HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-03, Page 7Dan erou* Condition
Known Diseases.
- 4-
Conditions Are Better in TrOilbe
led RepUblie,
FRIXT-A-TIVES The Woudertai
Medicin:- will Protect You
Autointoxication means self-poison-
eausd by continuous or partiei
oonstipation, or kaufficient action of
Pe- Newels.
Instead of the referee matter passing
!ma the bodte ibsorbed by -
rt, ils0 Kidneys and
ked in their efforts to
this n
Ma I
1`-' Apt to I
h. It rw2apo-keased' Stehtepsueas. 1
ud bring on
hh the chief
-use matter.
cure Aldo -
or self -p ning -as
" aoW patty on hostels,
strengthens the
6 for *2.5% trial sine, 250.
41ct - or kat liostpvia on
reeeipilforpriee by renites-tives Limited,
ry' october ristb.„
Ai • . . .. 4154
,Attt .. . ...... ....... 43.
Ed?Tfbnton .. . 47.00
Staab'', 47:00
Ciancra 39.75"
North Battiotord 43.75
Regina ..... .. . .. . 40.50
Forward', , . . . . 40.25'
Saskatolin . ... . . ... 42.25
Dauphin.. . . ......,37.75*
Lucerne 53.00
Cajgary. 47.00
*Canirose . 46.75
Karma 46.0%
Rosetown 43.50
YonctAti .....es.•••••..•••••••• •
moose Jay; 4f.00
Prince, Albert 43.50
Braridon . • : . . .. . .. 37.00
.. . 35.00
For Tickets, Reservations, Liter-
ature arid Informakion. apply to
C. A. Ahenbart, Druggist, T.l.ea-
forth, or write L. Fairhairn,
68 King t. Tbronto.
Stratford, ad,
Commercial, Shorthaadand
as a Forgery
AMATO'S as usual" la Oil
a the sltigaint that cen-
times to 'do diity in Bile-
Jand, in. proof Whereat
one of the most remarkable suits in
historn heti just been brought to e
sensational conclusion. The suit was
entered by an American, Henry
Huntington, against Lewis and Sir&
mono, of London, to recover $10L
0.00 which he had paid theni tor a
painting alleged to hove been execute
ed by George Romney; the celebrated
FInglitth portrait painter of the
eighteenth centorY. Mr. Huntiogtor
bought the picture Ott 191S, and some
Boma Developments in the Gagne el
litternational Politics Hove Indi-
cated That the United States
L. Not sui Enemy of
Mexico, and Carreto=
Becomes Stronger.
rq•giS &inning out of Mexico of
late has been quite. reoesur-
fag. The erlti4 of that
country, indeed, have, had
but one recent opportunity for the
toweellon of a theory compatible - ith
their rock -rooted belief that Cor-
ral= is bound to fail. They found
it in the aunouncement of General
Alvaro Obregon's resignation from
the War Ministry, This, they haa-
tenedto say, was indicative of a split
in, the Oarranza Administration, and
one that would widen and ,deepen
into a revolutionary movement. A
onset tinae ago, in Mexico City, a
&hewer was tendered by a 11,111,18r0US
gro of General Obregon'e friends,
Among whom were many Senators
and:T*9144,1os, to the retiring Cabinet
Telegraphy Departmeuts.
We have thorough courses,
experienced instructors and
we place graduates in pos-
itiohs. Demand upon us
for trained help is many
times the number gradua-
ing; Get our free catalog -
D. A. McLaughlin,
For sale nine shares Bell Engine 2
Thresher Co. Steck at $1112' per share.
Par value $50. This stock is pasting
pt4* cent. dividends and is a good
buying propesition. atthe price. Also
le shares. Water* Rink Cote %Vick at
$a2 per eriate. Per value *50c: This
stock for years has paid dividends in
The neighborhood 'of 7 per cent. Apple
at The Expeeitor Miser, Seafiirth.
Mr. irester Clements, Galt, Ont.,
writes: 'I wish to express my heartfelt
thanks for what Milburn's laxa-Liver.
Pills have done for me. I have been.
suffering from a bad stomach and con-.
stipation, and would be off work for 4 or
5 months a year. I was hardly able to
be insid,e without getting a severe head-
ache. I tried doctor's medicine and
other remedias, but got no relief until a
friend advised me to use Milbunfs Laxa -
Liver Pills. Now I can work inside
Pialthout any hea.claclies or pain. I would
not be without your remedy for anything.
I write this so that anyone suffering
,the same as I did may use them and be
Milburn's La.xa-Liver Pills are 25 cants
neer vial. For sale at all chalets or mailed
slirect en receipt of price by The T.
Wilburn Co., Litnited, Toronto, Ont.
Taking Only One Box pf
• .1fieer SIUP Hemmen*
"It is with great pleasure that' write
tell you of th.e reotufesfer hiestfill
ve received from teidn.g "Fruit -a -
For years, wee dsnadful
front Choisfitothee anti Head -
wed I iras niberible in ererv way.
othing in the way of medicinea seemed
help me. Then {finally tried
'Fruit-a-tives” and the effect wan
Splendid. After taking one box, 1 feel
eighteen months late, began to have like a new person, to have qlhef *eft
doubles as to its authenticity. He .
communicated with the art de4derst °la" SlekMing Rc'")
who asserted that it was a veritable Ku& MARTE.A DEWOLrfp. I
ittin.ey. They mid that they wet-
, coraed an action at law because ii
-auld give them an opportunity to
rove absolutely that Romney- heel
painted the poetrait. The New Torii
mailitoire brought Suit, and is
fermi " array of witneaees aps
peered on either side.
About bkif of them swore that the
seture-ortift a Romney, wad veva can-
vieneing evidence In support of thole
belief. TW other half sore it
oval asiottersins that it was xtot
'Romney, altidttheY gwe eottati: cow
ing e,i4ee Tke itdOS 'sag
stVestl the dculty of339flg the
role of art exPort by the u
adatistdon by the art dealers-that...the
4.heetiest Wits a forgery; and that they
hat nesarthed evidetwee to prove that,
it 1*4 134U pititited"hY a aunt na
Retbenin Probably
Pettis wtclitie I have bola willing Vetoers.
these theiraware :rations in favor el
LE R erhistit will
t ferle of' the
giiI nem, Edith
vell, hes meetly. heed.
ublished. Thotighis of life Were
etrenger than those of death in'Eclith
Cavell's last hour a on earth.
anxieties were directed toward the
future welfare of' a yoUng girl friend
afflicted with an avpetite for drutn.
The letter vrritten to this girl on the
erneoing of the llth of October, 1914,
the night before the execution, is
Ihere reproduced: "My Dear Girl:
"Hod shall I write you this last
day? Standing where I stand now,
the world looks already tar avraan
worried about yon a, great deal at
first, but I know God will do for you
abundantly above all that I can ask
441. theySwill** Oil: OP.
nand' they Dirty' tiStalati 43*
that Lewis and Sirantons have
-ixtiOsed Ma i There Is hp tea.
irttliowPtift shit might have been de -
Itinted in the, apsange of the athat*,
deo- by' Mei de, and it is a be
resoarked that there WRO no onggeeet
tla* that the deelers were cogn1ze/4
mt,t,tte impositioepractiml. upon, Mr.
avelthlingtizte Vets it ie- to be
manhest. that as a result at the saii
this, boss paintrog has balm so' wee
' thsea that soinebodY saight veil.
limns azt4 alinleattS what thee
,_ehifted Mr. Huntington.
is the largest azootta ever r�s
In a 'court of law ley the pur.
, r of a "Woody" Old Mader.
have been many other suita,
,but for every mit thereare a ittm-
&testi swindles eif the natuee lailehed
wet The victim., as a rule, doeis nal
Wish to appear'in that role. He pre,
•Pisithte figure as a connoisseur whe
cettitd n,ot be duped, and. if he does
not ' advertise that faet thato he ha8.
blidsi vittimized the Swindler' S aro not
Ihitehly to do so, and his purchase re -
Wel its origtnal- ' venue. 'In ,the
event fA a suit 'being brought and
the buyer losing, a, reaaonable I doubt,
will continue to 'cling to:ffis purchwie
and its value decline§ cOrreepelidieigt
ne The late J. yo.'Iddigaia, the gitat-
est of buyers, was Trequently seine
died, even though_ he resorted to the
expedieut of tatting his pictures and
other objects' of art on probation for
six months. Colonel Astor, who went
down on the Titanic, had a gallery
toll �f Iterinbrandts, Corots, Troyens;
Whistlers, and others; but ,an exatal.
istation made by 'experts for the New
rork Tax Appraisal Denartnaieni
et -
showed that not one of them was
officer; and the. President of the Re-
public,. who .by unaniromis invitation
presided atthe finactientepisid aWil.rn.
tribute to the guest of the or/omit:no
The banquet, before adjournment,
became an. apparent feast of her-
nia* neOretentatives of the Govern-
ment and of the Opposition parties
alike pledging their loyalty to the
Constitutional President of the Re-
The Washington Government is in
possession of information which
m.akes it posethleto say that condi-
ons in the -north and south of
Mexteo are greatly improved, and
that this im.proveinent takes the
form of a better understanding,
among the people, of the aims and
pinrpo-cti243 of the United Stones re -
ere -noting them. It is known posi-
tively tlaat the Carranza forces are
rapidly dislodging and dispersing the
followers of Villa aiad other lawless
The absurd Zimmermano plot rias
'bass& its Port in apeoing the eyes
of the great mass of the Mexicans.
They Sftnow how 'important it is
that they shall keep well outside the
• Meshes of all such intrigue. They
xttallie, also, that the United States
kad ao ulterior motives in interfer-
tng with Mendeo's affairs, and that,
had it at any time desired to be
other than n.eighborly and friendly,
it could have drawn upon its great
resources for means wherewith to ac-
conophsh its parposes, as it is draw-
ing upon them to -day with: another
end no less worthy object in view.
The fact is that thadrotrance of the
United States into the Ettropeall
war, amid conditioms so creditable to
Itsgeople avid its Government, has
impressed Menet), as it has imipresss
ed all of the southern republics, and
inspired greater .reepect for their. big
slate- r. Indeed* is now even, &Ador-
ed ponedile that ete,xiccia may bteak
with Germany, as a great wave of
pro-edly sentiment has been sweep -
or the country in recent
month/3. The people realize that
titter° is no future for them as a
friend of the Hun.
%WS 1,4ereinge.
The fate of smell nation ie forties a
tragic eisapter in the world's history,,
but tt Is not given to many people
to atter so striking and eloquent a
potent to anoexation as that a
.Alsace and Lorraine in the spring of
1311. Gambetta was the author of
the famous document, though it was
not he who read it to the stricken
Assembly ill the Bordeaux Theater
hall. The protest -was followed, as
ail the world knows, by the rostginte
don. and withdrawal of the twenty-
sesren deputies who represented Al-
sace and Lorraine. Time has its
revenge. 'This very declaration, atter
an interval of forty-six years, Frame
hos once more solemnly ratified. In
the fitne words of ber Prime Minister,
the revenge which Fran,ce see is
not that of OppM3SiQD., but that
stitch consists in giving to ail nee
bons those ideas of justice, of lib-
erty, and of equilibrium which are
those oriz Franee herself. The voice
of Alsace-Lorraine calling for justice
kw 1271 was as a voice crying in the
wilderness. In 1917 justice has be-
come the slogan of the world men-
• Per Infauto and Waren,
rit KW Yu' Hos Always
Been the [
Suits to determine the authenticity
of paintings are almost lintraya: Mt",
satinfactory, because th.e justordie of
whatever decision is reached. 121
likely to, be questioned. There IS ne
final, infallible authority. The
geeatest experts in the world hz
been, demtied. The purehators too
the British Muzeum have a, lumbar
roomufullboot• ptainbtayotngsaer expei
which have been condemned as SPVIS-'
form De. Bale, head of the Kaieur
Museum in Berlin, was ent-
Dosed upon a few years ago, and Oa
argument about the bust width he
purchased for $ 40;0 00 ecrhoeit 'mind
the world. Dr. Bode asserted that the
bust, which Ives in •wox, was the
work of Leonatdo da Vinci., Some
experts asserted that it load been
modelled by an Englishman naaned
Richard C. Lucas, in 1845. An ete
amination ot the bust reire44144 tbd,
Preilealeie of BOMB newspapers 011.044
ha the interior. Stilt Bode persisted
that nerwspaaers Keiednothin. -Ti
8°11 01 Luca* ni*Igareit and offend
evidence that hist father had made
the bust. Bode would isot be
him and aVisealed to the , who
supported his curator. ,& Gees
man chemist analyzed a o. - t of
ware taken from the best ased tetrad
that, it contained spermacette a pre -
deist tushaown, in da -Vinare
itesieteehililitted to at the goitt-
usirinesit .4 the bust, and- has Mal
odkedally admItted that he made *
Mieltaige *hell. he bought it.
Pio. a box, 6 for tam, eseet 25e.
ta.l all dealers or sent postnedd by Fruit-
aolves Limited, Ottawa.
contemplated at au in her original
plants. To -day it is still .in orogress.
Now (as Mr. Oliver says) when
the "drag of war", has set in it is
money and resources that • count
above all else. The Entente Allies
have much longer purses than Ger-
many and Austria, and their re-
ourees in Men, ,and material are
vastly greater. The Central powers
realise this full well; and hence' the
desperation, with which they are act-
ing -a desperatiOn se utter that
they have dared to invite the United
States into the fray as an additional
Think of the folly of In the
inidet of the "drag" and when they
are already on the potilt or ethane..
tion the Central Pciaaerti force
the fight against their):a nation that
has a large share of the, monea ie tile
world, with resoureeevirtually limit-
less. It is an insanect, ane makes
;Absolutely certain the doom of the
tutoceatic governinent of Germy
and uatria.
/he Three Pbasee.
hA long war has three phases,"
F. S. Oliver. in his remarkable
book, entiteed Ordeal by Battle.
itt 187e, when Prance fought Ger-
many, the "onset" was all there was
of the eonfilet, which did not get be-
yoad that stage. The tiger's leap
totally demolished France.
German.y, in 1914, eras confident
of repeating this performanoe. It
six weeks France was' to be hoe -
lowly smaeheil, with Paris held by
the Teutons, and the Latter, turning
thereupon on Russia, were to smash
her likewise before she was ready to
Such was the plan of the great
general staff, headed by the Kaiser.
It worked out bea.utifiely on paper;
there seemed to be no possibility of
failure In truth, it came very near
to actual a,ccomplishmeat.
But the-, "onset' failed at the
Marne. Then came the "grip,"
which (governed as it must be by
relatiee strengtb of forces and ma-
teriel) proved greatly favorable to
Gertoony. She overran great areas
of enemy territory and the results of
the..fighting were all in her favor..
Nevertheless she failed to obtain a
decision, and, itt consequence, the
"drag" eniaied. The "drag" became
prolonged --- frr,
Gen.:elites pone - oao tiet
• The city of Jeddah.
T� reeeh Jeddah, the "gate of
Reece," one most thread one's way
arouud anti betweea and over the
razor -edges of coral' reef, that stretch
out for miles inter the -Red Sea. Jed
dab. is built Of camel. Whenever a
pious pilgrim provides a new rest -
"louse in, the town the contractor
goes and hacks large rumps of coral
eons the -reef. They. dry white and
are used .with scanty ashlar work.
The - windows and "mashrabiyeh"
w-ork of the win.dows are of intri-
tately-carved wood, iron gray from
exposure toethe sun. Here and there
r, minaret pokes Stselt, up from
troong the many-sterheed houses; a,
fatly cluster of flagotaffa tbe
aorthero end. of this, densely ever -
'milt little square' half -mile betray.,
the colony, of foreigns coneuls, who
Ilraost alone repidanot Europe here.
People with stiong C'ohititutions es-
cape most of the minor ills that make
life miserabla for others. Don't you
envy the 'friend who does not know
what a headachetis; Whose digestion
is perfect, an who leepa soundly at
night? How far' ai. you coine from
this description?.Hatre you ever made
an earnest effort to strengthen your
constitution, to build up your: system
to ward off diseernfort and disease?
Unless you have an organic disease
it ie generally possible to so improve
your iphyeical condition that perfect
health will be yours. The first thing
to be done is to lead up your blood
as poor blood is the source of `phy-
steal weakness. To build up the btooa
Nis is just the
medicine you need. Every dose helps
to make tient blood which reaches ev-
ery nerve and every part of the body,
bringing color to the 'cheeks, bright-
ness to the eyes, a steadiness to the
hands, a good. appetite and splendid
energy. Thousands throughout the
country whose condition once made
them despair owe their preeent good
health to this medicine. If you are
one of the weak and ailing give Dr.
William's, Pink Pills a fair trial and
note the daily gain in new health and
abounding vitality.
You can get these pills through
any medieineedealer or by mail post
peed at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Orders for Vt)omen.
The recent announcement that
Sting George is to open the doors of
ch'ealry to women is -another sign
that the ancient harriers of preju-
diee are rapidly breaking .dowm
Apropos of women's presence in
orders which have formerly been re-
stricted to men, one 'recalls the Hon.
Mrs. Aldworth, the only *omen Free
Mason. At Doneraile, a beautiful
country; seat of Ireland, where Sir
\Affiliate St. Leger, Lord President of
Munster, in the reign of Elizabeth,
held his court, a me,eting of Free
Masons was once to take place, so
the sterw gees, Mistress Betty St.
Leger, afterwards the Hon. Mrs. Aid -
worth; being carried away by fem-
inine curiosity concerning the pro-
ceeding, hid herself In an adjoining
room wSere, with a pair of seissors,
311.13,1-dri1led a hole in the wall and
saw and beard the iirst two degrses
In Masonry worked. Merely for the
purpose of safe-guardiag their se-
crets, the Masons initiated tnis lady
into the degrees sbe had seen and
Imard, and for many yoars see Wad a
epeeted, active mo or.
Then you realize the utter weakness
that robs ambition, destroys appetite
and makes work a burden,
To regain your strength nothing has
ever equaled or compared with Scott's
Emulsion; its blood -enriching proper-
ties give energy to the body while its
tonic value sharpens the appetite in
a natural, permanent way.
• 'If you are run down, tired, nervous,
overworked or lack strength, be sure
to get Scott' g Emulsion today.
sects e. nevem Tomato, Ont.
'1311ITH OnlisgroL
or think, and he loves you. so me& 1
better than L I do earnestly bee.eech
you to try and live as I would have
had you live. Nothing matters When
one comes to, this last hour but a
clear consdence before Gad, ani life
looks so wasted and full of wrong-
doing and things left undone,
"You have helped ine often., my
dear, and in ways you little SLeeazned
of, and I have aemembered our happy
holidays with mother and Many
small pleasures. I want you tio go
to England at once now and ask . . .
o put you w -here you can be cured.
Don't mind how hard it is, do it for
my sake, and then try and find some-
thiag useful to do, something to
make you forget yourself while mak-
ing others happy.
"If God permits I shall still watch
over you and love you and wait for
you on the other side. Be sure to
get ready for then. I want you to
know I was neither afraid oar un-
happy, but quite ready to give my
'life for England.
"I am sending you my wrist -watch
by Mr. Gahan because it was always
with me and I know oott will like to
wear it, I shall pray God for you
at 'the- last that he will keep you in
his tender care. Forgive Me 'that
have been severe sometimes; it ilea
been a great grief to me to remem-
ber it. I thidk I was too anxious
about you this last year and that was
why. I am sure YQU will forget it
now and only remember that I loved
you, and love you. still.
"Edith Cavell."
There is pieastire at every
stage in the use of Sunlight.
In the washing -for the
work is greatly lightened.
In the iron -
ing-for the
such a fresh
sweet air of
newness. In
the wearing
for the
clothes have
the exqui-
site purity
f Sunlight
itself - and
are clean
A $5,000 guarantee attests
ihe purity of Sunlight Soap.
All grazers sail it.
Created, Tommy Atkees.
There is no oilleer in the British
rvioe who knows "Mr. Atkins"
more completely than Sin George
Youngtrushand. For forty years he
might be described as having been
almost continuously in action, as he
began in Afghan, a few years .after
joining his pegiment itt 187S, and is
at present engaged in Mesopotamia.
Sir George Ydungh-usband, then,
knows Ptivate Mulvaney even better
than Mr. Kipling himself, and yet
he has deliberately recorded his
opinion that neither Private Mal-
vamy, nor his two companions, nor,
indeed, any other member of the
ain'tly at "Mr. Atkins," ever made
use of ally of the expressions Mr.
Kipling puts into their months; until
Mr. Kipling put them there.
This tribute to Mr. Kiplhig's
genius Sir George does not give on
his own authority alone. He de-
• clares that he has put the question
to innumerable other British officers,
tine thee, he has never mane met
British °Meer who heard the ex-
pressions previous to Mr. Kipli gat
appearance. In short, Sir George 1
sits, Mr. 'Kipling made the British
Bonner as he was known before the
Great War, as completely asany-
body ever made a.nything in this
world. Was it not Charles Dickens
who made Christmas?
Suffrage in Germany.
in Prussia the voters are divided I
into three classes, according to the I
amount of tames they pay. In each
electoral district the total amount of
taxes paid is divided into three Anal
parts. Those citizens whose combin-
ed taxes represent one-third of the
Whole choose one-third of the elec-
tors. Those who pay the next one-
third choose a third, and the next,
who make up the mass of the popula.-
tion, cheese the remaining third, In
one district in Berlin, three citizens
nay one-third of the taxes, eight citi-
zens pay another third, and 294 pay
the remaining third. Thus the three
men in the first class shoose as many
electors as the 294 in the third.
The election of 1903, when the
social democrats first contested seats
in the Prussian lower house, con-
oretely illustrates how tisie system
works.. They cast 314,149 mite's Said
the e.onservatives east 324,157. The
social democrats did not elect a
Single representative, while their
opponents elected 143, In the last
election preceding Me war, the
Social democrats oast 24 per centof
the vote and elected oeven members
In a house of 420.
P; actically this same system, with
certaiu modifications, prevails 'in all
the German states, with the excep-
tion of the Mecklenburga, which
have no representative ehambers at
an, t he r present system being a
clear 'Sergi -eel of medieval institu-
tiontes-Toe World's Work.
• 1•IrtgliSh Pottery.
Amos4 the first specimens of
Englitii peimry is the Wrotham
uare, dai,:a 1612 to 1717. It is a
ted s; ess •u -r, with a black veneer,
Woo r'i Posaet jug, lith its
two .1a;•;, a squatty brownish -
met, ettati bearing the toarks "13.
Trit(4t !4retS.
.1'sr• :1f3.113, year:: in Hong -Kong the
imeetie of verniiiion-making; en -
y the -banes of toe Chinese,
oeon anii,,portant. one. The
Hong -Kong have Ingle -
linos secrets. -rhe nesnufacture
tos pitenent is among the fore.
•l.ie ...olony's Industries.
1...• are, botnethrig like one hun-
rL1i for the manufac-
• of verieilio.. in Hong -Kong and
toot'. taw material comes
anu the vermilion is
:t(.1altoge..aer by what is
ar1 •l..w wet, awt.nod. The Chin-
totte ertimiel eimiabar long be-
• en et. vets a civilized -country,
t. Ia there are trade
vei ninon industry.
neat in fluropei
P.:or A. H. GThison, of St. An.
r'' Tiniversity„ Dundee, in his
an:nurse Sources of Energy,, '
eti ettes the peat IA Europe as
mi .1 to about 100,000 mWiou tons
,e coal.
The Growth of the
In the early days of its history the
earth grew rapidly by the addition of
meteoric matter. It is still growing
in the same manner, though search-
ly to an appreciable extent, for the
mass of meteoric matter added year-
ly is reokoned to be only twenty
thousand tons. in the eseurie of
ages the herger planets have swept
up practically all the fragments 01
the orighird disru.ption, and the only
available eouree of supply of me-
teoric matter -seems to he that
brought Int coinets.
Storwtollers in Tokio,
It ;s esth:rmied that.there are slot
hundred prefes ionp' siory-teIlersTh
Totio, -nder :rom hoine t»
Louse an wrinte tales 4or the pay of
one : eur. The otory-
teller Jearri.4a vo-- .•‘.1.. of StOriep
w "rP •:?. old eaes -
in° s!',
Soccer io Italy.
in the days before the war, when
athletics held a prominent place in
the world's concern, both cricket and
football were gaining rapidly in
favor throughout Italy. • English
football and cricket terms were being
Imported Soto the language whole-
sale, mud( t,o the concern of the Ital..
lee language puriot, and one of the
largest athletic clubs of Italy possessed' an entirely Englian• So title,
aameiy, "The Milan Footlatelt and
Cricket Club"; at any rate, it was
English on paper. The Italian foot-
baller and cricketer has persevered
in spite of the war, and to -day is
shOwing himself as incorrigible,
where untottard circumstance is eon -
termed, as his English colleague. Re-
ports from the Italian fronts tell of
matches being organized between. the
Etonian and British artillerymen now
figh.ting, side by side, on the Carso,
origin ter
It has been said that the word
"gringo," used in Mexico as nick-
name for the people of the United.
States, wa an imitation of the first
wordp of a song popular at the time
of tffe Mexican war, commencing
"Greeu grow the willows." The
ord "gringo" is a Spanish epithet
applied to all forsegners, and in
Mexico especially te the peop:e of
the United States.' It has nothing to
do with the words of the popular
song mentioned, but is a corruption.
61 the Spanish word "Gtiegh,"
"Greek," which was applied by the
uneducated classes in Spain, to all
persons of foreign speech.
Engine Lathes,
Over 1,000 engine lathes, 300 cape
sten lathes, and 150 drilling ma-
chines have been completed in nap to
within three months of the fired
orders being given out.
MUSED -$7,506 MAI
isasith sad ertessAve boning* *
lieleata, "Ibis has refisod astieSIF
sar reamossilas whaloser far his
as Gerieral Tilanagner tar
Canadian National Extill/Stern- -
barring to serve the public late
&sem Me Is P1.01'14104 et this VP
ronto Board of Trade and has
au the Itrhihtgon Boezd slues
army* shossing a dose Into_
ths work. ire was President
the taro 'boa years111 the
of the luatitattion. afr. Kest Is
a the 4 Boy SerAtts k Tomato
lien~ wt.h. man-
essierprideid. Tong and cusetinaed
NMI hes =mated Dr. Orr, Masi*,
rime 11482, to seek a /out rest.
Do all your pram*? o-
Pure can& 'Ma"
granulation* High
svereetening power.
2 an& 54. mates*
ism a ease*
unless the
help me a
had _ pu
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Pills, and
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