HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-06-22, Page 5UNE 22., I17 or#0.440.*".0.4:>ftww nd S per is still a favotite for I etrancei its neat fitting limier frocks . s always appeal to the Footwear. Some of the feed, the handsomest that tb I 0 descriptions in brief , ial style with enamelled . adies patent colt pimps air, 3.50. Ladies' fine pool heels, per pair, 3.5o. tang vamps, some plain ir 4.00 and 4.50. Ladies' new style irk strap slip - slippers, a fine selection 2- speol heels, per pair 3.25 ,pers with z and 3 straps, MMERCIAL OTI1L nte-OehOeeCoe-enehie :toe Mr. T. E. Hays and Mr. Amsted,. K.C. and tmany froi. eh, and Mr. and. Mrs. Archibald ideiToet. es. -nee. -el 'Alton, of Laneii, 11. Alton, of Dupganneee visitors at the home of M. anti W. H. Johnston during the -Mrs. John Anderson of North a, who has been visiting her r, Mrs. Wilson McSherry, in us this week visiting at the of Mrs. John Anderson endeeith friends in the village. Mr,. and Anderson will be remem tny of the older residents -hei gh itiesorne as years since -they el in this neighboboo&-Rey lrovm, -who has been pastor of. athodist church here for the past , years, 'will preach tli$ farewell, to on Sunday next, before gong new field of labor.-mr. W. RJ an who is a Iover and breeder aoti this week disposed of a tune of agricultural mares to elir Beck, of London. These herseist Niagara to work on the Hydro', line. The price paid was $460.. Immo, Mr. and Miss Pierce fiat'. of Auburn, who were on a motor' London called on their cousin., William Johnston, who accom- L them to London. The party ippen after ten tilde& and were elon at 12, wheire .011 enjoyed a nt visit with friends- They ondon at six o'clock thesame g and were in Kipneniagain be- ' undown, and expected to reach e n about nine o'clock that even- - Mr. Munroe is a merchant in re -The ladiestof St. Andreiv's are making preparations for Ailing of a !atm social Liv eite Ming of a picnic on Thursday, th.-Rev. Dr. Gandier, of Knox.' e'will c uct the services in I ndrewis c urch, Kippen and In e i;reen on 'Sunday next. emerammoseesesollesoolenOOrnioseollesi 4 orses p x6 hands, weight unds, and stand x6,2 ite or light buckskin d conformation, free harness or saddle, ted at th,. 11 am,. ssortments of Serges, ds you could wish to greys, browns and with guaranteed dyes ariety 4 -materials at et the same attention ne new stock of &M- ies etc, We're sure 0 • &ff Sort * Seaforth - _ • _ - - • _ . - NE 22,j117 ' • DITBLIN. Pricnic.--eA picnic will be held in . lin on Donthiien Day, My 2nd, under the auspices of St. ,Patrick's „ 4:hutch. ' All the usual good sports and an excellent band in attendance al* * 'dor. EverYbed, conte. ow - SALE REGISTER. On Saturday, June' 30 at two p.m.' it the residence Of Mo.. JAL Lawrie, rennondville, household furniture. Jno. AdministraWr; T. Brown, esuctioneer. ; • THE CANADIAN ROCKIES. The, best 'and newest sections, and Idget peaks are seen from the trans- eontinntal trains of the Canadian Nor- thern Railway leaving Toronto every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For attractive booklets, through tickets, -said full information apply to Chas. Aberhart, town agent. -Ft _ SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaford's Jima 21st, 1917. Butter, per pound - . -80 to 32e Eggs, per doen ....29c to 30 Potatoes, per bag .,, ...$4 .25 Flour, per 100 .. $6.55 to $7.05 Wheat, per bushel $2.00 Bran, per ton $36.00 Shiorts, per ton .. $42 .00 Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel , . . -$1 20- • Hogs, per cwt. .. . $14.00 peens, per hush. 6.00 to 7,90 *. BE MARKEL Toronto, June 19 -Beans, Japanese hand-picked, bushel, $7.50 to $8; Can- adian hand picked, a bushel, $9.25; prime, $8.75. DAIRY *imams. Toronto, June 19 -Butter- Cream- *t'Si prints 361/4 . to -374c; creamery .eolids, 36c to 3-7e; dairy 28e to 30c. Eggs -30e. „. POULTRY MARKE'T. iToronto, 1UI 19. -Poultry -Chick - ens, spring, 25e ,to 35c per pound; Ilens, under 5 lbs.; 20e; do. over 5 lbs.. 23e; roosters, 14c; dtieks,-20h; turkeys 14c. Dressed -chickens sifting, 40c. hens, under 5 get. 230; over 5. lbs. 25c roosters16c; turkeys 18c. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, jutie 19. -Manitoba Wheat -Track, bey -ports Ni. 1 northern $2.684 non4al, No. 2 northern, $2.65. Manito'ha pits-- No. 2 W. 77%e, nominal.- Athericail Corn -No. 3, yel- low, $1.8i, nominal. t Ontario wheat 2 winter, $2.65 to $2.60; ac ecrding to freightoutside, No. 3 winter $2.53 te $2.58. Rye -No. new, $2; noraindL Manitoba Flour - First -patents injute begs, $13.60; second patents, in jute bags, $13.30; strong bakers' $12 Ontario Fl -Winter, new track, Toronthr prompt elripment, according to sanitile $11.25 to $11.35. Millfeed-Carlote, deliv- eeed, Montreal ,freights; shorts $39: btan, $32; middlings, $43; good feed flour per bag, $2.89 to $2.90. Hay --Traek, Toronto, eXtra Mn. 2, $13. - Only a few oddchoice cowa touched the 10e higheleied,' tst general pick findingvalueebetweelt$9.25 te $2;Soi Bulls were steady, with top quality scar. There were a fear farmers on the market in search a steckeris, and three loads of good cattle shipped out cost from $9.10 to 9.50. Other loads sold from $7.50 te $8.26. Milkers a sMalt( eats were firm and activ A lightegi' of hogs,which for the m part were sent in by Twiner shipper, sofa- at last week's price of $15.50 fed and watered • Small lots of loose hogs cashed in at $15, which, packers say, is the highest they will bid this week. The'receiffits were 122 cars, with 2175 cattle 220 calves, 785 hogs and 144 sheath and lambs. e Joe Atwell & Sons bought 50 stock- ers, 750 to 850 lbs., $9.10 to $9.50. Swift Canadian bought 75 calves, $9 to $14.50; 50 sheep and lambs? 17.%; -20 hogs, $15 fed and watered. Gunns Ltd. bought 250 ,cattle: But- chers, $10.25 to $11,75; cows, $8.50 to $10; bulls, $9 to $10-75. George Rowntree for (Harris Abbao toir bought 600 cattle: Butcher steers and heifers, $10.25 to $12.10; cows, $5.50 to $10; build, $8 to $10.50. -Mc- Curdy & McCurdy bought two loads of butchers 900 to 1000 -lbs., $9.75 to $11. - C. Zeagman and Sons sold one load butchers, 1050 lbs., $10.50; two loads of cows, $6.50 to $9.50, - H. P. Kennedy sold: Choice but- chers, .$.1-1 to $11.50;e3 extra choice butchers, $11.75; good butehers, 50 to $.10.85; medium $101 to $10.40; choice COWS, $9 to $9.50.t good cows, $8.50 to $9; medium cows $7.50 to $8.25; common cows $7 to $7.50; can- ners attd, cutters, *5.60 to $6.25; bulls, choice, $9,50 to $10.50; good bulls, $8.75 to $9.25; medium bulls, $7.75 to $8.50, J. B Shields and Son sold: Butch- ers, 20, 1360, lbs., 12.10; 1; 1160 1gs., $10.25;, 19, 900 lbs, $10.50; 2, 915 lbs, $8.50e 2, 690 lin, $8.75; cows; 3, 1185 lbs,i$9.90t 34080 lhs, $8.25; 21, 1010 lbs, $9.15; 1, 1060 lbs, $9.85; 2, 1000 Pas, $8.75; 1, 790 lbs, $6.35; 1,960 lbs, $5,75o 2,850 lbs, $6.75; lt 660 lbs, $5.75; 1 milker, $68; 1 milker, $85; 2 Milkers, $190;2 milkers $226; 1 milker, $100etcalves $12 to $14.75. Dunn and Leveek sold were a elow, trade at $15 loWer quotatiens. were, draggy and spring - weaker, but alt other :..Butchers, , 1150 Ilea $11.45; 20; 960 lbs,e$11.25; 16, 980 lbs, $11; 11, 1030 lbs, $10.50; 11,-1000 lbs. $10.25; 10; 1000 lbs., $10.75; 17, 1020 lbs, $10.75; 2, 1110 lbs, $10,,26; 21, 930 lbs, $10.90; 7, 840 lbs., $8.75; 12, 970 lbs.,. $10:90. Cows -2, 1210 lbs., $10; 10, 1210 lbs., -$0.80e11120 lbs., $8; 2, 1130 lbs., 9,25 -2, 870 lbs., $9,50-; 5, 1000 lbs.,' $9,25; 1, 950 'lbs., •$7 .40; 3 1160 lbs., 49.65; 1 1040 lbs., .$8.25; 1 ;780 lbs., $6,75; 2,*940 lbs., $6.85. Bulls -1, 1680 limo $10.25; 1, 1000 lbs., $11; 1, 1060 lbs. $9 elo.. Spring lambs $17 to $1/.50; 30 sheep," wools, $12; choice clipped, $9 to $9.50; heavies $7 to $7.50; 50 calves $12.50 to $15. - Corbett, Hall and Coughlin sold Choice heavy steers, $11.75 to $12; • good heavy steers, -$11.35 td $11.50; _choice butchers $11 to $11.65; good butchers $10.60 to $10.85; medium, 511 to $14; mixed ss to $12. Straw -1 butchers $10.25 to $10.40; common Carlots- $9. , I.A.V.h STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, June 19. -The trade was fairly active with sales of full loads butchers $9 to $9.50: light heifers and steers ,eastern, $6.50 to $7.25; choice heavy bulls, $10.25 to $10.75; butch- ches bulls, $9.50 to $10; bologna bulls light, $6.50 to $7.25; bologna bulls, heavy, $8.25 to $9.25; cheico cow -s, of choice steers at $11 to $11.25, and $9.'75 to $10; good cows, $9.25 to odd lots of picked stocks at_ $11.50 $9.50e medium cows, $8.25 to i$8.75; per cwt. Prices of sheen ane lambs comm&a...cows $6.75 to $7.40; canners were $1.50 per cwtlower, due to the 0.75 to $6; sheep, ewes, light, clipped large stocks of frozen lamb and mut- ton and little demand for fvesh sup- plies. Beg -prices scored a further decline to -day, of 25c per cwt., a net reduction since this day weee of -50c vdth prospects of them going still low- er. A fair trade was done in select- ed lots at 15.50 to $16 per cwt. weigh- ed off cars, ' Quotations, Butchers' cattle, choke, $11.00 to $11.50; Med. $9 to $10,00; common $8 to $8,75; canners, $5.50 to $7.50 per ewt.; choice cows, $9.50 to $10.00; medium cows, $8.50 to $9; butchers' bulls, $8.50 to $10.50; w1kers, each, $100 to $110; eommon medium, each, $80 to $90; spring- ers, $65 to $75; sheep, ewes, $8 50 to *9; bucks and culls. $1.50 to $8.00, Iambs, yearlings, $10.50 to .$11; h igs, f.o.b., $15.50 to $16; calves $7 to $12. Buffalo, June 19. -Market 50 te 75c lower. Prime native steers, $13 to *13.50; fair to good, $11.76 to $ f 2.50; plain, $11 to $11.50; coarse and com- mon, $10.50 to $10.75; best heavy Canadians, $12 to $12.75; coarse, fair to good, $11.25'te $11.75; common and plain $10 to $1_0.50; choice heavy but- cher steers $11.50 to $12; fair to good $10.50 to $11.25; best handy steers, *11 to- $12; fair to good, $9.75 to $10.- 50; light to common $9.25 to $8.50; prime yearlings, $12 to $13; fair to good $11 to $11.75; best heavy heifers *10 to $11; best butcher heifers $8 to *8.15; light to common $7,75 to 9,75: best fat cows, $9 to $9.561 good but- cher cows, $8 to $8.50; maum to fair $6,75 to $7.50; cutters, "6.25 to $6.50; canners $5.50 to $6; best heavy bulls, 28.50 to $10; good butcher bulls $8.50 to 9.25; sausage bulls, $7.50 to $8.25; light bulls, 6.50 to $7; best feeders, *8.50 to $9.25; common to fair $7.75 to $8.25; best stockers $8 to $8.75; common to good $6 to $7.75; milkers and springers, $65 to 40.10. Hogs - Market steady. heavy 16.40 to $16.50; yorkera, e16.25 to $16.35; pigs and. lights $15 to.$15.25; sheep and lambs, market strong; spring lambs $17 to *13.50; yearlings $15 to $15.50; weth- ars, $10.75 to $11; ewes, $10 to 10.50. Calveo-Market steady. Tops, 15.50; fair to good, $10 to $14.50; fed Calves $5 to $7. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June 19. -After a dull opening, the market this morning developed an unexpeeted brisk tone, and until noon there was a steady stream of butcher cattle over the .scales at prices steady with last Week's close. The curtailed offering led much to do with the oetter move- ment among the killers, and for the rest of the week the shipments are ex- pected to be $.ight The only cattle on which the bukers applied the "knife" to values were cows of all grades, 'meth the exception of canners and cut- ters, and they took off from 35c to 60c, the better quality animals being the least affected. So far as the butcher tettle were concernedehe buyers pick- ed up, everything that was going, and If $12.10 was paid for one load and a few odd heavy cattle the quality was *way above the best shipped last week. ;Good butcher cattle were fairly plenti- ful at from $10,90 to $11.25. The killers left over were cattle on which the drovers ' had put to high a price. $9 to $10; heavy -sheep and bucks, clipped $7.50 to $8.50; ehoice calves, $13 to $14.50; medium calves, $11 to $12; hogs, fed and watered $15.50; off cars $15.75. McDonald and Halligan sold 12 ears of stock: Choice heavy steers, $11.75 to • $12.25; good heavy steers $11.25 to $11.50; choice butchers, $11.25 to $11.66.fgood butchers, $19.75 to 11.15 medium butchers, 10,50- to $10.75; corinnon butchers $9,16 $10; choice cows, $9.50 to $10; good cows, $9 to medium' cows $8.25 to $8.75; common cows $7 to $8; canners and cutters $5.76 to $6.50; choice bolls $10.50 to $11; good bulls $9.50 to $10; medium buns $9.50 to $10; medium • bulls $8,75 to $9:25; common bulls, $7.50 • to $8.50; best milkers and springers $90 to $110 each; two deck:: hogs, $15 fed anti watered; calves, good to choice $13 to $15: common to 'medium, $11 to $12; 15 sheep, $6.50 to $9: opring lambs, $13.50 to $17.50. The followhig were the quotations: Choice heavy steers, $11.50 to $12; good heevy steers $11.00 to $11.25; buthhers' choice $10.90 to, $11.35; good, $10.65 to $10.85; tneditun $9.50 to $10; pommon, $8.25 to $8.85; but- chers' bulls, choice $10 to $10.50; do. good bulls $9.25 to $9.50; do.rn.edium $8 to $8.50; dorough bulls $6 to $6.10; butchers cows, choice, $9.50 to $10; good, $8.50 to $9,00; med- ium $7.50 to $8 stockers, $7.50 to $8.50; feeders, $9.25 to $9:75; " can ners and cutters $6.50 to $6.50; milk- ers, goo4 to choice $80dto $110; cone mon and medium each $40 to $60; springers $85 to 3110; light ewes 8.50 to $9.50; sheep, heavy $7.00 to $3.00; calves,good to choice $13 to $15,spring 16c to 17liee lb, do. nfedium 311.00; hogs fed and watered, 315.50; de. weighed off cars, $15.75; do. f.o.b. 314.75. LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA If you are .going west, teke advan- tage of the low Homeseekers' Ex- cursion Fares offered by the Canadian Northern Railway, good leaving To- ronto every Monday. For literature and all information apply to Chas. A. Aberhart, town agent. - MARRIAGES. Galloway-Casemore-At the home o the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, • William Casemore, HOwick, on June 6th, Mr. Oliver Galloway to Miss Annie Casemore. liackivell-Oxtobtfi---- At "Fairview Farm," on June 6th, by Rev -.J McCulloch, Francis M. Hackwell, Walton, to Miss Fannie Me M.,only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ox- toby, Grey township. Roisten-Henderson-At the -home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Howick, on June 6, by Rev. Mr, Malcolm, Mr. Robert Rolston, of Wroxeter, to Miss Eva • Henderson. Radford--Govier-At the manse, Lon- desboro, on June 12th, by Rev. J. G. Reid, Jean, daughter of Mrs. John Gooier, to John Radford, both of Hulleit township. BERTIIS. Stewart --In Seaforth, n 21st, Stewart, a . THE HURON EXPOSITOR to Mr. aid Mrs, eon. McLean -In Goderieh, o Mr. and Mrs.. 'Alex. daughter. Carroll -4n Gcalerich, on Mr. and Mri. George Currie -la Wingham, o Mr. and, Eire. R. A. C ter. Dexter -In Hullett, on Mr. lied Mrs. Aus - daughter. • Smith -In McKillop, on •Mr. and Mrs. Percy S lune 2nd, to *Lean, a May $est, rroll, a son.' June 5th,to ie, a daugh- ime 1.7th, to Dexter. a FOR RENT. - Campbell block to rent, -cemsisting of two stones. Ver Yearly tenant, this. stores will be fittest up to stdt ten- ant. Apply to THOMAS S HENS Seaforth 2579-tf STORE HOUSE FOR SALE For sale, No. 7 Store house on G.T. R. track. Apply te Mr*. John Mao, Seaforthe HOUSE FOR SALE.• . une 21st, tateeriiind, The residence of the late Alex, -Stith- ith, a son, 'hard and soft water, splendid garden John Street, Choice beaten, with fruit train; chicken house- fin - ISM PRIIIMOMMINIIrmr440**01111141•01.144,41W11811 DEATHS. Bisset -In GOderich, on June 3, Eliza- beth Frances Black, Wife of Mr. George Bisset. Cooper -In Stanley, on June 7th, Job - Cooper, aged 65 years, Jeckson-In Clinton, on June 8, Char- lotte E. Burnett, wife of Mr. Isaac Jackson, aged 72 years. Howald-At Zurich, on June 9, Mary Schilbe relict of the late Bartholo- mew liowald, aged 62 years, and 7 months. Pfaff -At the Blind Line, Hay, on June 107 Henry Pfaff. Price -In Goderich, on June 8th, Har- riet A. Dempsey, .wife of the late Rees -Price. • ulars apply to Cameron -In Goderich, , on June 10th, E. L. BOX. Janet Hiddleston McLean, relict of _et._ the late M. C. Cameron, in her 84th year. tucas--In Grey township, on June 4th, William Lucas sr., in his 33rd year, Coombs -In Blyth, on June 9, Joseph Coorabs aged 87 years and 25 days. Ritchie -In Brussels) on June 9th, Charles -Mt., Ritchie, aged 67 years 11, month's and 9 days, • , mediate possession. Apply to Ate D. SUTHERLAND, Seafotth. 2575 - HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale a house and three acres ae, land in Egmondville. The house con- tains seven large rooms and cement cellar with hard and soft water in the kitchen. There in also a stable on the place. Apply to 41AMES S. BROWN, Suforth, P. 0.: 2574-tf No; WAN'I'ED AT ONCE. A man and wife to take charge of a farm on the Huron road, about a /idle w st of Seaforth. Good wages to the right man, and a comfortable house to live in. For further partic- RUPTURE IS CURABLE. Results Not Influenced by Age or Length of Time Standing, Reports Expert. Rapture is not a tear or breach in the abdominal wall, as oJtamenly supposed, but it is a stretehing or dilation of a natural opening, says 3. Y. Egan, the noted Rupture Ap- pliance Specialist, who will visit Clin- ton, at the Normandie Hotel, on Sat- urday, June 23rd. -The "Curatusii as now .uaed and ap- proved will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immed- iate and complete comfort. but is in- tended to assist nature to close the opening in the shortest time knowa Iwithout an operation. This appliance \has received highest awards where - ever shown, producing reeults without barmful injections or other aids. Mr. Egan has testimonials from our own section for inspection. If interested' call; he will be pleased to show you scene without charge. •••••WIIIMIMIN. FOR SALE. A' two seated rubber tired carriage in first class condition. Apply to S. Wesley Beattie, Seaforth. 2584x1 'DRAIN We will "open a kiln of Drain Tile 'on Tuesday, June 26th, and will have sizes from 3 inch to 8 inch. First come first served. WILLIAM- SPROAT, Phone 9 on 136, Seaforth, DRAIN TILE. We will open a kiln of tile on Fri- day, June 22nd, and another on Wed- nesday, June 27th. We will then have tile in sizes froni 21e inches up to '7 inches. • Kruse Bros., Egmondville, Phone 2 on 146. • 25844 CHANGE OF AGENCY I desire to notify the public gener- rlly that I have taken over the agency for the, De Laval Cream Separator, formerly held by the late A.M. Camp- bell, and will carry a lull, line of ma- chines and repairs. R. Peck, Seaforth. 2584x1 CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. David Workman - and the brothers and sisters of the late David Workman, wish to express their deep appreciation of the many acts of kind- ness shown to them by their friends and neighbors during the illness and subsequent death of Mr. Workman. FOR SALE A raatebed team of heavy carriage bones, (miens) extra good roadsters, sound and true. Will sell reatronably for quick pale as we are replacing them with motor truce. Hail & CA., Constants, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. • 2514 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Lot 35, Concession 4, McKillop, 100 acres, with bush, windmill, fruit orch- ards. For further 'particulars apply to MRS, M. A. GAETZMEYER, P.O. Box 268, Seaforth; Ont,, or Peter H. McGrath, St. Columban. TEACHER -WANTED. For School Section No. 3, Tucker - smith, male or female, with second class certificate qualification. Duties to commence Septetelser 4th. Applica- tions stating salary and experience; to be made to W. D. WILSON, Sec - ?team BrucefieldiP 0 ' 2581x4 CARRIAGE :FOR.„ SALE. Two seated Gladstone, natural wod, as good as new and defy running, com- fortable family flea Apply. at Tito Exposit,* Offitie, _1578-tt WARNING TO / BIPYCLE RIDERS Many complaints have been receiv- ed of persons riding. bicycles on the sidewalks. Niitice is hereby given that riding bicyeles on the sidewalk is contrary to the town by-laws, and any person so doing is liable to a penalty. By order. Jno. A. Wilson, Clerk. Seaforth, June 20, 1917. 2584-3 FOR SALE. For sale by tender, subject to re- m vitrneithe dwelling house in the rear of the Methodist church, Seaforth, at present oecupied by Mr. J. B. Thompson. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be received up to July, 15th, next. For particulars apply to DL. J. BUR- ROWS, Seaforth, 258270 140tSE A.ND'Iodit FOR SALE In Varna' south side of theBayfield Road, westof hotel, good sized lot, with a frame cottage; veneered with sheet metal, containiug parlor, dining - room, kitchen pantry and bedroom, downstairs; two bedrooms, upstairs. Also cistern, well and gene cellar 12 20. A splendid home for couple retir- ing from the farm. Apply to Morton Elliott, Bayfield Road; Varna, Ontario. .2583-1 - TENDERS WANTED Tenders, for painting the exterior of the school in Sec. No.1,Tuckersmith will be received up to July 5th, 1917. I For partidulars apply to Win. e epper, Secretary, R. R. No. 1, Hensill, or phone 4 on 92 Hensall, Central. 2583-3 ilie•••••Stedeetteeeett•••••.it W. T.. & CO • • • • MAHAL 51E136 AND - • PIJNERAL DIRECTORS ; H. C. BOX • • 4 Holder of Goverrinent Dnesets • and /Leeman• • • 'CHARGES MODERee le • • FloWp-1151 turneatted on doze Nxght Carli ictit3e.1 Day CallA• + Phone 175 Phone 50 ; • 40.11,40•41,414440.4sei • ••• *se ie** • *Ode A ? HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE • One-fifth of an acre of good ground and a story and a half brick veneered house with large kitchen athiched, on East Willis' in straet, Seaforth. Tide property is in splendid condition,pleas- antly situated and will be sold cheep as the owner is reraoving to London. Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth 271-tf FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuck- eesmith, containing 100 acres, about 7 acres bush. The faruf is well fenced end drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ises a goad frame house, bank beta, pig house; hen house drive house and good wells. For terms and pai:ticu- tart apply on the premises or addralli Mrs. John McCloy, Egnaondville, P.O. 2356-tf AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, Mr. Thos Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at the residence of Mrs Jas. Lowrie, Egmondville, 5 doors north of the church, on Saturday, June SOth, at two o'cloek p.m. the follow- ing Sideboard, bureau, combined cup- board and bookcase, parlor suite, bed- room suite, dining -room chairs, rock- ing chairs, mattresses and springs, linoleum; eileloth, parlor rug, dishes, limps, lawn mower, buggy, cutter, tw sets of single harness (one new) and other small articles. Terms -Cash. JOHN McNAY, Adminitrator; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. 2684-2 HOUSES FOR SALE IN sEA,Fortu A one and a half storey frame house on the West vide of Victoria street, between George Street and Crombie Street, Sea,fortIL The house is in good repair, herd and tioft water. Ap- ply to F. lifOLMESTED, Seaforth. A one and a half storey brick house on the North side of James Street, west of Mr. 'Southgate's house. The house is in good repair, contains seven rooms with good cellar- hard and soft water; large lot 150 by 350. Apply to P. 1:10LMESTED, Seaforth. 257441 FOR S eLE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egniondvnle. • The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property, Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good -well and cement cistern. All,,, zeds of f rruit , trees, strawberries, pberries, and eurrant bushes. This , a corner pro- perty with no breaks i on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nfee property for a /aired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tf DR. GEORGE HEILEMANN. OsteopathiePhysician of Goderi I Li heist in Women' and ehildrears • es, rheuir.atis4 acute, chronic tend nervous disorders; eye ear, nose and . throat. Consultation free. Office in the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, Tues- days and Fridays, 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. Ametwomm.ar* 'I. Stratford, Ont. I elasies 1 ittsenrists's BestenBnsinouress Collegaei 1 any time. lommence youreeihrse 1 now and be qualified for a pesition by midaummer. During Tuly end Awns* of last yesz we received pilk for over 200 dace &moistens we could not supply. Our gradu- Iates are in demand. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan. Priadetimi ; 'Western University London Three More New Professor Equal to Any in Canada Students can now obtain as good an education in Arts and Medicine at the Western as anywhere. President E. E Braithwaite, M.A., Ph. D. 2584-4 Attractive Trips To MUSKOKA LAKES • ALGONQI,IN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LaKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORG I A N BAY Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at very low fares, with libeled stop -overs. GET YOUR TICKETS IN -ADVANCE Berth reservations and full informa- tion at all Grand Trun.k Ticket Offices, or write C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, G. T. ItyihSystem, Toronto, Ont. W. SOMERVILLE TOWN Agent. W. PLANT • Depot Agent Homeseekers' Excursions. Every Mondzy till October 29th: LOW FARES FROM „ • TORONTO TO Al breda . 654.00 Athabasca 48.50 Edmonton 47.00 Stettier 47,00 Canora 39.75 j iorth nattleford 43.75 Regina 40.50 - F'orwa7d 40.25 Saskatoon 42,25 Dauphin87.75 Lucerne 53.00 naloary 47,00 Camroso 46.75 Han* 3 45.00 Roset.cwn4 .50 Yorkton .. ...... ..... . .. 39.25 Mon,e Jaw 41.00 r.-.nce. Albert 43.50 F -anOrn 37.00 . . • 3540 For Ticket% Reservations, Liter- ature and Tivforznation, apply to C. A. Aberhart, Druggist, Sea - forth, or write R. L. Falrbairn, G.P.A., 68 King St. E., Toronto. CANADIAN NORTHERN THE CANAD B • OF CO 1 ERE SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., LLD., D.C.1-, President 8"---,01e",,*. ey-",....ak,. ; -. k .ti 1,. CAPITAL PAID 411'415,000,000 ' '2..: BEM FUND. • sm,soketie Ofit4 AIRD, General 74.,., V. F. JONES, Ass's. Cell Macaw 38 The Manager is pre:per:A prosp customers rege-rding their banEn-; Tec si...-sments. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, we making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given prompt service. SEAFORTH BRADICA UJ ft. LLEN, = MANAGNIL 11111 1W.S.Gorrniey Embalmer 1,nd ; '! Funeral livre*:-or 7÷-' • = == Undertaking Parlors above E ;id Williams' grocery score, Main Street, Seaforth Flowers fureeited on short notit e. Ohara -es moderate. Phone night or day - 192 dm ll LOST! LOSTI Lost some place near Leadbury on. the North Gravel Road, a gold brace- let and neck chain and a gold brooch.' These articles are old and quaint, but valuable. An automobile party was seen to stop and pick up something from the road, near where the articles were lost. The finder will be reward- ed 310 on leaving the jewelry at The Expositor Office, Seaforth. _2583-x2: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of David Workanan, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, De- ceased. Noice is beroby given nursuant 4-1 the Statute in that behalfthat ne persons having any claims against David Workman, who died on the 29th of .May, 1917, at the Township . of Tuckersmith, are required on or before the 21st f July 1917, to send by post or deliver to the undersigned, Solici- tors for Hamlett Workman, Adminis- tratrix of the estate of the said de- ceived, full particulars of their claims; and that after the said last mentioned date the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de - FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, MeKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in Mail - lop, 6 acres of bush, the rest iera high state of cultivation; 5 miles fnain Sea - forth, 2 trines from Constanite, 111i miles from school. There are on the premises a good seven room house,, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrain.eth There are. 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and the balance seeded down. There are 2 big springs, one piped to barnyard and on the other is a dam with & by- draulif rain pumping the water to the use and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence; there is no wastes land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from the road to the b-tuldneis. Possession will be given March Ist next, Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth, or phone 76, Seaforth. 2578-d EGAI. It spells your best automobile bue. Bemuse they have been sold throng out the U.S. for the past 10 years, and stand to the front of the list as a read automobile. They are wade t& stead for not one year, but for yeses to come. ilhisis just the car you have been NT- toting for; 30 in. x 3% in. tires. de- inountible iim, Spedometer and every- thing where you want it. Phone me up and I will gladly show you the car and tell you all the rest, give you a ride in it and use you right. See me at Cha.-. Layton's store on Sat- urday afternoons and evening, also phone me at 6 or 138 Clinton central or ca11125 B, Seaforth, and your re- quests will be my pleasure. Works. at Kitchener and Detroit. ceased among the persons, entitled Touring Car enso Roadster $SW therto, having regard only to •the in- 4t .12 had notice, and that the said AdmHugill claims of which she shall then have istratrix will not be liable foe:the said.I Agent for this territory, Seaforth Ont. assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim she shall not then then have received notice. Dated June 18th, 1917. X'roudfoot, Killoran & Cooke, Goderichil Ont., Solicitors for Administratrix. " 2584-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of William Scott, deceesed. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against, th, estate of William Scott,tlate of the higlage of Brumfield, in the Cdunty of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of April, 1917, are required to deliver to the undersigned Administrator or his solicitor, on or before the 10th day of duly, 1917, a full statement of their -claims together with particulars thereof and the nat- ure of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said 1 last trator will proceed to distribute the mentioned date the said Adminia- estate of the said deceesed amongst the persons entitled therto, having re- gaH only to such claims as he shall have received due notice in accordance " therewith. Dated at Clinton this 13th It is your assurance of perfect. satis- faction in all your concrete work. In- sist on getting Canada Cement. If you are doing any building or re- pairing in wood remember we have what you wantencluding dressedilleer- ing, and siding, McNair Shines% B. C. Fir and Cedar Pr&lucts and Canada Fibre Board. Do not delay in placing your order with us for your supply of eeeL De- livery will again be made to Bayloid at $1.00 per ton, to Varna and KiplIellt at $0c per ton and to our own town customers at 25c per. ton. Tbfa scarcely covers the expense this yew. but we are bound to have your beef- ness. day of June, A .D., 1917. Andrewahriii Mustard ! W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor o Scott, Administrator Brucefield, Ont . -1 44. 13rnteficid for the Administrator. 25 -3 *****00:0•000400•Ch00•<>4•0* + 4 410' Ci 4 I _ • I *0.00e0-te-Gieeetheedtethelet mg s FORD MOTOR COMPANY .OF CANADA, LIMITED FORD, ONTARIO • jun e 8th, 1917, To All Domestic Ford Dealers and Sub -Dealers : It has been the custom of this Company iLi pasc yeert, on or about the first day of each contract year, to make announcement ot reduced prices on its various modeis of cars. In face of a very radical increase in the °cost of raw material, we find ourselves at this date in a -position to guarantee the buying public and our representatives that there will be no price reluction on August 1st, 1917, but we do not guarantee there will be. no price increase on or after that date. In order that there may be no misunderstanding on the part of anyone con. cerned, we wisti to call your attention to Clause 14 of yonr Dealers' or Sub -dealers' License Agreement, which gives us the unrestricted option at any time to increase, prices on our various models without any advance notice to you as representative or to the buying public, Such orders as may be on file unshipped or undelivered at the time that any price increase goes into effect, would be fined by us to you as rep. resentative, and by you to the buying public, at the increased price only. In brief, prices on August 1st are guaranteed against reduction but not agaiest advance. We specifieally wish to caution every dealer and Sub-deaLer ag-ainst taking or- ders at present prices for more cars than their stock at ari one time will take care of. Any orders taken - to fill which you will be forced to call upon branch or factory for shipment -should be accepted subject only to increase in price before shipment or delivery is, made (see Clause 9 Retail Buyer's Order and Agreement.) Yours very truly, ' Ford Motor Compaiiy of Canada, Liinited, J. F, Daly • Ford Dealer SEAFORTH, ONT. Over 700 lord &Mos Stations Tin Canack4 4i,„'heteceit,ctite> 444:;.**404,<W‘404,04..X> 4 i* .S. T. Holmes Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer , Undertaking minors in Oddfel lows building opposite Stewart . Bros. , Resi- dence Goderich et., epp Dr. Scott'i , Flowers furnished on short notiee. , Phone Night or Day 119 , RUPTURE IS CURABLE. Results Not Influenced by Age or Length of Time Standing, Reports Expert. Rapture is not a tear or breach in the abdominal wall, as oJtamenly supposed, but it is a stretehing or dilation of a natural opening, says 3. Y. Egan, the noted Rupture Ap- pliance Specialist, who will visit Clin- ton, at the Normandie Hotel, on Sat- urday, June 23rd. -The "Curatusii as now .uaed and ap- proved will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immed- iate and complete comfort. but is in- tended to assist nature to close the opening in the shortest time knowa Iwithout an operation. This appliance \has received highest awards where - ever shown, producing reeults without barmful injections or other aids. Mr. Egan has testimonials from our own section for inspection. If interested' call; he will be pleased to show you scene without charge. •••••WIIIMIMIN. FOR SALE. A' two seated rubber tired carriage in first class condition. Apply to S. Wesley Beattie, Seaforth. 2584x1 'DRAIN We will "open a kiln of Drain Tile 'on Tuesday, June 26th, and will have sizes from 3 inch to 8 inch. First come first served. WILLIAM- SPROAT, Phone 9 on 136, Seaforth, DRAIN TILE. We will open a kiln of tile on Fri- day, June 22nd, and another on Wed- nesday, June 27th. We will then have tile in sizes froni 21e inches up to '7 inches. • Kruse Bros., Egmondville, Phone 2 on 146. • 25844 CHANGE OF AGENCY I desire to notify the public gener- rlly that I have taken over the agency for the, De Laval Cream Separator, formerly held by the late A.M. Camp- bell, and will carry a lull, line of ma- chines and repairs. R. Peck, Seaforth. 2584x1 CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. David Workman - and the brothers and sisters of the late David Workman, wish to express their deep appreciation of the many acts of kind- ness shown to them by their friends and neighbors during the illness and subsequent death of Mr. Workman. FOR SALE A raatebed team of heavy carriage bones, (miens) extra good roadsters, sound and true. Will sell reatronably for quick pale as we are replacing them with motor truce. Hail & CA., Constants, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. • 2514 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Lot 35, Concession 4, McKillop, 100 acres, with bush, windmill, fruit orch- ards. For further 'particulars apply to MRS, M. A. GAETZMEYER, P.O. Box 268, Seaforth; Ont,, or Peter H. McGrath, St. Columban. TEACHER -WANTED. For School Section No. 3, Tucker - smith, male or female, with second class certificate qualification. Duties to commence Septetelser 4th. Applica- tions stating salary and experience; to be made to W. D. WILSON, Sec - ?team BrucefieldiP 0 ' 2581x4 CARRIAGE :FOR.„ SALE. Two seated Gladstone, natural wod, as good as new and defy running, com- fortable family flea Apply. at Tito Exposit,* Offitie, _1578-tt WARNING TO / BIPYCLE RIDERS Many complaints have been receiv- ed of persons riding. bicycles on the sidewalks. Niitice is hereby given that riding bicyeles on the sidewalk is contrary to the town by-laws, and any person so doing is liable to a penalty. By order. Jno. A. Wilson, Clerk. Seaforth, June 20, 1917. 2584-3 FOR SALE. For sale by tender, subject to re- m vitrneithe dwelling house in the rear of the Methodist church, Seaforth, at present oecupied by Mr. J. B. Thompson. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be received up to July, 15th, next. For particulars apply to DL. J. BUR- ROWS, Seaforth, 258270 140tSE A.ND'Iodit FOR SALE In Varna' south side of theBayfield Road, westof hotel, good sized lot, with a frame cottage; veneered with sheet metal, containiug parlor, dining - room, kitchen pantry and bedroom, downstairs; two bedrooms, upstairs. Also cistern, well and gene cellar 12 20. A splendid home for couple retir- ing from the farm. Apply to Morton Elliott, Bayfield Road; Varna, Ontario. .2583-1 - TENDERS WANTED Tenders, for painting the exterior of the school in Sec. No.1,Tuckersmith will be received up to July 5th, 1917. I For partidulars apply to Win. e epper, Secretary, R. R. No. 1, Hensill, or phone 4 on 92 Hensall, Central. 2583-3 ilie•••••Stedeetteeeett•••••.it W. T.. & CO • • • • MAHAL 51E136 AND - • PIJNERAL DIRECTORS ; H. C. BOX • • 4 Holder of Goverrinent Dnesets • and /Leeman• • • 'CHARGES MODERee le • • FloWp-1151 turneatted on doze Nxght Carli ictit3e.1 Day CallA• + Phone 175 Phone 50 ; • 40.11,40•41,414440.4sei • ••• *se ie** • *Ode A ? HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE • One-fifth of an acre of good ground and a story and a half brick veneered house with large kitchen athiched, on East Willis' in straet, Seaforth. Tide property is in splendid condition,pleas- antly situated and will be sold cheep as the owner is reraoving to London. Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth 271-tf FARM FOR SALE. For Sale, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuck- eesmith, containing 100 acres, about 7 acres bush. The faruf is well fenced end drained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the prem- ises a goad frame house, bank beta, pig house; hen house drive house and good wells. For terms and pai:ticu- tart apply on the premises or addralli Mrs. John McCloy, Egnaondville, P.O. 2356-tf AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, Mr. Thos Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at the residence of Mrs Jas. Lowrie, Egmondville, 5 doors north of the church, on Saturday, June SOth, at two o'cloek p.m. the follow- ing Sideboard, bureau, combined cup- board and bookcase, parlor suite, bed- room suite, dining -room chairs, rock- ing chairs, mattresses and springs, linoleum; eileloth, parlor rug, dishes, limps, lawn mower, buggy, cutter, tw sets of single harness (one new) and other small articles. Terms -Cash. JOHN McNAY, Adminitrator; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. 2684-2 HOUSES FOR SALE IN sEA,Fortu A one and a half storey frame house on the West vide of Victoria street, between George Street and Crombie Street, Sea,fortIL The house is in good repair, herd and tioft water. Ap- ply to F. lifOLMESTED, Seaforth. A one and a half storey brick house on the North side of James Street, west of Mr. 'Southgate's house. The house is in good repair, contains seven rooms with good cellar- hard and soft water; large lot 150 by 350. Apply to P. 1:10LMESTED, Seaforth. 257441 FOR S eLE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egniondvnle. • The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property, Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good -well and cement cistern. All,,, zeds of f rruit , trees, strawberries, pberries, and eurrant bushes. This , a corner pro- perty with no breaks i on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nfee property for a /aired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tf DR. GEORGE HEILEMANN. OsteopathiePhysician of Goderi I Li heist in Women' and ehildrears • es, rheuir.atis4 acute, chronic tend nervous disorders; eye ear, nose and . throat. Consultation free. Office in the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, Tues- days and Fridays, 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. Ametwomm.ar* 'I. Stratford, Ont. I elasies 1 ittsenrists's BestenBnsinouress Collegaei 1 any time. lommence youreeihrse 1 now and be qualified for a pesition by midaummer. During Tuly end Awns* of last yesz we received pilk for over 200 dace &moistens we could not supply. Our gradu- Iates are in demand. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan. Priadetimi ; 'Western University London Three More New Professor Equal to Any in Canada Students can now obtain as good an education in Arts and Medicine at the Western as anywhere. President E. E Braithwaite, M.A., Ph. D. 2584-4 Attractive Trips To MUSKOKA LAKES • ALGONQI,IN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LaKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORG I A N BAY Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at very low fares, with libeled stop -overs. GET YOUR TICKETS IN -ADVANCE Berth reservations and full informa- tion at all Grand Trun.k Ticket Offices, or write C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, G. T. ItyihSystem, Toronto, Ont. W. SOMERVILLE TOWN Agent. W. PLANT • Depot Agent Homeseekers' Excursions. Every Mondzy till October 29th: LOW FARES FROM „ • TORONTO TO Al breda . 654.00 Athabasca 48.50 Edmonton 47.00 Stettier 47,00 Canora 39.75 j iorth nattleford 43.75 Regina 40.50 - F'orwa7d 40.25 Saskatoon 42,25 Dauphin87.75 Lucerne 53.00 naloary 47,00 Camroso 46.75 Han* 3 45.00 Roset.cwn4 .50 Yorkton .. ...... ..... . .. 39.25 Mon,e Jaw 41.00 r.-.nce. Albert 43.50 F -anOrn 37.00 . . • 3540 For Ticket% Reservations, Liter- ature and Tivforznation, apply to C. A. Aberhart, Druggist, Sea - forth, or write R. L. Falrbairn, G.P.A., 68 King St. E., Toronto. CANADIAN NORTHERN THE CANAD B • OF CO 1 ERE SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., LLD., D.C.1-, President 8"---,01e",,*. ey-",....ak,. ; -. k .ti 1,. CAPITAL PAID 411'415,000,000 ' '2..: BEM FUND. • sm,soketie Ofit4 AIRD, General 74.,., V. F. JONES, Ass's. Cell Macaw 38 The Manager is pre:per:A prosp customers rege-rding their banEn-; Tec si...-sments. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, we making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given prompt service. SEAFORTH BRADICA UJ ft. LLEN, = MANAGNIL 11111 1W.S.Gorrniey Embalmer 1,nd ; '! Funeral livre*:-or 7÷-' • = == Undertaking Parlors above E ;id Williams' grocery score, Main Street, Seaforth Flowers fureeited on short notit e. Ohara -es moderate. Phone night or day - 192 dm ll LOST! LOSTI Lost some place near Leadbury on. the North Gravel Road, a gold brace- let and neck chain and a gold brooch.' These articles are old and quaint, but valuable. An automobile party was seen to stop and pick up something from the road, near where the articles were lost. The finder will be reward- ed 310 on leaving the jewelry at The Expositor Office, Seaforth. _2583-x2: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of David Workanan, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, De- ceased. Noice is beroby given nursuant 4-1 the Statute in that behalfthat ne persons having any claims against David Workman, who died on the 29th of .May, 1917, at the Township . of Tuckersmith, are required on or before the 21st f July 1917, to send by post or deliver to the undersigned, Solici- tors for Hamlett Workman, Adminis- tratrix of the estate of the said de- ceived, full particulars of their claims; and that after the said last mentioned date the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de - FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, MeKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in Mail - lop, 6 acres of bush, the rest iera high state of cultivation; 5 miles fnain Sea - forth, 2 trines from Constanite, 111i miles from school. There are on the premises a good seven room house,, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrain.eth There are. 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and the balance seeded down. There are 2 big springs, one piped to barnyard and on the other is a dam with & by- draulif rain pumping the water to the use and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence; there is no wastes land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from the road to the b-tuldneis. Possession will be given March Ist next, Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth, or phone 76, Seaforth. 2578-d EGAI. It spells your best automobile bue. Bemuse they have been sold throng out the U.S. for the past 10 years, and stand to the front of the list as a read automobile. They are wade t& stead for not one year, but for yeses to come. ilhisis just the car you have been NT- toting for; 30 in. x 3% in. tires. de- inountible iim, Spedometer and every- thing where you want it. Phone me up and I will gladly show you the car and tell you all the rest, give you a ride in it and use you right. See me at Cha.-. Layton's store on Sat- urday afternoons and evening, also phone me at 6 or 138 Clinton central or ca11125 B, Seaforth, and your re- quests will be my pleasure. Works. at Kitchener and Detroit. ceased among the persons, entitled Touring Car enso Roadster $SW therto, having regard only to •the in- 4t .12 had notice, and that the said AdmHugill claims of which she shall then have istratrix will not be liable foe:the said.I Agent for this territory, Seaforth Ont. assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim she shall not then then have received notice. Dated June 18th, 1917. X'roudfoot, Killoran & Cooke, Goderichil Ont., Solicitors for Administratrix. " 2584-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of William Scott, deceesed. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against, th, estate of William Scott,tlate of the higlage of Brumfield, in the Cdunty of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of April, 1917, are required to deliver to the undersigned Administrator or his solicitor, on or before the 10th day of duly, 1917, a full statement of their -claims together with particulars thereof and the nat- ure of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said 1 last trator will proceed to distribute the mentioned date the said Adminia- estate of the said deceesed amongst the persons entitled therto, having re- gaH only to such claims as he shall have received due notice in accordance " therewith. Dated at Clinton this 13th It is your assurance of perfect. satis- faction in all your concrete work. In- sist on getting Canada Cement. If you are doing any building or re- pairing in wood remember we have what you wantencluding dressedilleer- ing, and siding, McNair Shines% B. C. Fir and Cedar Pr&lucts and Canada Fibre Board. Do not delay in placing your order with us for your supply of eeeL De- livery will again be made to Bayloid at $1.00 per ton, to Varna and KiplIellt at $0c per ton and to our own town customers at 25c per. ton. Tbfa scarcely covers the expense this yew. but we are bound to have your beef- ness. day of June, A .D., 1917. Andrewahriii Mustard ! W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor o Scott, Administrator Brucefield, Ont . -1 44. 13rnteficid for the Administrator. 25 -3 *****00:0•000400•Ch00•<>4•0* + 4 410' Ci 4 I _ • I *0.00e0-te-Gieeetheedtethelet mg s FORD MOTOR COMPANY .OF CANADA, LIMITED FORD, ONTARIO • jun e 8th, 1917, To All Domestic Ford Dealers and Sub -Dealers : It has been the custom of this Company iLi pasc yeert, on or about the first day of each contract year, to make announcement ot reduced prices on its various modeis of cars. In face of a very radical increase in the °cost of raw material, we find ourselves at this date in a -position to guarantee the buying public and our representatives that there will be no price reluction on August 1st, 1917, but we do not guarantee there will be. no price increase on or after that date. In order that there may be no misunderstanding on the part of anyone con. cerned, we wisti to call your attention to Clause 14 of yonr Dealers' or Sub -dealers' License Agreement, which gives us the unrestricted option at any time to increase, prices on our various models without any advance notice to you as representative or to the buying public, Such orders as may be on file unshipped or undelivered at the time that any price increase goes into effect, would be fined by us to you as rep. resentative, and by you to the buying public, at the increased price only. In brief, prices on August 1st are guaranteed against reduction but not agaiest advance. We specifieally wish to caution every dealer and Sub-deaLer ag-ainst taking or- ders at present prices for more cars than their stock at ari one time will take care of. Any orders taken - to fill which you will be forced to call upon branch or factory for shipment -should be accepted subject only to increase in price before shipment or delivery is, made (see Clause 9 Retail Buyer's Order and Agreement.) Yours very truly, ' Ford Motor Compaiiy of Canada, Liinited, J. F, Daly • Ford Dealer SEAFORTH, ONT. Over 700 lord &Mos Stations Tin Canack4 4i,„'heteceit,ctite> 444:;.**404,<W‘404,04..X> 4 i*