The Huron Expositor, 1917-07-27, Page 8ITOR U 27, 1917 won Exposes 1 ZOrS w is thslme to have your razor put in proper shape. The being one of the barb- ers quiet periods you are as- fid a a sufficient amount Of time devoted to each raz- or, thus assuring a smooth, quick -cutting edge, result- ing in a saving of time sad worry. Delay no linger% bring your razor here and have it hon- ed and have a Real Shave next time, \ We guarantee a smooth clean -Butting edge. KitlIECIAL BAB Ell SHOP W. Robinson, Prop. DCT MATT= Snit Case Specials Good quality, Maisie straps, 24 inch size...... i..i..... $1 '75 Grained Keratal, extra deep leather corners, steel frame, heavy leather straps 3 75 up Olnb Bags -Leather and Fab, rikoid, double bandies...—. 4 00 up Trunks—Canvas covered, with hasty hardwood slats, brass- ed trimmings, good lock and catch, iron bottom, 28 in 3 B5 30 in f ' 00 A fall stock of single and team h4r- neas of all kinds always open for your inspection at - B rt deriek's • Harness Shop Opposite Commercial Hotel Satisfaction If you will take the trouble to call at our Stu- • dot ewaniirie our photos (many of them pictures of your friends} learn our prices and note the at- tractive finish, we are confident we can please you. There is a standard of quality behind' photo. graphh made by us, and our prices are as low as possible for good work. Family group photos a specialty. We do picture framing and sell amateur supplies and develop films and finish prints for am - Call and see us. - Photographer, Seatorth 4.041,01a 0 4110.0 4.0 40 jeF.DALY ieweler and Optician. Ismer Marriage Licenses James Watson General Insuratice Agent Real Estate and Loan Agent Dealer in Sewing Machines, Few good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Sweforth. Terms reasonable and possession given PromPtlY Apply at my office for particulars. A Slipper Sale Travellers. -- The following were ticketed to the West on the Homeseek- ers' Excursion on Tuesday by W . Som-. erville, railway and steamship agent: Ws. Bogert Elgie and Mrs. James McLean, of'' Tuckersmith, to Edition - ton; . Miss Robertson of Cromarty, to Saskatoon. ,Women's War Auxiliary. -The lo- cal Women's War Auxiliary ask the co-oe ation of the knitters in the town and country who have so generously helped in keeping our own boys ov- erseas furnished with socks. As is well lmown, the need is greater than ever deefore and the society is anx» ion that the supply be kept up to the original, 150 pairs socks monthly. � I The Entrance Scholarship .—In com- menting on the Entrance Examination results last week we stated that the public school schola rslp was won by Est Edge, and the Separate School Scholarship by Many O.'Leary.. This was incorrect. There is only eine scholarship for the town and ane -eor the country. The Seaforth . scholar- ship was won by Miss Mary O'Leary, of the Seaforth Separate School, ` who had a total. of 542 marks. . Burned Out in the West --Mr. W. A. Crich received a telegram on ' Thursdayi xne g last from his bro- ther, Chester, Macklin, Sask., slat- ing that his b ery and confectionery shop had been c rapletely destroyed by fire they previous afternoon, The fire originated in the 'store next to him, and destroyed a block of four stores. Mr. -Crich bad just been engaged in business in Macklin for a year and his many . friends in the east - will re- gret to learn of his loss. • Rebekah Installation.—At the reg- ular meeting of Edelweiss . Rebekah Lodge, on Monday evening, the follow- ing officers were installed, the instal- lation being conducted by Mrs. C. Aberhart, P.G.; J.P.G., Miss Me - Gregor; N.G., Miss Hazel narrative; `V.G., Mrs. Jno. Rankin; R.S:, Mies Martha Reid; P8., Miss L. Freeman; Treas., .Mrs. A. McGavin; Chap, Miss Sadie Thompson; War:, Mrs. T. G. Scott; Con., Miss M. Pinkney; R. S.N.G., Mrs.. Westcott;, L. S A . G., Mrs. C. Aberhart; R.S.V.G., Miss C. Mason; L.S.V.G., Miss Marie Martin; I.G., Miss Bessie McMichael; O.G., Mrs, R. Smith. . seise visited ..her: fon, Mr, Thome. Thomson during the past week; --- Miss Lydia Oke, of Foietter, is visiting her#brdther, Me 'Andrew Oke, North Main street. ---Mr. and Mrs.. J. R. McNabb, and fancily of Dungannon, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. JohnMcNabb, James street. Miss Jean Ross, of Toronto, is spending a few holidays with her mother, Mrs. L. Ross.—Miss Gertrude Reid is visiting in Toronto . ---Mrs . R. Smith and Miss Pearl Patterson have returned from visiting in Ingersoll and London . — Mrs ...R .. T. Elgie and Mrs.., J. W. McLean, of Kipper], left on Tuesday. for a trip to the west. ---The Misses L. and D. Tainan are visiting with friends in Palmerston and Owen Sound.—Miss Norma Jeffrey is visit- ing with 'friends in - Hamilton .---Mr . and hire. Cooke, and Dorothy and Mrs. McDonald left this week for `their home in Detroit after a pleasant holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layton. --Mrs.. Isaac Mode - land visited in Clinton the past week. —Miss Irene Paterson is visiting her uncle, Mr. Alex. Cuthill in Winthrop. Miss Dorothy Walley of St. Thonias, was the guest of Miss Abbie Seip and other friends in town last weed . -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGee and son Jack, visited friends in East Wa- wanosh last ween. ---Rev.• Beverly Ketehen, B . D.., ,of Hamilton, will con - duet t onduet' the services in the Seaforth. Pres- byterian church on Sunday—Misses M . and G. Scarlett spent the pant week with Miss Anna McDonald of Zurich. --Mrs.Robert Scarlett and r.iece, Miss Marion Muldrew are visiting relatives in Brockville. —Mr , M. Broderick has purchased the boot and shoe repair- ing business of Mr. Chas.. Consigney and has moved the stock . and equip- ment to .his store in the Cady Block. where he will conduct a repair business along with, his harness store. Miss Dunn is the guest of her sister, Mrs. George Phillips. The Seaforth-Col- legiate Institute is maintaining . its high standard again this year. At the recent Lower School Examinations out of 29 pupils who wrote 26 were successful and there was only one failure in the recoitifnended list of pupils.—Miss Linnie Holmes of Bos- ton, is visitiigg at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Holmes. —An electric blower is being install- ed in connection with the organ in St. Thomas church. Mr.:''homas McMil- lan has returned from Rochester, Min- nesota,where lie was undergoing treat- ment. —Mrs. reat-ment°.—Mrs. Westervelt of New York, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bright. Local Briefs.—Mrs J. M. Camp- bell, of Missouri is a guest at the Miss Minnie Mackay spending the holiday* 'with friends in Boston.— Miss Aamie Neville, of Sarnia, is vis- iting with friends in town and vicine ity.—Stanley Hays, Robert Laird end Nelson Govenlock, of the Aviation Schbol, Camp Borden, spent Sunday at. ' their homes bere.—The many friends' of Mr. David Mooee, of Egmondville, were pleased to see him- in town this week, although he is not enjoying the best of health at present—Mii and Mrs. Newton Crichi of Macklin, Sask., -with their finally, -spent Sunday 'at Crich.—Misses Marjorie Brown, or- nna Hartry, Alva and Verna Graves are spending a couple of weeks holi- days in Bayfield.—Miss Mulholland has returned home after a visit of some weeks in the western provinces. m -Miss Mary Habkirk is spending her liblidays in Chicago.—Mrs. John Dor- sey of Duluth is visiting at the par- ental home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wil- liams.—Miss Edith Govenlock, daugh- ter of Mr. J. M. Gevenlock, Win- throp, has accepted a position al teach- er in the West.—Mrs. Stewart McIn- tosh, of London, is visiting at the lame of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - William Seott.—Gupper Harald Ward. Of Petawewa Camp, sPent the week- end with friends in town.—Mr. Roy .Willis of Toronto spent Sunday 'at the home of his mother in town. He leaves shortlY for Winnipeg, where he has ac- cepted a good position. — Misses Mark% and Beatrice Larkin are vis- iting with friends in Chetham.—The regular monthly meeting ef the Red Cross Society will be held in :Meer irooms on Thursday afternoon nee% August 2nd, at four o'clock.—A sale of horhe made cooking, candy, vege- tables, and plain sewing, aprons a specialty, will be held in the Arinor- ies on 'Saturday, July 28th, commen- cing at 3 p.m., under the auspices of the Girl Guides Sunday Sehool Class of the Egmondville church, The pro - heeds will be used for patriotic pur- amses.—Mrs. Richard Crone, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at the home of New York,. is visiting at the homo of her parents, Col. and Mrs. Wil- son.—Miss Veda McLeod, of London,. is visiting relatives in town .—Mr. end Mrs, John Murray. of Ingersoll-, were the gaests of 3drii. Robert Smith here, this week. Mr. and Mrs, ,Alex. Skeen and two sons .of Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .J: W. Beattie this week. They were on a motor trip through Western On- tarite—Mrs . Gibson and daughter, of Algoma, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore, in Harmirhey.—Miss Hoffman of Toronto is a guest at the home -Of Mrs. M. Y. McLean.—Miss Margaret Cowan, of Winnipeg, • is spending her holidays at the Mime ef er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasi Cow- an.—Mr. Harold Best of Regina is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. William:Gil- lespie's, James street. — Miss Mary Cowan, of Toronto, is sending the holi- days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Cowan .—Mrs . J. H. Broadfoot and Miss kay, who .spent the winter in California, returned to their home here on Thursday last. They also spent ome time with Mrs. Broadfoot's sons in Vancouver of Toronto, is a girest at ahe home of Miss Gertrude Crich is visiting with friends in London.—Mrs. Ed -win Htint of -McKillop, is visiting in Guelph — Mrs. R. H. _Archibald and daughter, Marion, of Dunnville, are visiting at the home of Mr James Archibald. —Miss Margaret Chittenden arrived home on Monday after a pleasant visit with heir sister, Mrs . Padgett in Toronto .—Mrs . John Walker and son Jack, left on Tuesday for a trip to the west .—Mrs . John Thompson of Bras - Right now when Slippers are in great demand, we are go - mg to give our patrons a Slipper benefit as we do not like " carry-overs " We want New Slippers each Season Men's tan and black oxfords 12.49 Women's Patent and Kid Ox- fords $1.49 Women's Tan Pumps Oxfords $1.98 It is simply good business to close outour stock in its seas- on ; that's the whole secret and while it means a loss to us, it will certainly be great benefit to our friends. Come in on Saturday and get your share of the good things we have in store for you. and H. R SCOTT Lada, Purses and . Hand Bags We `have just received a new line of PURSES and HAND BAGS. The purses come in both large and small sizes some have hand strap on the back and others handle on top. Guaranteed to be GENUINE LEATHER. Prices from $1 up. next of kin to two of the soldiers rep- resented, Nellie McKinney and Olive Garnissa he rad aloud the namee in- scribed ° on. the Rolls as follows; Lieut. .Walter He Burgess, Sergt. Jas. Mc- Naughton, Signaller Howard G. Han ey,`Sapper A.' E. Thomas and Ptes. J. Malcolm Scott, A. L. Posiiff, Al- fred Ennis, Frank Shaw,Leslie McKin- ney, Harold V. Kerney, Leslie S. Winch, Ralph Shaw, Bertram Bad- man, Leonard Robinson, Ben Wooley and Colin McNaughton. Theoccasion was one of deep feeling for the large number present, including many of the relatives and friends of the sold- iers who were being honored. The Honor Roll, which is the gift of the Westminster Guild, presents a pleat- ing appearance; being framed in oak and hand Tettered in Old English,with illuminated title initials ;n green sad gold. -'-o ps, . s o 8 e ld Boo SF AFORTL Window Sh>des and Picture Frames. Agent for New Idea Patterns. k tor Just INow See Our— Laces Hosiery Barretts Embroideries Fancy Hair Pins Summer Underwear Side and Back Combs an almost endless variety of Goods and still new lines be- ing added. Bargains for you. JUST NOW BEATTI E'S FAIR Phone 129 1 ZURICH Notes .—The dour mill here has con- tracted with the hydro for 40 horse power and will have a motor installed at once.—The Zurich baseball team defeated Clinton 9-6 in Clinton last week.—Moving pictures under the auspices of the Women's' . Institute, were shown in -the town hall this week and attracted good houses. --Mr. R. T. Dunlop is spending his holidays in Hamilton and Toronto. --The members of the Lutheran League picnicked at Grand Bend last week and spent a most enjoyable day at the lake side. -Miss Erna Fritz, of London, is a guest at the home of ger uncle, Mr. Charles Fritz.—Mr. Roy Appel has accepted a position with a jewelry firm in Toronto and left last week for the Queen City.—Mr. Irvin Smith of Bay City, Michigan, was a visitor at the home of his brother, Mr. C. L. Smith last week.—During a heavy thunderstorm here, lightning struck the hog pen on the farm of Mr. D. Gingerich, . and it was burned to the ground, together with nine pigs. With the assistance of neighbors the large barn adjoining the hogpen was saved. —Zurich public school showed up well in the results published of the en- trance and Junior graduation exams. In the latter class all passed with hon- ors and one of the pupils, Jean C.mp- beli, secured the highest marks in the county, 848.—Farmers are busy harvesting the, bay crop, The yield will be much heavier than expected. Much damage is reported in this sec- tion as a result of the heavy rain- storm. Whole fields of beans are a toal loss and the damage will run into thousasds of dollars. Many cul- verts were washed out in the township, More closes Wednesday stn le Ston afternoon daring July � and August ualit to MACTf1 VISH'S Seaforth I, Bay for Sale—A number of acres of bay for Weer -- Also a good top buggy wanted. Apply to James Sproat, EgmondvfUe, Phone 18 on 146. 21891 Rug Let. --On Sunday, July 21st, between Box- uoro and Seafofth}, a plush rug. Finder please leaveat The Expositor Office.. 25891 Demoorat For Sale— For Sale a good one-horse Democrat for sale cheap. Apply to N. Gillespie, Lonna Street, Seafgrtb. "2589%1 MAID WANTED-rGeneral, Wages 820 per month. Family of four no small children. Apply to Box 1,00, Beacon -Office, Stratford. 2589-1 YOUR WASDBOBE-roar Suit le not 'worm out when soiledand stained. It can be cleaned and preeied to look ae ea +art and fresh ae new. Oamp- beil Bleck, Godern.h. St. 257941 1 S .Apprentices wanted to learn drexse-making_" Wages ppa�id to beginners i1 good sewers. Apply at one;. . Stewart Bros„ Seafront. - 258441 • Girl Wanted—Good girlforgener1l hmseworh. Apply et Expositor Office. 258841 4011 4 Toronto Conservatory Examinations —The following puplla ViSS Hazel 'Winter have suecessfully pissed their examina-tions coisneetion with the Toronte Conservatory of Music: Pi- ano—Intermediate --- Honors, George Clarke. Primary—Pass, Gray Parker, Billie Aberhati, Carl Aberhart. Ele- mentary—Pass, Mary Stewait." The- ory -a -Intermediate Form and Corapo- sitiop—Honors, Lulu Docherty, Gladye Cousins. Oilier Coimterpoint—Pass, Gladys Coulins. Junior Hormoiay and Primary Rudiments—First class hon- ors, George Clarke. Primary Harmony —Honors, George Clarke. VARNA. For the Belgians—The Varna Patri- otic society wiah all donations of cloth- ing for the Belgians to be in on Tues- day, July 31st, as they are going to pack them. Please bring on that day or leave at any of the stores bee fore. McKILLOP See the greatest af all war films at the Strand, Seaforth. Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th. Price 15c. Two shows Saturday night at 8i 15 and Re -Engaged .—Miss Jean Carswell has been re-engaged as teacher in the school in section NO. 2 at a substantial increase in salary. Miss Carswell has had charge of the school for the rag two years and during that time she has prove/I:herself a very success- ful teacher and popular with both impils and parents and the trustee board are fortunate in being able to retain her services. Personal—Mr. and Mrs. Smith and son Ellis and Gerald Ross, of Flint, Michigan, were visitors at the home of Mr. George Sloan, Beeehwood, last week. WALTON. CREAM WANTED—I a,m now fak- ing in cream; testing and paying for it while you wait. Satisfaction guar- anteed. We use tbe very latest meth- od of testing and each patron is re- quested to see our system. Cream taken in on Tuesday and Friday morn- ings of each week. Bring -us your cream and receive top prices. For further particulars see W. NEIL, Gen- eral Mercha.nt, Walton, 2583-tf Big Picnic .—A monster picnic will be held in Mr. James Rea's grove on Walton's Civic Holiday, Wednesday, August 8th. All the business plh-es will be closed and an excelleet pro- . gramme of sports has been arranged. Everybody welcome, so come and have an enjoyable time, as the committee in eharge expect to make this the ban- ner event of the year. LEADBURY Notes.—Miss Holmes, of Toronto, is visitini her friend, Miss Maggie Hal- ley .—Mrs. Good, of Toronto, is visite ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bell .—Baby boys have come to brighten the homes of Gordon Hulley Dundas had a well attended bee grav- elling his lane. The gravel -which was of excellent quality, was taken from congratulate Miss Eva Small*. A notice of her marriage appeared in The Expositor last week. Ptevious to her marriage to Mr. Courtice, she taught in Maanley's school o for a con- siderable length of time.—Many here will, be interested to hear of the mar- riage arriage of Miss Jennie McLey. which took place at Newmarket, a short time ago. She came to . reside with_ Mr. and Mrs. David - Boyd, when a little girl and lived with them for 17 years and they prized her very much. • BRUSSELS Notes .—Hugh McMartin, a former Brusselite, is in a Hamilton hospital. A year ago he broke his leg and the limb has given him considerable trou- ,ble. He was advised to have it brok- en at the hospital mid have it reset. He acquiesced and is now in a fair way toward' recoverye—Charles Cole has passed his first *gemination in vocal studied with P. R. Mulheron, organist in the Presbyterien church. — The three coXigregations on the Bluevale circuit of the Methodiet church, as - ambled jai tbei4ereh at Bldevale on Friday for thiei*edding aniversary of their Rev. Mr. Thom- headed- tumbril* aiid Mrs. Thomson worded address 'accompanied the gifts. The pastor m4de a fitting reply .— There was no iservice• in St. John's church on Sunday,. as Rev. Mr, Page was supplying at Wingliam.—All the Brussels pupils whh wx:ote at the re- cent entrance exammateops were she, cessfuli Marguerite Wilton carried off the honors with 534 marks, and was second with 526 .—The new bun- galow being erected by W. F. Stret- ton, jeweler, ia now ready for the pressed brick veneer. • BLUEVALE ,Unveiling The Honor Roll. — Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, was at- tended by a large Congregation on the morning of Sunday, July 15th, to witness the, unveiling of the Honor Roll, containing the names of the youdg men now enlisted for overseas service, who have been at any time con- nected with Knox Church or the Youmg People's Society. The musical part of the eervice was pleasing apd appro- priate, including, a solo, "The Call of the Motherland,' by Miss Carrie Dia- mond, and "The Veteran's Seng," by Miss Agnes Atchison. At the close of the sermon the pastor, Rev. C. Tate, paid a tribute to the part being Play- ed by the young men in carryang on the Anglo-Saxon love of liberty, and when the Roll of Honor had been gracefully unveiled by two little girls, t r MITCHELL Death of An Old Resident. —Wm. Thorn, an old and much respected resi- dent of Mitchell, was found 'dead in his bed at his hoine, here, about 5 p.m. Friday. He had lived alone and had not been seen roimd during the day. His grandson went to his rooms and found him cold in death. He was dressed and lying on his leech It is supposd that be had lain down to have a sleep. He was 90 years of ago , and was born at Great Thornton, Dev- i onshire, England. His wife died a - i bout twelve years ago. He was town ' treaaurer and tax collector for many years and was also a great muskian` . For about twenty years he was organ- ist and choir leader in the old Bible Christian Church. Three daughters and Mx sons survive—Mrs. W. W. Burgess and Mrs. W. J. Levy, Mit- chell and Mrs. R. Chowen, of Lon - Thorne, London; Fred Thorne, of Dhe , troit, and Richard and Charles, in ' Mitchell. superintendent of Port Arthur public school, visited friends in town last week. He was returning dfrom at- tending the funeral of hik. fathers which took place near London.—The date of Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert fall fair, -which will be held in Mit- chell, is Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep- tember 25 and 26.—Mr. Roy McMil- lan, of the staff of Kenora high school, visited friends in town last weeks Mr. McMillan was formerly on the Mitchell 06°01 staff. — The supper and lawn social given by the Ladies' Guild of Trinity church, on the church. lawn, on Friday evening, was a very successful affair. The proceeds a- mounted to $103 .—Wednesday even- ing St. Brigid's Patriotic Society held a social on the Roman Catholic Chureh grounds near Kennie Which was largely patronized. e proceeds a- mounted to over $600, Which:after de- ducting expenses, will go to the Pa- triotic Society. Me Coolest .Place lown Novr Showing War As It Really Is The Greatest: of all War Films These are the only war pictures of un- doubted authenticity, and they show every method of warfare in use to -day. One of the outstanding thrills of an almost continuous exciting pro- duction is the battle in the air be- tween an Allied and Hun airman. Capt. .Thompson ascends with another aviator and from an altitude of 10,000 feet, he films the encounter and shows the enemy aviatnr driven to the ground and death . by his British opponent. SEVEN REELS -500 SChNES in which every moment is seeth- ing with action Price 15c Saturday evening, Two Shows 8.15 and 9.45 St ran 0 If you want to telephone or write a letter, or read or rest awhile when in towel you'll find our store an inviting place, and you are welcome here at any time. We try to fill all mail orders the same day they are re- ceived. If the goods by chance are temporarily out of stock, we will hurry thein along to you as soon ns pos- sible. We pay transportation char- ges on all Mail and Phone Orders and give prompt ser- vice, Corsets of Genuine Merit It is hardly necessary nowa- days to argue with a woman as to the value !of a good cor- set to produce a good figure. We have the right kind of corset for you. D. te A. corsets P. C. corsets B. and 4. corsets Prices 25c to $5 CROMARTY Notes.—Mrs. Ross and little daugh- ter of Mount Pleasant, spent a few days recently with the forraer's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew Wright. —Mr. and Mrs. William, Dow and day for a trip through'the west. They intend going as far as Edmonton,— Miss Nettie Robertson left the same day to visit her brother at Viscount, Sask., and other friends at .different points throughout Saskatchewan and. Manitoba .—Mrs. Martin, of Alpena, Michigan, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. -Donald Park .—Mr. William Wilion has gone to Hickson to visit his dau- ghter. He' was accompanied by his youngest daughter, Miss Margaret, who was returning to Hickson, after a visit at her brother's home here.— Mrs. Barbour and two -children, of Toronto and Mrs. George Barr and son of Ottawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barr and other relatives. The Misses Mary and Violet Hay, of Stratford are holidaying with their aunt, Miss Polly Hoggarth.—Miss Irene Walker has returned home after a pleasant fortnight's visit in Toron- to .—Mrs. Oswald Walker is visiting friends at Markdak. — Miss Laura Stewart has been enjoying the lake breezes at the Bend during the past week .—A number frorn this commun- ity attended the Ford picnic at the Bend last Friday and report a very large crowd and a good time.—We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Alex. McLaren is now recovering from her recent sudden and serious illness.* Mr. Carl Weitzman of Niagara Falls, spent a week with his uncle, Mr. Norman Park and other relatives .— The Misses Ethel and Evelyn Chittick of Granton, are spending their holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson .—Mr. Chas. Worden of Hinniota, Manitoba, is vis- iting friends in the vicinity of Cram - arty and Staffa. Values Out of the Ordin for Wednesday forenoon Shoppers SPECIALS Children's Summer -Dresses Give the kids a chance to have a gwd tune now, when school is over. Goodness knows they deserve it Remember how glad you mere when vacation time came ? Buy rompers for them to wear six, days in the week and a couple of Sunday dresses. This is what they will cost—of course you know they are worth Children,' Dresses 50c and Upwards Infants' Dresses $1 and Upwards Children's Dresses 30c and Upwards White Dresses of lawn a colored dr-zsses of gingham and chambrays, prettily de- signed and trimmed. F girls of 4 to 14 years. Short Dresses for babies of 6 months to 2 years, Made of fine quality white lawn and nainsook in round or square yoke styles, prettily trimmed. Just the kind you'll want for everyday use --made of wash- able and serviceable and serv- and percales, for all sizes to What kind of hot weather Under- wear do you like? No matter anyway ; you are quite sure to find it here in nice fit- ting garments at very moderate prices considering the careful manner in winch the garments aye made and the excellent mater- ials they ace made cf. All sizes in stock and 'complete price range Ladies' knitted and muslin underwear starting as low 15c a gar- ment and advancing by step through ell the popular prices. Childrens' and Misses' Summer underweate the best procurable starting as low in price as wec a garmeat, Step in and See Our Stock of Beautiful Whitewear he first time you are in town or down town, ef. Mitelavish Seaforth 40111:11111s64111.11.112 *NAM