HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-04-20, Page 2li
Your gasoline engine requires hew Eateries. a have the
famous Columbia 6 Ignitor, the dry -all with a a punch" and
lots of get. Probably you've had. trouble -also .lso: with Your
phone /Merles.* y -_a pair of Ignitors and notice the long
last akld steady power they possess, a great convenience for
a small outlay` GAS
$i� ENGINE OIL -the ind jthat safYnot
affected ,y frost or .heatt.-.. ..... ...............a... 5c, per gal.
- Q - 3. cF
ATT E I EQ for autos phone or engin . er.0. /1... a .•.,d. J each
R:oyalty Brand
that to " understand Germanyle Nina -
haste? Now "she has threatened with
urder and sudden death all smu-
ts who venture on the seas.
here can be no. `peace without
liberty for alt' nations; reparation
for all'irsisde ds and guarantees of a
1 chastened Germany. Belgium and
Serbia must be restored. There joust
be a reparation to Belgium for all
she has suffered.
"Serbia must be -enlarged in ac-
cordande ' with her legitimate ambi-
tions and at the expense of those
who tried to destroy her. Subject
peoples must be freed. There must
be a new Poland and new nations of
all the peoples now sublect to Ger-
many who do not want German rule.
"There must be a new Bohemia.
One sees a separate kingdom of Hun-
gary and beside it new nations of
peoples now subject to German dom-
"It is the end of the Hohen.zol-
lorne," he concluded. "One way or
another the Hohenzollern dynasty
meet Come to an end and the German
peoples, like all others, be released
from the tyranny of a raco thirsty for
His eyes burned with a 'biasing
light as he concluded: "The befit
is in its death struggle now. The
haeids of justice and freedom are at
it.* throat. A fey: last convulsive e?f-
fos and the end will come!"
His own hands ached out, the
fingers working convulsively, as if he ;
himself would throttle the beast and
avenge his country.
•'Ternis of &timedp, y To
drew. in Canada oe Brits
year $1.50, Siamt : x t 75c.,
Murtha.: . To r `' sited Stater),1
one- year, $2.00. 'Mete are the pa
in advance rates. Whea paid in ar-
rears the rate is '50c, higher.
Subscribers who. fail to receive The
Expositor re 4ly by mal ' will con-
fer a favor acquainting tie ,€ of 'the
fact at as eariya date as possible. '
When change of address is desired
both the -old and new address should
be given.
Display Advertising Rates Made
/mown on application.
Stray Animals. --One insertion 50e;
three insertions, $1.00.
Farms pr Real Estate for sale 50c.
each insertion for one month of four
insertiiots; 25c for each subsequent in-
sertion. Miscellaneous" Articles for
Sale, To Rent„ Wanted, Lost, Found,
etc., each insertion 25e. Local Read-
ers, Notices, etc., 1Oc per Hue per in-
sertion. No notice less than 25c. Card
of Thanks 50-e. Legal.Advertising 10e
and 5e per line. Auction Sales, 52 for .
one insertion and $3 for two insertion.
Professional Cards not exceeding one
have selected handles, each carefully inch -$6 per year,
▪ inspected and wrapped. Their tines - _ �.._-
are well shopped of tough temper and
the straps are well fitted into the
handles, so as not to .injure the hands.
Buy a Bedford Royalty Manure Fork
-the satisfaction giving', tool,
4 prdng D top strapped $1.20
5 prong D top, plain. ... , .. ; . $1.50
5 prong, D top, barn, . , . $1..e5
Sprin Honseeleaniug
fiF U1t-a he
Those who take ` "Fruit-a.tives" for
the first e, are often astonished at
the way it builds them up and makes
thamfse better alt•over. They may be
taking "Fruit -a -elves" for dome specific)
disease, as Constipation, Indigestion,
Chronic Headaches or Neuralgia,
Kidney or Bladder Trouble, .Itheu-
matism or Pain in the Back. And they
find when "fruit -a -Lives" has cured the
disease, that they, feel better and
stropger in every. way. This is clue to
the wonderful tank properties Qf these
famous tablets, made froml'ruit juices.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25o.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
dead heroes
SEAFORTJI, Friday, April 20th, 19.. diem on this side of the water and
..� . - '�' = the various non-combatant services
i 7 `Then there re the organizing brig a -
FROM TILE. DOMINION CAPITAL. here and overseas that will never see
fighting. These men are in uniform 1
The hope is expressed` here that Pre- but not in arms Altogether perhaps
mier Borden will keep on making • a hundred thousand ought to be sub -
speeches which incur the prdittee of traeted from Premier Borden's gener-
the• London newspapers. The idekis al metaphor to come anywhere near the
that if Premier Borden is kept busy real figures of fighting men at the
making patriotic speeches he may for- ` front, either now or in the near f'u-
fet to promise Canada into a hole -it ture. Premier Borden should keep
being an old habit of his to promise these figures of speech within bounds.
first and get Parliament to ratify af- ; f equent y done here. d ewuming in the
So far this L'etat &est moi stunt ? unfits,i the non-combatants, the clerks,
requires varioas articles to relieve its drudgery
of Premier Borden haers t got•him into the eeoks the battle -washers that
suet karat -complete with brass pins, clamps, and support ..$1.50 any serious trouble, but that isbe- ' make up this padded list of four han-
diet Beaters - co........ ... _6 e._lee cause he has generally promised dred and one thousand, To make
.e.. a•. E...,.
Scrub Brushes ..
a�a ti od O
G�ett's nye a . ,
Jet Washing
O'Cedar Mops ,
Furniture Polish
♦e.o '... .. , a understand was
g 4 ,l his
• • , , , • , • . ; , , . „ . e . ...... . ... • . . 65c t as helping the dear old Mother Coun- and fighting men at the front -nearly Just soon a,s oil is spread upon.
- loc try when she gat into trouble
.}....etre. ,,..4 ....• * . 10c to 25c
• .. 4 • .. c •
..• .....6
thins in which the Canadiapeople good what we node
Does Oil Calm the ?
Waves in ui d -ocean are caused
entirely by the action of the "rind,
The adhesion between the rapidly
moving particles of air which com-
pose he wind and the surface .par -
titles of the water causes the wag's
pirface to be dragged along with the
Jr. 3ma11 ripples Are immediately
"armed, states Popular Science
onthly, noes *pies soon Mir
'ke ethers near them. They unite,
and due to the friction between the
water particles, Aiae-1} succeeding rir3- i
pee piles up oh the top of previous
were with hien in heart in Soul ---such. promise --namely, five hundred thous- i 'once•
} she and two hundred thousand Ween will havethe water, however the size of the
to be P'� `waves is reduced like magic. The
.►axx�eea et.- -Pierre
.aeon far this is faiteresting. bit,
1 4
S .
our bit as ,sertie
ioatora in the
_ ... . 12.40 4 a9axsgy •,,._ -
1B- ..._., . r
• b€nefits of t�t� �ritsb �,sapire. Blit , iVlea.itwhale the bion. Piex�e 73 on xxi unlike water has vein little internal
. .. . ..... , 7'dc to $1.64 i -, � I beg his the Iron Colonel
...... a
"' Rue s cell •-- pardon,
friction between its particles. The
•r rico would be well B1onclira-Iionorable Colonels not hone of oil formed b the wind
e were ,uanadian • ome a x
P a .... _ 2 Premier I fipples y
0g-4144,444 ,r �. ;' feY. ;ea e�..•4•, 25c icdviseed 3. heL,+e' Boorary colonel
i advised to consult Parliament first Colonel Bl odious stumpingtQuebec he • I therefore, cannot pile upon each
f and promise afterwards. o one
- e o ' i If Premier Bordeu. has his ear to One of the strange things about Col- i other to any considerable height,
h ld 4 one/ Blc ndiii is she interviews pir given 1 Hence: water waves cannot ;mow in an
iwe indeed to see him beat his reast an ytion in the Ziritish Empire that .they BIoa.:n � ripples and the result ie a perfectly
Fire yf re . v snraflee Go.
d ea: Se' afortk Ont.
ound=s afoodPremier aauencs ofoilacedaboutsstearaer.
thatnirietlt_nna out. Ike sagshe repents ofs past in to fall down instead. ' 8
out every -
11 satisfied with their present' , b d "
the time these waves reach the b
.S a interesting
S a
. � oar Union Jack and it is very
' �ahegr
;have -- e vole kn�gw They beg
him d Canadian are so when he advised shooting holes in
• of h P t the will have lost their formative
f ytli Zt cry Peecavi But Colonel n
calm surface over the portion f the
--' sea throw'
Many Worn. Safer
Front Pains in the Bacilli
When the back begins to ache it h a
i wouldn't it Or ail log
r is only the noisy greedy 1'tt1 d of doesn't end there ]Els seems to imply
d title h t rs that he is loyal but that Quebec isn't.
f 'to the centralizers in Downing Street. dine days ago at Montreal.
i e crow ,
Ilir, e
h which the boat is main -
borrowers an ins its way,
who'want to hand over our autonomy Here is what he said to a reporter
Galician Villages.
The villages of Galicia are espe- 1
daily interesting on Sundays and
holidays, when the national costume.
I am sure the hearts of the people
Moreover,, there are not so many cep- p
1 tralizers in Downing Street as Pre- of this Province are sound, All they
need is to show them that its their duty
tare slap that there is soaxxet}tiradically : mien Borden might suppose n in.
DIRECTORY wrong with the kidneys. quirt' he would probably find that to fly to the colors and they will en -
David Lloyd George is no centralizer list in considerable numbers, I ani ? are donned. -The cottages are gener-
OFFICERS. President € 'What you Want is a kidney medicine. _ and that he believes in letting the . going' from prelate to prelate, from ! ally made of stone or boards plaster-
J. Connolly, PrDOS° a ' are not a cure-all, rest overseas states go on enjoying -priest: to priest, from father to father, i ed over, and.are then covered with a
Jas. Evans, Bee, hwood, Vice -Trico/ best s aedicuie for the lcidsaeys only. he liberties our forefathers so hardier . from moter to mother and from son i coat of whitewash, The straw roof is
T. .Days, Seaforth, Secy. -meas. �. „ I'lympto;,illi„ Ns
,i: -won. It. is only the Milners and the to son, and I believe I can convince 1 frequently crowned with green -grow -
AGENTS mites: "1C sad sending you wonderful
No. 1,Clinton; Ed: tennis/, - tiling you what a -�osad�ul '' Curzons who believe that the lesson them that it is the duty, of this Pro- i ins,' moss, which adds to its pietur�-
lex. Leitch, R. R. N aChesney, , I Iof this great war for democracy is evince especially to send its full share que appearance, if not to its health-
Hinckley, Seaforth; William Cite y, eine Dbau s Kidney Its made far me. °that the Dominions should have their of Young mento help the British and ! fulness. Water is drawn from the
rtdvx'I.ie• J. .Yeo, aderich; R. For years 1 bad suffezed so with kid- " .
1 .Ja ' I. mid hardly s of ray housework. nem :
democracy curtailed w French armies to the field fighting for :wells . " a long pole balant ed smear
G. �arznuth, Prodhagen. Lased several kinds `its, but none of � When Premier Borde comes home , Liberty and justice as we in this Do-' the centre. ,These wells shave a da -
DIRECTORS ¢ the first thing lie oug. t to do is to minion understand the terms" ' tided old-world appearance. The -in-
2 Searorth° John themseemed to be doing me any good. i
a bdx._ of -speak to •his imperial federation Mark the irraplicatians. Quebec has terior of the cottages` is usually
to be shown and Mr Blondin will do divided into two rooms; In, one room
As toothsome
aQ the name
lasting. The
third of the
of refreshing
Good for teet
breath, appe.
William Rina, too. , ' .At last i was advised to
Bewiewies, Brodhagen;. James Evans, ]3oan's Kidney Ps`Ils, en i had friends who have been getting him xn ,
echwood; M. McF,wen, Clinton, Jae. taken the first box I found relief. I have wrong with the Canadian people while the showing. Prelates, priests, fath- .the mfrs family else, eat, and
Connolly Goderich; D. F. McGregor; used five boxes and "to -day I feel aka s ` he was away. They have their plans . ers, mothers, sons need to be convinc- ' sleep; in the other, in more or le€
3,Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, all cut and dried fora Round Table : ed. Mr. Blondin will do the convincing, harmonious contentment, dwell the
R. R. No,• Robert Ferris, Fiarloc' ; SieW too highly." I cannot recommend t cm imperialism which would cost this ! In fact, anybody and everybody in cows, pigs, chickens, and geese. Wo
No. 4 Walton, No. 8, Seaforilx, Quebec is to blame except Colonel i household would be, complete with -
George McCartney,_ __ _ i3osn's kidney Pills bear the trade I country fifty millions a Year on' ` Q
b1 t-bellum annual ex- $londin. out a number of geese. Around the
66 '
>a of a Maple Leaf and are put up in of a probable pas H . F , G , cottages a number of children -are
an oblong grey box. that you gni ; pei diture of three huedred awnd muco- sure to be seen fg. A dozen or
Iron Pumps pump
a .i prepai ed to turns ail ,c'nd of
Fore : and Litt Pumps a 3d al 1 sizes
s a ; , 1? pe Fitting e c. Galvan-
- teel fattiest nd Water troughs
►z sine end attle Basins.
p, o a s t ndsof p'unip repairingdone
or c or • notice. For terms, etc.,
apt iy at Pump Factory, Goderich
St„ East, or at residence, North
Main Street;
eish, SeafOrth
a.m. p.in.
Goderich : Leave 7.00 2.30
Jl 7.37- 3,07
Guelph - 9.35 6.05
Toronto (Leave) 10.20 7.00
Guelph (arrive) 12.58 .00
Walton 12.10 9.07
Aub 12.30 9.19
Goderich 12.45 9.45
Connections at Guelph Junction with
Itisin Line for Galt, Woodstock,
don, Detroit and Chicago and all in -
immediate points.
Trains Leave Sesforth as follows:
13.30 a.m."--- For Clinton: Goderich,
Witham and Kee•
x:13 �d �1' Clinton,
p.rn. - For Clinton, Goderich
TX a, m. Yer Stratford,��l
Ws weft s and �, Peter -
SAO p.m. - w at ratford, Tomato,
Montreal and oast.
Enizsaglisen, doped ...,
. .c ..; ..;
. , s ., :
Nippon.. , a • • . • •
--4044 Are, OVA
"Doan's" when you ask for them. ty-five millions. Price 50c. a box 3 for $1.25, at all
ea home rule at the bidding of Zebulon
de:41478'060e lygoirginnlailfre ee'direnee„ect mein receiPteeniaes,- Lash, K. C., and his coterie of empire
• binders, the question is how coald e
termite, -Ont.-
e afford it? Where could we get t t
WimierderingdireetsPethlY"Dmia 16 extra fifty millions a year? Perhaps
1 the Round Tablers in Canada would
contribute it themselves ?a And then
again perhaps they wouldn't,
1 If Premier Borden doesn't promise
We have our Creamery now in full. first and repent afterwards,.he will, of
operation, and we want your patron- , course, Consult the Canadian manu-
age. We are prepared to pay you facturers about his plan to draw us
the highest prices for your cream, pay closer at the expense of fifty millions
you every two weeks, weigh, sample a year to the people of Canada. Fifty
and testi each can of cream carefully millions -that is how much it woaild
and give you statement of the same! cost the taxpayers. But it would cost
We also supply cans free of charge, the Canadian manufaeturers a great
and give you an honest business deal. deal more -it • vtould cost them the
Call in and see us or drop us a card for s, tariff which now proteets them in the
pasticulars.. home market and which has recently
been made high enough to keep the
I de Seaforth Creamery British manufacturer out in spite of
the pritish Preference which is ex-
Seaforth Ontario tended to him on paper. The Caned-
, ism manufacturers are supposed to be
friendly to the Borden Government,
but would they continue se if Premier
strength to acknowledge herself
wrong, then only negotiations be-
tWeen the two aides can take place.
"That is the fundamental condi-
tion of peace, Germany must first
acknowledge herself wrong; then
starting from that basis peace can
be discussed, reparation exacted,
guarantees established. Germany at
present is a wild beast and must be
tamed as the first step toward arriv-
ing at a perma,nent basis for the
"Do. you think President Wilson
has done anything for peace?" asked
tne interviewer.,
"No," he respended. "On the con-
trary, he has shewn the futility of
negotiation at the present time. The
Allies' reply,to Wilson's note and the
• make up our mind to surrender our VICTORY FOR ALLIES WILL twenty or thirty of such cottages,
Had Severe Cold
Never neglect what at first seems t9 be
but a slight cold. You thiek perhaps
you are strong enough to fight it off, but
coIds are not so eas-ily fought off in this
northern climate, and if they are not
attended to at once will sooner or later
develop into some serious lung trouble
such as branch' itis, pneumottia, and per-
haps that dreadful disease, consumption.
Miss Kasye McDonald, Ssofney Mines,
N.S., writes: ``Last winter canIxacted
a severe cold, and it settled on my lunge.
I would cough and raise phlegm and
blood. I had the coyish for a swath,
and had medicine teem the doctor, but it
did not seem to do as any good. I
ley meads serined mieg,..sfrime Dr.
and it save ms amok relit I an
reersommed it to every einVIP
Yen MIL WPM* Dr. Weed's Mew
Pine Syrap from exy dna.* is &mkt,
but bemire and gist "Dr. Weare," ohm
you ark fee it as then aie a samdase,of
imitations as the mart* wisiek lame
&aim wary tey to palm Aid sat jot as
the genstare.
Ste tisat it is nue eg in • yaw wee-
gfte titsee pine trees la dee trade nook;
prke 25e. and We.
Manufactured coly by Two T.- Km -
et -x.14 Co-. Lows% Toronto, Ont.'
EACE will come this year,
but it will come through
a victory of the Allies."
This is the opinion that
Maurice Maeterlinck gave to an in-
terviewer recently in the study of
his villa Les Abeilles, on the hills
overlooking Nice.
"Oh, yes," he said. "This is the
year of peace. It is bound to come
after -the big battles now being pre-
pared. The Germans will be beaten
and will have to give in."
"Then. you don't believe in peace
by negotiation?" was asked.
"No," he said. "It is impossible.
The Germans must be beaten to
their knees, The militarism must be
crushed. " Then there can. be real
peace, permanent peace. When Ger-
many has been forced by armed
Berden suggested 'handing over our
tariff -making power to a group ',of
centralizers in Downing Street, who
would consider the interests of the
British Empire at large and not those
of Canada in particular?
As hearing on the deliberations of
the .War Conference, it is to be hoped
that Premier Borden is a reader of
Kipling. Rudyard Kipling has a mes-
sage of Empire, too perhaps, as
strong a message as iremier Borden,
but he Was never in any doubt about,
Canada's place in the scheme of things
He hits it off eiactly in his famous
Daughter am I in my mother's house
But mistress in my own.
This is perfectly satisfactory to the
Canadian people. Nobody has am- German reply to Wilson's speech,
proved on Rudyard Kipling's.interpre- put side by side, :allow how far apart
tation of Canada's permanent policy the opponents are, for the German
in relation to our place in the British reply breathes in every word pride of
Empire. Premier Borden would do arms, brutal pride of victory and
well to carry the little book of poems Power.
with him and read those lines whenev-
er he feels his feet slipping.
Premier Borden is reported as say-
ing that the dominions have put a
million men in arms. Of course this
was poetic license. In the first place
the Premier was reckoning on a half
edilion from Canada, Half a million
"It is evident that there can be no
until that spirit is broken. The
great struggle will come this year, It
is being prepared for now by both
sides, and as a result of that struggle
peaeo will come and Allied victore%
"Germany has shown that ehe is
still animated by the pride and vain -
must be taken as a round number.
It iEs the authorized limit, but the glory of the Hohenzollerns. What
does she say of Belgium. The brief
actual enlistment is something over
referenee to Belgium means only
four hundred and one thousand. Like -
German, suzerainty. There can be no
wise it is poetic license to say that ,
other read g. Better utter an ri 1 hil-
the whole four hundred and one thous-
ation, better that Belgium and the
and are in arms Many of them wear
pens behind their ears instead of ; Belgian people be lost to the world
forever than made subjects of Ger-
awords at their sides. There are
twenty-five hundred of these khaki man t yijr.sai al 1 yneyd, abys AGlesarmce-anyLoriroair neneahralys
non-combatants in the Pay and Records been e
Mee alone. There are another two a 9931turY.
galu_mphing around the South of Eng- .4
land. Most of them bad a chance to
tosmthelle rg=wblirt thif etybepyrawerroukeldrthaveg scathalithaly elsocer thLator nelorentte anworearfor 0.01
live colonels' and maim; rather tbaa lgracre Tke`'d Paine thari
each separated only by a sman yard,
make up a village.
The Parrot's Opinion.
Mrs. Boodle was proud of her par
rot, a wise and wily old bird; but
she was prouder still of the new
gramophone when it arrived. Think-
ing to give the parrot a surprise, she
started the instrument off with
"Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep,"
Mr. Boodle's favorite "warble." At
the very first mote Polly opened her
eyes in surprise and then new to her
pereh, where she rocked herself to
and fro in deep and speechless aston-
ishment, while the machine ground
out the air, "There, Polly!" said
Mrs. Boodle, when the song had eoeao
to an end. "What do you think of
that?" "My word!" shrieked the old
birde her head on one side and wink-
ing wickedly, "my word, nay word.
my word! You've got the old re_an
'hexed up this time, and no mistake:,
Three of a kind
Keep them in mind
Seated Tight --
hew after
ee Met
Cood Medicine
fol. the Spring,
Not exactly sick, but not feeling
quite well. That is the way most
people feel in the spring. Easily
tired, appetite fickle sometimes
headaches and a feeling of depres-
sion. Piinples or eruptions may a
pear on the skin, or there may
twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia.
Any of these indicate that the blood
is out of order -that the indoor life
of winter has left its mark upon you
and may easily develop into more
serious trouble.
15O not dose yourself with purga-
tives, as so many people do, in the
hope that you can, put your blood
right. Purgatives gallop through the
system and weaken instead of giving
Strength. Any doctor will tell you
that this is true. What you need in
spring,is a tonic that will make new
blood and build up the nerves. Dr:
Williams' Pink Pills is the only med-
icine that can do this spftdily, safe-
ly and surely. Every dose of this
medicine makes new blood which
clears the skin, strengthens the ap-
petite and makes tired; depressed
men, women and children bright ,ae-
tive and strong. Mrs. Maude Bagg,
Lemberg, Sask., says: "I can un-
hesitatingly recommend Dr. Wil-
, llama' Pink Pills as a blood builder 1
and tonic. I was very much run!
1 down when I began using the Pills, 1
and a few boxes fully restored my
Sold by all medicine dealers or ay
mail at 60 cents a box or six btrgeS
for $2.50 from The Dr. Wilileaue
S Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario.
successful results
paint t ose essential
never givt. permanent sa _a
To avoid risk of failure
make it a point to use only pain
Lead used -is
vbaneayissefvd,apri Ide a:3 tyae:181:
was address
They are he
here on ace
new staff,
have devise,.
There are 11
froin which
aunnl• despseotreey
mark proad:
We bane
-nioveenre: thnuE
to induce
They havli
ten anilrol
t rt °2:leynaadd: lvtS-101 Ise vinstse: leri de hr
iron trade.
the war wil
nengnddChnfegi ne Qt. hu ri nes
for agout a
Irish Questi4
thing is som
All our pa
short comins
-new% at firm
American eo
to Denmark
Ten. He we
fearing that,
where he we
leagues will,
'hard worker,
she e.ould
are thousase
who see nol
their nose. I
even now
wastes 400,1
• t• nnetfu 8. nt ot )1nL11 d-sd4
who eultiva
land; the
'blindly star
John Bull
there ehoul
-1d2 ayb rhot au or: ;if ueattgurthi hvot nsae ts
than she tei
by the h