HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1917-04-06, Page 8aroR APRIL 6 181 our ay Shoes The wise man • who needs a pair of good solid Shoes tor everyday wear, wilt hu) them right now. Every week this class of foot- wear is going up in price,_ and in a short time, Shoes of this kind will be hard to buy at any price, We have a number of extra goad styles, that will give you splendid satisfaction. Made of _Shaved Kip, Urus Calf and Tan Grain Leather with heavy waterproof soles and bellows tongue. Every pair solid. $3.25, $4 to $4.50 J. E. Willi, :Quality footwear OPPesite Expositor Office. Seaforth pr. • D. mama siktiots Kerry Meyers, spent Sundayat the arental home. of Mr. .and Mrs. Hugh McKay. - s spendingHigh Street.—Ves. Hablcirk the holidays with her son, and daughter in -Dunnville and Grim• s- by.—Mrs. W. G. Willis is visiting at thehome of her mother, Mrs. O. C. •Willson, in Detroit this week- Miss ' Easter Services.—There will be spe- •Weatherall and -Miss Henson, both of eial services at St. Thomas church, the Collegiate staff are sliendhig .the Seaf"th f" - 63°4 Friday holidavs at their homes, the. former Jeweler ?lad _ Optician. Ismer Marriage Licenses SEAFGRTFI ONT The Newest Wall Papers • Tapestries, Japanese Leath- er, Japaneee Grass Cloth and all the aewest wall papers. Styles suitable for every rcom and prices suitable for every pocket. We do Painting and Decorat- ing in. Town and Country. G. SCOTT services will be held at 10.30 and 7 pen. On Easter Sunday, :Holy Com - Menden. will be dispensed at 8.30 ant. and /1 pen: - Children's -services will be held at a pm. and even 3ong. at 7 p.m. There will be 'Special music at each service, Egmandville Red Cross.—The fol- lowing is the report of the Egmond- velle blanch of the Red Cross Society from Octoger lst, 1916; to March 31st Meratership, ; worli done, 50 - day shirts, 132 suits pyjamas, 43 tow- els; 12 hoephal shirte, 123 pairs of Books, 3 pairs of waits, '3 trench eaps, 8 hospital quilts; .Money recei tea, fees $7.85,, donated by friends $4.65, grants from the Tuckersmith. -Council, $170, proceeds of tea .$11.05, pine slid $1.50 Total, $195.051 expenset $1.19; Mary Kling, Treasurer. Painter and Decorator. SEAPORTII, ONT. oinething Anniversary Services. Sunday School Anniversary Services will be held in the Methodist church on Sun- day next. In the morning the mem- bers of the schoel are requested to be present and the sermon will be ad- drescied more especially to the child- ren. In the evening an Easter sub- ject will be taken. The choir of both services will be composed of -young men. On Friday evening, of this week the school will give an entertain. merit The programme will consist of music, rcitations, drills, tableaux, etc., given by the members of the school. WE planned for montns t� make our New Spring Mouutings an exhibition of the latest and mcst artistic styles. May we show you haw 11 well we have succeeded I, Visitors are always welcome .Fell's Studio in Wyoming/arid the latter in Toronto, —A special service in connection with the call to universal repentance and Prayer within the Empire will be held in the Egmondville Presbytefian church, this, Friday, afternoon at 2.30, __Air. and Mrs. J. F. Ross are spend- ing the holidays in Toronto.—Mr, T. Gerry has moved into the new res- idence Whichhe recently purchased from Mrs, James Weir on Goderich Street,'hast, and Mr. Wallace and his mother and sister have moved into the property hes purchased from Mr. Ger- ry. --The Seaforth Horticultural Soeie- ty have a membership this year of ,215, an- increase overla.st year of 105 members, The offieers are to be congratulated on the increase, which is Weed gratifying.—Word was re- ceived here on Thursday morning that Merles Rolph, brother of Percy Rolph had been killed in action in France. Pte. Rolph enlisted with an engineer- ing corps and had been at the front for some months. He was 'engaged here for several ..Years with Forbes Bros., telephone contractors, and he has a Wide circle of friends who will deeply regret to learn of his Meath,— MTS. J. Se 'Roberts is in Toronto at- tending the funeral of -It nephew who was wounded at the front and who died on his way to Canada.—Messrs. F. S. Savauge and W. A. Crich have purchased McLaughlin cars from the local agent, George Bell.—Mr. Rey Everett, who has been spending a couple of weeks at his home here, has gone to London where he has accept- ed a position.—The schools closed on Thursday for the Easter holidays, and will reopen on Monday, April 16tIre—. Mr. W. E. Kerslake is confined to his residence by an attack of inflamma- tory rheumatism.—Mr. and Mrs:Page have removed to London, where they will make their future home, No Easter Dance.—The Corrunitteee of the Bachelors and Benediets also Old Times Dances have decided not to hold an Easter Dance heyidve of the coining Easter season being observed throughout Canada las a sort .of Thanksgiving and Self -Denial week,' the 'reason for so doing being beyond question. The usual fee of $1.50 is to be contributed to the Woman's War Aueiliaxy for the purpose of buying yarn for soldiers' socks. The invite, - tion list hail been handed Miss Mabel Thompeon, Assistant Treasurer of the Auxiliary and dancers are cordially in- vited to make theie donation, as early as possible, the Auxilary being outof yarn oand out of fends. iiARNESC forSpringWork A heavy strong and durable team harness, suitable for the heaviest farm work,2 in. Heel Chan' Traces, heavy Back Bands, good , Blind Bridles, Lines, etc., complete less Collars 545.00 Our special length harness, splen- did length strap, Oak leather, Gel - dine trimmed, our own make, un- surpassed in appearance and dura- bility 522.50 Try the celebrated Langford Coll- iers for horses with sore shoulders. Special prices in Trunks, Suit Cas- es, a handsome ee in. Suit Case SI. 7 Also Curry Combs, Brushes Gall Cures, exceptional values in Whip, Sweat Padsii etc. Broderick's Harness and Leather Good Store Opposite Commercial Heed SRO For Easter. We are inviting everybody to call and see our splendid display of Easter Shoes. Everybody will want some thing choice and artistic to go with their new East- er clothes. WELL all the wanted Styles are here -- handsome, stylish, exclusive shoes -- SHOE fashions that are different New shoes for every mem.: ber of the family and at reasonable prices. Call in. R.SCOT SEALFORTH More Ford Owners.—Mr. J. F. Daly, the local agent for the Ford car, has disposed of some fifteen cars aiready this season. Mr. Daly is one of ' the foremost automobile dealers in the county. His large and centrally locat- ed garage on Main street, with its full line of accessories and repairs, and the excellent service he maintains, is a boon to travelling autoistsi arid is. increasing in popularity year by year, and the present seasoe gives promise of being a record one. Among those from this viciilitY who have purchased cars from- him this spring are: J. G. Mullen, G. M. Chesney, J. W. Beattie and Robt. Jones, Seaforth, Thomas .Leeming, jr., Alex. Kerr and William -McCallum, MeKillop; Thos. McMillan and Frank Hall, Hullett, a.nd John 'Egie, Tuckersmith.. yi ident, arid Mr. George Wilson Secre- tary.—It is a matter of regret that the Cromarty beef ring,. which has been so successfully carried on for a number of years, will be discontinued 'this year.—Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gilles - pied Moved to their. new home in Sea - forth last Tuesday. Both have been life-long residents of this vicinity. and have always been closely associated with any movement or organization whielr stood for the welfare of the community. ' The good wishes of their many friends go with them to their new home. We are showing a num. ber of exclusive patterns for 19t7. The designs and colorings are very. strikingand beautiful and the prices are within the reach of everyone. Come in and look these over. l'hompson s Bookstore SEAFORTEL Window Shades and Picture Frames Agent for Nevr Idea Patterns. 1 PRINCES s P*4"Special Holiday Attraction "The Gods of Fate" Wall Paper Fiangleg,—We have secured the ser- vices of Mr. /1. Johnston, an expert paper hauger,to hang our papers this season and we guarantee quick and effieient Bervice Jae. Graves, Seaforth. 26784 FOR SALE—Farrn waggon, Massey Rants seed drill, McCortniek mower, 2 sets iron harrows, opting tooth cultivator, wagon scales, capacity 2000 lb. Ap nly at EXPOPitOr Office. 2878x2 The Methodist Sabbath School will hold their An- niversary on this Good Friday evening, commencing at 7.46 pm, when an excellent peograrorne will be given consisting of duets, choruses, recitations, read- ings, instrumental selections. DriIlby sixteen girls, tableaux by the young men's cla-se, flag drill hy the young ladies' class, wotion Bengt., orchestra selec- tions, ete. . Come d sperd a pleasant evening. Ad missionadutts, 20e: children 10e. 2578-1 GOOD POSITIONS FOR ALL—Graduates of Strat- ford 'Business College est good positions and are mr.eting with isuccess. The spring tem i commences April 10. -26784 BOWLERS' ATTENTION—The itnnual meeting of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Girth will he held in the Cornmereial Rotel on Tuesday evening, April 1011, at 6 o'clock. A flit( attendance of members le re- quested, W. G. Willis, President. J. M. McMillan, Secretary, 2678-1 For eale, the residence of the late Alexander Suth- erland. John St. Choice location, good garden,bard and soft water. Apply to A. D. Sutherland. 2578-tf For Sale.—A good ilereford cow, ..four years old. Apply to Alex. Metaavire, Railroad St. 2678x1 - Pressing-, Oleaningand Repairing, up stairkin ehe Campbell Block, opposite Queen's Hotel. 267J -I . 11 you are looking ror eomethit g new and artistic in Wall Pa .Ter, let us show the spring -patterns. Jas. Graves, Seaforth. 2678-i Duck Eggs for setting wanted. Apply at The Expositor Office. 25724 FOR SALE—Frame house, 7roorns, goad e'zed garden, chew for cash, or easy term'. Apply W. /1. Baker, Seaforth. • WOO Good esplblegirl warned—Good wages. Apply Lo Igt13. alcRay, Aloion Hotel. Bay flat 2571-tf F013, SALE -2 kitchen cupboards, kitchen table, gasoline stove, " fkleCla.ry's Famous " hese burner and a few Antler bousehbld extsclee. These are all in sple,ndia condition and will be sold o leap for cash. Um, IL Speare, Seaforth 2671-3 General Servant Wantsd. Apply to Mrs. A. D Sutherland, Seaforth. 2572-tf Dr. Forster of Stratford, eye, ear, nose and throat Sneoialiet, has resumed prat:tile and will be at the Queen's Hotel, 8eaforth, on the third Wednesday of each niontb. Offie•e bours -MO to 8 p. m. 2661-tf Meracaial Service.—Atmeinorial ser- vice was held in the Presbyterian church,' on Sunday evening last for Eve young men, Juries Hutchinson, George Mulhollend, Elweyn Rivers, Scott Hays and Fred Weir, who had lost their lives while serving ntheir Xing and Country. The service throughout was a most impressive one. The pastor, Rev. F. II. Larkin, in hie address, spoke of the !integrity the self-sacrifice, and courage of these soldiers, while he voiced not only the sorrow of their own church, but of the whole community at their early death Appropriate music was ren- dered by the choir, the Male Quar- tette and Mr. John Scott, of Roxboro. There was no evening service held in the Methodist church or in the one in Egmendville, consequently the audi- ence wae a large one that deemed it a privilege to pay honor and tribute to the young men who had so recently been connected with the church, the school and the socia/ life of the town. The Boys' Bible Class, of which Lieut. • Mulholland and Fred Weir were. for- mer tembers attended the sereiee in " a body. Local Briefs.—The Woinerne War Auxiliary will meet on Friday after- noon, April 13th, at four o'clock in • the Arrnories.—Pte. Percy Rolph, who enlisted with the 2nd Canadian Con - adieu Contingent and who was wound- ed in France some time ago, returned home on Monday evening.—Mrs.Harry Gibb is spending Easter with her daugher, Miss Cora, at Port Perry.— An entertainment will be held in the school -house, in Egmondville, on Wed- nesday evening, April 11th, in aid of the War Auxiliary, commencing at 8 o'clock. Mr. joe Sins and ethers will take part in the musical programme. All are cordially invited to attend.— Mr. L. G. Weir, of the Royal Hotel, has purchased a moving picture the- atre in Meaford, and intends moving there shortly, ----Miss Barbara Sproat, from the staff of the Herman, Kiefer Hospital, Detroit, is spending a few days at the parental home .of Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat.—Mr. W. P. Thomp- son, of town, has purchasdd Mrs. H. J Grieve's farm on the third conces- sion of Tuckersmith, and will take possession shortly. Mrs: Grieve takes Mr. Thompson's residence on Goderich street, in the dealt—Mrs. Boyd an Gib who have been s ending the winer in Stratfotd, have returned -- - MANLEY. Notes.—Mr. Leo McKay, who has been working in the' Stratford muni- tion factory, returned home last Tues- day on account of having an operation, for tonsolitis, which was performed in the &Word Hospital.—Mr. Jerry Cr- Eara, who has been on the sick list for some time is improving —Mr. 1i. &k- art and Mr. F. Deitz delivered two fine horses in Mitchell last week, for which they re........ssimsimilmtp_r_tt Mrs. son, P With Richard Buhler , Etna Rosetta Brice tigropuielitaLrairt,:ae.i Scenes. " BRING • 013T YOUR FRIENDS Clifford Freeman will sing— 'Twas Only an Irishman's Dream" •TO-NIGIft ood Friday. USBOBNE. Thames Road Notes.—The W.M.S. of Bethany church, tem hold the an- niversary service on Easter Sunday, April 8. The preacher for the occas- ion will be a former pastor, Rey. E. G. Powell. Service will go held at 2,20 p.m, On Monday evening, April 16th, a week later, a programme will be given consisting of songs, 'recite- I tions and violin selections, also a play entitled "The New Miniser's Wife," 1 ( given by the ladies from Elimville 1 church Lunch will be served at— the close.—Mr, A. C. Whitlock, of the I Hydro Electric Power Commissiort, St. Thomas. spent a couple of days at his 1 home here last weeks—Several far- mers of this -locality were inLondonon Wednesday last, attendng the cattle sale.—The sap season has been very I good but of short duration. "However everyone welcomes the warm weath- er after the long cold winter,—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgert have moved. to their farm recently purchased near Seaforth.—Mr. Blatchford, of London South, visited at Mr. John- Cann's on Sunday last. • • — The PRINCESS ‘,--Banquet. — The members of the Managing Board of the Presbyterian church and their wives, entertained the sessionand, the teachers and offi- cers of the Sunday School, with their wives and husbands, at a banquet in the school -room of the church on Wed- nesday evening. The banquet was given by the 'tanagers in appreciation of the work done by the teachers and officers of the Sunday School. The thoughtfulness that prompted the giv- ing of the banquet was thoroughly ap- preciated by the 'teachers and they, with the other :guests, spent a raott delightful eveningo After the guests had enjoyed a social time over the •good things provided for them on the tables, speeches were given by Rev. F. H. Larkin, the pastor, Mr. Whim Ballantyne, the oldest member of the Session and Mr, Cowan Superin- tendent of the Sunday School. The Male Quartette gave two select -lox, a duet by Miss Edge and Miss Larkin and an istrurnental solo by MISIT COGS - ens were special features of the even- ing's. entertainment. Mr. John Beat- tie, chairman of the Board of Mana- gers acted as chairman. • VARNA. Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annabel, to Mr. Robert Cameron, of Hensall, The marriage will take place in April. short time, Let every lady try and knit ateleast one pair for this box. There is also sewing on hand. STAFFA. Red Cross.—The Red Cross Society shipped to headquarters, Toronto 3 boxes of supplies containing 35 sheets 3 pairs pillow cases, 12 towels, 15 hos- pital shirts, 26 suits pyjamas, 7 flan- nel shirts, 66 pairs of socks valued at 193.90. The Society inteild making another shipment in the near future. to their home in town.—Miss S. 1. Mc- Lean is spending the holidays with friends in Toronto.—Mr. J. Clarence 1 Shockor, of Detroit, is the guest of ; Miss Nettie and Mr. Oscar. Sproat— lieut. D. S. Scott. son Of Mr. and Mrs.l P. Scott of Brussels, was in town this week He is home from England on e ick leave and will undergo treatment I at the military . hospital at London. 1, He was aticonapanied by Mrs. Scott— Miss Lynne Holmes ,of Boston, is iting at the parental home of Mr and Mrs. S. T. Holmes.—Miss Gra .e Weir I left on Monday for New York after spending a few days with her mother Mrs. George Weir. --Miss Agnes Mc- Kay spent Sunday at her hcane here. —Miss Veda McLeod, of Lo 'don, spent Sunday with her grandmother Mrs. W. MeLeod.—Miss Allen of the Co' egiate staff, left on Thursday to spend the holdiays at her home in Burlington.— Miss Ella Webb spent the week end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sher- CLINTON. Tragie Death.—A very sudden death oecurred here at noon on Monday, Miss Fanny Hellyer, died on her way home from thee Collegiate Institute. When one block from the school, af- ter having hurried up a slight grade in the street, slue fell unconscious on the sidewalk. She was carried by Mr. D. Ss Cluif into his.home, nearby. A doctor • was immediately. called. On examination, the doctor stated that death had been instantaneous frore heart failure. Miss Hellyer was very popular among her schoolmates and the family are very well known in this community. - • ET. COLUMBAN. Red Cross_ Dance.—The ladies of the Red Cross Society intend holding a re -union dance on Monday evening, April 9th, in the hall here. Those attending may expect a, good time as usual. There will be excellent music - and a good lunch served. As the busy. season Is fast approaching we ought to get limy and do some more knitting as there will be another box of socks brooke, In Londesboro.—Mr. and Mrs. going to the boys a the front in a whirs cog Gas iss mod shows CifISIMEtURST. Notes —Mr Chambers and Mr. Frerece evil(' attended the sale of thorotig Ted- cattle at the Fraser WiNTITROP. A play entitled " kr, 0,t1 Time Ladies's/kid Busi- ness Meeting," wilt he given in Catfishes Hall, Win - programme. Proceeds donated for patriotic pnr- House, 'London, last week, and report BRUCKPIELD. If you are looking for something new and artistic in wall -paper, let us. show you the Spring Patterns. James I Graves, Seaforth. 2573-1 . Sad Death.—A very sad death took 1 place on Monday last at the home of Man MeCoware of Stanley, when Mrs. Fred Dunlop, formerly Miss If - hat McCowan, passed away to ber long home. She was visiting at her old hoine and was ill for a week of Bright's disease, when death came. Of her it was said she was kind to every one,theworld is poorer for her leav- ing, it. She was married in June, and has since resided in Dundas. Her hus- band arrived on Saturday and was with her to the last. The funeral was held on Wednesday to Baird's cemetery, when a large number ,net to pay a last tribute to one they. loved. Those from a distance 'who attended the funeral were Mr. Dunlop's parents and sister from London; Mrs. Bryant, London; Miss McKay, Hamilton, Mr, and Irliss McDonald, of Brussels. Notes.—The Red Cross Society sent 126 pairs of socks and 28 suits of pyjamas to headquarters last week. Dr, Rodgers ,of Markham, formerly of our village is at present ill of ner- vous prostratlOfl in a hospital in Lon- don.—Mr. MeLauelilin has moved onto his farm in Stanley, which he recently purchased from Mr. Robert Morrison, who goes to Hensall to reside.—Geo. Walker, jr., is ill wdtti pneumonia,— Mrs. James Turner is having an auc- tion sale of her household effect s here on Monday. throp, on Monday evoning, April 9b. Also a good 2678x1 the stock of high quality and that poses. Admission P60, Our Wall Papers are purchased in good prices were realized. — iiew 1 large quantities direct from the raan- Fred Spriggs, who conducts the store ufactitrers, therefore our prices are here, Was down at Tbronto, last week teasonable. James Graves, Seaforth. 2573-1 end combining business with pleasure. —No. 7 School, Hibbert, which has been closed owing to the illness of the teacher, will be opened shortly, the trustees having engaged Miss Norris, of Staffa, durmg Miss Anderson's ill- ness.—Mr. Richard Robinson spent last week end with his daughter, Mrs. Spriggs.—We are sorry to announce that Mr. James Morrison, is critically CROMARTY. Notes,—Miss May Hoggarth, left on Tuesday for Guelpih; where she will take a course at McDonald College.— The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath —The Farm.ers' Club, which was organized last week, appears to be just what was required in this vicinity. There was a large attendance at his week's meeting .— Mr. Stott Barr has been elected Pres- 111.1111111111.11•121111.10111.111MINW -.11116.1•110111111•.11- ttek.11d. The Herne of Paramount Pictures The Best in the World Next Week's Programme Monday; Tuesday,Mednesday Apr. 9th Apr. 10th Apr. 1Ith Pauline Frederick in a Stirring Photo Drama "The Moment Before also "THE IRON CLAW." 7 7 ittursda-y, Friday, Saturday 12th 13th 14th The Wonderful Little Actress Hazel Dawn & Owen Moore (Mary' Pickford's Husband) in "The Feud Girl." Easter Service.—A e.lpeeial Easter service will be held in Cavan church on Sunday evening next at 7 p. m. Special rauric is being prepared by the ch.oir. Red Cross—The Winthrop branch of the Red Cross workers forwarded to 'Seaforth during the month of Feb- ruary and March the following arti- cles: 98 suits pyjamas, 25 flannel shirts, 88 pairs of socks, 18 pillows and 33 pillow cases. aliere are a great many workees in thie vicinity. but special mention 11111St be made of Mrs. Frank Morrison, who is in her 80th year and has been knitting for the society since the branch was or- Iganized in 1914 and who. during the month a February knitted 15 pairs of socks and in March 17 pairs and wound. all the yarn herself. She is also the grandmother of Sergi Earl Ross, who recently won the military medal and other distinguished -honors for bravery and who has been in the fight- ing in France almost since the be- ginning of the war. Personal.—Many friends will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Tennant, mother of Mrs, Robert McFarlane, who passed away at her home in Almonte, on Sunday last. Mrs. MacFar- lane was summoned home the previous Wednesday, when her mother vas stricken with paralysis and was with her during the last. Special for Wednesday and Thursday "Charlie Chaplin • PRICE 11c. Saturday Afternoon Matinee -5c 1) CLUB TICKETS At ths; request of a large number of our steady patrons, we have decided to sell "Club Tickets" and these may be bought at the box office— 11 for $1. :You should take advantage of thiso ei.eitienene weetesee seiteeiti _ tract 1 _ — QV, LAKELET Breezes.—Navigation has not yet started on our lake. Of late years the water in the lake appears to be going down and we have not seen the water so low for years as it is at present. —Mr. L. Murray moved into the vil- lage last week to the old McConnell house near the school. He sold his farm to Mr. George Heipel and held a sale three weeks ago.—The „sawmill is at work now, and there is quite a lot of work to be done. Many of the farmers in this vicinity are building barns and drivesheds and they brought the logs here.—Mr. 3. J. Llillen, of Aurora, who a few years Ago,ran the store in the burg is returning to Lake - let. The family are expected here to- day and will occupy the house recently vacated by Henry Keller. — Nearly every farmer in the locality who has a bush has tapped trees. The run has been ;a poor one thus far, though we hear ithat William Jaques, who has about 400 trees tapped, got 15 gallons on Friday.—Josevh. Hembecker, And- rew Allen, Walter Wright and Garnet Wright have purchased Ford ears this spring —Gars are becoming a very common thing—Mr. George Hubbard sold his 100 acre farm on the 15th con- cession to John Heinbecker, of this village, who takes the latter's house in the village as part payment —The far- mers Co-operative Company are ex- tending their territory and increasing their raembership east of here. With cattle at 11e and hogs at $15.50 per cwt., high prices for butter and eggs and groceries at wholesale prices the farmers should soon tnake their pile. —The faxmers a.re all there ng havinthreeg woodor t eadis0404471,00.0.10*Ofis090. deettehnii*********Gee bees thee° days, bei four held each week. We pay Poszage and Ph,one Orders bractavish' s We NI all mail, or- ders the sante day that we receive them, and in a satisfactory manner . (gt any ttme on request samples willbefurnish,- ea or any materia Is you, contemplate buying. - seasestreeemineeeM, THE g3EST Butter and Eggs .laken an e as Cash tbr Goods dve ritsemen This Store Ever Has been the Goods twe hailv so d We have always bilievedthat good value merchandise'rnakes big business, Our new Spring Merchandise exhibits in a marked degree what values can be offer- ed whin the dealers are looking to their futeref, and consider, first of all, the cus- tomers' satisfaction. 1 he 'Best from ,aetiyUbe e Beautiful Black and Colored Stuffs Unusual Silks of Merit and Rare Beauty The season s smartest colors and weaves low priced, high priced and in tetween. And in every instance th utmost value for the prices asked. Little wonder our Dress Goods Department sells such immense quanti. ties of Goods. ur New Sprin --Suits and Coats will win your trade if you see them and hold your trade ifyou wear them To get a thorough understa,nding of how good they are, how beautiful they look, how varied are the mod- els, and how moderately they are priced—you will have to see them. Do get a better understanding of how well they- will wear, how well they tit,how well they retain their shape you will have to buy them. When you have done this, you are among the best and most satisfied dressers in town. We are showing all the new thingsApparel for Women and Children.We're ere gluapd-ttoo.hdaavtee you come to look,and if you want to buyi we can sure- ly please- you. New Spring „Jorge Models atisfactory in fitland com ommeiid these populmakes • We...:s,eL and re J 111achtv,,sh Seaforth