The Huron Expositor, 1917-07-27, Page 5ry*ember of the d the purse. in ent Leather or Fine so a pair.Strap Slippers, at g. 25, 2.75, 3.25 and lisps and ,Strap Slippers, a nto, 2.25., 2. SO to hues, with rubber soles, i'lisses wear we have Pat- el the pair. White Canvas a Outing Shoes at e Patent Leather Pumps Shaes at x.00 and i. to; t.25. For Men's wear we canvas at x.eo and seen ; rubber eoles at ; rubber soles and solid uesettty afternoon at xs.3o COMM3IRCIAL HOTEL * * 4. '.> * -:* 14 e • ( '''t - mosisimeanessammems........mi manes friends in .this vicinity = Afenteith visiting with her age!' re Mrs- Sohn Crawford, and sloe Liu. aamee R. McLeanseg.. ith, fs engaged in the lumber . -ss in the north and, reports eve ng booming in that line, hired being the greatest problem id withe-Spring einem in this atom if ever promised better for . per harvest. Many fine fields' of r are noticed and with fasrerah er the farmers wili.have• a goj .-Miss Sarah Dayman, with istertin-Iaw, Mrs. Joseph Day - of Meld/anon are on a visit to ls in the West. -Mrs. Jamee feLean and Mrs- Robert Mgt, " also gone to visit with friends Western provinces. It is not Of- leas ladies take an outing, and. -many reinnen. fliende will wish - era i good ttip and a safe ree -Mra. Joseph Harison, ,of Hea- ls enjoying a visit with her tors, Mrs. Alvin Hatyey and Carlisles of Staeley. Mine Hud- ; well ms in years, but is •a res dely Mart lady for her ages ery lenge number from this part led the lawn social at Brute- a n Friday evening last. The lad•-. . Brueefield well know how- to - a big success a theae-gathetingn II e.ajtreed themselves frammeselt. tle coming down of the raim.es- • ad Ars. James Mcelyroontr.withi members Of their family, motor., .., . London this weekswhere they .1. i with friends. -A. few .of our rs have coMnienced the baybeg.: rop iii_ heaVy and all are hoping yod v4eather so the bumper crop e salifed.-71&-s. McDonald, of ei, is visiting with her mothers, JohnAnderson, of the village. e Cleembers, of Clinton, the fore of the week visited with her here, Mr*. Wesley Fr r.,ench.- Ind . Robert Taylor of For- m vieitors with their danghter, Jobe' C. Bell. -Mrs. Richard f Brieden,serho was visiting with 'other, Mrs. Andrew Eell, and other friends, has returned .-We are sorry to note that t. B. McLan has not been enjo` ye sod health for some days. With r season flaw on and the scarcitt p it Is a serious matter for him ni the sick list. His many Mende his Ohress will be of short duns and he will soon be the busy man * as usual. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. le, and daughter, and Mr. and Henry Hubbard, all of Detroit, 3een, irisitors at the homes of Mr :rs . Robert Dayenan and Mr. and James l*Clymont, in the ril-, -Mra. Finlayson, of Seaford., isitiug with her sister, Mrs. G. y, of the village, during the week ter Sohn Graham, son of Mr. F. on, /net with an accident to his ast Week. The little fellow was ng,, who" he alighted on a gag - Lice which was lying upside down, of the tines petetrating hisloot. welt not be in the hmaior for - ng for a few days . -The root never promised better and our e has many fine gardens. lered [it assortments of Serges' :eds yoU could wish to n greys, browns and with guaranteed dyese variety of materials at t the same attention In hew:sock of Sum- ar, etc. We're sure St afortls or etisMalett400,04.04-040041.0. Zak_ SeafOrtbr, July 26, 1917 eer dozen, ..38c to 34c Sutter, per lb. „ „we Wheat, 'per bushel ..$2.00. flour, tier cut .. -6,30 to $6.80 yotatoes, per bag , , „ aegeee ets,, per isushel ..60c flhorts, per ton „ 442.00 *larley, per bushel ....$1.20 gmin, per ton . -$38.00 ffogs, Per ewt- .. $15.35 BEAN MARKET. Toronto, July 24 -Beans -Imported bind -picked $9 to $9.50 per bushel; limas, per lb. 18 to 19c. POULTRY MARKET. Torontao, July 24 -Dressed Poultry i--- Spring chickens 34k; fowl, 20e; squabs, per dozen 4.00 to 4.50; tur- keys 25 to 30c; ducks, spring 20c. Live poultry -Spring chickens lb. 22e; hens 16 to 18c; spring 15e. DAIRY MARKETS. . Toronto, July 17. -Butter creamery prints, fresh made 380 to 39c; cream - 7 solids 37% to38c-;choice dairy prints, 34 to 35c; ordinary dairy prints, 32c to 83c; bakers', 28 to 290. Eggs per doen in carton 43 to 44c; ex - cartons' 40c per dozen. Cheese -New large 22% to 23c; twins 22% to 23%; triplets 23 to 23%; old, large 30m. twine 301,c; triplets 30%. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, July 24. -Manitoba wheat, No. 1 Northern 2.60; No. 2, Northern 2 . 57, nominal, track Bay ports. Man- itoba Oats --No. C. W. 87%c, track Bay Ports. American Corn -No. 3 yellow, nominal, track, Toronto. Mane itoba ,Flour -First patents, in jute bags 12.90; second patents in jute bags 12.40; strong bakers' in Jute bags 12.00. Ontario Flour -Winter, according to Sample, 11..00to 11.10, In. bags, track, Toronto, prompt ship - meta. Millfeede-Carlote, delivered, Montreal freights,' bags included - Bran, per ton $35t shorts per ton $40 to $41; middlings, per ton $44 to $45;' good feed flour, per bag $3.25. Hay -Extra No. 2 i ton $12 to 12.50; mixed per ton, $9 to $11; track, To - routes Straw -Car lots, per ton, 8.50 to $9, track, Toronto. Potatoes -Red Star, new, bbl. $6.25 to '$6.75; North Carolinas, new, bbl. $7.50 to 8.00;• seconds bbl. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, July 24. - Cattle -Slow; prime isteers $13 to $13.50; shipping steers $11 to 12.'75; butchers $9 to $12; yearlings, $11. to 13.25; heifers $8 to 411; cows, $5 to $9.50; bulls, $6 to 9.50; stockers and feeders 6.50 to 9.00; fresh cows and springers, steady 50.00 to 75,.00. Veals-Slow, 5.00 to 14.25, Hogs -Active and strong, heavy $16 to $16.15; mixed, ,$15.85 to, $10; pigs, $15 to $15-.25; roughs 14.00 to 14.15; stags, 12;00 to 12.75. Sheet and laniba-Active; lambs 10.00 to 15.50; others unchanged. Montreal, July 24. -There was a very dull market for cattle to -day on the local livestock market, although the offerings were not -large: Drovers state that they are finding it more and and more difficult to obtain ani- mals, as with plenty of grass on the farms for feeding purposes farmers are unwilling to let the cattle go un- less a good price is paid for them, with the result that the drovers find they cannot in. many cases get on the local market what they have paid it the country. The offering this 'morn- ing amounted to 500 cattle, yet theer were some left over for the next mar- ket. The best price paid in the local market to -day was $10.25 per cwt. a decline of 25 cents. There -was a much better demand for hogs, and as the receipts were heavy enough to weak- en prices they were reduced %c per pound to 16%c for choice selects, long run. The timber of choice hogs on the market Was very limited, the bulk of the offerings selling around last week's prices. Although trading was better than during last week, it was still very slav, owing possibly to the very het weather. Packers are not ready for the buying of large numbers. There was a good improve- ment in. the demand, and spring lambs sold to -day at $14, a dollar above last week's prices. The receipts of lambs were small. Grass-fed calves were bought freely, while milk fed calves were rather slow. There was no change in prices. Sheep were steady .and unchanged. The quotations were: Butchers' cat- tle, choice, $10 to $10.25; medium, $9 to $9.50; common $7.50 to $8.50; canners $7 to $7.25; butchers' cows, choice $9.25 to $9.75; medium 8,00 to 8.50; butchers bulls 9.00 to 9.50; milkers, choice, each, $70 to $90; sheep ewes, $8.50 to $9; bucks and culls $8 to 8.50; lambs $13.00" to $14; hogs, fed and watered $13 to 16.50; calves, milk -fed 12.00 to 13.00; grass fed, 6.50 to 7.25. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, July • 24. -With the cattle offering consid- erably over 4,000 head, the slump in values this morning was to be expect- ed. The market opened slow and eon - timed miserably draggy, until the close, when over 2000 head of catiee were left unsold. The butcher cat- tle sent over the scales sold from 40 to 60c under last week's high level, the larger recession affecting the p )or- er grades of killers. Best cows drop- ped 25e to 40c per 100 pounds and common to medium cows 60c. Bulls were in poor demand at 40 to 60c re- duction, in values. Even with the low- er quotations in operation there never was much activity- at the scales during the day, nor was there any outstand- ing demand for any grade of killer. At the close the market showed fur- ther signs of weakening, and a lo er market is likely to result next e. The majority of the best butchers as mong this morning's shipment were, sent over the scales; but the general quality was poor compared- with last week's and the left -overs comprised for the most part poor grade killers. Stockers and feeders were a slow trade with values 25 to 40c lower than a week ago, but there were few decent - cattle of the kind wanted in the pens. Milkers and springers were not in de- mand. Values for all small meats took a tumble. Lambs dropped a good 2 per eVrt good calves were 25 to 35c off, and sheep 10 to 15c lower. The bulk of the hogs sent in came y • _ -under tiontratiti, and for -the few car- loads oh the'rearket the berm offer- ed -$15.25 fed and watered and $15,50 off bars, a decline of .50e on last week's closing prices. Some representative Wes; Joe Atwell and Sons bought 150 stockers, 700 to 900 lbs. $7.00 to 8.25 F. W. Darby bought one load but- cher heifers 850 lbs. $9, Gums Ltd. bought 200 cattle: But- chers $9.50 to $11; cows, $7 to $8.50; balls $7.50 te 9. MoeurdY and McCurdy bought 8 loads stockers 850 lbs. $8.50; 3 loads butchers 950 lbs. $10.50. George Rowntree for Harris Abattoir bought 800 cattle: Butcher steers and heifers, $9:50 to $11.40; cows, $5.50 to $8.50. W. J. Neely for Matthews -Blackwell bought 200 cattle. Good Butchers 10.25 to $10.75; medium butchers, $9.60 to $10;good cows $7.50 to 8.50. Rice and Whaley sold: Cowsn-3, 1120 lbs $7.75; 1, 1050, $7:50; 2 1200 $8.25; 3, 1200 lbs'. $8.25; 5, 1120 $8; 1 bull 1400 lbs 8.75; 1milker, 79.50; I springer 104.50. ,• ' H. P. Kennedy sold: Butchers. - 20 1030, 10.50; 15, 900 9.50; 5, 900 9.50. Cows -i, 1050 lbs: 8.00; 1 1000 lbs. 6.50; 1, 1070 lbs, 6.50; 1, 830 lbs '6.25; 2, 1080 lbs. $8.,50. J.B.Shields and Son sold: Butchers 21, 1040elbs. $0; 5, 960 $10.10; 16, 710 lbs. $7.75; 19, 940, lbs $8.75; 1 cow 1150, $8.50; 1 bulls 1300 $8.75; 1. bull 1700 $9.15; calves 16 to -14.25; sheep $7 to 9.15. , Dunn and. Levack sold: Butchers 22 1050, $10.50;,14, 980, $9.85; 2, 1020 8,50; 2 1450 12; 4, 1000, $9.75; springers $230; 1 milker $88; hogs $15.75 fed and. watered; 150 lambs $14 to $14.25; 50 sheep $8.50 to $9.50; 40 calves $11 to $15'. ,Corbett, Hall and Coughlin sold: Choice heavy steers 11.25 tc $11.75; good heavy steers $11 to $11.25; choice butchers $10.40 to $10.90; good butchees .to 10.00; medium but- chers 8.25 to 8.75; light Easter hell - era $9 to $9.50; choice cow e 8.15 to 8..40; good cows 7.75. to 3.00; med- ium Cows 7.00 to, 7.25; common cows .$6 to $6.40. Macdonald and Halligan sold: choice heavy steers $10.75 to $11.25; good heavy steers $10 to $10.50; choice butchers 10.25 to 10,60; good butch - 9.25 to $9.75; medium butchers $8.50 to 9.00; common butchers 750 to 8.50; good cows 7.65 to 8.00; ened.d tum -cows 7.00 to 7.40; common _cows $6.25 to $6.75; canners and cutters $5 to $6; choice bulls $9. 'to 9.50; good bulls 8.25 to 8.75; medium bulls 7.50 to .8.00; common bulls 6.00 to 7.00; nsilkera nd springers $90 to $115; medium 65.00 to $85 each; 100 laitbs $13.50 to $14.25; cull -lambs $10 to 11 . 00; sheep, good. 8 . 50 . to 9 . 00; sheep heavy 6.00 to 7.00; .calves good' to choice 13.00 to 14.00; -common to med- ium calves 8.00 to- 11.00. • The following were the quotations: Extra choice heavy steers, $11:25 to 11.50; choice heavy steers, 10.25 to 10.75;,buteb.ers cattle, choice, 10.25 to 16:75e good 980- to 10.00; .mediinn 8;75 to, 9e10; cedo. common 7.60 to 7:90; butchers bulls choice :Per cwt. 0.15 to 9.00; do .good 7.25 to 7.50; medium- bulls 7,00 to 07.25; rough bulls $5 to $6; .butchers coifs.. choice, 8.10 to 8.50;. gond 7. g5 to 7.50;"med. 6:75 te 7.00;stockers 6.40 to 8.25; feeders 7:75 to 8.75; cannereeand cut- ter li 5':25 t5.75"; milkers glickt to 'choice' each, 80.00 to' 100..00; com- mon and.peedium, each, 40.00 to $50; springers $80 to $110; light, ewes_ $8.35 to 9.50; sheep heavy $6 to 7 .,50; yearlings $10 to $11; calves, good to choice 13.50 to 14.75; spring lambs 14.00 to 14.25; yearlings 9.00 to 10.50; hogs fed and watered 15.25; weighed off cars 15.50; do. f.o.b. 14,00. ECONOMICAL TRAVEL Whether you are going to homstead or only for a trip the most economical method of travel is to take advantage of our low Homeseekers' fares. Goel going on Special excursions etery Monday. For tickets and full -partic- ulars aptly to Chas. A. Aherne rt, Town Agent, Canadian Northern Rail- way. eite•••••••••....•rn....1 • 4. W. T. BOX & CO. • EMBALMERS AND - - FUNERAL DIRECTORS H. C. BOX Holder of Goverment Diploma and lekeelline. • • • • • • • OHARCiES MODER•A TE • • Flowans .furnIshod wihort • matice. 1:e. PhonNghe 175Cal- \ Phyonea9501 •••••••••••••4••••••••• I BIRTHS McKay -In Halifax, on July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. William McKay, (nee Iva Dodds) twin sons. Bristow -In Egmondville, on July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Bristow, a daughter (Doris N,orine) . Elder -In Hay, on July. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Elder, a son. - Johnston - At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 19th, to Principal and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, a son. Welsh -In Goderich township, on July 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. 3. Welsh, a daughter. McAllister -In Hensell, on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. R.. McAllister, a daughter. DEATHS Deicter-In Hullett, on July 22, Elmer Charles, infant son of Mr. Austin Dexter, aged 5 weeks. Sewitt-In Brussels, on July 17, Wm. Jewitt aged 78years, 8 months and 12 days. McPhee -In Goderich, on July 13th, Hugh McPhee in his 87th year. Johnston -At Alexandra Hospital, in Goderich, on July 19th; infant son of Principal and Mrs. J.H. John- ston, NOTICE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, in the store ad- joining Sproat Bros.' Grocery, Sea - forth, on Saturday, August 4th, at two o'clock p.m., the following: Two solid oak rockers, 2 solid oak dressers. two wicker rockers, one English grass rocker, small rocker, mission oak den. chair, four solid oak dining chairs, 4 kitchen chairs, kitchen table, solid oak dining table, two small tables, leg -rest chair, sewing machine nearly new, 2 iron beds, two sets springs and mate tresses, Davenport, ' Happy Thought range, 2 velvet rave good as new, tap- estry rug, 2 small Turkish rugs, three email rugs, pair velour curtains, ham- mock, curtain stretcher, new carpet sweeper, lawn mower. step ladder and press board combined, some linoleum and a lot of framed pictures and other articles too numerous ,to mention. Terms -All sums of 10 and under, (ash; over that amount 3 months cred- it will be given on furnishing approv- ed joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. per annum allowed off on credit amounts. Thomas McAdams, Propri- etor; T. Brown, auct. 2589-2 On and after AuguSt let, the price of milk will be for a 14 Quart Sheet of Tickets, $1.35; for single quarts, 10c. J. R. ARCHIBALD, D. GRUMMETT • and4R. B. SCOTT. 2580:1 •••••••••••••••11•6 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK & REAL ESTATE Thos, Oameron has received instructions from the undersignea to sell by Public Auction on Part of Lot 16, on Huron ht., Exeser, one-quarter of a mile east of Main Si., on Saturday the 28th of July, at 2 o'clock sharp, the following pure bred filly ris- ing 2 years old by Cumberland's Glory; 1 filly rising 3 years; 1 cow due to calve at thine of sale ; heifer 3 years old, due in August, 1 ton of beet pulp, I set Gurney, scales, 2099 lbs.; one root pulper. Hogs - 20 pure bred York sows, the most of them due in August and Sept. A number of boars and sows t months aid. 1 Yorkshire hog 1 year old. Real Es- tate -The Derma property on Gidley eit.-a good seven roomed frame dwelling and stable, hard and soft water, 1-2 acre of land and small fruit garden. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. Mrs. Deavit, Proprietress. Terms of Stock -Six months credit on furnishing approved joint notes at 6 per cent per annum. CHAS. HARTEY, Prop., THOS. OAMERON, Ana. 2589-2 • HOFN ILADIEA' TAILOR And Furrier C;leaning, Pressing & Repairing a Specialty A Trial Solicited iftt4-4444+44211+itit+.$44+ , BARN FOR_SALE. Good Umber. Frame 8000 with Wu -to 12x40. Artily to W. Amine Seafeeth. 2564 -ti STORE HOUSE FOR SALE For pale, No. 7 store house on G.T. R. track. Apply to Mrs. John Shine, Seaforth. 2576 -ti ••••••••••••••••• HOUSE FOR SALE. For sale, the two storey, seven - roomed brick residence, on James at., Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Ethel Mc- Lean. Apply at The Expositor Office. CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Two seated Gladstone, natural teod, as - good as new and easy running, com- fortable family rig. Apply at Th. Expositor Office, Seaforth. 267841 FOR RENT. Campbell block to rent, consisting Of twe stores. For yearly tenant, the stores will be fitted pp to suit the ten- ant. Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS Srimith' 2579 -ti OLD FALSE, TEETH. Bought in any condition. $1.00 per sat or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. R. A. Copenian, 25791 Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, P Q. 2585x8 1 CARD OF THANKS GtenHarold Ward wishes to express his thanks to the Tuckersmith Town- ship Council for the wrist watch so kindly presented to him on the 23rd inst. It shall be a constant reminder of many good times spent with the people of Tuckersmith. 2589x1 ESTRAY COW Strayed from lot 12, concession 8, Tuekersmith, on July 10th, a red cow with horns turning in to eyes and the ends of horns sawed off. Any infor- mation leading to the recovery of the same, please notify John Alexander jr. •R .R Ado . 2, ICipPete. or phone 3 ott4 132 Seaforth. .2587-tf- . . t FOR SAW' , Lot 10, Concession 13, McKillop, containing 100 acres; '10 'acres hard- wood hush; 1 acre orchard, 7 roomed frame house, bank barn, drive house and hen house; also 'drilled well. Would. exchange for smaller farm. Ap- ply to William Barron,' It. R. No. 4, Walton, Onyrio. •2587-d • , HOUSE ANDLOT FOR SALE . , For sale -a house and three acres oit. lend in Egmondville. TAe house con- tains seven large foams and cement cellsr.witli hard yid soft, water in the kitchen.' There is also a stable on the Apply to. JAMES S. BROWN, Seit• forth, P. O. '` 2574 -ti .• HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE • One-fifth Of an acre et Food ground and a story and a half *telt veneered Aimee with -large Idtellanteittached, on East William street,. Seaforth. This property is in spiendkfcondition,pleas- h otly littlest:ad and will -be said chase as the owner is *removing to London. Apply to HARRY SPEA.RE, Ingersoll, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 25714 ',FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuck- mminith, containing 100 acres, about 7 acres bush. The•farm is well fenced and drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house, hen house, drive house, and good wells. For terms ,and particu- lars apply on the premises or address Mrs. John McCaw, Egmondville, P.O. 2356 -ti TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ALEX. SUTHERLAND. The house and lot on • John Street, Seaforth, must be sold. Choice loca- tion, exceptionally well built, finished in ash, hard and soft water, splendid garden with fruit trees, chicken house, etc. May 'be inspected at any time. An excellent opportunity- for anyone wishing to secure a comfortable resi- dence. Price reasonable. for prompt sale. Apply to A- D. Sutherland, 2586 -ti FARM FOR SALE. Lot 31, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, on the Mill Road, three miles from Seaforth, and three miles from Bruce - 'field, on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway. There are 95 acres of clear- ed, improved land. -This land is in a good state of cultivation and is well fenced and well drained, There are two bank barns, brick house 28 by 38, 1% storey with back kitchen and woodshed. For particulars apply On premises. James McIntosh, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. • 2586x12 NEW CANADIAN NORTHERN ROCKIES. If *on domot know about the won- derful scenery including Jasper and Mount Robson Parks, traversed by the transconinental line of the Canadian Northern Railway between Edmonton and Vancouver, get a, copy of our handsome descriptive booklet, to be had for the asking •from Chas. A. Aberhart, Town Agent. 2587-3 Teamster Wanted. A good relia.ble teamster wanted. One accustomed to logging preferred. Goou wages and a steady job guar- anteed to the right man. Apply to John13.Mustard Brucefield 011411111111111WINIMMEMMINIS WS,Gormley v:mbalmer Funeral Direc*oc Undertaking Parlors above M,Williams' grocery score, Main Street, Seaforth =al nielowers fur.....,,tied on short noti. e.r.2 Oharges moderate. Phone night or day - 192 .„..t iii1111101111111141/01 1111011111#1011P1 ME El 111111 esaraeea 411111.1••••••••••••••••••••••0••=•• -1101111151.wille0 • FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 4th, 1917 zdt ' FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 20, Bayfield Road south, Stanley Township, containing 100 acres. The hind is all cleared but a small piece of bush, and is in a good state of cultivation. On the premises are a comfortable frame house with furnace, one trick barn 84x40, with straw shed 36-56. Good drive and im- plement house; plenty, of good water between house and barn. Half mile from school, churches and post office. Telephone at house. This is a choice property and will be sold at a reason- able figure. For further particulars apply on the premises or address Varna P.O. Wm. A. McAsh 2588x4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of William Chesney, of the Township of Tuckersmith, farm- er, deceased., • Notice is hereby given pursuant to law that all having claims against the estate of William Chesney, who died on June 6th, 1917, at Tuckersmith, are required to file with the undersigned Solicitors, full particulars of their claims on or before August 1st, 1917 and after said date the Executrix will proceed with the distribution of the estate, having regard only to such claims as have been flied Dated July 7th, 1917._ Madman & Stanbury, So- licitors for Executrix, Heiman and Exeter 2587-3 II Strattbdr chtte Commercial, She:rn trel an I Telegraphy Departments. We have thorough courses, experienced instructorand we place graduates in pos- itions. Demand' upon us for trained help is many times the number gradua- jag-. Get our free catalog- ue. D. A. McLaughlin, Principal EGAL It) spells your best automobile buy. Because they bare been sold through- ou4 the U.S. for the past 10 years and stand to the front of the list as a real automobile. They are made to stand for not one year, but for years to come. This is just the car you have been waiting for; -30 in. x 3t4 in. time de- mountible rim, Spedometer and every- thing where you want it. - Phone me up and I swill gladly show you the car and tell you all the rest, give you a ride in it and use you riot. See me at °has. Layton's store on Sat- urdey afternoons and evening, also phone me at 6 on 138 Clinton central or call 125 B, Seaforth, and. your re- -quests will be my pleasure. Works at Kitchener and Detroit. oaring Oar $865 Roadster $860 ramomaraa....0am.,000.amaaa...0. The farmer who opens a banking account and conducts his affairs in a business -like manner is likely to prosper. Farmers should avail themselves of the aid of this Bank in .transacting their business. Consult the Manager regarding current accounts, collections and loans. SEAFORTH BRANCA J. G. MULLEN, MANAGEre FOR SALE, House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell propertY. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and dement cistern. All kinds of frait trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. -For nerticulars apply on the premises, ,or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584 -ti STOCK FOR SALE. For sale nine shares Bell Engine & Thresher Co. Stock at $82 eer share. I Par value $50. This stock is paying 17 per cent. dividends and is a good buying proposition at the price. Alec 14 ehares Seaforth Rink Co.stock '$.2 per share. Par value $50. This stock for years has paid dividends in The neighborhood a 7 per cent. Apply at The Expositor Office, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, MeKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKil- lop, 6 ,acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Sea - forth, ,2 miles from Constance, 1% miles from i3chool. There are on the premises a good. seven room house. latge bank barn 64x76, all' Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and 'the balance seeded down. There are 2 big springs, one piped to barnyard and' en the other is a dam with a hetes, draulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the • house and line fence, there is no waste ,land. -There is a graded and gravelled , lane fom the road to the buildings, pt. Apple to MRS. SAMUEL Poeseaition will be given March lit DORRANCE, Seaforth, or phone 76, ..Seafortla 25713-tf GRANO TRUNtc"'"' SYSTEM Attractive Trips To MUSKOKA. LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF'BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at -steer low fares, with liberal step -overs. GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Johnathan E. Huai' Sigant for this territory. Seaforth ont-, Berth reservations and full informa- tion at all Grand Trunk Ticket or smite C. E. HORNING, Passenger Agent, G. T. By. Toronto, Si. SOMERVILLE W. PLANT Town Atant. Dept Afoot Goes to Press Please report changes required to OUT Local Office, to-dag. The Bell Telephone COe of Canada .0.0..,n0.0404aCet.04aC40.000* $50 Saved is $50 Made Why wait for the Advance in Prices before buying your FORD CAR? :alsaalailaaa......itaaa.a....3•••••••••1••••••••••••..1 August 1st is only a few days away. Place your order at once to insure delivery Daly'; Garage - Seaforth Ont FORD DEALER - PHONE 102 4 4 • 4 es_ _ ,.,.. T Holiimes __.....-.....___:.................,...L______ Funeral Director and :ILicensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors la Oddfel Iowa building oppositejel ietTitewart Bros. Rest- ea deuce Goderichet., cm) .1,1d,t3 • Dr. Scoter rn.t-et i---Plowers-filinislar-=`" snort notice. Phone Night or Day 119, - Teeswater. . - Races August 66,1917 . • . $800 in - Purses" '_._ . See Large Pesters. "R. G Craik, Sec. _ HOUSE FOR $ALE. For sale, that valuable property in Egmondville, cohsisting of brick house 1% -stories and 144 acres of laud; I all kinds of fruit on the property. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to MRS. H. QUINLAN, Egmondville. " ' 2589x2 . MEN WANTED1 FOR MUNITION WORK A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition Work. Apply to The. Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., LimitedSI V Seacfrth Ont. . 25e9-3 . APOLOGY I, Hugh McEwenepf the Township of Hay, in the County Of Hurom Farmer, do hereby.. acknowledge that I have been guilty of misconduct to - 'wards Miss May MacGregor, teacher of the public school for section No, 10. Hay, such misconduct co , ting of ridiculing Miss 1VlagGregor Y writing upon the door of the school house Or said section, defamatory statements concerning her as said teacher, and by my throwing into the school house rotten eggs midi other filth with the intention that she should be put to 'the trouble and ignominy of cleaning up and removing such filth. I desire to exprese to Miss McGregor my deep regret and contrition for the' foregoing .unseemly acts committed by me a- gainst her and hetdgood name and ten- deriser my humble apology therefore and assure her that my future oendunt towards hertwill be-all ;that Is seemly,' , manly and without reproach. . . HUGH MeEWEN ' Witness .1 H .sT . D . CoOke ' Dated the 22nd day of June, 1917. ' 'PRIVATE SALE. or- ii01.4EHOLD FURNITURE, Consisting of the following: Rugs, buffett, leather couch, leather dining - room chairs, leather rockers, hanging lamp, parlour table, hall stand, nine yards of carpet, sea -grass, rock- _stair ers curtains and drapes hand -painted 1P , pictures, china, cut -glass, brass jar - 1 dinereir and stands, brass bed with mattresses, springs, Princess dress- er with washstand, bedroom chair and rocker, glass Isithhee cupboard. Ev- erything'in perfect condition and has only been used a short time. Must be seld before August 1st. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Murphy, Dublin. 2589-1 DEATHS Deicter-In Hullett, on July 22, Elmer Charles, infant son of Mr. Austin Dexter, aged 5 weeks. Sewitt-In Brussels, on July 17, Wm. Jewitt aged 78years, 8 months and 12 days. McPhee -In Goderich, on July 13th, Hugh McPhee in his 87th year. Johnston -At Alexandra Hospital, in Goderich, on July 19th; infant son of Principal and Mrs. J.H. John- ston, NOTICE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, in the store ad- joining Sproat Bros.' Grocery, Sea - forth, on Saturday, August 4th, at two o'clock p.m., the following: Two solid oak rockers, 2 solid oak dressers. two wicker rockers, one English grass rocker, small rocker, mission oak den. chair, four solid oak dining chairs, 4 kitchen chairs, kitchen table, solid oak dining table, two small tables, leg -rest chair, sewing machine nearly new, 2 iron beds, two sets springs and mate tresses, Davenport, ' Happy Thought range, 2 velvet rave good as new, tap- estry rug, 2 small Turkish rugs, three email rugs, pair velour curtains, ham- mock, curtain stretcher, new carpet sweeper, lawn mower. step ladder and press board combined, some linoleum and a lot of framed pictures and other articles too numerous ,to mention. Terms -All sums of 10 and under, (ash; over that amount 3 months cred- it will be given on furnishing approv- ed joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. per annum allowed off on credit amounts. Thomas McAdams, Propri- etor; T. Brown, auct. 2589-2 On and after AuguSt let, the price of milk will be for a 14 Quart Sheet of Tickets, $1.35; for single quarts, 10c. J. R. ARCHIBALD, D. GRUMMETT • and4R. B. SCOTT. 2580:1 •••••••••••••••11•6 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK & REAL ESTATE Thos, Oameron has received instructions from the undersignea to sell by Public Auction on Part of Lot 16, on Huron ht., Exeser, one-quarter of a mile east of Main Si., on Saturday the 28th of July, at 2 o'clock sharp, the following pure bred filly ris- ing 2 years old by Cumberland's Glory; 1 filly rising 3 years; 1 cow due to calve at thine of sale ; heifer 3 years old, due in August, 1 ton of beet pulp, I set Gurney, scales, 2099 lbs.; one root pulper. Hogs - 20 pure bred York sows, the most of them due in August and Sept. A number of boars and sows t months aid. 1 Yorkshire hog 1 year old. Real Es- tate -The Derma property on Gidley eit.-a good seven roomed frame dwelling and stable, hard and soft water, 1-2 acre of land and small fruit garden. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. Mrs. Deavit, Proprietress. Terms of Stock -Six months credit on furnishing approved joint notes at 6 per cent per annum. CHAS. HARTEY, Prop., THOS. OAMERON, Ana. 2589-2 • HOFN ILADIEA' TAILOR And Furrier C;leaning, Pressing & Repairing a Specialty A Trial Solicited iftt4-4444+44211+itit+.$44+ , BARN FOR_SALE. Good Umber. Frame 8000 with Wu -to 12x40. Artily to W. Amine Seafeeth. 2564 -ti STORE HOUSE FOR SALE For pale, No. 7 store house on G.T. R. track. Apply to Mrs. John Shine, Seaforth. 2576 -ti ••••••••••••••••• HOUSE FOR SALE. For sale, the two storey, seven - roomed brick residence, on James at., Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Ethel Mc- Lean. Apply at The Expositor Office. CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Two seated Gladstone, natural teod, as - good as new and easy running, com- fortable family rig. Apply at Th. Expositor Office, Seaforth. 267841 FOR RENT. Campbell block to rent, consisting Of twe stores. For yearly tenant, the stores will be fitted pp to suit the ten- ant. Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS Srimith' 2579 -ti OLD FALSE, TEETH. Bought in any condition. $1.00 per sat or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. R. A. Copenian, 25791 Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, P Q. 2585x8 1 CARD OF THANKS GtenHarold Ward wishes to express his thanks to the Tuckersmith Town- ship Council for the wrist watch so kindly presented to him on the 23rd inst. It shall be a constant reminder of many good times spent with the people of Tuckersmith. 2589x1 ESTRAY COW Strayed from lot 12, concession 8, Tuekersmith, on July 10th, a red cow with horns turning in to eyes and the ends of horns sawed off. Any infor- mation leading to the recovery of the same, please notify John Alexander jr. •R .R Ado . 2, ICipPete. or phone 3 ott4 132 Seaforth. .2587-tf- . . t FOR SAW' , Lot 10, Concession 13, McKillop, containing 100 acres; '10 'acres hard- wood hush; 1 acre orchard, 7 roomed frame house, bank barn, drive house and hen house; also 'drilled well. Would. exchange for smaller farm. Ap- ply to William Barron,' It. R. No. 4, Walton, Onyrio. •2587-d • , HOUSE ANDLOT FOR SALE . , For sale -a house and three acres oit. lend in Egmondville. TAe house con- tains seven large foams and cement cellsr.witli hard yid soft, water in the kitchen.' There is also a stable on the Apply to. JAMES S. BROWN, Seit• forth, P. O. '` 2574 -ti .• HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE • One-fifth Of an acre et Food ground and a story and a half *telt veneered Aimee with -large Idtellanteittached, on East William street,. Seaforth. This property is in spiendkfcondition,pleas- h otly littlest:ad and will -be said chase as the owner is *removing to London. Apply to HARRY SPEA.RE, Ingersoll, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 25714 ',FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuck- mminith, containing 100 acres, about 7 acres bush. The•farm is well fenced and drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house, hen house, drive house, and good wells. For terms ,and particu- lars apply on the premises or address Mrs. John McCaw, Egmondville, P.O. 2356 -ti TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ALEX. SUTHERLAND. The house and lot on • John Street, Seaforth, must be sold. Choice loca- tion, exceptionally well built, finished in ash, hard and soft water, splendid garden with fruit trees, chicken house, etc. May 'be inspected at any time. An excellent opportunity- for anyone wishing to secure a comfortable resi- dence. Price reasonable. for prompt sale. Apply to A- D. Sutherland, 2586 -ti FARM FOR SALE. Lot 31, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, on the Mill Road, three miles from Seaforth, and three miles from Bruce - 'field, on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway. There are 95 acres of clear- ed, improved land. -This land is in a good state of cultivation and is well fenced and well drained, There are two bank barns, brick house 28 by 38, 1% storey with back kitchen and woodshed. For particulars apply On premises. James McIntosh, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. • 2586x12 NEW CANADIAN NORTHERN ROCKIES. If *on domot know about the won- derful scenery including Jasper and Mount Robson Parks, traversed by the transconinental line of the Canadian Northern Railway between Edmonton and Vancouver, get a, copy of our handsome descriptive booklet, to be had for the asking •from Chas. A. Aberhart, Town Agent. 2587-3 Teamster Wanted. A good relia.ble teamster wanted. One accustomed to logging preferred. Goou wages and a steady job guar- anteed to the right man. Apply to John13.Mustard Brucefield 011411111111111WINIMMEMMINIS WS,Gormley v:mbalmer Funeral Direc*oc Undertaking Parlors above M,Williams' grocery score, Main Street, Seaforth =al nielowers fur.....,,tied on short noti. e.r.2 Oharges moderate. Phone night or day - 192 .„..t iii1111101111111141/01 1111011111#1011P1 ME El 111111 esaraeea 411111.1••••••••••••••••••••••0••=•• -1101111151.wille0 • FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 4th, 1917 zdt ' FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 20, Bayfield Road south, Stanley Township, containing 100 acres. The hind is all cleared but a small piece of bush, and is in a good state of cultivation. On the premises are a comfortable frame house with furnace, one trick barn 84x40, with straw shed 36-56. Good drive and im- plement house; plenty, of good water between house and barn. Half mile from school, churches and post office. Telephone at house. This is a choice property and will be sold at a reason- able figure. For further particulars apply on the premises or address Varna P.O. Wm. A. McAsh 2588x4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of William Chesney, of the Township of Tuckersmith, farm- er, deceased., • Notice is hereby given pursuant to law that all having claims against the estate of William Chesney, who died on June 6th, 1917, at Tuckersmith, are required to file with the undersigned Solicitors, full particulars of their claims on or before August 1st, 1917 and after said date the Executrix will proceed with the distribution of the estate, having regard only to such claims as have been flied Dated July 7th, 1917._ Madman & Stanbury, So- licitors for Executrix, Heiman and Exeter 2587-3 II Strattbdr chtte Commercial, She:rn trel an I Telegraphy Departments. We have thorough courses, experienced instructorand we place graduates in pos- itions. Demand' upon us for trained help is many times the number gradua- jag-. Get our free catalog- ue. D. A. McLaughlin, Principal EGAL It) spells your best automobile buy. Because they bare been sold through- ou4 the U.S. for the past 10 years and stand to the front of the list as a real automobile. They are made to stand for not one year, but for years to come. This is just the car you have been waiting for; -30 in. x 3t4 in. time de- mountible rim, Spedometer and every- thing where you want it. - Phone me up and I swill gladly show you the car and tell you all the rest, give you a ride in it and use you riot. See me at °has. Layton's store on Sat- urdey afternoons and evening, also phone me at 6 on 138 Clinton central or call 125 B, Seaforth, and. your re- -quests will be my pleasure. Works at Kitchener and Detroit. oaring Oar $865 Roadster $860 ramomaraa....0am.,000.amaaa...0. The farmer who opens a banking account and conducts his affairs in a business -like manner is likely to prosper. Farmers should avail themselves of the aid of this Bank in .transacting their business. Consult the Manager regarding current accounts, collections and loans. SEAFORTH BRANCA J. G. MULLEN, MANAGEre FOR SALE, House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell propertY. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and dement cistern. All kinds of frait trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. -For nerticulars apply on the premises, ,or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584 -ti STOCK FOR SALE. For sale nine shares Bell Engine & Thresher Co. Stock at $82 eer share. I Par value $50. This stock is paying 17 per cent. dividends and is a good buying proposition at the price. Alec 14 ehares Seaforth Rink Co.stock '$.2 per share. Par value $50. This stock for years has paid dividends in The neighborhood a 7 per cent. Apply at The Expositor Office, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, MeKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKil- lop, 6 ,acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Sea - forth, ,2 miles from Constance, 1% miles from i3chool. There are on the premises a good. seven room house. latge bank barn 64x76, all' Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and 'the balance seeded down. There are 2 big springs, one piped to barnyard and' en the other is a dam with a hetes, draulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the • house and line fence, there is no waste ,land. -There is a graded and gravelled , lane fom the road to the buildings, pt. Apple to MRS. SAMUEL Poeseaition will be given March lit DORRANCE, Seaforth, or phone 76, ..Seafortla 25713-tf GRANO TRUNtc"'"' SYSTEM Attractive Trips To MUSKOKA. LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF'BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at -steer low fares, with liberal step -overs. GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Johnathan E. Huai' Sigant for this territory. Seaforth ont-, Berth reservations and full informa- tion at all Grand Trunk Ticket or smite C. E. HORNING, Passenger Agent, G. T. By. Toronto, Si. SOMERVILLE W. PLANT Town Atant. Dept Afoot Goes to Press Please report changes required to OUT Local Office, to-dag. The Bell Telephone COe of Canada .0.0..,n0.0404aCet.04aC40.000* $50 Saved is $50 Made Why wait for the Advance in Prices before buying your FORD CAR? :alsaalailaaa......itaaa.a....3•••••••••1••••••••••••..1 August 1st is only a few days away. Place your order at once to insure delivery Daly'; Garage - Seaforth Ont FORD DEALER - PHONE 102 4 4 • 4 es_ _