HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-04-20, Page 8ish Footwear far Spring F you are looking t o r something particularly attractive in SPRING FOOTWEAR, you can find it here. Don't mar the effect 'of your spring outfitting by. W e a ri n 4. shoes that are a bit rusty. Everything that's proper in Footwear for the coming season is here at its. beet. Let us show you, J. E. Willis Quality* footwear Opposite Expositor Office. Seaforth ick ..i.- L: 3 r r.'x..1._1. 1E2 x 1 J.F.DA Jeweler and Optieian. timer Marriage Licenses SEAPORTS ONT The Newest Wall Papers Tapestries, Japanese Leath. er, Japanese Grass Cloth and all, the newest wall papers. Styles suitable for every ream and prices suitable for eve pocket. We do Painting and Decorat- ing in Town and Country. T. Go SCOT" Leell■ iluuran fropoottor DISTRICT MATTERS Painter and Decorator SEAFORTH, .... . , - ...... ONT. omething e 11 planned for months to make our New Spring Mountings an exhibition of the latest and most artistic styles. • May we show you how well we, have succeeded Visitors are always welcome lell's Mtiitho llAi{NESS for SpringWork A heavy strong and durable team harness, suitable for the heaviest farm work, a in. Heel Chain Traces, heavy Back Bands, good Blind aridlefe Lines, etc., complete less Collars $45.00 . Our special length harness, splen- did length strap, .Oak leather, Gel - dine trimmed, our own make, un- surpassed in appearance and dura- bility $22.50 The Great "Victory" Con- cert to be given in Cards o's Opera House on May 9th will undoubtedly be the most Blabs orate production ever given ilt>i Seaforth. ,The cast com- prises 90 voiced of the lead- ing local talent. Special stage settings,sceu- ery and costumes are in the course of preparation. Full announcement ' will follow next week. The proceeds of this cons cert go to the Seaforth War Auxiliary and will` be used to buy comforts for the boys in the trenches. Keep the date in mind. •, Try the celebrated Langford Coll- iers for horses with sore shoulders.. SpeOal prices itt Trunks, Suit Cas- es, a handsome 24 in. Suit Case $5.75 Also Curry Combs, Brushes, Gall Cures, exceptional values. in Whips, Sweat Pads, etc. Broderick's Harness and Leather Goods Store Opposite Commercial Hotel SPRIN O ES TO. Ripe. When you're ready for yours, Sir, we are ready to serve you. Just take a peep into our store any day now and see the handsome Spring Styles. There's nothing missing, that's worthy of a place in this Hoole of Good Shoes. It's true we sell Men's Shoes on a Small profit, . but we sell late of them. At your service, Sir, any day! HaRSCOTT SEAFORT{.c? 71, Ti.TEXP)TOB. a sewing table to the.ioeal branch of the War AuxiliareandrMessrs. T. G. Scott and Joseph Keating have given a reading lamp for Red Cross pui. poets.. Both - of these Will be disposers' of by ticket Which for the table may store.—Mr. Charles Soole, a former, well known resident of Seaforth, but now of Winnipeg, who is "east on a business trip, was in town this week. He looks as if the west agreed with him and his many friends were pleased to see him again.—Dr. Russel Har- try, I 0 try, don of Mr. William Hartry, town, has enlisted With the Army Medical Corps.—Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hays of New. York have been here this week, .being called owing to the illness and death of Mrs. Hays' father, the late A. M. Campbell. A memor- ial- service will be conducted in St Thomas' church on Sunday evening next for the late Pte. Charles Rolph. The Orange Order will attend the service in a body. ----Miss M. Suther- land, who has been in Lucknow since I, 'the death of her father, has return.. ed to her home here, She was accom- panied by her sister,Mrs. M. Mur- die.—Mrs. W. J. offatt and sons Kenneth, have returnedto their home in Hamilton after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. i Wilson.—Miss Jessie Scott, of Thorn ton Hall, is suffering from an attack of pneumonia and has beep unable to resume her school at Crenaorea Miss Rose Dorsey has returned to her school. near Tillsonbgrg —Miss McKenzie, of Brit -afield, has purchased the home of Mr Baker on Centre street. Mr. Bak - Killed In Action. --Mr. AncL Ardis ibald of Tuckersmith received word from the War Office on Thursday morning : that his eldest son, Andrew William - Archibald, had been killed while fighting with the Canadian troops in France, was teaching _ in l when he rontschoo a of onethe To enlisted with a machine gun battery in that city, and had been.nearly two years at the front.: Every sympathy. will be extended to the bereaved par- ents and family in their great loss. His brother Wallace Archibald, is also. with the Canadian troops in France. New Books.—The following new books have been received at the ,Sea - forth Public . Library and will be in circuation on Saturday, April 21st; Fiction -Witte Arrives, Tobenkin; Damaris, Malet; Slaves of Freedom, Dawson; Road to Mecca, Irwin- Leath- erface, Orczy; The Vermilion Box, Lu- cas; Jean Baptiste, Rossignol; Wilt Thou Torchy, Ford; Road to Under standing, Porter; Non Fiction -- A Sunny . Subaltern; Battles : of the Somme, Gibbs; Across France in War Time,lKuklos; Pebbles on the Shore; Sons. Of Canada, Bridle; When Prus- sians Came to Poland, Turczynowicy;, In Royal Air Service, Rosher; From St. Lawrence to the Yser, Curry; Mix- ed Division, Campbell; Italy, France and Britain at War, Wells; Getting Together, Hay; Secret Trails, Roberts, With a Field Ambulance at Ypres, Boyd; Life of the .Caterpillar, Fabre; War & Humanity, Beck; Submarines, Talbot. Juvenile Anne. Princess of Everything, Wade; A Yank Caller of Buffalo, Schultz; Drake of Troop One, Hornibrook;Lion of De Montford,Ilorn, Swiss Family Robinson; Monster Hun- ters, Wheeler; Strange Gray Canoe, Tomlinson. Sight Singing Examinations. The following is the standing taken by members of the public school Child - arm of oto Wall011 aperst 1st-. „-lifIvst Most of ' the dect,iat,ve z;l character of a perfect home is due to the Wall,!,' Paper. If _you have a Parlor, Hall, Dining -SI room, Bedroom or other room to paper be surer" to see our Wall Papers ' betore. buying. :� Thompson s Bookstore .SEAFOIITH. ,Window Shades and Picture Frames. Agent for New Idea Patterns. Buy Beatties' Brushes Stable Brushes, Extra Special ...35c White Wash Brushes 25c Horse. Brushes 15c and 25c Shoe Brushes .. .15e and 25c Stove Brushes 15e and 25c Paint Brushes .............5c to 25c Cloth Brushes .15c to 35e Nail Scrubs 2 for 5c re- i60c 25c to er intends removing to:Toronto toShaving Br(ishes ...... , side Miss Louise Griffin was : visit- l Hair Brushes 10c and 25e Separator Brushes 15c Tooth Brushes ............5c to 25c Whisks . ........ • ..-..10c to 25c Scrub Brushes ............5c to 25c ing friendsin town this week—Miss Edith Hoag is confined to her home through illness. Her place in Mr. C L. Williams, drug store is being filled by Miss Sadie Robinson.. Mrs. James Murray of Hamilton has been visit- ing with friends in town—Mrs. Masonl has returned from Toronto to her home in Egmondville. She was accom- panied by her daughter, Mrs. Roy Oke—Mrs. M. Kenchen has returned to, her home in Owen Sound after a brief visit with Mr and Mrs W. H. Golding. She was accompanied by Miss Evelyn Golding, who will spend the summer with relatives there. — The sweepstakes prize in the stallion class at the Clinton show was awarded to Thomas McMichael and Son not Thos. McMillan as reported last week. Pressing. Cleaning, Repairing, u iC3 he Campbell Block..,,., .c -. t' .t,•, Clara Kimball Young surrounded by a cast of ex- ceptional brilliance will be seen at the Strand The- atre, Seaeorth, in the production of Robt. W. Ohham• berg noted novel " The Oowmon Law." Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 26th, 27th, 25th, Price 26c. Get your tiukets at the box offide Now. :Mato ince Saturday afternoon 150.4*1:1,t f WIRE FENCING--Oomptete,t ,took of coil spring and barbed wire. Get the 8 wire woven fence, spas - ed 6 in apart, all No. 9 wire, 45a per rod " Oash. " Geo.. A. sills, Hardware Merchant, Seaforth. 267EbZ PRIVATE SALE—Furniture. from Auric 206h to 26th --55 piece walnut parlor quite, bedroom suite, sideboard, table and 6 dining room chairs. W. H. Baker, Centre S*• , Seaforth. 2576x1 WANTED --A general servant for Email family. Apply to Mrs. M. Y. MoLean or Expositor Office. PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND HOUSE DECORATING of all Kinds -Have our Wall Paper Sawnples brought to your home ter inspection. Or- ders lett at J. E. Willis' Shue Store promptly attend. ed to. Phone 67 A. H. Johnston. • 2576x8 ren's Sight Singing Classes,at their Found on April 19th a aura%i sutra of money. The g g gowner can have sande by proving property and pay- ing for thi' at1. Apply to 8, N, Jacobs. 2576x1 promotign examinations which were held at Easter: Wednesday Class, hon- ors=—Mary Jackson, Edward Rankin, Nora Horan, Alice Thompson, M.Hays Josephine Edge, Jeanette Archibald, Jack Oughton; pass >• essie Marriott, Annie Hulley, Isobel Brown, Charlotte Powell. Thursday Class (Juniors) Honors—Dorothy Webst r, Elva Jeff- erson, John Dennison, - illie Suther- Iand, Jack Walker; Pass — Myrtle Reeves, Margaret Stewert, Dorothy Robinson, Wilhelmina Thornton, Lila Marshall, Nellie Cook, Laura Mole; Seniors, Honors—Janet t luff,Maybelle. Rands, equal, Anna Sut erland, Mar- garet . Grieve, Margare Thompson, Freda Shade, Margaret Case; Pass -- Dorothy Kerslake, Jed Brodie and Eleanor Harris equal. riday Class, (Juniors) Honors—Fred Crich, Mary Webster, Fred Jackson, Iva Grimold- by, Gladys Welsh; pas Eva Hulley, Arthur Burrows, Earl cGee; (Sen- iors) Honors—Kathleen Rankin, F, Crich, Janet Grieve, Gilchrist: "Living- stone, Gladys McFee equal, , Grace Pethick, Georgina Reeves and Violet Rankin equal, Ina Laybo#a, Jean Stew- art; pass—Dona.,Layton, Annie Brod- ie, Beatrice Frost, Jennie' Reeves. Local Briefs —Mr. Nelson iioven- lock, son of Mr. and Mr.'' J. M. Gov- enlock of McKillop, and his cousin, Robert Laird, of Seaforth, _ left on Monday for Toronto to enlist with the. Aviation Corps.—Mr. and Mrs. H.= Cowan, who have been visiting with relatives in this vicinity for some months, left on Monday for their home in Windom, .Minnesota. Mrs. Cowan is a sister of the late Mrs. Al- exander Jamieson, of Hulled, who . died on Tuesday of last week. —Mr. August Guhr, the well known dredge contractor_ of this town, who owns a half section of land at Viking, Alta., received an offer this week from a Western Oil Company to lease his property for oil drilling purposes. 011 and gas in considerable .quantities have been found in the district, and if an oil strike is found on Mr. Guhr's property it will mean a big thing to him.—Mrs. R. S. Hays is in Detroit this week.—Mr. 11. R. Scott, was in Brantford this week attending t ie fun- eral of a cousin.—Reeve J. M. Gov- enlock, of McKillop, was in Ottawa last week representing the township at the Good Roads Convention. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson are spending a couple of weeks in Owes} Sound with their daughters, Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Jessie Wilson -The many friends of Mr. James Beattie, who had the .misfortune -to fall at his home a cou- ple of weeks ago and fractured two ribs are pleased to see that he is able to beout again.—Miss K. Killoran, of Toronto, is _a guest at the *home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. --There will be a service of song in the Pres- byterian church on ,Sunday everting next. Mrs. Robert Govenlock and son Thomas, of McKillop, were in St. Marys last week, attending the -fun eral of Mrs. Govenlock's uncle,, the late Dr. Sparks. .The ha.rdsome towels donated by Mrs. James Stewart, will be drawn for at the Red Cross -rooms on Thursday afternoon next. Those who have not already tickets may se- .i the happy possessor of a beautiful car. cure them at Stewart Bros' store-- FURNITURE FOR SALE—A gumwood dining suit, for sale, buffet, extension table, 6 chairs leath- er bottom, used a f w lnonths, John Sproat, James St.. Seaiorth. 2575x) Clara Kimball Young the screen etar fupreme will be seen in the first of her own productions, an adaption of Robert W. Chambers' novel ." The dein- mon Law" at the Strand Theatre seaforth, Thurs- day, Friday, Saturday April With. 27th, 28th. Price 260, Get your tiokets at ihebox office Now. Mat- inee Saturday afternoon, Price iso. OARPET'FELT-16 oz. best Carpet Felt. 410 per yard. Geo. A Sills, Hardware, etc.. Seaforth. 2675.2 Duck Eggs for settibg wanted. Apply at The Expositor Ofiioe. 2572-8 Dr. Forster of Stratford, eye, ear, nose and throat Specialist, has resumed practi :e and will be at the Queen's Hotel, 8eaforth, on the third Wednesday of each montb. " Office hours 17.80 to S p. m. 2561-tf WANTED—Boy or man to cart ashes and do some garden work. Apply at�xpositor C .tHte. 2674-2 Death of Alexander Campbell. One of Seafor.th's most widelyknown and respected residents passed peace- fully away at his home here on Satur- day evening last in the person of Alexander MurrayCampbell,in his 78th year. He had been 'airing for so time but up until recently }had bee down to business evey day. About two weeks ago he contracted a cold which rapidly developed into pneu- monia from which attack there was no hope from the first During the great- er part of his illness. he was uncons- cious and on Saturday evening he slept away. Mr. Campbell was bern in Zorra,. Oxford County,where he resided until he grew intormanhood andwhere he was married to his now bereaved partner in life. Forty-six years -.ago, Mr. Campbell and his bride of three months came to the town of Seaforth, where he has continued to reside ever since. For a number of years he was engaged as a builder and contractor, and erected forhimself his first home which was then situated in the neigh- borhood of what is, now known as Stewart's blacksmith shop. For a number of years, however, he has been. engaged in the implement business, his business dealings..nakirg him wide • ly known and greatly respected for his business integrity. In politics Mr. Campbell was a staunch Liberal and in religion a. Presbyterian. The funer- al . services were conducted from the family residence on Monday, the re- mains being interred in the Maitland- bank Cemetery. Besides his widow he is survived by a family of four daugh- ters, Mrs. R. Jackson, Calgary; Mrs. R. N. Hays, of New York, and Mrs. J. Cardno and Miss Nellie, of town, all of whom have the sincere ;sympathy of thecommunity in their loss. CENTRALIA. Gets Auto.—One of the; most sur- prised and delighted young ma in this community was Lorne Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew flicks, when he received word 'on Sunday by tele- gram, that he had been the lucky win- ner of an Overland five -passenger, a- warded by the Every -Woman's World for giving the right number of names in a puzzle contest. The task was a difficult one; but Lorne figured out the intricate enigma and ' forwarding it to the company proved to be the lucky solution, and as a result he will be e Master Alonzo Matthews . spent the Easter holiday at the home of his friend, Leo Hieknell.—Mrs. W. Mor- row has moved into the residence, va- cated by Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. J. Pat- terson has taken the residence recent- ly occupied by Mrs. Morrow on James , Street and Mrs. Willoughby will oc- copy Mrs. Patterson's house on, John Street. Mr. Junes Robb ha,s dated WINGHAM Arrested for Bigamy.—Last Friday night about 9 o'clock Provincial Cons- table 174 hitesides, of Heinsall, with Chief Allen, of Wingham, arrested George Creeper, alias W. H. Hamil- ton on the farm of Robert Yee, Turn - berry, where he was living with his second wife, Miss Jennetta Yeo, whom he married in Wingham on April 8rd, BEATTIES' FAiR 1916.- He had a hearing before Police Magistrate Morton, and did not deny the charge. His Worship committed him to stand trial at Goderich, where he was taken the following morning by Provincial Constable Wbitesides. The prisoner is a man about 30 years of age and his first marriage was to Pearl Ruby Fisher, of Lindsay, sev- eral years ago. was the eldesteson of lig-. Egerton Roe, of near Walton, and about two years ago he purchased the farm of the late Samuel Dorrance here and 1 by industry and thrift had made a success • of farming.He was unmar- red, hie sister keeping house for hire on the farm. The funeral services were conducted on Wednesday, the remains being laid to rest itt the Malt - landbank cemetery. The family have the sincere sympathy of all in their terrible bereavement. GODERICH The Casualty List. --Two Goderich boys figured in the casualty lists of the last two days. William Proud - foot, M. P.P., received word that his son, Lieut. 'illiarr Proudfoot, had been wounded in the arm and was in a hospital in England. Lieut. Prou 1 - foot was with a Highland regiment, of Montreal, being transferred from the 33rd battalions—Mr. W . L. Elliott manager of the Bank of Montreal, re- ceived the sad news on Sunday morn- ing, that his only son, Lieut. Lionel Elliott, had been killed in action. The young man who was a well known and popular boy, was employed in the Bank of Montreal, here, and at other places. He enlisted in Hamilton about eigh- teen i nonths ago and_had been at the front upwards of a year, - Besides his bereaved parents two sisters survive. BLYTH. Accidental Death. — That James Coulter met his death through being struck by train No. 640, of the C.P.R. on April 12th, sand that there was no negligence attached to any person, was the finding of the coroner's in- quest held here by Dr. Milne. The de- ceased was killed by an engine on the C. P. ° R. and the accident • was observed by a number of persons. The Bowlers.—The local lawn bowl- ing club elected officers for the year tannual meeting h a a thenwhi e was - d The officers are as follows: Honorary President, Dr. Milne; Honorary Vice - President, S. H. Gidley; Secretary t.nd Treasurer, James McMurchie. The Membership Committee appointed is as follows: James Cull and William Moore; Executive Committee, G. A. McTaggart, J. M. Hamilton and G. B. McTaggart; Finance Committee, R. N. Robinson and A. W. Robinson. • CONSTANCE. Read The Strand Theatre Adv. on Page ii. If you are looking for something new and artistic in wall paper, let us show you the Spring Patterns James Graves, Seaforth. 2575-1 Sad Death.—The community receiv- ed a severe shock on Monday after- noon last when the sad death of Cecil Roe became known, his body having been found in the bnrnsthat afternoon. The deceased was, only 24 years of age and up to last fall when he re- ceived a bad injury from the kick of a horse,he was an exceptionally strong and robust young man. - The deceased THE HOME OF Paramount Pictures Now Showing GEORGE BEBAN in "Pasquale" A wonderful photoplay of .love and war, in which George Beban excels any of his previous successes, &MMIIMMOINe Monday, Tuesday, Wedn'sd'y 23rd 24th 25th EDNA GOODRICH 'The Making of Maddalena' A story of gripping interest and one that you will certainly enjoy. also "THE IRON CLAW." Thursday, Friday, Saturday 26th 27th 28th Clara Kimball Young - In the Seven Reel Super -Picture The Common Law The Greatest Picture 'Ever Put on a Screen..... Read the Advt. on Pam ZURICH. Notes.—The members of the Young People's Association of the Evangeli- cal church and a number of - other friends held a miscellaneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobi on their return from their wedding trip cast week. A pleasant time was spent by all and the gifts were much ap- preciated by the newly married couple. —Messrs. S. Kipfer, R. Schwartzen- truber and D. Oesch were in Shakes- peare last week attending the funeral of the former's mother.—Miss Agnes Castanier, of Bay City, Michigan, is visiting her uncle, Rev. Father tou- dot, at Drysdale. --Mr. G. S. Howard principal of our school, attended the meeting of the Ontario Educational Association in Toronto last week.— Messrs. Louis Weber, W. Shenek,nT. and L. Middleholtz, of Detroit, were visiting friends with relatives here re- cently.—Mr. e- centIy Kr. Hubert K1 op p of Toronto a spent Easter at his home here. —The many friends of Mr. Sam. Gascho will be pleased to learn that he is recover-. fi attack of neu- nous ' from his se in m nia,—Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Meyer are in Mildmay this week attending the Evangelical Conference being held there.—A. Johnston & Son have pur- chased the 100 acre farm of Mr. Henry Volland on the Babylon Line and will take immediate possession. Mr.Volland intends moving to Kitchener to reside. ---On Tuesday evening two rigs driven by Messril Henry Pfile, of the 14th concession, and Lloyd Hayter, of Stan- ley, got- into a bad mix-up at a cross- ing at the west end of the village when the two outfits came together. Mr. Pfile was picked up unconscious but later recovered. The buggies were badly damaged. VARNA.. Read The Strand Theatre Adv. on Page 5. Strand.! Vhcae C4:h ;sec to see food shows. Personal.—We are sorry to state that Mr, F. Keys is confined to the house through illness. The Patriotic Society.—The Varna Patriotic Society have forwarded the following Red Cross articles to head- quarters during the past month: 13 sheets, 8 pairs of socks, 3 suits py- jamas and 8 shirts. Besides these they have sent four pairs of socks and two shirts to each of our own boys in the trenches and 19 pairs of socks were sent to the receiving sta- tion at Clinton for the boys of the 161st Battalion. They also acknow- ledge a donation of $4 from Mr. Win. Simpson, of Varna. Presentation.—Easter Monday was the scene of a pleasant event at the home of Mrs. John Beatty, when a number of friends and students to the number of 25 assembled to do honor to Miss Annabel Foster, ori the eve of her marriage, Miss Foster was pre- sented with a shower of Lirnonge China. A dainty lunch was then ser- ved the tables being uniquely set with individual eggs decorated for the oc- casion, each shell containing a verse or conundrum which caused much laughter. All report having had a good time. Miss Foster will be much missed in her music sphere, as she was a most painstaking teacher. Cameron Foster --A quiet wedding took place at the manse, Varna, - at high noon on Saturday, April 14th, when Miss Annabelle Foster, youngest daughter of Mr; -and Mrs. A. Foster, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Cameron, of Heneall. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Johnston. The bride, who was unattended, was becomingly attired in an African brown suit. After a dainty wedding dinner, the happy couple motored to Seaforth, where they took the after- noon train for Kitchener, Toronto, and other points. On their return they will take up their residence in Hensali. The bride was one of our most popular young ladies and the young .couple take with them the best wishes of a host of friends. soy EIM Notes. ----Exeter, Lodge of Oddfellowa will dttend Divine Service in T.rivitt Memor' 1 church on Sunday, April 29, when the rector, Rev. Mr. Trump er will preach a speial sermon.—Miss E. Dowd -las sold her residence to Mr. M. Elford, of Usborne, who intends 'moving „o t;wn after harvest. —Mrs. R. R. Rogers, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Christie. —Mr. M, Wexler intends moving to Windsor shortly, where he will make his future home. The many friends of Dr. Sweet will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from his serious attack- of pneumonia.—The Soldiers' Aid Society intend canvassing the town for subscriptions in aid of the Byron Sanitarium and Belgian Relief Funds on Saturday, April 21st, Ypres a r — nn ve eery, i17r, J. A. McDonald, who has been acting as accountant in the Bank of Commerce for the past two years, has been appointed mana- ger of the Crediton branch.—Mr, D. Knight has accepted a position in the G. T. R. office at Guelph.—Rev. F . S , 1 Sharp, who recently underwent an operation in Toronto, has sufficiently t ffi recovered to be able to come home, He was accompanied by Mrs. Sharp. ---Miss Ball, of Goderich, is visiting friends in Exeter, being the guest of Miss K. Stewart: The Patriotic So- ciety held a tea and concert in; the town hall on April tat, also the Sol -1 Bier's Aid held a euchre party on April 13th in the same place. Each Seel- esty madea good sum to be spent for comforts for the soldiers.—Miss Mur- ray, of Andrew Street, returned - on Saturday, after an extended visit in Dundas with her brother.—Miss Olive McDonald returned from Hensall where she visited her friend, Miss G Zuefie.—Miss Stella Gillis left for Chatham on Saturday morning, where she intends taking a course in the bus -1 iness college there. --Miss Gregory, teacher in Chatham Business College, ! returned after spending the Easter 1 holidays with her parents here.—Mr. G. Spark, principal of the Exeter high school, has returned from holidaying in Toronto. Also Miss Quinn and Miss Dobson from their respective homes int Kincardine and Toronto. — O li cial word was received here on Monday that Lieut. T. W . Penhaie had died of wounds received at Virny Ridge a week ago. is Save Money-„,Th By Buying Y our ICarpets Rugs at This Story Here to a4Carpet Department largetista roomy, wf,th ample assortments to (serve you sa isfactori1y SHOPPING ' here is indeed a pleasure, assort patterns l a a� is are solarge, n risen p e P � gd t•. ues so unmistakably out of the ordinary. We invite you to visit this s departqnt before making any purtyb, ases of such goods, knowing full well that your best judgement will tell you to buyhere, alter ; you see the J g unusual line we have and the uncommon values w offer. We're Ready for the Onrush Housecleaning Demand s ssss.. p , s e • +` •••r.. .•♦•ed �rs•e'i= i••+•4 4•••4 ).44416 ,p. 4 44 •4••e10'. 'tee•* • j e •_• $' *•A•s, >os• -•44 • ** V** s$, s4e *w• •e* • 40* •4• • e• t► • • New Lace Curtains and Cuai E>r ill Materials in great y New Floor Coverings . for Offices, Churches, Halls, Hotels and Private Nome' Rugs That make thQ home more homelike and the beautiful patterns we are oiler- ing make buying easy. Right now when everyone is beginning to figure on buying new rugs, it is especial- ly specially true that the early buyer gets the choicest selections. See our new rugs and mats soon. Draperies Women who are on the alert to ember.- ish their homesdo well 1 at moderate cost will well to see our new lace curtains and other Drapery materials. We have never before imported window drapery and other similar goods that pleased us so well as do the things we have ready to display. Li noIeu rns We can't sell better Linoleums than the best made. But we sell the best. That signifies that we buy from the best source of supply and so we do. Practically all our linoleuxis are im- ported direct from Scotland, the recognized home of the best. The new 'Spring patterns are in and any large city store could justly be proud of the many beautiful designs we have to show. Mactavish Seaforth 4ros0eo+o+owo�ofoeoo.o