HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-08-03, Page 2lwa__ -
. I - I CAMM& I n I — -_ft1ft,___
- cred treaty as a "scrap of paper. " great landmarks. Tji�, coming of the a" � - ,am -m- Wn -0 �� -
A�& A
1. (94 "Waran Exavoilar No stateEiman would ba,ve publicly Phceniclan, the coming of the Carth- a N �� I
IV sh and R" efres'111- .Nam ow
i Jr re . ...
11 I I aelmowledged that the invasion of aglikian, and the coming of the 45 -
I McLEAN BROS., Publishers I
. Term(s of Subscription.—To any ad- Belgium was an injustice- and tried to RomAn, have already bpen referred I - 90�. = �_ I
, drem in Canad , a or Great Britain one . avoid the effect of that dainning ad. to. The next great event was the I . � 11 - T t
hi, -e mission by saying that Germany coming of Christianity, In. Lhe first ' . -
I year $1.50, six months 7k.p e would remedy the injustice when the century of the Christian era'. it was, I � I . � �
months 40c. To the United States 1.1 . -_ Is I
I one year, $2.00. These are 'the psia war was over. B9thmann Hollweg of courpe, on the iWand of Maltz, or I .
in advance rates, When 'd in ar has been well characterized as an Melita, as It was then called, that I . -C
I . Ott
rears the rate is 50c. AgTelr- - honest hard-working bureauefat; but st. Paul was shipwrecked, on his I . A ag. MIA
Subscribers who fail to receive The he has bad the ability to see what the voyage from Cwsarea. to Rome, a;-Dd A :
. � Expositor refla.-ly by mail wUl eon- simlile-minded absolutist never sees Publius, "the chief of the islaud # " % � . - --- � B X ,.,
fer a favor W acquainting us'of the -a public sentiment growing gradu- whose f atber St. Paul healed e�f a 41 I .1
- fact at as early a dat;eas possible. ally into a public resolve among the, fever, became, according to tradi- is -composed of ,clea'n, whole' young N
__ ___ When change of address is desired common people. The Revolution in tion, the first Christlau lli,shoD of 0
. 0 leaves, Picked tight, blended rig,L j-;,�a
both the old and new address should Russia and the entrance of the Unit- Malta. . 11L *
� I � .. bring . I Depod
- . I .
Vwto(ftaw*1FrwW'"FmmC4,Ha=0bm 2Z,0wsWft*(Pw9Woaih9"buWWza be given. . ed States into the war have added de- Then, In the eleventh century, packed right It "' ;s the fragrance
- l I �. . . . ADVERTISING RATES. finiteness and strength to that senti- after a period of Arab control eX- -�ar erk to your table, .9 luteres
I Display Advertising Rates - Made ment 'and given it 4 voice. It is no tending over some three hundred of an Eastern 9
. -_ longer- a dumb desire; it is -growing years, came the Norman, in the per- I Zf adw.
I known on application. I ger, son of the fain -
I Stray Animals. -One insertion 50c;' into�'A serious convic,tion, 'though not son of Count Ro 3E9X- AL403W-o _3&X:=3E3= 4:)�Xwx' GMZ3330 I -
. ]?A� ROID ROO � three insertions; $1.00. � Yet into' a stern resolve - It is the ous TaAcred db hauteville, at that -_
W-UrIft of time master of Sicily. The Maltese - � --- - :_-- . -_ — __ ,
r, H r'J above cut represents hundreds 0 f Farms or Real Estate for sWe 60c. conviction that the domination welcomed him as a. deliverer, and the - —_ - -t �!��v SEAF
I e Europe which the military *1 tow rt,,avbvd out ;(.
ach insertion for one mouth of four party � '- A-`�I;g. .,,',(I
Rooflyag I insertions; 25c for each subsequent in- started out to accomplish c Arab dominion came to an end. That fr"dom of 11,-A, 9!1-�.I, fermany haF � 'P,1,'�I'Y' IV -:,01in-f _-.1.1311'It f�j` J,L.,-b
annot be S a J and . .� JN3*%*XXX%XXXl
. *
T -sqaares of Neponset Paroid , lished. Hence the deahand for was in 1090, and, for nearly five ruled off deadl ,it, --i o,. L b 1, e r oxte'nsion;:, aml a(j,li; , I be
. mwtion. Miscellaneous Articles for accomp. I �� TOLICUlpr the
I � hundred years, through some line or warned friends and foen ajlkp that . b rr-torif s oc-
used by the Frost Wire Co., of Hdmilton. If the t�enuine Sale, To Rent,, Wanted, Lost, -F und, peace without aipexations,or indem- other, the Normans remained mas- they cross tboso de.)d lities on peril pl)pu " A 11""s ()" "".. - 14�vtlp 1� witl , I -." ����
te., each insertion 25c. Local Wead- nities. It is theNconviction that the up�ed by Gr�jnmn* . I � 11
Pardid is apWved by such a large company would � ot the e . ters of the island, It was its history of assassination. Sho has takell h(n �'
ers, Notices, etc., 10c 1, 1,ho;-4- of her inta-1 ii,.wo . ilie.., OD6
1 - per me per in- people should have some share in a in the sixteenth century, however, stand bebind a hvd��t:, gun, in band: ' ' Z# 4
same roofing answer your purposes if properly applied � sertion. No notice less than 25c. Card Government that has cost the peo0le find.,; that 10 -day- I�P;11, 19117- . , t J&uran
� . " - pa.,g- " '
of Thanks 50c. Legal Advertising 10c, so much. Hen* Xhe deman which made Malta famous, The and whom pnat�oful .podustri-m-, 13ru."lan mililailmit im long, --r 011- ,.t��_::==f=-
Don't forget the �vjaterial of Paroid is guaranteed for ten d for an Knights of St. John had been driven ed up that road -1he, has shot, them -018 sixty-eighl will'oll .-0111:�. �'W,� in� .0-__ -
, W. jn� aISTRICT N
and 5c, per,line Auction Sales, $2 for 11 L.� -,
. one insertion and $3 for two insertions. extension of the suffrage -and a re- out of Rhodes by t,he Turk, and, in the back; her object in doin g it i.r- tlil- beginning of Owl ---.'ar, but about ,-.- __: � � :_ - I
vears. We offer our roo,fing at Professional Cards not exceeding/one sponsible Ministry, It is doubtful after eight years, during which they to notify other pedestrlanA that they unp hundrPdt'and sovvnty-six ,111lliosa I . � �:
........... ; ... . whether Bethmann Hollweg has any were without a home, the '-P,mperor must not travel on that road, Be- European -
per square ........ $2.50 and.$3,50' sincere ctinviction, upon either 01 Charles V. granted them Malta, sub- tween shots she has ealled on tbf and Otionlan ,mbi CT tEr. I THE HABIT (
I . � . __ three questions. He is a reformer; he Ject to an annual tribute of a falcon, world to bear witness to the noble- This is i - lie bruta.], overvw,iming Te,a years ago n
,� fact whiAt i Amerleans must :ra4,-e I
lit- .1 , g, The Use Of the air
I VERY felt roof should be painted at least SEAFORTH, Friday, August 3, 191"i is a compromiser. He is no Abraham in acknowledgment that Malta was ness, of her struggle to maintain t " ,_ .
. . . they winh to learn tbe sole solutio�
. , once every 5 years'. Paint now and save the ______._ -,— ---.-- . Lincoln; but neither is he 9, Jefferson under the suzerainty of Spain. The freedom of the road. Freedom from of the war which will a. -supe to theM, ,Ave for ptecarlou-!,
I roof. Per gaL_- .... 0 ........ .....W. . .. . ....... ..... $ 1 � __ - - Davis. Each of these two Iften stbod Knights set about establishing them- what? The road was free to all be- as well m to tbo rest of the world, fat S drifting balloon
I '�
. for a definite idea. Bethmann Holl- selves in their now home with fore she slipped behind the bedge. durablp peace. . them. Experiment,
BETHMANN HOLLWEG-AND wegg is rather a Buchanan. Ile is vigor. They had measured their Preedom from the policel ,=,
.tain pioneers tc-
, �
I - I 1 . The following figures will ,sbo-w � be possible'.
� . AFTER incapable�of being a le,1kr either for long swords with the Ottoman 4ould
. . I .r 1. � the old GOnany or -for the new Ger- scim"itar in Rhodes, and they knew .. Hoover Turnod the Tables- how the three groups, of the popula- 4hort, experimental q.
I Bli 9 6 6 4. 11 . (The Outlook) . . - * " tion of Pan-Gc-,rmany are divided at ,an been eovered.Bul I
' many. Compromise is no longr pos- that the Sultan would never rest More than ten yc"rs bef or. . Dnl- tile b,,I�,,jnning of 1917:
� � What the, resignation of Bethmann sible, and the compromiser steps until he had driven them from their gian, relief was ever thought - part ot our;
... � __ . I 01) a ;t as - , ,
. H ANGERS Hollweg means *e do not know; we down. . . new stronghofd. They determined, young American mining engineer I -The Masters- �at onl-y un1mown i
� can only surmise.' When Mr. Gar- Gerimani5 . .. .. .... * ... 73,000,*
Whether the new Ministry will at.- therefore, to rtrider themselves as who was in chargs-, of Important 2-Tbe Vassals--:- ; . ., T*�&Y the great 1
. have stood the wind, weather rison, our capable Secretary of War, as pfssible. Establishing 2ge ail �our cof
� - � . . tempt to find some new compromise secure mining properties in China recei'ved Magyars .. ... :0.00n,000 'a'000.* ohm
� __ .. resigned we knew what the resigna- themselves on ' the promontory. Bulgars .., _ 6,I)O0,00() - all our past i
- - and test of time, besides they it is impossible at this writing to a v1sit early one mornjng from a .. 4-03ed- .
,_-I- - -1 : - I tion meant. It means that the Pres- guarded by the Castle of St. Angelo, burly Belgian. The Belgian brus- Turks .. .. ... 6,00,00o e :9act -that .
� __ .. - ' 3-�-Tbe Slaves— tho men �
.� .. forsee� We think the Kaiser would -
. I - � - ,- . are now imitat.ed, rhe .sincer- ident. preferred -to break with his pre- on the -toutbern shore"of the Grand quely informed the young American French (about) 2,00fl,000 as in nearly an�
P110 , __ ,,� . . r n with be glad if it could be found * We Harbor, they fortified the neighbor- Belgians .. 7,600,000 0 -height t
� - est flattery. Use them and paredness See etary raiher tha .4. -most- am
- a .. ' base that opinion not on rece t ev- that he had come to take charge ol Alsatians, Lor- T 4
�. - have a satisfactory running weak and vacillating but bull�bead- ents but on all that is known n Ing town of Borgo, and waited, For the properties. The American had iffo -for hundreds 11
I . ed'majority in Congress. When Mr. I of the raJners .. .. I,F'() (100
, thirty-five years the Turk held his �
. Emperor's received no ojMcial notice of the Danes .. .. ... ..I -k, -00 4gtetnchl and for ho -1,
... __ I � - door, per pair Bryan resigned, we knew what the soxPewhat - enigmatical hand, and then tbe storm broke. change in management, and he did Poles, Lithuan- ,U Js6 in the �
.. . , character. But we do not think the �rh,e Sultan Solim� lau's .. .. 22 000,006 � bg- ;
. -11 $1925. ,resignation meant. It meant that, attempt will be.made. We attack no an II. sent an army not much like the manners of the Rutbenlans .,:: 5.1500,000 821"O'" g0rL vf-&h, has, 'chas
# .
. I . I though the President was a peace - against -Malta,, under the command Belgian, but he quietly accepted his Czechs .. .. ..' S.500,000 Xfter another in wwa
. importance to the rumor of the Em veteran, blustapha, and in the new statuz He exiftinep to the Del- Jugo-slava '... 11,000,0.00 *
� man he was not a peace -at -any -price peror's resignation. But the German Df the . I ae;, of a -campaign,
HAYING TOOLS -Our Pitch Forks have all selected man and would not adopt a pro -Ger- May of 1565 the famous siege began. gian that * Roirmanians . . 8,000,000
two heads oftt-n are bettex Itallans ... ... 800,000 9 formed.
handles, well fitting ferrules,. iha,'t do not tear the hands, tines man policy masquerading as a peace bureaucracy would as readily oust the po four montlis the Knights and than one, and offered to help mai*ge Armenians .... 2,000i000 . The .
_ . -po le -aith- resigned Emperor as his secretary it they th r de the properties jointly. The Belgian Levautinee .... 2,000,000 - success of �
I B Y. When Mr. A!sg Maltese Christians, un er the � .
ecially temipered and the complete fork M' akes' a well-bal- th6ught it necessary for the preser- e agamst restricted I
SP . and Mr.Lloyd George became Prime able leadership of the Grand Master, accepted. The two men worked to- Ottomain Greeks 2,000,000
anced tool with which to work. Ask for -the Royalty Brand, Minister, we knew what the ftsigna- vation of their ancient powers and aehan Parisot de ]a Valette, success- Arabs .. .. . - 8,000,000 ' Zations, emplete ,q
� I . I I gether for about six months. Then, � . T0,64ft the breamn:
� privileges. Whether he can lo - -1
.- -
I . tion meant.. It meant that the Eng- I ng Wn- fully withstood every effort 'of Mus one day, the burly Belgian lost his Total .... ..... ....... 176,000,0* by exactly i
, �
Hay Fork Rope, Pure,Manilla, Long,Fibre-the kind that lish people were through with hesi- tinue to be both, a demigod to the tapha and - the Turkish Admiral, temper and with It his more exper-1- . � Work!; - A
of the To sum up, seventy-three milum firethat and 2-0 mii
lasts, - Buy Now -it will- 6e biZher. Tull stock ofpul,leiys, tation and had resolved to win the people and the chieftain of the rul- Plall, to secure possession enced fellow -manager, for the young G,erina_ns ru the I
iar, whatever the cost to the pockets ing class we greatly doubt. That be Island. Finally, on September 8, the American promptly resigned his po- - le over twenty-one An- Za--Vr&Jr upon
ulley hooks, rafter brackets and slings. � . - Ron vassals and eigbty-two mill*n _. . . ;
P I I I 6f the rich and -the places of office- will cease to be t,�e� chieftain of the OttomaA forces were definitely de sition and left the employ of the Aii I
, ers. But what the resignation class in order that he may become feated, and driven in confusion to company. Awes--J.atin, Slavic, Semitic, be- . This truth, the b.
hold I the leader of the people is scarcely their ships. With the defeat of the. lonong to thirteen different rAtiox- -war & its new gre
of 'Bethma-n-n-Hol weg means we do. Tbe-name of the young American 'y
- �
. . not know; we can only surmise. thinkable. That change w�uld re- Turk, the order reached the height was Herbert Clark Hoover. &Rtkm--who ar-e bearing the most ,Upon flying, wiR ih,
. I
A.SILLS, Seaforth quire ,a very great man; . and the of Its I-ame and power. New knights orael and uuJustlAaWle yoke that tb* jj�lumembla. It hi
Gw� In Unglandfithe Minister:� are re- Now observe bow Nemesis pursues . I
I " d, Apeed. a vastlY nm
. — � sPonsi�ble to the people. In .the Kaiser is not a very greo man. Oocked to be enrolle but thence proud mortals! In October 1914 world has ever known. -Andre Chew.
� .. . � I ovwarOsi the knights lapsed from this samp, Belgian, at tbf. su6�stion radame In The Atlautic. I . in zevery service. I
## - � United States they are not respon- In- all -the swirl of these muddv . . ;
' sible to the people.they are respon� waters, in all the -puzzling conflicts of their# old Ideals, and, when they of tbl-: American Ambassador in Lon- =M to the Fleet �i.,
jr-Aw e; .WrilorMittual SUFFERE1 TEURLY i wore finally driven from Malta by don, ,-alled on an American who, Mr.. BR�ssoms for Dead Soldiers land 1orces of even;
, , 4 re 'dent; but the these contending, currents, it is clear el
. I Bible only, to the I s, Napoleon, as they were in 1798, , I -
NO= Prdsident is responsible to the people. that Germany is no longer wholly tb Pagc Paid, was OP. logical man to it wilt of r"eF.9
. . and the One of the mo,,A prowrous agrl- ;
Fire. Iwulrcmce C& WffN N 'By had long ceased to comin bead the work of relieving starving _.0 tural districts in feWive atelal fleet 4;
AMb � . In Germany the Miniatyy are respon- free from inspirations of liberty. Let respect of Christendom. The Treaty '�' I Flunce at 06 4 ,
� Belgium. Tb,e AwiLrican was Her- :1 �Qf peace. it V,
Bible onl� to the Kaiser,and ihe Kais- the aristocrat count it a disease; the resent time is in the near nejgkbor- .ods I
Beadq#ww: � WOULD WAKE UP SNOTHERIN& er is responsible to no one. The German people have caught the I m- of Amiens, in 1802, provided for thp' bert C. Hoover. Cod of Toulon, the riediterrana" and the most raAl
. restoration of Malta to the Order of -
DIRECTORY , Government of Germany is an irre- fection. Lert the democrat count it St, John, but against this de,pision seaport not far from lf4rselllee, sad Military things of 1,
OFFICERS. President sponsible Government. The resigna- a life; the German people are be- the Maltese strongly protested, &.ud SPPWAID OF G'PRYMANISIVI. tbe-refore far distant kow tb,a seew ... � it demands y1buth 1
J. Comnolly.. Goderich, Man's Nurtmed 1JWV4 Pill$ tion of Bethmann Hollweg indicates ginning to feel that life -blood in their 1)f war. 0 * attention of all th,D�
I � , " when, by the Treaty of Paris, In &I
jma, L,vsas, Beeejrwwc� Vice-Presidedi , be orl
, __ I � -simply..that the Emperor has either veins. Whatever this volitical change 1814, the island was formally hand- S4,-VeiA,5-three inifflou Tinicn- Con. But the wgx is to tb4s district tbo � A f-CeneratiOn i
!r. E. uai% �-sedoru4 SecV.-Treas. , Cured Her. changed his'mind'or changed his pol- means tto Germany it certainly means ad over to the United Kingdom, the tro"I 11iindred Million Othejr,. most Important 9ouy*,e of itz prois- . our natw*nal life. 41
. : . � I W, I
AGMM 11 I 'icy without chaliging his mind - to�,the world 0 -L -peace without vie- . . I
I , .qettlement was received with satia- Since the b- cgiriu'n of hnF'� litie.-i . verity. For its chief product In The stupenduo I
Lbose tiny, long-lasting ftviws *nly transformed V1,14
Alm Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed. probably the latter. . There is noth- tory is more than ever impossible. faction. '2' 14iMMOTtell".1s
I Mrs. A. M. PoweR, Norval, oat., ' I there has been a formidable exten-
Hmicbl'By, Seaforth; William Chesney,, ing to indicate * that the autocra V If Peace is made now with autocratic . aloin, of Prussian militaTism. At lirst, known as They go, in parrt,and must I
Emondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. v'Ates: "' cs"=ot sPeak too h'ghly of which he repres notie In vast quantities, to decorate the futura*--transform (
__ Milbum's Heart and Nerve Pills. I - on Gemany, it wil%f� be only a trace to it -held In Its grasp only th(- �Ixty- '.
� �
�m I graves of French soldierv� In early gmt vur came ,at."
G. Jarmuth, Brodha& suffered for five years with my Naa,t and - of changing itis mind. enable an unnriUcipled militarism to eight raillion people of the German . Aftis, Iftir w9-yw,-_t ol
. �
DIRE�CTORS . I nervesi, but the last two years I have W do not think that the Kaiser is prepare for a -et more terrible trag- OF SEAS Empire. OBy April, 1915, it had ex- spring the fields Planted with tbQm - ,
William Rinn, No' 2, Se,aforth;_ J&D suffered tei-ri�ly. If I went to bed I a great man, He is an attractive edv in the near future. There can be tended and organized its influence 16re densely carpeted witb the bles- � 4-rom develope& an4
13,.nnewies, Broailgen; James Evans, would wake up as if I was smothefing. personality, a- versatile man, a ruler no lasting peace for the world until 44 E are now," said Sir I among the thirty millions of Austro- torns -associated in everybodylo and exT)enses of tht;.�
Reechwood; M. McEvven, Clinton; .Jag. I did not get one night's sleep out of of abiity; but he is not a Napoleon the autocracy of Germany is ground Edward Carson, in Hungariam;, who until that t1tr-1 had miad not with 11fe, but with death- absorbed at once bi
. wbich are picked In early morning, % - �,
Connolly, Godarich; D. F MzGregor ven. I :got 00 very weak that the nor a Peter the Great. He is a su- to -powder and blown away by the speaking of the Brit- taken ordiprs from their owntinde- I sity But with the ;
0 'Ilan aspect wi I
or -was called in, and be said it was preme egotist and the supreme egot. cleansing -winds of beven. Only n Ish and American pendent military (hiefs. A f tkr Oc- A �
R, r_ No. 3, Seafortb; J. G. Grieve: I "d 'tor W before the dew is 4off the ground, and li �'
No. 4 Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; my heart, and that I must take great - ,F! Of ishipped, via, Toulon, to all parts of new art will he- ttl_r,.
i istl is never supremely great. He emancipated Germany can give peace -)"'..-I's, at the luncheon to the offi. tober-November, 1915-tbe dat, rmull`e . I
."leorge McCartney, No. 3, Seafortb. care of mysJef. I saw yow advertise- � ... . '. of everyone. it ,etn,!
U , ,.be Prussian sys- I .
loves to command, but be loves even to an emancipated Europe. . qerbials downfall-' I 11 - I �&
I . ____ - I ment in Yom almamc fcT Milb='s more to seem to command, It has � ____ cers of Admiral Sims' squadron, - ______ i - 1!! part of our ekperi, !
a.m. p.m. I Reart and Nerve Pills, and said I woWd been wittily- said that he would "from this day forward, out together way bas come to T
G*derich Leave 7.00 2�3o I trY the= I have only taken two boxes rather be tbe'drum-major than the THE ISLE OF MALTA to preserve the real freedom of the 'the, stearaszhiR --ns'I �
Myth 7.37 8.07 of them and I feel a new woman. I Will seas, and we mean it." — -_ ;
7.50 8.1 Q "commend them to anyom afflicted F01onel of a regiment. Politically he F one desires length of lays Ir- I . I � .8"'mrs C-_,%_y,P,1T lei,
Walton b.;j with heart ti�_" is an abs6lute autocrat, But in the Of all the fraudulent phrases in-
Guopb 9.35 9 I the matter of history, one is � . I -
Milbum's Heart and Nern PiUs twentieth century no man can be an . DURIN-G,i
FROM TORONTO am vented by Germany to gloze the .
I .1
Toronto (Leave) 8.20 5.10 60c. per box. at d -deal= or Mailed absolute autocrat. Hecan be an ap- sure to,:flnd It in a ,'%T-edit,?rraj)- truth, "th-0, freedom of the seas," - � More little one.4 �
direct on receipt cd ptice by the T. Parent autociat only by representing ean. , island,'- Crete, for in- Charged . 1� I ... 4, t I �� weather than at MI.
Guelph (arrive) 10.15 7.00 was the most audacious. I 61, � I Z I .. I
,Walton 12.58 8.42 Milburn Co., Uwlted, Toronto, ont. forces which he sometimes uses but Btanele, is to -day...- pp-nerally re- with a militarism which endangered the yearr. Diarri-4,
. � which sometimes uses him. The and finally assailed the world, she 4rsL infantwn and r
Alyth 12.10 9.07 garded as being the oldest land in � I " I i 1p,
12,30 9.19 - German people are divided into retorted that England was guilty of ) come withoirt VMMI
Aub= - two the world. Cyprus, too, carrio., its 0. i � -
Qoderieh 12.46 9.45 . classes-tbe one booted and spurred navalism.11 Charged with a desper- I 'I
CREAM WANTED, to drive, the other saddled and brid-- story back, with the utmosl ,.(-r-, . � Inedicine is nqt Ir.
Connections at Guelph Jui6etion with - . ate attack on the fre-ed-m. of the na- . - promptly the shor'�
Jq 10
Line for Galt Woodstock� Lon- led -to be driven. The military, the tainty, two thousand years b,Oori� tions, she retorted -vith an appeaj I _ , '
' , . �ffi� � quently zoneans VAL
MiDetroit and &-cago and all in- We have our Creamery now in full Political, the social. organization of the Christian erta, and Nialta is i -4 for "the freedom of the seas.,, Un- . I - � 11 11 pasw- b8yortd st
bumediate points. �� operation, and we want your patron- Germany have cted mut,,h Younger. When the Pb(.W;;'- � _�r 9 J Tablets should *'F�
- age. We are prepared to pay you to preserve this leadership by the I N AV
� the highest prices fo your cream, pay few over the ians came to Malta, as they ,]:(.,, * , ` , - - -� - ��?Z',', re, - I , homes where thert
many, The much 0.01,1, I - I - ,.��",�*",P!2Zt, -
. F;�, rem. An o-ccasiolu'l
weeks, -V'.��'ggh, sample praised ,AL-ceational system of Ger- about tbe tenth century 13, C., u., : � -g�,- - - --- - - � I
iron Pump's & pumP you every two r rl,!
. - and test each efin of cream carefully ' - . ... �. lets wHi pxteveat '
A% . I . many hasTbeen organized and main- displaced a"inueb older civiliya,ioi., ; t P _�
ana give you statement of the same. tained to pepare the f ew to govern id 1`11
riepairmg We also supply cans free of charge. I Thp. island was inhabited by a p -o-1- I - trou7bles,or it the �'
J L 11 r I Adeidy the pyommgt b
an prepat ed to tut its all -z,nd Of and give you an honest business deal. and the The about whom littl,p- is knw.vn. ,1u, ;� , wiu aby".
...... 1. - - eure --the bi ',
Kaiser is the -titular head of the rul- was they, and not tbo 1?b(P",ni,?",1,_ "F;x...- �
eorc. and L at Pumps a A a. 13) sizes Call in and see us or drop us a card f �r �� w 'I
. ae
' . '.., �;� d q�
: ,
''. ,�,,�,,;, sold by medicin I
, .4
. � �..�::. .
. - /
-'.,,,. , 11 �roj
11) L , - particulars. ing class, but his power depends u-pon who werp responsible for tbs, wor i ,�� I r -1 25 cents a box f
� , y P pe F.:tting-. e c. Galvan I their retention of their power. The ful'ineralithic monumen4u�, whi( 1i .- '�,�---,K,"i ( , -
1`1_11�11� -
. �. . -
-6.....-II... yKedicine (30., Brd
I -te Seaforth Creamery autocracv-of the Hohenzolle to be found so frequenily in ,Nij'... .-+ I
1 S teel Fanics � nd Water troughs. , , I �,_::��,�
rns could - ;,t,C-::-,-: . .
� . - .1 .
Sta i c ite ms -+o d attle, Basins. Seaforth Ontario not be long preserved if the military and on tbe neigbboring islawl , :- � 1, __ - ",:'� , ..1. 7�--,�--;. I - I . _"
. - -;�y '. , �. ,,4 � 11
. � -Y-
__ - ____ - and landlord class should be over- Glozo. Thcri,6 about the sixth (.,-,_-j'*,1:- " ...", �.,_;, I
."..,.- ;��`_A:`,, ...
A, , o a , k indsof pu mp repairingd one - - - _;', PRESERV
. ;_�� !:,:,_.'1��_%:::::::
__ ,
thrown, Whethef the resignation of came the 'artbaginians. Tb�-y e,jyjp7 I A. �P. .
Z., F.,4�'(-' �, .� - .
I W - , '3 The indieationL- ,,,
oil -bo.r - notice. For terms, etc., his favorite Minister has been forced as friend's" of a sistc�r Pbonji :ar� . I ,; S
Goderich . . be dear next, wil
ap[ Iyat Pump Factory, uPon the Emperor by that class there colo,Y, not as conquerois; but', h. - � i %�r
th DIARRHOEA the great struggle with Romo iii tl�-., ; , . I %% ikey were last vvl
st,, East, or at residence, Nor , is nothing very definite to Qiow. But I., , , . i I el
I t
. I tbird century B, C., tbf�y ,1A,ere at las,, , ; P I Want eggs had i
Main Street it is not- an improbable opirlion. .;.;! f
I . 'W"WAS SO BADw - Any in ' of events in _ driven to 'evy tribute on thi, ielLnd, I C I 0 I lnovr while they
� terpretation ith the -result that the Mahese I I tot i
.W ;� . A cheap . Do i
%. � ... ,
. S I
, TV I w !:��&�`�,, �
J. I elsh, Scafort Gerunay mu t be taken with a reser- I-ose ..... r ar such Me&UW-;,-'
- - ' I � in revolt, banded over lhc- ',��AU *.
- vation. The facts which Americans Punic garrison to the JZomaD _pn- A '..��-,'.- � 1. .. -(It% I
�.;,*,"% . 1� I tent preservati"
_. . �..�, ,".., . I ,
'N .W.11 -
Q P. & TIME TABLE Thought She Would Lose Child. know are those which an autocratic Pral, Titus Sempronius, 'and Malta ��:l ,..-.Vl -, . I = ed as being so �
, 1�
� .
-AVELPH & GODERICH BRANCH- i. Government permits them to know, ti-ecame a Roman municipium. _., - I 1990%h had better be "ad
� .
TO TORONTO. I I or which escape to us despite ef- In a history so long and so full of .�� � Millionai Retter use .some
.ficient censorship. . .� I
_;.7 "" _::�',
Dufing the hot weather young chilldren It is bovXever, detail as that of Malta, it is not now I . . ., I 'tried and lound
- . � �,:, i
I....7 , -
n L' ..., �,*/. 4.1,
G. T. IL TIMR TABLE are very much subject to diaTrhoea, in clear -that there is in Germa y a. real Possible to do more tban refer to its . . , Accordinx to 4
, I . I ,� " ��, -
: and impoi-tant division upon two ques- - ,0_. .�7,% of Packaae-m -
Tr&hw 1AAV10 S"fOr& = fOUO": fact, more so ,than adults, on account of . . -0-0 ... MMnwawft� � �_ . V#*V1 4*5 Zominion Chemis
2e. 55 a.m. - For Clinton, Goderich, I the more delicate constructio . n of . .their tions -one foreign, the other domes- . of the best presei
. �
Wingham and Kincardiw. � . tic. There is 'no indication that there of this famous War -time Sweetmeat are *0 flollovring fir
�__%,__! constitution. It b ooves every mother is any party -_
a. 88 P.M. - For Clinto, T. __. .1 . . which is opposed to the 4 i jTkvul�ar X'q.. v
* -
to ]oGk after berl chil#ren on tl�e first sign war, or woud be willing to seek peace . .., .. I sent to the soldiers J. .
and Kin%udins. ' ,�� ,,,,,� i 4 ! ,,sailors and aviators The metho
rms *11, I I I I - . - d o f
of any looseness of the bowels, fo'r if th upon any te which the Allies - ��\ \'. I . `ZX -
XIA p.m. ,- For CUnton, Goderich , ot some serious b . ey - 1� ,., ). . .-: . �, ,I ,X , I at the front. I ply to slalko ow
I, owel trouble " ____1 - - , I 4uick lime with
, .551 a. rn.7--For Stratford, Guelph, do n !cb woul.d or could accept, but there is a I . I I I , ., �� I
Toronto, Oriffis, North Bay and I as diarrhoea, dysentery. cholera . infan- con ___�'_ �,*_ 'A - V0.1 � , I I I 'O, I I-- I--- . . I Vater and then h
I siderable Party opposed to some ,
. of the Y�iore.ruthless methods of -vvar- ,:-.. - . � .." ,_ If you have a hiend there, see that every
points West, Belleville and FOter-, tuni, cholera niorbu!z, stiminer c _____ - ,. �:- --�� .� _,.__�- sIR EDWARD CAPX-.,OIV " �� go, formed into
- -
i Om]Plai'llt, on the gro ../,.�� --. ; V-�.�,__' - I parcel or letter contair,s a few bars or a 11
_14� � ` I- If
boro, and points east - _-,�:z: .- _,,--. .5-;_ - ter. A..Ur the
. ��_-:_�!-Ic �_ vo_______�� cri
0.16 P.m ]For Stratford, Toronto,i . . � _---L.., N
- - . 11. 4,_.,� - "' 1�vn in- Phrase without asking in what is vdlow,2�d to sl
Montreal 9:nd points- a"t - I jo -bey make. C� - -7.� ""', X1 :'r' . - r-
ittle one by not pensate for the enemies t - " �__ - I
perhaps, loc�se their 'i reat chew
,,etc., is liable to follow, and they will those - methods- achieve do not com- . _�, , itical minds accepted that glittpr- package of WRIGLEVIS, the gi - 'kept wen stirrv;
__�, -
- _ - �1 1 47. 1
1 ' There is no indication of any 4% Or , I T ; I I .i, � - �,!PWA _1 I
. . : , , " - ,V,_'��,,, ,,,:�^-!�l,,..;,t�--,-,:"--..:; waY th-e fi,eedom of thp seas was en -
I i taking -the prucaut�on to check this loose, revolu- (1, .1 'I--'-. - - , * -a- 11" _,A%..... . k�g confection that is used around the :� tmt liquid, whic",
, ,
- ,.,., ,., .,� ezt 4 ,� 1�04�.'-x -
,LONDON, RUNON AND BRUCI .1)11�/ '4440 . da ng
.1 11 . , I 11, � I ' 't
I - . - �
Z �4 _' , '*. lime water., is ,I
_.t' .; ;
ness of the 1,owel I ti6nary party which desires to over- : - - , _ered by England, oz- wherein lay
s by using Dr. Fowler'.- ow' ;'A-��f,� - . . I ism.## vt7oflid. 01trer
I thr Imperialism and substitute a . �-� "".. �Z,,'� , 1.�T.. - �� I I-. I . I
, I -P ,. lr� , 1,9-`,N#'0_ "-_�� .- �`-.J Itie menace of "naval
. I 0. I P
,I p, . 1_';'F� 4-10- ! '/ - � KeeP it always on hand. It , t he ex ;-, g 3.
sewth pmomew. Extract of WAd Strawbeuv, I Tepublie'like that organizing. in Rus- � , . , '' -. k V'7�4;._�, What it�meant WaF that En,gland .1 I arock or watier-4-
I - � AA . -
&JL . . . 14K� 11 , Ij j ,-- 4. !��p -:y , ,
4, ,4. - 1. .�.
*roast - . 4.0 dence . . - 'NA:54"�-n. -*�:--.;� P, �, .
"- .., ;'V, , - , .
-1 - � 11- . , .� .1 :,� po.iure i
Mary's, Ont., sia, j�ut. there is abundant eTi E I *
!Jrs. R. J. Hilli,,, St. - _ . .k �aE' z4,4 ha(l the larges,t na-vy in the world, .q helPs t6Ah, appe-tite, digestion.
..r.V1. "K. ,,, -_14-1 ,� � ' � L_ Germany had the greateist army.
I writes: " NTV little girl was so bad with of a considerable and apparently .. � . I K].,.. r. - I :1
.... �. . .. EZQ - - � 11 � 1, , ,.-,- I. -I ,i�,t',. - . ! "I
I 1 AM 1^ Precipitate the "
I 1�. I - Ge -Mall armY wa,� built and �� I CL \' '.
- ; - � �*Wl -
� I f� �; �,T - . -, .,. i�, .4
1 diarrhoea the doctor. coald not cure her, growing party which desires and is Z-3. 13tit the
..- .. .. .. T." � . ere g6ing to lose . I . - -� A j ;Sealefs f ght "After evetv I _e 1� and ithus ti �,;
I . and we weresure we'w ."
'. I - \1 I
. - ,�, ` �' k. � ;,,� i ",I 4 � 'lily u - P1111)0-se!� of aggres- _�'_� X.
.. -- YJ $ . I.. P"A (� , . - p r, . fln4 -�,--d f0l A t k -) �,.
.. .. beginning to ,_ - , A. t &I . \Y,w - �
.- 11; TIC told me to use Dr. "'.1r. I I I .1 mc ��,�,,, the ve -ont,a;
- , "I 6 � � i
- her. A friend Of r IF � � sion, whil- the Britjr�_I, ' �kNjlvy . P;! r; I'll 3sel z
Government. .1 , _ - ,Nv.t� f4 M mric-ak"
w _��, �., 1� 4n, _� . ') ,�, .
Qb*M .. .... .... 1.1a of the people in the ; - . _IV �.. '.. � . �'w _." J 1-2 t I
. .
- -) These two parties are to some ex- �'. I �, 4i, .., t� -.4.1 I . -, IS% 1,�11 11 �
pru"dwd. � . . . . . . am Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, s' . - 49V . ,., I- , Purely ael em!.Ive, Grp., � k V, 'A" - - I be kept eoverei -
.,T_,� 3. . - . .. at'Brfla;n b(_-ing 11 k:_,� � Zk
; i I sent for'a bottie riglit away, ar:d by the , . 'A ,,i�t 11 I . 40�11,kiw I
..... . . &n V � i.v-. '.i - "'I" -f .?- .5 - -�*A 7. - -
XbMw .... I , - 1--;," an islana and Nvii'iwit lit,,,! (i ,04 � eiudaa by -, -_0Vf
� time I had , tent identical in their personnel, This 1. ,,, �� � -, "s .r: - , �� ��,� I
, " . , � _r.
I ' � k__ �
: . . against invasion by .�n ani.,", .,)o I
a I , �11 I
I 1 able to sit,ap, and 1.)efore I had the second . - Z - �7 - - � i by saeldng upz)
given her one bottle she wa� -, , 4.�k4 - I . I 'k
�Lu is indicated by the fact that on the �� � 11-1- .. � *�.14�, 'A,. ..�- - � I � ;
9::Ee�i� -. : - . : -1 : - .- .- Ui ... � . - . . . W, et. .- I - I :2�0�, � -0 - �� spre-aa-
i one hand Bethmann Holweg re .� �'' I '' 11.1" , - ." - I I I"
- .%" - 1 bottle itscd.,he i�as curtd. I tell every- I , ',�r, .- . 1,.� . ,- .4X 1. , �
. 1. ' __ - d fui p- I �, ." _�ra :
14 -ow- _... .. ... . 4 71 I -1 I I " 1,
'11� � .�, -11" & I
a, , 3 . � ,at the lime. fth,��
I �, - I.fV, �
i _0�� �11 01., - 10_7%�, , - I
KWO P.- 41W i ") , - , V � :1
I ' ,+- - "111 a ""Vat 11avY, 131 . t-o. n.:... - 47. '� tilt is any n;
fused 4 1, � itme
I bodv aiAjut this sure cure. to accede to the -demand for annex- :` -�_-_,.', r ,�__,. ,rpost � ol N, - __1 � - �
��. ,,- -er ,' I . " I
%, The priice I . _ , . ,!i.At�'A � R - I
a bottle, but it is well worth it. ' ation,- and . on the other hand openly - py 411 4 X �111 th .-' Wawn Or �34)1��
is 3':'c. , aguip%sion on her neigbw,n,. .-lit, �-
Called the mistress of itit, .,.;(z,,_, ,,I,. L �_, , , ,
-4 �, . 0.- 11
a-- I * 14 years since I first.tried it,, and acknowledged the need for electoral . I, � i,5� _� 14
- I �-�y . tA, I wifitallsiv:"I'T shl�, h&e. 1( -ft the tieaE o�, %...t.,.- !!,� 1. ;1 �1 . .� � Wilih a furtf.2
I I � .
I i keep it on hand, It is good reform - But that Bethmann Holl- - I
wo 0, @�" ItAl. .-ft SA for old a n -d young alike." � � ) Mistress free to al]. Ir; t*:�it, 01 ,p ,, .� I I . I nared,
I weg s resignation has been called for - - - I , 1. � �, I
O.W. " - -- ,.- W11 " Dr. Vo ' I . . by the Kaiser certainly does not in- ip Of any nation C.alj tra 4. )- - � LIA5Z ill, Gc4nez-al pr�_��
...* *�%*-* --a �. %X- ,. wler's "hasbe6nonthe . et all the seas of which Gni_ 1;:�,A:,i 1., .1 IN CANAEA ,
A, 'dicate a,,triurnpb for either peace 0 . 73
P.O. .00" --* - I _ Is I for the past 72 years, so if you want to be without or called the mistress as fr-J.'.. ,i_; an-, r. -;r, -_,:X �Zw I ,
i0a-,y-* aLtoje �0,4_ on the safe side be sure and see that you democracy witliin the Em- . British shID, a -ad t ` I 12- I It is eszs-m-
get "Dr. Fovvier's" when you ask for it. Ptre. . 0 ransa- m,. F, ! " ,a% -- J7 114- `�
- ' Wk I
- . .6 -.am, �
.1 I llaft�
16, - H
I 11 SIL
������ i
I Ii
I I&( J� 7
- aww�mnKp- kind of bu-siness as her si.1,n*. Q., ... . IWIW-- 19 11 7 1 -laid to, the foL
� o,& t- � . The genuine is manufactured only by f Bethmann Hollweg is not a states- . , no owlavour L � , i� 1_1"rhat, Pw,�I,
. . I ' be Britain has ke,Dt the sews o!pf-,n ,t., ! - 1\ I I �
- I - . . .. . I -
5�* , ,,L The T. 2111burn Co., Limited, TorontD, I man; he is a politician. No states- , fros. I �
-a V* ,� 91 38 lued -
I Im T"i, 1- ; -. __ Mis swall: I . W0fi3E;E1__,4 T__T1-Mf, tl�6 ._
- Ont. - I I maen would have chazracterised a za- F
- At Gg=gAy ha8 5trgeh 4t th�j _� -
w I � --- __ - - -_ .=� X - i
I ift the T*_48 A
A . I
: I - I I