HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-03, Page 3LZ -ML-7
st Sell it fo Less Mail or Phon - Your Orders Stewart's Seff it --for Less
ew -A r e
0661w r
.8usi -son e bugges ions
A 69NZRAI� Sea abl'
Dow` IkURM
M rroll
I tn -i" MW
0 -4
ttractive Summer .
nt 04 t e,,,. iberries ttraels
addin" �:ft 11 " ut er A
44 togethir -44 . I
t cita Allow tbree�quarters of
IN t U tan 8 o LOrritories pound -of sugair-to each -pound Dresses at;
C�"J . vft,,� —
-h ruit
4% , ,r . M4sh fruit, put over fire in
er 'lut-4111ft-ted all,
lea, , a! and boil N
t1lat to -day — April, e completely immersed. I\,.- porcelain lined-, kettle,
�Sial� milittvisna no Although not,necessary to �he pre Minutes. -Add, sugar and -01
� 4 # continue 11 ti.T-e icesa
10'ager *Watt Ex asitor '"a- unfiil when tested on cold sau- Pr
NVA- " -10 4-U.1i --4 hnfli
M-Y—k Ignt million soills,
begipaling of the war. but DISTRICT hawms dition -a -tempeat=e of 40 degrees to cer the mixture does -not separate..
r gl4wes and seal.
.hunpred and se*enty. 45 degrees Fahrenheit will no doubt Put in small jars 0
pW%an -six rnift* Raspberries Canned Without Cook -
and OwNn.%. materially assfikt t6wards retaining
HESE new dresses are not ordinary garments, but are made
Is iiig---�,Wash and pick evor berries. 'T
the brutal, qverwhel- THE HABIT OF FLIGHT good flavor or rather in arresti u -
h Americans mu Tan yearl ago men did not fly that "stale" flavor so often c"ra 'Weigh and allow equal weight of s
st -ked eggs. gar to that of raspberries. Crush
teristic of pad
1ho use of th6 air for any purp in strict keeping with the most advnnced styles. Their very
wi�jh tO I*aru the sole Sol N
ie wh r whieh will �aw Respecting the addition of salt, it berries and sugar. . Sterilize covers
�Ux 0 thei r- f �.., - � -r
save for prec=oua obse-vation in must, be stated- that our -experiments and jars and' fill the latter to over-
s drifting ballbbii was forbidden and attrac-we style.
11' As to the rest'. fo r t L
of th10 appearance is sugg I
LbIts them. Experiments had already led conducted now through fifteen was- flowing with'the mixture. Adjust est ve of cool com
V111.1sh4v eatain pioneers to- hop*e Ons, do not show any b co,
1�11OWiUg figUres enefit to bje 'rubbers an :. vers, taking care to
at flight Keep ixf cool. dark You will be �urprlsed at the number of entirely new ideas that
the three grou-ps or the
povulk. would be possible.. Certain 4erived therefrom; indeed, salt ire- tighten securely
�: very R
c- stances had ev- Au -dreds of garments we are showing
i of-, Pan-Germarly are dividw ahoit.experimentall dis ently imparts a limy flavor to, the place.
ht'as a hab� Raspberry J.4m.—Allow half a lb. find first expression in the hu . n
en been covere&BUt flig eggs probably.'4y induchi" a
-it as Part 01 ou'r civilization, was char -go of the flifids, within and; with- of.,.sugar to each pound of fruit. Pre -
the egg,. Our adyiee, is, do not P#e 'berries and boil in just enough in all sizes.
n4 not only unl—wown but, unlooked !or. Out
auy'q water to keep them- from sticking.
0 T -0-"y the great war, which � will add -at to the litae-water.
ftaq ge all our conditions, and- has When thoroughly boiled, add sugar to
fruit. Boil ak ^* until thick. Cool
rk, a ain
cbsed all our past is. dominated, by'
-be � bs-t� av ea� GRAIN GROWERS' ASSETS and imt "in ghts'
tre Dlresse& UV
*a hwt that inen caw fty-, by, thous-
,enoK (about) The agricultural year i9iS,1916 Raspberries and, currants in -both
3Ud9 in nearly any weather, at all-
attd jam make one of,' the
tM the JeMy
was excep'Uonal -in Canada in
Xt ttays. L;5i- mod any height that will support us fruit
min0irs threerespects of the high yield,- the most subees9full and, delicio House Dresses, $1 to $1.75
We for, hundreds of milbs at a
me* . . 1;k.u. 1 . - hi co
-00. qigality -of the cropa and- _mbinations wd are more often Pre
the, - Is
stutchg and for-1wurs vVithout I=d-
Theii�','Ayar� &T� to W6,raspberriejs alone.
22.000.000 W. 1 14 k th W .2 1 " this I r e7b lu- W
'6wii4 th6 he# I
conditions a Don
tron *W**. has.ch"gd1fte; point af- able have - 1 9 peftheo
SX04,008 imtil -operxtive� orouiza-* Canne&PbfWA&;�- Pedehes should
90-S ava *ne&er in. - tlie whole three great co
3fter - 'war 44dvna n -F +'n- WMcHe�1,10— T7*.,MVA-- 4-- i� ocininaA -RR Modh aftei nickino as
kom iians ot�a, campaig has been tr
Mau' develop their -interior, aetilvity, to, possible. Cut fruit in half and Pare,
MeZ %na 2.0004000 rWize enormous pro#ts,, an& conse� Make a syrup, allowing from one to
The-, succes�w of, - distant arduery queatly - to. 'gai- an. enowwou. . a, a�mog6t *0 CUPS of sugar to a jar Of fruit.
Uainst restricted permanwit -fortifl- I . - 1. . � � 'A!"' ,
sq im sugAr in boting, water� one.-.Cup-
810OU"o -30, Of "Ort agri
ataz*ul obser-
eatiTima com*eba aw, -w. 9-"'� IW liw-Ak�g -Place,
In tl�e- whole world th water to two Of. sqga1r,
MUM. of,
...... 1761" comparable to� these 46ree" lar.6'nitv.'a- hiaved
works by.-e=W muwke& int6nAvd, peaches in jar shbking, ddi*vn
i Spin up, titons—the katch6*&n Cq�opjra,- *,�ll. - Plgee j"s ih. r4ok in boil6rjV
ftethat.ii� 2n, mfiV)r, things depend h t s:�rupl; ad -
Balm, rule over twenty-ote- I --- tiVe � 05�vator Company) the -Grain fill. to ov�rffowiftg with o
is anni t�*dy upon the conquest of the Crowers' Grain. Company in Alani- -just rubbers and covers but doi- not.
Aain, Slavic, Semitic.,, JW This truth-, the truth that modern toba and 1he Alberta Farmer's Co- fasten the latter- securely - Put suffi-
'm tbdftt� dlffmut uwlW--� operati�,e Elevator Company. , They. cient' warm water in the boil-
_ j- - 'ita new great; changes pivots
Be----?Vh-0 axe bearing Wa iriclude at t.e present mom more er and cover the, tops of
I will hive eonsequences
upon YM9
=4 UAjV8t1ftW 'Y-OkOl tb$t jjj�'� than 48,000 shareholders; the "total jars, - cover boiler, and. after water
innumerable. It has ody pro�- sum of th4r assets, aiceeds" $.8,000 has reached boiling poinCsterilize 16
d his over kne".��-AVft;
4 , �Pce(v a numerous new
The Atlamtje. arm 000 and their paid-u;�- captial in minutes
-,;n� has� addid thd --Pare and stoone
in evwy It t dhAres is ab6ut $2,00000 Peach Marmalade
--Arni to the-: as well as to� the IAst yeai 90,000,006 'bushels of. peaches and cut pulp in small Pieces.
.BRW40011i� tor Dead sauft& land Jo-ormw --every power.
rd of the, total Weigh p p and allow equal amount
y WM of -I necessitr ergate a de_ grain or about a thi U,
le -the naft prosperroim quantity proiduced"In -Canada for the of sugar. Cook sugar and peaches
tritts in F- fensive aerial`fleet tfirroug4iout. per -
tan I be the leadinir h i hi�mds. in saucepan slowly for one half hour,
-Ut mdrke�, pas�ed- through't - eir
we is In. the ne,u jods. of- peace. It wil Their ' profits are represented by' adding the juice of one lemon a�d, a
of- "Iftul", the and the most rapidly Progressing hundreds of thousands of dollars-,- few peach kernels. Stir frequently to
art not far Irom military things . of - the near future. The Manitoba Company- realized. last pre -vent burning. Turn into wide -
far distaA It demands 'Youth and absorbs the fit of, $775,006, - the Sas. J necked bottles or glAw and seal. The
i ' - all year a pro
ar. attention of I those who will with -in left over from can-
atehewan Compiny one' of $757,- imperfect halves
it tND war is to tbL& distrft 4b* a xeneration be of most inftence in ning peaches may be used nicely for
000, the Alberta Company one of
J3*Vortawt gourte of Its NO%
our -national life. $282,000, The r combined profits marmalade
3r. FOr Its ~ prodmt�, a The --stupenduous change has not
amounted therefore -to- $1,814,000 Peach and Pineapple Jam.—Peel
ti�y, 1*ng-usang ft*a-w only transformed war, It has. also
The, three Comp, =es. now own, or and remove eyes from pineapples and -
In A* llimlilvrtenmll TIbey 'W1 M part-iwd�,: must�. much. mare in the thae, -fivi-- hundred local shred with silver fork. Pare and
LSt:Q,W=tJt1eB, to deemrate future-�-transform I civilian life.., The 'Work more i small pieces.
elevators. lIncluding- the z buildings, stone peaches and cut ii
Mi �6qua;l' -ailiotftit -6 pin
.,g 01 tlieacch 00diers. la great vmr-carae- at a' -moment when AWJW., eapp, e
r was -,ftr now in- courm of -coxistractio-a - 1hey
.9- � Ow fiefft -plamte& Trub -this- loft- aspect -of -Rying- -quar-
diR, ose, or will do so shortly, of ' a to that of peaches and three
100 1Y es�- a
with the tfrom . davelope nd when the risks fitorage capacity of more -V�an five ters of a pound of sugar and the -juice
31a evo� - -- rs a ga� re
a-nd eNpenses of the fi t ta y we -n-il' on bushels. of one lemon to each pound of the
not with life, buf with deaLb,- absorW itt once by militi h �ces- i �i ote t -er
6 � pid)red - - over he ' It is fair th the dev op- fruit. Place alternately in the sauce
axv In early morn1w-,,. - sity. But with the - war . . ei- or
*11, appear, and. the luen f agr1ijItural '-ganization, in- pan, layer of fruit and, layer of sugar,
7e tho dew is eff the ground,,, avA vnian aspect- vi thet4aiLi. ovinces. is. largely� due 'Heat slowly until boiling point is
)ed *ia, Toulon,, to all WAS St. now -:-art Will be thrust into the lives
reached, then let simmer. four or five
form to the" f preservernee and the 1;ane
of everyone It will come to
ial :and-. financial methods hours until* smooth and thick. As the
. . . . . . . . . part of our e4erience- as the rail commere
f the juice will thicken more when cool, do
art of it, shown� 1A the- m4nagemerit.
way has come to- form P -oo long
the steamship, an#- the telegraph. Manitoba Grain Gi�o*er'%. Grain not cook i rine
T !Sport
W,ash Goods
--w" HE new wide Sport Wash M ateri -
Ia , Is that have fairly takert 'the
American cities by storm, and are now
bein�,,.so extensively worn in Canada,
are 4ere in big variety. They are in
navy'and tan, red and tan, white 'and
red, skV, and red, tan and green, white
and n.avy, white and sky. All in fast
colors and of excellent quality materi-
als. Price. .20c to 90c,
and" RUS10
UrE pride ourselves in' the excellent
qualities 3nd patterns we carry
in Rugs and Linoleurniso but more t4an
all we lay �pecial emphasis on I th e -
prices which we are able to quote as a
result of early buying. You Wi - De
serving your own best interests to, see
our stocks before you buy. We will be
glad to show you.
Uompany. Ittese, were Me best, Z y
means of advancing the cause of -peacres. Brush well, CUT, UL l SLLCeib
BABY'S GRXkT D"C;ER union and, co-'aperatiqe- am,�ong the and dry with, skins on. Spread in
DURING Hft WBA�TIEIER farmers. it is also a la on platters or boards
pgosito to � re- sjlrOle yers-
cali. that these- coinpaigeis eWoy no, and cover with mosquita, -netting. Set, its
More little, ortes dii�during the hot ome s
ial privileges. They- compete in hot sun and toward evening take
-weather than at any bther time of spee
-the house. Turn fruit next
Chol_ With r th4W purely: commeftial' co - them into
-the ye=. 'Di&-ridwea, dyse
a�, stomach and-;
they, apply,
t6 i-t,-k1dffP rftSrning and again place in sun all
tioubles panies, ing i
era infau, of- gi day. Repeat the third --day. If there Made to Measure
come without wttrulnk, and when a to.. the, ha," fixed-,
da in
faedicine is not at hand to- 906 either -,-by the- Cang&alp Grain Cow- are not three su"y ys in succes-
the- 311ort digay 'too fre- mission or. by. -the Winnipeg. Corn qion,�he fruit may be fini.4hed in a
promptly fruit must
passed -beyond. ir. 1 `25 to
S tha+
, the Child has Th
quentlY 'mean Exchange, . Which_ _ q0UJXol them. ujodeTately hot oven e
aid,. Baws- Thei activity--anor-their success are be-thorouibli dry before beink put
it must be packed in glass or -
Tablets - sh6Wd atvmys be -kept in', A)WofOre the MQM`r0M&rk-`bl0 and away s or flour or sugar bags,
proo -of the exeMency.of -their tin container
homes -are Young child- I
where ther&, metho4s. and should be stored in a c'O 0 1, &T HE fall suitings are now
T in stock.
ren. An occasiout&
-prevent Aonfit& -amdr wol The -figures, representing profits -place.
lets will'� bo, A number of
tWDUM0eaofkesfsUd- wbich he have given. age fav from
troubles,or if the women have placed their ord-
T6 C"it y
denly the prompt US" Ot the' TabletWs affording aff accitrate;.'ddim of the
ers for fall suits. The uew
will ewe -, tbe -baby. Thi � UbUts aft; admantages wbicbt;.qarxfterSr .. &rive To our nei hbom beyond our
sold by medioiw4eabrdor by-mail,at from, thi4 orgadfikdb&- -,Tfie d0art� north6ii border we send felicitations
Williaifts meAts 'for 'co4q"i�tiive style books and plates are
25 cents a box fr6m,The Dr PrOviAi6no upon the 11,Ttieth nanniversafy -F the
to-, pr
ocure birth'6f the Dominion of
Medicine Go Brod'"MA, Ont - wbl7& 'allbw` &'Urmer here, giving you the latest
'and othW foods � he July I was Dominion 1)ay'i a dao
the prold%aft American and C a n a d i a n
-Price without e iin
NOW nedds!"aMost at cost and th' Dominion could,tongiratubitO styles. There are h dreds
PRESERVt �-EdG -drventiosi:
w the int of -Middigmen; mean -itself without immodestY uPon itc
The indications are, gs YT� a&z e6wMAU - 6-10t4rf tO' Ia 9 and -development dur-
�.dd of beautiful new Ciotti; here
great gto**h L
be dear. next 'WHOW, di?.Rwer. existence.
coal, ro UhUftl. !ug the fiftp years of its
-%qj�W 'GanaAa:, of course, be- for your choosing. We Will
they *ore last,*, §6W;d0i&- -VWhiAw- sm& td�ols ari� - thus Pro;Oid- There N*s a
5 -to- ftheir-4'. menibeft b-9 the com-, fore the formgtionlOf guarantee -"oi
waut egg hM �attol the prese,it .7 a a perfect fit.
MOR's (,P
A' ment, and first
-us6ltdat�d Goevern-
-P Come early and get
'6' a
e 'Oto rW, 0
IWI .0.1 ine-t�jsfilg quaiLtities. The cc
cheap. , Do, nQe us�'"00�� Com,1*uSr7 -has, even bought was once a union .,of Upper and
'on, we
4* -7 vaA 6ittents: of td�resj��. un --
or such mediums; ]ARVe in . order Lower Canada, bat this choice.
tent preservatw(% ug "- I- Astrials, 11]k� -fA-jj� -needed liy believ% dkd J�ot include the �iaritiine
-tq*,CGrdh-LAnd Price 25 to '3
$J&pT16,- - kid" -ef ri '*,-Five � , - h Colnm;)Ia, or
ed as A a)- U0 mbft"ft- w -o
being �8% -fiieh'it cuta- down and P, Vince$, or'Britis
*Itk- dA
I be itielf,.; Tfie gida7 of a P�ricul' th - -vamt plains ;a&d wilderness inter -
I WMFOAWM& Vor'be h46t3b4 mark6is ng� e
N�tr use somethiiii *W10 16ien tural products other than grain by venin.ol.
riftons tKed and found V ry. We )iavi3.4ad some trivial disputes
these companies - is becoming in- Iiiion was
Accordinir -to, -I)r.praak T. Shutt. It is there�- with Canada -since the Dam
Domintati C hemist lime water is 6ne, creasingbr important. bef5a On the Big "B" Overalls
fore not that the report formo- -but, she has Work Shirts
whol�.an excellent neighbor, and her
p0kage& of the best presevatives and we cluote, =ba Company concludes
Exhibition of the M her well-being are
the followingi from Ms. with a very promising fovecast. prosperity and
Circubtr No. 42- 491f the- shareholders and *oge, matte)rs. of friendly interest on the 50C to $1 1.50
e S-,weetmeat are The method �of preparation is sm'- -whom they have placed in charge part. of the people of the United
oxm and aviatcos ply to alako one pound of good 'companias, busi- States, , We -y,,sh her all tho good Deacon� Crescent aild Big "B" Oueralls are
of of -the respective things in., life that are worth whil-,
all. quantity Cut full and roomy and a
�quick lime -with a E4re ilk of. lime ness remain true -to the principle g.—Aart- 4 o r k
water and then stir the m and ideal which brought them into striving for and possessirk Sandow Brand
so formed into five gallOw Of wa- ford Daily Couiant. made with double are made in best black T
r, -e, see that eve --Y has been existenc� they cannot fail to . in- shirts, aerry or striped e'
ter. After the mixture hours it crease m the right dir�etion their A -u idea Gl**Ows. oulden double stitched and blue
a- "I ew barrs or a kept well stirred for a few po*er and influence in the commer- sh cottonade, strongly sewn,
L The League of Nations meeting 'Tood elbow
is allowed to settle.." The 'suPerna- cial life of Western Canada. While . throughout, -ay-on
the g-reat chlew-.. ,saturated" t in London, the other day, inust bave L
tant liquid, which is u9w it i's always dangerous to enter the good pockets and a,
off and Poured
lirae water, is drawn
ised around the realm of prophecy, it is not too been, a peculiar gratification to vis- room, full-length, sleeves, buttons. All stiZes.
over the eggs, previously Placed in a much to expect that within the next count Grey. , His was the voice first body mali of best drill
d on behalf of a Lea8rue of Na-
emk or water -tight barrel. rmers of Western rals'e The shirting. Sizes 14 to 181
ten. years the fa tions to follow on the war.
ohand. It air tends to Canada will bt._ operating thoif n Price S1.50
As axpo�ure to world then had hardly begun to Price 50C tO $1
-the lime (as carbolaate),. sawmills and their own. armi Is, 'the darkness of.ba
precipitate ttle, of
to keff the
solution, al nes and think., in'
and thus wea possibly their own co ml the new day about to da,*A. But the
TATE �have 'lust added the
lamous Nemo Corsets
to our present well assorteed
corset department. Nemo is
the very essence of corset per-
feetion. TLt gives gvaceful
lines and comtort as well.
,aff OU qhould exercise the
greatest care in' these
,days of poor materials and
poorer dyes. All our hose
are of guaranteed color, and
considering the scarcity of re-
liable hostery you will be de—
lighted with the values we
give you.
Womjenfs.... 20c to 1.25'
Children's 20c to 75c
Men's ....... 15c to 75c
'Wen's Suit"
ki��zte to Meds
2Z 0 41,
JUE wart every man in this
TV vicinity to seethe new
fall suitings and serges. We
have a swell range of genuine
English Worsteds, S* c o t c h
Tweeds and Irish Serges, in
guaranteed cloths that will
give,you the utmost wear for
yout money, We'have an
expert staff of tailors who put
intlo your suit.that all ne%-.es,.
sary,auantity called STYLE.
Come -in early whilefthe range
is complete. &e%
Price Uho$j�
- L11 I r---:4" �V
df-." rNf-&
Z -0c to ou
We are now showing
very beautiful range of
ew, neckwear, including
number aff very new
merican ideas, and are
nade of high-grade silks.
ksk to see them,
Price 25c to 50c
fter every
tr vessel containing t," vr-6' , be ex-
be kept covered. The air may
meat paclano' Pl=';s 4nu LL'ay
aring f or their own fidelity and fire
eoed sown by . Lord Grey has been
like that of the , mustard plant,
July and Auoust this store wU1 c
eluded by of sweet.oil, or
a covering
lusura nee. yr
"which becometh a tree, so that the
Ion -ohich a -paste of
lyy satking ul
-ff, time
Th decision taken at the respee-
birds of the al come and lodge in
Ihne is spread after a
tive peneral mAwetiugs Of the Man'
the branches thereof." The grea t
+Iiara ;4a anv noticeable prelci-gitat'on
toba Grain Growe-rs.. Grain. Com-
A—crai-v of the West in the perj�oa
We make an extra ef-
fort in dollar shirts. All.
t h e leading Canadi&P.
makes are here, including
the W G. & R., Crescent'
and Arrow, all shirts of
national reputation.
Price $1
of the lime, the lime water should be pany and the Alber�a - Farmqrs" Co- of its President, has done the nobly A
drawn or siphoned off and re�plaeed operative Elevator Coml)anY to quixGtic ;thing of derlaring the
A- wart ros
wiih a further Puant;iq'-MW1Y Pre merge themselves inO a single cedr as idea its national
%0Z three o Butter Wool
be known as
Dared. pany which will the f the great
+ a V-4 1, 41^"rn f ha T,�-�. sh Com- te
-1 r ons Necesanly e(l
- , General PTecaulm UnIr �.rraln krrVWfeXZ, nations w 0
I rd-olfllaz To Take fresh step towards -the, unification of , monw*ealth have given it their ap- afta
11V CANADA 1t is essential thatlattention be agricultba� organizatiM and 8190 pr(wal, It has been the fashion, in
operative- action. " The new combin- tert.ain eireleg, to talkof the L4mgue U, ggs WFIF anted TH
paid to the following POinU* airy" and tumn-
fresh eggs onlY'ation will lave a wapital In shareo of of Nations as "visiO
I—That pefeedy,,��, fflnnannn "n- -4-1 aim seerms nractic;il. Bersons/ ,holdin$ such
be uzed N Nr
I Nq That the eggs should thmugh- to be the, concentration in one or- views are iqrbn1n- the ri4;k of 01
gMt thernselves described as "antWluy-
preservation ganization of all the thX"
mt the *hok Period of
1 -C
FI -