweis, and his wife are away on a
trip through the Great West. -Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph McGrath, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Loney, Miss M. Horan and
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Looby and family
motored to Bayfield on Sunday. -Mr.
Maxwell and Mr. L. Jordan, of St.
Thomas, motored here on Sundayto
visit friends. -Mr. D. Dunn, of at.
'lam, has returned home after a visit
with her friend, -Miss M. McConnell.
Miss Agnes Reynolds, of Clinton,
visited Miss 13. Crawford for a few
aays.-Misses M. Nevin and her cou-
sin, Miss Tiernan, of Windsor, and
its ..
k• ,'. The Coolest Place
•;,1 to ?own
Now Showing
"The Chaperon V;
Cool ---
Comfortable —
Good Music
and a Good Show
Wednesday & Friday, Children 5c
8,15 p,m.
Saturday Eve - 8.15 to 10.45 p.m.
Notes. -Mrs'. • William inlet', of I
Toronto, is visiting with, Mrs. Wln
McCracken,. 8rd line, --Pte, Charles
Fprrest who was slightly wounded
some weeks ago, is recovering nicely.
-Last week Mrs. H. Moses, lst-line
underwent a very serious opertion._
Mies -Jennie Robb,has been re-engag-
ed as teacher in the school she has
geen teaching in. Miss Grace will
not take a position until Christmas.
A quiet wedding was performed at
St. Paul's manse, Prince Albert, Sash,
on Thursday, July 5th- wheel Rev. J.
W. McIntosh, M A united in mar-
riage John Cameron McNabb and
Miss Myrna Jackson, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jackson,
formerly of the 8th line of Morris,
both of Tisdale, Sask. They will re-
side on the groom's fawn near Tis-
dale. The numerous relatives and
old friends of the bride in this local-
ity wish Mr. and Mrs. McNabb
many happy and prosperous years in
their new relationship. IVIr. . W. J.
and Martha - Mxwell received the
sad news on Saturday, July 28th,
that their brother-in-law, Acting Sgt.
W J . Walkey, of Winnipeg, had been
killed in Frame.
Notes. -Rev, D. B. McRae, of
Kincardine, will conduct the services
at Belgrave and Calvin. next Sunday
in the absence of Rev. Mr. Boille..
The sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be administered in the Meth-
odist church on Sunday morning,
August 5th. Service commences at
10,30 a.m. In the -evening a service
of song entitled "Saved at Sea," will
be rendered by the choir. This ser-
vice takes the form of a story inter-
speased with singing and provides' a
most inspiring and profitable even-
ing. --Service will commence at 7 p.
m. - A very pleasant time was spent
Wthe home of Miss Martha E. Max -
eil, 3rd- line of Morris, on the ev-
enin of July 26th, where a pret;6y
pa otic tea was served on the lawn.
Owing to the very busy time some of
the guests could -not attend- till late.
Mrs. A. ; Proctor and Mrs. R. J. -
Forbes poured tea the first part of
the evening while later Mrs. Ernest
Geddes of Belgrave presided over the
tea table. Misses . Annie Geddes,.
Jannetta Kerr, Lithia Higgins, Flor-
ice Kerney and L. Brewer served
the guests with dainty sandwiches
and cookies. The young ladies of
the Belgrave D.rainatic Club, includ-
ing Miss Annie Geddes, 3rd line, ren-
dered some beautiful `selections on
the piano. Garry Wilson also favor-
ed the guests with a few patriotic and
comic selections from his vanophone.
Notes , -M.rs . Finn, of Toronto ,is
the guest ofher brother, George Me-
Dould,--•Civic 'Holiday will be obser-
bserved in Wroxeter, on Monday; August
6. ---John: Rae and little son, Eady,
are visiting at the former's home in
Howick.-Misses Charlotte and Wil-
la Lackae of London, are holidaying
with relatives here. Joseph Kirby, of
Toronto, has been spending 2 weeks
at the home of Mr. John Bretbauer.
-Miss Loiuse Stokes, of Winnipeg, a
former resident here, is the guest of
Miss Jean Davidson.: W. Phair has
returned to his duties in the Bank
of Hamilton after an absence of two
weeks spent -in Toronto. -- C. D.
Simpson. of Loring, spent several
days recently with friends here. -
Mrs . D. Fisher spent a few days of
last week with Fordwich friends. -
S. R. Brill, of Teeswater, called on
friends in the village` on Wednesday
last, -Mrs. Stevenson of Toronto, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. Mc-
Tavish. -William Sanderson, Of -To-
ronto, visited at the home of his par-
ents Mr, and Mrs. W. 13. Sanderson,
recently. -The Young Ladies' Re-
cruiting League of Wroxeter, sent 2
pairs of socks to each boy that enlist-
ed at Wroxeter, whose home town is
Wroxeter. --Word was received this
week that Sergt. Roland Nash and
Pte. W.G. Hunter had been wound-
ed. The former wounded in the left
arm and the latter better known as
"Scotty" is able to be on duty. Both
men are members of the 161st batta-
Iiop and trained here.
Cole - Melville. -The first wed-
ding in Roy's new church, near Rus-
seldale, was solemnized on Wednes- -
day, August 1st, at four o'clock in
the afternoon, when Miss Ida May;
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • George
Melville, was united in marriage to
Mr. William Arthur Cole, oall of
i usseldale, Rev. David Ritchie, pas-
tor of Roy's church, officiated in the
presence of about fifty guests. The
church was artistically decorated for
the occasion with palms, ferns and -
roses, the display being all made by
friends of the bride. At precisely
the appointed hour the young couple
entered the church, the bride leaning
on her father's arra, took her place
beside the groom at the front of the
edifice. The organist for the occa-
sion was Miss Mary Mills, graduate
of Alma College, St. Thomas, and
the ushers were Mr. David Hanson,
of Mitchell, and Mr. William Cole ,of
Toronto. The bride was given away
by her father and Rev. Mr. Ritchie
performed the solemn wedding ser-
vice that united two hearts in one.
111:iss Mills sang very sweetly "When
You are Truly Mine,"during the sign-
ing of the register. The bride, who
is very popular, looked charming in
a princess gown of silk point lace ov-
er duchess satin. and wore a cream -j
satire bonnet with orange blossoms
and long veil and carried a sheaf of
white liilies. Her travelling suit was
of Moire silk, trimmed with braiding
and hat to match. The groom's gfit
to the bride was a diamond ring, -to
organist a solid gold watch -fob and
to the ushers, pearl tie pins. The
home decorations, where the recep-
tion was held, , consisted of ferns.
palms and white bridal roses. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Cole are esteemed res-
idents of Russeldale and their friends
were glad of the opportunity of slow
ing their appreciation of their friend-
and Liberality, showered thein
with gifts of various kinds, including
cheques. The young couple are now
on their honeymoon and will make a
trip, visiting Toronto, Detroit, and
Cialcinnati and on their rets will
reside at Rusaeldale.;
The Hot Weather Girl
will find here all kinds of
t 6 fixings') to keep her
cool and also attractive
Folks who are going a.
way wild see many things
here now that will be
both useful and attractive.
to them. •. ,.
nit Underwear
Vests and union Suits of fine lisle—lace trimmed"
—long sleeved and short sleeved vests --full length and
short length drawers --union suits in both styles. Sep-.
arate Garments, 15c to 75c. Union Suits, 5oc to 1.50
Summer Hosier
Famous Niagara Maid and Queen Quality ers-
ier We know will find among these offerings
i y, you15 Cotton
just the very grade of hosiery you desire. Cotton i,:
to 50c. Silk 35c to $2.
D. & A. Corsets
Noted throughout all styledoin as the "figure -
making" corset. They are low busts and long hips
with hose supporters front and side, are made of excel-
lent quality batiste and coutil, pretty lace and ribbon.
trimmed. 5oc to $5.00.
Beautiful Waists
This season's prettiest models, becomingly trim-
med with embroideries, laces, tucks, etc. Some with
allover fronts, collars and cuffs trimmed with narrow
edging. Long sleeve, high and low necks. Null cut.
and excellently and carefully sewed Cotton,: voile,.
silk and crepe de chene. $1.25 to $6.
Japanese Dressin
Dressing Sacques of pleasantly cool thin nate
ials—percale and white and colored lawn - dkintill
made in a number of pretty :tyles. They spell tom
fort for housewear this hot weather. Prices stagy ,•
low as $ i . oo.
Little Folks' Su
mer Wear
"Everything for Baby"—that describes the offer-
ingsbaby department in our de artment and a, daintier collection
of baby things could not well be imagined. It is warm
weather now and all mothers will be wanting new
things for the little folks to wear. Dresses from fine
sheer nainsook and some plain little slips. These wee
dresses must be seen to be appreciated You cannot
well imagine the dainty little styles and the wide var
iety of fabrics.
Good Value
Parasols—both an attractive addition to your at-
tire and a protection from the sun's disfiguring rays.
Ladies' Fancy Parasols
75c to $2.50
Ladies' Black Parasols
65c to ► 4.00
erre Always Glad to Show