HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-06-22, Page 8f•
rr7 '
'Aare grows on a 'normal head M-
an average of , 100,000 hairs-- nes
approximately 1,000 to the a
equare inch, all of which mustitent
.be scientifically ,c -lipped, so that
they may lie smoothly in place M-
over the e.ntire head. This must
be done with shears and comb, „Wes
and if clippers are usen the hair must be properly tapered, or, 4
there appears a round the head tin
a mark or wig -like appearance, ee
-a condition tvhich Competent etwei
barbers will always avoid. We
claim to have this art down to a M -
science, which, the men, who
wear our hair -cuts deinonstrate
wherever you may see them.
So why consider where to have
your hair-eutting done, when Et
you may. come direct to the =tone -n-4
Commercial Barber Shop, Sea- „them
forth, with the full assurance of
having it done artistically by Et --
.The shop that is always
Final Draft of Ministers. -After _
an all night session the stationing
cdpunittee of the London Methodist
Conference announced Wednesday the
following final changes for this dis-
trict from the first draft published
last week: Goderich, Victoria street:
J. H. Osterheut, Clinton, Wesley
• church, As E. Wones. Aubtun, T. S.
O'Kell. ' Bayfield, W. - E. ' Darling.
Varna, J. E. Jones. 3.. C. Reid
goes to Strathroy and W. K. ilager
to Aylmer; George Jewitt remains at
Springfield, W. Conway goes to
Trowbridge. Rev,. E. G. Powell, Whe
shortly removes to London, will be at .
tached to Dimdas street church ..(Rev.
if. A. Agnew of Ontario Street church
t in Clinton, is chatting's' of Goner h
Idistrict; and ReveGeorge McKinley, f
Seaforth, secretary. Rev. 5.W.
uxworthy of Exeter, is president of
the conference this year,
A Trial Soliniteo
fi e)R,N
And Furrier
Cleaning, Pressing &
Repairing a Specialty
If you will take the
troniele-to. call at °a Stu-
dio, examine our photos
(many of them picturestief
your friends) earn our
prices and note the at-
tractive finish, we are
confident we can please
There ie a standard of
quality. behind photo-
graphs made by us, and
our prices. are as low as
possible for good work)
Fairiily group photos a
specialty. We ,clo picture
tram rig- and sell amateur
supplies and develop films
and finish prints for am-
Call and nee us.
Photographer, Seatorth
Jeweler and Optician. .
twiner Marriage Licenses
James Watson
General Insurance Agent
Real Estate and Loan Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines.
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated in the
Town of Seaforth. Terms
reasonable and possession
given promptly
Apply at roy office for particulars.
Friday tic Saturday
Cut Prices on
• Women's low
While in town Friday and
Saturday, drop in and see
the wondeiful values we are
offering in these shoes. We
can satisfy you.
Serious Auto Accident --.A serious
and what easily might have been a
fetal auto accident occurred °if the
orth Road, opposite the farm of Mr.
C. Eekart, about noon on Sunday. Mr.
red Philips, G.• T. R. agent at Pink-
erton, and son of Mr. Phillips, of
Stratford, formerly G. T. R. Agent
at Seaforth, with his wife and child
and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Tisen•
merman, were motoring to StratfOra,
to spend the day. The party came
by way of Wroxeter and Brnssels
on account of the good roads, and the
car was travelling at a high rate of
speed, when without warning one of
the front wheels collapsed, the ma-
chine. going over into tbe ditch and
turning turtle twice. Mrs. Timmer-
man. and the ehild. were thrown some
distance, but were not injured. Mr.
and iffrs. Phillips were pinned under
e ear and unable to extricite them-
st ves. Fortunately Mr. Eckert, wit-
nessed the Ilecident,and hurriedly came
to their aeaistance and with the aid of
three other men, .ho came along in a
earn the beitipants` were rescued from
their pernous position and brought
to the office of Drs. Scott anUfackay,
where they were given menial' at-
tention. Mr. Phillips was badly bruis-
ed and the ladies, although -not injur-
ed, suffered from sheck an I were
obliged to remain in town until Mon-
day, before resuming their journey. It
was a miractilous escape from death.
Local Briefs. ----Mr, and Mrs. Nelson
Reid, of Detroit, spent a few -days
last week at the parental home of Mr.
aid Mr. Samuel Reid, of Tuekersmith.
-Mr. L. G. Weir, of 1Vleaford,, spent
a few days here this week with his
family. -Mr. Fran1w5cott of Bluevale,
spent Sunday at .the home of his
brother, Dr. J. G. Scott. -Mr. •An-.
drew Scott is presiding at the Lower
school examinations at the Seaforth
Ccdlegiate Institute this week, Mr. J.
F. ROES is presiding at Blyth, Mr.
A. A. Naylor id Brussebeennd , Mr.
G. W. Holman, at Windom .-Mr .
C. Aberhart has perchased a hand-
some McLughlin cat from the local
agent, Mr. George C. Bell. -Mr. and
Mrs. W. Gladman and Mrs. J. A.
Stewart, of Exeter, ' were guests at
the home of Mrs. A. Young on Sun -
dew.. Mr. Glanneen conducted the
serviceliii the EgniondvOleitchnrch on
Sunday rimming, speakirigeon the bud-
get. -The 'High Sehool =Entrance ex-
aminations are being ,held at the Cole
legiate Institute on 'Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of this week.
-Mr. Arnold Habkirk, of the Dunn-
ville post office staff, spent 1Sunday
at his home here. -Word was received
Isere this week that 3. Steel* eldest
see" of Mf. Robert nteele, of th s town,
had been wounded in France. Pte
Steele enlisted with an Edmonton bat-
tatian and has been in the trenches
almost a year.--e-Mr. J. R. Archibald,
Silver Creek Farra, met with a nasty
accident on Monday. He was repair-
ing some machinery at the barn, when
a bolt flew up striking and break ng
the glasses he was wearing at the
thee. Several fragments were driven
into his left eye, cutting the eyeball,
but were •succedsfully removed by the
doctor, and although the wound is a
painful olie, it is not expected that
any permanent injury will result to
the sight of the eye. -Fred, the young
son of Mr. end Mrs. J. E. Willis,
who has had a seriout attack of pneut
monia, is recovering .-Mr . R. M.
Jones, manager of the Dominion Bank,
is able to be in his office a,gain. -
Cadet 'Cyril E. Stewart, of the Royal
Aviation Corps and son on Mr.. A. E.
Stewart.'of Montreal, and formerly of
Seaford', spent the week end with his
uncle, Mr. James Stewart, and eunt,
Mrs. J. s P. McLaren. Mr, Stewart
is a student -cif Toronto University,
but responded to the call of his coun-
try for mord men. He is high in hi$
praise of his instructor, Captain Aird,
another boy who credits Seaforth as
his place 'of birth.Mr. Stewart's
cousin, Gordon, we 'understand, hat
been offered and accepted a position
as mail clerk on the C.P.R. running
from Toronto. Gordon is a son of
Mr. Gan. Stewart, also formerly a
,Seaforth, and now of Orangeville, and
though too young for enlistment, is
anxious to serve his country in what-
ever capacity presents itself. - The
regular meeting of the War Auxiliary
will be held in the Armories, this,.
Friday, afternoon, at foier o'clock. --
Miss Ross has returned to her home
after spending several weeks =with Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Ross. -Mrs. E. Mil-
len, of Pomona, California, is the
guest of her son, Mr. names -G. Mul-
len. -Rev. A. L. Russell, a former
pastor of the Methodist church, isevis-•
iting at the home of Mr. James Beat-
tie and other friends. -Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Smith, of Peterboro, are spend-
ing e few days at the parental home of
Mrs. Smith. -Reeves Stewart of Sea -
forth; Govenlock,- of -McKillop, and
Crich, of Tuckersmith, were in Gode-
rich on Tuesday attending a Special
meeting f the County Council, called.
for the p ose of . designating the
roads to, e built in the various muni-
cipality of the county, under the good
roads system adopted at the June
meeting of the Council. -- Mr. John
Menzies, sr., Mr. and Mrs. James
Menzies and Mr. and Mrs. James Mc-
Gee, . motored from East Wawanosh
last Week and visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGee, Main
Street. -Dr. and Mrs. Frisbee have
returned to their home in Butte, Mon-
tana, after spending a month visiting
friends in Seaforth, Buffalo, and New
York. -A little child of Mr. Mena, of
i the Huron road, :west, had a narrow
Iltrilk)N Eirt)
escape from serious injury on Monday,
When- it ran in front of aecar on Main
Street. The car Which was going
very slowly at the time; epoteed over
'the child, but fortunate.ly it escaped
the. wheels .-Miss Geetzmeyer, has
returned to Detroit ,after visiting her
:mother and other friends here .-Mrs.
.A. M. Boyle sof Belgrave, was visit-
,ing at the Inwee of Mrs. Robert Mc-
. -Mr. antl,Mrs. Staples sr., Mr.
Stapies, Miss tdtaples and Miss Moon
motored up from Ingersoll on Sunday
antl epent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
John Mactavish.-Mr'
s. aarter, of
Chicago, is the guest ()filer aunt, Mrs,
Habldrk.e---Miss Ada Govenloclt, of
,Shelburn is spending the holdidays
.at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Govenlock.-Miss Mary Gilles-
pie, of the Parkhill Collegiate Insti-
tutestaff is holidaying at her home
here .-Mrs. J. S. Roberts left last
week to visit her daughters in. Oshawa
and New Yorks ---W. Joseph. Scott, of
Roxboro, has returned home after vis-
iiing friends in voronto.—Rev. T. H.
Brown, of St. Thoinash church, is at-
tending the synod meeting in, London
this week. -Two rinks of bowlers
were in Mitchell on Wednesday 'slay-
ing in the Fern Trophy Competition
against rinks from Goderich, Clinton,
Mitchell, Stratford and St. Marys.
The trophy was won by Mitchell with
a total of 133 points, Seaforth being
second with 131 points. The Seaforth
rinks were composed d J. A. Wil-
liams, 0. Neil, J. Taman and W. G.
Willis, skip; W. McLennan, J. Mc-
Millan, J. E. Willie and R.E. Bright,
skip. -Mr. and Mrs. James Beattie
and Mr: and Mrs, Smith are on a
motor trip to London/ Detroit and
other places this week -Mr .and Mrs.
John Schafer and children and Mrs.
Thos. Aiteheson, sister of Mr. Js. S.
Welsh, motored to Seaferth on Sunday
on a •visit not Mr. and Mrs. S.
Welsh.--n-Ws.George Sndthers, of
Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
W. Oughton. -Mr. John Calder, of
'Seat Current accompanied by his sis-
ter, Dr. Margaret- Calder, of Wing -
ham, were visiting at the borne -of
their uncle, Mr. James Cowan, tis
eek. -Mrs. McDonald, of Detroit, is
visiting her daughter Mrs. Charles
GENTLEMEN -Your Suit is not worn out When
soiled and stained. It esn be cleaned Cud Preaed
to -look as inners and fresh ae new. Campbell Bleck
up -stairs. 25794f II
• POR SALE DR RENT -The house at present oc-
eupied and owned by Mre. Ethel Mact.ean, on dimes
$t. ki5)a1orth. A few artiolec of furniture fordispos-
•11, also. For particulars applyon the premises.
Clara Kimball Young will appear in the artistic
triumph of her care*, Mom, Tues., Wed., at the
PilnOess. AdrnisSiOli 10o. 2584:1
/WARD WANTED -with single bedrooms for 2
young men. Central location preferred. State
terms to Expositor Office. 2584x1,
See "Liberty " the spectacular dashing serial
that the big theatres are demanding for a secohd
run. At the Princess for the week end. 2584-1
Appr otion wanted b leer dresa-making. Wages
paid to htoinners If g od sewers. Apply at oncs.
ete Wart BroF., deaf Jr' h.
Girl Wan'ted - 0od girl fo pneril luseworl,
Apply au ExpMi
Lsitot *Mice,- 2588 -ti
Storag- roftm lo -let, in Woolen Mill Buildini
Moe to, ave, pull( y awl lsg 4; *al er tanks, for sale,'
L. G. V,:y‘LE roonO, Searatth 2.581-4• ;
A- Good,: Snipmentt-The Patriotic
Society shiPped to Ctignton this month
the f.ollowinge,17 pairs socks, 18- day
shirts, 1 suit nerjamos; besides 5 pairs
socks annenailiirts were sent to the
Ve.rna linne inew overseas.
• itHlicEFIALD • -
Personal Jessie Fowler and
son, iterdon,- Were in: Dungannon this
week, atteneling the wedding sof Mr.
Donald Fowlers -Mr, and Mrs. Saint.
uel Reid, of Tuckersmith, attended the
funeral of theilate .John Stewart, in
Blyth, oneSanday of last week. -Miss
H, Elcoan, of the Cobourg • Collegiate
Institute staffnhas returned -Home for
her vacation..
Notes. ---Mr . and Mrs. Russell Scctt
spent a few days recently with-rela-
tivere in Alvinston.-Mrs. D. Park, sr.,
is visiting in Mitchell this week. -
.Nearly seventy ladies asembled at the
home of Mr Duncari McKellar, jr.,
and prepared a number of quilts for
missionary and other philanthropic
purposes .-Mrs . John Laing and
daughter of Seaforth are spending the
week with their relatives and friends
here .-Mr. George G. Wilson has pur-
chased a new five passenger Ford car.
• School Picnic .-School Section No.
6, Hullett, intend holding their annual
picnic on Friday,, June 29th, on Lot
6, Concession 12, in the maple grove
opposite Mr. Peter Taylor's. The af-
ternoon will be spent in school chorus-
es, races and a game,of banehall bask-
et ball and football: *married men vs.
single men, after which a sumptuous
repast will be served. Everybody wen.
come. Bring along a basket and en-
joy the fun. Everybody come and
cheer the boys and girls at play.
The next meeting of the McKillop
Township Council will be held at Win -
throe on June 30th, at one o'clock. p.m.
2584-e -se- M. MURDIE, Clerk,
Teacher Re-engaged. - Miss Mabel
Dorrance, who for, the past year; has
taught in the school in section, No, 12,
of thia township, has been re-engaged
for thn coming year. Miss Dorrance
has been most successful as a teacher
and both pupils and parents will be
pleased to know that she is remaining
for another term.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rendle
of Spokane, Washington, spent a few
days here last week. They were for -
/tier residents of Exeter. -Rev, S. F.
Sharpe resumed his pulpit at Cavan
church on Sunday last, after an abs-
ence of several months from illness.
-Revs Dr. Fletcher, of Thames Road,
was nominated as moderator of the
General Assembly of the Presbyter-
ian church in Canada at Montreal last
week, but withdrew his name .-Mr.
. J. White, of Outlook, Sask., and
formerly of the Exeter Times, is vis-
iting relatives in Exeter: He wag ac-
companied back to the west by his
wife and family, who have been here
for some months. -Miss Florence E.
Carling, daughter of the late T. 13.
Carling, has. been. successful in se-
curing the degrees of Bachelor of Sci-
ence in Education and Bachelor of Sci-
ence in Practical Arts at Columbia
University, New York. -A quiet wed-
ding was solemnized at the P, gsbyter-
ian manse on Tuesday evening of last
week, when Mr. Norman McDonald,
son of Mr. and Mrs., Joseph McDon-
6111;AlthOitigh Lentlier Goods
have advanced consider-
ably in price, .vc are still
selling at the old prices.
Hand Bags Music Roils
0 Purses Wallets
Card Cases
tpect to spend the summer. -Mr. E.
Rupp, Detroit, was visiting relatives
here last week. .
The Late Mrs. Nowald.-.After a
short illness the death took place on
. Saturday of last week, of Mary Sehil-
be, relict of the lath Bartholomew Ho-
wald, in her 63rd year. The dzceased
was highly esteemed in this commun-
ity. The funeral was held on Tues-
day, interment taking place in the
Lutheran cemetery.• Five eons and
one daughter mourn her lose.
oe i'
Notes. -Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Kaine
spent Saturday in Blyth. -Mrs. (Dr.)
Hamblin, of Detnoit, visited friends
here last week .-Mee W. Tamblyn
who has spent the past year overseas,
has returned home for a visit. -Mrs.
1 Steakhouse, of Blyth, visited last week
at the home of W. 33righars.-The
regular meethig of the W .M. S., was
held last week m the basement of theln
Methodist church and was weattend-
ed 1 -Mrs. W. Hesk had charge of the
meeting ,,,The Women's Institue ser-
ved. cake and ice cream to a large
number last Friday night. The pro-
ceeds are to be used for preparing
boxes for our boys overseas, They
sent 39 boxes not, long ago and they
have received word from almost all
expressing their appreciation .-Mrs.
Riley, who was operated on some time
ago, is getting along as well as can be
expected. -Miss O. Brigham spent a
few day at her home before going to
Toronto where she been appointed As-
sociate Examiner by the Department
of Education.
ei daughter,Miss Margaret, have gone
00u8 to Dauphin, Manitoba, where they ex -
1' hompon s Bookstore
Window Shades and Picture Frames.
Agent for New Idea Patterns.
A I ti ini nuin
kitchenware assortment.
See our " bigger. than
ever" display.
ust arrived—
Imported crate of Jugs
and Jardineres opened
this week Prices from
25c to $2.5o.
, Phone 129
ald, of Hay, was married, to Alice
Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mr' .Win,
Mitchell of the Metropolitan Hotel
Mr. John Morgan attended. the Pres-
byterian General Assembly in Mont-
real last week.
Women's Institute. - The June
meeting of the Women's Institute
will be held at the home of Mrs. T.
M. Hamilton, on Thursday, June 28th,
The Fullerton branch is expected to
be reprsented. Miss M. Ferguson will
give a paper on "Nation Building,"
and other numbers will be given by
visiting ladies. All the members are
requested -to come and meet their
neighboring workers.
Our Cemeterns-It has been de-
cided to have suiother bee on Satur-
dey afternoon, June 23rd, to draw
earth to level- and fix up the cemetery,
tied all vtho are interested or who have
lots are asked to come and help. Any
lot will be looked after by the care-
takerefor the usual fee of orte dollar
per year; the money to be 'paid to
the secretary -treasurer, Mr. William
Notes. -By the death of Mrs, Rich-
ard, Brooks, at the -age of 90 years,
there has been reneived a highly re-
spected resident. .She yeas ,born in
England' and had spent most of her
life near Unionvillee Villa place the
'reinins were ship Three daugh-
ters and one eon it e *ve. The de-
ceased,wai vent, ; .tie and 'since
-thd Waif dommen -ad knitted 286
pairs of socks feiftgetsoldrers.---v(m.
Hord; - who has been in partnership
with his father, 144r, Uinta Btord, edry
goods and groceries has sold out 'hie
share to F. A. Campbell of Mitchell.
Mr. Hord and faintly intend going
west in the near future. -After three
years time fishing in the Mitchell pond
opened on Saturday. - James Tilley,
son of Mr .Edward Tillen, of this town
whci has seen service in South Africa,
Prance and Belgium has been invalid-
ed home o g to rheurruitism.
Notes -Mr. Fred Eckert and Mrs .
Jerry Regan, accompanied by their
sister, Mrs, Joesph Dantzer, of Chi-
cago, arrived home last week. Mrs.
Dantzer will remain in Canada -instil
such time as her health improves
Mr. Thomas Meliay treated himself
to a new Ford car, which he purchased
from J. F. Daly, Seaforth.-What
tin,cieguiThtedsthalvaebseaenturad4sy.erious accideet,
Michael Murray was drivMhilegatingaarithr,
he was struck by a. car, which broke
a wheel of the buggy but the occu-
pants escaped imhuitt.-Rumor has it
that William Hoegy will soon join the
married men's league .-We are pleas-
ed to learn that Mr. Jerry O'Hara is
. able to be around again. -Sister Mar-
tha, of the Ursline Convent, Chatham,
was home visiting her mother and
nrothers, Mrs. J. O'Hara, and Jerre
and John. This being her first visit
home in 20 years, she found a great
many changes.
Notes. -Mr. A. Schilbe of Water-
. loo and Mr. John Schilbe, of Detroit,
were here this week, attending the
funeral of their sister, Mrs. Howald.
-Mrs. C. Fritz was visiting with
Fitchener friends recently.-f-Re.T Mr.
Ehlere, secretary of the Y.M.
for the State of Pensylvania, gave an
interesting address in the Evangelical
church on Sunday. -Mrs. -Stela and
2he 600test Place
in town
Mary Pickford
- .
"The Pride of the Clan"
without a, doubt the best
photoplav ever shown in this part of
•the cOuntry
the 3rd episode of
"Peg 0' the Ring"
Price' 15C
Children. Friday night 10c
Continuous performance
Saturday night -8 to 11 p.m.
We advise all our patrons to come
early Saturday night and see the en -
Aire performance.
See "Liberty," the glorious, head-
long picture that carries you right
along -no lagging, no drag, but big,
powerful' rapid action that snaps and
sizzles witli intensity -:at the Princess
Theatre for the week -end.
June Wedding. -At Hillerest Farm,
Tuckersmith, at high, noon, on Wed-
nesday, June 13th, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John T. Mitchell, was the
scene of a ;trate/ wedding when their
seeond daisghter, Alice Edna; was un-
ited in makriage to Mr. Melville John
Traquair, of the same township. The
ceremony was performed under
beautiful arch by Rev. 3. P. Knight,
D.D. The bridal couple were
unattended. The bride, daintly at-
tired in ivory duchess satin with ov-
eedress of silk fibre net, -ft-banned with
pearls, with bridal veil and orange
blossoms, carrying a shower bouquet
ofi carnations and fern entered tile par-
lor, leaning on the arm of her father,
to the strains of the wedding march
played on piano and violin by Miss
Gertrude Mitchell, sister of the bride
and Mr. Jarvis Horton. After con-
gratulations and during the signing of
the register Mrs. Knight sanginfLove
Is' Meant to Make 'Us Glad." The
nridal couple led the way to the din-
ing -room, where a sumptuous dinner
was served to about 80 guests. The
groom's gift to the bride was a neck-
lace set with pearls. The gifts te
the young couple werencostns and
numerous. Amid Weevers of onfetti
aid good wishes the ppy couple left
on a inditaring tour l4London, Essex,
Detroit and other pfints. On their
return tiey will reside on tbe groom's
farm orj the 14th concession, Tucker -
smith •
West And Notes. -Miss Natie Ter-
• ryberryn of -Caledonia, ,was .a yisitor
here last week. -Mrs. W. }famish,
of Saskatchewan, is spending the sum-
mer with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Switzer. -Flower Sunday ,Service
will be held in Turner's church On
Sunday, July lst. The pastor will
conduct the afar/men service. and Mr.
F. Savauge, of SeEforth, is expected
to conduct the evening service.
A Letter of Thanks. -The following
ie a letter from France to a member
• of the Chiselhurst Tobacco Club in ac-
knowledgement of a parcel received:
France, May 11th, 1917. Dear Fsiend
George, -I received your welcome par-
cel from the Chiselhurst Tobacco Club
and I must say that I was very de-
lighted with it; so I must take -this
opportunity of thanking the Club
through you and wishing them every
success in their very Patriotic work.
I can say right here that anything
in that line is very welcome out here
in this country and I think that I
voice the sentiment of all the boys
when I say so. I am sure that you
folks at home often think of us out
here and perhaps wonder if ever we
will be spared to come home, and I
also realize how much of your time
and means it takes to send us all a
parcel of good things and I wish your
Club every success. I don'tlinow what
more to say Isere as the censor will
not let us say just all we would like to,
but I snay mention that we have had
lovely weather here now for about a
month and it is getting very warm
now and the trees are all getting quite
leafy. This would be a lovely coun-
try only for the war, but you can't go
any place, but that you are continu-
ally kept in Viind that there is an aw-
ful war and every place ih busy with
soldiers and transports, etc. I sup-
pose the papers at home awl all talking
of peace. I sure hope it comes soon
but we must have victory first Well,
George, I ftm right with the Parker
boys from 1Chiselhurst and also snme
of the Horan and Exeter boys so
we are not altogether among strang-
ers, and, that in itself makes it better
for us. We heard this wek that Cliff
Brintnell had, died of wounds. We
don't know for sure yet whether it is
official or not. I must close now as I
have some more to write and please
thank the Club for Me for their kind-
ness and may God spare and prosper
you all in your good work. I remain,
Yours sincerely, Jim Hill.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. G. Smalla-1
combe and Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole
motored to Stratford and Guelph.
They intend to return in about a week.
-Mr. Gordon and Edward McLeod, of
Parkhill, were here for the week end,
paying a visit to their sister, Mrs. W..-
Vennor .-Mr. . Andrew Wright in-
tends building a silo this summer. -
The Chiselhurst Sunday School will
hold their annual picnic on Saturday
June 30th, in Mr. Donald McDonald's
frove. A good supper will be served.
The committee are plannig to make
everything a success. There will be
snorts of all kinds, races for children,
games ,ete., a tug-of-war between
Tuckersmith and Hibbert the captains
being J. Robertson and A. Swan; also
a baseball match between single and
married men and a football -mita be-
tween No. 6 and No. 7 school boys.
Everybody come and have a good eine.
Early ca
JUNE 22, 19
Store witlBelosegat
12.30 p.m. every
Wednesday duirTng
duty ami (du/gust
July and
•1!; August
Shop nil theforemoon
on Wednesdaysdur-
ing fluty and
If 11 ou Want
Good Goods
now of
You may say that eve
Ladies' ery Dry Goods dealer
you know sells good
Ready- Goods
You may have been
to -wear I
best. But are they?,
that their Goods are
told by many of them
as good as
they can be
Come to ,us
on sale
now at
half price
iso manyl
in Dress
We Don't Ask You to take,
Our Word
for it, we don't expect you to be-
lieve thatstatementuntilyou have
made an investigation. We kno
what a broad assertion we have
made. We believe we have the
Goods toback it up.
you Look for
" Cheap" Goods
You will not find them here. but
it you are looking for Goods of
Quality—if you want the best val-
ues for the least money--youll
tin.d this store peculiarly prepared
to satiofyiyou.
on many
Lines ot
- Don't
You had better find
out about the many
advantages in style,
quality, service and
price offered exclus-
ively at this store •
If you want any-
thing in our line,
compare our val-
ues and- .compare
our prices with
anything of simi-
lar nature shown
elsewhere in the
Sale here
the store
J. Mactavish
Seaf ova