HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-03, Page 677. 24.1 ood and childre few. days with .$1r. And airs. a J. Warden, of the - with Mr. and Mr. Darnin has recently eemodelled hie stables and also fixed nrs,s garage for his Mc- Laughlin car. Mr. L. Aldrich, of Ushornethes rented the dwelling on the Shillinglaw farm and intends, leek- ing posseseion in October. er and C( prices: black canvas ...........$1.1 red sobas at$1.4* aid naleite rubber soles, . , $1l25 and $1. per nil white rubber soift ..-.... . nd ite rubber soles per - bbeer soles and - -4.42.00 -• entilated leather /woke aiid and white honeycomb so . . ......$1. =teeth red rater soles 0 te 1Irt a * a ,P• $3:10a6eatneenaime ala- r ?A -111111V 'sem on th ecate ew Clarke of the --Mr. Caldwell retabas rail next egiring-Mr. Alfred Taylor, aceompanied =good to London rig eek.-Mr.W. have moved Week, eyelet a Wra. Stone na Sra7the - qulaart entertained on last. -Miss Jessie' ea recently visited li 7 Mrs. Thomas Mc- lsongrega rEIMh are twitting ilr. McConnell of Toro the call recently era% orchestra a take He -i; re for the. fence t3ne garden, social Wda y evening leuch retikened Irma n where e operaeqon for reeeier7 is a ne froen au& an oPera ane Miss Hazel sisting her to get settled. in her Mr. Mellarg, of London, hi a relative, mid Mrs. the peat wee*. of Carmel cher* the aocuring of a organfilt.-aft. Pfaff are visiting -The rain ale -03e mix raenberries. sorttnents of Serges9 ds yck c6uld wishlto greys, browns and ith guaranteed dyes riety of -materials a the sarne _attention te new s ck of Sum- er:. We're sure ct# Son, Seatorth tn...0.004$44:$.0.4410. HURON NOTES. -dintonls Cirle Holiday be held on Mandel', August 6th. --Miss Marjory Yuill has been en- gaged to to -o& in the Walton School for next year. -William Robb has sold his farm Scat of Walton to Mr, William elli•• ninehaea, of Colborne. -Miss Lovette Ballantyne has been engaged as teacher of the Primary department of Ethel public school. -The Wroxeter voters' list for 1917. has been issued and was first Posted tro in. Village Clerk Brethauerh office on July 19. Th.ere are 85 names on Part 1 and 51 on Part 2.136 with 35 competent to serve as jurors. -The trustees of S. S. No. 10, Morris, 1%, miles west of Jamestown, have secured the services of Miss jean McIntosh, of Holyrood at a- Sal- ary of $600. She commence her duties next September. -Mary- Niekel, wife of Vali= 'Willis, of Jamestown loeality, passed ewer on Fridays in her 62nd year. The cause a death was a stroke of parids. She was born la Flaxabbro township and was married 24 *Ars ago, he Carrick tomb:dello to her now bereft husband, who with three step- children soreive, --Pte. Russell, of Windom, who recently returned from the elzont,was presented with a week locket and chain. Owing to injuries he is unable to talk, and an address he wrote was read to those present. He be treated in one of the military hospi- tals and it is expected regain his speech. ---Mr-Percy Mallards, of Cadgary, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Richards, of Brussels, has resigned the position With the school hoard in that city and ha.s.aecepted a noeition in the chi a Honolulu. He and Mrs} Richatda, wbo was formez-ly Kiss Mee Elliott, of Brussels, are now on thee ocean en route to their new home. --Sanwa Johnetoe%, one of the Pio- neers of Eat Wawanosh. died at his home in Auburn on Friday last, at the age of 82 years, He had been ailing for some thud. la his young- er daya he took 'an active interest in municipal affairs and was honored on many occasions by election to nubile. o ee. He leaves three sons. -The Red Orosa garden party held en the school grounds at Moleaworth on July ..etlefuroved a great success. Supper. was nerved in =rest chtee style and an excellent programme of vocal and instrumento music given, in eluding selections on the bagpipes . by Piper Macdonald, of Wingham. The proceeds amounted. to 076. -On Fiday evening, July- 20th, the people of School. section No. 9 Hul- Jett, met at the home of Mr. James Robertson, be spend the evening. with Gunner A. Manning, who was home isee leave.from Petty:awe Dur - hag the evening Geneer Manning was presented with a signet ring as a token oft -the good wishes aid esteem of his many. friends, in that neigh- borhood. -The following are the newly el- ected officers for St. MO'S Masonic Lodge, Bruasette for the current year: I.P.M. A. McDonald; W. Mee 6iiroY; 8. W., Oce McFarlane; John, d; .Secretarg, Abet Wright; ''Ilreastirer, James Fox; S.D., W -J. Neal; J.D., 13 . Slott; 8.8. A. Rarnan; eT • 8 • R. J. Atelonahlin. ; I. G., W. L. Baeker; Tyler, J. II. Hewitt. -An unfortunate event occurred on Tuesday moyailair at the home of Mr. William lionely, on the London Road * a short distance' from. (Milton. when 2Srs. Hardy wale foculd dead by her husband en bis ratite from hewn. Mra. Haab( bad. been, in. poor health for smite months, and being alone in the house, she took her own life. 'When found dead she was hanging to the wiling on, the stair - wart The family are very highly respected, and, no doubt the rash ev- ent occurred when she was not _in normal condition. -That the late lira, Hugh Hardy agel died AS a result of ,shock caused ley a fall suatained at the home of her son, John Maxwell, ta Goderich, was the verdict brought in by the jury at the adjourned inquest held on Saturday morning. A nuni- ber of witnesses were called, includ- ing Mr, and. Mrs. Maxwell. Idrs. Maxwell's sthiry was the same as giv- en the police on Thursday, that she and Mrs. Hardy got into an argu- ment, Mrs. Hardy 'throwing some tea at her, and it was while protecting herself from the old lady that she gave her a shove that caused the mis- hap. It 'was purely unhitentional on. her parts, and was viewed as such by the jury. -After a connection with the God- erich Collegiate Institute teaching staff of 48 year's, for the greater part of which he was principal, Dr -Strang has tendered his resignation to take effect at the end of the present year. The doctor has been. in 'continuous service as teacher since Januar-v. 1864, and is certainly entitled to a re- lease from. active service. In ac- cordance with Dr. Strang's own sug- geetion the board is advetising, for a man to take his place on the staff front the ist of September, nd if a suitable rnan is secured Dr. Strang's dutiee will be made light for next term. If, however, the board should not secure a. suitable teach.er Dr. Strane will he retained in full ser - as heretofore. In arty event his salary will be continued to the end of the year. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, August 1, 1917 Seaforth, July 26, 1917 Wheat, per bushel Bran, p.er ton Flour, ner cut , Cats, per bushel . Shorts, per ton . ',Barley, per bushel Hogs, per evet • Butter, per pound. Ego, per dozen. ..$2.00 . ..$18.00 -6.30 to $6.80 . -Oft ..$44.00 20 $14.25 28c, to 30e 84 to 36e SEAN MARKET. (910) 9,00, 14, (880 8.76; 20 (1090) Tem* July 81---Beans--Import- 41°-50; 12 (1090) .#10,60; 9 (1159) 0 to 9.50 bush. $10.50; 18r (1040 $8.15; 6 MO) b. 18 to 1007 $7.60; 14, (990) $10.50; 16, (850) 49.25; neWs 7, (1100) 7,50; 4 (1130) POULTRY -MARKET. Toronto, ti. -Dressed_ Pout- try-SPring chickens 80c; fowl, 20e; squabs per dozen .$4 to 4.50; turkeys 25 to 30c. ducks, grpring, 20e. Live Poultry-bpring., chickens 22; hens, 16 to 18e; ducks, spring 15e.. DAIRY' MARKETS. ToronW, July 81 .-eButter--Fresh dairy choice 34c to 35ct creamery print' 38 to 39e; solids 87% to ft8e. Eggs, new -laid in eartonsa44 to 45O; out of cartons 42c. Cheese -New, large 221/4 to 23c; twins, 22% to 231e. triplets 28 to 23%; old, large 30c; twins 30%c; triplets 301/2c. Honey -Comb --Extra fine and heavy weight, per dozen $2,75; select 2.60 to A2.75; No. 2 $2 to $2.25. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, Juli al. - Manitoba Wheat -Store, For William, No. 1, Northern $2,.40 nominal; No. 2 nor- thern V.37. Manitoba Oats --Track bay ports, No. 2 G. W.,- 84%c. On- tario Wheat -No. 2 Winter $2.55; according to freights outside. No 3 winter, ;2,52. Manitoba Flour -- First patents in ' jute' bags $12,90: second patent; $12.40; strong bakers $12. Ontario Flour -Winter, new, track, Toronto prompt shipments, ac- cording to Sample $11. Millfeed - Carlota denverede Montreal freights; *arts $40 to $41; bran $35; mid- dlings ,$44 to $45; good feed flour, bag 0.25. Hay -Track, "Poronto, e No. 2, $11.50 to $12, raixed $h to $10. Straw--Carlots-e$6 to 8.50 FM440E41'41 track --Red Star, new, bM $5.50to $5.7-:, North Carolinas new IAA. $6.50 to $7; seconds bbl. $5.60 . LIVE STOCK MARKEL'S Buffalo, July 31. Cattle 'Strong for best; prime steers $13 to $13.75; shipping steers $11 tee $13; butehers $9 to $12; yearlings $11 to $13; 'heif- ers $8 to $11; cows $5 to 9.50; bulls, $6 to $9.50; stockers and feeders, 6.- 50 to $8.50; fresh cewit arid spring- ers,' steady $50 to $125. Weld --- Strong $5 to 15.50. Hogs--Slovt to Se higher; heavy 46-60- to *16.65; mixed $16.55 to • $16.65; yorkers $16.50 to $16.60; light Yer .kera and pigs $15.25 to .15.50; rough $14.25 to 14.50; stags -$12 to 13. Sheep and lambs -unchanged. . Montreal, July 31. -At the Mon- treal Stock Yards l (west end market) the receipts of lite stock for Week end July 28,- were 700 cattle, 1045 sheep and. Tabs 1900 hogs and 800 calvee. There was no important change in the condition. of the market for cattle since this day Week except that the feeling was ,easier, which was attributed to the very sultry weather -prevailing. The trade was small and. of a dragging character and,. the near future Prices will probably rule easier. For choice steers and heifers some drovers ask- ed Os high as $11 per cwt. but the top ifigures realized were $10.50 to $10.15. There *as a fairly good. de- mand- from paekeis for eoramon and inferior stock, and sales of cows.and hulls we made at prices, ranging ironi $4.50 to $6.50 per eWt. 'Butchers! cattle choice $1,0.50 to $10.75; do. medium $9.50 to $10; do cominon 8..50 to 9; Canners, $4.50 to $6.50; butchers' cattle, ehoice cows, $7.50 to $8; medium. '$6.50. to $7; bulls $6.50. to $8.50; Milkers, choice each $100 to $115; common and medium, each, 0 to $90; Springers $65 to- -$75. Sheep -Ewes, $8 to 8.50; bucks and culls $7.50 to $7.75- I,atobs $13.00 to $13.50. Hoga:e0ff ears $16,25. Hogs, f.o.b., per cwt. $6 to $12. 'Union Stock Yards, Teronto, July 31.--A light offering of butcher, cat- tle for a Monday goon a better tone to this morning's market. After a week of dull business there was a welcome activity, ..and for anything goad. in the butcher cattle line the market lwas active and 25 cents stronger than at last week's close. Comnaon killers were steady and not in much demand. Well finished heavy butcher steers can lind as good a market in Toronto as in Buf- falo at the present time. This Morn- ing 55 head of ewers,' which averag- ed around 1280 .pounds, shipped in by M. Thornp.sop of Chesley, Ont., to Minn and Levack, cashed in at $12.- 20. Swift Ganadiaa the ‘purchasers, shipped the cattle to New York. Oth- er half loads of nice heavy steers sold frona $in 75 to $11.90, while the market price for the ordinary run of choice steers varied from $10.50 to pl. Eve-ything on the market anything Like decent was cleaned up, cheice batehers selliag froni $lu to $: U.50. Beet, (ow s and bulls firmed An keeping with the, butcher cattle. bat other gradee were steady. Bulls were - not in demand. It was only the limited offering which was res- ponsible for the firmer market. Farmers are too busy hayrnaldng to give much attention to cattle, and there was comearatively little busi- ness done in stockers and feeders. A few good to choice milkers and springers cashed in from $90 to $120. Lambs were a 40 to 75c stronger trade; sheep firmed 25 cents, and cal- ves were from 50 cents to $1 dearer. - There was a light run of hogs and pricee were pushed up 25 cents; fed and watered hogs selling at $16.25. McCurdy and McCurdy bought twe loads butchers, ,900- 1000- pounclio $8.50 to $10. W..J.Neely (for Matthews -Black- well) bought 150 cattle; Butchers' good, $10 to $10.50; mediura butch- ers' $9.60 to $9.90; fair butchers' $9 to $9.40; -come $7.75 to $8•50. Swift Canadian bought 100 sheep and lambs; Iambs $14 to $14.25; sheep, $7.50 to $9.; 50 calves $7 to $14.00 Geo. Rowntroo bought. for Harris Abattoir) bought 300 eattle: Butch- er steers and heifers $9 to 410.90; cows 5.50 to 8.50; bulls $6 to $9, Gunns, Ltd.hought 225 cattle, But- chers' $8,75 to $10.75; cows, 7.50 to $8.50; bulls, $8 to $9.25. C.Zeagman and Sons sold 36 Rood to choice calves, $12.50 to $14; 20 common calves $7.50 to $9.50; 40 lambs 414; sheep, $8.50 to $9.50; ono deck of hogs $16.25 fed and watered. J.B.SIdelds & Son sold: Butehers' 15 (1eW. 410.90; 7 (910) $9.50; go 88; 5 4050) 69; 14, feeder -0 0.25; hogs $10-50 weighed off care; Jambe $14 to 15; sheen $6 to 0; cal- ves 0.20 to 1614.25' Ihmn and, Leftele . soli: Matchers' 55, 1280 tbs. 412.201 20 (000) 49.50; 7 (1200) 410.76; 2 (950) 48.50; 12 (1000) $9.75; 1 bull (1020) $7; 1 bull (1000) $7; 100 lambs $14.25 to -44.- 50; sheep, 8,50; to 9.50; yearlings, $10 to $10.50; calves.7:50 to 414. McDonald & Halligan sold; Choice heavy steers, $11.25 to $11.75; good hetleor steers $10.25 , to $10.75; but- chersochoioe, $10 to MAO; do. good $9.25 'to $9,75; do. medium 8.50 to $9; do. common $7,25 to $8; COWS, choice $8 to $8.50; do. good 7.50 to 7,75; do, medium 6.85 to 7.25. do COMMOZI $6.25 to $6.50; canners and cutters 5.25 to $6; bulls, choice, 8.50 to $9; do. good $7.50 to $8; do. com- mon to medium $6 to 47.25; rakers and springers, beet $90 to $120; do. medium $65 to $80; 25:lambs 14.50 per cwt.; hogs $16, fed and watered. The follovnung were the quotations: Extra choice heavy steers, $11.90 to 12-20; choice heavy steers- $10.50 to $11; butchers cattle, Choice $10.00 to $10.50; ,good $9.50 49.85; Medium $8.50 to $9; do. c on $7.10 to $7.25; butchers bulb choice,per:ewt. $8.25 to $0: .g4,0ii $7.50 to $7.751, medium $6.75 to $7; rough' bulls, 5.00 to 6.00; butobere' coeine. choke $8 to $8.50; .good 7,35 to 7.00; med. $0.00 to 6.75; OtOOkeri $6.40 to la .25 feeders 7,75 tol8175; canners and eUte• ters $5.25 to $6; milkers, good to choice each. 80.00 to 100.00; Own - neon and medium, each, 40.00 to 8.50 to 9.50; She* eir3r, tOtA) 7-25 $50; springirs 480 to (Watt yearlings $10 to 11, calveiygoisa choice $18.00 to $14; spring lambs, $/4 to $1.4.283 hops fed and vnOrred, 16.25; do. Weighed off cars 1.6.00; do. f.o.b., 16.50. t WT. BOX& CO. ursamatune AND - + • P WIRRAL DIRECTORS. H. C. BOX' I adder of' Geyer/mien t Dtpk,ale. ; • CHARGES MODER A.TEI 2 • Flowens rueneshed on. Mort • Night Calist 2°636' Day Calls a,. • t Phone 175 Phone 50 ; 11.********************411•41- AMMO DEATHS Cartwright -In Hullett township, on July 24th, James Cartwright, aged 86 years. Hardy -In Goderich, on July 26th, Mary Ann, relict_ of the late Wm. G. Hardy, in her 83rd year. • Ltadsay-eln Goderich township, on. July 26, Mary A., daughter of the late David LindsaY. Henderson --At Ihnigannon on July Rebert Henderson, 'aged 73 - `years, 5 months and 22 days, Tolinston-In West Wawanosh, on July 20th, James Johnston, aged 82 years and 2 months. McKillop, on July 29th, Ellen Blake, wife of Mr. Michael Klein, aged 59 years, fmonth and 7 days. aless*********•******** aVaiiiaalat womommenommmomeepasesumee• S. T. Holmes Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking pariors in Orldfel lows bnilding, opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st., cpp Dr. Scott'k Flowers furnished co short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKil- lop, 6 acres of bush, the refit in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Sea - forth, 2 miles from Constance, 114 miles from sehool. There are on the ',remises a good seven room house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and the balance seeded down. There are 2 big springs, one piped to barnyard and on the other is a dam with a hy- draulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There le a graded and gravelled lane from the road to the buildingis. Possession will be given March lit next. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCT, Seaforth, or phone 76, Seaforth. 2578-tf Help Wanted! dIa•malml.••••••••310 To Pull Flax for The Canadian Flax Mills, by the day or by the acre; $10 per acre. THE CANADIAN FLAX MILLS, Seafortk. _ e. .2590-1 Teamster Wanted A good reliable teamster wanted. One accustomed to logging preferred. Good wages and a steady job guar- anteed to the right man. Apply to JohnB.Mustard Brucefield EARN FOR SALE, Good' thaw. !frame 30x40 with kan-to 12x40. Apply to W. Amen 2564-tf Seaforth. STORE HOUSE FOR SALE For sale, No. 7 store house on G.T. R. track. Apply to Mrs. John Shine, Seaforth. 2576-tf HOUSE FOR SALE. For sale, the two storey, seven - roomed brick residence, on James at., Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Ethel Mc- Lean, Apply at The Expositor Office. CARRIAGE' FOR SALE. Two seated Gladstone, natural wod, as good as new and easy running, com- fortable fatally rig. Apply at The Expositor Mee, Seaforth. 25764f FOR RENT. Campbell block to rent, consisting of tWe otores. For yearly tenant, the stores -frill he fitted up to suit the ten- ant. Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS Seaforth. 2579-tf CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Mary Neely wishes to thank her many friends for the sympathy extended to her following' the death of her son, Pte. A. C. Neely, who aave his life in France. a••••••••*peasatemam• FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, gasoline stove, 3 burner; table, 14 chairs, couch, one office stove, and two Pieces of -oil- cloth.These are practically new and will be sold cheap. Apply at the Canadian Express Office Seaforth. 2590-1 FEA tilieR CLEANING Anyone wishing to have feathers cleaned properly would do well to bring them to the undersigned. A first-class job guaranteed and char- ges reasonable. John 'Barnett, Rail- way Street, west, Seaforth 2590-tf HOUSE FOR SALE. For sale, that valuable property in Egmondville, gonsisting of brick house 11/2 stories and 11/2 acres of lan.dendl kinds of fruit on the property. Will be sold oil reasonable terms. Apply to MRS-. 11. QUINLAEginondville. 25893d - McKILLOP COUNCIL McKillop Council will meet at the Puhlie Libary, Seaforth as a Court of Revision on the McOrath Drain and for other business on .Monday, the 13th day of August, 1917, at 4 o'- clock, p.m. 2590-1 M. Murdie, Clerk ME WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition Work. Apply to The Robt. Bell Engine A Thresher Co., Limited, Sea/10h, Ont. esee. - -20eNa MDR SALE Let 10, Concession 13, McKillop, coritenistaig100 acres; 10 acres bard- woodb ca, l 1 acre orchard, 7 roomed frame house, bank barn, drive house and hen house; also drilled well. Would cocchange for smaller farm. Ap- ply to William Barron, R. R. No. 4, Walton, Ontario. 2587-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale a house and *roe acres al. land in Egmondville. The house con- tains seven- large rooms and cement cellar with hard end soft water in the idtchen. The -se is also a stable on the place. App3y to JAME3 S. BROWN, Seaforth, 0. 257441 HOUSE AN LOT b'OR SALE One-dith ofan acre of 'Food ground and a story and a half brick .veneered house with. large kitchen attached, on East William street, Seaforth. This property is in splendid condition,pleaa- tatty situated and willbe sold cheap as the owner is removing to London. Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seeforth. 2571-tf FARM, FOR SALL Lot 31, Concession 6, tuckeismith, on the Mill Road, three miles from Seaforth, and three miles from Bruce - field, on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway. There are 96 acres of clear- ed, improved land. This and is in a good state of cultivation and is well fenced and well drained. There are two bank barns, brick house 23 by 88, 11/2 storey with back kitchen and woodshed. For particulars apply on premises. James Mclutosh, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. 2586x12 • FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 20, Hayfield Road south. Stanley Township, containing 100 acres. The Land le all cleared but a small piece of bush, and is in a good state of cultivation. On the premises are a comfortable frame house with furnace, one brick barn 84x40, with straw sh.ed 36-56. Good drive and inn. p1eme4,house; plenty of good water betwea*ouse and barn. Half mile froMatehoiol, churches end post office. Telephone at house. This is a choice property and will be sold ata reason- able figure. For further particulars apply on the premises or address 'Varna P.O. Wm. A. McAsh 2588x4 itelkilefaetti4+:04,++++4-4.4-i-e-e • H • t- ‘* 0 • kADIE4g TAILOR A n.d Furrier • Cleantng, Pressing .& Repairing a Specieity A Trial Solicited 4. 1 -CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 25 -TORONTO. Sept. 10 On a Moro Than Ordinarily Progressive Scale MOBILIZATION. OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Constructive ass( Destructive Needs for War CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 1200 -PERFORMERS --1200 Cowie' Story from Birth te Nationhood Dramatically Told The vary Apex of Spectacular Achieve:nen GIANT LIVE -STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Judging Competitions for Young Farmers - New Farm Crop Com- petitions - - Extended Classifications and Innovations in All Departments 1 OF.TRACTORS AND FARM L.LABOR SAVING DEVICES IMMENSE EXHIBITS ART -Italian, French, Persian .American and Canadian Masterpieces: MUSIC -Innes' Famous Soloises and a 1 score of other leading organizations., ---------.1. ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FST MO Greatly Ogaiarged Gotveronent mot other &Jai% - - War in aLtImo" phases -,- Model Camp - - Drive Asxopiane ts - of surprises in gum for old and a thousand thrais for new Onee, REDUCED FA RES ..0114 ALL LINES OF TRAVEL • NiiMERNEMMINIII !--W.S.,Gorimmey ••••-f d.rnbalmer Nnd Funeral Direq4oc V_ Undertaking Parlors above Williams' grocery store, , Main Street, Seaforth e=e Enblawers fur....ned onshore n.obit Ohatges moderate. Phone night or day - 112 k Vig11111111122=11111111 1411111r*Illignal EGAL yet ea - Sin EOMUND WALYE. D, L 7reeeent r h V. E, JONES, Ass't. Genl. Manager RESERVE FUND, $13,500 000 JOHN AIRD, General Manager toAPiTAI. PAID UP 15,t)t).0,(/ A good banking connection is an essential to the success of the merchant. The officers of this Bank are prepared to consult with you regarding current acccounts, loans and collections. SEAFORTH BRANCH .T. G. lilULel.,M, es •••4 a 171 OLD FALSE TEETH. Bought in any condition. $1.00 per Set or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. 'R. A. Copeman, 2579e. Esplanade Avenue, Montreal P Q. 2585x8 FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuck- eimmith„ containing WO acres, about 7 urea bash. The farm is well fenced mod drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ium s good frame house, bank barn house, hen house, drive house, and good wells. For terms and portico - kora apply on the premilee or address Mr. John pice/or, Egmond .P.O. CLEARING AUCTION SALIM of Household Effecte, in the store ad- joining Sproat Bros.' Grocery, Sea - forth, on Saturday, Aogust 4th, at two' o'clock p.m., the following; solid oak rockers, 2 solid oak dressers, two wicker rockers, one English vase rocker, small rocker, mission oak dea chair, four solid oak &One Chairs, 4 kitchen chairs, kitchen table, solid oak 1 drarr seeringine table, two scmie* niall itables, iegnew, e , iron Tiede, two zets springs and mat- treesns, Davenport, Happy Thought range, 2 velvet rugse good as neW, tUP- estry rug, 2 small Tarklib rugs , three smifil rags, pair velour -Curtains, him- zreick, curtain strateker, new sweeper, lawn mower. step ladder and prees board combined, some linoleum and a lot of framed Piettireff and. Other artiCieS too -numerous ,to mention. Terms -All sums of 10 and under. cash; over that amomei 3 months cred- it will be given on furnishing approv- ed jOillt notee. A discount of 6 per , cent. per annum allowed off on credit amounts. Thomas McAdams, Propri- etor; ,T. Brown, suet. 2589-2 It spells your best automobile buy. t Because they,have been sold through- 1, out the U.S. for the past 10 years and, stand to tite front of the list as a real automobile. They are made to stand for not one year, but for years to come. This is just the car you have - been! waiting for; 30 in. x 3,i in. tires. de- mountible rise, Spedometer and every- thing where you want it. Phone me up and I vvill gladly show ; you the car and tell you all the rest, I give you'll, ride in it and use you right. ' See me at Ohs.s. Layton's store on Sat- urday afternoons.' and evening, also phone me at 6 on 138 Clinton central. , or ce11125 B, Seaforth, and your re- I quests will be my pleasure. • 1 Works at Kitchener and Detroit. ouring Oar 5 ,Roadster 40 Johnathan E. Hugill Agent for this territory, Seaforth Ont • FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian chureh and is kW R- as the Purcell property. Good, -com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds ef :feat trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, an the land is in a good state of tion. This is a nice Property for retired farmer and the taxes are For particulars apply on the premise* or to John Rankin' Seaforth, 25844t Attractive Trips MUSKOKA. L 4.KES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANErAWAN R LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN RAY Round Trip Tourist The sale from stations lo Ontario at very low fares, with liberal stop-eve:re. • NET YOUR TICKEN•IN ADVANCE Birth reservation's and fell informs, on at all Grand Trunk Ticket or write C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Ct T. Fey. %%teen Toronto, Ont. W. SOMERVILLE Town Age& W. I:PLANT D At 1 ESTE FAIR 1.. London, Canada I Sept 7th to;15th 1867- A half Century of Success "- 9 7 The Great Agricuirural kxhibitiork of Western Ontario $32,000 in Prizes & Attractions A very interesting Programme, including Military and other features -TWICE DAILY Fireworks each night Two speed events daily Reduced Railway Rates Prize Lilts, Entry Forties and all information from the Secretary. LIEUT.-00L, W JL GARTSHORE A. M. HUNT, President Secretary 1.0.0444404140400.40.0440.0. I • 50 Saved i •Reneweeetweveomemee7Lenewiware. Why wait for the Advance in Prices before buying your FORD CAR August ist is only a few day away. Place your order at once to in ire delivery Daly's Garage Seaforth Ont. FORD DEALER - PHONE ioe "a"