The Huron Expositor, 1917-06-29, Page 8.601 l rdit91
lot ing
Vere grows on a normal head
sin average of 100,000 hairs --
approximately 1,000 to the
square inch, all of which must w
be scientifically clipped, so that
they may lie smoothly in place ia
over the entire head. This must
be done with shears and comb,
and if clippers are used the hair
must be properly tapered, or,
there appears a round the .head
a mark or wig -like appearance, f
—a condition which competent
barbers will always avoid. We f
claim to have this art down to a
science, which the men, who
wear our hair -cuts demonstrate
wherever you may see them.
So why consider where to have -=
your hair -cutting done, when
you may come direct to the E
Commercial Barber Shop, Sea -
forth, with the full assurance of s-
having it done artistically by
.The shop that :s always Etz
W. Robinson
►'Mimed+:i'i'i+++e ++++4
p r
Armstrong --Ward. - On Tuesday
noon, June 26, at the Presbyterian
manse, Thedford, Ora'ario, occurred
the marriage of ` Alma MarrggarSe Ward
and Robert Armstrong,
Ontario, Rev las. Foote ofi'iciating.
The bride,. who was unattended, wore
a beautiful gown of alice blue silk
poplin. The many Seaforth friends of
the bride presented her 'with a purse
of gold, ►d the mom's gift to the
bride was a piano.—Mr. and Mrs.
Armstrong, left Thedford for a trip
to the Pacific Coast.
Shipment of Sok. — The Women's
War Auxiliary are making their next
mailing of sox on Saturday, June 30th,
and specially reque friends or rela-
tives of the boys at the front to call
on Mr. 'A: D. Sutherland, Secretary,
Seaforth Soldiers' Aid Commission,.
and verify the address now on file or
have new address filed." By having
the latest correct address of . each sol-
dier the Women's Auxiliary are able
to provide the soldiers with the sox
without any delay and a considerable
saving in the -postage.
Death of Rev. A. ' lie Birks.: Rev.
A. K. Birks, pastor of the Morrison
street Methodist church, Niagara
Falls, for the past two jyears,dropped
dead on Wednesday
heart failure while rolling the cinder
path of his residence. He was about 55
years of age and leaves a wife and
four sons—Dr. W. H. Birks, Sarnia;
Rev, R. T.% Birks, missionary in Chin t
and two young boys at home., Rev. .
Mr. Birks was well known here, hay
ing been pastor of the Seaforth Meth-
odist church for four years, and he.
ILADIE6 TA 10 -it many friends here who will sin
And Furriei
cerely regret to learn of his sad death:
• Plant -Stewart. --A pretty June wed-
+ ding . was solemnized at the home of
' t, eat ng, Pressing + Mrs. David Stewart in Seaforth .oa
g' - • Wednesday, June 27th, when her eld
• Repairing siirn apeclalt +
p �` y • ,est daughter, Hazel W. Stewart, was
urited lin marriage to : Mr. William
Plant, G. T. R. station agent at
Seaforth. The ceremony was perform-
erf o m
ed at one o'clock noon by Rev.
. Larkin in the /presence- of only the
immediate family relatives. After the
wedding dv ner the young couple left
on the afternoon train - on a trip
down the St. Lawrence and to points
in the United States; which will oc-
cupy some weeks, and on their return
they will reside at the station. The
best wishes of a host of friends is
extended to Mr. ' and Mrs. Plant for
a happy married life;
Local Briefs. --R.. H. Carpenter,
nephew of Mr. .G. A. Sills, of town,
. who enlisters and went overseas with
the Hurons, has been promoted to the
rank of Sergeantin the Battalion.--
Mr: Robert McIntosh,of the Turn -
'bull -& McIntosh livery, has perches-
'e.i a seven passenger Studebaker car
which he ill use in the.liveryy busi--
,less. -Capt. H. J. Hodgms, of Whit-
by, spent the week -end at his home
here. Messrs . Jas Rd and Arthur
Powell, of the Ogilvie'- Milling .staff
here have gone to Montreal, wt.ere
they . will be employed in . the coin-
pany'smill there dig the time the
roll is shut down here.—Mass Haste
of Detroit is a guest - at the 11 me,
of Mr. and Mrs. G T. Turnbr:L--
Miss Mulholland, .of":John street, left
this week on an extended yisit to
friends in the western . provinces.—'
The joint business meeting War
Auxiliary and theRed Crossof the Society
wi11 lie held In the Carnegie Library
Hall on Thursday afternoon next a;
four o'clock — -Mr. William Brownlee
and daughter of Edmonton, were here
recently visiting his father, Mr. Geo.
Brownlee, sr. -The handsome piano
lamp made and donated by Messrs.
J. Keating and T. G fircott, for the
benefit of the Red Ceass Soc'ety,svhich
h: s been oh ekhibition in W. J' Walk-
er's window- for some weeks, will be
drawn for at -the -meeting of the Red
Cross Society on. Thursday afternoon
e ` next. — Mrs. Thomas Coventry a
former well known 'rasiaer t c•f Sea -
forth, died at her hone in Pronto on
Friday last. The - remkins were
brought here on Monday, itnerm mot.
being made in Egmondville cemetery..
—Mr. Hiram Fisher, of"1 .pronto, was
visiting his brother and other relatives
here this week,—Mr. C.. A. Sills has
been awarded the contract for the
heating, plumbing and iron work . in
the handsome new residence being
erected by Mr. Stretton in Brussels.
--Stanley _;Hays,` Robert Laird - and
N. Govenlock, of the Aviation Corps,
Camp Borden, spent Sunday at their
homes here: Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Grieve and Mrs. John M. Govenlock,
of Winthrop, leave. on Tuesday next
on an extended trip through' the West-
ern provinces, going as- far as Edinon-
ton. We hope they will have a -most
enjoyable time.—Mr. Frank McMul-
can, of Toronto, an old Seaforth boy,
was here on. iMonday. He came up
to attend the funeral of the late Mrs.
Covent/T.—Mr. F. Faulkner, of the
r .Dominion 'dank staff, is holidaying in
Toronto this week_ Mrs. "arker of;
the London Collegiate Institute staff,
is spending the holidays . at her home
here. — Mrs. King, of Walkerville,
who has been spending a f . w days at
the home of her mother, Mrs. F.
Case, Maple Hall, returns to her home
to -day, Friday. She will be accom-
panied by Mrs. Case. who will spend a
few weeks in. Walkerville . Dr , C.
Mackay is in Rochester, Minnesota,
tl is week.—The members of Seafarth
Orange Lodge No. 793, will attend
Divine service at St. Thomas' church
on Sunday evening, July ' 8th, at 6.30
o'clock.'—Mr. James Chapman of
near Brandon, Man., was calling on
friends in this vicinity this week. Mr.
Chapman is an old Tuckersmith boy,
who went west in 1889 and who like
Many another Huron boy has gained
fame in the west. He `owns and
farms a section and a_ quarter of Ian
20 miles from the city of Brandon
and is besides an extensive breeder
of pure bred s:nek. Mr. Chapman is
cue of a party of four who came east
on a motor trip_ . The party came by'
way of Minneapolis. St. Paul, 'Chi
go, Detroit and Windsor, and had %
delightful trip . —The ladies. of Eg-
mondville church are preparing ..tor a
garden par' -y to be held on the church
grounds on the evening of Tuesday,
July 10. Further announcement will
be made next week.—Miss Edith Hunt
of McKillop, returned- after visiting
with friends in Kippen . —Miss Celia.
Haran, of Toronto, Miss Bessie Griew.•
.. +
A Trial' Solicite`i
alike a es *dee . +41e4+f#ii4
If you will take the
trouble to call at our Stu-
examine our photos
(many of them pictures of
your friends) learn our
prices and note the at—
ttractive finish, we are
confident we can please
There is a , standard of
quality behind photo-
graphs made by us, and.
oter,ptices are as low as
possible for good work.
Family group photos a
specialty. We do picture
traflr•ng and sell amateur
supplies and develop films
and finish prints for am-
Call and see us.
Photographer, Seaforth
Guelph, where he wlll attend the meet-
ing` of Government Horse Judge, be-
ing held in that city. Mr* McMichael
is one of the Government judges:
Mr. Andrew Patrick, a former Will -
known end respected resident of Sea -
forth, died at the home of his son,
in Hibbert, on Wednesday, in his S st
year. He has made his home with his
son since the death of Mrs. Petri' k
three years ago.—Mr. and Mrs. F.
. Montgomery, of Brantford, were
here this weele attending the Plant -
St ewart =
lant-Stewart= wadding.—Mrs- Coates o
London is visiting at the home of her
brother, Mr W. Ament, John et.
Mrs. Andrew Archibald and childrer
of London, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W.. Srnither-s . -- Mr.
Clancy of Toronto was a week -end vis-
itor in town. ---Mr.. and Mrs. Colmar,
nee Miss Cora Dodds, of Detroit, were
visitors in town this week. Miss O.
M. Laidlaw, of Natick, Mass., is vis-
itin her iiigther, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw.
Miss Isabel McDowell spent the
week -end with friends in Stratford . —
Mrs . Robert Thomson and Mrs. Jas.
Ballantyne of Brussels visited with
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Broadfoot this
week.—Miss Madge Stewart is home
from Walleceburg for the vacation.
—Mrs. Gouinlock of Toronto is the
guest of her brother, Mr .1'. Holmes -
ted. —Rev. J. S. Muld' ew, of Vancou-
ver is visiting at the home of his.
sisters, Mrs: J. IR R. Scott and Mrs.
Rr bert -.Scarlett, in. McKillop .—Mis
linen I.arltin of New Yo••k is visiting
at her home here.—Dr . G. Heileman
has moved his office in the Cady block
to the Royal Hotel; where he will be
in attendance Tuesday and Friday of
each week, --Mr. and Mrs. James Mc
Kay of Egmondville are Toronto vis-
itors .this week. Mr.• and Mrs. Jas.
Hay, his mother and aunt, Mrs. Mc-
Callum, of Blyth, riot, red to Niagara
Falls and $uifalo this week and re-
port. a pleasant trip.—Miss Ida Love,
daughter of Mr . and Mrs. John Love,
of Egmoncivillle, has been apointe s
sistant principal of one of:the pub ic:
schools in Toronto. Miss Love is a-
graduate of the Seaforth Collegiate
Institute, and her many friends are
'pleased to hear qf her success,—Revs'
r Cher White, who has been pastor of
St. Columban church, for the past
five years, leaves, shortly to go over-
seas as chaplain with the : Canadian
Jeweler and Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
James Watson
General Insurance Agent
Real Estate and Loan. Agent
Dealer in S-ewing4Vlachines,
Pour good houses for sate,
eonvenientW situated in the
Town of SWorth. Terms
• reasonable and possession
given promptly
Apply at my office for particulars.
Friday ay 8c Saturday
Cut Prices on
Women's low
While in town Friday and
Saturday, drop in' and see
the wonderful values we are
offering in these shoes, We
can satisfy yOu. of Tara, and Miss Ada Govenlock of
Coboconk, are spending the holidays
at their homes here.—Mr. Thos. Mc-
Michael leaves next Monday for
GENTLEMEN—Your Suit is not wen out 'when
soiled and stained. It' an be cleaned and pressed
to look as smarm and fre¢h as new. Uampbell.Bloolr
up -stairs. 2679 -tin
FOR SALE OR RENT—The house at present oe-
capied and owned by Ifni. Ethel MacLean, on dames
St. Seaforth, A few articles of furnisdre for dispos-
al, also. For particulars apply or, the premises.
ppr'ntism wanted to learn dress -making. Wages
to beginners U good sewers. Apply at once.
rt Bros,, Seaforth, 2584-tf
Girl Wanted -moi girl for general housework .--
Apply at Expositor Office. 2688-tf
OOckhuLt and Frost and Wood implements, the
-noted Adams wagons and a full line of gasoline en-
gines from 11-8 ton horse power for cafe by T.
Brown, Seatorth. 2585x1
HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT At present occu-
pied and owned by Mrs. Ethel MacLean, also square
piano, sideboard. double bed and spriJggee,pictures,
chairs, ete..for sale, haturday. • Very cheap.
GARDEN PARTT A garden party will be held
on the ligmondville. Church sown on the evening of
Tuesday,: July 10th. A splendid. programme is be•
ing prepared. Keep the date open. . Further an-
nounoement next week. 26861
GAUNTLET LOST= -On Friday evening last a
brown fringed leather gauntlet, for right haul.
hinder please lowest The Expositor Office. 2586-1
ICE h•AM BRJOKS--W. A. OrleL is again hand-
ling ice cream bricks, in a great many combination
of flavors and orders forparties or, weddings, also
Bring your. pictures in
and have them framed
now. During July and
August we are prepared
to do Framing on short
notice. We have a choice
assortment of Mouldings
and can guarantee First
Class Work... e
h,omp, ori. 8 Bookstore
Window Shades and Picture Frames.
Agent for New Idea Patterns.
Iil11lllllllll IIIIIIIII11II@IIdIIIIIIII81n111IIIVIII1111II111ll11ll111ll@II11IINIUIIINIlN
'I he "New Ones" are just
opened at—
25,c to $1 each-,
Phone 129
I IUs immill
IINJIiII{(illpll{Illllllllll{lills(Illlill{IIINllhll!(18iliNll811(I(IIl(N�(IIIIIII{[��,II{IIiIIIII �
the stream of life . —Mr . Leo Mur-
ray, wheelies been engagedwith Mr.
C. Eckert for the summer is at home
at present.—Mrs. T. McKay is vis-
iting under the parental roof of Mr.
Con. Eckert.
the Dick; House, Mr. `° Wilkinson and
his guests motored out to Mr . McMil-
Ian's farm, where they spent an en-
joyable afternoon looking over his
beautiful farm and, fine stock. The
visitors were delighted with their trip
and with this part of the county.
—The same day - Mr. John H.
Scott, of the same township also de-
livered 'twenty head of exceptionally.
good cattle, which averaged 1,412 lbs.
each, one pair weighing 3,070 pounds.
These were purchased. by Messrs . Robt
Winter and George M. Chesney, of
town. These two shipments attracted
a number of visitors to the yards on
Friday, and the' cattle were well
worth the' trip; in fact it is doubtful
if their equal will again be seen in
one shipment in this part of the coun-
Anniversary Services. — Ile anni-
versary services in 'connection with
tl.e .Blake Presbyterian church will be
Meld on Sabbath, July 8th, when the
Rev-. F. H. Larkin of Seaforth will
conduct the services.
For The Belgians.—The Varna Pat.
bulk ice cream 26Q5-1 riotie Society. are holding a avower
There Millie a sale of home made cooking, cond , for the Bel s ,ill• Monday,, July 9th,
the is of . . 'Dora and ldoin► .. �� tel uie
Stephen's stir ., rt , o y. y etc. well 1 . .brin it to the town
Commencing at one &Wool. gpeaial fruit bake and, , pea - g
belies of candyfor the b sys overseas. Strawberries hall that day, ,pr leave it at any of
A , br,gir RRox�y Anyone- win contribute. clothing,
fo h n Saturday. Jul ..7th
and lee ore xm served. afternoon and +
evening Fra the stores Were that time.
;seeds in dei of Reef Cross.
Jubilee of Confederation,—The May-ist
Notes.—Mr, Frank. Fitzgerald spent
or has received the following proela- the week end with friends in London,
motion from the Lieut.-Govenor, Sir --Mr. H. Volland of the 2nd codecs
John Hende e, for publication:. Where-
tes, Sunday, the first day of July next,
hasx been prorlaimed as a day or scl-
emnand religious recognition by o.'r
people of the benefits and blessin
that have been vouchsafed to us by
Providence as a Dominion. Churches
and Sunday Schools and Associations
of a like character are requested and
vrged to fittingly commemora' a the
Confederation of our Dominion
Whereas, ' Monday, the second day of
July, has been fixed by proclamation
for the celebration .'f Dominion Day,
and for- the general celebration of
the fiftieth anniversary of thefounda-
t on of the e Dominion of Canada. all
citizens are requested to give eepres-
sion or their patriotism and the unity
of' all Canadians by the display of
flags and suitable decorations at their
homes and places of business or in any
other way they may desire.
Presented With Life Membership. ---
At a meeting of the McKillop Branch
of the Seaforth Auxiliary of the Pres-
byterian church, held at the home of
Mrs, J, R. Scott, on the afteln®on
of Thursday, June 21st, , the present --
tion of a life membership was made
to Mrs. Joseph Dorrance, in recogni-
tion of long and efficient services in
connection with the work of the so-
ciety. The address was read by Mrs.
Thomas Djckson and the presentation
was made by Mr. James Aiteheson .
There was a large attendance of mem-
bers present. Mrs. J. C. Greig read,
her report of the =Provincial meeting
held. in Kingston last month, after
which the balance of the afternoon
was spent in making an outfit for an
Indian cild in the West, and there
was also'a collection of clothing for
Belgian children on exhibition.Tea was
served and a most pleasant and profit-
able afternoon was spent by all.
Married In The West. — A very
pretty wedding took place in Saska-
toon on Wednesday, June 20th, when
Miss Celina Durand was , united in
marriage to Mr. Robert Douglas, of
Saskatoon. The groom was supported
by Mr. John S. Bell,and 'the bride
was assisted by Miss Esther Klevin.
The bride looked beautiful in a gown
of white silk and georgette crepe, ancc
Carried a bouquet 'of white carnations
andbridal roses. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dr. Nicholl, of
St. Thomas' Presbyterian church, in
the presence of , the immediate rela-
tives. After the ceremony a wedding
dinner was given at the home of the
groom's sister, Mrs. Edward :Vaca sh,
The 1{appy couple left on, the even-
ing gainto spend a few weeks at
the boast. The groom's gift to the
bride was a beautiful piano, to the
groomsman a , pair of cuff links, and
to the bridesmaid a pearl pendant.
On their return they will reside .at
313 Avenue South, Saskatoon.
Good Cattle.—On Friday. Morning
last, Mr. Thomas McMillan, of Hul-
lett, delivered at the Seaforth Stock
yards 34 head of cattle . that for qual-
ity and size_ will in all probability
long remain a record for the county.
One pair weighed 3,5d0 _pounds, anoth-
er pair weighed 3,450 pounds and the
34 head averaged 1,562 pounds. Mr:
McMillan received 12% cents per
pound, the 34 head 'realizing $6,51)6.
The cattle ' were purchased. for the
Buffalo market by Mr. R. B. Wilkin-
son, of Toronto, a buyer widely
known in Ontario and the . western
provinces, who pronounced them the
finest in Canada; in fact the finest
bunch he had ever seen. On Thurs-
day morning Mr. Wilkinson brought
up a party of well _ known breeders
and feeders frog i Waterloo county to
see' his purchase, the party compris-
ing Messrs. John Fisher, Abraham
Snyder, A. Graff and Cleason Schantz
of Waterloo; G. Guthrie, Wm. Guth-
rie and John Shultz, New Dundee; S.
Roar, C -alt; Henry Miller, John, Abe
and Daivd Honaberger, Mr Fowler
and Mr. Russell, of Baden, and Jas.
Crerar, Shakespeare. After dinner at
sion, had a suceasful barn raising lass
week.—Don't forget the picnic to be
held in McDonald's grove on Saturday.
The Hensall band will be in attend-
ance.—Horseshoe throwing is now th..
sport. A team of our young men, at
the invitation of the Hensall team,
paid a visit to the village and report
having had a fine time.
Notes, --The Canadian Order of For-
esters are holding their annual picnic
in Mr. Thomas Dodds' grove on the
4th of July.—A strawberry festival
will be held on the evening of July
9th on the lawn of Mr. Charles Mc-
Gregor, .tinder the auspices of the La -
.dies' Aid Society. The Clinton Band
will be in attendance and a good pro-
gramme is expected. Come and brine
your friends with you.—Mr. and Mrs.
George Medd and Miss Nellie Medd,
of Winchelsea, spent Sunday under
the parental roof . — Mr. and Mrs.,
Barrett, of Sault Ste. Marie, are vis-
iting a t the home of Mr. William
Clarkes—Mr, McLean,. of Buffalo,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. D.
Millson.—There died on Sunday, June
24th, Etta. Riley daughter of Mr.
John Riley, formerly of the 4th conces-
sion, but now of the 2nd concessiofi
of Hallett, after a lingering illness.
The remains were interred in Kinburn
cemetery on Tuesday. We extend to
the sorrowing ones our deepest sym-
A Close, Call.—Bob Nichols, eldest
son of Mike Nichols, purchased some
strychnine, then nibbled away at it to
see what it tasted like. He found
out. The queer sensation that re-
sulted brought on a race for the near-
est doctor, who, by hard work for
some hours, piloted the "taster" over
the crisis. He is now recovering; The
young man, who is 22 years of age,
purchased the drug, telling the drug-
gist that he wanted the poison for
killieg rats.
Notes:--Mr.-M. O'Loughli i is mov-
ing to Dublin, where he will reside in
future.—Mr. Peter' Eckert and family
and our two teachers were visitors in
Birth last rueday. -Mr. Fred Hoegy
was united in marriage to Miss Orr,
of Rostock, last week, and is going to
reside on t•e farm which he purchased
from Mr. J. Nolan four years ago.
His many friends wish himself and
Mrs. Hoegy a pleasant journey down
The Gooiest Place
in town
A Powers machine,
A gold-filled screen,
Makes the pictures at the Strand
The best you have ever seen .
As a number of our patrons have ad-
vised us that our programme 'is too
long, we have decided to cut it down
to an hour and a half performance
each evening, with the exception of
Saturday evening, when we will have
two -haws, the same .a.s in the past
Although we will cut do*n the
length of the show, yen can be assur-
ed that we will keep the quality up to
our same high standard and ypu can
always depend on a programme that
,cannot be surpassed in any theatre irk
. Ontario.
Note this; --We have also decided
to start our perform==nce at 8.1.5 p.m.
each evening.
—Our New Schedule -
8.15 to 9.45 p.m.
Saturday evening € . t 5 to 10.30 p.m.
Price Iic
Children Wed. and Fri. 5c
Cream- Wanted. --I am now taking
in cream; testing and paying for it
while you wait. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. We use the very latest method
of testing and each patron is request-
ed to see our system. Cream taken
in on Tuesday and Friday mornings
of each week. Bring us your cream
and receive top prices. For further
particulars, see W. NEIL, General
Merchant, Walton. 2583-tf
New Time Table.—The new time
table on the C. P. R, came into ef-
ffect on Monday, the trains now run-
ning as follows: Fast --fit 7.32 a.m.
and 2.27 p.m.; we`s"t—At 11.48 a.m.
and 9.04 p.m.
Garden Party—The annual garden
party in connection. with Duff's church
will be held on the manse lawn, Wal-
ton, on Wednesday, July 4th, Supper
will be served from six to nine. A
splendid programme will be rendered
1 y the Imperial Male Quartette, Gaut,
in quartettes, duets, solos and read-
ings, T►ersonel' consists of
Mr. L. C.. Fleming, Basso,. Mr, G.
McGregor, baritone; Mr. E. C.fiealey
Tenor; Mr. H. Henselwood, Canto.
Mr. P. R. Mulheron, Brussels, will
give also several piano selections and
Blyth brass band will be in attendance..
Notes . —The quarterly meeting of
the Red Cross Auxiliary was held last
Friday, and the reports of the com-
mittees were very encouraging.—The
receipts axeourted to $185.32; goods to
tI• e amount of $577 have been shipped,
and included 222 suits of pyjamas, 2.
flannel shirts, 64 pillow cases, 18 doz.'
towels and 75 pairs socks. During the
last three months 25 parcels, contain-
ing - socks and other comforts, have
been sent to the boys in France, and
-. umerous letters are being received
from time to time from the grateful
recipients of the parcels. The work of
the society continues to increase and
the goods already shipped this year
are greatly in excess of last. year's
eirtire shipments .—Mrs . James Scott
spent a few days this week with
friends in Seaforth.—Mr. Sandy Mc-
Kellar has gone - to Toronto this week
as a delegate from the Sons of Scot-
land.—We are pleased to learn that
Miss Belle Campbell,who has been suf-
fering from a severe attack of ton-
silitis, is now recovering—The boys
are practising football for the picnics
at ,Chiselhurst on Saturday and at
Cromarty on Monday. At the latter
place the sports commence at 1.30 and
the program at 3.30. Rev. Mr. Charl-
ton, who is already favorably known
in this community, is expected to give
an address. — Rev. M. Atkinson, of
Motherwell, is expected to -conduct the
services on Sabbath evening.
See "Liberty", the glorious, head-
long` picture that carries you right
along—no lagging, no drag but big,
powerful rapid action that naps and
sizzles with intensity—at the Princess
Theatre for the week -end.
Pretty June Wedding.—The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pepper was the
scene of a very pretty wedding on
Wednesday, June 20th, at four -thirty
o'clock, when their youngest daugh-
ter, Rosa Isabella, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Howard M, Crich.
Promptly to the strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march, played by Miss Ivy
Plewes, the bride and groom who
- ' ere unattended, took their places be-
neath an arch of evergreens vrith brid-
al wreath and, white bell. The cere-
mony was .performed by Rev. J. A.
Agnew' of Clinton. The bride, who was
given away by her father, was pret-
tily attired in ivory crepe de chene
trimmed with georgette crepe and lace
and wore a veil of embroidered tulle
caught with orange blossoms. The
groom's gift to the bride was a pearl
pendant and to the pianist a pearl
brooch. During the signing of the
register, Miss J. Buchanan, of ,Hen-
sel', cousin of the bride, sang beauti-
fully "Until." After congratulations
the guests to the number of eighty
repaired to the dining room, where
a dainty wedding sapper was partaken
of, the tahel decorations being pink
and white. The young couple receive i
many handsome presents, among
them being some substantial cheques.
Guests were present from Detroit,
Jensen, Seaforth and Clinton. Mr
and Mrs Crich left the same evening
for their horne on the second cencea-
sion, where they have settled down
to the sterner realities of life.
Mai t a vistis
Store- will close, at
12.80 p. Vb. every
Wednesday during"
July and 4ugust
J my and
Slop inthe forenoon,
on itednesd ayys u '
ing July and
u1 wst
If You Thant
Ge od Goods
now of
ead -
to -wear
as good as
they can be
Come to us
You may say that ev-
ery Dry Goods dealer
you know sells good
You may have been
told by many of them
that their Goods are
best. But are they ?
We Don't Ask You
r Word
on sale
now to
I half price
also many
in � ares
for it we don't expect you to be-
that statement until you have
made an investigation. We know
what a broad assertion we have
made, We believe we have the
Goods to back lay u.
It you 1-.o-o1i''fbr
"Cheap" Goods
You will n6t find them here, but
it you are looking for Goods of
Quality --4f you want the best val-
ues . for .the least money- you'll
rind this storeecul.arlJ . prepared
to satibfy you..
on many
Lines of
You had better find
out about the many
advantages in style,
quality, service and
price offered exclus-
ively at this store
If you want any-
thing it our line,
comer e our val-
ues and compare
our prices with
,anything of simir-
Far" nature shown
elsewhere .in the
Special J
Sae here
the store
efe )lketavi