HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-04-13, Page 8'TB
1 youF are looking t o r
attractive in SPRING
it here. Don't m
the effect of your : spring
outftting by v e a r t n g'
shoes that are a bit rusty:
something particularly
Everything that's proper in
Footwear for the .coming
season is here at its best.
Let us show you..
. R. Witks
Mr. George _ Brownlee, lois week. -
Miss Thompson Stratford, is a dues
at the home D. and Mrs, Cooper.
• --Miss` Jessie: Scott of Creemore
visiting at the home of :her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Thornton.
Plant, G T R. agent,
ril 7 Wedding.` A tenet wedding
was:. v isiUng his ' parents in Acton
R this week . -Mr. Edward Grassier of
was s rleninized at the :home of iiirs, amiiton,. spent ester with his sunt,•
Weida, Ann St , o Thursday,evening Mrs. John Murray,°Godericli street.
set, when` her daughter, fills Villa,, , Mrs. (Jigs sp at the Holiday with
vase united' in mage to ear. Rich, her sister, Mrs. B. Williams, Strati
of Hilldale, Michigan. The ceremony ford . -Miss Jean McL'ons%d spent
was performed' by Rei. Mr. McKinley, Goad
i The Friday with: friends in. Stratford..
pastor of the Methodist ch sr�..s. iVlxs Collins of Toronto spent the
t h orcl h
h honeymoon trap
�Y s,
e on
of friends are extended to the young `
happy couple left on the mo .hint n �"
ere- with her daughter, Miss
cn a s o ter which,�CoAlins, at the Commem .cal. --Mise
a � e h
the will return here for k spent Good Friday at her
be -fere going to their new hoxrYe rn in Stratford . --Mrs . F . H . Larkin
Miebigan .- The best wishes of a host l ft Monday to visit with friends
1 in Chatham'. --Mrs . W, Somerville is
couple spending the week -end- with friends in
enc. c
Quality footwear
I We are showing ` a nut m
laer of exclusive patterns
for 1917. The designs
and colorings are very.
beautiful and
striking and
prices are within the
the pylic.
_reach of everyone, Come
in and look these over'.'.
' s .Bookstore
the report o,the treasurer of the Bel- p Window Shades and Picture Frontes_
i Toronto . Miss Flor M kaY o
Belgian _Relief.; The following is ,
elan Relief • Fund for the month of t
is s ending the holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Agent far:. New Idea Patterns.
Balance from February $12.87, James McKay in Egmondville.Mr.
March Thomas Hills .spent Good' y
o er-
illiam Som - iss
Hodgins $,� W D olio. M
villa $5 �0, proceeds of box -.of candy Jean Goveniock sof Windsor. is •visit-
donated by W . A. Crich $17.60, Mrs. ing her sister, Mrs. Arch. Scott, God
C. Stewart $2.50, Mrs. De Lacey $2.50, erich street. -Misses Agnes Camp -
Mr.. R. Jones $2.50, Bag of flour don- bell .and Annie Gordon spent the holt-
' ride at
Mrs. Dr. o gins the home of his son in u
aced: by Mr R. Jones $5, Jas. Finlay-: day with friends in Dublin., Mrs.
son, Kippen, $2, Mrs. Thos. Gemmell, Cowan of Detroit is ;here visiting her
$2, Mrs, William Sclater $1, James. mother, Mrs. Fisher, who, we'regret
box 43
c Do
Jamieson $2, Post office .to learn, is not, enjoying very good
inion an ox c, an Com- health at present. --,Mrs Robert 11e -
rain J3
`-te Expositor Office. Seaforth amerce' 37e, total receipts $57,99;. ex-
x d J visiting at the
i PP p penees 25e, remitted to H. Prudholnme
$57.50; balance on. hand 23e. --Mrs. J.
B. Thompson; T
Jewelea And Optician.
k ler Marriage "LicEmses
The Newest
Wail 'Papers
Tapestries, Japanese Leath-
er, Japanese Grass Cloth and
all the newest wall papers.
Styles suitable for every room
and prices suitable for every
We do Painting and Decorat-
ing in Town and Country,
Painter and Decorator
SE:4FORTH, .... .. - ONT.
WE planned for -montns to make.
our New Spring Mouxitings
an exhibition of the latest and• most
artistic styles.
May we..show you how
welt we have succeeded-
Visitora .`are always welcorsie
Fell's Studio
A 11 NE.SS
fo-r-Spring Work
. Departmental - Examinations. -The
Department of Education has issued
time tables for the : various exaniina
tions. The .lower school examinations
for Entrance into Nori#ial Schools and
Faculties of .Education start June 14th
at 9 aim„ c�tinning up to June • 20th:
The Model ntrance and Senior Pub-
lic SchoolGraduation examinations
start June 12th at 1.30 p.m . , contin-
uing up to June 20th. The Senior High
School Entrance opens June 12th, at
9 a.m., continuing to the 21st of June.
Middle School Entrance into Normal
Schools, June- 19th to 29th. Upper
School Entrance into Faculties of Ed-
ucation, June 7th. to 29th. Pass Ma-
triculation, June 11th to 29th. Honor
A heavy "strong and durablee team
harness, suitable for the heaviest
farm work, 2 in. Heel Cham Traces,
heavy Back Bands, good - Blind
Bridles Lines, etc., complete less
Our special length harness, splen-
did length strap, Oak leather, Gel -
dine trimmed, our own - make, Un-
surpassed in appearance and dura-
Try the - celebrated Langford - Coll-
iers for hors with sore shoulders.
Special prices in Trunks, Suit Cas-
es, - a handsome 24 in. Suit Case.
$I.7S. .
Also Curry Combs, Brushes, Gall
Cures, exceptional values in hips,
Sweat Pads, etc.
worthy rendering of the musical ser-
vice of the church was recorded, The
Rector ie to be congratulated on the
evidences. of progress shown and also
to -be eoniinended for the many im-
provements to the church property in-
augurated, under his incumbency. The
eongregational meeting will be held on
the 24th. Inst.
Notes.: Mrs. Tuf ord, has gone= to
Paisley -for a week or two. --Miss Bella
Campbell � visited -relatives at Thames
Road during the past week. -Mrs. T
Worden is ill at prsent, but we hope
to hear of her speedy recovery.
Quite a number in this vicinity have
had an attack of G,erran measles re-
John Laing
and Jo n
i .--NXrs,
cent y
cf Seaforth, are spending the holidays
with friends in this vicinity. -Mr. Roy
McCulloch is spending a few days with
his uncles in Logan.
Easter Report.
ave ioney
By Buying
[his Stcr
We are. Proud of These
Now Showing -
Gee an son acwere
f rmer's home in East Wawanosh this The Man Behind the Curtails
week. Mrs. Jahn Pugh and son of
home of
the e
Mitchell, were guests at
Mrs J Walker this week. -Fidelity
Lodge of Oddfellows _ held a memorial
a Tuesday -Wednesday
Ethel Clayton •
Service- in the hall On Wednesday ev-
ening last for their departed brother, (Star in the` Lion and the Mouse)
Pte: Charles 'Rolph, who was killed -and-- ,
in action in Fralnce on March 28th, Tom M core, in
Rev. Mr, Robinson, " of .Clinton, Grand
Chaplain of the :Order in Ontario, and, " Dollars' andithe .Woman "el
the resident ministers, conducted the There is a little " something" In this
service. Pte. Rolph is the third m `picture that the audience -particular -
service ber of this lodge to lose his life et ly the ladies -will rave about..
the front, while several other mem-
begs have been- wounded. -A social Thursday Friday Saturday
Your particular Favorite •
Anita Stewart .
will appear in the spectacular drama
of 'Frenzied Finance
" The juggernaut "
which has in its climax the plunging
of an express train into the river from
a, rotting trestle.
evening was held in the Egrnondville
school on Wednesday evening last.
There was a large attendance and a
most enjoyable time was spent by all.
The proceeds amounted to $45, which
go for War Auxiliary purposes.
and Scholarship- Matriculation,. June • .----�•-----
8th to 29th. Pressing, 0leaningand Repairing, up stairs in the.
Campbell Btook, oppoaite Queen's Hotel. 2o78-1
Wail Paper Banging. -We have secured the see
vices of Mr. H. Johnston, an expert paper hauger,to.
hang our papers this season and we guarantee quick
and dflclent service Jas. Graves, Seafortn. 2673-1
Local Briefs, ---Mr. + T. J a -kay, bar-
rister of "Toronto, spent Easter at his
home here. -At the Fas��ts.� exams in
connection with the No 'ttr riBusiness
College, Owen Sound, we notice that
Miss Jessie Wilson, of town, won two
prizes; one in rapid business writing
and one in a spelling test of 200 words.
The prizes were copies cr. Wordsworth
I and Longfellow's works, beautifully
bound in morocco. --Mr. Clarence Kelly
of the Stratford Post office star, spent
Easter with his mother and brothers
in town; -The "pupils of, the Seaforth
public school contributed $19.38 to the
"Easter Egg" fund ' for relief work
among the victims of the war in Bel-
gium.=Mrs. - Charles. Frost and little
son, Clarence, of Denfield, and Miss
Carrie Frost, of London were Easter
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. Frost -J. F. Docherty, B.A.., left
on Wednesday morning .to accept an
appoiul.snent as lieutenant in the Brit-
ish Naval Medical Corps .-Mies E.
M. Houston has returned to her home -
in Tuckersmith, from Bow Park, !,
Brantford, where she has been in the
office of the Dominion Canners; Ltd.,
during the winter months, -Mr. W. S.
Gottschalk, of Stratford and -Mr. and
Mrs." Upthegrove, of Paris, were Eas-
ter -visitors at the home of Mr. at d
Mrs. 8. Gottschalk. -Mr: Jack Mach -
ley is spending the holidays at, the.:
home of his -father, James street. --
Mrs. M. Y. McLean, spent the week
end with friends in Clinton. --Miss
Oanipbll, of Toronto, spent Easter at
the home of Mr. J. McClinchey.-Mr.
and Mrs. E. C McClelland, of Baden,
spent the holdiays at the - home of
Major Hays.: Mr. W. I,Iorrow, teach-
er, of London, is spending the tholi-
days at the home of his mother. -.-=Miss
L. Graham, of Toronton, spent Easter
with friends - in town. -Mr. W. k ebb,
of Detroit, spent Sunday at the home
of his uncle and aunt, Mr. James Robb
and Miss Robb, John Street, -Miss
AngeIia Ryan of 'Mitchell, spent
Easter at the home of Mr. and. Mrs.
W. Devereux, Huroii Road -Mrs. W.
J. Moffatt, of Hamilton, was a guest
this week at the home of Mr and
Mrs. J. A. Wilson-lMlr. Harry Speen
of Ingersoll, was here on Saturday
and shipped his household effects to,
London where • they intend to make
their home.Mr. and Mrs. Speare have
geen residents of Seaforth for. many -
years and they have many friends here,
Who sincerely regret • their removal
froin town,... but who will wish them
them every sucoes sin their new homes
-Mr. R. C. Gottsehalk; of Winnipeg,
is spending a few days at the home of
his parents in flown. --Miss Florence
Thompson, of Tdronto, is spending the
holidays at the paretnalhome- of` Mr.
and Mrs. John Thompson in town. --
Mr. John Klein of Brantford, and Miss
Annie Klein, of St. Catharines, spent
Easter holidays at the parental home
of -Mr. M . Klein, - McKillop, -Miss An-
na Bell is spending the holidays at the
parental home here. --- Miss Toy--
ov=ell, of Guelph, was an Easter guest at
the home of Major Hays. -The Misses
Murdie, of L•ucknow spent Easter with
friends in town.--Mr...Thomas Ward,
of * Wetaskiwin,: Alta, is visiting his
sister and other friends here.° --Nor-
man Bohannan, who enlisted with the
33rd Battalion and who has been in
France for aver a year, returned home
on Monday evening. He is _ suffering
.frorn shrapnel wounds.:. Paul Doig, el-
dest son of Councillor Robert Doig,` of
Tuckersanith, was home . over Sunday
on his last leave. He left Monday
morning for overseas.-= Mr. Ray Mc-
Geoch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
McGeoch, of Egniondville, has success-
fully passed his mechanical examina-
tion at Toronto, and will be" enlisted
with the Aviation Corps at Camp
Borden. -Miss May, Livens, of Hamil-
ton, is , risiting- at her home here. �-
Mrs. Rivers - is visiting her daughter
in Cromarty. --Miss M. Mackay is vis-
iting in "Toronto. this week. --Mrs. D
Stewart and daughters, Hazel, Jean
and Margaret, -spent the Easter holi-
days with friends in Brantford. -Miss
Harness and Leather Goods Store
Opposite Commercial Hotel.
se Ripe.
When you're ready for yours, Sir, we
are ready to serve you.
Just take a peep into our store any
day now and see the handsome
Spring Styles.
There's nothing ragging, that's worthy
of a - place in this Home of Good
It's true we sell Men's Shoes on - a
Small profit, but we sell Lots of
At your service, Sir, any day l
HR.Sc.. w T
FOR SALE --Farm waggon, MasseY 'Harris seed
drill, McCormiek mower. 2 sets non barrows, spring
etootb, oultivabor, wagon scales, capacity 2000 lb.
Duck Eggs .for eating wanted. Apply atlfrac
Expositor Office. t tte 2672-3
FOR SALE -Frame house, ?rooms, good sized
karden, cheap for eaFh, or easy terms. Apply W.
II. Baker, Seaforth. 2670x4.
Good capable girl wanted --Good wages. Apply
to Mrs. MoRay, Albion Hotel. Bayfield. 2671 -ti
FOR SALE -2 kitchen cupboards, kitclinti table,
gasoline stove, " McOlary's Famous" base burner
and a few other household articles. These are all
in splendicicondition and will be sold neap for
cash. Mrs. H. Speare, Seaforth. 2571-3
Dr.' Forster of Stratford, eye, ear, nose and throat
Specialist, bas -resumed praotiN3 and will be at the
Queen's Hotel, fiestarth, on the third Wednesday of
If yon are looking- tor sometbit g new and artistic
in Wall Paper, let us showthe tipring patterns, Jas.
Grave's, Seafortb. . 2678-a
WANTED -Boy or man to °art asbesend do some
garden work, Apply at Expositor Ofike. 2574-2
WANTED -A general @errant for small family
'apply to Mrs. M. It. McLean or ExItositor Office.
FARM FOR SALE -A 50 acri krass farm for sale
at a *pargain for $1,000. For partAculars apply to G.
J. Sutherlar.d, Hensall. 2574-1
The Bowlers. -The annual meeting
of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club
-wag held in the Commercial Hotel on
ruesda.y evening last. There was a
good attendance and the enthusiasm
ehown aurtures well for the success of
the club during the coining season.
The project of rebuilding the greens
was discussed at length and it was fin-
ely decided to open a subscription list
and if enough mony can be secured
to undertake the work at once. Al-
ready this list has been well subscrib-
ed and it looks as if Seafortla is te
have an up-to-date. green at last. The
membership fee has been fixed at $6
for old members and $5 for new ones.
The following officers were elected,
President, J. C. 'Greig.. Vice -President
J. McMillan. Executlire• Committee,
Mullin, J, E. Willis and Oscar Neil;
R. E. Bright, Oscar Neil, Harry Jef-
Greig, J. E. 'Willis, Dr. Grieve, Col.
Wilson and Dr. F. J. Burrows.
Anniversary Services. -The anni-
versary services of the Methedist
Sunday School were among the most
successful ever held by the schoolt
Large and appreciative congregati6na
were present 'on Easter Sunday and
the services were of a very interest-
ing character. Beautiful flowers gave
a bright and attractive appearance .to
the church. In the morning the mem-
bers of the school were present, and
the pastor took as his subject, "Les-
sons from the Flowers" The male
choir added irtueh to the interest of
the services, and the singing was very
much enjoyed. The entertaimpent on
Good Friday night was a decided sue-
eess. The children were treated to a
sumptuous tea by the ladies of the
congregation, after which an excellent
programme was provided. Owing to
the unfavorable weather many were
prevented from attending, but about
four hundred were present and spoke
in most complimentary terms of. the
program given by. the school. Those
mho were disappointed by not being
able to attend last Friday night will
have the privilege of enjoying the en-
tertainment as it is to be repeated
on Friday iv fling of this wek, the
proceeds to g to the War 'Auxiliary.
Red Cross. The following are the
reports of th Secretary and Treas-
urer of the eaforth branch of the
Red Grose fo the month of March:
Secretary's re ort -258 suits pyjamas,
flannel s -10 dressing gowns,
192 paira of s les 288 towels, 36 per -
lets, 6 quilts comfort bags (unfilled)
-Edna De Cey, Secy. Treasurer's
Report--Rece pts :Balance on hand,
hrop branch $18, Win-
go.o5, William Oughton
S. S. No 12, McKillop
ckson $5, Mrs. William
Miss Cuthill for prison-
gs $1,sTroceeds of sale
t donated by Miss
$599.83; Win
Alice Trott left this viiik vigit her throp branch
sister, Mrs. John Daley insCramesburg $1, .Pupils of
called to Hamburg this week owing Senteeeme $5,
to the icleath of her sisten-Mrs, Sher- ers fund $1, r
brook, of Londesboro, was here last of tickets on
w(k attending theMedding of her sis- Lukes, $24.7" • gm'ondville Branch,
5c; hire. Thomas Gem -
fund $5, Winthrop
lionthly contributions
boxes $4.68; Total re -
Expenditure: Hone,
ter, Miss Webb. -Misses Minnie- and $85, William
Flore:ace Laidlaw, of Toronto, are Hoag eoe fee
spending the holidays at the home of mell, prison
their mother, Mrs. J. C. laddlaw.-- branch $17.85
Miss Kate Little, of Goderich, was a $115.60, mon
guest at the home of,ber grandfather, ceipts $1014.
ROOM I, Fourth Class
Sr. Fourth -Total 650, Honours 487,
Pass 390:x• -Ruth Thompson, 483, Beth
'Barton 483, Billie Greig 462,. Reid
Edmund 443, Edison Wright 416, Gar-
net "Silllery 410e Gretta Dennison 407,
*Ernest Edge 407, Evelyn Cardno 398,
Florence Beattie 876, Myrtle" Tasker
374, Gordon Hays 365, *Fergus Mac-
kay 389, Gerald Stewart 326, **Cyril
Marvin 312, **James Scott 304, *Irene
Brown 290, ***Harold McNab 286.
Jr, Fourth -Total 520, Honours 390
Pass 812: Frank Rankin 361, Mar-
garet Grieve 342,. *Mary Laing 340,
Willie James 318, Frank Cudmore 294,
*Gwendolyn Snowden 271, *Melville
Spain 266, Hazel Muir 224,**Kenneth
Ament 216, Gertrude McGee 216, Jack
Scott 206, Margaret Hart 188. The
asterisks show the number of exam-
inations missed.
• A, A. Naylor, Principal"
ROOM IL --Senior Third
James Mason for prisoners of war $10,
Stewart Bros, $216.05, J. Maetavish
Thompson's Bookstore 75c, total $570.-
13, balance on hand $444.28. -Jessie
Neil, Treasurer.
Annual Meeting -The annual vestry
meeting of St, Thomai church, was
held in the school -room on Tuesday
evenhig last. Rev. T. H. Brown pre-
sided at the meeting and referred in
satisfactory terms to the splendid work
eccornplish,ed during the year by the
various branches of church organiza-
tion which evinced enlarged spiritual
interest in everything appertaining
to the welfare of the congregation.
The ielereased attendance at 'the
church Eler.yiees and the' apparent zeal
in the devitegen and spirituallty of the
commtudeanni, together with the in -
erased attendance in the Sunday
School, bebag representatives of all the
Senior Class= -Total 650; Honours,
487; Pass, 890: Mary Bell 543, Mary
Stewart 528, Harvey ,Bristow 520,
Gladys McPhee 518, Janet Grieve 509,
Tom Smith 508, *Kathlyn Rankin 499,
Leslie Bristow 488, Ethel. Daley 481,
*Gordon Willis 478, *Willie Marriott
452, George Peterson 450, *Margaret
Chittenden 441, Scott Cluff 435, Wilma
Seip, 424, Abbie Seip .407 ***Arnold
Turnbull 395, Ettie Smith 892, *Claude
:Patterson 392, *Allen Reid 369; *Hilda
GGoldhawk 348, ***Gray Parker 322.
Junior Class -Total 650; Honours,
487; Pass, 390: Donald Kerslake 513,
Gilchrist Livingstone 430, Donald Mac-
kay 429, Harold Peterson 415, Nettie
Storey 397, Frances Crich 394, Ronald
Mackay 392, *Florence - Chesney 390,
Lyman Tainan 376, *Lulu Marriott
374, *Erie Stewart 365, Harry Dill
339, Myrtle Trott 261, ***Jennie
Reeves 181. Tlie asterisks show the
number of examinations missed. M.
W. Mackay, Teacher,
ROOM 111. --Junior Third
Total 525, Honours 394; Pass 315 -
Class A -Fred Jackson 464, Eileen To-
ward 437, C.Aberhart .5, Ina Lay-
ton 3811 Bessie Marshall 378, Thelma
Johnston 373, Arthur Abient 367, Fred
Crich 859, Keith Stogd ll 355, Grace
Pethick. 351, Marjorie Bickell 348, B.
Frost 348, Keith Lamont 347, Roy
Baker -339, Georgine Reeves 333, Pearl 0
Wright 827, Vincent Patterson 324,
Wilfrid . Smith - 313, Arthur Burrows
Class B, -Evelyn Peterson 340, Elva
Grimoldby 303, Walter Scott 300, Eve-
lyn Cudmore- 289, *Earl McGee 281,
,dere is ariVarpet _Depeotnield large
roomy, with ample " i> : sortments to
'serve you satisfa\ oril
� f
.. HOPPING here is Indeed a \pleasure; .s,
so, a -
pleasing e patternsl a
are so lar
�s and
men�':p g' ,
nes so unmistakably out of the ordinary. We in
Cir making
before k any n
>i department%
this yvutovisrt�g pp
ases of such goods, knowing full well that your
ent will tell you to buy here, alter you see
judgement � �'
unusual line we have and the uncommon values
church familia in the parish, augurs *Charlie Mennel 264, *Annie Brodie
well for the future condition of the 252, Frank Knight 244, *Harold Frost
church. The honor roll . of church i 239; **Lucy Hawes 234, Mary Webs- ,
I ter 231 Ralph Smith 224, Hector 3
members in khaki comprises twenty-
two men, and one nursing sister, and Haeys Ehn.er Beattie 214, *Eva
it is ;estimated that very few 'men Ridley 205, 'Alex. Powell 194, Violet
are *now eligible in the congregation
for military enrolenint One -of the
mede the supreme sacrifice. The
church -wardens' financial statement
showed the various funds had been
'generously 'supported and are' in a
7aighly satisfactory 'condition. The
total receipts for the year amounted
to $2,135-79, and an expenditure of
$1938.59, with no outstanding debts,
leaving a balance on hand of 4197.20.
The following officers were elected: -
Rector's Warden,- H. Edge; People's
Warden, 3: M. Best; Vestry Clerk,
F. G. Nedin; Delgates to Synod, F.
Holmested and F. G. Neelin. A spe-
cial vote 6f appreciation was extend-
ed to the choir under the able leader-
ship of Mrs. IL Edge, for the praise -
Now Showing
Hazel Dawn
A stirring drama of Conflict and Love.
Next Week's Programme
The Noted Eni:ltillsh Stage Favorite
Peggy Hyland
in an absorbing Famous Players plc-
turization of the noted
dramatic success
" Saints and Sinners"
Thursdair, Friday, Saturday
ISth 20th 21st
The Famous Actor
George Beban in "Pasquale"
One qf thibest photo dramas
on ttis Paramount programme
Beery picture a Paramount is a suffi-
cient guarantee of a good_ show every
night. You can't make a mistake by
coming to the Strand.
PRICE 11e.
Sat. Matinee -Ade -its 10c, Children se
Club Tickets 11 for $1 -we pay war tax
Two Shows Saturday vening
Where CWth goes to see good shows.
Rankin. 172, ***Lyle Thornton 141.
The asterisks show the number of ex-
aminations missed. -M.- B. Habkirk.
Total 500, Honours 375, Pass 300.
Sr.. Second --Daisy Spain 442, Edgar
Brownlee 442,Agnes Smith 417, -Gladys
Wei& 414, James Hart 410, Donna
Layton 394, Walter Ba.ternan 389,
Freda Shade 379, Jean Stewart 333,
Ione Wiltse 322, Sidney Pulhnart 305,
Stanley Nicholls 263
garet Case 436, Kenneth Carnochan
432, Margaret'Grieve 422, Frank Cook
419, Edna Brown 411, Margaret Mc-
Intosh 403, Will Hart 398, Jimmie
SteWart 371, Cecil Knight 367, Jim
weir 367, SCott Shade 366, Maerbelle
Rands 333, -Hvelyn Harburn 308e Verde
Baker 305, Daisy Hamilton 300, Alvin
Siljery•284, Herbert Taman 276, Jean
Brodie 274, Gordon Goldhawk 262,
Irene' Patterson 246,- Melvin Ritchie
236, Dorothy Webster 233, John Mc-
Gee 202, Jack Cluff _189, Anna Huisser
163, Wilhelmine Thornton 163, Harry
Petlaick 159. -Lynne Gillespie, Teacher
Room V. -First Class
Total Marks 275, Honours 206, Pass
165. Senibr First: Clifton. =Toward
25a, Leslie Hogg 227, Anna Suther-
land 227, Dorothy Kerslake 223,
Edgar 219, Vera Malley 217,John Den -
:listen 217, Jack Walker 208,Billy Suth-
&land 207, Nellie Cook 205, Karl
Ament 204, Clarence IVInir 204, John
Powell 202, Robert Willis 192, Doro-
thy Robinson 191,Murray Savauge 186
Fanny Peterson 186, Jack McGee 175,
Jack °rich 162, Eleanor Harris 159,
Violet Piper 154, Margaret Thompson
150, Myrtle Reeves 147, Jack Brown
141, *Elva Jefferson 132,
Junior Fir -etc -Dorothy Frost 209,
Margaret Stewart 208, Jean Cluff 207,
Ada Musser 196, Billy Barber 190,
Lyle Marshall 190, Evehria Huisser
137, Ida Huisser 120 Margaret Thomp-
son 120. *Leona"- Pearson 84,
The Asterisks show the numller
of examinations missed. N. Hartry,
ROOM VL -Primer
Sr, 1Primer-(A)---Bertha Grieve,
Earl Peterson, Laura Mole, Elroy'
Brownlee, Aurthur Edmunds, Nellie
Palmer, Mary Hays, Gordon Roluh,
Glen Charlotte Powell, Leilie
Knight, Margaret Daly, Rosie Cluff,
Frank Lamont, (B) -Jack Oughton,
Mary Jackson, Edward Rankin, Jack
Frost, Mildred Johnston, Jeanette Ar-
ehibald,Andrew McLean, Alice Thomp-
son, Carrie Shade, Lemerd Brown,
Molly George, Mildred Turnbull, Geo.
Styles, Ena Holmep, Josie Edge, Annie
Halley, Russell Holmes.
Jr. Primer -Nora Stewart, Fred
WMis, Gordon Muir, )3essie Marriott,
Leslie Bateman, Clarence Trott, Ruby
Storey, Fred Huisser, Margaret Beat-
tie, Viola Ritchie, Jack Cudnaore, Joe
Hart, Isabel Brown, Clarence Stephen -
ion. John Anderson Andrew Ander-
son. -J. Bethune, Te'acher.
We're Ready for tie usb : f
Demand s
New Lace Curtains and Culla
Materials in great variety
New Floor Coverings
for Offices, Churches, Halls, Hotels and Private HOM
That make the home more home -
and the beautiful patterns we are o
ing make buying easy. Right sow when everyone
beginning to figure on buying new rugs, it is espec
ly true that the early buyer gets the choicest selections
See our new rugs and mats soon.
• Draperits_
Women who are on the alert to embelw
iheir bomes at moderate cost will do
well to see our new lace curtains and other Drapery
materials. We have never before imported window
drapery and. other similar goods that pleased us
well as do the things we have ready to display.
We can't sell better Linoieums than the
best made. But we sell the best. Tha
signifies that we buy from the best source of supply,
and so we do. Practically ail our linoleums are iin
ported direct from Scotland, the recognized home
the best. The new Spring patterns are in and an
large city store could justly be proud of the man
beautiful designs we have to show..